EFK :: Volume #6

#284 Part 2: Reincarnations

Tobirama pierced spot, quick restoration, more vigilant looks to Ruri, or looks to the transistor in Ruri hand. 扉间被刺穿的部位,很快恢复,更加警惕的看向琉璃,或者是看向琉璃手中的晶体管。 What thing is that? Is what secret weapon?” “那是什么东西?难道是什么秘密武器吗?” Tobirama asked loudly. 扉间大声问道。 Ruri has not responded, but smiled mystically, turns around to return according to the old route. 琉璃没有回应,只是神秘的笑了一下,转身按着原路返回。 Tobirama has no other choice, has to full speed follow. 扉间不得已,只得全速跟上。 But has not initiated the sneak attack again, has certain ample force to display Dojutsu (Eye Technique) from the opposite party, hides the protector in shadow, he alone wants to break through the defense circle of opposite party, is really the strength falls short. 但没有再度发起偷袭,从对方还有一定余力施展瞳术,还有潜藏在影子中的守护者,他一个人想要突破对方的防御圈,实在是力有不逮。 Hateful, this way, the situation without doubt becomes very bad. Moreover, that side ten aura braved again, Chakra of that monster small girl actually disappeared, that side Naruto and eight what's the matter?” “可恶,这样下去,情况无疑会变得十分糟糕。而且,那边十尾的气息再次冒出来了,那个怪物小丫头的查克拉却消失了,鸣人和八尾那边到底是怎么回事?” Not only Tobirama pays attention to here battlefield, Naruto that side battlefield, he also conducts the sensation through the sensor type ninja technique. 扉间不只是关注这边的战场,鸣人那边的战场,他也同样通过感知忍术进行感知着。 But that side situation, becomes as if more complex than him. 只不过那边的局势,似乎变得比他这边还要复杂。 Suddenly, Tobirama does not know how should do is good. 一时间,扉间也不知道该怎么做才好。 Opened of technique of Hachimon Tonkou (Eight Celestial Divination Gates), although got rid of the two -and-a-half important strengths of opposite party, but he sees the Ruri that as before confident appearance, making his heart really lack self-confidence. 开启了八门遁甲之术的凯,虽然干掉了对方的两个半重要战力,但他看到琉璃那依旧胸有成竹的样子,让他内心实在是没底。 But as them betrayal of Hidden Mist, is not only the Mizukage treachery, causing the Land of Demons strength to increase, the tactical situations in other his also very alliance army main battlefields. 而他们这边随着雾隐的背叛,不仅是水影临阵倒戈,导致鬼之国实力大增,他也十分联盟军其余主战场的战况。 According to the information feedbacks of these battlefield Edo Tensei shinobi, the situation of alliance army each principal force, as if stagnated, encounters Land of Demons and fierce attack of Hidden Mist allied armies. 根据那些战场秽土转生忍者的信息反馈,联盟军各个主力部队的情况,似乎都陷入了停滞,遭到鬼之国雾隐联军的凶猛进攻。 If here does not make the breakthrough, likely the alliance army really must be annihilated. With the destruction of alliance army, Konoha final result, is no better inevitably. 如果这边再不做出突破的话,很可能联盟军真的要全军覆没。随着联盟军的覆灭,木叶最终结局,也必然好不到哪里去。 That is he spends the village that countless painstaking care cast become, cannot ruin. 那可是他花费了无数心血才铸就而成的村子,绝不能就此毁掉。 No matter what , can only put together one now as far as possible!” “不管怎么样,现在也只能尽量拼一把了!” Tobirama sets firm resolve, the speed that the under foot dashes continues to be raised, leaves behind a remnant shadow on the path. 扉间下定决心,脚下飞奔的速度继续提升,在道路上留下道道残影。 Ruri went to return, attracted the attention of people. 琉璃的去而复返,吸引了众人的注意力。 Let initially for with the beginning generation of Tsuchikage stone rivers, raises to be vigilant the heart immediately. 让初代艾与初代土影石河,立马升起警惕之心。 Bailian and Gengetsu paraselenae, although does not know that Ruri by this severely wounded condition, went to return at this time for anything, but also was the tight protection in the Ruri surroundings, prevented beginning for and stone river surprise attack. 白莲和鬼灯幻月虽然不知道琉璃以这种重伤状态,在这个时候去而复返是为了什么,但也是紧紧保护在琉璃的周围,防止初代艾和石河突袭。 Compares the calm white lotus, the condition of Gengetsu paraselenae is much worse, his arm and chest spot presented the damage, is restoring, the whole person also panted, displays too steamed the danger to explode the prestige repeatedly, to him, was a huge burden. 相比起从容的白莲,鬼灯幻月的状态要差得多,他的一条手臂和胸口部位出现了损伤,正在恢复,整个人也是气喘吁吁,施展了太多次蒸危爆威,对于他来说,也是一个巨大的负担。 Really is Raikage, the speed almost cannot respond to me worthily quickly, has the body of this not dying, several lives insufficiently kill. Jokes aside, this, the technique of this Edo Tensei, is a little use value.” “真不愧是雷影,速度快到我都差点反应不过来,要不是有这种不死之身,有几条命都不够杀的。说真的,就这点而言,这个秽土转生之术,还是有点利用价值的。” The Gengetsu paraselenae opens the mouth out of breath, the smile on face very reluctantly. 鬼灯幻月上气不接下气开口,脸上的笑容十分勉强。 Tobirama rushes over, arrives beginning for the side and stone river, but the attention of vision is not at the white lotus and on the Gengetsu paraselenae, but on Ruri. 扉间随后赶到,来到初代艾与石河的身旁,但目光的注意力不在白莲和鬼灯幻月身上,而是在琉璃身上。 The opposite party go to return, obviously is having the idea that he is not knowing. 对方去而复返,显然在打着他不知道的主意。 Ruri jumped on the corpse of great rabbit, arrived at the blood hole edge, looks the flesh that was still bleeding unceasingly, the broken bone and internal organs extruded completely in one, was seemingly horrible to look. 琉璃跳到了巨兔的尸身上,来到血洞的边缘,看着仍在不断流血的血肉,碎骨、内脏完全挤压在了一块,看上去惨不忍睹。 Helps me resist. Ruri said to the white lotus and Gengetsu paraselenae, then puts out a spell that from the Ninja Tool package inscribes revolutions character, both hands tie seal immediately. “帮我抵挡一下。琉璃对着白莲和鬼灯幻月说完,便从忍具包中拿出一张刻有‘转’字的符咒,随即双手结印。 Solution!” “解!” The spell is separated from the Ruri hand, floats, the tight post is attached to above the blood body of great rabbit, changes to the glimmer to vanish, integrates in its flesh. 符咒从琉璃手中脱离,漂浮出去,紧紧贴附在巨兔的血躯之上,化作微光消失,融入其血肉之中。 Visible, changed to the blood hole spot, the flesh of tearing starts crowded, urges to send, then blends, finally grows a lot of granulations, fuses again. 肉眼可见的,原本化作血洞的部位,撕裂的血肉开始拥挤,催发,然后交融,最后生长出大量的肉芽,再度融合。 Bone that disrupts, by the scene marvelously, starts to regenerate. 就连碎裂的骨头,也以奇迹般的光景,开始再生。 Thump! 咚! The powerful heartbeat proliferates in the body of blood to spread from the great rabbit. 强有力的心跳从巨兔遍布鲜血的身体中传出。 The sound of heartbeat, disseminates in the ear of people clearly. 心跳的声响,清晰传播到众人的耳中。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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