FGOAA :: Volume #47

#4660: Purple shipyard ancestral hall

Information that passes from Yin Chen (silver dust), now hunts for everyone in soul star shipyard in the self-examination. 银尘传回来的情报来看,现在猎魂星坞的所有人都在自查。 The mayor also leads the person personally, in the situations of some investigation and verification elder assembly members. 镇长也亲自带人,在调查核实一些长老会成员的情况。 That batch, immemorial, Evil Demon, the eye, is, important, cargo.” “那批,太古,邪魔,之眼,乃是,重要,货物。” Yin Chen (silver dust) takes pleasure in others' misfortunes: Now, entire, small town, the person, is very long , the time, wants, to drink the west, the north wind !” 银尘幸灾乐祸:“现在,整个,小镇,的人,很长,一段,时间,都要,喝西,北风,了了!” Bai Ye (white night) cannot bear the taunt: Stutter must blame, do others have nothing to eat, what matter close your? Do you take pleasure in others' misfortunes?” 白夜忍不住嘲讽:“结巴怪,人家喝西北风,关你什么事?你这么幸灾乐祸?” Yin Chen (silver dust): Rolling!” 银尘:“滚滚!” Ying Huo (Firefly) laughs loudly: Fifth Brother, your curses at people is so cute, a might does not have. So long as you called me sound Grandpa, Grandpa I, when your mouth, scolded others the self-closing!” 荧火捧腹大笑:“五弟,你这骂人都这么可爱,一点威力都没有。只要你叫我声爷爷,爷爷我当你嘴替,骂到人家自闭!” Yin Chen (silver dust): Hehe! The father, always, does not give, the person works as, grandson!” 银尘:“呵呵!老子,从来,不给,人当,孙子!” ...... …… Li Tianming, whatever these fellows are restless. 李天命对任由这些家伙们闹腾。 Under the nihility stealth condition, the bottomless pit universe star chart can instead cover their all sounds. 反正在虚无隐身状态之下,无底洞的宇宙星象能将它们的一切动静都掩盖下来。 According to the Yin Chen (silver dust) information, Li Tianming knows, the Zi Yan mother was imprisoned in the death star prison of purple shipyard ancestral hall. 根据银尘的情报,李天命知道,紫烟的母亲被囚禁在紫坞宗祠的死星牢狱之中。 Purple shipyard ancestral hall, situated in hunting for another side of soul star shipyard small town, is very far from the town/subdues Lord mansion. 紫坞宗祠,位于猎魂星坞小镇的另一边,距离镇主府很远。 Former in east, latter in west. 前者在东,后者在西。 Therefore Li Tianming said, first saves others to have luring the enemy out of his stronghod the effect. 所以李天命才说,先救人会有‘调虎离山’之效果。 Li Tianming said: If the purple shipyard ancestral hall has an accident, the opposite party will definitely relax the alert to nebula building, making us easier to go well. Walks.” 李天命道:“如果紫坞宗祠出事,对方肯定会放松对星云楼的戒备,让咱们更容易得手。走吧。” He has not gone to the small town, but from outer ring, directly around going to purple shipyard ancestral hall. 他没去小镇里,而是从外圈,直接绕着前往紫坞宗祠。 The situation in small town, because there is Yin Chen (silver dust), therefore is completely grasped by him in the hand. 小镇内的情况,由于有银尘在,所以完全被他掌握在手。 Has any sound, Li Tianming can the earliest possible time know! 有任何动静,李天命都能第一时间得知! Quick, Li Tianming arrives at east the small town, almost already in the purple shipyard ancestral hall beyond town range. 很快,李天命来到小镇最东边,几乎已经在镇子范围外的紫坞宗祠。 In real world shipyard, this is one in the nebula vortex of chaos nebula edge! 在真实世界坞,这是一座在混沌星云边缘的星云漩涡! Around the nebula vortex, same some protects barrier, but after all is the ancestral hall of nothing benefit value, these protect barrier are also symbolic protection. 星云漩涡周围,一样有一些守护结界,但毕竟是没有什么利益价值的宗祠,这些守护结界也就是象征性的保护一下。 In fact this purple shipyard ancestral hall, usually no one defends radically. 事实上这紫坞宗祠,平时根本没人防守。 This ancestral hall is also the place of ancestor worship, inside no valuable thing, does not need to protect basically.” “这宗祠也就是祭祖之地,里面没什么有价值的东西,基本不需要保护。” The Li Tianming being hidden figure, arrived at the entrance of purple shipyard ancestral hall quietly. 李天命隐没身形,悄无声息来到了紫坞宗祠的门口。 Yin Chen (silver dust) said: Because, exists, barrier, before, I did not have, continue, thorough. But I, see, the purple tomb, enters!” 银尘道:“因为,存在,结界,之前,我没,继续,深入。但我,看到,紫冢,进入!” Li Tianming is a little surprised: Purple tomb? Did the fellow just restore to make the monster?” 李天命有点意外:“紫冢?那家伙刚恢复就来作妖了?” He does not have to care. 他没太在意。 According to the Yin Chen (silver dust) information, in this purple shipyard ancestral hall, only then a purple tomb, then has no threat to Li Tianming. 根据银尘情报,这紫坞宗祠内只有一个紫冢,那对李天命就没有任何威胁。 The itself/Ben is his defeated, now possibly is not the Li Tianming's opponent. 本就是他的手下败将,现在更不可能是李天命的对手。 If met, the direct palm of the hand claps on the line. 若是遇上了,直接一巴掌拍死就行。 Li Tianming arrives at the ancestral hall entrance, by the Heaven-Stealing Hand action, starts to decode defensive barrier of that ancestral hall! 李天命来到宗祠入口处,以窃天之手行动,开始破解那宗祠的防守结界 Because the eye of Immemorial Evil Demon stolen, now hunts for the soul star shipyard no one to pay attention to here purple shipyard ancestral hall from the start. 由于太古邪魔之眼失窃,现在猎魂星坞压根没什么人关注这边紫坞宗祠。 Quick, Li Tianming smoothly enters. 很快,李天命顺利进入。 In ancestral hall, a silence. 宗祠之中,一片寂静。 Li Tianming bypasses the ancestral hall great hall, in the rear area sees the basement gate to dead star prison! 李天命绕过宗祠大堂,在后方看到一座通往死星牢狱的地下室之门! Dead star prison......” “死星牢狱……” Li Tianming looks at this dungeon the gate. 李天命看着这座地牢的门。 Seemingly only has two meters length and breadth, but in real world shipyard, the nebula vortex of this truly hundreds of thousands of meters scale! 看起来只有两米长宽,但在真实世界坞,这确实数十万米规模的星云漩涡! Li Tianming saw, in the gate of this dungeon is contaminating many bloodstains, the bloodstain is dry, from hunting for soul star shipyard purple blood group history making mistakes person. 李天命看到,这地牢的门上沾染着很多血迹,血迹早已干涸,都是来自于猎魂星坞紫血族历史上‘犯错’之人。 However, the youngster Zi Yan mother, feared that has not made mistakes...... 不过,那少年紫烟的母亲,怕是并未犯错…… Actually town/subdues lord, the town/subdues Lord madame, making one be a scapegoat this to play is very good.” “镇主,镇主夫人,让人背锅这手倒是玩的挺行。” Li Tianming is sneering, steps into already opened the door of dungeon. 李天命冷笑着,踏入已经打开了的地牢之门。 Goes down the dungeon from a staircase, Li Tianming feels the bloody aura of coming, this inside atmosphere ten segregate heavily, is passing constraining everywhere. 从一座楼梯走下地牢,李天命感受到迎面而来的血腥气息,这里面气氛十分凝重,到处都透着压抑。 In Guanzizai, this is an ordinary dungeon. 在观自在界,这就是一座普通地牢。 If in the real world shipyard, here is one piece by the closed room of chaos nebula constitution, the surrounding nebula barrier is very thick, and in the barrier the chaos strength surges, people are unable to pass through. 若是在真实世界坞,这里则是一片由混沌星云构成的封闭空间,周围的星云壁垒很厚,并且壁垒之中混沌力量涌动,人们无法从中通行。 Does not know these constructions, how to form?” “也不知道这些建筑,是如何形成的?” Is the control chaos nebula, can construct such construction in Guanzizai?” “是操控混沌星云,才能在观自在界构筑出这样的建筑?” Li Tianming cannot bear think. 李天命忍不住想。 After all in Guanzizai, this kind of building was too obvious, always possibly naturally does not form? 毕竟观自在界中,这类建筑太明显了,总不可能是自然形成的吧? It can be imagined, must form the small town and village in Guanzizai, needs the quite powerful strength to be good. 可想而知,要在观自在界形成小镇、村落,都需要相当强大的力量才行。 At least by the ability of Li Tianming, wants to control the chaos nebula strength now, forms the construction in Guanzizai, is not easy. 至少以李天命之能力,现在想要掌控混沌星云力量,在观自在界汇成建筑,可没有那么容易。 Although definitely is unable to achieve, but must spend extremely lots of time to complete...... 虽然不是完全无法做到,但必须花费极其大量的时间才有可能完成…… Li Tianming shakes the head, has not thought. 李天命摇了摇头,没多想。 He is feeling this ‚the dead star prison the heavy atmosphere, on the wall of surroundings nebula stained the dry bloodstain, a brutal atmosphere lingers. 他感受着这座‘死星牢狱’中的沉重气氛,周围星云之壁上沾满了干涸的血迹,一种残酷的氛围萦绕。 , Li Tianming then heard by far in this dead star prison deep place, has the sounds of people to pass on. 远远的,李天命便听到了在这死星牢狱深处,有人声传出来。 That hunts for the soul to fight the health/guard, the voice of purple tomb! 正是那猎魂战卫,紫冢的声音! „...... Hehe, you heard your daughter to come back, was very certainly happy?” “……呵呵,你听到你女儿回来了,一定很高兴吧?” Right, Zi Zhen she came back.” “没错,紫禛她回来了。” You do not think that she can save you? Your this cheap woman, do not daydream!” “你不会以为她会来救你吧?你这贱妇,就别白日做梦了!” Zi Zhen steals to hunt for the soul photo, making our entire clan be bogged down in difficulties, in recent years, many people fall into crazily because of the purple blood foul air, loses the reason, all because of Zi Zhen!” 紫禛盗走猎魂炤,让我们全族陷入困境,这些年来,多少人因为紫血浊气而陷入疯狂,失去理智,全都是因为紫禛!” Hehe! Some time ago that Zi Zhen also brought Zi Yan to escape. What a pity now has been grasped.” “呵呵!不久前那紫禛还带着紫烟逃跑。可惜现在已经被抓回来了。” Immediately must under glare of the public eye, put to death by dismemberment the execution!” “马上就要在众目睽睽之下,被凌迟处死!” The voice of purple tomb, passes on once for a while. 紫冢的声音,时不时地传出来。 Simultaneously also follows sounds of the whipping. 同时还伴随着一声声鞭打之声。 Li Tianming maintains composure, sneaks quietly, arrives at the most deep place of this dead star prison, sees in not a spacious prison cell, the having hair dishevelled purple hair woman, was being bound by a great wild goose level Universe God Item chains stubbornly! 李天命不动声色,悄然潜入,来到这死星牢狱的最深处,看到在一座并不宽敞的牢房中,正有一位披头散发的紫色头发妇人,正被一种鸿道级宙神器锁链死死绑住! Li Tianming is unable to see clearly the appearance of that woman. 李天命无法看清那妇人的长相。 The disorderly purple long hair very long has not reorganized, the white cotton robe that the body wears has also fully occupied the bloodstain. 凌乱的紫色长发已经很久没有整理,身上穿着的白色布袍也已占满了血迹。 Nahum said that the Universe God Item chains of level, her both hands both feet, the waist binds completely, assumes in a big way glyph to hang in the midair. 那鸿道级的宙神器锁链,将她的双手双脚,还有腰部完全绑住,呈‘大’字形吊在半空。 But in her front, is the rampant domineering youth purple tomb. 而在她的面前,则是嚣张跋扈的青年紫冢。 On his face brings retaliatory sneering, in the hand takes a blood-color long whip, effort of one after next is brushing that purple hair woman. 他脸上带着报复性的冷笑,手中拿着一把血色长鞭,正一下下的用力抽打着那紫发妇人。 Can see in this prison cell, is laying aside all kinds of different torture instruments, everywhere is the purple bloodstain. 可以看到在这牢房中,放置着各种各样的不同刑具,到处都是紫色血迹。 It can be imagined, the woman suffered what kind of suffering! 可想而知,那妇人遭受了何等的折磨! Li Tianming discovered, when that purple tomb raised Zi Zhen, that purple hair woman whole body is shivering, seemed somewhat excited. 李天命发现,当那紫冢提起‘紫禛’的时候,那紫发妇人浑身都在颤抖,似乎心情有些激动。 Regarding whipping of purple tomb, the woman is on the contrary numb, completely no response...... 反倒是对于紫冢的鞭打,那妇人早已麻木,完全没什么反应…… But purple tomb these spoken languages, for the stimulation opposite party, want to see opposite party gives vent to indignation desperately! 而紫冢这些言语,就是为了刺激对方,想要看到对方的绝望而泄愤! This fellow defeated by me, such big resentment?” “这家伙被我打败,这么大怨气?” Li Tianming watched, sneered. 李天命看在眼里,冷笑了起来。 He must save others, the opposite party blocks before him, that only had a solution...... 他要救人,对方拦在他面前,那就只有一个解决办法了……
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