EFK :: Volume #6

#292 Part 2: Transformation

Naruto does not pay attention to the Shiraishi deep thoughts, was only slanting one, the golden body Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) body started to sway from side to side and compress slightly, flowed in the back of Naruto rolling, fused together with Naruto. 鸣人不理会白石深沉的心思,只是微微斜了一眼,金身九尾的身躯开始了扭动、压缩,滚滚流入了鸣人的后背之中,与鸣人融为一体。 Meanwhile, about Naruto on the face, had a black scratch respectively, just like the beard of fox. The opposite party aura, also in stabilizing and does not stabilize blows hot and cold. 与此同时,鸣人左右脸上,各自出现了一道黑色的划痕,宛如狐狸的胡须。对方身上的气息,也在稳定和不稳定之间摇摆不定。 A peaceful and wild marvelous feeling. That is.” 给人一种安宁又狂暴的奇妙感觉。“那个是・・・・・.” In Ayane Byakugan| white eyes, saw the Chakra quality of Naruto within the body, promoted again. 绫音白眼中,看到了鸣人体内的查克拉质量,再度提升了上去。 Senjutsu evidently soon and Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) fused completely. Interesting, where is to compare the time to be quicker?” 仙术看样子快要和九尾完全融合了。有意思,是要比一比哪边时间更快吗?” Shiraishi hehe smiles, not, because Naruto grows stronger again, but dreaded, the appearance that on the contrary, in his eye is revealed that actually compared with must immense interest at any time. 白石呵呵一笑,并未因为鸣人的再度变强而有所忌惮,相反,他眼中绽露出来的神采,却比任何时候都要兴趣盎然了。 Thought of the means?” “想到办法了吗?” Ayane turned the head to look at Shiraishi one, asked. 绫音转头看了白石一眼,问道。 For the time being can try. However, my Chakra as if not too enough.” “姑且可以一试。不过,我的查克拉似乎不太够了。” Therefore, Shiraishi slanting line of sight, fell on eight of battlefield one corner, in the eye passed over gently and swiftly a ray. 于是,白石斜了斜视线,落在了战场一隅的八尾身上,眼睛里掠过一道光芒。 This fellow had not been recruited by ten, was really lucky, happen to lacked one newlybattery. ” “这家伙没被十尾吸收掉,真是太幸运了,正好缺一块新的“电池”。” Detected that the transformation of Shiraishi goal, just made Naruto of various within the body energies in be at state of equilibrium, the complexion change reluctantly finally: 察觉到白石目标的转变,刚刚勉强让体内各种能量处于平衡状态中的鸣人,脸色终于大变: Compared with uncle, be careful!” “比大叔,小心!” Fireball that crashes from the sky, probably the bolide, demolishes in the land unceasingly, simultaneously lightened the nighttime sky. The time has passed the midnight. 从天空坠落的火球,像是火流星,不断在大地上进行爆破,同时点亮了夜空。时间早已过了半夜。 From initial opening, from the present, does not know how long to fight. 从最初的开幕,距离现在,已经不知道战斗了多久。 Although Chakra is very sufficient, however long fight, makes the Kazuhime innermost feelings slightly agitated. 尽管查克拉还很充足,但是漫长的战斗,也让一姬的内心微微烦躁。 Especially after swallowing part of ten flesh, that desire discontented earnestly seeking, made her body numb itch be hard to take. 尤其是在吞噬一部分十尾的血肉之后,那种欲求不满的渴求,就更加让她的身体麻痒难耐了。 To fuse together with that thing. 想要和那个东西融为一体。 This intense excited feeling, after eating the first ten meat, has not stopped again. 这种强烈的兴奋感,在吃掉第一块十尾肉之后,就再也没有停下来过。 Sasuke that supports, launched the purple crow tian gou warrior of complete body, hovering of on the back grows pair of wings in the sky. Above the land, is throwing over the giant sorcerer of lava, the place visited, performs to burn a piece scarlet. 支援过来的佐助,展开了完全体的紫色鸦天狗武士,背生双翼的翱翔于天空。大地之上,披着熔岩的巨大巫师,所过之处,尽皆燃烧成一片赤地。 In Stage 2 ten enough ugly, but the stature becomes grandiose and healthy, obviously is at the essential transformation condition. 处于第二阶段的十尾足够丑陋,但身材变得壮硕而健朗,显然正处于关键的蜕变状态。 Nagato situated above, is going against two top shinobi ferocious attacks hand in hand, although depended upon ten imposing manners to achieve reluctantly evenly, but long-term engaging in fierce battle, making his physical strength slide suddenly. 位于其上的长门,顶着两个顶尖忍者携手的猛烈进攻,尽管依靠十尾的气势勉强做到了平手,但长时间的鏖战,让他的体力急剧下滑。 Situated in Black Zetsu of battlefield edge, only reveals the half body outside, remaining meromixes in land. Facing that earth-shaking various pyroshocks, in the vision is really tranquil. 处于战场边缘的黑绝,只露出半截身躯在外面,剩下的部分融合在大地之中。面对那惊天动地的各种爆炸冲击,目光之中甚是平静。 Regarding common shinobi just like the battlefield of disaster, it feels sparse ordinary. 对于寻常忍者来说宛如天灾的战场,它却是觉得稀疏平常。 The only difficulty, is the waiting good time probably, is close goal. Although Nagato is resurrectingmother key, but that little girl who is? Before went in her body, that aura will not make a mistake absolutely. ” 唯一的难处,大概就是要等待恰当的时机,去接近“目标”吧。“虽然长门是复活“妈妈”的关键,但是那个小女孩・・・・・・到底是什么人呢?之前进去她的身体,那个气息绝对不会错的・・・・・.” On the face of Black Zetsu revealed that the hesitant color, the line of sight keeps on vacillating in the body of Nagato and Kazuhime. 黑绝的脸上显露犹豫之色,视线在长门一姬的身上游移不定。 In brief, firstput to say mother again, ten that conditions are similar, then remaining fused, wanted to leave again wrong calamity.” “总之,先把“妈妈放出来再说吧,十尾那个状态已经差不多了,接下来就剩下融合了,希望别再错乱子・・・・・.” With its these words twittering exit|to speak, probably to prove it is said the accuracy of words, is using the body dashing lava sorcerer, sweeps away the sky crow tian gou warrior with the tail, forces Sasuke unapproachable ten, the body towering tremor. 随着它的这一句话呢喃出口,像是为了证明它所说话语的正确性,正在用身体冲撞熔岩巫师,用尾巴横扫天空鸦天狗武士,逼迫佐助不能接近的十尾,身躯突兀颤动。 The flesh of body starts to inflate, started the grandiose muscle, again ballooning. Chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp!” 身躯的血肉开始膨胀,原本就开始壮硕的肌肉,再次鼓胀了一圈。“叽咿咿咿咿咿咿咿咿!” Also is that consistent sharp enough to can pierce the eardrum slogan. 又是那一贯的尖锐到可以刺穿耳膜呐喊声。 In the sound contains to be mixed the substantive sound wave energy, ten tail hysterical/frenzy volume dances, bang, several kilometers ground, sank at the same time downward several meters. 声音中含杂着实质性的音波能量,十根尾巴狂乱卷舞,轰隆一声,数千米的地面,同一时间向下下沉了数米。 The fissure step to eight sides, is expanding continually the attack range of sound wave. 裂痕步向八方,持续扩张着音波的攻击范围。 The fireball flash in sky was swept, originally dark clouds that is made by Kazuhime, starts to receive ten disturbances, becomes the pitch-black congealing reality, then rolled up and pushed along, formed a huge black hole vortex. 天空中的火球一瞬间被扫荡一空,原本由一姬制造出来的黑云,开始受到十尾的干扰,变得更加乌黑凝实,然后卷动,形成了一口巨大的黑洞旋涡。 Dark clouds that flees in all directions, the thunder follows, lightning lasing. 流窜起来的黑云,其中雷霆相随,闪电激射。 With the aid of Sasuke of Susanoo hovering sky, felt that the whole body sinks, flight dropped more than ten meters highly, was withstood the pressure by him, stagnates in the midair. 借助须佐能乎翱翔天空的佐助,感觉到全身一沉,飞行的高度下降了十几米,才被他顶住压力,停滞在半空。 But taking advantage of Chakra wing, is only Kazuhime of long-distance control lava sorcerer, similarly flight in in the air, by this sudden oppression strength was made the figure is distressed. 而借着查克拉羽翼,只是远程操控熔岩巫师的一姬,同样飞行于空中,也被这股突如其来的压迫力弄得身形狼狈。 The imposing manner that this pressure forms, before ten, has the day to leave badly. Kazuhime and Sasuke vision sweeps off to the sky. 这种压力形成的气势,和之前的十尾,有着天差地别。一姬佐助目光向天空扫去。 The black hole that the sky dark cloud coils, a speed that made one stare dumbfounded is going on a punitive expedition against the sky by, the size of black hole, swallowed a city sufficiently. 天空乌云卷成的黑洞,正在以一种令人瞠目结舌的速度征伐天空,黑洞的大小,足以吞掉一座城市。 The dark clouds of edge are huge, probably around the vortex that the black hole moves, such as sturdy pythons twine the black hole in the way of circle. 边缘的黑云更是庞大,像是围绕着黑洞旋转的旋涡,如一条条粗壮的巨蟒以圆圈的方式缠绕黑洞。 The vision institute , the sky was covered by this unusual celestial phenomenon. 目光所及,天空都被这种异常的天象覆盖。 Land of Rain no, perhaps the sky of farther area, was affected by ten strengths.” The Sasuke whole face is dignified. 雨之国・・・・・・不,恐怕更远地区的天空,也被十尾的力量影响到了。”佐助满脸凝重。 He also thought Shiraishi lets that words that he and Kazuhime run away, somewhat is rather long others spirit. 他本来还觉得白石让他和一姬逃走的那番话,未免有些长他人志气。 A complete body Susanoo blade can bevel a mountain, such might, a person can be a worthy opponent a country. But here two complete body couldn't Susanoo, have coped with one ten? 完全体须佐能乎一刀可以削平一座山,这样的威力,一人就能匹敌一国。而这里有两个完全体须佐能乎,难道还对付不了一个十尾? However now looks like, if takes this monster as the opponent, finally has not really said. 但是现在看来,若是以这种怪物为对手,结果还真的不好说。 Once this monster launches to attack, perhaps in a short time, will destroy entire Land of Rain extremely, even surrounding country, in its attack firing distance. 这头怪物一旦展开攻伐,恐怕会在极短时间内,将整个雨之国摧毁,甚至连带周围的国家,也在它的攻击射程之内。 Has to extinguish most Bijuu (Tailed Beast) of strength of the world! Ten! 拥有灭世之力的最尾兽!十尾! Sasuke further saw clearly the true colors of this ominous beast. This absolutely is not existence that the independent person can cope with. 佐助更进一步看清楚了这头凶兽的真面目。这绝对不是单独一人可以对付的存在。 Kazuhime had not answered, but stares with a pair of bright red pupil stubbornly to ten positions, in eye blazing is unable to bear again, wish of body instinct is close. 一姬并未回话,只是用一双鲜红的眸子死死盯向十尾的位置,眼里的炽热再也无法忍住,身体本能的想要接近。 You how?” “你怎么了?” Feels on Kazuhime the unusuality of aura, on the Sasuke face slightly one surprised. Helps me block.” 感觉到一姬身上气息的异常,佐助脸上微微一愕。“帮我拦住。” Kazuhime said one. What?” 一姬说了一句。“什么?” The wind sound/rumor is too big, Sasuke some have not heard clearly. 风声太大,佐助有些没听清。 I must eat it!” “我要吃掉它!” The Kazuhime back wing fans fiercely, strikes against the rear air vigorously, the body shakes to fly, the black hair seems like other wing wing, blooms to dance in the air toward the two sides, the body dives a straight line, presses up to ten. 一姬背后的羽翼猛地扇动,大力拍击后方的空气,身体震飞出去,黑色的头发像是另外的羽翼翅膀,向着两边绽放飞舞,身体俯冲成一条直线,直逼十尾。 Below lava sorcerer sends out yelling of living creature, holds down single-handed ten heads, resembles wants to grasp the precious jade of broken, long stick peak ten heads flies from the round wheel, inflates a giant lava big ball. 下方的熔岩巫师发出活物的叫喊,单手按住十尾的脑袋,似是想要把十尾的头颅抓碎,长杖顶端的宝玉飞离圆轮,膨胀成一颗巨大的熔岩大球。 The energy roasting land of burning hot, ten cerebral cortices also in melting, air-jet texturing. The Nagato both feet leaves ten, the repulsion isolation high temperature. 炙热的能量烘烤大地,十尾的皮层也在融化似的,空气变形。长门双脚离开十尾,斥力隔绝高温。 Welcomed to Kazuhime. 迎向一姬 Ten howled again, probably was stimulated by the high temperature of lava precious jade, in the mouth that the dark and bright red Chakra ball in spurting to open gathered, finally synthesized one also to want the giant black ball compared with its head. 十尾再次吼叫,像是被熔岩宝玉的高温刺激到了,暗黑与鲜红的查克拉球在喷张的口腔中汇聚,最终合成了一个比它脑袋还要巨大的黑球。 In the black ball, is doping the purple, red and dark blue spot, exterminates the myriad things the imposing manner to twine around the spheroid. 黑球之中,掺杂着紫色、红色、深蓝色的斑点,灭绝万物的气势在球体四周缠绕。 The black ball fires to the sky, hit earnestly in the lava precious jade. Ka ka! 黑球射击向天空,切实撞击在了熔岩宝玉上。咔咔! Just likes the sphere precious jade of Sun, the surface presented the fissure. From the crevice of fragment, golden splendor that projects the innumerable say/way burning hots. Thump! 犹如太阳的圆球宝玉,表面出现了裂痕。从碎片的裂隙中,射出无数道炙热的金辉。咚! The atmosphere made a sound heavily. 大气沉重响了一下。 The precious jade of burning hot explodes the broken, boiling hot energy from the interior to embezzles in all directions. 炙热的宝玉从内部爆碎,滚热的能量向四面八方侵吞。 Black Bijūdama (Tailed Beast Ball) also caused heavy losses, gathers in the in the air highly concentrated energy, in the explosion of lava precious jade, falls into the violent to walk. 黑色的尾兽玉也遭到重创,汇聚在空中的高浓度能量,也在熔岩宝玉的爆炸中,陷入暴走。 The dazzling glare shines ten sides, covers the dark cloud celestial phenomenon in sky continually is swept away. 刺目的强光照射十方,连笼罩在天空上的乌云天象都被一扫而空。 The aura that trembles, even the lifeform beyond Land of Rain must put to run away under its power and influence mostly. These two people really acted unreasonably!” 震颤出去的气息,多半连雨之国外的生物都要在其威势下夹起尾巴逃窜。“这两个人实在是太乱来了!” The Sasuke corners of the mouth twitched, leads the crow tian gou warrior of complete body, leaves the core bomb site, restraining by force of heading on, making the crow tian gou warrior as if also tremble, does not dare to be close to the center rashly. 佐助嘴角抽搐了一下,带着完全体的鸦天狗武士,离开核心爆炸地点,扑面而来的强压,让鸦天狗武士似乎也在哆哆嗦嗦,不敢冒然接近中央。 However the complementary waves have not dispersed, to flying aura, looks like the wind to blow wheat blowing in breeze, still in be continuous unceasingly. 然而余波未散,冲飞出去的气息,就像是风吹麦浪似的,仍在绵延不绝。 This destroying day extinguishes the impact of place, extremely in stirring, lets the powerless feeling that the Sasuke heart is also angry all of a sudden cannot contend with, later throws this bored idea eliminates outside. 这种毁天灭地的冲击,太过于震撼人心,让佐助心底也一下子生气不可抗衡的无力感,随后又将这种无聊的想法抛除在外。 The actuation crow tian gou warrior, breaks in the storm that blows. Glare also in dense, the mist and dust is also filling the air. 驱动鸦天狗武士,冲入强吹的风暴之中。强光还在氤氲,烟尘也在弥漫。 Sasuke is seeking for Kazuhime and Nagato form, although knows that the two not possible dead in the explosion, but is also beating a drum at heart. 佐助寻找着一姬长门的身影,尽管知道那两人不可能在爆炸中丧生,但是心里也在打鼓。 Should really not die? The chaotic aura, the Senjutsu sensation strength is even dropping. At this moment, the low and deep sound attracted his attention together. 该不会真的死了吧?混乱的气息,连仙术感知力都在下降。就在这时,一道低沉的声响吸引了他的注意力。 His vision downward, the smog of winding around disperses slowly, a great monster shadow, appears slowly its strongly, but the outline of military might. 他目光向下,缭绕的烟雾慢慢散开,一头伟岸的怪物阴影,慢慢显现出其强壮而威武的轮廓。 Has not seen its true colors, the Sasuke heart beats fiercely, the whole body muscle tightens subconsciously. Ten? ” 还未见其真面目,佐助心头剧烈跳动,全身肌肉下意识绷紧。十尾吗?” On the Sasuke face is determined to appear. The crow tian gou warrior dives. 佐助脸上决意显现。鸦天狗武士俯冲下去。 On the sword blade fills the crowded electric light, just like thousand birds to weep blood to yell. Bang! 剑刃上弥漫密集的电光,犹如千只鸟在泣血啼叫。砰! Cuts the substantial feeling of hard object, through the sword blade, transmits on the arm of Sasuke accurately, the corners of the mouth show the smile. 砍中硬物的充实感,通过剑刃,准确传递到佐助的手臂上,嘴角露出笑容。 The fog disperses slowly, ten bodies appear, it sits cross-legged to sit there, ten tails sway after slowly, hold their palms together, visits just like Buddha. 云雾缓慢散开,十尾的身躯显现而出,它盘膝坐在那里,十条尾巴在后慢慢摇晃,双手合十,宛如佛陀莅临。 The body stops inflating, tends to a gentle stability, Chakra or the abyss like the sea, actually no longer wild do not know restraining carelessly. 身体停止膨胀,趋于一种平和的稳定中,查克拉还是深渊如海,却不再胡乱狂暴不知收敛。 The sword blade cut its neck. The body broken. 剑刃砍中了它的脖子。皮肉未破。 Ten red rotations of the eye, look to Sasuke. 十尾的红色眼睛转动,看向佐助 Sasuke also looks to ten, when the smile on face does not know vanishes, the body was in the resembles stand-by time technique, frozen stiff there. Remembers the home station website, biquxu, will facilitate will read next time, and hundred degrees celsius will input „”, can enter the home station 佐助也看向十尾,脸上的笑容不知何时消失,身体更是像中了停止时间的术式,冻僵在那里。记住本站网址,biquxu,方便下次阅读,或且百度输入“”,就能进入本站
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