FGOAA :: Volume #47

#4663: Sees clearly barrier!

, Renews the latest chapter most quickly! ,最快更新最新章节! However, hunted for the soul star shipyard these insanely the same as rush to the purple blood groups of nebula building, does not know, Li Tianming outside the nebula building, the stealth has operated! 不过,猎魂星坞这些疯了一样涌向星云楼的紫血族们,根本不知道,李天命早已在星云楼之外,隐身操作起来了! Some time ago, Li Tianming led the Zi Yan mother to escape from the dead star prison, sent out her quickly hunted for the soul star shipyard small town, making her they converge with Zi Zhen. 不久前,李天命带着紫烟母亲从死星牢狱逃出,很快将她送出了猎魂星坞小镇,让她跟紫禛她们汇合。 Because the time press, the words of explanation gave Zi Yan them. 由于时间紧迫,解释的话语就交给紫烟他们了。 Li Tianming naturally turns head at the scene, rushes to the nebula building! 李天命自然是当场回头,赶往星云楼! When he arrives at the nebula building, that side purple shipyard ancestral hall, but also without many people gathers. 当他来到星云楼的时候,紫坞宗祠那边,还没多少人聚集。 In addition Yin Chen (silver dust) in hunting for the soul star shipyard small town in makes the explosion move everywhere, lets the nebula building, temporarily no one pays attention...... 加上银尘在猎魂星坞‘小镇’内到处弄出爆炸动静,让星云楼这边,暂时没有任何人关注到…… Started.” “开始了。” Li Tianming arrives around the nebula building, is staying the condition of stealth, while starts by Heaven-Stealing Eye, observation and processing protection barrier outside nebula building! 李天命来到星云楼跟前,一边保持着隐身之状态,一边开始以窃天之眼,观察和处理起了星云楼外的守护结界 Just when started, in the town no one realizes the nebula building to have the issue radically. 刚开始时,镇子上根本没人意识到星云楼这边会有问题。 Some Yin Chen (silver dust) monitor the entire small town momentarily, Li Tianming has not been worrying specially. 银尘随时监视着整个小镇,李天命也没有特别着急。 On his Heaven-Stealing Hand, 100,000 compound eyes open! 他的窃天之手上,十万复眼张开! Similar to in the nighttime sky the dense and numerous stars, gathers on his palm together, especially in this Guanzizai, 100,000 compound eyes centralized on small palm, made person scalp tingles! 就如同夜空中密密麻麻的繁星,共同汇聚在他的手掌心上,特别是在这观自在界中,十万复眼集中在小小的手掌上,更令人头皮发麻! When Li Tianming Heaven-Stealing Hand, searches into protection barrier of that nebula building, that 100,000 compound eyes nose toward barrier around immediately. 李天命窃天之手,探入那星云楼的守护结界,那十万复眼顿时朝着结界周围查探。 100,000 eye pupils, starts to search this nebula building barrier together clue and structure. 十万个眼眸,开始一起查找起了这星云楼结界的‘线索’和‘结构’。 This protects barrier, is really complex!” “这守护结界,真复杂!” Li Tianming closed the golden color and black eyes. 李天命闭上了金色和黑色的双眼。 In his mind, is the picture that on that 100,000 Heaven-Stealing Hand the compound eye sees. 他脑海中,全是那十万个窃天之手上复眼所看到的画面。 In nebula building barrier, the chaos strength is overlapping, the screw circulation, forms vast large-scale to protect barrier together! 星云楼结界之内,混沌力量层层叠叠,螺旋循环,一起形成一座浩瀚的大型守护结界 And the structure is strict and stable, each wisp of clue is extremely complex, trillion mass, and these complex veins and clues, are also flowing unexpectedly, decoding the difficulty is higher! 其中结构严密、稳固,每一缕线索都极其复杂,共有亿万体量,并且这些复杂脉络和线索,竟然还都是流动着的,破解起来难度更高! Before Li Tianming has decoded protection barrier is much stronger than! 远比李天命之前破解过的守护结界要强得多! However now...... 然而现在…… On Li Tianming Heaven-Stealing Hand, altogether 100,000 compound eyes, his Heaven-Stealing Clan super natural talent obtained the astonishing promotion. 李天命窃天之手上,总共有十万复眼,他这窃天一族的超级天赋得到了惊人的提升。 Under the observations of 100,000 compound eyes, entire nebula building barrier complex vein, one layer upon layer presented in front of Li Tianming's! 在十万复眼的观察之下,整个星云楼结界的复杂脉络,一层层的呈现在了李天命的面前! Even if the dynamic mobile clue structure, becomes before him incomparably clear. 哪怕是动态流动的线索结构,在他面前都变得无比清晰。 The Li Tianming's finger, starts in the middle of this barrier, lithe beat. 李天命的手指,开始在这结界当中,轻盈的跳动起来。 According to information that Heaven-Stealing Eye supplies, his finger unravels, like untying one group of extremely complex ends......, if were seen this, people will have plants to shock the aesthetic sense. 根据窃天之眼提供的信息,他的手指在其中抽丝剥茧,如同在解开一团极其复杂的线头……若是被人看到这一幕,人们会有种震撼般的美感。 Especially the person of obsession, seeming like will be very comfortable. 特别是强迫症的人,看起来会特别舒服。 This time decoded the speed to be obviously quick, moreover possibility that the common observations of 100,000 compound eyes, simply have not made mistakes.” “这次破解速度明显快了许多,而且有十万复眼的共同观察,根本没有犯错的可能。” The Li Tianming time is maintaining calm. 李天命时刻保持着冷静。 Outside the nebula building, he hidden goes to the figure, has not made any sound and move. 星云楼外,他隐去身形,没有弄出任何声响和动静来。 But hunts for in the soul star shipyard small town, everywhere is the confusions. 而猎魂星坞小镇之中,到处都是混乱。 Including the town/subdues lord and town/subdues Lord madame these important personages, had been attracted the purple shipyard ancestral hall by Yin Chen (silver dust). 包括镇主、镇主夫人那些重要人物,都已经被银尘吸引到了紫坞宗祠。 However, in Li Tianming decodes this nebula building protected barrier to half, Yin Chen (silver dust) suddenly transmits the reminder: Speeds up, speed. Subdue lord, with him, Madame , had detected , is catching up!” 不过,就在李天命破解这星云楼守护结界到了一半之时,银尘突然传来提醒:“加快,速度。镇主,和他,夫人,已经,察觉,正在,赶来!” Li Tianming hears word, immediately the nerve becomes tight. 李天命闻言,顿时神经变得紧绷起来。 Usually this nebula building some people are defending, but this time, I attracted them, has the present opportunity.” “平时这星云楼都有人守着,但这次,我将他们吸引走了,才有现在的机会。” Even if they in the east purple shipyard ancestral hall, must catch up not to spend the too long time.” “即使他们在最东边的紫坞宗祠,要赶过来也不会花费太长的时间。” Li Tianming is a little surprised. 李天命有点意外。 That town/subdues advocates peace the vigilance of his madame to be very strong. 那镇主和他夫人的警觉心很强。 The key is, Li Tianming has bribed has hunted for in the soul star shipyard, almost all important places. 关键还是在于,李天命已经染指了猎魂星坞之中,几乎所有重要的地方。 Then most important place- nebula building, he must go! 那么还有最重要的地方-星云楼,他不可能不去! When the town/subdues advocating peace town/subdues Lord madame, leads elders toward the nebula building catches up, Li Tianming knows, he must pick up the speed! 当镇主和镇主夫人,带着一众长老们往星云楼这边赶过来时,李天命知道,他必须加快速度了! Once the opposite party really catches up, how although is not necessarily able him, but he wanted to capture these nebulas to offer a sacrifice to no opportunity again. 一旦对方真的赶过来,虽然未必能把他怎么样,但他想要再夺取这些星云祭就没什么机会了。 Li Tianming calm communicates with Yin Chen (silver dust): Yin Chen (silver dust), their speeds how?” 李天命冷静的跟银尘沟通:“银尘,他们的速度如何?” Yin Chen (silver dust) called out: Speed, quick! According to now, speed, we, time, insufficiently!” 银尘叫道:“速度,很快!按照,现在,速度,我们,时间,不够!” In the small town, everywhere is the Yin Chen (silver dust) silver small cockroach individual, the stealth in various corners. 小镇内,到处都是银尘的银色小蟑螂个体,隐身在各种角落。 In its observation, town important personages reckless dashes toward the nebula building! 在它的观察中,全镇重要人物都不要命的往星云楼飞奔过来! „Is time not enough?” “时间不够吗?” Li Tianming somewhat hesitates. 李天命有些犹豫起来。 His original intention naturally does not plan to give up, after all missed this opportunity not to have next, these nebula sacrifices, but he went the important way of improvement! 他的本意自然不打算放弃,毕竟错过这次机会就没有下次了,这些星云祭,可是他接下去提升的重要途径! Being busy at work was so long, he for isn't these nebula sacrifices? 忙活了这么久,他为的不就是这些星云祭吗? No matter what, must spell!” “不管怎么样,必须拼了!” „If not really good, my stealth flees again is not late.” “如果实在不行,我再隐身逃离也不迟。” Li Tianming bites the jaw tightly. 李天命紧咬牙关。 But spells like this hardly definitely is incorrect, because the opposite party rushes to the line the speed, obviously decodes to protect the barrier speed him to be faster. 但就这样硬拼肯定是不行的,因为对方奔行过来的速度,明显比他破解守护结界的速度更快。 Li Tianming starts to try to find the solution, the innermost feelings are very urgent. 李天命开始想办法,内心十分紧急。 Nebula, barrier......” “星云,结界……” The 100,000 compound eyes on Li Tianming Heaven-Stealing Hand, look to that complex helix barrier structure, suddenly the feeling seems to be the same as the starry sky, the strength of chaos nebula floods to be one of them, is operating orderly. 李天命窃天之手上的十万复眼,看向那复杂的螺旋形结界结构,忽然感觉其如同星空一样,混沌星云的力量充斥在其中,有序的运行着。 At this time, Li Tianming remembered suddenly stole nebula. 这时候,李天命忽然想起了‘窃星云’。 When he in displaying to steal the nebula, obviously feels a strength, one type can let him with the insight that the nebula structure is familiar! 当他在施展窃星云的时候,明显感受到一种力量,一种能让他对星云结构了如指掌的洞察力! Tries.” “试试吧。” Also has no other means now in any case, the Li Tianming intention moves, then starts by Heaven-Stealing Hand steals nebula! 反正现在也没什么其他办法,李天命心念一动,便以窃天之手发动‘窃星云’! On his Heaven-Stealing Hand, the Primal Chaos Yin-Yang Fish design presented purple. 窃天之手上,太极阴阳鱼图案呈现出了一片紫色。 The strength from chaos nebula, starts to emerge from Heaven-Stealing Hand slowly...... 来自混沌星云的力量,开始从窃天之手缓缓涌现…… But Li Tianming wants is not these chaos strengths. 李天命要的不是这些混沌力量。 Rather, he felt accurately, when he displayed this stole nebula, 100,000 compound eyes on Heaven-Stealing Hand, if really protects barrier to the present nebula building, had a keener insight! 而是,他确切的感受到了,当他施展这‘窃星云’时,窃天之手上的十万复眼,果真对眼前的星云楼守护结界,产生了一种更加敏锐的洞察力! Really, was clearer!” “果然,更清晰了!” In Li Tianming heart one happy. 李天命心中一喜。 His finger moving speed is faster, barrier clue structure was dismantled by him a continuously, again and again suddenly sees the light, again and again thorough in which...... 他的手指动作速度更快,一缕缕结界的线索结构被他拆解,一次次豁然开朗,一次次深入其中…… In a while, Yin Chen (silver dust) starts the anxious reminder, called: Was near! They, come, is nearer!” 没过多久,银尘开始焦急的提醒,叫起来:“近了!他们,越来,越近!” Other Companion Beast also anxious. 其他伴生兽们也都紧张了起来。 Especially Ying Huo (Firefly), called most vigorously: young son Li / Small Plum does quickly, these nebula small balls may relate to our next half a lifetime to be happy! Do not give up!” 特别是荧火,叫的最起劲:“小李子搞快啊,这些星云小球可关系到我们的下半生幸福!千万别放弃!” Bai Ye (white night), Bai Ling (white rise) and Bai Feng (white wind), three Little Six are also paying attention to this intensely. 白夜白凌白风,三只小六也都紧张的关注着这一幕。 They most want to know, actually their Immemorial Chaos Giant Beast essence is anything! 它们最想要知道,它们太古混沌巨兽的本质究竟是什么! But current Li Tianming, the strength as if not too enough, they naturally also hope, Li Tianming can obtain these nebula sacrifices, bringing them to charge into a higher level together, has been faced directly the opportunity of truth! 而目前的李天命,实力似乎不太够,它们自然也希望,李天命能获得这些星云祭,带它们一起冲向更高层次,得到直面真理之机会!
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