EFK :: Volume #6

#292 Part 1: Transformation

Repels Ruri, Naruto has not followed up a victory with hot pursuit, the vision shot a look at backward. 击退琉璃,鸣人并未乘胜追击,目光向后瞥了一下。 In the split vision, the huge shadow covers, hundred-meter Katsu, depends upon thousand honored heavy bodies, drops from the clouds by the imposing manner of withstanding great pressure. 余光之中,巨大的阴影笼罩下来,长达百米的活蝓,依靠千钧之重的身躯,以泰山压顶的气势从天而降。 Golden bodies Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) moves the tail rapidly, ties down the Katsu body stubbornly, however the Katsu mass is extremely astonishing, bears so the weight strikes, golden body Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) the Naruto uncontrolled start is backing up. 金身九尾迅速甩动尾巴,死死缠住活蝓的身躯,但是活蝓的体量太过惊人,承受如此重量的一击,金身九尾连带着鸣人不受控制的开始倒退。 After all hundred meters body, had exceeded nine big Bijuu (Tailed Beast) volumes thoroughly. Also only ten that type of Bijuu (Tailed Beast) aggregations, can in the volume, surpass Katsu. 毕竟百米长的身躯,已经彻底超越了九大尾兽的体积。也唯有十尾那种尾兽聚合体,才能在体积上,超过活蝓 Suppresses golden body Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) using own weight, the Katsu mouth apparatus expands again, reveals the jet black profound cavern, the body surges, the everywhere yellow mucus splatters, after air contact, emits the white steam directly. 利用自身的重量压制住金身九尾,活蝓口器再次扩张,露出漆黑深邃的洞穴,身躯涌动,漫天的黄色黏液喷溅出来,与空气接触后,直接冒出白色的蒸汽。 This has the mucus of corrosive strength. And contains astonishing senjutsu chakra. 这是带有腐蚀性力量的黏液。其中蕴含着惊人的仙术查克拉 These acid liquid sprinklings on golden body Kyūbi (Nine-Tails), contaminate the part of liquid, braves white air bubbles, the flesh of Chakra casting to dissolve immediately rapidly, encountered the corrosion of strong sulphuric acid probably. 这些酸液溅洒在金身九尾身上,沾染到液体的部分,立马冒着一股股的白色气泡,查克拉铸造的血肉迅速溶解,就好像遭到了强硫酸的侵蚀。 Sees this, Naruto has not revealed to worry about the color , after perishing the cover of most outer layer, these acid liquid are unable the inch to go a step further. 看到这一幕,鸣人并未露出担忧之色,果然,在腐蚀掉最外层的外皮之后,那些酸液就无法寸进一步。 After the beforehand experiment, in the Bijuu (Tailed Beast) Chakra, over half of parts, have started to unify with nature energy. This means that lets Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) Chakra, enters Sage Mode, but is sooner or later matter. 经过之前的试验,尾兽查克拉之中,已经有超过一半的部分,开始和自然能量开始结合。这意味着,让九尾查克拉,也进入仙人模式,不过是迟早的事情。 Even if only half, had the Senjutsu characteristics, facing same Senjutsu, naturally has the extremely high resistance. Golden bodies Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) mouth, jet black marbles, howl to depart from the mouth. 哪怕只是一半,也具备了仙术的特性,面对同样的仙术,自然有着极高的抗性。金身九尾嘴巴一张,一颗颗漆黑的弹珠,从口中呼啸飞出。 The short distance presses to move aside in golden body Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) Katsu. These jet black marbles explode directly on Katsu. 近距离压在金身九尾身上的活蝓躲闪不及。那些漆黑弹珠直接在活蝓身上爆炸开来。 Large flame that the energy storm of emitting, elevates temperature fiercely, the flash embezzles the most body of Katsu. 喷吐的能量风暴,还有剧烈升温的火舌,一瞬间就将活蝓的大半身体侵吞。 This high temperature, lets Katsu this liking wetland environment Slug, is very naturally unhappy. 这种高温,让活蝓这种喜欢湿地环境的蛞蝓,自然十分不喜。 Moreover the might that explodes is extremely fierce, even it also felt the ache, the mouth sent out to sob stuffy. Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) the style, it naturally recognizes. 而且爆炸的威力太过剧烈,连它也感受到了疼痛,嘴里发出呜咽的闷哼。九尾的这个招式,它自然认得出。 Is one type does not need to save the strength, Bijuu (Tailed Beast) ball that can spray fast. After can regard as reduces infinitely Bijūdama (Tailed Beast Ball). 是一种无需积蓄力量,可以快速喷射出去的尾兽弹。可以看成是无限削减后的尾兽玉 Normal Bijūdama (Tailed Beast Ball), because the destructive power is extremely astonishing, and Chakra who needs enough to measure, therefore, the release needs the tedious prerequisite preparation, was broken easily. 正常的尾兽玉,由于破坏力太过惊人,且需要足够量的查克拉,因此,释放需要繁琐的前置准备,容易遭到打断。 But the Bijuu (Tailed Beast) ball does not have this worry, even if might insufficient Bijūdama (Tailed Beast Ball) 10%, but can actually unify Chakra instantaneously, emits from the mouth anytime and anywhere . Moreover the flying speed is Bijūdama (Tailed Beast Ball) several times, the simple efficient four characters will display the pinnacle. 尾兽弹就没有这种顾虑,哪怕威力不足尾兽玉10%,但却可以瞬间凝聚查克拉,随时随地从口中喷吐,而且飞行速度是尾兽玉的数倍,将简便高效四个字发挥到了极致。 Just like Bijūdama (Tailed Beast Ball), this style is almost each Bijuu (Tailed Beast) brings the ability of looking after the house. 尾兽玉一样,这种招式几乎是每一头尾兽拿来看家的本领。 Although a might is not enough to pose the threat, but the Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) one breath emits dozens, explodes directly on the body, Katsu also cannot help but eats the pain, senjutsu chakra in within the body also starts the confusion, suddenly is unable effectively to control, is used to suppress the golden body Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) strength, similarly uncontrolled weakening. 虽然一颗威力不足以造成威胁,但是九尾一口气喷吐出数十颗,直接在身上爆开,活蝓也不由得吃痛,体内的仙术查克拉也开始混乱,一时间无法有效控制,用来压制金身九尾的力道,同样不受控制的削弱。 Seizes this time, golden body Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) sends out to roar, just like the claw of sharp blade to sweep away forward, raids to Katsu. 看准这个时机,金身九尾发出咆哮,犹如利刃的爪子向前横扫,袭向活蝓 The body of Katsu is split up in an instant, but decomposes the palm of the hand sizes the body at crucial moments the split body, evades to kill again strikes. 活蝓的身体刹那间四分五裂,但是在关键时刻将身体分解成一個个巴掌大小的分裂体,再度躲过必杀一击。 So long as there is this ability , the pure physical attack, is unable to form the fatal attack to Katsu. 只要有这个能力在,单纯的物理攻击,就无法对活蝓形成致命攻击。 But this point Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) and Naruto are also clear, wanting the one breath to eliminate Katsu very obviously are not the realistic things. This is a long seesaw battle. In the past with fight that he experienced, and hard to deal with degree of enemy has greatly is very different. 而这一点九尾鸣人同样明白,想要一口气消灭活蝓很显然是不现实的事情。这是一场漫长的拉锯战。和过去他所经历的战斗,以及敌人的难缠程度都有很大不同。 Must have the meticulous and feasible plan. 必须要有缜密而可行的计划。 Golden bodies Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) instead suppresses Katsu, Ruri acts again, the form divides into two, occupies by Naruto, as if turned into two people all of a sudden. 金身九尾反压制活蝓,琉璃再次行动,身影一分为二,占据着鸣人两侧,仿佛一下子变成了两个人。 But Naruto induces, only then Chakra aura, very obviously, when together is the Ruri rapid traverse, keeps in same place remnant shadow intentionally, is used to divert the Naruto attention. 鸣人感应到的只有一股查克拉气息,很显然,其中一道是琉璃快速移动时,故意留在原地的残影,用来分散鸣人的注意力。 Another side, Ayane steps on the shatter ground to dash forward, the stance of full power running, has surpassed the limit that human has been able to reach, is only with the naked eye, can only catch the white remnant shadow on the path fuzzily, flashes passes. 另一边,绫音踩踏着破碎的地面向前飞奔,全力奔跑的姿态,已经超越了人类所能达到的极限,只是用肉眼,在道路上只能模糊捕捉到白色的残影,一闪即逝。 Naruto attention not here, but on Shiraishi. 鸣人的注意力并不在这边,而是在白石身上。 However vision institute and space, the Shiraishi form and aura do not know when extinguishes suddenly. The Naruto eye winked, bit the black stick in the mouths, both hands tied seal: 但是目光所及的空间,白石的身影与气息不知何时突然消弭。鸣人眼睛眨动了一下,将黑棒咬在了嘴间,双手结印: Shadow Clone Technique!” 影分身之术!” Explodes in the loose white mist and dust, golden light person's shadows such as the golden movie flees. 爆散的白色烟尘中,一道道金光人影如金色的电影窜动。 The golden light that draws, blocks the trim space just like chains, is only in a flash, the advantage of population shifts to Naruto. 拉动起来的金光,宛如一道道锁链封锁住整片空间,只是转瞬之间,人数的优势转移到鸣人这边。 These whole bodies package Naruto shadow clone under golden Chakra, similarly has to display the Senjutsu ability, has about ten several people. 这些全身包裹在金色查克拉下的鸣人分身,同样具备施展仙术的能力,大约有十数人。 Is moving every people fast, and air that in the process of dashing, the palm compresses, sends out the grating noise, the white blade leaf cuts the air, rotational speed faster and faster, can only see the blade leaf rotation finally the remnant shadow, the noise also reached the limit at this time, lets the person tympanic membrane stabbing pain. 每一人都在快速跑动,并且在飞奔的过程中,手掌压缩的空气,发出刺耳的噪音,白色的刀叶切割开空气,转速越来越快,最终只能看到刀叶转动的残影,噪音也在这时达到了极限,让人鼓膜刺痛。 Senjutsu Fūton (Wind Style) screw shuriken!” 仙术风遁・螺旋手里剑!” Screw shuriken that contain senjutsu chakra turned out in full strength, closes off Ayane all onset and retreat paths. Suddenly, that stretch of area was covered by the sharp noise, sharp such as the storm of blade wreaked havoc everywhere, formed an airtight prisoner's cage. 一道道蕴含仙术查克拉的螺旋手里剑倾巢而出,封锁住了绫音的所有进退道路。一时间,那片地区被尖锐的噪音笼罩,锋利如刀的风暴四处肆虐,形成了一个密不透风的囚笼。 Several Naruto shadow clone charge into the storm prisoner's cage as if by prior agreement, closes, compels to Ayane. But the Naruto main body takes the black stick from the mouths, the heel lifts, the body then such as the hurricane departs. Probably saw through the future, Naruto put out the black stick, wielded cuts to left Ruri. 十几个鸣人分身不约而同冲向风暴囚笼,一拥而上,逼向绫音。而鸣人的本体则是从嘴间拿下黑棒,脚跟一抬,身体便如飓风飞出。像是看穿了未来,鸣人拿出黑棒,挥斩向左边的琉璃 Bang! 轰! The Ruri body sinks, the both feet steps on the crack the ground, all around stone was away from extrudes, in abundance upward raised show/unfolds. Grips Ruri of flame circular fan, the blood red pupil light flashes. 琉璃身体一沉,双脚将地面踩裂,四周的土石遭到距离挤压,纷纷向上凸展。握住焰团扇的琉璃,血红的瞳光一闪。 xiao thunder!” “咲雷!” The blood red electric light winding flame circular fan, making the space that the edge touched have the fissure of distortion. 血红的电光缠绕焰团扇,让边缘触及的空间产生了扭曲的裂痕。 However, facing this time sharp peerless flame circular fan, on the black stick has mark seal that slightly cannot be checked merely, under sprinkles the point black dust. 然而,面对此时锋利绝伦的焰团扇,黑棒身上仅仅是多出了一道微不可查的痕印,洒落下点点的黑色粉屑。 A Naruto brow wrinkle. 鸣人眉头一皱。 Ruri waves the left arm, the left hand empty grasps the air, in the dark red sword shadow attaches the blood red electric light similarly, tears the space, wields to the Naruto nape of the neck. 琉璃舞动左臂,左手虚握空气,暗红的剑影上同样附着血红的电光,撕裂空间,挥向鸣人的脖颈。 The dark red sword shadow sweeps away from the golden form, but in the hand of Ruri, has not transmitted cuts the feeling of entity. 暗红的剑影从金色的身影上横扫而过,但琉璃的手上,没有传来砍中实体的感觉。 Really, keeps in same place golden form to vanish, afterimage that but Naruto is used to cover their ears and eyes. However, fell back on the safe distance Naruto, on the face actually had/left one scar. Even is the nerve reaction so astonishing?” 果然,留在原地的金色身影消失,只是鸣人用来掩人耳目的残像。不过,退到安全距离的鸣人,脸上却是多出了一道浅浅的伤痕。“连神经的反应力都这么惊人吗?” The Ruri right hand flame circular fan, the left hand Chakra sword, the corners of the mouth rake out wipe the soul-stirring smile. The split vision of eye stays on the black stick in Naruto right hand. 琉璃右手焰团扇,左手查克拉剑,嘴角勾出一抹惊心动魄的笑容。眼睛的余光停留在鸣人右手中的黑棒上。 Compared with can by the body that the blade cuts, the firm ability of black stick, is a little unusual. That thing indeed cannot easily touch with the body.” 比起可以被刀刃划破的身体,黑棒的坚固能力,有点不同寻常。“那东西的确不能用身体轻易触碰。” The Naruto air/Qi has not breathed heavily, looked that to double grasps Ruri of weapon. Now you cannot display the unnecessary hand of Ninjutsu.” Right?” 鸣人气都没喘一下,看向双手持住武器的琉璃。“现在你没有可以施展忍术的多余的手了。”“是吗?” Hearing Naruto this was the words of contempt, the Ruri back presented a dark red ghost warrior who showed disdain for the world to stand, only then the upper part, the ghost warrior seemed like to deny Naruto that words, both hands synthesized handsign. 听到鸣人这句似是轻视的话语,琉璃背后出现了一道傲视天地站立的暗红鬼武士,只有上半身,鬼武士像是为了否定鸣人那番话语,双手合成印式 Sage Art Great Fire Annihilation!” 仙法豪火灭却!” Sea of fire advance. 火海突进。 wipe out all hot waves, such as the tsunami howls running quickly. 扫灭一切的火浪,如海啸呼啸奔驰。 Time in an instant, flame be continuous several hundred meters land. 一转眼的功夫,火焰绵延数百米的大地。 Naruto returns to the golden body Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) side, all around tail rolls up and pushes along, keeps off the evil ways hot wave impact. 鸣人回到金身九尾的身边,四周尾巴卷动,挡下道道火浪冲击。 The burning hot aura makes the air elevate temperature, Gundam/reaches as high as over a thousand degrees temperature, roasts the dried meat sufficiently, even if there is a Chakra's protection, Naruto also felt that the skin is slightly burningly painful. 炎热的气息让空气升温,高达上千度的温度,足以把人烤成肉干,哪怕有查克拉的防护,鸣人也感觉到皮肤微微灼痛。 The moisture content in land was also evaporated, presented split scars, probably great drought for several years. Bang! 大地之中的水分也被蒸发,出现了一条条干裂的伤痕,像是大旱了数年。轰! In the storm prisoner's cage, transmits the sound of explosion. 风暴囚笼之中,传来爆炸的声响。 The earthquake spreads repeatedly, disregards wind blade cutting, Ayane shuttles back and forth in the storm prisoner's cage, kicks Naruto golds form clone, wields together the air shell again, Naruto shadow clone that after hitting winds high above, attacks. 地震频频传出,无视风刃切割,绫音穿梭在风暴囚笼之中,一脚踢飞一个鸣人身影分身,再是挥出一道空气炮弹,打飞绕后突袭的鸣人分身 By Naruto shadow clone that Gentle Fist repels, after standing, suddenly complexion twitched, showed the painful expression, this discovered that senjutsu chakra in within the body was disrupted completely, the direct explosion vanished. 柔拳击退的鸣人分身,在站起来之后,突然脸色一阵抽搐,露出了痛苦的表情,这才发现体内的仙术查克拉完全被打乱,直接爆炸消失。 By the storm prisoner's cage of ooze dispersing, after long-term wreaking havoc, the land had been delimited shocking wounds by the wind blade, terrifying fight sound erupts continually. 逐渐消散开的风暴囚笼,经过长时间的肆虐,大地已经被风刃划出一道道触目惊心的伤口,过于恐怖的战斗声音持续爆发。 At this time, Naruto shadow clone, the expression on face was quite vibrated. 这时,鸣人的影分身们,脸上的表情颇受震动。 They see clearly, Ayane in the attack of reciprocal screw shuriken, no hindrance walks fast to speed along, appearance that simply has not been wounded. 他们可是看清,绫音在反螺旋手里剑的攻击中,毫无阻碍的疾走飞驰,根本没有负伤的样子。 If unable to penetrate the body of opposite party , screw shuriken kills the ability in view of attacking of cell, how not to have the significance again powerful. 如果无法穿透对方的身体,那么,螺旋手里剑针对细胞的攻杀能力,再怎么威力十足也会毫无意义。 Be careful, be not hit by her Gentle Fist!” Shadow clone shouts together. “小心,别被她的柔拳打中!”一道影分身喊道。 Shadow clone scattered are more, the strength is not centralized. 分身分散的越多,力量就越是不集中。 Although increased the population, but facing Ayane such top shinobi, actually appears the strength to fall short. 虽然增加了人数,但面对绫音这样的顶级忍者,却显得力有不逮。 Gentle Fist can the confusion and Chakra of blockade target within the body, can say, this regarding Naruto shadow clone, without doubt is a huge threat. 柔拳可以混乱和封锁目标体内的查克拉,可以说,这对于鸣人的影分身而言,无疑是一个巨大威胁。 Now detects, didn't feel the evening?” “现在才发觉,不觉得晚了吗?” Ayane flashes to together shadow clone in front, when the opposite party wants to retreat, a palm hits the forehead. Bang! 绫音闪到一道影分身面前,在对方想要撤退之际,一掌击中额头。砰! Shadow clone body blasting open, the response time does not even have. 分身身体炸裂,连反应的时间都没有。 Other shadow clone are unwilling to sit waiting for death, is close to the Ayane side agilely. The senjutsu chakra fast centralized condensability in within the body. 其余影分身不甘坐以待毙,敏捷接近绫音的身边。体内的仙术查克拉快速集中凝缩。 The Ayane complexion slightly changes, through the observation of Byakugan| white eyes, how possibly not to understand that Chakra concentrates to represent anything like this. 绫音脸色微微一变,通过白眼的观察,怎么可能不明白查克拉这样集中代表着什么。 In these shadow clone Chakra transfer the gathering instantly, the palm of Ayane almost gathers simultaneously, and within the body senjutsu chakra repel, the tip of the toe rapid point place, drives the body and long hair revolves. 在这些影分身查克拉调动汇聚的刹那,绫音的掌心几乎同时汇聚并且将体内仙术查克拉排斥而出,脚尖迅速点地,带动身体与长发旋转。 Kaiten (Revolving Heaven)!” 回天!” senjutsu chakra that is released externally formed the spherical cyclostrophic wind ball, and fitting together perfectly that will compress, the water drop does not enter. 外放的仙术查克拉形成了球状的旋转风球,并且将压缩的严丝合缝,滴水不进。 From exploding shadow clone, might of eruption although four sides land scrap, the flame and shock-wave that but from exploding bring, are actually not able to infiltrate Chakra ball slightest that revolves. 自爆的影分身,爆发的威力尽管将四面的土地炸碎,但自爆带来的火光与冲击波,却无法渗透旋转的查克拉球分毫。 The hair of flying upwards falls gently slowly, Ayane stopped the rotation, the land for building of under foot had rubbed off several night winds to be continuous along the land by her taijutsu, blows off the dust, everywhere flying curls. 飞扬的头发慢慢飘落,绫音停下了转动,脚下的地皮已经被她的体术磨去了几层夜风沿着大地绵延,吹散开粉尘,漫天飞卷。 Solved these shadow clone, Ayane broke in the sea of fire of not far away nonstop, entered another battlefield. 解决了这些影分身,绫音马不停蹄冲入不远处的火海,进入另一处战场。 Can the high-temperature flame of decrepitation land, Ayane also disregard, looks straight at does not need to shoot a look, after all by her present physique, coordinates Senjutsu, even if in magma that extreme environment, can ten enter ten, finally returns safe and sound. 能够烧裂大地的高温火焰,绫音同样无视,正眼都不需要瞥一下,毕竟以她现在的体质,配合仙术,哪怕是在岩浆那种极端的环境中,也能十进十出,最终毫发无伤。 Ayane to jump the way of step to leap repeatedly forward straightly, among the distance with Naruto gradually reduces. 绫音反复以跳步的方式向前直线飞跃,与鸣人之间的距离逐渐缩短。 The flame is twisting the air, making the field of vision also be disturbed, but has Byakugan| white eyes Ayane, does not need to determine the position of enemy by the line of sight, but depended upon the meridians system of enemy to lock. 火焰扭曲着空气,让视野也受到了干扰,但有着白眼绫音,并不需要透过视线来判定敌人的位置,而是依靠敌人的经络系统来锁定。 Her Byakugan| white eyes Dojutsu (Eye Technique), the insight above Ruri Sharingan, sees clearly the main body and difference of shadow clone sufficiently. The pupil strength blooms, Naruto only thought that the brain also sinks, felt that the head seemed like used the hammer to pound one ruthlessly. 她的白眼瞳术,洞察力远在琉璃写轮眼之上,足以洞察本体和影分身的区别。瞳力绽放,鸣人只觉得大脑随之一沉,感觉脑袋像是被人用锤子狠狠砸了一下似的。 Gods Vacuum Attack!” 神空击!” All around air squeezes inward, a demolition, broke several golden tails that protect the Naruto body. Unsophisticated thunder!” 四周空气向内紧压,一声爆破,冲开了防护鸣人身体的数根金色尾巴。“土雷!” Ruri jumps to speed away, if potential racing thunder. 琉璃纵身疾驰,势若奔雷。 The blood-color electric light covers a land several hundred meters space, launches dense and numerous blood-color thunder net in the land upper berth, lets a Naruto knee spot, was embezzled by blood-color thunder net all. 血色电光覆盖大地数百米的空间,在大地上铺展开密密麻麻的血色雷网,让鸣人膝盖一下的部位,尽数被血色雷网吞没。 Even if has golden Chakra to protect, Naruto felt the leg and foot twitched. Rabbit hair needle!” 哪怕有着金色查克拉防护,鸣人还是感到腿脚抽搐了一下。“兔毛针!” Ayane when tail separating of these protections, launched the second wave of offensive. 绫音在那些防护的尾巴弹开的时候,发起了第二波攻势。 The pitch-black head roots of the hair root flutters, thin such as send the silk the thorn sharp thorn, falls toward the Naruto body, making Naruto imitate, if places oneself in the hail of bullets general. 乌黑的头发根根飘扬起来,一根根细如发丝的荆棘尖刺,向着鸣人身体倾洒而出,让鸣人仿若置身在枪林弹雨中一般。 Sharp thorn part was evaded by Naruto, but still the part hit a target Naruto, is impacting the Naruto acupuncture point, Chakra of some meridians started the confusion directly, and what is more stopped the revolution. 尖刺一部分被鸣人躲过,但仍有一部分射中了鸣人,冲击着鸣人的穴道,一些经脉的查克拉直接开始混乱,更甚者停止了运转。 Ruri arrives in front of Naruto exactly, probably underwent the careful computation, is coordinating the support of Ayane, quickly is not slow 琉璃恰好抵达鸣人面前,像是经过了精心计算,配合着绫音的支援,不快也不慢 Ghost warrior both hands that the back appears condense the long sword, brandishes on golden body Kyūbi (Nine-Tails), the electric light ascends, is filling enormous and powerful. 背后浮现的鬼武士双手凝聚长剑,挥舞在金身九尾身上,电光升腾,弥漫着浩荡雷威。 The goal of her main body is Naruto, the left hand waves the dark-red Chakra sword, the right hand wields the flame circular fan, two weapons overlapping such as scissors by mutually staggered path union. 她本体的目标是鸣人,左手舞动暗红色的查克拉剑,右手挥出焰团扇,两件兵器交叉如剪刀以相互交错的轨迹结合。 But the intersection center, is the Naruto nape of the neck. 而相交的中心,正是鸣人的脖颈。 Naruto shakes extremely quickly disperses the blood-color thunder and lightning on leg and foot, the body lies to bend down downward. headband is fluttering the golden satin ribbon, was interrupted one section by the overlapping weapon. 鸣人极快震散腿脚上的血色雷电,身体向下趴伏。护额飘扬着的金色缎带,被交叉的兵器间断了一截。 Naruto still to lie the stance of bending down, changes into a long and narrow circular cone long thorn the black stick in hand, hits to the thigh of Ruri 鸣人仍以趴伏的姿态,将手里的黑棒化为一根狭长的圆锥长刺,打向琉璃的腿部 Ruri cannot hit, withdraws directly, however in the process of retreat, the rope belt break of right leg made of iron shinguard, the shinguard falls. 琉璃一击不中,直接退后,然而后退的过程中,右腿铁制护腿的绳带断裂,护腿啪嗒一声掉落下来。 Naruto was a pity secretly, the speed of opposite party is very agile, is slow a racket, can discard her right leg directly. Lost the right leg, the battle efficiency of opposite party will sell at a discount greatly. 鸣人暗暗可惜,对方的速度很敏捷,再慢一拍,就可以把她的右腿直接废掉。失去右腿,对方的战斗力就会大打折扣了。 However he has not pestered, the attack of Ayane, interrupts his counter-attack at crucial moments. 不过他没有纠缠上去,绫音的攻击又至,在关键时刻打断他的反击。 The seemingly soft palm strikes, Naruto knows, once by this style hit, he will still be felt thorny even. He not medical ninjutsu, if wounded, can only decrease Chakra in symbol of immortal. 看似绵软的掌击,鸣人知道,一旦被这种招式命中,就算是他也会觉得棘手。他自身并不会医疗忍术,如果负伤,只能减损仙人之符中的查克拉。 But Chakra of symbol of immortal, is very difficult to regenerate. Therefore, must save the use, must avoid being wounded the excessive possibility. 而仙人之符的查克拉,是很难再生的。因此,必须节省使用,要避免负伤过重的可能。 Ayane holds a Naruto neutral gear, near body forwards, the heel lifts by the movement that slightly cannot be checked slightly, is unable to distinguish with the naked eye. 绫音则是抓住鸣人的一个空档,近身向前,脚跟以微不可查的动作微微抬起,用肉眼根本无法分辨。 Is that Gods Vacuum Attack? It is not right! The Naruto look changes. 是那个神空击?不对!鸣人神色一变。 All around air current starts to have the rotation of consciousness, by outside, but introverted central gathering. The double palm of Ayane discharges Chakra. 四周的气流开始有意识的转动,由外而内向中央汇聚。绫音的双掌排放查克拉。 The hair and clothes sleeve living creature waves likely. 头发与衣袂像活物般舞动。 Kaiten (Revolving Heaven)!” 回天!” Not attacking separating, causes Chakra outward impact Kaiten (Revolving Heaven), but is inside and outside two senjutsu chakra under the ingenious control, starts the goal in converging attack domain. 不是将攻击弹开,使得查克拉向外冲击的回天,而是内外两股仙术查克拉在巧妙的控制下,开始夹击领域内的目标。 The powerful air turbulent flow, whirls away the grit, the land for building raises flies, the strength of unceasingly extruding, breaks up by rubbing the steel sufficiently. 强大的空气乱流,将沙石卷走,地皮掀飞,不断挤压的力量,足以把钢铁揉碎。 Inside and outside the hysterical/frenzy air current of converging attack facing this, Naruto is also critical situation, goes all out to resist this turbulent flow with senjutsu chakra, then his pupil looks to below. 面对这股内外夹击的狂乱气流,鸣人也是如临大敌,拼命用仙术查克拉抵抗这股乱流,接着他的瞳孔向下一看。 The shadow runs out from the Ayane shadow together, pastes the ground not to know when is close. 一道影子从绫音影子里冲出,贴着地面不知何时接近过来。 Also sees the person's shadow to depart from the shadow together, is throwing over the bloodstained white long unlined gown, emits the innumerable soul whiskers, hides Shiraishi in Shadow Dancer. 又见一道人影从阴影中飞出,披着染血的白色大褂,身后冒出无数的灵魂触须,正是躲藏在影舞者中的白石 As soon as he comes out, uses the back soul whisker to flee, attacks. Shadow Dancer also chops the innumerable shadow edges from the shadow comprehension. 他一出来,就用背后的灵魂触须窜动,袭击过来。影舞者也从影子领悟中劈出无数影刃。 Naruto expected probably generally, unhurriedly, flies to kick the broken shadow blade, later turns around with the strength, the black in hand long punctures to transform the black stick, above is twining the sharp aura, the soul whisker that will extend cuts off. 鸣人像是预料到了一般,不慌不忙,飞起一脚踢碎影刃,随后借力转身,手里的黑色长刺已经转变成黑棒,上面缠绕着锋锐的气息,将伸出来的灵魂触须斩断。 The fish that part of soul antennas that the break falls to the ground, come ashore probably, struggled to beat two in the ground, on the lying down corpse there, was motionless. 断裂落地的那一部分灵魂触角,像是上岸的鱼,在地面上挣扎跳动了两下,就躺尸在那里,一动不动了。 Nine Lama!” As Naruto yelled. “九喇嘛!”随着鸣人一声大叫。 Golden bodies Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) shakes the double sword of ghost warrior, the turning the head opens the mouth. 金身九尾震开鬼武士的双剑,转头张口。 Bijuu (Tailed Beast) ball spraying, on the Ayane Kaiten (Revolving Heaven) outer wall, blast out a cave entrance directly, disrupted Chakra's revolution. 一颗颗尾兽弹喷射而出,直接在绫音回天外壁上,炸开一个洞口,扰乱了其中查克拉的运转。 Naruto escapes, but is not relaxed, on the mouth starts to pant for breath. All around fire intensity spreads, takes the land to continue to burn as the nourishment. 鸣人脱逃出去,但并不轻松,嘴上开始喘息。四周火势蔓延,以大地为养料继续燃烧。 He captures these black long needles, thin such as sends the silk the black needle, is made by the hair of Ayane completely, but actually like steel needle straight hard. 他拔掉身上的那些黑色长针,细如发丝的黑针,完全由绫音的头发制成,但却像钢针一样笔直坚硬。 „Can that thing also launch the attack to the soul?” “那东西还能对灵魂展开攻击吗?” Shiraishi sweeps to the soul antenna of landing, after the main body separates, he has not induced their aura. Generally speaking, even if the whisker was cut, he can still conduct the induction and control. 白石扫向落地的灵魂触角,与本体断开后,他已经感应不到它们的气息了。一般来说,就算是触须被斩开,他也可以进行感应和操控。 However now is actually not able the sensation, and is unstabilized. 但是现在却无法感知,并且也不能控制。 Is focusing attention on the black stick in Naruto, while releases the soul whisker, recycles antenna part that these breaks fall to the ground, in Shiraishi eye looking pensive. 一边注目着鸣人手里的黑棒,一边释放灵魂触须,回收那些断裂落地的触角部分,白石眼中若有所思。 Asked a jade compared with being expected must trouble.” “求道玉・・・・・・要比预料中还要麻烦。”
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