FGOAA :: Volume #47

#4664: Vanishing into thin air

Naturally, Companion Beast have not gone to try to stop these people. 当然,伴生兽们并未前往去试图阻拦那些人。 Because is not meaningful. 因为没有任何意义。 First, the goal of opposite party only then nebula building, even if now blocks the opposite party, the opposite party will not pay attention. 第一,对方的目标只有星云楼,现在就算去拦住对方,对方也根本不会理会。 Second, the strength of town/subdues lord and town/subdues Lord madame is too strong, 400,000-500,000 meters Universe God body, goes far beyond the Li Tianming current level. 第二,镇主、镇主夫人的实力太强,400,000-500,000米的宙神体,远远超过李天命目前的层次。 If prevents, being no different is the praying mantis arm works as the car(riage). 若是去阻挡,无异于是螳臂当车。 At this time, the Yin Chen (silver dust) time is reporting the situation: Subdue lord, a horse, when first! Distant, leading! Should, be he, first, arrives!” 此时,银尘时刻汇报着情况:“镇主,一马,当先!遥遥,领先!应该,是他,最先,抵达!” Hunts for the soul town/subdues lord! 猎魂镇主! Li Tianming knows fairly well, this hunts for soul star shipyard most heavyweight existence. 李天命心中有数,这位可是猎魂星坞最重量级的存在。 500,000 meters Universe God body, lets present Li Tianming is completely not that town/subdues Lord opponent. 五十万米的宙神体,让现在的李天命完全不是那镇主的对手。 Quickly, quickly, hurry up!” “快,快,更快点!” The Li Tianming's finger movement is getting quicker and quicker, in protection barrier of nebula building, chaos strength condenses the barrier clue that becomes a continuously, was solved by the unravelling same loosen...... 李天命的手指动作越来越快,星云楼的守护结界内,一缕缕混沌力量凝聚而成的结界线索,被抽丝剥茧一样松解了开来…… He concentrated on to invest decoded this nebula building to protect in the barrier process! 他全神贯注投入了破解这星云楼守护结界的过程中! Even closed the eye, in the mind filled protected barrier that starry sky multiple structure, by his Heaven-Stealing Hand baring layer upon layer! 甚至闭上了眼,脑海中充满了守护结界那星空般的复杂结构,正在被他的窃天之手一层层的剥开! Ying Huo (Firefly) calls out in alarm suddenly: Came! Came! The chicken elder brother I saw the person!” 荧火突然惊叫:“来了!来了!鸡哥我都看到人了!” Bai Ye (white night) also calls out in alarm: fuck, the old fogy speed is really fast, is like the ghost!” 白夜也是惊呼:“我擦,那老家伙速度真快,跟个鬼一样!” Xian Xian screamed intensely: young son Li / Small Plum walks quickly , was patted without enough time carefully a palm of the hand!” 仙仙紧张尖叫:“小李子快走啊,来不及了,小心被人一巴掌拍死!” Companion Beast have been able to see that angry hunting for soul star shipyard town/subdues lord catches up! 伴生兽们已经能看到那愤怒的猎魂星坞镇主赶来! Outside the nebula building, that hunts for the soul star shipyard town/subdues lord, looks serious, racing line/traverse comes at the maximum speed, has been able to see the situation in nebula building by far! 就在星云楼外,那猎魂星坞镇主,神情严肃,以最快速度奔行而来,已经远远能看到星云楼的情况! Is good is at the stealth condition because of Li Tianming. 好在李天命正处于隐身状态。 That town/subdues Lord has not seen Li Tianming from the start. 那镇主压根没看到李天命 In his eyes, the present nebula building without doubt is all normal, but his not general idea/careless, but catches up at the maximum speed...... 在他的眼里,现在的星云楼无疑是一切正常,但他并未大意,而是以最快速度赶来…… Became!” “成了!” Li Tianming opens the golden black eyes suddenly! 李天命猛然睁开金色黑色的双眼! He turn head looked at one tall and strong middle-aged town/subdues lord who approaches rapidly, without paying attention to him, moved sideways then to enter the nebula building from the window, then engaged in self-examination the window closes. 他回头看了一眼正迅速靠近的魁梧中年镇主,没理会他,一个闪身便从窗口钻进了星云楼,然后反身将窗口关上。 This nebula building protects barrier, but was unlocked by him. 这星云楼守护结界,只是被他开锁了。 When Li Tianming enters, then in opened slit merge naturally, seems like has not opened same...... 李天命进入其中,那被打开的缝隙自然而然的合并上了,看起来就像从来没有开启过一样…… At this time, Li Tianming arrives in the nebula building. 此时,李天命来到星云楼内。 Looks that in the hall was piled up in the together nebula small ball, he and Companion Beast eyes were straight. 看着大厅内被堆放在一起的星云小球,他和伴生兽们眼睛都直了。 Ying Huo (Firefly) laughs: young son Li / Small Plum, receives quickly these nebula small balls!” 荧火哈哈大笑起来:“小李子,快把这些星云小球收起来!” Li Tianming naturally is unambiguous, waving made Ying Huo (Firefly) they all run, over a hundred nebula sacrifices, will take away altogether! 李天命自然是毫不含糊,一挥手让荧火它们全跑了出来,将其中上百枚星云祭,一股脑儿收走! At this moment, that tall and strong middle-aged town/subdues lord, being burning with impatience arrived outside the nebula building finally. 就在这时,那魁梧中年镇主,总算是心急火燎的抵达了星云楼外。 Externally seems like, the nebula building seems like does not have any issue. 从外观上看起来,星云楼这边似乎没有任何问题。 But that town/subdues Lord does not dare to be negligent. 但那镇主不敢大意。 However...... in that town/subdues lord wants enters the nebula building to examine, actually suddenly complexion one black. 不过……就在那镇主想要进入星云楼查看之时,却突然脸色一黑。 Because this tall and strong middle-aged town/subdues Lord discovery, Barrier Core usually is his madame takes care, now his also being able to go in nebula building! 因为这魁梧中年镇主发现,结界核平时都是他夫人保管,现在他还进不去星云楼! Looks the front door that the nebula building shuts tightly, this middle-aged town/subdues lord gets angry, looks at the eye...... the discovery town/subdues Lord madame also to draw near behind, then does not want is too many. 看着星云楼紧闭的大门,这中年镇主黑着脸,看了眼身后……发现镇主夫人也已经快到了,便没想太多。 He first observed a nebula building. 他先观察了一下星云楼。 Glances to the left right to look. 左顾右看。 As if no issue......” “似乎没什么问题……” He is muttering. 他喃喃着。 Only is observes barrier to be insufficient, all around he looks at the traces of encircling, has not discovered what unusuality. 光是观察结界还不够,他看着四周围的蛛丝马迹,都没发现有什么异常。 When the town/subdues Lord madame is also burning with impatience catches up, the town/subdues Lord with her explained a situation: Here seems like all normal. Perhaps the boy had not planned from the start nebula building, after all, barrier of our nebula building is most complex, is most difficult to decode!” 当镇主夫人也心急火燎赶过来时,镇主跟她说明了一下情况:“这边看起来一切正常。说不定那小子压根没打算来星云楼,毕竟,我们星云楼的结界是最复杂的,最难破解!” The purple hair beautiful woman eyes pupil was indifferent, looked at the nebula corridor: This matter is a little mysterious, but cannot be negligent. If some people told us before, said that some people can sneak the Ecuadoran palace quietly, steals the Immemorial Evil Demon eye, we same will not believe.” 紫发美妇眼眸冷漠,看了眼星云楼道:“这事儿是有点玄乎,但不可大意。如果之前有人告诉我们,说有人能悄无声息潜入地厄宫,将太古邪魔眼睛盗走,我们一样不会信。” Subdue Lord nod: Also right, that goes to have a look.” 镇主点头:“也对,那就进去看看吧。” At this time, other hunted for the elders and powerhouses in soul star shipyard also rush one after another. 这时,其他猎魂星坞的长老和强者们也都相继赶到。 Looks at as if perfect nebula building, all relaxes. 看着似乎完好无损的星云楼,全都松了口气。 Even that Zi Wenba, Zi Xiangdong and the others have shown the smile. 甚至那紫文伯紫向东等人已经露出了笑容。 In their opinion, the present nebula building completely does not seem like by the clever appearance, is seemingly in good condition! 在他们看来,眼前的星云楼完全不像是遭贼的样子,看起来好端端的! We go to have a look, you defend.” “我们进去看看,你们守住。” The town/subdues lord turns round, look solemn and respectful said to the elders. 镇主回身,神色肃穆的对众长老们说道。 The people nod accordingly. 众人应声点头。 The town/subdues Lord madame takes out Barrier Core, temporarily opens protection barrier of nebula building. 镇主夫人取出结界核,暂时将星云楼的守护结界打开。 They personally arrive at the nebula building entrance, puts out a hand to open the front door...... 他们两人亲自来到星云楼门口,伸手将大门推开…… When they enter the nebula building hall, appears in their present scenes, immediately makes them wild with rage! 当他们进入星云楼大厅,出现在他们夫妻二人眼前的场景,顿时让他们狂怒! Because, in this building all nebulas offered a sacrifice to do not have! 因为,这楼内所有星云祭都已经没了! Did not have, really did not have......” “没了,真没了……” That purple hair town/subdues Lord madame, first gawked staring, then the complexion becomes gloomy! 紫发的镇主夫人,先是愣了愣,然后脸色变得阴沉! Originally she also planned, even all right, must first offer a sacrifice to the nebula receives the Xumi abstention. 本来她还打算,就算没事,也要先把星云祭都收入须弥戒。 But has not thought...... 但没想到…… Late one step! 还是晚了一步! That middle-aged tall and strong town/subdues lord, immediately the complexion becomes pale: „Is this possible? Was barrier of our nebula building, how possibly passed silently?” 那中年魁梧镇主,顿时脸色变得铁青:“这怎么可能?我们星云楼的结界,怎么可能无声无息被人通过?” The town/subdues Lord madame cursed angrily: Zi Zhen, Zi Yan, Ziyun clouds...... the cheap person, smelly table! I make you die!” 镇主夫人怒骂:“紫禛,紫烟,紫云云……贱人,臭表!我让你们死!” She became a little hysteric. 她变得有点歇斯底里了。 These nebula sacrifices, but she gave the son to prepare for a long time gift! 这些星云祭,可是她给儿子准备了许久的礼物! They were mad even barrier of nebula building to be disinclined to close. 他们气得连星云楼的结界都懒得关闭了。 Left the nebula building together. 一起离开了星云楼。 And that town/subdues Lord cannot bear completely, is swaying the powerful chaos strength everywhere, made several explosions near the nebula building, is venting the anger of innermost feelings. 其中那镇主完全忍不住,到处挥洒着强大的混沌力量,在星云楼附近造出了好几次爆炸,发泄着内心的愤怒。 His look is angry and serious, finally before returning to the nebula building, looks to the small town. 他神色愤怒、严肃,最后回到星云楼前,看向小镇周围。 He looks to hunting for the elders in soul star shipyard, cursed angrily crazily: Treats in this does? The boy can hide, but Zi Yan and Ziyun cloud certainly also in nearby! In a short time they run not far, has not hurried to look!” 他看向猎魂星坞的长老们,疯狂怒骂:“一个个都待在这干什么?那小子能藏,但紫烟和紫云云一定还在附近!短时间内他们跑不远,还不赶紧去找!” Zi Wenba, Zi Xiangdong and the others, the complexion also becomes pale. 紫文伯紫向东等人,脸色也都变得铁青。 Originally they also think that the nebula building is all right. 本来他们还以为星云楼没事呢。 Finally this protects barrier to be perfect, inside nebula offered a sacrifice to actually vanishes into thin air! 结果这守护结界都完好无损的,里面的星云祭却都不翼而飞了! Is this different to the Immemorial Evil Demon eye of place hardship palace? 这不就是跟地厄宫的太古邪魔眼睛一样? Not only town/subdues Lord anger. 不只是镇主愤怒。 Their these elders equally are also angry. 他们这些长老们也一样愤怒。 Because of Li Tianming this act, is not only hitting the town/subdues Lord face, is hitting entire hunts for the face of soul star shipyard! 因为李天命此举,不只是在打镇主的脸,更是在打整个猎魂星坞的脸! The most important thing is, these nebulas offered a sacrifice to are too to them important! 最重要的是,这些星云祭对他们而言太重要了! Suddenly, town/subdues Lord also good, the town/subdues Lord madame is also good, the respective belt/bring many purple blood group soldiers, were leaving the nebula building, toward hunting for outside soul star shipyard small town, started the rug search! 一时间,镇主也好,镇主夫人也好,各自带着不少手下的紫血族战士,离开了星云楼,朝着猎魂星坞小镇之外,发动起了地毯式搜查! They realized, they cannot do to Li Tianming. 他们意识到,他们奈何不了李天命 Therefore the plan apprehends Zi Yan and his mother, Ziyun clouds! 因此打算捉拿紫烟和他的母亲,紫云云! Also after they leave, the nebula building, becomes again peaceful...... 也就在他们离开后,星云楼这边,再一次变得安静下来…… When Yin Chen (silver dust) determined the opposite party leaves, the Li Tianming's form, comes in the nebula building suddenly, obviously, he had not just walked very much unexpectedly! 等到银尘确定了对方离开,李天命的身影,忽然就在星云楼内部现身,很显然,刚刚他竟然一直没走! Just, he static looks that the close town/subdues lord and town/subdues Lord madame got angry! 刚刚,他就静静的看着近在咫尺的镇主、镇主夫人发怒! Li Tianming cannot bear the feeling: „The universe star chart of this nihility, being true cow!” 李天命忍不住感慨:“这虚无的宇宙星象,属实牛!”
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