FGOAA :: Volume #47

#4661: The town/subdues kills!

The long whip in Zi Zhong hand, is one of the dead star prison torture instruments. 紫冢手中的长鞭,乃是这死星牢狱的刑具之一。 This purple hair youth facial expression is indifferent, is grasping the long whip, whips to make that purple hair woman purple blood of splash each time. 紫发青年神情冷漠,手持着长鞭,每次鞭打都让那紫发妇人身上的紫色鲜血飞溅出来。 Looks under he said a word the purple hair woman who trembled, Zi Zhong was crisp. 看着在他言语之下发抖的紫发妇人,紫冢爽了。 However, the Zi Zhong feeling is not suddenly right. 然而,紫冢忽然感觉不对劲。 Then looked, a form that in the eye presents makes him be almost frightened out of one's wits. 回头一看,眼中出现的一个身影让他差点魂飞魄散。 Is he! 是他! Is Zi Zhen white hair man! 紫禛身边的白发男子! A pair of purple pupil of Zi Zhong contracts suddenly. 紫冢的一双紫色瞳孔猛然收缩。 He recalled instantaneously in the small town mouth place, was acted by Li Tianming at will, the bang killed that scene of Universe God source! 他瞬间回想起了在小镇口处,被李天命随意出手,轰杀成了宙神本源的那一幕场景! This made the Zi Zhong innermost feelings have one fear! 这让紫冢内心产生了一种恐惧! But he responded quickly. 但他很快反应过来。 Here...... hunts for the range of soul star shipyard, here is the defense stern death star prison! 这里……可是猎魂星坞的范围,这里是防御森严的死星牢狱! Situated in purple shipyard ancestral hall under! 位于紫坞宗祠之下! How does this fellow come in?” “这家伙怎么进来的?” Zi Zhong has an unbelievable feeling. 紫冢有种难以置信的感觉。 He very obvious knows that he is not the Li Tianming opponent, subconscious wish shouted to make noise, informed others. 他很明显的知道他不是李天命对手,下意识的想要喊出声来,通知其他人。 But he does not have with enough time! 但他没来得及! When Li Tianming comes, clarifies the opportunity that will not give him to respond! 李天命现身,就摆明了不会给他反应的机会! When Li Tianming saw that Zi Zhong turns around, Heaven-Stealing Hand is pair of eyes simultaneous/uniform open/start, steals the nebula, Demon Heavenly Arm! 李天命看到那紫冢转身,窃天之手已经是双眼齐开,窃星云,魔天臂 The black sturdy arm, wields suddenly, swayed brought in a big group chaos nebula strength from the universe deep place! 黑色粗壮的手臂,猛然挥出,挥洒间从宇宙深处引来了一大团混沌星云力量! The strengths of these chaos nebulas, in Guanzizai performance are one group of the world energy vortex, although was decorated by the rule of Guanzizai, is far from displaying vastly like that in the real world shipyard...... 这些混沌星云的力量,在观自在界表现为一团天地能量漩涡,虽然被观自在界的规则所修饰,远没有在真实世界坞施展出来那般浩大…… But this group of chaos nebulas formed a several meters wide heavy/thick palm as before, presents the vast profound mysterious purple, loudly however falls! 但这团混沌星云依旧是形成了一个好几米宽的厚重手掌,呈现出浩瀚深邃的神秘紫色,轰然而落! cover Tianzhang! 盖天掌! A palm right in the face, covered at the scene on the head of that Zi Zhong! 当场一掌劈头,盖在了那紫冢的脑袋上! At this time Zi Zhong just now returns 此时紫冢才刚回 Head. 头。 Is then patted by the palm that group of chaos strengths formed suddenly on the head, immediately a steamroll strength dropped from the clouds! 猛然便被那一团混沌力量形成的手掌拍在了脑袋上,顿时一股碾压般的力量从天而降! The Zi Zhong eyes stare the purple body in big, entire Guanzizai, blasts open instantaneously! 紫冢双眼瞪大,整个观自在界中的紫色身躯,瞬间炸裂开来! This fellow also wanted to shout propaganda, others in reminder town. 原本这家伙还想要喊话出来,提醒镇子里的其他人。 But absolutely does not have with enough time. 但完全没来得及。 Then was killed by the Li Tianming cover Tianzhang bang at the scene, becomes beach purple...... this time, this fellow does not have the Universe God source, was suppressed to crush directly! 便被李天命盖天掌当场轰杀,成为一滩紫色……这次,这家伙连宙神本源都没出,直接被镇压粉碎! In Guanzizai, cover Tianzhang the might was also decorated, seemingly weakened.” “在观自在界,盖天掌的威力也被修饰,看起来削弱了许多。” So long as it might enough, can kill people!” “但只要其本身威力足够强,也还是能杀人!” Li Tianming looks at to become beach purple muddy flesh Zi Zhong, the innermost feelings does not have the mighty waves, slightly is a little only vigilant. 李天命看着成为一滩紫色肉泥的紫冢,内心毫无波澜,只稍微有点警惕。 If he meets some stronger existence, then the opposite party wants to kill him, perhaps and his present town/subdues kills Zi Zhong to be equally easy...... 如果他遇到一些更强的存在,那么对方想要杀他,恐怕跟他现在镇杀紫冢一样容易…… Even in Guanzizai, may not be negligent.” “即使在观自在界,亦是不可大意。” Li Tianming shakes the head, now does not think time. 李天命摇了摇头,现在不是多想的时候。 He waved to solve Zi Zhong, but the strength of that chaos nebula, still cover press/pressure, exploded the class/flow to expunge toward the surroundings downward. 他挥手间解决了紫冢,而那混沌星云的力量,仍然往下盖压,朝着周围爆流开去。 In the most deep place of this dead star prison, forms intermittent purple wind and cloud, sweeps across the surroundings. 在这死星牢狱的最深处,形成一阵阵紫色风云,席卷周围。 The disorderly long hair of that purple hair woman was blown, appears in front of Li Tianming, is one is a bit like the Zi Zhen woman face. 紫发妇人的凌乱长发都被吹开,出现在李天命面前的,是一张有点像是紫禛的妇人脸庞。 She heard Zi Zhen to be grasped, some grief and indignation, desperate...... 她原本听到紫禛被抓,都有些悲愤、绝望…… But suddenly, has not thought that is whipping her Zi Zhong, was killed by a white hair young people instantaneous town/subdues unexpectedly! 但眨眼间,没想到那正鞭打她的紫冢,竟被一个白发年轻人瞬间镇杀! Who is he? 他是谁? This purple hair woman pair of purple eye pupil, looks to Li Tianming, but she has not spoken. 紫发妇人一双紫色眼眸,看向李天命,但她没说话。 Follows me, I save you to go out, “跟我走吧,我救你出去, Zi Yan outside you. ” 紫烟在外面等你。” Li Tianming looked that to by the purple hair woman who the Universe God Item chains ties up, extracted Eastern Sovereign Sword. 李天命看向被宙神器锁链捆绑住的紫发妇人,抽出了东皇剑 Sonorous! 铿锵! Eastern Sovereign Sword leaves, the above five silver sword light, sway extremely strong sharp sword aura, cuts off that Universe God Item chains unexpectedly!.??. 东皇剑出,其上的五道银色剑光,挥洒出极强的锋锐剑气,竟是将那宙神器锁链斩断!.??. This Divine Five strength, cutting the metal is truly strong.” “这神五的力量,切割金属确实很强。” Facilitated actually much.” “倒是方便了不少。” Li Tianming rejoiced, if not for this strength, he wants to cut off a great wild goose level the Universe God Item chains, is not easy. 李天命庆幸,若不是这力量,他想要斩断鸿道级的宙神器锁链,可没那么容易。 „Are you?” “你是?” A somewhat hoarse female voice, spreads from that purple hair woman population. 一个有些沙哑的女子声音,从那紫发妇人口中传出。 She moved a body slightly, as if felt stiffly, could not somewhat move after all for a long time for a long time freely...... 她稍微活动了一下身体,似乎感觉有些僵硬,毕竟已经许久许久没能自由活动过了…… I was held by Zi Yan, saves you, you follow me, saw that Zi Yan understood.” “我受紫烟所托,过来救你,你跟我走,见到紫烟就明白了。” Li Tianming said, leading her to leave this to execute the star prison rapidly. 李天命说完,带着她迅速离开这处死星牢狱。 Her action is somewhat inconvenient, but after all it is the purple blood group, the mortal body is tyrannical, many years of captivity cannot make her lose the action. 她的行动有些不便,但毕竟本身是紫血族,肉身强横,多年的囚禁都没能让她失去行动力。 Even if the whole body is the wound, she is enduring, follows Li Tianming to leave fast. 哪怕浑身是伤,她还是坚忍着,跟随李天命快速离开。 This Li Tianming speed is extremely fast. 这次李天命速度极快。 While departure, he went well to Yin Chen (silver dust) instruction say/way, a manufacture sound, attracts the purple shipyard ancestral hall!” 在离开的同时,他对银尘吩咐道“得手了,制造点动静,把人引来紫坞宗祠!” The Yin Chen (silver dust) prompt response understands!” 银尘迅速回应“明白!” Suddenly, outside the purple shipyard ancestral hall, had several explosions instantaneously. 一时间,紫坞宗祠之外,瞬间产生了好几次爆炸。 That is the Yin Chen (silver dust) individual is doing the matter, makes the sound! 那是银尘的个体在搞事,制造动静! Quick, Li Tianming leads the purple hair woman, passed through protection barrier of purple shipyard ancestral hall, at the maximum speed swaggers away...... 很快,李天命就带着紫发妇人,穿过了紫坞宗祠的守护结界,以最快速度扬长而去…… But near the purple shipyard ancestral hall, several explosions, has spread over entire has hunted for the soul star shipyard! 而在紫坞宗祠附近,好几声爆炸,已经传遍了整个猎魂星坞! Has to the recent two elders, is previous time Zi Wenba and Zi Xiangdong! 有离得最近的两名长老,正是上次的紫文伯紫向东 Purple Uncle Wen's purple long hair, the figure is lightly natural, but Zi Xiangdong figure rickets, somewhat dreadful...... originally they in, hears here explodes, immediately catches up. 文伯的紫色长发翩然,身形潇洒,而紫向东身形佝偻,有些猥琐……本来他们正在附近,听到这边爆炸,立刻赶过来。 As a result, in the purple shipyard ancestral hall as if had the condition. 结果发现,紫坞宗祠内似乎发生了状况。 Enters rapidly inspects...... 迅速进入其中检查…… Soon, Zi Wenba and Zi Xiangdong two elder complexion ugly/difficult to look at walked. 不多时,紫文伯紫向东两位长老脸色难看的走了出来。 Zi Zhong was killed!” 紫冢被杀!” Criminal is robbed!” “罪人被劫走!” The two elder spreads the security immediately, called the person! 两位长老立刻传出警戒,叫人! They returned to the purple shipyard ancestral hall entrance, the complexion is very ugly/difficult to look at, they have not thought, hunts for one of the soul star shipyard most important places in this, in the purple shipyard ancestral hall, will actually have such matter! 他们回到了紫坞宗祠门口,脸色都还很难看,他们万万没想到,在这猎魂星坞最重要的地方之一,紫坞宗祠之中,竟然会发生这样的事! The people were rescued, actually minor matter. 人被救走,倒是小事。 Zi Zhong was killed, was not the minor matter. 紫冢被杀,就不算小事了。 Let alone, this event, following the Immemorial Evil Demon stolen event to have many similarities!” “更何况,这次事件,跟上次太古邪魔失窃的事件有很多类似之处!” Zi Xiangdong and Zi Wenba looked at each other one mutually, has an absolutely terrified feeling. 紫向东紫文伯相互对视了一眼,都有种毛骨悚然的感觉。 Before the person comes, they start to inspect protection barrier of purple shipyard ancestral hall. 在人来之前,他们就开始检查紫坞宗祠的守护结界 Meanwhile, entire hunts for in the soul star shipyard small town, spreads the large-scale explosion sound everywhere...... Yin Chen (silver dust) these individuals, starts to make the sound in the small town! 与此同时,整个猎魂星坞小镇内,到处都传出大规模的爆炸动静……银尘的那些个体,都开始在小镇内制造出动静! The town/subdues lord and town/subdues Lord madame are also quick are alarmed! 镇主、镇主夫人也很快就被惊动! Knew that the purple shipyard ancestral hall situation, their rapid belt/bring person caught up. 得知紫坞宗祠这边的情况,他们迅速带人赶了过来。 More and more hunting for soul star shipyard powerhouse, gathers the purple shipyard ancestral hall. 越来越多的猎魂星坞强者,在紫坞宗祠这边聚集。 After hearing the view of Zi Wenba and Zi Xiangdong, all gathers hunting for soul star shipyard powerhouse, all the complexion is ugly, is very anxious! 听到紫文伯紫向东的说法后,所有聚集在一起的猎魂星坞强者,全都脸色难看,无比紧张! The present hunting for soul star shipyard, just experienced the Immemorial Evil Demon eye stolen incident...... 现在的猎魂星坞,刚刚经历了太古邪魔眼睛失窃一事…… At this moment, the purple shipyard ancestral hall has an accident. 此刻,紫坞宗祠又出事。 They hunt for the soul star shipyard, what extraordinary existence provoked? 难道他们猎魂星坞,招惹到了什么了不得的存在? Chapter 4662 is furious! 第4662章震怒!
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