FGOAA :: Volume #47

#4662: Be furious!

Quick, the town/subdues advocating peace town/subdues Lord madame, leading the person to walk from the dead star prison. 很快,镇主和镇主夫人,带人从死星牢狱之中走了出来。 Their complexion is very unattractive. 他们脸色都很不好看。 Zi Zhong was patted into the muddy flesh the corpse, in that dead star prison most deep place, shocking! 紫冢被拍成肉泥的尸体,在那死星牢狱最深处,触目惊心! Penetrates us to hunt for the ancestral hall in soul star shipyard heavily, the murder, takes away the criminal, this is the grave offense!” “深入我们猎魂星坞的宗祠重地,杀人,带走罪犯,此乃重罪!” Anyone, anybody catches, executes summarily!” “无论是谁,任何人抓到,格杀勿论!” On that middle-aged tall and strong town/subdues Lord face brings to kill intent! 那中年魁梧镇主的脸上带着杀意! The town/subdues Lord madame is gloomy the face: We hunted for the soul star shipyard to be provoked recently one after another, must apprehend committing a crime surely, has the person to know, who the opposite party was?” 镇主夫人更是阴沉着脸:“我们猎魂星坞最近接二连三遭到挑衅,必定要将犯事者捉拿,有没有人知道,对方是谁?” She said that while looks to purple Uncle Wen and purple to the eastern two people. 她一边说,一边看向紫文伯和紫向东二人。 The purple Uncle Wen waist liquor bottle gourd in a flash, stands, sinking sound said: Both of us hear the sound to catch up, without seeing anyone 's shadow, but protection barrier of ancestral hall is perfect , like Immemorial Evil Demon that side.” 紫文伯腰间酒葫芦一晃,站出来,沉声道:“我们二人听到动静就赶过来,没看到有任何人影,但宗祠的守护结界是完好无损的,就和太古邪魔那边一样。” The town/subdues lord sneers saying: Our town self-examination, had not just found the trail of eye of Immemorial Evil Demon, obviously does this matter definitely is a bystander.” 镇主冷笑道:“刚刚我们全镇自查,没找到太古邪魔之眼的踪迹,可见干这事的肯定是外人。” Some people guessed: Can follow, are that white hair young people who Zi Zhong said concerned?” 有人猜测:“会不会跟上次紫冢所说的,那白发年轻人有关?” At this time, figure rickets purple walked to east, his sinking sound said: A short time ago, heard that side the crack soul mine also has problems, many nebula ores bewildered vanished, had not caught the person...... I to have a bold idea.” 这时候,身形佝偻的紫向东走出来,他沉声道:“前不久,听说裂魂矿山那边也出了问题,很多星云矿莫名其妙的消失了,一直没抓到人……我有个大胆的想法。” The town/subdues lord looked at his one eyes, unemotional say/way: Said.” 镇主看了他一眼,面无表情道:“说。” Purple nods to east, then said: Eye of previous Immemorial Evil Demon stolen, with this time is similar, I suspected, the opposite party very has probably to decode the ability of protection barrier barrier! Otherwise, is impossible to make these things one after another.” 紫向东点了点头,接着说道:“上次太古邪魔的眼睛失窃,跟这次情况类似,我猜想,对方很可能拥有破解守护屏障结界之能力!否则,不可能接连做出这几件事情。” The straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards star goal natural elder, purple Uncle Wen also said: Right, Zi Zhong has also said that Zi Zhen white hair person disappears suddenly, obviously its concealment method is extremely strong. Through the concealment, decodes to protect barrier again, is absolutely possible to achieve such matter. That side mine, mostly is this person of behavior!” 剑眉星目的潇洒长老,紫文伯亦是说道:“没错,紫冢也说过,紫禛身边的白发人忽然消失,可见其隐匿手段极强。通过隐匿,再破解守护结界,完全有可能做到这样的事情。矿山那边,也多半是此人所为!” But in crowd, there are other to hunt for the soul star shipyard elder to express the opposition. 但人群中,又有其他猎魂星坞长老提出了反对。 The person knits the brows: But the previous time, Zi Zhong fights with that white hair person, but made into the Universe God source by it. This time...... Zi Zhong was patted into the muddy flesh directly! Perhaps isn't a same person?” 有一人皱眉道:“但上一次,紫冢与那白发人交手,只是被其打成了宙神本源。这一次……紫冢是直接被拍成了肉泥!或许并不是同一人?” The town/subdues Lord madame looks to the dead star prison deep place, in the purple eye pupil is hiding the pinnacle anger: Definitely is that little animal. Otherwise have no reason to save this cheap person!” 镇主夫人看向死星牢狱深处,紫色眼眸中掩藏着极致的愤怒:“肯定是那小畜生。不然没理由过来救走这贱人!” Mayor unemotional say/way: Perhaps led the helper.” 镇长面无表情道:“或许是带了帮手。” The people also responded. 众人也都反应过来。 If the matter is that white hair person behavior , means that this matter is related with Zi Zhen! 如果事情是那白发人所为,那么,就意味着这件事情跟紫禛有关! Having an elder is angry, is filled with righteous indignation saying: That crime female Zi Zhen, is really impenetrably thickheaded! Not only steals to hunt for the soul photo to run away, harming us hunts for the soul star shipyard to be fishy, dares to come back unexpectedly, is really bold!” 有位长老愤怒,义愤填膺道:“那罪女紫禛,真是冥顽不灵!不但盗走猎魂炤逃走,害得我们猎魂星坞乌烟瘴气,竟然还敢回来,真是大胆!” Also some people have doubts: That crime female was Zi Zhen, actually where knew such a white hair person?” 也有人疑惑:“那罪女紫禛,究竟是去什么地方认识了这样一个白发人?” Hunts for soul star shipyard many powerhouses, outside the purple shipyard ancestral hall, more gathers. 猎魂星坞诸多强者,在紫坞宗祠之外,越聚越多。 They are discussing the status of opposite party! 他们讨论着对方的身份! And, with the deepening of discussion, complexions becomes more and more dignified. 并且,随着讨论的深入,一个个脸色都变得越来越凝重。 Soon, that tall and strong middle-aged town/subdues lord lifts the hand, presses the voice of people. 不多时,那魁梧中年镇主抬起手,压了压众人的声音。 He looks all around, in a purple eye, was full of the dignified color: First, the opposite party has to decode the barrier ability, this ability quite goes against heaven's will, we cannot surround him......” 他环顾四周,一双紫色眼睛里,充满了凝重之色:“第一,对方拥有破解结界的能力,此种能力相当逆天,我们困不住他……” Second, the opposite party has extremely strong concealment ability, wants to seize the difficulty to be very high!” “第二,对方拥有极强的隐匿能力,想要抓捕难度很高!” Because of this, we open twice hunt for protection barrier of soul star shipyard, cannot find any suspicious person , because the opposite party can easily leave us to protect the barrier range!” “正因为如此,我们两次开启猎魂星坞的守护结界,都没能找到任何可疑人物,就是因为对方可以轻易离开我们守护结界的范围!” This summarizes, hunts for the elders in soul star shipyard, the powerhouses, the complexion is all ugly. 这番总结出来,猎魂星坞的长老们,强者们,全都脸色难看。 Only decodes the barrier ability, was shocking enough. 光是破解结界的能力,就足够令人震惊了。 Let alone lets the person concealment method? 更别说还有让人神不知鬼不觉的隐匿手段? How does this make them should deal? 这让他们该如何应对? The town/subdues Lord madame calm face, is thinking deeply about the countermeasure, temporarily has not spoken. 镇主夫人沉着脸,不停的思索着对策,暂时没说话。 Actually purple Uncle Wen proposed, suggested: Opposite party, since saves others, for a short time does not walk away, likely in the , Zi Yan and crime female Zi Zhen, will not be far, we leave the town, the expanded hunting zone, could find the opposite party.” 倒是紫文伯提出一点,建议道:“对方既然救人,一时半会儿也走不远,很可能就在附近,还有紫烟和罪女紫禛,都不会太远,我们离开镇子,扩大搜索范围,或许能找到对方。” Purple also nods to east: They leave are not far, definitely does not walk away, our people are many, deciding to catch up!” 紫向东也点头:“他们离开还不远,肯定走不远,咱们人多,定能追上!” The middle-aged town/subdues lord hears word, nods saying: Ok, Uncle Wen, to east, you have the person to go to look......” 中年镇主闻言,点了点头道:“行,文伯,向东,你们带人出去找找……” Wait.” “等等。” At this moment, that town/subdues Lord madame makes noise suddenly, looks up to hunting for a direction in soul star shipyard small town. 就在这时,那镇主夫人忽然出声,抬起头看向猎魂星坞小镇内的一个方向。 Sees only on pretty face that her was furious, suddenly one startled: Hunts for the soul mine and place the Ecuadoran palace and purple shipyard ancestral hall...... these places, although hunts for the soul star shipyard to be very important to us, but by far is not most important! Since that person can break open barrier, but can also the concealment whereabouts, then have no reason not to start to the nebula building! The nebula offers a sacrifice to the danger!” 只见她那原本震怒的漂亮脸蛋儿上,忽然一惊:“猎魂矿场、地厄宫、紫坞宗祠……这些地方,虽然对我们猎魂星坞很重要,但远远不是最重要的!那人既然能破开结界,还能隐匿行踪,那么没理由不对星云楼下手!星云祭有危险!” This saying, other surroundings people also responded, complexions became incomparably dignified. 这话一出,周围其他人也都反应过来,一个个脸色变得无比凝重。 The town/subdues lord is in great surprise: Nebula building? Now these nebula sacrifices, but we store goods for a long time......, if were also won by that boy, all our efforts were in vain!” 镇主更是大惊:“星云楼?如今这些星云祭,可是咱们许久的存货……若是也被那小子夺走,那我们的一切努力都白费了!” Other hunt for the elders and powerhouses in soul star shipyard , the shock, other anything could not attend. 其他猎魂星坞的长老和强者们,也都震惊,其他什么都顾不上了。 They all, overrun in the town/subdues Lord mansion direction at the maximum speed! 他们全都以最快速度,朝着镇主府方向冲过去! The nebula building, deposits the place that the nebula offers a sacrifice to! 星云楼,是存放星云祭的地方! But town/subdues host's son who now, natural talent different reports, hunts for the hope of soul star shipyard! 而如今,天赋异禀的镇主之子,乃是猎魂星坞的希望! Hunts for the soul after being stolen, our ethnic group only hope by the young master, in the future in the god grave will teach to rush out the positive result......” “猎魂炤被盗走后,我们族群唯一的希望就是靠少爷,未来在神墓教闯出名堂……” Without these nebula sacrifices, the young master taught in the god grave, is unable to keep the advantage in practice speed!” “若是没了这些星云祭,少爷在神墓教,亦是无法保持修行速度上的优势!” Others have the resources, won't our young masters have, how making the young master think?” “别人都有资源,就咱们少爷没有,让少爷会怎么想?” Even later young master rose, perhaps too will not take seriously us!” “就算以后少爷崛起了,恐怕也不会太重视咱们了!” The town/subdues lord and town/subdues Lord madame, must lead the person purple to east and purple Uncle Wen two elder who goes out to search, now cannot attend to finding the person. 镇主、镇主夫人,还有原本要带人外出搜寻的紫向东、紫文伯两位长老,现在都顾不得找人了。 Urgent matter, preserves the nebula building!” “当务之急,是保住星云楼!” Group hurriedly, enormous and powerful rushing nebula building. 一行人风风火火,浩浩荡荡的赶往星云楼。 Just, purple shipyard ancestral hall and town/subdues Lord mansion nebula building, situated in hunting for the soul star shipyard most east and most west, they want to overtake in a short time, obviously without is so easy! 只不过,紫坞宗祠和镇主府星云楼,本就位于猎魂星坞的最东和最西,他们想要短时间内赶过去,显然没有那么容易!
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