EFK :: Volume #6

#290 Part 1: Probe

" ? " 「品?」 The difference of distant battlefield, disseminates Ayane and Ruri. 远方战场的异样,同样传播到绫音琉璃这边。 Compared with the sensor type ninja technique, has Byakugan| white eyes of farsighted ability, catches the place that Shiraishi presented all of a sudden. 比起感知忍术,拥有远视能力的白眼,一下子捕捉到了白石出现的地方。 By the Byakugan| white eyes pupil strength, in several hundred years, not necessarily has shinobi of Hyuga clan to exceed Ayane. Therefore, her farsighted distance was very exaggerating, surpassed shinobi regarding the cognition of Byakugan| white eyes farsighted ability. 白眼的瞳力而言,在数百年之内,都未必有日向一族的忍者可以超越绫音。因此,她的远视距离十分夸张,超过了忍者对于白眼远视能力的认知。 Did not say politely, even if most sensor type ninja techniques, in the distance, is not necessarily able to exceed Ayane Byakugan| white eyes. Is self-centered, 50 km in diameter, in observation range. 不客气的说,哪怕是大部分感知忍术,在距离上,都未必能超越绫音白眼。以自身为中心,直径50公里,都在观测范围之内。 Although such general spaces, are unable to achieve the perfect attendance, so long as there is a Chakra above level to respond appears, will first arouse the Ayane vigilance. 虽然这么广大的空间,无法做到十全十美的照顾,但只要有水准之上的查克拉反应出现,就会第一时间引起绫音的警觉。 " I saw Shiraishi Chakra, that side Kazuhime, Sasuke also arrived probably, in Nine-tailed Jinchūriki that boy to. " 「我看到白石君的查克拉了,在一姬那边,佐助好像也到了,正在和九尾人柱力那小子对上。」 Ayane leaned the head, does not care about look vigilant Second Hokage and the others completely, said these words. 绫音侧了侧头,完全不在乎神色警惕的二代火影等人,说出了这番话。 Although she cannot catch Tobirama, but Tobirama also takes them not to have the means. Moreover, the place that the trend of this war, these Edo Tensei shades, can affect, is very narrow. 虽然她抓不到扉间,但扉间同样也拿他们没有办法。而且,这场战争的走向,这些秽土转生的影们,能影响到的地方,已经十分狭窄了。 " It seems like the fight in pure land had decided the victory and defeat. Does not need to stay here, goes to that side to converge. " After Ruri hear, made the judgment quickly. 「看来净土之中的战斗已经分出了胜负。没必要留在这里了,去那边汇合。」琉璃听后,很快做出了判断。 Sharingan 11 passed over gently and swiftly from Tobirama and the others, then the form flashes, from loses the trace same place. 写轮眼扉间等人身上一一掠过,接着身影一闪,从原地失去踪影。 " That side such being the case, the little miss, you pass enter the war, here gives us to cope. Old man this old bones, but can also be able to support. " 「既然如此,小姑娘,你们过去那边参战吧,这边交给我们来对付。老夫这把老骨头,还能够支撑下去。」 Initially the generation of Mizukage white lotus signal by nodding to Ayane , indicating that here fight, gives him and Gengetsu paraselenae diversion then. " That asked. " 初代水影白莲对绫音点头示意,表示这边的战斗,交给他和鬼灯幻月牵制即可。「那就拜托了。」 Ayane nodded, has not declined the good intention of white lotus. 绫音点了点头,没有谢绝白莲的好意。 Although the shadow functions of these Edo Tensei are very low, but if disturbed in the past, unavoidably will also make them divert attention to deal with, if some people can help divert, that it would be the best. 尽管这些秽土转生的影作用很低,但如果过去捣乱,难免也会让他们分心应付,若是有人能帮忙牵制,那最好不过了。 Follows the direction that Ruri leaves, Ayane not to make the ponder, with using Body Flicker Technique vanishes. 追随琉璃离开的方向,绫音没有多做思考,跟着用瞬身术消失。 " Ok, is only left over our one group of deceased people now here. The old men felt, since this is the world that the living person leads, as we of deceased person, does not need to interfere with the revolution of this world again, waited for the final output of war to be good simply here. In any case the strength of that group of young people, even we pass, is still hard to change anything. " 「好了,现在只剩下我们一群死人在这里了。老夫觉得,既然这是活人主导的世界,身为死人的我们,就没必要再来干涉这个世界的运转,干脆就在这里等待战争的最后结果好了。反正那群年轻人的力量,即便我们过去,也难以改变什么。」 Bailian loud and clear speech, but looks to the Tobirama three people of looks, has not relaxed vigilantly, the innermost feelings throw to respond with the intense vigilance. 白莲掷地有声的发言,但看向扉间三人的眼神,并未放松警惕,内心扔抱以强烈的戒心。 If then must continue to clash, can be difficult struggle probably. Really, heard the words of white lotus, the Tobirama three people are slightly are pressed the brow. 如果接下来要继续发生冲突,大概会是一场艰难的苦战吧。果然,听到了白莲的话语,扉间三人都是微微蹙起眉头。 Was not moved by the words of white lotus, but calculates the strength of both sides, just like the white lotus said that the role that they can play is minimal. 并非是被白莲的话打动,而是计算敌我双方的实力,正如白莲所言,他们这些人能够起到的作用已经微乎其微。 In the Tobirama eye, the shinobi average strength of that side battlefield, starts by his elder brother Hashirama and Uchiha Madara that rank mostly. 扉间眼中,那边战场的忍者平均实力,多半是以他的兄长柱间宇智波斑那个级别开始起步。 Rashly the involvement that rank shinobi battlefield, perhaps is only the complementary waves of fight, can isolate him outside. Initially generation of shades, the qualifications of also only then reluctantly joining, but is unable to take decisive strength. 冒然介入那种级别忍者的战场,恐怕光是战斗的余波,就能将他隔绝在外。初代影们,也只有勉强加入进去的资格,但无法作为其中决定性的力量。 Let alone, the generation of Mizukage white lotus divert initially here, preferably , can only squeeze out shinobi to enter the war in the past. 更何况,还有初代水影白莲在这里牵制,最好的情况,也只能挤出一位忍者过去参战。 Even if just, can squeeze out a new force to support in the past, must brave momentarily by the seal risk. After all soul Forbidden Technique that in the opposite party hand holds, extremely in restraining Edo Tensei this Forbidden Technique. 只不过,就算能够挤出一名生力军过去支援,也要冒着随时被封印的风险。毕竟对方手中握有的灵魂禁术,太过于克制秽土转生这个禁术 Tobirama is in a dilemma suddenly. 扉间一时间进退两难。 He induces to Shiraishi Chakra, Tsunade Chakra who as well as vanishes gradually, but Chakra of others have not induced, very obviously, the fates of others are anything, he has been well aware. 他感应到白石的查克拉,以及渐渐消失的纲手查克拉,但是其余人的查克拉并未感应到,很显然,其余人的下场是什么,他已然心知肚明。 Scene such strange refuses to compromise. 场面就这样诡异的僵持下来。 Sparkle the lasing of column of aurora from sky under. 闪耀的极光之柱从天空中激射而下。 Scarlet Child does not draw back to leap the footsteps toward the sky that instead enters, whatever the light beam covers above the body. 赤子不退反进的向着天空跃出脚步,任由光柱笼罩在身躯之上。 Afterward this light beam starts curvingly, sways from side to side, finally forms Chakra rivulets, 随后这道光柱开始弯曲,扭动,最后形成一股股查克拉细流, Gathering to Scarlet Child within the body 汇聚向赤子的体内 Scarlet Child brandishes the long spear/gun in hand, exposes the blood red spear head, a stroke in void, cuts together nearly Mangetsu the blood red light shadow later, later as light as a swallow falling in the ground, raised the head with the faint incomparable pupil, looks void to somewhere. 赤子挥舞手里的长枪,暴露出血红的枪头,在虚空中随后一划,斩出一道近乎满月般的血红光影,随后身轻如燕的落在地面上,抬头用淡漠无比的眸子,看向虚空的某处。 There is empty, however the eyes of Scarlet Child, can actually penetrate void, feels there intense Chakra to respond. 那里空无一物,但是赤子的双眼,却能穿透虚空,感受到那里的强烈查克拉反应。 The dustlessness confuses the stopper. 无尘迷塞。 Two generations of Tsuchikage specialty that does not have. 二代土影・无的拿手好戏。 Secret Technique that the aura and physique cover up completely. 将气息和形体完全遮掩的秘术 Even the sensor type ninja technique is still very difficult to induce, coordinates his not to have toward again, but the technique of disadvantageous Dust Release, in the battlefield, is similar to an extremely terrifying life harvester. 即便是感知忍术也很难感应,再配合他那无往而不利的尘遁之术,在战场上,就如同一台极为恐怖的生命收割机。 However camouflages the aura the dustlessness to confuse the stopper, dominates Bloodline Limit above Kekkei Genkai (Bloodline Limit) eliminates, such method, is invalid to him. 但是无论是遮蔽气息的无尘迷塞,还是凌驾于血继限界之上的血继淘汰,这样的手段,都对他无效。 By technique that Chakra produces purely, in his eyes, is heartless just like the slip of paper. 以纯粹查克拉生成的术,在他眼里,宛如纸片脆薄。 Is worth praising only, is the opposite party has the ability of flight, can be in an impregnable position from the beginning. Regarding this point, Scarlet Child indeed takes the opposite party not to have idea, can only rely on the jump ability, occasionally launches the surprise attack. 唯一值得称道的,便是对方拥有飞行的能力吧,能够从一开始就立于不败之地。对于这一点,赤子的确拿对方没辙,只能凭借跳跃能力,偶尔发起突袭。 But if the opposite party flies slightly high, he can only stare on the ground dry/does. 但若是对方稍微飞高一点,他就只能在地上干瞪着眼。 Bang! 轰! Fills the air travel fatigue that comes, moist water mark, from distant impact. 弥漫而来的风尘,还有湿润的水迹,从远方冲击而来。 Everywhere flood, with rolling the sand dust hit in the distant place violently, created the giant sound. That is the brutal scene that the Water Dragon god and Second Kazekage, three generations of Kazekage battles have. 漫天的洪水,与滚动起来的沙尘在远处激撞,造成了巨大的动静。那是水龙神与二代风影、三代风影交战产生的残酷景象。 Every gesture and motions, are inspiring the change of terrain. both sides each other are seizing the advantageous terrain. 一招一式,都引动着地形的改变。双方彼此抢占着有利地形。 The Water Dragon god continually makes the flood, forms the length and breadth on the land the lake, manufactures to help own combat environment, but two generations are also unwilling to fall behind with three generations of Kazekage, later covers by the sand dust, covers the lake, forming the drought is arid 水龙神不断制造洪水,在陆地上形成广袤的湖泊,制作出有利于自己的战斗环境而二代与三代风影也不甘落后,随后以沙尘覆盖,将湖泊掩盖,形成干旱枯燥的 The desert, absorbs in the land each drop of moisture content, squeezes the existing space of Water Dragon god. 沙漠,汲取大地上每一滴水分,压榨水龙神的生存空间。 Stealth in sky no, swept one toward another battlefield, the heart sighed slightly. He has not made such hard to deal with opponent. 在天空中隐身的无,朝另一处战场扫了一眼,心底微微一叹。他从没打过这么难缠的对手。 That water snake will recruit Chakra, even Dust Release attacks, because still Chakra was absorbed most, thus loses the lethality. 那头水蛇会吸收查克拉,即便尘遁攻击上去,也会因为查克拉被吸收大半,从而失去杀伤力。 Even if successfully cuts in half the body of opposite party, opposite party calmly the body of breaking fuses together. 即便成功将对方的身体切成两半,对方还是会若无其事的将断裂的身躯重新融为一体。 Has like this precondition, his Dust Release is unable to cope with the Water Dragon god. 有这样的先决条件,他的尘遁就无法对付水龙神。 Scarlet Child is also likewise, the invalid Ninjutsu attack, in the hand has the strange long spear/gun of absorption soul, if approaches, were cut open an opening on the body slightly, even if the Edo Tensei body, it is estimated that cannot endure. 赤子也是同理,无效忍术攻击,手里有着吸收灵魂的诡异长枪,若是被接近,稍微在身体上切开一道口子,哪怕是秽土转生身躯,估计也吃不消。 Because in the information, mentioned that the strange long spear/gun, can make to restrain Chakra's violent poisonousness. 因为情报中,提及那把诡异长枪,能够制造克制查克拉的剧毒。 Although the body of Edo Tensei can the restore, but in the final analysis Chakra's effect dares to take risk all. 尽管秽土转生之躯能够自我修复,但说到底还是查克拉的功效・・・・・・无不敢冒这个险。 Therefore, he can only continuously rise oneself position, avoids by the long bullet wound of opposite party, then launches the long-distance attack with Dust Release. 因此,他只能不断升高自己的位置,避免被对方的长枪伤到,然后用尘遁进行远程攻击。 But finally is, Scarlet Child is unable to project on him, but his Ninjutsu is invalid to Scarlet Child, although the fight is intense, but the war is tepid, both sides cannot do to anyone. 而结果就是,赤子无法打到他,而他的忍术赤子无效,虽然战斗激烈,但战局却不温不火,双方谁也奈何不了谁。 This way, even if hit again several days and several nights, was impossible to decide the victory and defeat to come. Selected a troublesome opponent. 这样下去,即便再打个几天几夜,也不可能分出胜负来吧。挑了个麻烦的对手。 Not sees below Scarlet Child, as if also had the movement. " To jump to attack? " 无看到下方的赤子,似乎又有了动作。「又想要跳跃进攻吗?」 Does not have twittering talked to oneself. 无呢喃自语。 Afterward conducted the denial, sees only Scarlet Child suddenly under received the long spear/gun, as if planned to give up the fight, this action caused the vigilance that did not have. 随后进行了否定,只见赤子突然在下方收起了长枪,似乎打算放弃了战斗,这个举动引起了无的警惕。 Then in not stunned expression, Scarlet Child looked that does not look at his one eyes, runs suddenly in some direction, evacuated the battlefield. 接着在无错愕的表情中,赤子看都不看他一眼,朝着某个方向忽然奔跑起来,撤离了战场。 " Wait, that direction is " 「等等,那个方向是・・・・・・」 Not sees the direction that Scarlet Child evacuates, the complexion is dignified. 无看到赤子撤离的方向,脸色凝重起来。 Except for being skilled in Doton (Earth Style) and Dust Release, he is also outstanding sensation shinobi. 除了精通土遁尘遁,他也是一名优秀的感知型忍者 The direction that Scarlet Child goes, there are many powerful to concentrate there to scary Chakra. 赤子前往的方向,有多股强大到骇人的查克拉在那里集中。 Even is separated by dozens kilometers, that type of aura, still makes the body without feel 即使相隔几十公里,那种气息,依然让无的身躯感到 The faint trace trembles, as if there has any huge terrifying, gathers together. 丝丝战栗,仿佛那里有着什么巨大的恐怖,汇聚一堂。 " Ran away with that brat of no battle. " 「和无交战的那个小鬼跑掉了。」 Stands the monk above vast desert, occupied a commanding position to look at a spoken parts shadow, in the land just like lightning running quickly, seeing clearly that was the remnant shadow trace that the Scarlet Child high-speed movement left, immediately was amazed. 站在沙海之上的沙门,居高临下望到了一道白影,在大地上宛如闪电奔驰,看清楚那是赤子高速移动留下的残影痕迹,顿时惊诧起来。 " Escaped? 「逃跑了吗? Three generations of Kazekage are also surprised. 三代风影也是惊讶起来。 " Who knows that but has nothing to do with us, our duties, divert this water snake, do not let it go to other place to disturb. The results of other battlefields, are not we can decide that three generations of items. " 「谁知道呢,不过和我们无关,我们的任务,是牵制住这条水蛇,别让它去别的地方捣乱。其余战场的胜负,不是我们能够决定的,三代目。」 The monks swept one, no longer pays attention, but concentrates on the giant water snake that the vision winds to come under that. The dark green blue transparent body, does not have common ophidia such sticking slippery nausea, the body seems the blue crystal of illumination, were many several points of unusual aesthetic sense. 沙门扫了一眼,就不再关注,而是将目光专注在下方那条蜿蜒而来的巨大水蛇。苍蓝色的透明躯体,没有寻常蛇类那样的黏滑恶心,身躯好似发光的蓝色水晶,多了几分异样的美感。 But in the body, overflows the ominous offense aura that unceasingly disperses, makes two Kazekage dignified, is critical situation. 但躯体之中,不断溢散出来的凶戾气息,却让两位风影神情凝重,如临大敌。 The scarlet pupil just like two giant red lanterns, all around starts the spread water current, later changed to dozens meters high turbulent current ocean waves, sweeps across to come, to attempt the present all toward the vast desert to swallow with the flood disaster completely. 赤红的瞳孔宛如两个巨大的红灯笼,四周开始蔓延水流,随后化作了数十米高的激流海浪,朝着沙海席卷而来,企图将眼前的一切用洪灾吞噬殆尽。 " Chakra of this fellow is really exaggerating, compared with on Bijuu (Tailed Beast), in addition the body of this not dying, absorbed strange ability of Chakra continually combat quickly unceasingly Chakra of body of Edo Tensei was also sufficient, at this moment we must flee to the wilderness mostly. " 「这家伙的查克拉真是夸张,快比上尾兽了吧,再加上这种不死之身,还有不断吸收查克拉持续作战的怪异能力・・・・・・要不是秽土转生之身的查克拉同样充足,此刻我们多半要落荒而逃了。」 With the feeling of monk, the movement in hand is not slow, the actuation vast desert moves forward, with man-made flood disaster resistance that sweeping across to come. 随着沙门的感慨,手里的动作却不慢,驱动沙海向前移动,与席卷而来的人造洪灾对抗。 Three generations of Kazekage pour into their Chakra the vast desert similarly, strengthens the firm ability of vast desert. Regarding the feeling of monk, he also quite approves. 三代风影同样将自身的查克拉注入沙海之中,加强沙海的坚固能力。对于沙门的感慨,他也是颇为赞同。 " Only if the one breath suppresses its Chakra, making its Chakra absorbancy lose the effect, otherwise uses Sealing Technique even, will still be worked loose by it quickly. " 「除非一口气镇压住它的查克拉,让它的查克拉吸收能力失去效果,否则就算是动用封印术,也会被它很快挣脱。」 During the speeches, the Water Dragon god hovers in the flood, is shining the blood red lantern same eye pupil. Bang! 说话之间,水龙神在洪水之中游动,亮着血红灯笼一样的眼眸。轰! The giant snake first hits firmly such as the steel vast desert shield wall, the dark green blue body starts to send out the dim light. Melts Chakra in vast desert, just like big dragon absorbing water to spill into toward the body of Water Dragon god. 巨大的蛇首撞击坚如钢铁的沙海盾墙,苍蓝的身躯开始发出幽光。融进沙海之中的查克拉,犹如巨龙吸水般向着水龙神的身躯涌进。 Regarding this scene, monk and three generations of Kazekage, helpless shakes the head, has also using the sand, counter- absorbing water dragon God Chakra, to enter the seesaw battle. 对于这个场景,沙门和三代风影无奈摇头,只好也利用沙子,反吸水龙神的查克拉,进入拉锯战。 The physics attacks to its invalid, Ninjutsu will be recruited Chakra, Chakra who displaying Sealing Technique needs to suppress the opposite party is premise limit in all sorts of adverse conditions, they also can only block the Water Dragon god here, avoids it going to other battlefield to disturb. 物理攻击对其无效,忍术又会被吸收查克拉,施展封印术需要镇压对方的查克拉为前提・・・・・・限制于种种不利条件,他们两人也只能将水龙神封锁在这里,避免它前往别的战场捣乱。 " Ok, here only has us now, Naruto. However, you have not prevented Sasuke from leaving, somewhat is actually not as I expected it seems like you really set firm resolve. " 「好了,现在这里只剩下我们了,鸣人君。不过,你没有阻止佐助离开,倒是有些出乎我的意料・・・・・・看来你是真的下定决心了。」 Shiraishi smiles is lifting the right hand arm, senjutsu chakra that flows, gathers above, compresses thin blade the scalpel shape. 白石微笑着抬起右手臂,流动起来的仙术查克拉,在上面汇聚,压缩成薄刃的手术刀形态。 The sharp cutting aura, as if enables the skin of person to feel the practical pricking. With departure of Sasuke, here atmosphere is treacherous. 锋利的切割气息,仿佛让人的皮肤都能感觉到切实的刺痛感。随着佐助的离去,这里的气氛更加诡谲。 However, Shiraishi does not seem to been disturbed to be the same, is like that the light, had victory in the hand self-confident smile, vividly on paper. 不过,白石仿佛没有受到干扰一样,还是那般平淡,胜券在握的自信笑容,跃然于纸上。 Naruto has not answered the Shiraishi issue, but puts out a blank scroll from the Ninja Tool package, returns to by the Tsunade corpse, spreads out the blank scroll, recycles the Tsunade corpse. 鸣人没有回答白石的问题,而是从忍具包中拿出一个空白卷轴,回到纲手的尸体旁边,将空白卷轴摊开,回收纲手的尸体。 The following fight is very brutal, avoids the Tsunade remains being destroyed, he can only advance the recycling. 接下来的战斗很残酷,避免纲手的遗体被破坏,他只能先行回收。 In Naruto prepares to complete last handsign, the Shiraishi jet black pupil has delimited together the ice-cold ray suddenly, the form twinkle, arrives at the Naruto body side, regards the blade to brandish the arm. 就在鸣人准备完成最后一步印式时,白石漆黑的瞳孔忽然划过一道冰冷的光芒,身影闪烁,来到鸣人的身侧,将手臂当成刀刃挥舞出去。 At the same time, a lot of soul whiskers emerge from the Shiraishi back, surrounds in all directions to the body of Naruto, completed the unescapable net offensive in a flash. 同一时刻,大量的灵魂触须从白石的背后涌现而出,四面八方包围向鸣人的身体,一瞬间完成了天罗地网般的攻势。 However- Bang a loud sound. 然而--砰的一声巨响。 With the static that the bone breaks, Shiraishi felt that the body was sent out by a great thrust. 伴随着骨头震碎的杂音,白石就感觉到身体被一股巨力推送出去。 The entire body changes to the shell, starts out a giant gulf in the ground, rock that was hit, was crushed by the thorough appearance 整个躯体化作炮弹,在地面上开出一个巨大的深坑,就连被撞击到的岩石,也以彻底的面目遭到粉碎 . The fist that Naruto will attack takes back, successfully completed the last step, successfully recycles the Tsunade corpse, later coldly looked that to gulf that Shiraishi flies, back golden Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) vanishes slowly, seemingly does not have military might that to be aggressive, but the aura of his whole body is more reserved calm. 鸣人将出击的拳头收回,顺利完成了最后一步,将纲手的尸体成功回收,随后冷冷看向白石飞去的深坑,背后的金色九尾慢慢消失,看上去没有那么威武霸气,但是他全身的气息却更加内敛沉稳。 nature energy in all around air, seems to be also coordinating his breath, starts to have the consciousness surrounds around his body. 四周空气中的自然能量,似乎也在配合他的呼吸,开始有意识的在他身体周围环绕。 Since Shiraishi crawls from the pothole, spat a big blood from the mouth comfortably, hollow chest, when he stands has restored to the original condition. 白石从坑洞中爬起,从口中习以为常的吐了一大口血,凹陷的胸膛,在他站起来时就已经恢复原貌。 " Saw through my movement? My murderous aura has not revealed obviously. " 「看穿我的动作了吗?明明我连一点杀气都没有流露出去。」 Shiraishi as if very surprised Naruto, can win by striking only after the enemy has struck his style in that case reduces and solves. " Your malicious, has soon overflowed to be full from the body. " 白石似乎很惊讶鸣人在那种情况下,能够后发制人将他的招式化解。「你内心的恶意,已经快要从身体里溢满出来了。」 Naruto lifts the hand slightly, falls in the distant place asked a jade to fly back, floated in his front, above is lingering the destructive aura. 鸣人微微一抬手,落于远处的求道玉飞回,在他的面前漂浮,上面萦绕着毁灭性的气息。 Heard the explanation of Naruto, Shiraishi smiled as if suddenly enlightened, simultaneously annoying patted the head. 听到鸣人的解释,白石恍然大悟的笑了起来,同时懊恼的拍了拍头。 " Almost forgot, you are probably same as Konoha beginning generation of Nine-tailed Jinchūriki Uzumaki Mito, have the sensation others 's malicious ability. It seems like the light restrains murderous aura, but also being insufficient makes you give up the vigilance. My also a little dotard, forgot such important information unexpectedly. " 「差点忘了,你好像和木叶的初代九尾人柱力漩涡水户一样,拥有感知他人恶意的能力。看来光是收敛杀气,还不足以让你放弃戒心呢。我也有点老糊涂了,竟然忘记了这么重要的情报。」 " Do not put on airs before me, this artificial stance, really makes me feel the nausea. " Naruto narrows the eye, kills intent almost to change into the substantive thorn to the body of Shiraishi. 「别在我面前装腔作势,这做作的姿态,真是让我感到恶心。」鸣人眯起眼睛,杀意几乎化为实质刺向白石的身体。 " Was probing a moment ago, was hit by me intentionally, then further analyzes my senjutsu chakra characteristics. The father and lascivious immortal had said to me more than once, you are the personality despicable and cautious fellow, the action that seemingly has no intention, actually every step has the profound meaning. And regarding the analysis of information, has the excellent focus. From the brief analysis, will seek for the weakness of enemy, finally acts appropriately to the situation. " 「刚才是在试探,故意被我打中,然后进一步分析出我仙术查克拉的特性吧。老爸和好色仙人曾经不止一次对我说过,你是个性格卑鄙而谨慎的家伙,看似无意的举动,其实每一步都有深意。并且对于情报的分析,有着过人的执着。会从简短的分析中,找寻出敌人的弱点,最后对症下药。」 The words counter-attack of so Naruto, makes the Shiraishi expression silent directly. 鸣人的这般话语反击,直接让白石的表情沉默下来。 Shiraishi receives the soul whisker that behind emerges silently, was known the plan, such probe, lost the significance. Continues to probe, does not have the slight value. 白石默默收起背后涌现出来的灵魂触须,被知道打算,这样的试探,也就失去了意义。继续试探下去,也没有丝毫价值可言。 " So that's how it is, the same matter did, how even if to hide to cover up again, still eventually by bringing reverse use. Truly speaking, necessity that this war, we have not hit. Konoha no, the entire alliance army had almost been finished, even fish slip through, could not have affected the general situation. Naruto, I appreciates your ability, must arrive at me, works with Sasuke? You look, Haruno Sakura and Kakashi similarly also- " 「原来如此,同一件事做多了,就算再怎么隐蔽遮掩,也终究会被人拿过来反向利用呢。说实在的,这场战争,我们已经没有打下去的必要了。木叶・・・・・・不,整个联盟军已经差不多完蛋了,就算还有漏网之鱼,也影响不到大局。鸣人君,我欣赏你的才能,要不要到我这边,和佐助一起做事?你看,春野樱卡卡西同样也-」 kunai has flown the cheeks of Shiraishi, breaks his words. 苦无飞过白石的脸颊,将他的话语打断。 The bloodstain, presents on the cheeks of Shiraishi together, seeps out a blood. Shiraishi long exhales, on the face hung up the smile. 一道浅浅的血痕,出现白石的脸颊上,渗出一丝鲜血。白石长出了一口气,脸上重新挂起了笑容。 " It seems like the light with saying a word, without the means makes you submit. Really regrettable, I want to make your seventh class reunite. " 「看来光是用言语,没办法让你屈服啊。真是遗憾,我原本是想让你们第七班破镜重圆的。」 However, hears Shiraishi these words Naruto, on the face as before is maintaining callous, without the least bit vacillates. His expression, disappointing the Shiraishi innermost feelings. 然而,听到白石这番话的鸣人,脸上依旧保持着冷酷,没有半点动摇。他的这个表情,让白石内心失望。 Launching a psychological attack strategy, it seems like also useless. 攻心计策,看来也没什么用。 Is thinking use " sentiment " makes the movement of opposite party present the flaw, this strategy, expired. 本想着利用「感情」来让对方的动作出现破绽,这个策略,也失效了。 No, not necessarily expires, but on the Naruto face the wooden stance, truly made Shiraishi feel a thorniness. The most adept launching a psychological attack strategy loses the function, the war of real blade solid spear/gun, must the true gambling the life. 不,不一定失效,但鸣人脸上毫无表情的姿态,确实让白石感到了一丝棘手。最拿手的攻心策略失去作用,真刀实枪的大战,就得真正的赌上性命了。 But this betting the fight of life, without doubt is Shiraishi is most repugnant. " It seems like your last words have published. Then- " the Naruto words to half, the form vanish towering. 而这种赌上性命的战斗,无疑是白石最讨厌的。「看来你的临终遗言已经发表完了。那么-」鸣人话到一半,身影突兀消失。 Shiraishi has not caught the action of Naruto with the naked eye, because in the speed and reaction, he and Naruto has the obvious disparity. 白石没有用肉眼去捕捉鸣人的行动,因为在速度和反应力上,他和鸣人有着明显的差距。 Therefore, he has not turned head, but bends down the body rapidly, then tumbles without hesitation, and appears taking advantage of this after behind Naruto spreads out. 所以,他没有回头,只是迅速伏下身子,然后不假思索翻滚出去,借此和出现在身后的鸣人拉开距离。 Simultaneously in the hand tumbles out several metal balls, tumbling in Naruto all around. 同时手中滚出几颗金属球,啪嗒啪嗒的滚落在鸣人的四周。 Bang! 轰隆! Bang! 轰隆! The metal ball explodes the fierce flame, the flash swallows Naruto. 金属球爆炸出剧烈的火光,一瞬间将鸣人吞噬。 The produced impact storm, making the Shiraishi clothes send to dance in the air, the face by the scalding hot flame burning red, in the eye was also being beaten the flame. 产生的冲击风暴,让白石衣发飞舞,脸面也被灼热的火光烧红,眼睛里跳动着火焰。
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