EFK :: Volume #6

#284 Part 1: Reincarnations

Arrived this situation, Tobirama has believed firmly that the opposite party does not have the ample force that can turn over/stand up thoroughly. 到了这个地步,扉间已经确信对方彻底没有了可以翻身的余力。 Hardest to deal with shield and eye had been excluded, although them also paid the quite serious price, but the war generally speaking, the advantage has gradually started to incline to the alliance army. 最为难缠的‘盾’与‘眼’已然被排除在外,尽管他们这边也付出了相当惨重的代价,但战局总体来说,优势已经逐渐向联盟军这边开始倾斜。 Therefore, Tobirama after making brief victory manifesto, immediately to carrying severely wounded Ruri launched the attack. 所以,扉间在作出了简短的胜利宣言后,立刻对身负重伤的琉璃发起了进攻。 To kill Ruri this thorny enemy accurately, Tobirama without hesitation in pulling out on kunai, being wounded water attribute Chakra, and by kunai, but the core, models to form the condition of sharp blade, twines kunai. 为了确切杀死琉璃这个棘手的敌人,扉间毫不犹豫在拔出来的苦无上,负伤水属性查克拉,并以苦无而核心,塑形成尖刃的状态,缠绕住苦无 Uses this kunai in the Tobirama plan, when goes forward to Ruri launches the sure-kill, the sound of broken wind immediately from the side spreads to his ear. 就在扉间打算利用这支苦无,上前对琉璃展开绝杀时,破风的声响立马从侧旁传入他的耳朵。 Unexpected attack. 出其不意的攻击。 No one has expected. 无论是谁都没有料想到。 That is endures compared with the water ball of giant iron slab, the body of hit Tobirama from the side, the serious impact, strikes to fly his body one breath. 那是堪比巨大铁块的水球,从侧旁命中扉间的身体,沉重的冲击,将他的身体一口气击飞出去。 The form is starting the racing in an instant, the under foot sprinkling limpid water mark, flashes the beginning generation of Mizukage white lotus that arrives at to respond behind, a hand inserts from his back suddenly. 身影在刹那间开始急转,脚下溅洒清澈的水迹,闪到来不及反应的初代水影白莲身后,一只手猛然从其背部插入。 When the palm takes out again, a spell pulled out to take. 手掌再次取出时,一张符咒从中掏取了出来。 This a series of movements are completed, but is matter in a flash. 这一系列的动作完成,不过是转瞬间的事情。 Not only feels as the two generations of Mizukage Gengetsu paraselenaes of litigant startled, as the beginning generation of shades of one side viewer, was with astonishment lived by this similarly, what matter did not make clear exactly had. 不仅是作为当事人的二代水影鬼灯幻月感到愕然,就连作为一旁看客的初代影们,也同样被这一幕惊愕住了,搞不清楚到底发生了何事。 Without a doubt, the opposite party betrayal is the inarguable fact. 毫无疑问,对方背叛已经是不容争辩的事实。 Rashly, withdraws a distance for with the beginning generation of Tsuchikage stone rivers initially immediately, spreads out with the white lotus and Gengetsu paraselenae. 不由分说,初代艾与初代土影石河立马撤出一段距离,与白莲与鬼灯幻月拉开距离。 Without misreading the words, extract from white lotus within the body, with strengthen the Edo Tensei body binding force the spell, if not use this specially-made spell, wants to control powerful beginning generation of shades, simply is dream of a fool. 没看错的话,从白莲体内抽取出来的,正是用以加强秽土转生身躯束缚力的符咒,如果不利用这种特制符咒,就想要操控实力强大的初代影们,简直是痴人说梦。 Really, after extracting the spell, initially the generation of Mizukage white lotus swayed a body, on the face appears the color of obvious struggling, later on the face then returned to normal, with the vicious eye is locking beginning for and stone river these two old opponents. 果然,抽出符咒之后,初代水影白莲只是摇晃了一下身躯,脸上浮现出明显的挣扎之色,随后脸上便恢复了平静,用凶狠的眼睛锁定着初代艾与石河这两个老对手。 What's the matter, how my body can......” “怎么回事,我的身体怎么会自己……” However, all these transformations, regarding the Gengetsu paraselenae, are actually exceptionally inconceivable. 然而,这一切的转变,对于鬼灯幻月来说,却是异常不可思议。 He looks down oneself body, subtle feeling that having planting is hard to be strict. 他低下头看着自己的身体,有种难以严明的微妙感觉。 As if this body is not itself general, but by some more mystical existence, was controlled. 仿佛这具身体不属于自己一般,而是被某个更为神秘的存在,进行控制。 Is just like in the body, had/left other one consciousness, is controlling his every action and every movement. 好比身体里面,多出了另外的一种意识,在支配他的一举一动。 What does, how my body can who use? Public toilet? This time is which bastard does the good deed? Mildew Hokage, is your bastard does the good deed?” “搞什么啊,怎么我的身体谁都能用?公共厕所吗?这次又是哪个混蛋干得好事?白毛火影,又是你这混蛋干得好事吗?” Obviously the body is own, but acts completely cannot help but, this feeling, making the Gengetsu paraselenae breathless, stares to Tobirama that stands from the ground. 明明身体是自己的,但是行动完全不由自主,这种感觉,让鬼灯幻月气急败坏,瞪向从地上站起来的扉间 Fool, do not have what misdemeanor to push toward me on, this obvious and I have nothing to do. Compared with this, I also want to ask you, what on you exactly had?” “笨蛋,别发生什么坏事都朝我身上推,这明显和我无关。比起这个,我还想问你,你身上到底发生了什么呢?” Tobirama grips kunai, vigilant looks to the Gengetsu paraselenae. 扉间握住苦无,警惕的看向鬼灯幻月。 Immediately the vision shifts to Ruri, the opposite party is hanging loose the long hair, the stance is distressed, but also strives to support the body at this moment, sway stands up, cannot help but narrowing the eye. 随即目光转向琉璃,对方披散着长发,姿态狼狈,但此刻也勉力支撑着身体,摇晃般站起,不由得眯着眼睛。 Is worrying anything, he does not have the choice to begin immediately, on the face reveals the idea of probe, opens the mouth to ask: 顾虑着什么,他没有选择立刻动手,脸上露出试探的想法,开口问道: Is you do the ghost?” “是你们搞得鬼吗?” The unusuality of Gengetsu paraselenae, very obviously is not the spontaneous action. 鬼灯幻月的异常,很明显不是自发行为。 By the ability of opposite party, not possible to shake off the fetter of technique of Edo Tensei by own strength. 以对方的能耐,也不可能凭借自己的力量挣脱秽土转生之术的束缚。 Then, Tobirama can guess the result has one. 那么,扉间能猜测到的结果只有一个。 That in the unknown situation, the Edo Tensei condition of Gengetsu paraselenae, was decoded in the way of external force. 那就是在不为人知的情况下,鬼灯幻月的秽土转生状态,被人以外力的方式破解了。 Moreover, the decoding way of this external force, ingenious has hidden the truth from uses/gives technique, thus achieved degree. 而且,这种外力的破解方式,巧妙的瞒过了施术者,从而做到了神不知鬼不觉的程度。 Or seed has laid down, until played the role a moment ago officially, started some specific technique, therefore has hidden the truth from technique, at crucial moments launches the offensive, controls the Gengetsu paraselenae body, and assists beginning the generation of Mizukage white lotus regain the freedom. 或者说,‘种子’早已埋下,直到刚才才正式发挥作用,启动了某种特定术式,因此才瞒过术者,在关键时刻发起攻势,操控鬼灯幻月的身体,并协助初代水影白莲恢复自由。 Considering the alliance of Land of Demons and Hidden Mist, will do that and has good reason the person, only had Land of Demons this side shinobi. 考虑到鬼之国雾隐的结盟关系,会这么做,且有充分理由的人,也只有鬼之国这一边的忍者了。 Really established the two generations of Sirs of Konoha development foundation worthily, saw through me to keep here cheap trick all of a sudden.” “真不愧是奠定了木叶发展基础的二代大人,一下子就看穿了我留在这里的小把戏。” The clear and bright men's laughter sends out from the Gengetsu paraselenae mouth, has feeling ashamed of one's inferiority meaning in inside. 清朗的男子笑声从鬼灯幻月口中发出,有种自愧不如的意味在里面。 But that is not Gengetsu paraselenae own sound, is not he laughter that wants to exude, as well as words content. 但那绝不是鬼灯幻月自己的声音,更不是他想要发出的笑声,以及话语内容。 Therefore, obviously is the laughter, but on the face of Gengetsu paraselenae, is actually at a loss and melts stunned connects, the expression is quite strange. 故此,明明是笑声,但鬼灯幻月的脸上,却是茫然与错愕相融交汇,表情相当怪异。 This, anything, how my mouth moves-” “这,什么啊,我的嘴怎么自己动-” The sound obviously is not sends, frightened the Gengetsu paraselenae to jump. 声音明显不是自己发出来的,吓了鬼灯幻月一跳。 Moreover this sound, listens to be very familiar-sounding in him. 而且这个声音,在他听来十分耳熟。 Tobirama hears this sound, the complexion sinks suddenly. 扉间听到这个声音,脸色陡然一沉。 He listened, this was not the Gengetsu paraselenae sound, but was the Shiraishi sound. 他听出了,这不是鬼灯幻月的声音,而是白石的声音。 Matter as he expected, if or on the scene, who can decode the technique of Edo Tensei in the external force way strongly, only has in technique of epitomizing domain soul Shiraishi, can achieve this point. 事情如他所料,或者说,如果在场之中,有谁可以强硬以外力方式破解秽土转生之术,唯有在灵魂之术集大成领域的白石,可以做到这一点。 In exploration soul, the opposite party has achieved the pinnacle, even walks him is farther. So long as to the opposite party the opportunity, covers Edo Tensei by other technique, is not the difficult matter. 在探索灵魂方面,对方已经做到了极致,甚至比他走的更远。只要给对方机会,以别的术式覆盖秽土转生,并不是什么难事。 When dark hand do you stay behind? The technique of this time Edo Tensei, is I and Danzō leads together, I am very clear, I have not left behind solution control the opportunity to the bystander.” “暗手你是什么时候留下的?这次的秽土转生之术,是我和团藏共同主导的,我很清楚,我并未给外人留下解控的机会。” Tobirama also asked this question. 扉间又问出了这个问题。 This point, is he cannot understand. 这一点,是他所不能够理解的。 However facing the inquiry of Tobirama, Shiraishi actually does not plan to reply. 然而面对扉间的提问,白石却不打算回答。 Although his time person in pure land, but through Gengetsu paraselenae field of vision, he regarding situation, knows from A to Z similarly. 虽然他此时人在净土,但通过鬼灯幻月的视野,他对于外界的情况,也同样了如指掌。 Two Mizukage your excellency, then also please assists us to fight, that side fight, I also require time to solve.” “两位水影阁下,接下来还请协助我方战斗,那边的战斗,我还需要一点时间才能解决。” Shiraishi is swaying from side to side the Gengetsu paraselenae head, shifts beginning generation of Mizukage white lotus. Although the opposite party has relieved the control, but must state formidably, gets the affirmative response to be good. Otherwise before he comes out, Ruri and Ayane will have the trouble. 白石扭动着鬼灯幻月的脑袋,转向初代水影白莲。尽管对方已经解除了控制,但也必须陈述利害,得到肯定的回应才行。否则在他出来之前,琉璃绫音这边会有麻烦。 Hachimon Tonkou (Eight Celestial Divination Gates) might, surpassed his estimate, is good because of this loss, but also in his tolerance range. After all of Hachimon Tonkou (Eight Celestial Divination Gates) turns over to fiercely fiercely, fireworks that but also such as flickers brightly, in taking the life burns after the fireworks, such as the fall fallen maple leaf, gradually advanced to the cold winter of death. 八门遁甲之阵的威力,也超过了他的预计,好在这个损失,还在他的承受范围之内。毕竟八门遁甲之阵厉害归厉害,但也如灿然一瞬的烟花,在以生命为烟花燃烧之后,就如秋日零落的枫叶,逐步迈向死亡的寒冬。 Old man is stands like a tripod the person of Hidden Mist, since you are the Hidden Mist allies, naturally can fight to the last drop of blood.” “老夫是鼎立雾隐之人,既然你们是雾隐的同盟国,自然会血战到底。” Initially generation of Mizukage white lotus nodded, without the least bit hesitate. 初代水影白莲点了点头,没有半点犹豫。 Originally he and beginning other generation of Five Kage, have mortal enemy relations that is unable to rest the enmity. Before cooperated jointly, under the fetter and spell control of Edo Tensei. 本来他和其余初代五影,就有无法化解仇怨的死敌关系。之前联手合作,也是迫于秽土转生的束缚与符咒操控。 After the spell takes out, in addition Shiraishi injected part of soul strengths, he has been able to bring back the control of body reluctantly, no longer by technique of control Edo Tensei. 在符咒取出之后,再加上白石注入了一部分灵魂力量,他已经能够勉强取回身体的控制权,不再被秽土转生之术操控。 Has your words, I felt relieved temporarily. Then, asked two.” “有您这句话,我就暂时放心了。那么,就拜托二位了。” In the Shiraishi laughter transmits the meaning of applause. 白石笑声中传达出赞许之意。 The opposite party stills one of the tumultuous times Five Kage, strength, naturally is without a doubt. Perhaps the white lotus was inferior that First Hokage Senju Hashirama as well as Uchiha Madara that existed, but as initially generation of Five Kage, he is also that time, is next to that two people of peak shinobi. 对方身为平定乱世的五影之一,实力之强,自然是毋庸置疑。或许白莲不如初代火影千手柱间以及宇智波斑那等存在,但作为初代五影,他也是那个时代,仅次于那二人的最顶尖忍者 Before he can quick solution First Kazekage fight fiercely, the opposite party general idea/careless, the Edo Tensei body sensation strength dropped only, and maintained to surround complete body Susanoo to tie, diverted many attention, these significant reasons, can therefore sneak attack at one fell swoop successfully. If accepts a challenge in the normal mode, even if can win, because still possibly wastes the too much time, thus misses the good opportunity. 之前他之所以能快速解决初代风影烈斗,不外乎对方大意,秽土转生躯体感知力下降,且维持困住完全体须佐能乎结界,分散了不少注意力,这几个重大原因在内,故此才能一举偷袭成功。若是以正常方式去应战,即便能赢,也可能因为浪费太多时间,从而错失良机。 Then, Shiraishi sound from Gengetsu paraselenae body quiet. 说完,白石的声音就从鬼灯幻月的身体里沉寂了下去。 Hey, my idea? You have nothing must confess with me? Before I am also , generation of Mizukage, you are looking down upon me!?” “喂喂喂,我的想法呢?你就没什么要和我交代的吗?我好歹也是前代水影,你难道是在看不起我吗!?” Gengetsu paraselenae uncomfortable shouted loudly. 鬼灯幻月不爽的大喊大叫起来。 Although the Shiraishi mouthful respects the word, but only regards as important white lotus probably initially generation of Mizukage, his two generations of Mizukage, probably are only a springboard that provides the opportunity, insignificant general. 虽然白石满嘴敬词,但好像只看重白莲这位初代水影,他这个二代水影,好像只是一个提供机会的跳板,无足轻重一般。 This makes the Gengetsu paraselenae brow keep beating, in the look filled drearily. 这让鬼灯幻月的眉头不停跳动,眼神之中更是充满了阴郁。 But, the consciousness of Shiraishi has been separated from his body, regarding the noise of Gengetsu paraselenae, has not made any response. 可是,白石的意识已经从他身体里脱离,对于鬼灯幻月的吵闹,并未做出任何回应。 Jokes aside , really makes the person fire big. That does oneself looks like eight claw fish the fellows, later must make him attractive.” “说真的,一个个的,真让人火大。那个把自己搞得像八爪鱼的家伙,之后一定要让他好看。” The Gengetsu paraselenae makes an effort according to own forehead, as if like this can suppress manic feeling that the innermost feelings surge unceasingly, without the face of eyebrow on, false smile. 鬼灯幻月用力按着自己的额头,仿佛这样子才能压制住内心不断涌起的狂躁之感似的,没眉毛的脸上,皮笑肉不笑着。 That is not eight claw fish, but technique launches the later stance.” “那可不是八爪鱼,只是术式展开之后的姿态而已。” Regarding complaining of Gengetsu paraselenae, Ruri swept his one eyes, corrected the excuse of opposite party. 对于鬼灯幻月的吐槽,琉璃只是扫了他一眼,纠正了对方的说辞。 Wound to this degree, you also active?” “伤到这个程度,你还能动啊?” Gengetsu paraselenae surprised looks to Ruri. 鬼灯幻月惊讶的看向琉璃 From now on, they are the companions of real same camp. 从现在开始,他们就是货真价实的同一阵营的同伴。 Reluctantly active. The flash almost drained my Chakra of two Senjutsu medical service symbols, finally is unable to restore immediately, same was almost killed with that Byakugan| white eyes woman.” “勉强能动。一瞬间几乎抽干了我身上两片仙术医疗符的查克拉,结果还是无法立刻恢复,差一点就和那个白眼女人一样被干掉了。” Ruri spat blood froth, the injury wanted more serious than the imagination. 琉璃吐了一口血沫,伤势比想象中要严重许多。 Right? However she died, you probably not sad appearance, isn't she your friend? To save you dies.” “是吗?但是她死掉,你好像一点也不悲伤的样子呢,她难道不是你的朋友吗?还是为了救你而死。” The Gengetsu paraselenae referred to the corpse of nearby great rabbit. 鬼灯幻月指了指旁边巨兔的尸身。 Without of opposite party, the discerning people can see, dying can be Ruri absolutely. 而如果没有对方的那一下,明眼人都能看出,死的绝对会是琉璃 On the by observers, what attack was also hard to imagine her to withstand dead. 就以旁观者来说,也难以想象她到底是承受了什么样的攻击而死去。 I may not have to request her to do that but she unrequited love.” “我可没要求她必须这么做,只是她自作多情罢了。” Ruri puts out the one breath, smiles, turns the head to look to somewhere, seems to be seeking for anything. 琉璃吐出一口气,笑了笑,转头看向某处,似乎在寻找什么。 Also is really callous, you are really one group?” “还真是冷酷,你们真是一伙的吗?” Gengetsu paraselenae continuation speech with pauses. 鬼灯幻月有一搭没一搭的继续说话。 However, that side the enemy side as if detected that anything, no longer to the opportunity that they panted for breath, particularly to the time that the Ruri respite restored. 然而,敌方那边似乎察觉到了什么,不再给他们喘息的机会,尤其是给琉璃喘息恢复的时间。 Came!” “来了!” The white lotus adjusts the good physique, jumps the step forward, chose the attack on own initiative. 白莲调整好身姿,向前跳步,主动选择了进攻。 What fight is beginning generation of Tsuchikage stone rivers. 交手的是初代土影石河。 The opposite party hold their palms together, great quantity Chakra pours into the air, in a flash, the vigorous gravity-space forms in his hands, the strong pressure drops from the clouds, immediately crushed the ground, covers in which the white lotus, planned that fetters its action by this. 对方双手合十,巨量的查克拉注入空气之中,一瞬间,浑厚的重力空间在他手中形成,强大的压力从天而降,顿时压坏了地面,也将白莲笼罩其中,打算以此来束缚其行动。 However the white lotus has expectation early, the under foot in instantly, the water mark that the gravity-space forms flows, changes into unceasing flowing rapidly, sweeps across all around rapidly, is only the flash, falls into nearby region the rivers and lakes. 然而白莲早有预料似的,脚下在重力空间形成的刹那,水迹流淌,化为不绝的奔流,迅速席卷四周,只是一瞬间,就将附近的区域陷入水泽之中。 The stone river jumps to flash backward, dirt walls stand erect, resists flood that flows rapidly to come, obtains the opportunity of respite for oneself. 石河向后跳闪,一块块土墙竖立起来,抵挡奔流而来的洪水,为自己取得喘息之机。 Fist that two people near body entanglement, the seemingly old white lotus, wields, is toxic, link air all around starts to twist, makes the sound of sharp friction. 两人近身纠缠,看似苍老的白莲,挥出去的拳头,却极具杀伤力,联通周遭的空气都开始扭曲,发出尖锐的摩擦之音。 The stone river refuses to admit being inferior, the firm thick rock covers the right arm, similarly wields to strike, launches to fight hand-to-hand with the white lotus. 石河不甘示弱,坚厚的岩石覆盖右臂,同样挥击出去,与白莲展开肉搏。 Bang! 轰! Two people eruptions, just like the contest of Yanshan and flood. 两人的爆发,宛如岩山与洪水的较量。 The ground had the breakage, then undercuts, starts the disintegration. 地面产生了破裂,然后下陷,开始崩碎。 During the contest of taijutsu, will present dashing of Ninjutsu uninterruptedly, the center situated in explosion, have not actually chosen to retrocede, is withstanding the bombardment of opposite party taijutsu and Ninjutsu mutually. 体术的较量之中,也会不间断的出现忍术的冲撞,两人位于爆炸的中心,却没有选择后退,互相承受着对方体术忍术的轰击。 Gazes at two people fierce battle, Tobirama exploratory start both hands is tying seal, is observing the white lotus and Gengetsu paraselenae sound. 注视着两人的激烈交战,扉间试探性的开始双手结印,观察着白莲与鬼灯幻月的动静。 Was discovering that two people from have not vanished at present, the soul returns to the pure land, then sighed. 在发现二人并未从眼前消失,灵魂返回净土,便叹了口气。 Really, the technique of Edo Tensei was covered thoroughly. In this way, does not have the means to force them to leave.” “果然,秽土转生之术被彻底覆盖了。用这种方法,也没办法强制他们离开。” He wants to untie the white lotus and techniques of Gengetsu paraselenae two people of Edo Tensei, but after discovering unties, two people have not vanished, then knows, covers the technique type above Edo Tensei to be very high-level. 他本想解开白莲与鬼灯幻月二人的秽土转生之术,但发现解开之后,二人并未消失,便知道,覆盖在秽土转生之上的术式十分高级。 First did not say whether technique of opposite party can untie, the light is close to the white lotus and Gengetsu paraselenae, and short distance contacts them, is one not the matter that is possible to complete. 先不说对方的术自己是否能解开,光是接近白莲与鬼灯幻月,并近距离接触他们,便是一件不可能完成的事情。 Even if with Sealing Technique, cannot arrange in a short time. 就算用封印术,也不是短时间内可以布置出来的。 Initially also started the attack for at this time, and looked directly Ruri that carried the severe wound. 初代艾这时也开始了进攻,并且直接找上了身负重伤的琉璃 Hey, bullies the injured madam, this is not the gentry behavior, initially generation of Raikage your excellency! Let me be your opponent!” “喂喂,欺负受伤的女士,这可不是绅士行为啊,初代雷影阁下!让我来做你的对手吧!” The Gengetsu paraselenae kept off on the path without hesitation, launched iridescence air bubbles, stopped up beginning for path that went forward. 鬼灯幻月毫不犹豫挡在了道路上,发射出一颗颗虹色的气泡,堵住了初代艾前进的道路。 Initially was surrounded by this crowd of air bubbles for layer on layer/heavily, immediately withstood the pyroshocks of innumerable overload. 初代艾被这群气泡重重包围,顿时承受了无数超重的爆炸冲击。 But he stands in calmly same place, to air bubble impact, is unable to hurt his body slightest, as if not place in such attack the eye. 只不过他镇定的站在原地,任由气泡冲击,也无法伤害他的身体分毫,仿佛并不把这样的攻击放在眼中。 „!” “切!” Detected opposite party does not care, the Gengetsu paraselenae also knows that own strength is not enough to place on a par with these monsters, now also can only delay the time to get down as far as possible, is Ruri secures enough restoration space. 察觉到对方的不在乎,鬼灯幻月也知道自己的实力不足以和这些怪物相提并论,现在也只能尽量拖延时间下去,为琉璃争取到足够的恢复空间。 Might as well only depend on him and white lotus, may not have the means to deal with these three people. 不如仅凭他和白莲,可没办法对付这三人。 Therefore, the suddenly time, side presented the human form of having the cartoon-like motion, the semblance and Gengetsu paraselenae looks like, but seems like incomparably extremely fat large. 于是,眨眼的功夫,旁边就出现了一个拥有卡通风格的人形,外表与鬼灯幻月酷似,只不过看上去无比臃肿肥大。 Goes!” “去吧!” The Gengetsu paraselenae long exhales, Chakra in within the body starts to consume significantly, directs this clone to charge into the front. 鬼灯幻月长长出了一口气,体内的查克拉开始大幅度消耗,指挥着这具分身冲向前方。 That is steams the danger to explode the prestige, this small beard Mizukage arrives at the opposite, showed the real ability immediately.” “那是蒸危爆威,这个小胡子水影一到对立面,就立马拿出真本领了。” Saw that the opposite party puts out without hesitation black own unique skill prevents beginning , the Tobirama complexion slightly one in the adventurous way. 看到对方毫不犹豫以冒险的方式拿出自己的绝招阻挡初代艾,扉间脸色微微一黑。 However, now does not think these times. 不过,现在不是想这些的时候。 He noticed that Ruri evacuates the battlefield suddenly, toward an azimuth transfer, then pursues. 他看到琉璃突然撤离战场,朝着一个方位转移,便追赶上去。 Even if not know that the opposite party plans to make anything, but the intuition told him, must prevent Ruri, will otherwise have the inconceivable matter to happen. 即使不知道对方打算做什么,但直觉告诉他,必须阻止琉璃,否则会有不堪设想的事情发生。 Dashes, Ruri saw the badly-damaged land, as well as sprinkles arrives at regional mechanical wreckage. 一路飞奔,琉璃看到了残破不堪的大地,以及洒落到各地的机械残骸。 Is relying on the technique -type hauling, she locked on the goal quickly. 凭借着术式的牵引,她很快锁定了目标。 That is crushed peace torso main body spot, exposes the electronic component of wire and breakage, the part of interruption still in braves the electrical spark. 那是被击碎的和平者躯干主体部位,暴露出来缆线与破损的电子元件,截断的部分还在嗤嗤冒着电花。 Also is really destroyed thorough, actually instantaneously enduring compared with peace of Bijuu (Tailed Beast) body degree of hardness, crushes to this situation...... the triumphant that boy, now does not feel better, once after all opens that say/way dead gate, does not die is remnant.” “还真是被破坏的彻底,竟然瞬间把堪比尾兽身体硬度的和平者,击碎到这个地步……不过凯那小子,现在也不好受吧,毕竟一旦开启那道死门,非死即残。” Ruri has the sound, if not for before peace and Fire Sprite kept off an attack for her, perhaps did not have afterward matter. 琉璃啧啧有声,若不是之前和平者与火精灵替她挡了一次攻击,恐怕也就没有后来的事情了。 She and Ayane, will die in Hachimon Tonkou (Eight Celestial Divination Gates) during an impact. 她和绫音,都会死在八门遁甲之阵的冲击之中。 Possibility that the attack of such rank, she and Ayane, simply have not resisted, strength completely not in a dimension. 那样级别的攻击,她和绫音,根本没有丝毫抵挡的可能性,实力完全不在一个次元。 She arrives at shatter mechanical torso here, the part of torso only remained originally 1/5, other spots fall in other place, breaks to this degree, is impossible to restore. 她来到破碎的机械躯干这里,躯干的部分只残留了原本的五分之一,其余的部位掉落在别的地方,破碎到这个程度,已经不可能修复好了。 Ruri puts out a hand to grasp to the mechanical torso, discovered that above has a small cabin door, the iron sheet of cabin door is pried open completely, Ruri makes an effort slightly, pulls this small cabin door. 琉璃伸手抓向机械躯干,发现上面有一个小小的舱门,舱门的铁皮完全被撬开,琉璃稍微一用力,就把这块小小的舱门扯下来。 Inside calmly is placing a transparent transistor, although the inner space encountered the extrusion, but the transistor actually preserved completely, is loaded with the galaxy luster silver fine sand, as if thinks of starry skies. 里面静静安置着一根透明的晶体管,虽然内部空间遭到了挤压,但晶体管却完好保存了下来,其中装有星河般色泽的银色细沙,仿佛装着一片星空。 Ruri grips this transistor, will turn around. 琉璃握住这根晶体管,正要转身。 Whiz! 嗖! kunai straight flew from the side. 一支苦无笔直从侧旁飞了过来。 Ruri turns the head to look, the pair of eyes bright red piece, the shadow of under foot has the consciousness to fluctuate, melts empty punctures for the solid shadow blade fiercely forward suddenly. 琉璃转头看去,双眼鲜红一片,脚下的影子有意识浮动,化虚为实的影刃猛地向前突刺。 Black thunder!” “黑雷!” World one dark. 天地一暗。 Eliminated the light and sound. 剥夺了光明与声音。 Chakra's aura also shuts off in this dark space and time completely, becoming is chaotic. 就连查克拉的气息也完全在这片黑暗的时空中切断,变得混乱不堪。 Restores the bright time again, the person's shadow tumbles together distressedly. 再次恢复光明的时候,一道人影狼狈翻滚出去。 The shoulder position was put on a hole by the shadow blade, slid more than ten meters to stop in the ground. 肩膀位置被影刃穿出一个洞,在地面上滑行了十几米才堪堪停下。 Throws over the ancient standard layering to hang armor, as well as a white hair, is Second Hokage Senju Tobirama. 披着古老制式的叠层挂甲,以及一头白色的头发,正是二代火影千手扉间 Wants by the technique of sneak attack Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu), finally actually by Ruri instantaneously by Dojutsu (Eye Technique) counterattacking. 本想以飞雷神之术偷袭,结果却被琉璃瞬间以瞳术反制。 In that darkness, his attack ability was eliminated directly, if by to the induction of danger, that sword does not pierce possibly is not the shoulder, but was his head. 在那种黑暗之中,他的进攻能力直接被剥夺,如果不是凭借对危险的感应,那一剑刺穿的可能就不是肩膀,而是他的脑袋了。 Also is really the dangerous eye, shadow that protection uses, now shifted to you on?” “还真是危险的眼睛,还有那个防护用的影子,现在转移到你身上了吗?”
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