EFK :: Volume #6

#291 Part 1: 3 people

As the mighty current of energy dilutes slowly, in the land only remains the dust sand that everywhere is dancing in the air. 随着能量的洪流慢慢稀释,大地上只残留着漫天飞舞的尘沙。 Innumerable every large or small Slug, the partly visible exposition soon is only deflecting in the triumphant sand dust, very obviously, originally huge Slug only, through the way that the body splits, thus weakened Bijūdama (Tailed Beast Ball) in view of the bombardment might of its body. 无数只大大小小的蛞蝓,若隐若现暴露在快要飞散凯的沙尘之中,很显然,原本巨大只的蛞蝓,通过身体分裂的方式,从而削弱了尾兽玉针对它身躯的轰击威力。 However the bonus is so, still many Slug schizonts, in the explosion of Bijūdama (Tailed Beast Ball), lost the life aura, above covers entirely the scar that is unable to heal, some split body directly exploded being split up, sprinkle place. 不过饶是如此,依然有不少蛞蝓分裂体,在尾兽玉的爆炸中,失去了生命气息,上面布满无法愈合的伤痕,有的分裂体直接被炸的四分五裂,洒落一地。 Without a doubt, these bodies are filling the Slug split body of rich death aura, before the flesh restores thoroughly, is unable to be operational in the fight. 毫无疑问,这些身上弥漫着浓郁死亡气息的蛞蝓分裂体,在血肉彻底修复之前,无法在战斗中投入使用。 But bases Shiraishi of explosion center, as Slug of palm of the hand sizes falls from the body, reveals body that his almost returns safe and sound. Facing the bombardment of Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) Bijūdama (Tailed Beast Ball), with the aid of the protection of summoned beast, successfully kept off the attack. 而立足爆炸中心的白石,随着一只只巴掌大小的蛞蝓从身上滑落,露出他那几乎毫发无损的身体。面对九尾尾兽玉的轰击,借助通灵兽的防护,成功挡下了攻击。 Incessantly so, he is also recruiting Chakra of these Slug within the body, by this supplemented Chakra who oneself lose, was restored as soon as possible completely by oneself. 不止如此,他还吸收着这些蛞蝓体内的查克拉,以此来补充自己损失的查克拉,让自身尽快恢复圆满。 After a series of high-intensity fights, Shiraishi Chakra consumes is also very serious. 经过一系列的高强度战斗,白石的查克拉消耗也十分严重。 Escaping Shiraishi, on the face has not appeared worries about the color, but is the complexion usual took a fast look around in the surroundings. 逃过一劫的白石,脸上并未出现担忧之色,而是脸色如常的在周围扫视了一圈。 " This time was really many thanks to you, Katsu, without you kept off this Bijūdama (Tailed Beast Ball) for me, I must endure suffering to discard this body mostly, was really at a crucial moment. " 「这次真是多亏你了,活蝓,如果没有你替我挡下这一颗尾兽玉,我多半要忍痛舍弃掉这副身体了,真可谓是千钧一发啊。」 Shiraishi leaves behind a palm of the hand big Katsu split body on the shoulder, communicates with it. 白石在肩膀上留下一只巴掌大的活蝓分裂体,与其进行沟通。 " Yes, the warm degree of this greeting makes me feel hard to resist. Moreover, this seems like Shiraishi-sama to summon me to come out for the first time to fight side-by-side together, without thinking enters the stage for the first time, receives such " precious " gift on first meeting. 「是啊,这个招呼的热情程度让我都觉得难以招架。而且,这好像是白石大人第一次召唤我出来一起并肩作战吧,没想到首次出场,就收到这么「贵重」的见面礼。 If not it has the fission to weaken and ability of dispersion attack by this, that will explode the body that it will summon by the smashing absolutely. 如果不是它有分裂以此来减弱和分散攻击的能力,那一下绝对会把它召唤出来的躯体炸到粉碎为止。 Therefore, the Katsu sound sounds somewhat seems to be plaintive, complained that the ingredient is in the majority. 因此,活蝓的声音听上去似乎有些哀怨,抱怨成分居多。 Although it did not mind that battles for the promisor, but treats as shield with its body directly, this approach also was really excessive. 尽管它不介意为契约者作战,但是直接拿它的身体当做挡箭牌,这种做法也实在是太过分了。 " But, said, Bijūdama (Tailed Beast Ball) touch , was really has not realized for a long time. Was hit by this thing previous time, remembers that is over a hundred years ago things. " 「不过,说起来,尾兽玉的触感,也真是好久都没有体会过了呢。上一次被这个东西打中,记得还是上百年前的事情吧。」 In the Katsu soft glutinous tone, filled sighed with emotion and fondly remembered. 活蝓软糯的语气中,充满了感慨与怀念。 As surviving millenniums immortals, it once with innumerable powerful shinobi signing contract, some promisors to obtain a stronger strength, acts in view of Bijuu (Tailed Beast) more than once. Also therefore, Katsu regarding battles this matter with Bijuu (Tailed Beast), does not feel strange. 作为存活千年的仙人,它曾与无数强大的忍者签订契约,其中一些契约者为了获得更强的力量,不止一次针对尾兽出手。也因此,活蝓对于和尾兽作战这种事情,并不感到陌生。 How to deal with Bijūdama (Tailed Beast Ball), conducts takes refuge from danger and weakens urgently, Katsu has rich wise remark. 如何应付尾兽玉,进行紧急避险和削弱,活蝓有着丰厚的经验之谈。 Simultaneously can in that case, while convenient Shiraishi this airtight that is summoning the protection, indicated that the Katsu ability is powerful, as well as that perfect rich experience. 同时能够在那种情况下,顺便将白石这位召唤着保护的密不透风,也足见活蝓能力强大,以及那过硬的丰富经验。 Saying, Katsu is starting the split body that controlled these dispersions not dead, gathered in the Shiraishi front fast, synthesized head length several-meter giant Slug instantaneously. 说着,活蝓开始控制那些分散还未死去的分裂体,快速在白石前方汇聚,瞬间合成一头长达数十公尺的巨型蛞蝓 Immediately this giant Slug sways from side to side the body, was exploded these to the split body fragment of smashing, directly absorbs in the body, by senjutsu chakra in within the body, gives the strong life aura again, gives full play to the vitality. 随即这头巨型蛞蝓扭动身体,将那些被炸到粉碎的分裂体碎片,直接吸收到身体之中,重新以体内的仙术查克拉,赋予浓厚的生命气息,重新焕发生机。 Soon, the Slug body, expanded again, the body is lending the mysterious and vigorous aura. Shiraishi jumped the Slug top of the head, confronted with front that huge golden body Kyūbi (Nine-Tails). 不多时,蛞蝓的身躯,再次壮大了一圈,身上散发着神秘与浑厚的气息。白石跳到了蛞蝓的头顶,与前面那头巨大的金身九尾进行对峙。 " Is opponent Naruto and Kyūbi (Nine-Tails)? Then, Shiraishi-sama, the Tsunade-sama name lost the induction from the contract scroll probably, was what happened? " 「对手是鸣人九尾吗?说起来,白石大人,纲手大人的名字好像从契约卷轴上失去了感应,是发生什么事了吗?」 The former half body of Katsu lifts slowly, two antenna contact air, release oneself Senjutsu perception capability. 活蝓的前半截身体慢慢抬起,两根触角接触空气,释放自己的仙术感知能力。 The main body that because this time summoned was very giant, even if were not the complete body, used Senjutsu and has no issue. 由于这次召唤出来的本体十分巨大,哪怕不是全部身体,使用仙术并没有什么问题。 Otherwise it does not have the absolute self-confidence, under the Bijūdama (Tailed Beast Ball) attack, protects the good Shiraishi security. Shiraishi has not responded regarding this issue, to deal silent. 不然它也没有绝对的自信,在尾兽玉攻击之下,保护好白石的安全。白石对于这个问题并未回应,以沉默应对。 Katsu in the silence of Shiraishi, understood anything directly, sends out the spooky sigh. 活蝓白石的沉默中,直接明白了什么,发出幽幽的叹息。 " Mutual battle between promisors, this matter had not happened for a long time, it seems like Tsunade-sama was the failure. " Actually it has long understood that on this day sooner or later will arrive. 「契约者之间的相互厮杀,这种事也好久没发生了,看来纲手大人是失败了。」其实它早已明白这一天迟早会到来。 Among the clever promisors in sacred place will not oppose generally, however in the long glorious years, Katsu has also seen Shiraishi and Tsunade this similar situation. 圣地的通灵契约者之间一般不会对立,但是在漫长悠久的岁月中,活蝓也见到过白石纲手这种相似的情况。 Is good is not sad spring/lust injures the autumn because of Katsu the character, although regrets elapsing of Tsunade, but does not have extremely to indulge in this sad mood. 好在活蝓并非悲春伤秋的性格,虽然惋惜纲手的逝去,但也没有太过沉溺在这种悲伤的心情中。 Tidies up the mood quickly, will focus in front Naruto and Kyūbi (Nine-Tails). 很快收拾好心情,将注意力集中在前方的鸣人九尾身上。 " Shiraishi-sama, although this condition I can use Senjutsu, but is used to cope with Kyūbi (Nine-Tails), was extremely reluctantly. If possible, but must summon my some bodies to be good again. " 白石大人,虽然这个状态我可以使用仙术,但是用来对付九尾,还是太过勉强了哦。如果可以的话,还要再多召唤出我的一部分躯体才行。」 The Katsu tone full is dignified and earnest. 活蝓的口吻满是凝重与认真。 Facing Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) this unusual Bijuu (Tailed Beast), even if it also has to treat carefully. In nine Bijuu (Tailed Beast), only then Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) Chakra, can achieve the infinite loop. 面对九尾这种不同寻常的尾兽,哪怕是它也不得不小心对待。九头尾兽中,只有九尾的查克拉,可以做到无限循环。 Without enough many Chakra, fights the protracted war to be extremely strenuous with Kyūbi (Nine-Tails). This is Katsu wise remark. 如果没有足够多的查克拉,和九尾打持久战太过吃力。这是活蝓的经验之谈。 " I know, however my Chakra, after such a long time fight, like just does not start to be sufficient, now can only find a little. " 「我知道,但是我的查克拉,经过这么长时间的战斗,已经不像刚开始那样充足了,现在只能匀出这么一点了。」 Shiraishi stands in the Katsu top of the head says. 白石站在活蝓的头顶开口说道。 He understands certainly, this mass live loses, is used to cope with Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) very reluctantly. Only measures from Chakra, this condition Katsu, greatly rough strong in eight. 他当然明白,这个体量的活输,用来对付九尾十分勉强。仅从查克拉量来说,这个状态的活蝓,大约略强于八尾。 In addition the Katsu ability characteristics, can socialize reluctantly the combat with Kyūbi (Nine-Tails), but is unable the upfront resistance. 加上活蝓的能力特性,勉强可以和九尾周旋作战,但无法正面对抗。 No matter how said that is also most Bijuu (Tailed Beast) under ten, is not difficult existence that can cope with easily 不管怎么说,那也是十尾之下的最尾兽,不是那么容易就可以对付的棘手存在 Let alone, in forms after Naruto this Jinchūriki is perfectly coordinated, Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) copes more troublesome. Opposite Naruto started the next step action. 更何况,在和鸣人这个人柱力形成完美协调之后,九尾对付起来就更加麻烦了。对面的鸣人开始了下一步的举动。 After seeing Shiraishi summoned Katsu, was the brow wrinkled merely, later stretched, leapt toward Katsu. 在看到白石召唤出活蝓之后,也仅仅是眉头皱了一下,随后舒展开来,朝着活蝓飞跃上来。 Bang! 轰! Katsu also refuses to admit being inferior, slams into forward with golden body Kyūbi (Nine-Tails). 活蝓也不甘示弱,向前和金身九尾猛烈撞击起来。 The lifeform of huge mass, is only a collision, makes the ground of under foot tear, raises blows the bone common sand dust, sweeps to four sides. 巨大体量的生物,只是一个碰撞,就让脚下的地面撕裂开来,掀起刮骨一般的沙尘,向四面扫荡。 In the mouth that loses exactly sends out calling out in grief of faint trace pain, obviously fights against Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) directly, the difficulty it estimate that during is higher. 活输的口中发出一丝丝痛苦的悲鸣,显然正面抗击九尾,难度要比它预想之中要高。 In golden body Kyūbi (Nine-Tails), it even induced some nature energy. 在金身九尾,它甚至感应到了些许的自然能量 Although has not fused with golden body Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) Chakra completely, but Katsu can look, Naruto in fights, while debugs Senjutsu and Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) connecting point. 虽然没有和金身九尾的查克拉完全融合,但活蝓能够看出来,鸣人正在一边战斗,一边调试仙术九尾的契合点。 If he completed the debugging, the strength must rise a stair mostly. 如果等他完成调试,实力多半还要上升一个台阶。 In that case, it mostly by Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) in easily accomplished steamroll way, thus tries the disastrous defeat the bitterness and astringency. 那样一来,它多半会被九尾以摧枯拉朽的碾压方式,从而尝试到惨败的苦涩。 However Katsu regarding this also and does not care, first did not say this not its main body, even if really suffers the disastrous defeat, it still has no competitive desire. 不过活蝓对此也并不在意,先不说这并非它的本体,即便真的遭遇惨败,它也没有什么争强好胜的欲望。 Present it, but is responding to the expectation of Shiraishi this promisor. The opposite party summoned it several tenths body, it used several tenths strength fight, that is all. 现在的它,不过是在回应白石这位契约者的期望罢了。对方召唤出它几成的身体,它就使用几成力量战斗,仅此而已。 Ties down while golden body Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) and Katsu, along with Naruto floats to ask a jade that comes, flies to strike instantaneously. The absolutely terrified aura, making Katsu body one shiver. 趁着金身九尾活蝓缠住,随鸣人漂浮而来的求道玉,瞬间飞击出去。毛骨悚然的气息,让活蝓身躯一阵颤抖。 Just like the huge body of mountain massif, starts to split from the middle directly, dissolves a giant cavity, to ask a jade makes way the path that opens access. 宛如山体的巨大身躯,直接开始从中间分裂,溶解出一个巨大的空洞,为求道玉让开畅通无阻的道路。 Shiraishi also has to jump the step backward, retreats with Katsu some schizonts. 白石也只好向后跳步,跟着活蝓的一部分分裂体撤退。 Behind the golden body Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) nine tails, wield to cut rapidly, locks the body of Shiraishi. The Shiraishi under foot percolating water mark, accelerates to jump the speed of step. 金身九尾背后的九根尾巴,迅速挥斩而出,锁定白石的身体。白石脚下流动水迹,加速跳步的速度。 Rumbling rumbling! 轰轰轰轰轰! The back land sends out a series of thundering. 背后的大地发出一连串的轰鸣。 Breaks the rock that scatters in all directions, the dust sand that everywhere sweeps across, has the storm of impact ability, blocked Shiraishi and relations of Katsu most schizonts. 震碎四散的岩石,漫天席卷的尘沙,还有具有冲击能力的风暴,阻断了白石活蝓大部分分裂体的联系。 " That is Rikudō Sennin (Sage of Six Paths) asked a jade, my main body came also to have the means to deal, the present body is unable to resist that type of thing. " 「那是六道仙人的求道玉,我本体过来还有办法应对,现在的躯体无法抵挡那种东西。」 Keeps on the Shiraishi shoulder 留在白石肩膀上 That only Katsu split body, said fast. 的那只活蝓分裂体,快速说道。 Simultaneously inspires the split body that scatters in all directions, runs in the land again, surrounds from the four directions eight sides, wants to continue to surround and protect and support Shiraishi. 同时引动四散的分裂体,再次在大地上奔跑,从四方八方包围过来,想要继续拱卫和支援白石 " Really is strange, I remember that thing, only then has shinobi of strength of Rikudō (Six Path), can use is right. Moreover must be skilled in Yin-Yang Release and five chakra attribute the utilization of how is this matter? " 「真是奇怪,我记得那个东西只有拥有六道之力的忍者,才能够使用才对。而且还要精通阴阳遁和五种查克拉属性的运用・・・・・・这是怎么一回事?」 Loses regarding the present condition exactly some are unreadable, felt that present violated its part of cognition. 活输对于眼前的状况有些难以理解,感觉眼前的一幕违背了它的一部分认知。 On the Shiraishi face is hanging the light happy expression, runs, while with the sensor type ninja technique, locks the tail of golden body Kyūbi (Nine-Tails), sought the motion path of jade. 白石脸上挂着淡淡的笑意,一边奔跑,一边用感知忍术,锁定金身九尾的尾巴,还有求道玉的移动轨迹。 " Child of the Prophecy? Although I do not believe that type of thing very much, but this child, it seems like indeed has not the general ability. However, I also require some time to analyze his Chakra. " 预言之子吗?虽然我不是很相信那种东西,但这个孩子,看来的确有着不一般的能力。不过,我还需要一些时间来分析他的查克拉。」 Must find an opportunity to continue to contact is good. Shiraishi is narrowing the eye, in the heart the secretly thought/passage. 得找个机会继续接触才行。白石眯着眼睛,心中暗道。 " Small eight, where do we want to go to support? " 「小八,我们要去哪边支援?」 In eight situated in both sides battlefields with Killer B, fell into the difficult choice. 位于两端战场中间的八尾与奇拉比,陷入了两难的抉择。 At the same time, they want to prevent ten complete recoveries, on the other hand also wants to support Naruto and Kyūbi (Nine-Tails), converging attack Shiraishi. 一方面,他们想要阻止十尾的完全复苏,另一方面也想要支援鸣人九尾,夹击白石 - Goes to that side Naruto. --去鸣人那边。 Eight responses resound in the Killer B mind. " ? " 八尾的回应在奇拉比的脑海中响起。「?」 Killer B has doubts eight this simply direct decisions very much. 奇拉比似是很疑惑八尾这种干脆直接的决定。 That little girl named Chiba Kazuhime, as if there is means to absorb ten strengths to change into oneself to use, in other words , that side situation, is actually eased. Ten most are unable to arrive by the most flourishing condition. 那个叫千叶一姬的小女孩,似乎有办法吸收十尾的力量化为己用,换言之,那边的情况,其实已经得到了缓解。十尾多半无法以全盛状态降临了。 So that's how it is, in other words, that side final result, mutually wounded? 原来如此,也就是说,那边最终的结果,会两败俱伤是吗? Very possibly. Furthermore, goes to that side ten, is easy to have the accident/surprise, as Jinchūriki, do not pass to join in the fun. If were swallowed, will make the circumstance worse. 很可能。再者,去十尾那边,容易发生意外,作为人柱力,还是不要过去凑热闹了。要是被吞掉,就会让情势更加恶劣。 Eight words, making Killer B set firm resolve. 八尾的话语,让奇拉比下定了决心。 Decides, Killer B completed the preparation that supports Naruto, drives eight complete body bodies, moves toward Naruto and Shiraishi that battlefield. 打定主意,奇拉比做好了支援鸣人的准备,拖动八尾的完全体身体,向着鸣人白石那处战场移动。 Sees under the pursuit of Naruto, form of Shiraishi stampede. But Killer B knows, this is only the false appearance. 看到在鸣人的追击下,白石狼狈逃窜的身影。但奇拉比知道,这只是假象。 Although Shiraishi has been running away, the appearance seems like is also quite distressed, but among the movements smooth unimpeded did not say, on the face does not have the least bit nervous color, obviously in a short time, Naruto is unable to take the opposite party. 白石虽然一直在逃窜,样子看上去也颇为狼狈,但动作之间流畅无阻不说,脸上也没有半点慌色,显然短时间内,鸣人无法拿下对方。 Must further reduce the room for action of opposite party, making the opposite party evade not to be possible to evade. But is close to the opposite party being extremely dangerous rashly. 必须进一步压缩对方的行动空间,让对方避无可避。而冒然接近对方太过危险。 Therefore, long-distance move that can use, and has the huge lethality, only has a choice. 所以,能够使用的远程招数,且具备巨大杀伤力,只剩下一个选择。 Therefore, Killer B controls eight of complete body, immediately Chakra who agitates the whole body, condenses the compression toward the mouth, reveals the sphere indistinctly the shape, most outside, covers a mysterious purple halo. 于是,奇拉比控制完全体的八尾,立马鼓动全身的查克拉,朝着口腔凝聚压缩,隐隐约约露出圆球的形态,最外的一层,笼罩一层神秘的紫色光晕。 " Shiraishi-sama! " 白石大人!」 Not only Katsu detected that eight being ready attacks, Shiraishi also detected eight Chakra's drastic fluctuations with the sensor type ninja technique. 不只是活蝓察觉到八尾蓄势待发的进攻,白石同样用感知忍术察觉到了八尾查克拉的剧烈波动。 Eight aura are locking him. 八尾的气息在锁定他。 Without turning around to turn head to look, only seeps out to have Chakra of destruction nature from the air, Shiraishi also distinguishes with eight being in one Killer B, what attack is fermenting. 哪怕没有转身扭头去看,仅从空气中渗出带有毁灭性质的查克拉,白石也分辨出与八尾合为一体的奇拉比,在酝酿什么样的攻击。 Bijūdama (Tailed Beast Ball). 尾兽玉 Under premise that is unable to be close to rashly, wish is Naruto creates the good attack time, and blocks his motion region, Bijūdama (Tailed Beast Ball) without doubt not two choices. 在无法冒然接近的前提下,想要为鸣人创造绝佳的进攻时机,并且封锁他的移动区域,尾兽玉无疑是不二选择。 Although eight Bijūdama (Tailed Beast Ball) might are inferior to Kyūbi (Nine-Tails), but on fight, can make the huge trouble to Shiraishi similarly but as a result of the disturbance of Naruto, Katsu in a short time, is unable to get together these to disperse in all around split body, for Shiraishi 尽管八尾的尾兽玉威力不如九尾,但打到身上,同样可以给白石造成巨大的麻烦而由于鸣人的干扰,活蝓短时间内,无法聚合那些分散在四周的分裂体,替白石 Keeps off this time Bijūdama (Tailed Beast Ball). 挡下这次的尾兽玉 " Is now! Goes! " 「就是现在!去吧!」 Does not give the Shiraishi enough ponder time, aims at the instance of Shiraishi leap taking off, the outward appearance for giant black ball Bijūdama (Tailed Beast Ball), was sprayed by eight one, presses up to Shiraishi to go. 不给白石足够的思考时间,瞄准白石飞跃起跳的瞬间,外观为巨大黑球的尾兽玉,就被八尾一口喷射出去,直逼白石而去。 The Bijūdama (Tailed Beast Ball) ultra-large quality, in the process of flight, the place visited air conducted the distortion, cuts void. 尾兽玉的超大质量,在飞行的过程中,所过之处的空气都进行了扭曲,划破虚空。 Shiraishi surface 白石 Does not change countenance, the calmness in look makes people feel that he is similar all within the computation, has victory in the hand. 不改色,眼神之中的镇定让人感觉他仿佛一切都在计算之内,胜券在握似的。 A white form such as the lightning rushed to the Shiraishi front, even transforms the time of breath not to have, that spoken parts shadow on rapid lifts the heel, adjusts the physique in the electric light flint, the form plunders again, then aims at the huge quality jet black Bijūdama (Tailed Beast Ball) to kick a foot. 一道白色的身影如闪电冲到了白石的面前,连转换呼吸的功夫都没有,那道白影就迅速的将脚跟抬起,在电光火石之间调整身姿,身影再次掠动出去,然后对准巨大质量的漆黑尾兽玉踢出一脚。 Does not have the least bit to stagnate or hesitant, all movements form a coherent whole to be completed. Graceful and beautiful, is wild and swift and violent. 没有半点凝滞或者犹豫,所有动作都是一气呵成完成。优雅而美丽,狂暴而迅猛。 Bang! 轰! The space sent out the slating deafening sound, in the air swung ripples rapidly, spread out all over. 空间发出了雷鸣般的震响,空气中飞速荡开一层涟漪,铺展开来。 That Bijūdama (Tailed Beast Ball) flies immediately toward the boundless nighttime sky, finally was separated in several kilometers starry sky to start the explosion with the land, the fierce energy shone the flash that was shattered, outshone the nighttime sky, is mixing the upper layer recklessly, curled up the air turbulent flow. 那颗尾兽玉顿时朝着无垠的夜空飞去,最终在与大地间隔数千米的星空中掀起了爆炸,凶猛的能量照射出破灭的闪光,照亮了夜空,肆意搅动着上层,卷起空气乱流。 Even if in the people on land, the clothes sends is still blown carelessly dances in the air, the tremendous pressure descends from the sky. 即使在位于大地上的众人,衣发也被吹得胡乱飞舞,巨大的压力从天空降落。 Without enough powerful Chakra, absolutely by this tremendous pressure bending the body, reveals to lie the distressed appearance in ground. 如果没有足够强大的查克拉,绝对会被这股巨大的压力给压弯身躯,露出趴在地面上的狼狈样子。 Is good does not have the weak one because of shinobi on the scene, regarding such explosion complementary waves, has become accustomed. The body erupts Chakra, this from invisible pressure separating several kilometers away. 好在在场的忍者都没有弱者,对于这样的爆炸余波,早已经习以为常。身躯爆发出查克拉,就将这股来自几千米之外的无形压力弹开了。 " Opens and cracks a joke, my Bijūdama (Tailed Beast Ball) will be kicked unexpectedly " bonus can not eight not be shocking. 「开、开玩笑的吧,我的尾兽玉竟然会被一脚踢飞・・・・・・」饶不得八尾不震惊。 It knows that in this Ninja World, many shinobi have to resist the Bijūdama (Tailed Beast Ball) method, but does not include absolutely is kicked this matter. 它知道这个忍界中,有不少忍者拥有抵挡尾兽玉的手段,但是绝对不包括被人一脚踢飞这种事。 Even if shifts with space and time Ninjutsu, or with tying kind of Ninjutsu resists, compares this more credible. 哪怕是用时空忍术转移,或是用结界类忍术对抗,也比这个更加靠谱。 Because the Bijūdama (Tailed Beast Ball) itself/Ben is exterminates the great strength of enemy to kill to incur, Chakra's structure is huge and precise, so long as is spurred by enough external force, explodes immediately. 因为尾兽玉本就是灭绝敌人的强大杀招,查克拉的构造庞大而精密,只要受到外界足够的外力刺激,就会立刻爆炸。 However finally Bijūdama (Tailed Beast Ball) actually in receiving the situation of strong external force, after flying a sky distance, explodes. How this saw that makes eight feel unbelievable. 但是结果尾兽玉却是在受到强大外力的情况下,飞到天空一段距离后才爆炸。这怎么看都让八尾感到难以置信。 Compares in eight shock, Shiraishi looked to solves the Bijūdama (Tailed Beast Ball) white form for oneself, that dancing in the air black long hair, after kicking Bijūdama (Tailed Beast Ball), she also in same place moved one that to wrap the white to cross the right leg of knee sock slightly, eliminated feeling on the paralysis right leg. 相比于八尾的震惊,白石则是看向替自己解决掉尾兽玉的白色身影,还有那一头飞舞的黑色长发,在踢飞尾兽玉之后,她也只是在原地稍微活动了一下那条包裹着白色过膝袜的右腿,将右腿上的麻痹感消除掉。 " Thanks Ayane, you rushed luckily promptly, otherwise I do not have idea with this type of dangerous thing. " 「谢了,绫音,幸好你及时赶到了,不然我拿这种危险的东西可是没辙。」 Does not know that is modest or anything, on the Shiraishi face made the movement of panting for breath, evidently is well loose 不知是谦虚还是什么,白石脸上做出了喘息的动作,看样子是好好的松了一口 " This minor matter did not need to care, Shiraishi, but, your distressed appearance, was really very long has not seen. " 「这种小事就不用在意了,白石君,不过,你这种狼狈的样子,真是很久没看到了呢。」 Ayane has turned around, remains has vanished in the feeling of paralysis right leg similarly, steps the footsteps, approaches toward Shiraishi. 绫音转过身,残留在右腿的麻痹感已经消失差不多了,迈动脚步,向着白石这边靠近。 Clothes are somewhat broken, many places were been incarnadine by the blood. That is her own blood. 0.5 身上的衣服有些残破,不少地方都被鲜血染红。那是她自己的鲜血。.五 Sees on Shiraishi that incarnadine white long unlined gown, the corners of the mouth bends slightly upwardly. 看到白石身上那件染红的白色大褂,嘴角微微向上弯起。 Shiraishi vision toward Naruto there slanting, on face relaxed vanishes slowly, what replaces it is prudent. 白石的目光朝鸣人那里斜了一眼,脸上的轻松慢慢消失,取而代之的是一片慎重。 " , Because of this time opponent, is very thorny, is unable to win with the general method absolutely. In Shiraishi spoke, the back heard the sound of footsteps of speeding along. 「啊,因为这次的对手,很是棘手,用一般的手段是绝对无法取胜的。就在白石说话之际,背后传来了飞驰的脚步声。 Is Ruri that jet black tight-fitting shinobi installs, although runs quickly similarly strongly, moreover first walks one step compared with Ayane, but because is wounded seriously, therefore arrived here to be slower than a racket Ayane. 是一身漆黑紧身忍者装的琉璃,虽然同样是竭力奔驰,而且比绫音先走一步,但由于负伤严重,所以来到这里比绫音慢了一拍。 In addition during , only conducted the air changes of extremely few number of times, spanned dozens kilometers journey on the one breath directly, causes to be pale, on the face presented the sweat, stuck the hair in one. 加上期间只进行了极少次数的换气,就一口气直接跨越了数十公里的路途,导致脸色苍白,脸上出现了汗水,将头发也黏在了一起。 The breath disorder, the shoulder trembles slightly lightly, the whole is not prolonged and calm like the Ayane aura, seemingly has a chaotic aesthetic sense. 呼吸紊乱,肩膀微微轻颤,整体不像绫音气息绵长而沉稳,看上去有种纷乱的美感。 Sees first to step Ayane, Ruri adjusts the breath as far as possible, was stabilized by the aura of own disorder, exuded a discontented light hum/snort. 看到比自己先到一步的绫音,琉璃尽量调整呼吸,让自己紊乱的气息稳定下来,发出了一道不满的轻哼声。 As if was surpassed by Ayane like this, making her heart slightly uncomfortable. 似乎就这样被绫音超过,让她心头微微不爽。 " At this time, do not conduct senseless competition. " Shiraishi is slightly speechless. 「这种时候,你们两个就不要进行无谓的攀比了。」白石微微无语。 Arrives at the colored glaze 来到琉 Side glass, the palm builds, in Ruri on shoulder that also in trembles slightly lightly, displays medical Senjutsu, her wound healing, damages the internal organs part of hemorrhage, under Shiraishi Senjutsu convalesces, the injury soon obtained stably. 璃身边,手掌搭在琉璃还在微微轻颤的肩膀上,施展医疗仙术,将她身上的伤口愈合,就连损伤出血的内脏部分,也在白石仙术疗养下,伤势很快得到了稳定。
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