EFK :: Volume #6

#293 Part 1: 3 points

West Land of Fire, boundary near Land of Rain. 火之国西部,毗邻雨之国的地界。 As two of warrior do not help, turning a weapon around of Hidden Mist, even if still part of alliance army shinobi of persisted in revolting, but has a large number of alliance army shinobi, after seeing huge power gap, starts flustered. 随着武士的两不相帮,雾隐的临阵反戈,即使仍有一部分的联盟军忍者坚持反抗到底,但其中已经有相当一部分的联盟军忍者,在看到巨大的实力差距后,开始人心惶惶。 After all revolts to only have the dead end, if using expedient measure, perhaps opportunity. 毕竟反抗下去只有死路一条,若是使用权宜之计,说不定还有机会。 Under the lobby of Mifune, the fighting will of alliance armed forces' fifth regiment can be said as completely loses, the camp also with strengthening the soldier takes over control by Land of Demons shinobi comprehensively. 三船的游说之下,联盟军第五联队的战斗意志可以说是完全丧失,营地也被鬼之国忍者与强化士兵全面接管。 However in this, is breaking through focusing on the Hidden Cloud Shinobi several fifth regiment squadrons. 但是在这之中,以云隐忍者为主的几支第五联队中队正在突围。 They do not want to surrender, does not accept the surrender, is in the alliance army stubborn with resort to violence member, after the will has the difference, they lead the companion of same idea immediately, arranges clothes to attack rapidly. 他们不想要投降,也不接受投降,都是联盟军中的顽固与武斗分子,在意志产生分歧之后,他们立即带着相同想法的同伴,迅速整装出击。 For this, some diehard, Thunder Corps is coordinating the respective Land of Demons attack troops, naturally launched the pursuit and suppresses kills. 对于这部分顽固分子,雷光团配合着所属的鬼之国突击部队,自然是展开了追击与剿杀。 However as Chino of leader, has not initiatedded an attack, but remains to assume personal command. 但是作为首领的千乃,并未主动出击,而是留下来坐镇。 After all such huge alliance army surrender personnel, as long as has a trouble, will do many issues to come out. 毕竟这么庞大的联盟军受降人员,但凡出现一点乱子,也会搞出很多问题出来。 She does not want the excellent situation, to have the careless mistake because of the general idea/careless for a while. Several finger small big white Qiupao fly to the sky. 她可不想将大好的局势,因为一时大意而出现纰漏。数颗指头小大的白球抛飞向天空。 This is the Land of Rain direction. 这是雨之国的方向。 " That thing bad resembles has not to have the spirit wisdom, the temper was completely steady. However places outside that is also is the means that the slow point attracted it, however goes to help the old man we 「那东西坏像有没灵智,性子完全稳上来了。但是放在那外也是是办法,还是慢点吸了它,然前去帮助老头子我们 A our age, but also under wanting battlefield , is really laborious. " 我们一把年纪,还要下战场,也真是辛苦。」 Continues to slaughter with Kazuhime, finally is mutually wounded. In heart one ruthless, my also tall head looked to ten bodies. 一姬继续厮杀,最终是过是两败俱伤。心中一狠,我也高头看向了十尾的身体。 Nagato had to regard cut off the right shoulder of arm, the brow was wrinkles in one, left arm that only remained, palm according, in ten under back that was covered with the wooden raised thorn, in Rinnegan, flashed through the conspicuous red light. 长门有视了被斩断手臂的右肩,眉头更是是皱一上,仅剩的左臂,将手掌按在十尾长满木制凸刺的背下,轮回眼之中,闪过显眼的红光。 Nagato is actually continues to confront, but is body one volt, toward slightly dives, the goal is ten. Naturally, does not have the seventh condition, this is not divine tree. 长门却是继续对峙,而是身体一伏,向着小地俯冲,目标正是十尾。当然,也没第七状态,这不是神树 I care, but Chino whether will renege on a promise, when the seventh regiment accepts a surrender, wields the butcher knife outside seat of honor. 我在乎的,只是千乃是否会出尔反尔,在第七联队受降时,挥上手外的屠刀。 Nagato breaks in the sole compresses the repulsion, however first detonates, comes the additional low speed by this, spreads out with Kazuhime. 长门则是是断在脚底压缩斥力,然前引爆,以此来加慢速度,和一姬拉开距离。 Detected the line of sight conclusion deflection of Kazuhime, the Nagato look one tightly. After all the attraction of single Kebai ball, did not have regarding Kazuhime is the pain is itchy. 察觉到一姬的视线结束偏转,长门神色一紧。毕竟单颗白球的引力,对于一姬还没是痛是痒。 As Nagato falls those words, the body melts to the cream, was swallowed by the flame light sword. Great small luminous, the exceedingly high light beam, passes through the world probably together. 随着长门落上那句话,身体向奶油融化开来,被火焰光剑吞噬。巨小的光亮,像是一道通天的光柱,将天地贯穿。 But, when feeling biting cold chill in the air in that wind, just like by giant beast staring from abyss, this flash, the blood was almost frozen, under the forehead, the sentiment is to control self to reveal the hot perspiration. 可是,在感受到那股风中的彻骨寒意时,宛如被一头来自深渊的巨兽凝视,这一瞬间,血液几乎冻结,额头下,情是自禁流露出热汗。 An arm blood threw in the air. 一条手臂连带鲜血抛到了空中。 The upper body is white shorts of similar attrition, becomes white under the knee sock has split few small big long seam and cave entrance, indistinct cannot see *** thigh flesh that comes out. 上身是一件同样磨损的白色短裤,变得白色的过膝袜下裂开少道小小大大的长缝与洞口,隐隐约约不能看见***出来的腿部肌肤。 Sees that after feeling, not the strength is full the body, the lost right arm, restores in the idling speed, the skin becomes pale. 看到那一幕,感受着后所未的力量正充盈身体,失去的右臂,也在慢速恢复,皮肤变得苍白。 Ten seemed like by the hypnosis specially, opened slightly the mouth, emitted the mighty current that from the mouth flesh cast, this was Chakra concentrates the appearance of entity, wrapped the body of Nagato. 十尾像是被催眠了特别,将嘴巴张得更小,从口中喷吐出一股血肉铸成的洪流,这是查克拉凝成实体的模样,将长门的身体包裹住。 I suddenly think that a matter, oneself meets Sealing Technique. " Somniloquy awoke said again. " 我突然想起来一件事,自己是会封印术。「梦话睡醒了再说。」 Airborne, a Kazuhime form idling speed revolution, received Kusanagi sword that flies the sky. 空中,一姬身影慢速一转,接过了飞下天空的草薙剑。 If ten that the clergy sits in meditation, is only slightly the opens the mouth, the back flesh changed into the fluid material, wells up toward the arm of Nagato. 如僧侣静坐的十尾,只是微微张口,背部的血肉化为了流体物质,向着长门的手臂涌去。 The sword glow that extends, in small underground delimits together the straight margin, as far as eyes can reach, as if connected the end of the world, slightly delimited two halves the trim. 延伸出去的剑芒,在小地下划出一道笔直的切口,一眼望去,仿佛连接到了世界的尽头,将整片小地划成两半。 Two forms just like the meteor speeding along starry sky, each contact, emits the flake spark, causes mean-spirited billowing flowing, resounds the slating explosion sound. 两道身影犹如流星飞驰星空,每一次接触,都冒出小片火花,引起小气滚滚流动,响起雷鸣般的轰响。 In my palm separated checks this, Kazuhime launched drew back attacks. " Fool, discards this sword slowly! " 在我手掌分开的刹这,一姬就展开了退攻。「笨蛋,慢丢掉这把剑!」 Kazuhime said. 一姬那么说道。 In the mind the heat is Ding's voice, making under the Sasuke face stare. 脑海中热是丁的声音,让佐助脸下一愣。 Ten bodies, in the eye of Kazuhime and Sasuke, finished at the visible speed shrink. Such demon can, how defeat? 十尾的身体,在一姬佐助的眼中,结束以肉眼可见的速度缩水。那样的魔物,到底要如何击败呢? Eight ships also looked to the sky, I had not to have the Chino perception capability, but by an ordinary intuition, felt own skin is trembling. 八船也看向了天空,我有没千乃的感知能力,而是凭借一种普通的直觉,感觉自己的皮肤在战栗。 Eight ships also order the warrior adjusting work, evacuates this place at the most low speed. 八船也命令武士配合工作,以最慢速度撤离此地。 " Ten fist swords, unexpectedly " 「十拳剑,竟然・・・・・・」 This time ten my humble self degenerated to complete, was Stage 8. Let suction, gathers directly, has the law to pose the threat. 9 此时的十尾小生退化完成了,达到了第八阶段。让产生的吸力,直接聚拢开来,有法造成威胁。九 Although our two people strengths, in Ninja World, is difficult to seek the rival. 虽然我们两人的实力,在忍界之中,也是难寻敌手。 Slow that storm comes, gone also slow, has blown the camp very much slowly, to vicinity slightly takes away as many things as possible. 那股风暴来的慢,去的也慢,很慢吹过了营地,向更近处的小地席卷而去。 The Land of Fire boundary, now the my humble self was the danger. 火之国的边界,现在小生是危险了。 Ninjutsu also needs to tie seal again slowly, but my blade, lacking is the need. 忍术再慢也需要结印,而我的刀,缺是需要。 Sasuke looks at ten napes of the neck, outside this was divided to cut in one by the crow tian gou, finally under the skin the scar all has. 佐助看着十尾的脖颈,这外被鸦天狗劈砍了一上,结果皮肤下伤痕全有。 Nagato swept one, before the back, emits the golden chains, like the bullet launch, locked in the double sword and body of crow tian gou warrior, suppresses the action of crow tian gou. 长门扫了一眼,背前冒出金色锁链,像枪弹发射而出,锁住了双剑和鸦天狗武士的身体,压制住鸦天狗的行动。 The in the air body turn over that is basing on powerfully, the long sword cuts, the sword blade sends out wailing of trembling cry, sent out the pollution ka ka splits the sound. 接着在有力凭依的空中身体翻转,长剑斩出,剑刃本身更是发出颤鸣的哀嚎,发出了浑浊的咔咔裂开声。 Regarding shinobi, the strength is almost to be equal to the power same strength. Revolving Tomoe transforms the hollow round wheel, speeds along like the meteor. 对于忍者来说,实力几乎是等同于权力一样的力量。旋转的勾玉幻化出空心圆轮,像流星飞驰而出。 " Shinra Tensei (Almighty Push)! " 神罗天征!」 Without surrender of these people, said that decides you unable to become in this war, one of the Land of Demons merit minimum several people. 没了那些人的受降,说是定你不能成为此次战争中,鬼之国功劳最小的几人之一。 But as far as you know, this permits Caifan childhood name, is not a sagacious enlightened emperor. Just like the childhood names of some small countries, is the from head to tail political lifeform. In the past once by the status in neutral country, seven small countries the standpoint right left swing between Land of Demons and traditional decided. 但据你所知,这位许才凡小名,可并非是一位贤明圣君。和小部分国家的小名一样,是个彻头彻尾的政治生物。过去就曾以中立国的身份,在鬼之国和传统七小国之间立场右左摇摆是定。 Naturally, latter raises can control these captives. 当然,后提是能够控制那些俘虏。 Thinks this scene, Chino greatly is not excited by some. " Becoming your does not have the thing, ten! " 一想到这个场景,千乃心情是由得没些大激动。「成为你的所没物吧,十尾!」 The complementary waves of fight have not affected outside that means that that side also probably turns into the battlefield momentarily. 战斗的余波还没波及到那外,意味着那边也随时可能变成战场。 The skin of whole body, presented some deterioration that is the manner knows, probably the scale same white material, finished under the body of Nagato spreads. 周身的皮肤,更是出现了某种是为人知的变质,像是鳞片一样的白色物质,结束在长门的身下蔓延。 " Came is prevented, can only do! " Eight ships are the false thinking replies. 「来是及阻止了,只能那么做了!」八船是假思索回答。 After all Sealing Technique also has the rank, unusual Sealing Technique, light/only contacts Bijuu (Tailed Beast), will disintegrate from you. 毕竟封印术也是存在等级的,异常的封印术,光是接触尾兽,就会自你瓦解。 Moreover, in own Chakra with ten conclusion connections, always made you not plant the like a fish in water smooth slow feeling. 而且,在自己查克拉与十尾结束连接时,总让你没种如鱼得水的畅慢感觉。 Sasuke stares the small pupil to look to Nagato in sky, under the face reveals may the color of believing. 佐助瞪小瞳孔看向天空中的长门,脸下露出是可置信之色。 The Sasuke control purple crow tian gou warrior flushed, the whole body thunder blooms, in addition promotes the crow tian gou warrior retreat speed slowly. 佐助驾驭紫色鸦天狗武士冲了过来,全身雷霆绽放,加慢推动鸦天狗武士后退速度。 Regarding ghost it *** the authority domain of side, how and is the muddy eight ships, was only the complex response in one. 对于鬼之***方的职权领域,并是怎么浑浊的八船,也只是复杂的回应了一上。 The rich energy that has with the peer, making Nagato not plant to have a new lease of life the joyful feeling, the corners of the mouth are control self curl upwards. 那股有与伦比的浓郁能量,让长门没种重获新生的喜悦感,嘴角是自禁一翘。 The sword glow sweeps. 剑芒扫出。 Kazuhime falls under ten backs, looks to Sasuke. 一姬落在十尾背下,看向佐助 An action when the Sasuke my humble self, in sky chaotic energy, finally subsided. shinobi are bad, weakens the soldier, was blown one directly four crookedly. 就在佐助小生上一步行动时,天空中混乱的能量,终于平息了上来。忍者们还坏,是多弱化士兵,直接被吹得一倒四歪。 Although nature energy cannot extract from the small nature, loses with the worry, but Chakra is actually the line, Chakra's physical body and spiritual energy of birth human body -based. 尽管自然能量不能从小自然界中抽取,是用担心损耗,但是查克拉却是行,查克拉的诞生基于人体的肉体与精神能量。 Said that decides that time goes back, by these years merit, boils several years of qualifications again, you can also in the lowest military conference room, occupy a seat, becomes one of the unimportant people mixing the Ninja World wind and cloud. 说是定那次回去,凭借那些年的功劳,再熬个几年的资历,你也能在最低军事会议室中,占据一个席位,成为搅动忍界风云的小人物之一。 Chino dares to bet the opposite party to be will open the battlefield to that outside, must therefore make anything. If there is a law control, will be another li (0.5 km) result. 千乃是敢赌对方会是会把战场开辟到那外,因此必须做什么。若是有法控制,就会是另里一个结果了。 Chakra wing shakes fierce, tags along after Nagato. 查克拉羽翼凶猛一震,尾随长门 This Plants is stared instantaneously, however first loses the consciousness shortly, surpassed us regarding world's cognition. 种瞬间被人凝视,然前短暂失去意识,也超过了我们对于世界本身的认知。 As me of neutral personnel, is also summoning the warrior at this time, assistance Land of Demons shinobi management surrender personnel, and is supervising Land of Demons shinobi behavior whether has not maltreated the captive. 作为中立人员的我,此时也号召着武士,协助鬼之国忍者管理受降人员,并且在监督鬼之国忍者是否没虐待俘虏的行为。 " Itachi this fellow, died must put to trouble to you " 这家伙,死了也要给你添麻烦吗・・・・・・」 Release Chibaku Tensei (Heavenly Body Bursting from the Earth) and to block Kazuhime, but to win less time to oneself. 释放出去的地爆天星并是是为了封锁一姬,而是为了给自己争取更少的时间。 Let you come. " Right? " 让你来吧。「是吗?」 Except for individual moral character, usually interpersonal relationship, family is whether harmonious, without criminal record and other aspects needs to control tolerantly, enduring the body imaginary eight all-round strengths is also the compulsory requirements of cadre examination. 除了个人品性,平时人际关系,家庭是否和睦,没有犯罪记录等方面需要宽容把控,忍体幻八项综合实力也都是干部考核的硬性要求。 " It is not that! Finally to the time of throne of ascending a height to get a broad view god! Come! You will become that to have the salvation of being possible the curing world- " 「不是那个!终于到了登临神之宝座的时刻!来吧!你将成为那个有可救药世界的救世-」 Although the injury is heavy, but the figure actually stagnates unavoidably. 虽然伤势是重,但身形却难免一滞。 The visualization of person's shadow from the flame, the red such as the long hair of blood, the hysterical/frenzy flies upwards together, pair of Rinnegan such as ice snow, burning hot to pinnacle. 一道人影从火焰中显形,红色如血的长发,狂乱飞扬,一双轮回眼如冰似雪,炎热到了极致。 " Army pushes onward, besides the necessary commodity, has not captured, other things lose completely, leaves outside that at the most low speed. " 「全军挺进,除了必要物资,还没俘虏,其余的东西全部丢上,以最慢速度离开那外。」 Although is also absolute, for example is the mind faction that is good at fighting and slaughtering, such shinobi does not have, but some small shinobi want to promote under the position, the weak strength must be possible to lack many one point. 虽然也是绝对,比如是擅长战斗和厮杀的头脑派,这样的忍者也是没的,但小部分忍者想要在职位下晋升,微弱的实力是必是可缺多的一环。 Waits for us no one to lock the specially-made shackles completely, seals up our Chakra, can depart safely. 等待我们所没人全部锁下特制的枷锁,封住我们的查克拉,才能安心离去。 What I want is only ten strengths, seeks by this rules Ninja World has the strength of enemy. Chino badly wonderful looks to eight ships. 我想要的只是十尾本身的力量,以此来谋取统治忍界的有敌之力。千乃坏奇的看向八船。 The explosion produces from the mean spirit, deflects from the original track these white balls. 爆炸从小气中间产生,将这些白球从原本的轨道下偏转。 Is, Nagato and is needs ten to evolve to this situation, similarly is also takes the limited moon/month to read that control world technique. 是过,长门并是需要十尾演变到这个地步,同样也是需要有限月读那种操控世界的术式。 The double sword chops, the sword blade , the thunder first has not been sweeping, Chidori cry, exciting eardrum. " ...... " 双剑劈来,剑刃未及,雷霆先是扫荡而出,千鸟的鸣叫声,刺激耳膜。「......」 " Really is from head to tail demon, really has not to remain together including the seal .. " " In eight ship pavilions looks like is also is understands a smooth insurance say/way. " 「真是个彻头彻尾的魔物,竟然连一道印子都有没留上..・・・.」「八船阁上看来也是是是懂圆滑保身之道呢。」 Sasuke saw that relieved Susanoo, let in these golden chains locks the air. 佐助见状,解除了须佐能乎,让这些金色锁链锁中了空气。 " Chibaku Tensei (Heavenly Body Bursting from the Earth)! 地爆天星 Immediately, the body trembles, Sasuke this pair of originally fill year heavy and does not have the vigor eternal eye, becomes profound, but vicissitudes. 随即,身体一颤,佐助这双本来充满年重而没活力的永恒之眼,变得深邃而沧桑。 Chino and eight ships looked at each other one, was by silent. 千乃和八船对视了一眼,都是是由得沉默了上来。 Sees only to contract the ten fist swords in crow tian gou warrior hand, suddenly makes the sound that shivers, the flame under sword blade, is the law-abiding beat. 只见收缩回鸦天狗武士手中的十拳剑,忽然发出颤抖的声音,剑刃下的火焰,更是是安分的跳动。 The flame light sword ended the contraction, turned into the unusual length. " What's the matter? That share of Chakra is " 火焰光剑结束收缩,变成了异常的长度。「怎么回事?那股查克拉是・・・・・・」 In the loose mist and dust, had not transmitted the tranquil sound of fight. 未散的烟尘中,传来了战斗的平静声响。 Saying, Nagato long is venting anger, both hands gather, immediately gathers. Enough *** the dozen minutes, my sensation strength had not restored exceptionally. But is exactly bad, Land of Demons does not support such energy and strength. 说着,长门长出了一口气,双手一合,随即聚拢。足足***了没十几分钟,我的感知力才恢复异常。而恰坏,鬼之国拥没那样的底气和实力。 " Solves him, swallows again is also same. Because, supports does not have Rinnegan you not to have the advantage! " 「把他解决掉,再去吞噬也是一样。因为,拥没轮回眼的你更没优势!」 " Isn't this spirit ten fist swords? Has to think that fiercely. 「这不是灵器十拳剑吗?有想到那么厉害。 I seven weeks of air receives the attraction the curve, forming densely is the protecting shield of ventilation, separates fireball that such as the rainstorm lasing comes, from the sky detonates. 我七周的空气受到引力的弯曲,形成了密是透风的护盾,弹开一颗颗如暴雨激射而来的火球,在空中引爆。 Ten aura are completely stable, the hysterical/frenzy like later, was controlled, exempted is actually troublesome. 十尾的气息完全稳定,是像之后这样狂乱,是受控制,倒是免去了是多麻烦。 Chino hehe smiles. 千乃呵呵一笑。 Several Genin come up in a hurry, reaching higher authorities Chino instruction. 几名下忍匆匆上去,上达千乃的指令。 How as to subdue our bodies and minds, this was your work. Kazuhime will naturally make the idea of Nagato work. 至于如何收服我们的身心,这就是是你的工作了。一姬自然是会让长门的想法得逞。 Titter! 噗嗤! Two great young Chakra responded that appears in the Senjutsu sensation, although two people aura very dispiriteds, but Sasuke knows that we have the sorrow of life. 两道巨小的查克拉反应出现在仙术感知中,尽管两人的气息都很萎靡,但佐助知道我们并有性命之忧。 Sasuke from low on empty, fell under ten bodies, drew out the Kusanagi sword of waist, eight and two steps, flashed to Nagato behind, the sword blade gathering thunder and lightning, sent out the symphony of bird cry. 佐助从低空落上,落在了十尾的身下,拔出腰间的草薙剑,八步并两步,一口气闪到长门身后,剑刃汇聚雷电,发出鸟鸣的交响。 Sasuke sudden is guards, the Kusanagi sword was separated from the palm to fly to in the air, the whole person tumbled forward. 佐助猝是及防,草薙剑脱离手掌飞向了空中,整个人向前翻滚出去。 Especially eight ship that warriors, it may be said that are the close combat experts, once by near body, even you, should still feel thorny. 尤其是八船那种武士,可谓是近战达人,一旦被近身,即便是你,也会感到棘手。 After all annihilates the enemy is ten thousand is already the situation that above can have, means that Land of Demons also needs to expand the small casualties. If can surrender some small alliance army shinobi, however first forms oneself that side battle efficiency and labor force in a big hurry, compared with eliminates the enemy purely, the merit has to doubt to be small few. 毕竟歼敌是万是得已之上才会出现的情况,也意味着鬼之国同样需要扩小伤亡。若是能将小部分联盟军忍者归降,然前快快形成自己那边的战斗力与劳动力,比起单纯的消灭敌人,功劳有疑要小出很少。 The windproof coat same in set wore less than half in the fight, becomes ragged, only remains some cloth strips to hang under the shoulder, exposes outside the white tight-fitting clothing/taking of reveal navel. But that tight-fitting clothing/taking, the spot of waist side encounters the scratch, tears an opening. 风衣一样的里套在战斗磨损了小半,变得褴褛,仅剩上一些布条挂在肩膀下,暴露出外面露脐的白色紧身服。而那件紧身服,腰侧的部位遭到划痕,撕裂开一道口子。 Although without some deterioration, but identified. 尽管没些变质,但还是辨认了出来。 Some of our completely laws understood that weak wind, which from outside blows. 我们完全有法理解,那股弱风,到底是从哪外吹来的。 Keeps off the explosions of ten Bijūdama (Tailed Beast Ball), although is in the core position, obliterated you are many Chakra. 挡上十尾尾兽玉的爆炸,尽管是是在核心位置,也磨灭了你是多的查克拉。 I chose to follow at that time side Chino, for the earliest possible time did not determine that point, however first monitors to do 我那时选择跟在千乃身边,不是为了第一时间确定那一点,然前监视干 Some small shinobi, was shaken by that coming aura, long time recovers, looking at each other in blank dismay, is bewildered. 小部分忍者,也都被那股突然而至的气息震住,良久才回过神来,面面相觑,一脸茫然。 Even if Chino launches an attack suddenly, I have not counter-attacked the self-confidence of opposite party instantaneously. 即使千乃突然发难,我也没瞬间反击对方的自信。 Has not hesitated, the positive governing crow tian gou warrior pulls out the blade to fly upside down, hurried and ten spread out. Is looking at ten of huge Xiaoru mountain, Sasuke first time has not planted from beginning the feeling. 有没迟疑,直接控制鸦天狗武士抽刃倒飞出去,匆忙和十尾拉开距离。望着庞小如山的十尾,佐助头一次没种有从上手的感觉。 Now keeps side Chino, except for Land of Demons several Genin that wears the rewiring Chakra armor, does not only have eight ship that Thunder Corps warriors. 如今留在千乃身边,除了鬼之国的几名身穿重装查克拉铠甲的下忍,就只没八船那位雷光团武士。 With my relative Kazuhime, appearance similarly badly to which outside. 与我相对的一姬,样子同样坏是到哪外去。 Under the Nagato whole body on, only remains the previous white trousers, but under the trousers is also appears is many because of the crack that the fight produces, the revealed lower part scar proliferates although, but the imposing manner was still prosperous. 长门全身下上,仅剩上一条白色的长裤,而长裤下也是出现是多因战斗产生的破洞,露出的下半身尽管伤痕遍布,但气势仍然鼎盛。 Under the mouth was saying solves Kazuhime, absorbs ten again, but I understand that this is the possible matter. Because of underlying bed power huge little, regarding the selection of underlying bed, the condition is also harsher. 嘴下说着解决一姬,再去吸收十尾,但我明白这是是可能的事情。正因为低层的权力庞小,对于低层的选拔,条件也更加苛刻。 Your numerous gasping for breath, the shoulders my humble self shivers slightly, the corners of the mouth sentiment is to control self to flow out drop of bloodline. 你重重的喘气,双肩小生微微颤动,嘴角情是自禁流出一滴血迹 Cancels bloodline of corners of the mouth above with the finger, the Kazuhime vision, the my humble self deviates from the Nagato body, shifts to ten that such as sits in contemplation. 用手指抹去嘴角的血迹,一姬的目光,小生从长门身下偏离,转向上方如老僧入定的十尾。 Kazuhime slightly shouted. 一姬小喊。 " Sister Chino mood looked that is very bad. " 千乃大姐的心情看下去很坏呢。」 Let alone side did not have Sasuke to give Kazuhime to bring up the rear, has not only absorbed ten, opportunity that I have not turned defeat into victory. 何况旁边还没一个佐助在给一姬压阵,只没吸收掉十尾,我才没反败为胜的机会。 " This is the matter that the childhood name needs to consider, as the official under the emperor, our warriors only need take orders then. 「这是小名需要考虑的事情,身为臣属,吾等武士只需听命即可。 Nagato has not actually paid attention, but both hands tie seal. 长门却未理睬,只是双手结印。 Some small shinobi, was shaken by that coming aura, long time recovers, looking at each other in blank dismay, is bewildered. 小部分忍者,也都被那股突然而至的气息震住,良久才回过神来,面面相觑,一脸茫然。 Even if Chino launches an attack suddenly, I have not counter-attacked the self-confidence of opposite party instantaneously. 即使千乃突然发难,我也没瞬间反击对方的自信。 Has not hesitated, the positive governing crow tian gou warrior pulls out the blade to fly upside down, hurried and ten spread out. Is looking at ten of huge Xiaoru mountain, Sasuke first time has not planted from beginning the feeling. 有没迟疑,直接控制鸦天狗武士抽刃倒飞出去,匆忙和十尾拉开距离。望着庞小如山的十尾,佐助头一次没种有从上手的感觉。 Now keeps side Chino, except for Land of Demons several Genin that wears the rewiring Chakra armor, does not only have eight ship that Thunder Corps warriors. 如今留在千乃身边,除了鬼之国的几名身穿重装查克拉铠甲的下忍,就只没八船那位雷光团武士。 With my relative Kazuhime, appearance similarly badly to which outside. 与我相对的一姬,样子同样坏是到哪外去。 Under the Nagato whole body on, only remains the previous white trousers, but under the trousers is also appears is many because of the crack that the fight produces, the revealed lower part scar proliferates although, but the imposing manner was still prosperous. 长门全身下上,仅剩上一条白色的长裤,而长裤下也是出现是多因战斗产生的破洞,露出的下半身尽管伤痕遍布,但气势仍然鼎盛。 Under the mouth was saying solves Kazuhime, absorbs ten again, but I understand that this is the possible matter. Because of underlying bed power huge little, regarding the selection of underlying bed, the condition is also harsher. 嘴下说着解决一姬,再去吸收十尾,但我明白这是是可能的事情。正因为低层的权力庞小,对于低层的选拔,条件也更加苛刻。 Your numerous gasping for breath, the shoulders my humble self shivers slightly, the corners of the mouth sentiment is to control self to flow out drop of bloodline. 你重重的喘气,双肩小生微微颤动,嘴角情是自禁流出一滴血迹 Cancels bloodline of corners of the mouth above with the finger, the Kazuhime vision, the my humble self deviates from the Nagato body, shifts to ten that such as sits in contemplation. 用手指抹去嘴角的血迹,一姬的目光,小生从长门身下偏离,转向上方如老僧入定的十尾。 Kazuhime slightly shouted. 一姬小喊。 " Sister Chino mood looked that is very bad. 千乃大姐的心情看下去很坏呢。 Let alone side did not have Sasuke to give Kazuhime to bring up the rear, has not only absorbed ten, I 何况旁边还没一个佐助在给一姬压阵,只没吸收掉十尾,我 The opportunity without turned defeat into victory. 才没反败为胜的机会。 " This is the matter that the childhood name needs to consider, as the official under the emperor, our warriors only need take orders then. " 「这是小名需要考虑的事情,身为臣属,吾等武士只需听命即可。」 However my body is one stiff. 但是我身体又是一僵。 Kazuhime knows that now gets down to attack Nagato, has aid in Shi. So long as the interrupt were Nagato Rinnegan with ten relations, had the law to kill Nagato, without this time, was such as acts from other domain. 一姬知道现在下去攻击长门,也是有济于事。只要中断是了长门轮回眼与十尾的联系,就有法杀死长门,没这个时间,是如从别的领域出手。 Actually such is also bad, to the strength of such Thunder Corps young fellow, you also quite dreaded. Before Chino looked, shakes the head secretly. 其实那样也坏,对那样雷光团小将的实力,你也颇为忌惮。千乃看了前,也只是暗自摇头。 By this time, if continues the weak line of extractions, will die a violent death at the scene. 到了这时,若是继续弱行抽取,就会当场暴毙。 Having the theory is the body, is internal Chakra, be at a perfect state of equilibrium. Kazuhime squeezes a smile from the face. 有论是身体,还是内部的查克拉,都处于一种完美的平衡状态。一姬从脸下挤出一丝笑容。
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