EFK :: Volume #6

#291 Part 2: 3 people

Feels the aching feeling of rapidly extinguishing, Ruri moved physique slightly, although has not restored to the heyday, but also had the 70-80% strengths of heyday. 感受到身上迅速消弭的疼痛感,琉璃稍微活动了一下筋骨,虽然没有恢复到全盛时期,但也有全盛时期的七八成力量了。 Moreover Senjutsu also continues to produce the cure results in within the body, passes the moment again, can thoroughly restore the injury that the Hachimon Tonkou (Eight Celestial Divination Gates) impact complementary waves create. 而且仙术还持续在她体内产生治愈效果,再过片刻,就可以将八门遁甲冲击余波造成的伤势彻底恢复。 " Now gives back to you this, you need this thing compared with me. " 「现在把这个还给你吧,你比我更需要这个东西。」 Ruri said, in the shadow of under foot, jumps out one group of shadows, moves along the ground like lightning, is almost the time of blinking, leaves the Ruri shadow, integrates in the Shiraishi shadow. 琉璃说完,脚下的影子里,窜出一团阴影,沿着地面闪电般移动,几乎是眨眼的功夫,就离开琉璃的影子,融入到白石的影子中。 Feels the return of Shadow Dancer, Shiraishi is only nodded, has not spoken any words. " Then, should conduct the offensive and defensive transformation. " 感受到影舞者的回归,白石只是点了点头,没有说任何话。「接下来,该进行攻守转换了。」 The Shiraishi aura started the transformation. 白石气息开始了转变。 Back is gathering a lot of Katsu schizonts, formed was close to hundred meters giant Slug, the lifted former half body, from the ground, had ten several meters altitudes. 背后汇聚着大量的活蝓分裂体,形成了接近百米的巨型蛞蝓,抬起的前半截身体,距离地面,就有十数公尺的高度。 The mouth apparatus that opens, just like deep and quiet black hole, will look straight ahead for a long time will have a terrifying feeling to emerge from the innermost feelings. Restores the injury Ruri as well as Ayane, stood in the Shiraishi left and right, the aura increased successively, as if did not have the limit. 那张开的口器,宛如一个幽邃的黑洞,直视久了会有一种恐怖感从内心涌现。恢复伤势的琉璃以及绫音,站在了白石的左右两侧,气息节节攀升,仿佛没有止境。 Moreover so, their aura, as if after interweaving, formed a close connected whole incessantly, together pressure on Naruto. 而且远不止如此,他们的气息,仿佛在经过交织之后,形成了一个紧密相连的整体,一同压向鸣人 - Naruto! --鸣人 The Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) dignified sound resounds in the Naruto innermost feelings. 九尾凝重的声音在鸣人内心响起。 Facing a aura oppression of Shiraishi side, its this Chakra's lifeform, Chakra in within the body appeared purely shortly stopped the mobile sign, the pressure can be imagined. 面对白石一方的气息压迫,就连它这个纯粹查克拉的生物,体内的查克拉都短暂出现了停止流动的迹象,压力可想而知。 " No rush, nine Lama, win time to me again. " 「别着急,九喇嘛,再给我争取一点时间。」 Naruto stiff very tranquil, will ask a jade to summon, in palm float. 鸣人的生硬十分平静,将求道玉召唤回来,在掌心悬浮。 Black asked a jade to start to twist, elongates, became straight, formed one one foot to come the long black cosh. 紧接着,黑色的求道玉开始扭曲,拉长,变直,形成了一根一尺来长的黑色短棒。 Although in the shape had the change, but that fills the air in object surface the strength of destruction, still preserved, conducted the transformation in the shape. 尽管形态上出现了变化,但是那弥漫在物体表面的毁灭之力,仍然留存,不过在形态上进行了转变。 Shell that uses from the ejection, turned into short weapons. 从弹射用的炮弹,变成了短兵器。 " Can that thing also conduct the change in shape? Interesting. " 「那东西原来还可以进行形态上的变化吗?有趣。」 Shiraishi saw that was grasped the black stick in hand by Naruto, the corners of the mouth brings back wipes the smile, the eye narrows the eyes. Immediately, he swept one to about, reminded: 白石看到被鸣人握在手中的黑棒,嘴角勾起一抹笑容,眼睛微眯。随即,他向左右扫了一眼,提醒道: " Right, must be careful facing that thing, do not touch with the body directly. Was injured by that thing, treating is very troublesome. " 「对了,面对那个东西要小心一点,别用身体直接触碰。被那东西打伤,治疗起来会很麻烦。」 " Isn't Gentle Fist good? " 柔拳也不行吗?」 Ayane selected the brow, as if felt thorny. 绫音挑了挑眉头,似乎感到了棘手。 " Can guard with senjutsu chakra to a certain extent, but sought the jade destructive power is also not weak, should better not with the body direct contact. " 「用仙术查克拉可以在一定程度上防范,但是求道玉的破坏力同样不弱,最好不要用身体直接接触。」 Lies that only Katsu split body on Shiraishi shoulder said. 趴在白石肩膀上的那只活蝓分裂体说道。 Before this is also it , when faces asked a jade, must split the reason of body. 这也是它之前面对求道玉时,要分裂身体的缘故。 Although Senjutsu can resist, but sought the characteristics of jade, besides disregarding Ninjutsu, the destructive power that struck can easily destroy a forest. 虽然仙术可以抵御,但求道玉的特性,除了无视忍术之外,一击的破坏力可以轻易摧毁一座森林。 To a certain extent, wants the difficult style compared with Bijūdama (Tailed Beast Ball). 在某种程度上,是比尾兽玉还要棘手的招式。 " , His asked in a jade incessantly, but also is mixing with nature energy perhaps he also planned that in asking a jade, held the Senjutsu strength, making the might a level higher. " 「不止如此,他的求道玉之中,还夹杂着自然能量・・・・・・恐怕他还打算在求道玉之中,容纳仙术的力量,让威力更上一层楼。」 The Shiraishi corners of the mouth pulled pulling slightly. 白石嘴角轻微扯了扯。 " In other words, he plans to treat as the stepping-stone us, disciplines Ninjutsu by this? " 「也就是说,他打算将我们当做踏脚石,以此来磨练忍术是吗?」 The Ruri complexion moved slightly, took down the back flame circular fan, raised a piece of dust particle in the side. 琉璃脸色微动,取下了背后的焰团扇,在身边掀起一片微尘。 " Un, according to information that Kakashi provides, this fellow will grow at an astonishing speed in the actual combat, is not good at studying with the paper volume test, but in the practice domain, the accident/surprise has the enviable talent. Coordinates within the body that to make Chakra's Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) again infinitely, be thornier than First Hokage. " 「嗯,根据卡卡西提供的情报,这家伙会在实战中以一种惊人的速度成长,不擅长读书和纸卷考试,但在实践领域,意外拥有让人羡慕的天分。再配合体内那头能够无限制造查克拉的九尾,要比初代火影棘手不少。」 Listened to the narration of Shiraishi, Ruri and Ayane also understood Naruto and 听完白石的叙述,琉璃绫音也明白了鸣人和过 shinobi that fights, has difference essentially. 去战斗的忍者,有着本质上的不同。 However on their two faces, has not revealed any scared look. 但是她们二人脸上,也没有露出任何惧色。 In eternal pupil that especially Ruri opens, exposes together rich and frantic fighting intent, lets is red Sharingan, is shines bright red. 尤其是琉璃睁开的永恒之瞳中,更是展露出一道浓郁而狂热的战意,让原本就是红色的写轮眼,更是鲜红发亮。 " Such being the case, conducts the main attack by me, you two are responsible for supporting and diverting. " 「既然如此,由我来进行主攻,你们两个负责支援和牵制。」 Ruri grips tightly to stop the flame circular fan, in the arm flows senjutsu chakra, packages above the flame circular fan, therefore the edge of flame circular fan with the surface layer, starts to gather together the dim dark red dim light. 琉璃紧握住手中的焰团扇,手臂中流淌出仙术查克拉,包裹在焰团扇之上,于是焰团扇的边缘与表层,开始汇聚一道朦胧的暗红幽光。 Treads forward one step, the blood-color electric light fills the body, the aura increases the peak, during making the trim space the air fall into without the indication stagnates. 向前踏出一步,血色的电光弥漫身躯,气息攀升到巅峰,让整片空间的空气毫无征兆陷入凝滞之中。 Did " Shiraishi, how you say? " Ayane looks to Shiraishi. " Comes. " Shiraishi nods. 白石君,你怎么说?」绫音看向白石。「就这么来吧。」白石颔首。 Ayane aspirates, in the pure white pupil, has wiped together purple intent. " Since is Shiraishi order- " 绫音吐了口气,纯白的瞳孔中,抹过一道紫意。「既然是白石君的命令-」 Both legs straight differential, body forward one curved, the palm makes an effort to press to the ground. " One- that made your self-satisfied a while good temporarily! " 双腿笔直的微分,身体向前一弯,手掌用力向着地面一按。「一—那就暂时让你得意一会儿好了!」 " Gods Vacuum Attack! " 神空击!」 Fierce carat after compression and gathering, finally zero distance impact trim land.! 凶猛的克拉经过压缩与汇聚,最终零距离冲击整片大地。咔嚓! The terrifying cracking sound fills to hear. 恐怖的崩裂声音灌入耳中。 Naruto wants not to think, in the instance of under foot land disintegration, flashes on the rearward jumps, avoids the body unbalanced destiny. Looks downward, the disintegration land, the area covers several hundred meters surrounding area. 鸣人想也没想,在脚下大地崩碎的瞬间,就向后方闪跳,避免身体失衡的命运。向下望去,崩碎的大地,面积覆盖数百米方圆。 Instantaneously, this region already an erosion piece. 只是瞬间,这片区域就已经糜烂一片。 The innumerable rocks or the submersions, or encounter the violent force upward bulge, in the process of diastrophism, that is the clod that breaks surface and sinks, makes ka ka the sharp friction sound. 无数的岩石或是下沉,或是遭到猛力向上凸起,地壳运动的过程中,那是上浮和下沉的岩块,都是纷纷发出咔咔的尖锐摩擦声音。 - Naruto, behind! Comes from the prompt of Kyūbi (Nine-Tails). --鸣人,后面!来自于九尾的提示。 Naruto has not turned around to look, but actually felt the high temperature of violent rise. 鸣人没有转身去看,但是却感受到了猛烈上升的高温。 The back produced a violent sea of fire, blots out the sky to well up, sends out to get angry the howling common roaring sound. Naruto is sideways slightly, the split vision of corner of the eye, sea of fire that embezzles to come gets a panoramic view this. 背后产生了一片猛烈的火海,铺天盖地涌来,发出怒嚎一般的咆哮声。鸣人微微侧身,眼角的余光,将这片侵吞而来的火海尽收眼底。 Golden bodies Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) that the back emerges, is ordinary just like the living creature, deeply inspires, immediately blows out one toward the sea of fire 背后涌现的金身九尾,宛如活物一般,深吸了一口气,随即向着火海吹出一口 Emits but aura, formed the hurricane, lets hot wave with irresistible force, met an invisible firm thick barrier, can only rush to the sky, is burning the trim dark night, toward limitless starry sky turnover boiling hot large flame. 喷吐而出的气息,形成了飓风,让势如破竹的火浪,遇到了一道无形的坚厚屏障,只能冲上天空,燃烧着整片暗夜,向着无边无际的星空吞吐滚烫的火舌。 Bang! 轰! The invisible storm barrier was shattered. 无形的风暴屏障破碎。 The boiling hot wind breath divulges to come, to blow off the hair of Naruto from the gap. 滚热的风息从缺口中泄露而来,吹散开鸣人的头发。 The jet black form potential such as racing thunder rushes ahead together, dances in the air a jet black long hair, the flame circular fan resembles in hand is cutting the saber to cut to the body of Naruto. 一道漆黑的身影势如奔雷冲杀过来,飞舞着一头漆黑的长发,手里的焰团扇像斩马刀斩向鸣人的身体。 Ruri. Soon is close to the Naruto instance, bright red eternal Sharingan releases bright clear luminous, lets that pair of bright red pupil, probably the rubases are limpid. 正是琉璃。在快要接近鸣人的瞬间,鲜红的永恒写轮眼释放出剔透的晶莹光亮,让那双鲜红的眸子,像是红水晶般清澈。 " Black thunder! " 「黑雷!」 The world falls into the long night, by the jet black shadow corrosion, was lost the light. The sound also approaches the boundless abyss to be quiet. 天地陷入永夜,被漆黑的阴影侵蚀,失去光明。声音也向无边的深渊沉寂。 The deathly stillness and ice-cold turns toward the body extrusion of Naruto to come from four sides. Ding! 死寂与冰冷从四面向着鸣人的身体挤压而来。叮! The black stick in Naruto, found the track that the Ruri flame circular fan paddled accurate, sent out metal the deathly stillness of impact noise long night to vanish. 鸣人手里的黑棒,准确无误找到了琉璃焰团扇划动的轨道,发出了金属的撞击声永夜的死寂消失。 Kills the failure. 袭杀失败。 Ruri touches minute/share, has not prolonged contact, raises the flame circular fan to draw back backward, spreads out with Naruto. " Did sensation strength exceed my Dojutsu (Eye Technique)? " 琉璃一触即分,没有恋战,提着焰团扇向后一退,与鸣人重新拉开距离。「感知力超越了我的瞳术吗?」 The Ruri look fluctuated merely, restored calmly. 琉璃眼神仅仅波动了一下,就又恢复了镇静。 Please remember this book first round domain name:. Cell phone version reading website: 请记住本书首发域名:。手机版阅读网址:
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