EFK :: Volume #6

#290 Part 2: Probe

But, Shiraishi in the flame of rupturing, has not actually induced to the Naruto weak aura. No, rather such radical explosion, completely no function. 可是,白石却未在爆裂的火光中,感应到鸣人虚弱的气息。不,不如说那样剧烈的爆炸,完全没有一点作用。 Perhaps can have the function of disturbance line of sight merely. Scoff! 恐怕仅仅能产生干扰视线的作用。嗤! The sound of hard object puncture air, near the Shiraishi ear crack. 硬物穿刺空气的声音,在白石耳边炸响。 The golden tail changes into the sharp blade, lasing from flame and mist and dust. 金色的尾巴化为利刃,从火光与烟尘中激射而出。 Shiraishi also shifts the body, is dodging the puncture of golden tail distressedly, avoids being punctured the body by the tail. The soul whisker refuses to admit being inferior to fly to shoot, is catching the body of Naruto. 白石也转移身体,狼狈闪躲着金色尾巴的穿刺,避免被尾巴打穿身体。身后的灵魂触须不甘示弱飞射出去,捕捉着鸣人的身体。 both sides are attacking. 双方都在进攻。 Quite quick! Shiraishi is feeling Naruto Chakra and soul position in sensor type ninja technique, almost every seconds, the opposite party will transfer to another position completely, casts off his footsteps by far. 好快!白石感受着感知忍术内的鸣人查克拉与灵魂位置,几乎每隔一秒钟,对方就会完全调离到另一个位置,将他的脚步远远甩开。 Although has long known that Naruto after becoming Perfect Jinchuriki, various aspects will have the growth, but has not thought that will grow to this degree. 虽然早已知道鸣人在成为完美人柱力之后,各方面都会有增长,但没想到会增长到这个程度。 Only is taijutsu, makes him feel thornily. " This fellow " 光是体术,就让他感觉到棘手。「这家伙・・・・・・」 Naruto is dodging the soul tentacle of Shiraishi, is catching the Shiraishi motion path, the brow wrinkle is tighter. 鸣人闪躲着白石的灵魂触手,捕捉着白石的移动轨迹,眉头越皱越紧。 The Shiraishi speed is not actually fast, at least in shinobi of the same class, his speed is very slow that kind. 白石的速度其实并不算快,起码在同级别的忍者之中,他的速度算是十分缓慢的那一类。 However, the opposite party actually every can " lucky " evade his attack one time, and occasionally can also hit back. Like this violates the general knowledge, making the Naruto innermost feelings emerge the strange subtle feeling. 但是,对方却每一次都能「侥幸」躲过他的攻击,并且偶尔还能做出反击。这样违反常识的一幕,让鸣人内心涌现出诡异的微妙感。 - Is the soul. --是灵魂。 In the mind, presented the Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) serious sound.- Soul? 脑海之中,出现了九尾沉重的声音。--灵魂? The Naruto innermost feelings are stunned. 鸣人内心愕然。 It seems like Byakugan| white eyes, you did not think that the ability of opposite party, is actually very similar? Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) said again. 就好像白眼,你不觉得对方的这种能力,其实很相似吗?九尾再次说道。 Naruto holds the miraculous glow that in the mind flashed past, understood anything. Byakugan| white eyes! 鸣人抓住了脑海中一闪而过的灵光,恍惚间明白了什么。白眼 Kekkei Genkai (Bloodline Limit) of Hyuga clan. 日向一族的血继限界 Farsighted, perspective/see through Dojutsu (Eye Technique) most outstanding representative. 远视,透视瞳术的最出众代表。 In the past he to be better to exercise taijutsu, under the arrangement of Tsunade, had once trained with shinobi of Hyuga clan repeatedly. On the by speed and nerve reaction, with his Hyuga clan shinobi to war, must be inferior in him, however in the true actual combat, the opposite party can always one step make the arrangement beforehand, keeps off his all attacks, and can hold him to act the crevice, counter-attacks. 过去他为了更好锻炼体术,在纲手的安排下,曾多次和日向一族的忍者对练过。就以速度和神经反应力而言,和他对战的那名日向一族忍者,要逊色于他,但是在真正实战中,对方总能事先一步做好安排,挡下他所有的攻击,并且能抓住他动作间的空隙,进行反击。 Shiraishi now with having Byakugan| white eyes shinobi one, although the speed and nerve reaction cannot follow him, but actually some dependence ability, the lead prepare arrangement, dodges and counter-attacks by his movement. 白石现在就和拥有白眼忍者一眼,虽然速度和神经反应力跟不上他,但是却依靠某种能力,率先布置好安排,以此来闪避和回击他的动作。 This and has Byakugan| white eyes Hyuga clan shinobi, the method is exactly the same. But this special capability, likely and soul is related. 这和拥有白眼日向一族忍者,手段如出一辙。而这个特殊能力,很可能和灵魂相关。 His soul strength is very strong, the old man remembers, in the past taught you Ninjutsu that fellow named Jiraya, hasn't left behind the important incomparable information in Konoha? This man named " Chiba Shiraishi, as if can by the soul determine the information that enemy, has perception capability that exceeds the sensor type ninja technique. Although guessed, information that but looking back now, that Sannin finds out, mostly not mistake. In other words, this fellow " eye " , you wants wise many compared with Naruto. 他的灵魂力量十分强大,老夫记得,过去教你忍术的那个叫做自来也的家伙,不是在木叶留下过重要无比的情报吗?这个叫做「千叶白石的男人,似乎可以凭借灵魂来确定敌人的信息,拥有超越感知忍术的感知能力。虽然只是猜测,但现在看来,那位三忍探得的情报,多半并没有错误。也就是说,这家伙的「眼睛」,比鸣人你要高明的多。 Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) said sincerely.- How can that decode? 九尾语重心长说道。-那要怎么样破解? The soul strength of close opposite party, this point we cannot achieve. Therefore, with Bijūdama (Tailed Beast Ball), rumbled the sediment him on the line! At his speed, cannot escape from the Bijūdama (Tailed Beast Ball) explosion range! 封闭对方的灵魂力量・・・・・・嗯,这一点我们做不到。所以,用尾兽玉,把他轰成渣子就行了!以他的速度,逃不出尾兽玉的爆炸范围! " Understood! " 「明白!」 In the Naruto eye flashes through a bright, the back transforms huge golden body Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) again. Jet black mark seal arranges densely covered, forms the mysterious trace above. 鸣人眼中闪过一道亮光,背后再次幻化出巨大的金身九尾。漆黑的纹印密布排列,在上面形成神秘的纹路。 Feels the change of Naruto Chakra aura, as well as in the mouth of golden body Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) opening, the jet black spheroid of rapid formation, Shiraishi understands the plan of Naruto immediately. 感受到鸣人查克拉气息的变动,以及金身九尾张大的口中,迅速成型的漆黑球体,白石立刻明白了鸣人的打算。 " Troublesome fellow " 「麻烦的家伙・・・・・・」 Has not hesitated, Shiraishi both hands fast knot seal, assembles senjutsu chakra in within the body, makes an effort to aim at the ground to press down fiercely. 没有迟疑,白石双手快速结印,调集体内的仙术查克拉,猛地用力对准地面按下。 " Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Summoning Jutsu)! " 通灵之术!」 The windblown dust fills the air, the continuous over a hundred meters get down. 尘烟弥漫,连绵上百米下去。 The head of huge Slug, finds out from the windblown dust, other bodies, can only screen the jet black outline in the mist and dust, partly visible. 巨大蛞蝓的头部,从尘烟中探出,其余的躯体,只能在烟尘中映出漆黑的轮廓,若隐若现。 It raised the head, looks around all around scene instantly, the present field of vision was occupied by jet black Bijūdama (Tailed Beast Ball) firmly. 它抬起头,张望四周景象的刹那,眼前的视野就被漆黑的尾兽玉牢牢占据。 The impact of rupturing, making this huge Slug body shiver violently, when it detected when situation not, that energy mighty current that has by the explosion, sends out sound that roared to angrily roar, swallowed all. 爆裂的冲击,让这头巨大蛞蝓的身躯猛烈颤动,等它察觉到情况不对时,那股由爆炸产生的能量洪流,发出咆哮怒吼的声音,吞噬了一切。 Please remember this book first round domain name:. Cell phone version reading website: 请记住本书首发域名:。手机版阅读网址:
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