FGOAA :: Volume #47

#4665: Profound universe empire

This feeling is marvelous. 这种感觉非常奇妙。 Li Tianming obviously to square features, but the opposite party cannot see him, even also in angry looks for him everywhere...... 李天命明明就在对方脸上,但对方就是看不见他,甚至还在愤怒的到处找他…… Looks at that town/subdues advocating peace town/subdues Lord madame hysteric and breathless appearance, fuses on Companion Beast of Li Tianming, similar stealth, smiled grins with ear to ear. 看着那镇主和镇主夫人歇斯底里、气急败坏的样子,融合在李天命身上、同样隐身的伴生兽们,都笑得合不拢嘴了。 Ying Huo (Firefly) was wild with joy young son Li / Small Plum, your method certainly!” 荧火乐坏了“小李子,你这手段绝了!” Bai Ye (white night) say/way they seem like the clown.” 白夜啧啧道“他们好像小丑啊。” Li Tianming, have not let success go to the head actually. 倒是李天命自己,并未得意忘形。 He went out of the nebula building slowly, arrives at outside the nebula building, looked that to direction that the town/subdues Lord and the others left. 他缓缓走出了星云楼,来到星云楼外,看向了镇主等人离开的方向。 His golden color and in black eyes, according to old stock vigilant. 他金色与黑色的双眼中,依旧存着警惕。 Li Tianming thinks them, although cannot do to me, but is pursuing Zi Zhen they, although had found the road to them, but has the caught up risk......” 李天命心想“他们虽然奈何不了我,但正在去追紫禛她们,虽然已经给她们找好了路,但还是有被追上的风险……” He asked that Yin Chen (silver dust) which Zi Zhen they did arrive?”.??. 他问银尘紫禛她们走到哪了?”.??. Yin Chen (silver dust) replied immediately „, rushed, hunts for the soul, the mine. Has me, guides, puts, heart!” 银尘立即回答“正在,赶往,猎魂,矿场。有我,带路,就放,心吧!” The ability of Li Tianming to Yin Chen (silver dust) naturally felt relieved. 李天命银尘的能力自然放心。 In just, him has made Yin Chen (silver dust) help, they planned a safest path to Zi Zhen. 就在刚刚,他已经让银尘帮忙,给紫禛她们规划出了一条最安全的道路。 Hunts for the purple blood groups of soul star shipyard, where no matter toward walks, surveillance under Yin Chen (silver dust)! 猎魂星坞的紫血族们,不管往哪里走,都会处在银尘的监视之下! Therefore, Yin Chen (silver dust) can definitely plan the safest route, making Zi Zhen they avoid everyone all the way captures...... 因此,银尘完全可以规划出最安全的路线,让紫禛她们一路上避开所有人的追捕…… Hunts for the population that the soul star shipyard pursues to be many. 猎魂星坞追出去的人数不少。 But must cover the surrounding all regions, that is bad. 但要把周围所有区域都覆盖,那还差得很远。 After all, the opposite party does not know which direction from the start Zi Zhen they in walk specifically...... 毕竟,对方压根不知道紫禛她们具体是往哪个方向走的…… We also walk, and they converges in the mine that side.” “我们也走吧,在矿场那边和她们汇合。” Li Tianming left the nebula building, went out hunted for the soul star shipyard small town, wound around side narrow winding path that to go round from that chaos nebula! 李天命离开了星云楼,走出了猎魂星坞‘小镇’,从那混沌星云缭绕的羊肠小道侧边绕开! …… 一路 On, he sees the person who hunts for the soul star shipyard much, by a two elder, is leading 45 purple blood group soldiers respectively, in everywhere careful search. 上,他看到不少猎魂星坞的人,分别由一两位长老,率领着四五位紫血族战士,在到处仔细的搜索。 Their looks are serious, angry. 他们一个个神色严肃,愤怒。 Obviously, the recent matter, made entire hunt for the soul star shipyard to be shamed! 很显然,最近发生的事情,让整个猎魂星坞蒙羞! Li Tianming can hear all the way everywhere, these hunt for the purple blood group of soul star shipyard, is cursing Zi Zhen and Zi Yan...... 李天命一路上到处都能听到,那些猎魂星坞的紫血族,在咒骂着紫禛紫烟…… The Zi Yan mother Ziyun clouds, cursed ranks. 还有紫烟的母亲‘紫云云’,也是在被人咒骂的行列。 The virulence of spoken language these cursed, making Li Tianming wonder these people so virulent? That hunts for the soul photo, is actually who to steal is uncertain.” 那些咒骂的言语之恶毒,让李天命都纳闷了“这些人这么恶毒?那猎魂炤,究竟是谁盗走的还不一定呢。” Ji Ji recently continuously quiet. 姬姬最近一直沉默寡言。 At this time sneered sound that to hunt for the soul photo, can suction on them the purple blood foul air, now did not have to hunt for the soul photo, these purple blood groups became specially hot tempered, cursed normally again virulently.” 此时冷笑了声“那猎魂炤,可以吸走他们身上的紫血浊气,现在没了猎魂炤,这些紫血族都变得特别暴躁,咒骂再恶毒都正常。” Li Tianming nods. 李天命点了点头。 He recalled that probably even that hunted for the soul town/subdues lord a moment ago, becomes hot tempered testy, just now discovered after the nebula sacrifice vanishes, even the bang broke to pieces in the small town many constructions......, if is really the hunting for soul photo that his son takes away, his son is his fathers does not manage?” 他回想起刚才“好像连那猎魂镇主,都变得暴躁易怒,方才发现星云祭消失后,甚至轰碎了小镇里不少建筑……如果真是他儿子拿走的猎魂炤,那他儿子是连他老爹都不管了?” Whom does Ying Huo (Firefly) show absolutely no concern to know? Actually is his father his fathers does not know.” 荧火对此丝毫不关心“谁知道呢?他老爹究竟是不是他老爹都不知道呢。” Its this saying to be somewhat incoherent. 它这话有些拗口。 But Li Tianming and other Companion Beast understood, somewhat is for a while speechless. 李天命和其他伴生兽们都听懂了,一时有些无语。 Li Tianming shakes the head, after these things throw into the brain, in brief, the thing that we need has gone well, then, we bypass this crack soul small town, continued to prepare to go to the small chaos shipyard then.” 李天命摇了摇头,把这些事情抛到脑后“总而言之,我们需要的东西都已经得手,接下来,我们绕过这裂魂小镇,继续准备前往小混沌坞便是了。” Naturally, before leaving, first absorbed...... the chaos in these nebula sacrifices these nebula sacrifices “当然,离开之前,先把这些星云祭吸收了……这些星云祭里的混沌 The strength are many, should be able to make me break through to the brand-new boundary! ” 力量不少,应该能让我突破到全新境界!” Li Tianming quite anticipates. 李天命对此还是比较期待的。 Quick, Li Tianming is then staying the stealth condition of nihility, after that starlight prairie, bypasses hunts for the soul mine. 很快,李天命便保持着虚无的隐身状态,经过那片星光草原,绕过猎魂矿山。 Previously has had the period of time here, therefore Li Tianming to this nearby familiar and easy. 先前在这边带过一阵子,所以李天命对这附近轻车熟路。 Zi Zhen they have crossed the mine region, basic safety. We first pass with them converge.” 紫禛她们已经越过矿山区域,已经基本安全。我们先过去跟她们汇合吧。” Li Tianming arrives hunts for nearby the soul mine, discovered that periphery already not many purple blood group that hunts for the soul star shipyard is finding the person. 李天命来到猎魂矿场附近,发现周围已经没多少猎魂星坞的紫血族在找人了。 Perhaps the opposite party also think, he and Zi Zhen they still nearby hunting for the soul star shipyard have not walked away, as everyone knows, they have avoided all sentry posts and searches, circled the distant place! 对方恐怕还以为,他和紫禛她们都还在猎魂星坞附近没走远,殊不知,他们早就避开了一切岗哨和搜索,绕到了远处! ...... …… Is following the Yin Chen (silver dust) direction in Li Tianming, prepares they to converge with Zi Zhen. 就在李天命跟随着银尘指引,准备跟紫禛她们汇合的时候。 Hunts for the town/subdues lord and town/subdues Lord madame in soul star shipyard, two people of complexions pale is listening to the reports of surrounding squads. 猎魂星坞的镇主、镇主夫人,二人脸色铁青的听着周围一个个小队的汇报。 Couldn't find the person?” “找不到人?” East , south , west and north?” “东南西北都没有?” What matter can you also complete?” “你们还能办成什么事?” Subdue advocating peace madame incomparable vexed fire, right in the face is cursing angrily. 镇主和夫人无比怄火,劈头盖脸的怒骂着。 Under the elders and other purple blood group soldiers, are also very angry about the Li Tianming's behavior, but they could not find Li Tianming from the start! 手下长老和其他紫血族战士们,对李天命的行为也都很愤怒,但他们压根找不到李天命 The one breath does not have the place to scatter, one was scolded by the town/subdues advocating peace town/subdues Lord madame, simply depressed must die. 一口气没地方撒,又被镇主和镇主夫人一顿骂,简直郁闷的要死。 Now hunts for the soul star shipyard complete manpower to find the person. 现在猎魂星坞全部人手都在找人。 But, the time is as we all know longer, can find the opportunity of person is uncertain! 但所有人都知道,时间越久,能找到人的机会就越是渺茫! The town/subdues advocating peace town/subdues Lord madame, does not have the hope. 镇主和镇主夫人,已经不太抱希望了。 The town/subdues Lord complexion is gloomy, looks like situated in violent anger edge, they had fled our small town range, walked away.” 镇主的脸色阴沉,处于暴怒边缘“看来,他们已经逃离了我们小镇范围,走远了。” The town/subdues Lord madame is cold as ice and frost, unemotional say/way might as well, they bring Zi Yan this type of waste, cannot escape from this profound universe empire. We might as well go to god grave to teach issue to post a reward, so long as they have not left the profound universe empire, sooner or later will be seized by us.” 镇主夫人冷若冰霜,面无表情道“无妨,他们带着紫烟这种废物,逃不出这‘玄廷宇宙帝国’。我们不如去‘神墓教’发布悬赏,只要他们没离开玄廷宇宙帝国,早晚被我们逮住。” The town/subdues lord hears word, the complexion sinks goes to the god grave to teach to issue to post a reward, the price may big......” 镇主闻言,脸色一沉“去神墓教发布悬赏,代价可不小……” Subdue Lord madame anger price is big, can you bear are crawled in the head? You bore, I may be unable to endure.” 镇主夫人愤怒“代价再大,你能忍得了被人爬在头上?你忍得了,我可忍不了。” The town/subdues lord cold snort/hum saying that „should not be anxious, I had not said that must endure. This entire god grave place nebula is god grave teaches to have jurisdiction, once goes to the god grave to teach to issue to post a reward, they cannot escape absolutely.” 镇主冷哼道“你别急,我没说要忍。这整个神墓座星云都是‘神墓教’所管辖,一旦去神墓教发布悬赏,他们绝对插翅难逃。” Subdue Lord madame then slow mood, thinks of her son, there is a relieved feeling right. Although our sons join are only the minute/share that the god grave teaches teach, but in this profound universe empire, is hugest exists......” 镇主夫人这才缓了缓心情,想到她儿子,又有种安心的感觉“没错。虽然我们儿子加入只是神墓教的分教,但在这玄廷宇宙帝国,已经是最庞大的存在……” That tall and strong middle-aged town/subdues Lord makes decision that to walk immediately, goes to emperor ruins to see our sons, posting a reward the matter proposes......” 那魁梧中年镇主立刻做出决定“那就走吧,去‘帝墟’见咱们儿子,把悬赏的事提一提……” ...... …… Li Tianming, they have soon converged with Zi Zhen. 李天命这边,已经快要跟紫禛她们汇合了。 At this time, Yin Chen (silver dust) brought Lord and town/subdues Lord madame that side the news of the town/subdues. 这时,银尘则是带来了来自镇主与镇主夫人那边的消息。 Their chats, listened to a purity by Yin Chen (silver dust). 他们的聊天,都被银尘听了个一清二楚。 This made Li Tianming have a clearer cognition to the environment! 这让李天命对自身所处的环境有了更加清晰的认知! „Was god grave place nebula, taughtto rule bygod grave?” “神墓座星云,是被‘神墓教’所统治?” Profound universe empire that now we are, named emperor ruins the place, teaches at the minute/share that the emperor ruins has god grave teaches!” “现在我们所在的玄廷宇宙帝国,有一个叫‘帝墟’的地方,在帝墟有神墓教的分教!” That hunts for the town/subdues person child in soul star shipyard, joined is the minute/share that the god grave teaches teaches......” “那猎魂星坞的镇主儿子,加入的便是神墓教的分教……” Li Tianming is pondering over these information, cleared off quickly vein. 李天命琢磨着这些信息,很快理清了其中脉络。 And knew the danger that now they will soon face hunted for the soul star shipyard to issue posting a reward that the god grave teaches! 并且得知了现在他们即将面临的危险被猎魂星坞发布到神墓教的悬赏!
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