EFK :: Volume #6

#283 Part 2: Tacit

With triumphant runs to be close, this feeling is even more obvious. 随着凯的奔跑接近,这种感觉愈加明显。 crouches/submits thunder!” “伏雷!” In Ruri heart in great surprise. 琉璃心中大惊。 The blood-color lightning chops to fall from the sky, circulates her torso and four limbs. 血色的闪电从天空劈落,流通她的躯干与四肢。 Restored the action shortly, does not do immediately hesitant leaps to run away backward. 短暂恢复了行动力,立马不作犹豫向后飞跃逃窜。 But the feeling of death had not dissipated, where regardless of as if she escapes, is the same fates. 但死亡的感觉仍未消散,仿佛她无论逃到哪里,都是一样的下场。 Ruri is nipping the jaw tightly, turns head to look, the present world as if only has the red form that ran to come together. 琉璃紧咬着牙关,扭头看去,眼前的天地仿佛只剩下了那一道奔跑而来的红色身影。 Indistinct, Ruri heard dragon cry the sound. 隐约之间,琉璃听到了龙吟的声响。 This sound is getting stronger and stronger, the cold sweat on bright and clean forehead also increases closely. 这道声响越来越强,光洁额头上的冷汗也就越加细密增多。 Heavenly Thunder!” “天雷!” Unsophisticated thunder!” “土雷!” Hot thunder!” “火雷!” Enormous and powerful has swept the world. 浩荡的雷威扫过天地。 The land was occupied by the blood-color lightning, contains the strength of explosion, causes a series of explosions in the land, among the land smashing two people explodes directly, is involved in which the triumphant form. 大地被血色闪电占据,同时其中蕴含着爆炸的力量,在大地上引起一连串的爆炸,直接将两人之间的大地粉碎爆炸,把凯的身影也卷入其中。 However, from the mist and dust of explosion, the triumphant form runs out without the wound. 然而,从爆炸的烟尘之中,凯的身影无伤冲出。 The Ruri pupil shrinks. 琉璃瞳孔一缩。 She saw, illusory red dragon shadow, twines together in the triumphant body. 她看到了,一道虚幻的红色龙影,缠绕在凯的身躯上。 As if charges into her is not triumphant, but is a blood-color air long line. 仿佛冲向她的不是凯,而是一头血色的空气长龙。 Sage Art Great Fire Annihilation!” 仙法豪火灭却!” Flame tsunami that soars to the heavens, starts to spread to forward. 冲天的火焰海啸,开始蔓延向前。 Does not evade, that one war. 躲不过,那就一战。 This is the idea of Ruri innermost feelings. 这是琉璃内心的想法。 Even if dies, she will not be without a fight. 哪怕是死,她也不会束手就擒。 Although she felt the sickle of death to compel to oneself, some were only the dignity of being faced with an archenemy, but did not have the tiny bit fear. 虽然她感受到了死亡的镰刀正在向自己逼来,有的只是大敌当前的凝重,但却没有一丝一毫的恐惧。 For all this, function that her Senjutsu has not stopped. 尽管如此,她的仙术也没有丝毫阻拦的作用。 The sea of fire of Senjutsu manufacture has not touched the blood-color long line slightest, washed out automatically, reveals one to supply the general path from the middle. 仙术制造的火海还未触及血色长龙分毫,就自动被冲散,从中间露出一条可供通行的道路。 Night!” “夜凯!” The courage vigor long line that racing Xiaochi comes, broke open the hindrance of layer upon layer atmosphere, opens access to charge into the front. 奔啸驰来的血气长龙,破开了大气的层层阻碍,一路畅通无阻冲向前方。 Ruri only felt that the body sinks, Chakra of whole body was suppressed. 琉璃只感觉到身体一沉,全身的查克拉都被压制下去似的。 The death feeling of trembling, did not have the moment so to be close to itself. 战栗的死亡感,从没有一刻如此接近自己。 Cannot hide, will die. 躲不过去,会死。 Black-” “黑-” Puts together the completely final physical strength, wants to release black thunder, blocks the triumphant field of vision. 拼尽最后的气力,想要释放‘黑雷’,封锁凯的视野。 Although she knows, at this time already late. 尽管她知道,这个时候已经晚了。 The instinct that but seeks livehood, making her make so deals urgently. 但求生的本能,让她做出这般的紧急应对。 At this moment, her innermost feelings are instead calm. 这一刻,她的内心反而平静下来。 How long but this tranquil innermost feelings have not continued, was destroyed. 但这份平静的内心还未持续多久,就被打碎。 The huge shadow covers, in her stunned expression, leaps her in the in the air form, swallows into the abdomen. 庞大的阴影笼罩下来,在她愕然的表情中,将她飞跃在空中的身影,一口吞入腹中。 But Red Dragon impact on. 红龙冲击而至。 Release the red light shadow embezzled the world. 释放出来的红色光影吞没了天地。 Entire void also in shivering of trembling. 整个虚空也都在战栗的颤抖。 Sound and picture by compulsory writing off and elimination. 声音与画面都被强制性的抹杀与消除。 Only is left over the angry howling sound that courage vigor long line sprint roared, but also reverberated in the world unceasingly. 只剩下那头血气长龙冲刺咆哮的怒嚎声响,还在天地之间回响个不绝。 Until the courage vigor long line vanishes, in the world was still filling the dignity that cannot look straight ahead, the mist and dust fills the air, the huge form falls to the ground loudly. 直到血气长龙消失,天地之间仍在弥漫着那股不可直视的威严,烟尘弥漫开来,巨大的身影轰然倒地。 On the snow white rabbit, full is bright red bloodline. 雪白的兔身上,满是鲜红的血迹 The red eye pupil is staring at the sky quietly, lost the focal distance. 赤色的眼眸静谧盯着天空,失去了焦距。 Various body places, are the flesh that launch and tears. 身体各处,都是展开与撕裂的血肉。 Especially the chest, the flesh and bone vanish, was rumbled a large cave/hole. 尤其是胸膛,血肉与骨头消失,被轰出一个大洞。 The form, crawled from a launching flesh band together distressedly, then tumbles from the blood red fur, backs on the body of great rabbit to sit to pour, mouth loud weary respite sound. 一道身影,从一处展开的血肉夹层中狼狈爬了出来,然后从血红色的毛皮上滚落下来,背靠着巨兔的身体坐倒下来,嘴里粗重疲倦的喘息声。 She turns head slightly, looked after the likes and dislikes, replaced itself to withstand the great rabbit of most attack, was Ayane, at this time was motionless, even if the medical symbol still affected in the display, but on the body of opposite party, still did not have the least bit vitality birth. 她微微扭头,看向背后代替自己承受了大半攻击的巨兔,也就是绫音,此时一动不动,哪怕医疗符还在发挥作用,但对方的身体上,仍然没有半点生机诞生。 This is not the situation that medical ninjutsu can cure. 这已经不是医疗忍术可以治愈的地步了。 Afterward, Ruri has turned the head, low, gasps for breath, while to medical symbol display function. 随后,琉璃重新转过头,低下,一边喘气,一边任由身上的医疗符发挥作用。 Clatter. 嗒。 The sound of footsteps approaches. 脚步声逼近。 Ruri raised the head. 琉璃抬起头。 Five person's shadows appear, initially, initially generation of Tsuchikage stone rivers, initially generation of Mizukage white lotus, Second Hokage Senju Tobirama, two generations of Mizukage Gengetsu paraselenaes. 五道人影出现,初代艾,初代土影石河,初代水影白莲,二代火影千手扉间,二代水影鬼灯幻月。 This five people surrounded all her escape routes. 此五人包围了她的所有退路。 „, Really is taking a rash step, cannot think in the alliance army, unexpectedly such expert. Mildew Hokage, you were also too despicable, is hiding such card in a hand unexpectedly, uses by the present.” “啊,真是失策,想不到联盟军之中,竟然还有这样的高手。白毛火影,你也太卑鄙了吧,竟然藏着这样的底牌,到现在才用。” The Gengetsu paraselenae complained at this time, kept flexure own hair, appearing was very agitated and annoying. This thinks the situation that must win, actually has this accident/surprise finally now. 鬼灯幻月此时抱怨起来,不停地挠着自己的头发,显得无比烦躁与懊恼。本以为必胜的局势,结果现在却出了这种意外。 Really is to make him unexpected. 实在是让他意想不到。 Tobirama cold snort/hum, had not responded, since the opposite party knows after Land of Demons and Hidden Mist are the alliances, sows dissension more than once here. 扉间冷哼了一声,没有搭理,自从对方知道鬼之国雾隐才是联盟后,不止一次在这里挑拨离间。 Disturbs regarding the spoken language of opposite party, Tobirama has the immunity. 对于对方的言语干扰,扉间已经有了免疫力。 Pulls out kunai, looks dispiritedly to the aura to extreme Ruri, although escapes by luck, but also final night complementary waves shake the wound, a strength has been not much left. 只是掏出一枚苦无,看向气息颓废到极点的琉璃,虽然侥幸逃过一劫,但也被最后的‘夜凯’余波震伤,一身实力已经所剩无几。 The present is the best starting time. 现在是最好的下手时机。 Uchiha , is very regrettable, you wanted the ambition of destruction alliance army to stop, now the victory and defeat has decided.” 宇智波家的,很遗憾,你们想要覆灭联盟军的野心到此为止了,现在胜负已定。” Tobirama announced the manifesto of victory. 扉间宣告了胜利的宣言。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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