EFK :: Volume #6

#286 Part 1: The body of not dying

Wild such as the pure land of spent clay world, the sky seems covering the abyss darkness, endless and profound, is irrelevant. 蛮荒如废土世界的净土,上空仿佛笼罩着深渊般的黑暗,无尽而深邃,不着边际。 Hateful, Chakra-” “可恶,查克拉-” In the pure land land, fought affect, part of regions encountered destroying, making the land more desolated. 净土的大地上,受到战斗的波及,一部分区域遭到了摧毁,使得土地变得更加荒芜。 Chakra who Third Hokage Hiruzen feels within the body, with the Ninjutsu releases, is sharply falling crazily, cannot help but clenches teeth secretly. 三代火影日斩感受到体内的查克拉,随着一个又一个忍术释放,正在疯狂锐减,不由得暗暗咬牙。 As the matter stands, Edo Tensei the body and infinite Chakra of not dying, completely lost the opportunity. 这样一来,秽土转生的不死之身与无限查克拉,完全失去了用武之地。 His using long-distance Ninjutsu, flies a kite unceasingly the Shiraishi tactic, declares bankruptcy. 他这利用远程忍术,不断放风筝白石的战术,也宣告破产。 Moreover, he noticed that in sea of fire that oneself make, if the idle courtyard step sprinting Shiraishi, reveals does not dare to believe the color. 不仅如此,他看到在自己制造的火海之中,闲庭若步疾跑的白石,露出不敢置信之色。 His Katon (Fire Style) might has many him is knows, even Uchiha Clan shinobi, can compare, still only has the peak that part. 他的火遁威力有多强他是知道的,即便是宇智波一族忍者,能比拟的,也仅有最顶尖的那一部分。 In which flame temperature exceeded 1500 degrees, even if the steel is also melted. 其中的火焰温度更是超过了一千五百度,纵然是钢铁也会被融化。 But Shiraishi actually disregarded the high-temperature impact of this type of flame probably, the choice upfront sprint, is close from the minimum distance. 白石却像是无视了这种火焰的高温冲击,选择正面冲刺,从最短距离接近。 Before associating arrives, Hashirama Wood Style also in the flash crashes, indistinct, Hiruzen as if held anything, does not seem to hold. 联想到之前,柱间木遁也在一瞬间崩塌,隐约之间,日斩仿佛抓住了什么,又好像没有抓住。 This......” “这样的话……” Hiruzen looks dignified, use surplus Chakra, disperses four shadow clone finally. 日斩神情凝重,利用最后剩余的查克拉,分散出四个影分身 Shadow clone together with the main body respective knot seal. 分身连同本体各自结印。 Shiraishi swept one, looked that did not look continues to charge into the front, does not seem to let off pursues the Hiruzen opportunity. 白石只是扫了一眼,就看都不看一眼继续冲向前方,似乎不打算放过追击日斩的机会。 From beginning to end, has not placed in Ninjutsu of opposite party the eye. 从始至终,都没把对方的忍术放在眼中。 So-called Ninjutsu, to him, might as well direct taijutsu is more effective. 所谓的忍术,对他来说,还不如直接的体术更加有效。 Bored style.” “无聊的招式。” The step of under foot accelerates, probably together arrow arrow, puncture sea of fire. 脚下的步伐加速,像是一道箭矢,穿刺火海。 Five escape Dalian ball!” “五遁・大连弹!” Screens out lots of Chakra, the jet of flame, thunder and lightning, rock, storm and flood, camouflaged the present world instantaneously, and fuses one, hits by the irresistible trend to Shiraishi. 抽走大量的查克拉,火焰、雷电、岩石、风暴、洪水的喷流,瞬间遮蔽了眼前的天地,并且融合一处,以势不可挡的趋势打向白石 Imposing manner turbulent strikes, the pure land ground also encountered the serious damage. 气势汹涌的一击,净土的地面也遭到了严重的损坏。 Near the Shiraishi ear even can hear some consciousness serious discontented noise, seemed urging that he ended the fight quickly. 白石耳边甚至能听到某个意识严重不满的吵闹声,似乎在催促他赶快结束战斗。 Sage Art Wood Style all the technique of cloth sack!” 仙法木遁・皆布袋之术!” Hashirama after Hiruzen displays five to escape Dalian ball, follows rapidly. 柱间日斩施展五遁・大连弹之后,也是迅速跟上。 The giant wooden palm break out from the ground from the under foot of Shiraishi directly, after Shiraishi jumps, grips it all of a sudden. 巨大的木制手掌直接从白石的脚下破土而出,在白石跳跃起来之后,一下子将其握住。 Un?” “嗯?” Shiraishi feels the huge binding force of palm, keeping him all of a sudden from working loose. 白石感受到手掌的巨大束缚力,让他一下子无法挣脱。 Mixes five species Chakra's jets, in attacks him unceasingly, is only that not unimaginable the heavy pressure regarding others, a Shiraishi point cannot feel, is gorgeously motionless. 混合五种属性查克拉的喷流,也在不断冲击他,只是那对于旁人来说无法想象的重压,白石一点都感受不到,巍然不动。 At this moment, the form flashes to Shiraishi together suddenly behind. 就在这时,一道身影突然闪到白石的身后。 When these soul whiskers are unable to respond, the blade glow of silvery bright, just like the sharp fang that the beast of prey opens, forward advance. 在那些灵魂触须无法反应之际,银亮的刀芒,宛如猛兽张开的锐利獠牙,向前突进。 Titter! 噗嗤! White fang pierced the body of Shiraishi. 白色的‘獠牙’洞穿了白石的身体。 From heart position puncture. 从心脏位置穿刺而出。 The body and soul whisker of Shiraishi, is a stiffness. 白石的身体和灵魂触须,都是一阵僵硬。 Good! Does well, Konoha's White Fang!” “太好了!干得好,木叶白牙!” Fourth Raikage sees this, is overjoyed directly, shouted directly makes noise. 四代雷影见到这一幕,直接大喜过望,直接喊出了声。 Sorry, probably implicated you.” “抱歉,好像连累你了。” Looks to pierce White Fang Tantō (Short Sword) of disciple Shiraishi heart, makes Sakumo that the assassin has, actually revealed that helpless forced smile. 看着洞穿了弟子白石心脏的白牙短刀,作出暗杀者存在的朔茂,却是露出了无奈苦笑。 The next second, will rotate White Fang Tantō (Short Sword), stirs the heart of Shiraishi thoroughly broken, he actually with astonishment discovered, how regardless to make an effort, is unable to rotate White Fang Tantō (Short Sword), as if the blade with the body welding in one, was not controlled by him was the same. 下一秒,正要转动白牙短刀,彻底将白石的心脏搅碎,他却惊愕发现,无论怎么用力,都无法转动白牙短刀,仿佛刀刃和身体焊接在了一起,不受他控制了一样。 Cannot help but, on the Sakumo face startled changes. 不由得,朔茂脸上惊变。 Loosens White Fang Tantō (Short Sword), wants to move aside, was late. 松开白牙短刀,想要躲闪,可是已经迟了。 The illusory shadow blocks all around, soul whiskers seem like the tentacles of eight claw fish, the fast contraction, twisted the body of Sakumo . Moreover the strength unceasing increase, as if must grind the bone of his whole body such makes an effort generally. 虚幻的影子封锁住四周,一根根灵魂触须像是八爪鱼的触手,快速收缩,绞住了朔茂的身体,而且力量不断的提升,似乎要把他全身的骨头碾碎一般那样用力。 Ice-cold raids, making the Sakumo body freeze, under strangling to death of soul whisker, is unable to move again. 冰冷袭来,让朔茂的身躯冻结住了,在灵魂触须的绞杀下,再也无法动弹一下。 Also thinks this time fishes can be Fourth Raikage, has not thought that can be Teacher Sakumo you.” “还以为这次钓到的会是四代雷影,没想到会是朔茂老师您啊。” Hears to turn away from own Shiraishi, sent out self-poise laughter, the Sakumo look is very complex and gratified. 听到背对自己的白石,发出的镇定自若笑声,朔茂眼神无比复杂且欣慰。 Put to trouble to you......” “给你添麻烦了……” No, this degree, but also cannot say that troubles. Then, you become my part temporarily, after the war ended, I release your soul return pure land again.” “不,这种程度,还称不上麻烦。那么,您就暂时成为我的一部分吧,在战争结束后,我再释放您的灵魂回归净土。” The Shiraishi leaning head, the corners of the mouth raise slightly slightly. 白石微微侧头,嘴角微微扬起。 Right? Such being the case, my strength, although takes away to use......” “是吗?既然如此,我的力量,就尽管拿去用吧……” Sakumo sighed, gave up the resistance. 朔茂叹息了一声,放弃了反抗。 The illusory spirit body strips from the Edo Tensei body, integrates in the Shiraishi body. 虚幻的灵体从秽土转生的躯壳中剥离,融入到白石的身躯之中。 The Root nameless shinobi corpse falls from the midair, again a personnel losses person. 根部的无名忍者尸体从半空落下,再次减员一人。 Ka! 咔! Shiraishi has the blade to fall, sharp Chakra Scalpel, shut off directly fettered own wooden palm, fell on the ground, the position of chest, but also is inserting White Fang Tantō (Short Sword). 白石手起刀落,锐利的查克拉手术刀,直接切断了束缚自己的木制手掌,落在地上,胸口的位置,还插着白牙短刀 Moves a soul whisker, ties down the White Fang Tantō (Short Sword) hilt, extracted this Tantō (Short Sword) from the back. 甩动一根灵魂触须,缠住白牙短刀的刀柄,从背后抽出了这把短刀 He was beaming into a smile to Tsunade and the others, if the idle courtyard the step forwarded. 他对着纲手等人灿然一笑,闲庭若步向前走了起来。 Saw that the Tsunade and other face on the shock with do not dare to believe that Shiraishi exuded the mild gentle laughter: 看到纲手等人脸上的震惊与不敢置信,白石发出了温润平和的笑声: What you are surprised, should not believe, is only this degree of injury, can defeat me? If several months ago, perhaps an opportunity and that's the end. Present I, I do not know that must receive what degree the injury, can die.” “你们在惊讶什么,该不会认为,只是这种程度的伤势,就可以打败我了吗?如果是几个月前的话,说不定还有一丝机会就是了。现在的我,就连我自己也不知道要受到何种程度的伤势,才能死去。” His question, makes Tsunade and the others helpless. 他的反问,却让纲手等人不知所措。 Even if Hashirama, to the life structure of Shiraishi, had the strong interest. 纵然是柱间,也对白石的生命构造,产生了浓厚的兴趣。 That blade did not pierce the heart of Shiraishi simply, but Shiraishi heart incision two halves. 要知道,那一刀可不是简单的刺穿了白石的心脏,而是将白石的心脏切开两半。 This cannot with this degree of injury can have the minor matter. 这可不是能用‘这种程度的伤势’能一笔带过的小事。 shinobi that small outline...... you train...... has one set very much......” “小纲……你培养出来的忍者……很有一套……” Hashirama not parsimonious own praise. 柱间毫不吝啬自己的夸赞。 Even if he, were broken out the heart, still becomes thorny, one did not pay attention also dead. 就算是他,被劈开心脏,也会变得棘手,一不留神也会死去。 The vitality of opposite party is perhaps tenacious, the pure flesh and blood, was unable to take the only carrier that his life continues. 对方的生命力恐怕已经顽强到,单纯的血肉之躯,已经无法作为他生命延续的唯一载体了。 His life carrier, incessantly. 他的生命载体,不止一个。 Therefore, is only to the flesh and blood attack, likely cannot kill the opposite party. 因此,只是对血肉之躯进攻,很可能根本杀不死对方。 Related with the intensity of soul? Hashirama is pondering over this matter. 和灵魂的强度有关吗?柱间琢磨着这件事。 If is really such, perhaps ruins the body of opposite party, does not help matters. 如果真的是那样,恐怕毁掉对方的身体,也无济于事吧。 Regarding the praise of Hashirama, Tsunade does not want to respond completely, but deeply inspires. 对于柱间的夸赞,纲手完全不想回应,只是深吸了一口气。 The body of not dying! 不死之身! This is the matter that she can think of only. 这是她唯一能够想到的事情。 High-level medical shinobi, will truly have the strong self-recovery ability, for example she, for example Hashirama. Shiraishi can achieve this point, she is not surprised. 高级的医疗忍者,确实会拥有强大的自愈能力,比如她,又比如柱间白石能够做到这一点,她并不感到意外。 But the heart was cut open, can restore calmly, this is not the medical ninjutsu category. 可是心脏被切开,也能若无其事恢复,这已经不是医疗忍术的范畴了。 Hiruzen and Fourth Raikage also guessed correctly this point, was touched to die by the soul whisker of opposite party, was pierced the heart not dead, can cut the head of opposite party to be good? 日斩四代雷影也同样猜到了这一点,被对方的灵魂触须触及必死,被刺穿心脏不死,难道要斩掉对方的脑袋才行吗? Also or......, even if cuts the head of opposite party, can actually 't kill? 亦或者……即便是斩掉对方的脑袋,其实也根本杀不死? If trial, must pay with a life. 而如果要试的话,就必须要付出一条生命。 Because wants to cut the head of opposite party, must be personal. 因为想要斩掉对方的脑袋,就必须贴身。 But is personal, means that will tie down by the soul whisker of opposite party, was won the soul. 而贴身,就意味着会被对方的灵魂触须缠住,被夺走灵魂。 Fourth Raikage clenches the teeth stubbornly, is staring Shiraishi with the vicious look, the hair of top of the head under the stimulation of thunder and lightning completely vertical, Chakra who erupts, is truly astonishing, even has pressed Shiraishi, but his body is actually shivering, is afraid situation that does not dare to act rashly. 四代雷影死死咬紧牙关,用凶狠的眼神瞪着白石,头顶的头发在雷电的刺激下全部竖直,爆发出来的查克拉,确实惊人,甚至压过了白石,但他的身体却在颤抖,害怕不敢轻举妄动的地步。 He does not know that Shiraishi was cut the head whether will die, but trial values. 他不知道白石被斩掉脑袋是否会死,但有一试的价值。 But if, is defeated? 可是,要是失败呢? The failure may not have the opportunity of again coming. 失败可没有重来的机会。 Because opposite party along with swallowing more souls, comes powerful. 因为对方会伴随着吞噬更多的灵魂,来强大自己。 However, if not trial, possibly loses the opportunity of counter-attacking forever. 然而,要是不试的话,就可能永远失去反攻的机会。 In a dilemma, is Fourth Raikage this time situation. 进退两难,便是四代雷影此时的处境。 Is thinking how to cut my head?” “是在想,如何斩下我的脑袋吗?” Shiraishi sound suddenly, making Fourth Raikage awaken suddenly, the pupil shrinks tightly. 白石冷不丁的声音,让四代雷影猛然惊醒,瞳孔缩紧。 His idea was seen through. 他的想法被看穿了。 Does not use surprisedly, because trades to do is I, will make the same judgment. Then, can bet one? Look is I first carries off your souls, you first step takes down my head, very interesting game.” “不用惊讶,因为换作是我,也会做出相同的判断。那么,要赌一把吗?看看是我先把你们的灵魂带走,还是你们先一步把我的脑袋取下,很有意思的游戏吧。” Shiraishi selected with the finger selected own head. 白石用手指点了点自己的头。 „Did you say...... the game?” “你说……游戏?” Not? Leaves your time is not many, here, your Chakra will disappear quickly. The time delays is longer, to me is advantageous.” “不是吗?留给你们的时间不多了,在这里,你们的查克拉很快就会消失。时间拖延的越长,对我越是有利。” Shiraishi did not worry completely, stopped the footsteps of taking a walk, the option that will attack gave Tsunade and the others. 白石完全不着急,停下了走动的脚步,将进攻的选择权交给纲手等人。 The stance of not garrisoning, where is the flaw. 不设防的姿态,哪里都是破绽。 But the discerning people know, this is only one tempts their traps. 但明眼人都知道,这只是一个引诱他们的陷阱。 Naturally, is Shiraishi is possibly blustering. 当然,也可能是白石在虚张声势。 After all the head was taken down, even if not die, can still make Shiraishi lose the action. 毕竟脑袋被取下,即便不死,也能让白石失去行动力。 This tactic, needs of implementation very much. 这个战术,很有实施的必要。 Thinks of here, Fourth Raikage rubbish. 想到这里,四代雷影也不废话。 Hokage, you shield me!” 火影,你们掩护我!” Fourth Raikage steps on the broken land, the one breath rushes ahead to Shiraishi. 四代雷影踩碎大地,一口气向白石冲杀过来。 He as one of the Five Kage, not possible because of the threat of opposite party, stands still. 他作为五影之一,不可能因为对方的恐吓,就驻足不前。 In his dictionary, has not made concessions two characters. 在他的字典里,没有退让两个字。 Sage Art Wood Style the technique of thorn killing!” 仙法木遁・荆棘杀之术!” Hashirama conducted the deceptive attack, is the Fourth Raikage manufacture is close to the Shiraishi time. 柱间进行了佯攻,为四代雷影制造接近白石的时机。 Massive rattan large snake lasing, wins by striking only after the enemy has struck to rush to the Fourth Raikage front likely, takes the lead to launch the attack to Shiraishi. 大量的藤条像长蛇激射而出,后发制人冲到四代雷影前方,率先对白石发起进攻。 Shiraishi has not met the approaching enemy directly, but jumps the step to dodge. 白石没有正面迎击,而是跳步闪躲。 Not invalid?” “没有无效吗?” The Hiruzen eye stares in a big way, as if discovered what secret. 日斩眼睛瞪大,仿佛发现了什么秘密。 Possibly with taking in nature energy is related. That move of invalid Ninjutsu ability, his clone as if can also, but should unable to decode Senjutsu.” “可能和摄入自然能量有关。那一招无效忍术的能力,他的分身似乎也会,但应该无法破解仙术。” Tsunade made the bold guess. 纲手进行了大胆的猜测。 In this case, opportunity.” “这样的话,还有机会。” Hiruzen eye one bright. 日斩眼睛一亮。 The Ninjutsu useless words, use Senjutsu to suppress the opposite party. 忍术无用的话,就用仙术压制对方。 Thinks of here, Hiruzen also follows Fourth Raikage to rush. 想到这里,日斩也跟随四代雷影冲了上去。 Although he was called Dr. Ninjutsu, but taijutsu is not also weak. 他虽然被称之为忍术博士,但体术同样不弱。 Takes out a scroll, grips Ninja Sword, the blade edge tears the air the sound to transmit. 取出一个卷轴,从中握住一把忍刀,刀锋撕裂空气的声音传来。 About Shiraishi jumps to flash, dodges the attack, while is attacking Fourth Raikage and Hiruzen by the soul whisker. 白石左右跳闪,一边闪躲攻击,一边以灵魂触须进攻着四代雷影日斩 By two people of soul whisker disturbance, is unable to play the complete might, will otherwise also make Shiraishi feel thorny at their speeds. 被灵魂触须干扰的两人,也无法发挥出全部的威力,否则以他们的速度也会让白石觉得棘手。 Before Hiruzen this, regardless of generation of Hokage for the time being, Fourth Raikage Ninja World quickest fast, is next to space and time Ninjutsu, this point is also without a doubt. 日斩这位前代火影姑且不论,四代雷影忍界最快之速,仅次于时空忍术,这一点也是毋庸置疑。 He does not like coping with this velocity profile shinobi. 他不喜欢对付这种速度型的忍者 But, thorniest fellow, really......” “但是,最棘手的家伙,果然还是……” The split vision of Shiraishi corner of the eye shoots a look at to gives the support situated in the rear area Hashirama. 白石眼角的余光瞥向位于后方给予支援的柱间 Wood Style may attack to guard, but long-distance may near body, not only the functionality is complete, the lethality is also fierce enough. 木遁可攻可防,可远程可近身,不仅功能性完全,杀伤力也足够凶猛。 If on the scene in who most has to threaten own ability, only Hashirama this First Hokage not. 如果说在场之中谁最有威胁自己的能力,唯柱间这位初代火影莫属。 The most important thing is that soul of opposite party win. 最重要的一点,对方的灵魂自己志在必得。 At this moment, the land of under foot splits suddenly. 就在这时,脚下的大地突然裂开。 The Tsunade fist crushing ground, the crack extends, but, makes the under foot of Shiraishi make a false step directly. 纲手的拳头击碎地面,裂缝延伸而至,直接让白石的脚下踩空。 Good of coordination. 配合的不错。 Shiraishi is thinking like this. 白石这样想着。 But on the face is calm in time of danger, the soul whisker packages the whole body directly, spheres the body. 但脸上临危不乱,灵魂触须直接包裹全身,将身体围住。 To initiate Fourth Raikage and Hiruzen of short distance surprise attack, gives up attacking in the unwilling mood directly, spreads out. 本想发起近距离突袭的四代雷影日斩,直接在不甘的心情中放弃攻击,重新拉开距离。 Must find the way to break through, this way my Chakra can sooner or later-” “必须想办法突破,这样下去我的查克拉迟早会-” Hiruzen is gasping for breath. 日斩喘着气。 The body of Edo Tensei will not feel obviously exhaustedly. 明明秽土转生之躯不会感觉到疲累。 But at this time, he indeed felt wearily, the speed also started to slide. 但这时,他的确感受到了疲倦,速度也开始有所下滑。 The beforehand Dalian ball, consumed his many Chakra. 之前的大连弹,消耗了他不少查克拉。 Now is an intense attack and defense, Chakra consumes is quicker, not long, his Chakra met with the bottom. 现在又是一番激烈攻防,查克拉消耗更快,不用多久,他的查克拉就会见底。 Before that if could not find the chance, the situation will be disadvantageous to them. 在那之前若是找不到胜机,情况就会对他们不利。 In he how considers to change the situation, the land of under foot suddenly surges, making him with astonishment lower the head. 就在他考虑如何扭转局势时,脚下的大地突然涌动,让他惊愕低头。 Wants the make way already without enough time, the soft mud seemed like the swamp to hold the Hiruzen both legs, making his body be involved. 想要闪开已经来不及,松软的泥巴像是沼泽抓住了日斩的双腿,让他身体深陷其中。 Teacher Sarutobi!” 猿飞老师!” Tsunade wants to rescue. 纲手想去救援。 The soul whisker of Shiraishi is quicker than her, penetrates the body the sound to resound, making the movement that Tsunade runs stagnate instantaneously. 白石的灵魂触须比她更快,穿透躯壳的响声响起,让纲手奔跑的动作瞬间停滞。 But...... wicked......” “可……恶……” Hiruzen looks to penetrate soul whisker in the body, the body cannot be independent completely, even if wants uses/gives technique to help oneself unable to accomplish. 日斩看着穿入自己躯壳内的灵魂触须,身体完全不能自主,就算想要施术自救都办不到。 „...... You...... not...... success......” “……你……不会……成功的……” The words fall, the empty shadow of spirit body pulls out from the body leaves. 话语落下,灵体的虚影从躯壳中抽离。 Shiraishi held down the spirit body of Hiruzen, is appreciating own masterpiece, then squeezes in within the body it slowly. 白石按住了日斩的灵体,欣赏着自己的杰作,然后慢慢将其塞入体内。 Perhaps, but that was not the matter that you should consider, Doctor, reunited in my within the body with your successor.” “也许吧,但那不是你该考虑的事情了,博士,和你的接班人在我体内团聚去吧。” Shows the light smile, Shiraishi turns the head to look superficially to angry-looking Tsunade. 露出淡淡的微笑,白石轻描淡写转头看向一脸怒容的纲手 This angry expression, is really rarely seen, Teacher Tsunade. Saw own kind teacher was grasped, made you be sorry? I have given you opportunity, was you give up.” “这个愤怒的表情,真是不多见呢,纲手老师。看到自己恩师被抓,就这么令您感到难过吗?我给过您机会了,是您放弃了而已。” Is speaking the sarcastic remark, while hit a belch, probably ate to support. 一边说着风凉话,一边打了个饱嗝,像是吃撑了似的。 That smile, in the Tsunade eye, becomes under punches, is more dangerous. 那个笑容,在纲手眼中,变得更加欠揍,也更加危险。 Relax, I am not vulnerable. You best are the plan do that because I will not show mercy to you.” “放心,我没那么脆弱。你最好是打算这么做的,因为我也不会对你手下留情。” Getting hold of fist that Tsunade makes an effort, a pair of eyes pupil becomes ice-cold and heavy, seems shouldering any unknown thing. 纲手用力的握紧拳头,一双眼眸变得冰冷而沉重,仿佛在背负着什么不为人知的东西。 Shiraishi nodded , to continue to say with a smile: 白石点了点头,继续笑道: Hehe, such it would be the best, although I thought that you cannot kill me probably, but is doing not studiously. Moreover, I am not in no mood and you play, next one strikes routs you simply directly.” “呵呵,那样最好不过了,虽然我觉得您大概杀不死我,只是在做无用功。而且,我已经没心情和你们玩下去了,下一击干脆就直接击溃你们吧。” In Shiraishi words self-confident, decisive. 白石的话语中充满自信、果断。 You said that routs...... your fellow, is despising us? Bastards!” “你说击溃……你这家伙,是在小看我们吗?混蛋!” Fourth Raikage hears word, felt immediately oneself was looked down on, cannot help but burning with anger. 四代雷影闻言,顿时感觉到自己被小瞧了,不由得怒火中烧。 Hashirama was also accidental/surprised, does not know that Shiraishi this was the self-confidence of where coming. 柱间也是意外了一下,不知道白石这是哪里来的自信。 Although this aspect, indeed is their slightly standing disadvantage, but does not have to be truly right to the situation of end of hills and rivers. 虽然这个局面,的确是他们略站劣势,但也没有真正到山穷水尽的地步才对。 Therefore, their winning percentage have, but is uncertain. 因此,他们的胜率也是有的,只不过非常渺茫。 To be honest, always some people do not like listening. Then, gave you one to prompt well.” “说实话,总是有人不爱听。那么,就给你们一个提示好了。” Prompt?” “提示?” Shiraishi turns head to look to side, that is one group of muck, twists the irregular human form, in the eye socket does not have the eyeball, is only two cavities, its deep place is actually sending out the brown ray. The body sways from side to side, will also send out the viscous slippery sound. 白石扭头看向旁边,那是一团软泥,扭曲着不规则的人形,眼窝之中没有眼球,只是两个空洞,其深处却散发着土黄色的光芒。身体扭动的时候,还会发出粘稠的滑响。 Follows the earth general who he enters the pure land together. 正是跟随他一起进入净土的土将军。 This fellow is my first clone, the ability uses. Dives the hidden technique, even the sensor type ninja technique, is still very difficult to induce, but, don't you find it strange? Why this fellow until did assist to fight a moment ago? Has such convenient ability obviously.” “这家伙是我的第一个分身,能力非常使用。潜隐之术,就算是感知忍术,也很难感应到,但是,你们不觉得奇怪吗?这家伙为什么直到刚才才协助战斗呢?明明有着这么便利的能力。” Shiraishi puts in the Ninja Tool package the hand, seems turning is looking for anything. 白石将手伸进忍具包,似乎在翻找着什么。 Heard Shiraishi saying that the Tsunade three people of innermost feelings emerged an anxiety fiercely. 听到白石这么说,纲手三人内心猛地涌现一阵不安。 Yes, has such convenient ability obviously, why comes out to assist until now? 是啊,明明拥有这么便利的能力,为什么直到现在才出来协助? Actually I have wanted to try, the body of my present body not dying. Happen, used this to confirm.” “其实我一直都想试一试,我现在的身体到底是不是不死之身。正好,就用这个来确认一下好了。” Quick, Shiraishi pulled out an exquisite installment of similar remote control from the Ninja Tool package. 很快,白石忍具包中掏出了一个类似遥控器的小巧装置。 Above only had a red button, the thumb prints gently above. 上面只有一个红色的按钮,大拇指轻轻印在了上面。 That is-” “那是-” Tsunade and Fourth Raikage pupil shrinks, realized anything immediately, the complexion fiercely changes. 纲手四代雷影瞳孔一缩,立马意识到了什么,脸色猛地一变。 The bottom planted the bomb. 地底埋下了炸弹。 Moreover is the complete technical divine creative force, without Chakra mixes. 而且是完全的科技造物,没有查克拉掺入。 Therefore has hidden the truth from the Hashirama Ninjutsu sensation. 所以瞒过了柱间忍术感知。 Escapes quickly!” “快逃!” Not hesitant, in the mind is only left over to run away a choice. 没有犹豫,脑海中只剩下逃走一个选择。 Completely depends upon the time of Ninjutsu fight, had passed, Teacher Tsunade!” “完全依靠忍术战斗的时代,已经过去了,纲手老师!” Shiraishi charges forward, entered the mine field on own initiative. 白石向前冲锋上去,主动进入了雷区。 , Pressed down the button. 啪的一声,按下了按钮。 Without the indication, upholstery that also has no. 没有征兆,也没有任何的铺垫。 Has Hashirama of powerful perception capability, has not detected the slight danger. 就连拥有强大感知能力的柱间,也没有察觉到丝毫的危险。 The entire world was covered by the brilliant ray. 整个天地就被绚烂的光芒笼罩。 Everyone is during the imposing explosion, lost the form. 所有人都处于轰轰烈烈的爆炸之中,失去了身影。 The sound, the field of vision, washed out to the knocking of sky from the land spout. 声音,视野,都被从大地喷涌向天空的爆击冲散。 The world that sways, the strong winds howl to keep. 摇晃起来的天地,狂风呼啸个不停。 The ray that the brilliance sends out, the endless start expansion, then must the burninging out dark night, sweeps clear the above darkness and pollution. 光焰散发出来的光芒,无止尽的开始扩张,然后像是要烧尽暗夜,将上方的黑暗与浑浊清扫一空。 For this desolated world, brought the new light. 为这片荒芜的世界,带来了新的光明。
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