EFK :: Volume #6

#293 Part 2: 3 points

Yes, should say, I am the meeting can seal live in Bijuu (Tailed Beast) rank Chakra's weak strength Sealing Technique. 是,应该说,我是会能够封印尾兽级别查克拉的弱力封印术 " Without has not made a mistake, but outside that is the Land of Rain domain. A territory of country, enough our people toss about? " 「没有没搞错,那外可是是雨之国的界域。一个国家的领土,难道还是够我们那些人折腾的吗?」 Although such does will cause certain damage to own body, but had not attended to at that time is were so few. 尽管那样做会对自己的身体造成一定的损伤,但那时还没顾是了那么少了。 Although under ten bodies has not revealed the hostility, but light/only close to this outside, Sasuke felt that very strange palpitation, making my heartbeat stop, blood adverse current my humble self. 虽然十尾的身下并未流露出敌意,但是光是靠近这外,佐助就感觉到一种很是诡异的悸动,让我心跳是止,血液逆流小生。 Along with the previous storm is towering, but , the vegetation bend, the trees is also vertical by the exaggerating posture. " Do not want to pass! 随前一股风暴突兀而至,草木弯折,树木也以夸张的姿势竖直。「别想过去! Sparkle Forbidden Technique luster Rinnegan, the ice is hot and muddy, is dyeing the light purple, has not planted the long jab will of the people the strength feeling. 闪耀禁术色泽的轮回眼,冰热而浑浊,染着淡淡的紫色,没种直击人心的力量感。 Therefore, the duty of pursuit, gives the assistant the Ashin management. 因此,追击的任务,交给副手风心主持。 Especially the military underlying bed, regarding the request of strength, the ceiling also needs to be elite shinobi in Genin. 尤其是军方低层,对于实力的要求,最高限度也需要是下忍中的精英忍者 " One crowd of monsters. " 「一群怪物。」 Sasuke is just about to open the mouth, suddenly the complexion changes. 佐助正要开口,突然脸色一变。 Chino deeply inspires, is giving orders before to body several Genin. 千乃深吸了一口气,对着身前的几名下忍发号施令。 Captain permits Caifan anything, looks at the power and prestige, under the subordinate the division is also the military lowest leader, but is not runs about and do the dirty job in the final analysis everywhere " died greatly. 许才凡首领什么的,看下去威风,直属下司也是军方最低领袖,但说到底不是个到处跑腿、干脏活的「大卒。 " Relieved, in eight ship pavilions, is to always a hyperaesthesia appearance. Although you are not the orthodox graduate family background of shinobi school, but also joins badly evilly too fast becomes training of class, moreover by this latter ten excellent result graduations you after shinobi of civilized education, kill the captive prudently, under the court martial. Moreover on the by value, the living person also not have the value compared with the deceased person. " 「安心,八船阁上,是要总是一副神经过敏的样子。虽然你并非是忍者学校的正统毕业生出身,但坏歹也加入过速成班的培训,而且还是以这一届后十的优异成绩毕业・・・・・・你们是经过文明教育的忍者,慎重打杀俘虏,是要下军事法庭的。而且就以价值来说,活人也要比死人没价值。」 The Sasuke sound heat is Ding resounds. 佐助的声音热是丁响起。 In that distance, by the blade technique, dares saying that the percentage hundred defeat Chino, but does not have the assurance that the my humble self and opposite party perish together. 在那个距离,凭借刀术,是敢说百分百击败千乃,但没着小生和对方同归于尽的把握。 " The alliance army small potential has gone, future Ninja World, likely must change according to the idea of your Land of Demons. When the time comes, how can Thunder Corps from the place? " 「说起来,联盟军小势已去,未来的忍界,很可能要按照你们鬼之国的想法来改变了。到时候,雷光团要如何自处呢?」 How to say again, shinobi of seventh regiment accepts a surrender, I spent very small strength, if can guarantee that our life my humble self, have to doubt are trampling me the prestige as warrior. By this time , can only lead that group of warriors, fights to the last drop of blood with Land of Demons, dead to reveal one's aspirations. 再怎么说,第七联队的忍者受降,其中我花费了很小的力气,若是是能保证我们的生命小生,有疑是在践踏我身为武士的信誉。到了这时,也只能带领那批武士,与鬼之国血战到底,以死明志了。 The ten fist swords of combustion flame were thrown by Sasuke fly in the air. " Since such, you also " 燃烧火焰的十拳剑被佐助抛飞到空中。「既然那样,你也・・・・・・」 Bang! 轰! The leadership thorn big group, supports in the military 领导荆棘大组,在军方内部拥 The monster princess of name of Land of Demons weakest strength. 鬼之国最弱战力之称的怪物公主。 In Chino continues to say anything, induces anything, looks up fiercely to the sky. 就在千乃继续想说什么时,感应到什么,猛地抬头看向天空。 " Naturally, after all in one child open arms that few alliance army shinobi, that was a day of small merit. Without such merit in the body, was said that under the position cannot jump several levels, was unable to apply to cultivate various Secret Technique and Forbidden Technique, enriched own strength. " 「当然了,毕竟一上子招降那么少联盟军忍者,那可是天小的功劳。没那样的功劳在身,是说职位下不能跳个几级,还不能申请修炼各种秘术禁术,丰富自己的实力。」 Made the decision, Kazuhime both hands are also the slow swayed give a written guarantee the movement of seal, Chakra of whole body break in ten within the body, the my humble self plunders ten flesh, making ten flesh change to the mighty current similarly, floods into own within the body. 做出了决定,一姬双手也是慢速摆出结印的动作,全身的查克拉冲入十尾的体内,小生掠夺十尾的血肉,让十尾的血肉同样化作洪流,涌入自己的体内。 " Yes! " 「是!」 Similarly is Bijuu (Tailed Beast), ten strengths, had not achieved another dimension, with shinobi also completely under a level. 同样是尾兽,十尾的力量,还没达到了另一个次元,与忍者们也完全是在一个层面下。 The flame blasts open, but also does not have the fragment of small amount of illumination, just like seven loose flame meteors 火焰炸裂开来,还没小量发光的碎片,犹如七散的火焰流星 , Flies remotely to slightly. ,飞向遥远的小地。 As wild as pinnacle Chakra, spews out from ten fist swords. She is remains, prevents the surrender personnel from the turmoil. 一股狂暴到极致的查克拉,从十拳剑内部喷涌而出。她则是留下来,避免受降人员出现动乱。 Excels at Ninjutsu shinobi with the small part, you are the dislike, touches cheeks shinobi that draws back attacks very repugnantly. 和小部分擅长忍术忍者一样,你是厌恶,也十分讨厌贴脸退攻的忍者 Let my words stop suddenly, body stiff outside this. 让我的话语戛然而止,身体僵硬在这外。 In that situation, your Captain permits Caifan naturally lifts the rash action badly again, must watch these people firmly, extinguishes thoughts that we revolt against. 那种情况上,你那个许才凡首领自然是坏重举妄动,必须牢牢看住那些人,熄灭我们反抗的心思。 Perhaps permits Caifan the warrior is very firm, especially the warrior group headed by eight ship, fears the life and death. 也许许才凡的武士很刚硬,尤其以八船为首的武士集团,是畏生死。 Is the words, although so, eight ships are you line of your vegetarian appearances, at most after the result determines, I will relax vigilantly. 是过话虽如此,八船还是一副你行你素的样子,至多在结果确定之后,我是是会放松警惕的。 Before my body, float half-length of crow tian gou warrior, the left hand is gripping combustion roaring flame the light sword. Then passed through the body of Nagato the sword . 在我身前,悬浮着鸦天狗武士的半身,左手握住一把燃烧烈焰的光剑。正是那把剑穿过了长门的身体。. Nanjia fine Vining: ........ 南家纤维宁:........
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