EFK :: Volume #6

#285 Part 2: Losing

On the face dyed completely the dust and blood, that angry shouting, looked like in Deidara, probably an injured wild animal, desperate call in wilderness. 脸上染满了灰尘与鲜血,那愤怒的嘶吼,在迪达拉看来,像是一头受伤的野兽,在荒野上绝望的呐喊。 The red eyeball, almost must explode, has the swallow alive to fall the idea of Deidara. 通红的眼球,几乎要爆裂开来似的,有着生吞掉迪达拉的想法。 Follows alliance army over a thousand elite shinobi that comes, caused heavy losses by Uchiha Sasuke, in addition the surprise attack of Deidara, losing was more serious. 跟随而来的联盟军上千名精英忍者,本就遭到宇智波佐助的重创,再加上迪达拉的突袭,损失就更加惨重了。 The flame a piece, spread in the broken land again continually. 火焰再次连成了一片,在残破的大地上蔓延。 Was flushed the broken body in the explosion, burnt the human form in the flame, the scene of distortion, making Kitsuchi hate clenches jaws. 在爆炸中被冲碎的身体,在火焰中被烤焦的人形,扭曲的光景,让黄土更加痛恨的咬牙切齿起来。 This is the war, Kitsuchi. Un.” “这可是战争啊,黄土。嗯。” Facing Kitsuchi crazy howling with neighing, Deidara does not care. 面对黄土的狂嚎与嘶叫,迪达拉并不在意。 Similar scene, he has seen innumerable. 类似的场景,他已经见过无数次了。 Slaughters with the art, always along with him as the shinobi life, inalienable. 厮杀与艺术,总是伴随着他作为忍者的人生,不可分割。 After all, what is unable to appreciate my art is you. In this world, only has big brother Sasori and princess can understand that my art, this was enough. Un.” “毕竟,无法欣赏我艺术的是你们。这个世界上,唯有大哥和公主殿下能懂得我的艺术,这就足够了。嗯。” As the Deidara words fall. 随着迪达拉的话语落下。 In the sky, the innumerable flamingos dive to the land, sent out resonant cry, even covered below explosion. 天空中,无数的的火鸟俯冲向大地,发出的嘹亮叫声,甚至掩盖住了下方的爆炸。 The flamingo continues to howl, the scrap land, causes the innumerable grits to fly everywhere randomly. 火鸟持续呼啸,炸碎大地,引得无数的沙石四处乱飞。 The sweat non-stop flowed from Kitsuchi and the others, clothes and skin also baked redness. 汗水不停的从黄土等人身上流淌,衣服和皮肤也都被烘烤的赤红。 These Edo Tensei shinobi, is angry-looking, body in restoring with destruction repeatedly back and forth. 就连那些秽土转生忍者,也都是一脸怒容,身体在恢复与破坏之间反复来回。 Facing the inexhaustible flamingo impact, simply does not have the strength of resistance. 面对无穷无尽的火鸟冲击,根本没有反抗之力。 Flame impact of explosion, one after another. 爆炸的火焰冲击,一个接着一个。 This sky, were being burnt red one piece. 连带着这片天空,都被烧得通红一片。 Deidara rides the white-feathered bird spatially under to hover in the moon/month. 迪达拉骑着白鸟在月空下翱翔。 Looks at own masterpiece, the trend of flame spread, even can cover town. 看着自己的杰作,火焰蔓延的趋势,甚至能够覆盖一座城镇。 Now in alliance army shinobi that in the sea of fire fortunately survives, already ten less than one. 如今在火海中幸存的联盟军忍者,已经十不足一。 Even fortunately survives, is still all wounded. 即便幸存下来,也是个个负伤。 It can be said that the sharp army that this over a thousand people compose, has survived in name only. 可以说,这支上千人组成的尖锐部队,已经名存实亡。 Also is really exaggerating, what a pity, is only the disposable use ticket, if can use repeatedly is good. Un.” “还真是夸张,可惜,只是一次性的使用票,要是能够多次利用就好了。嗯。” Named C5 the artware of phoenix fire, is the manufacture number huge flamingo, is conducting the detonation impact on the large unit of enemy. The flamingo after explosion, will spread a flame of long-enduring combustion to all around, each other is connected, can cover several kilometers range. Therefore, falls into the sea of fire ten several tens of thousands of people of town instantaneously, annihilation is also a cinch. 名为C5・凤凰火的艺术品,便是制造数目庞大的火鸟,对着敌人的大部队进行引爆冲击。爆炸后的火鸟,会向四周蔓延开一种持续性燃烧的火焰,彼此相连,可以覆盖数公里范围。因此,将一座十数万人的城镇瞬间陷入火海,一击灭之也不在话下。 Is one type uses to the city, strategy level killing art weapon. 是一种对城市用的,战略级杀伤‘艺术’武器。 Although is used to cope with Unit shinobi, is a little barely satisfactory to the top shinobi lethality effect, but can also give most shinobi to cause heavy losses. 虽然用来对付忍者,对顶级忍者致死率效果有点差强人意,但也能给予大部分忍者重创。 Also only has in the battlefield of this fifth Ninja World war, can the unzoned use. 也唯有在这个第五次忍界大战的战场上,才能不受限制的使用。 No matter how said, this thing, to the average person and shinobi, the lethality was extremely cruel. 不管怎么说,这个东西,对普通人和忍者来说,杀伤力太过残忍了。 This conclusion.” “该收尾了。” Deidara looks that under fully suffered the alliance military headquarters team that suffers in the sea of fire, only has Kitsuchi and other Jōnin, but can also maintain certain battle efficiency, other alliance army shinobi, under the severe wound, can only in waits for death slowly. 迪达拉看着下方在火海中饱受折磨的联盟军部队,也唯有黄土等少数的上忍,还能保持一定的战斗力,其余的联盟军忍者,在重伤之下,只能在其中慢慢等死。 Struggling is fiercer, dying is quicker. 挣扎越是凶猛,死的越快。 Kitsuchi and the others, but also is searching the separate wounded person with every effort, wants to lead them to escape from the place of this nightmare. 黄土等人,还在尽力搜索失散的伤员,想要带着他们逃脱这个噩梦的地方。 Deidara sees here, knows that Kitsuchi and the others must evacuate using the Doton (Earth Style) technique. 迪达拉看到这里,知道黄土等人要利用土遁术撤离了。 After all runs away from the land and sky realistically, does not only have using the Doton (Earth Style) technique sneaks the bottom also to have a slim chance of survival. 毕竟从陆地和天空逃走不现实,唯有利用土遁术潜入地底还有一线生机。 But Deidara at this time. 迪达拉等的正是这个时候。 His corners of the mouth bring back wipe the smile, pulls out a white clay divine creative force from the Ninja Tool package. 他嘴角勾起一抹笑容,从忍具包里掏出一个白色黏土造物。 C3 drill 18 th, the princess lets the person for new-style that I transform specially art, making us compare, is your Doton (Earth Style) sneaks is deeper, is my art even better. Kitsuchi.” “C3・钻地型十八号,公主殿下特意让人为我改造的新式‘艺术’,让我们比一比,是你的土遁潜入更深,还是我的‘艺术’更胜一筹吧。黄土。” Saying, Deidara is pouring into Chakra, throws No. 18 downward conveniently. 说着,迪达拉注入查克拉,将十八号向下随手一抛。 Bang! 砰! As the white clay divine creative force an explosion, smog dispersing, conducted over a hundred times of expansions, crashes to the ground, inspires the storm. 白色黏土造物随着一声爆炸,烟雾散开,进行了上百倍的扩大,向着地面坠落,引动风暴。 Below flame withdraws on own initiative, makes way a channel for the 18 th arrival. 下方的火焰主动退避,为十八号的到来让开一条通道。 Under the ignition of flame, the fiery red light shadow twines 18 th, increased several points of bright and beautiful brilliant luster for it. 在火焰的灼烧下,火红的光影缠绕住十八号,为其增添了几分亮丽绚烂的色泽。 18 th of landing has not exploded, but fuses in the land together, the clay ox entering the sea lost the form, with land perfect embedment. 落地的十八号并未爆炸,而是与大地融合在一起,泥牛入海般失去了身影,与大地完美嵌合。 Like this was peaceful for several seconds, Deidara both hands tied seal, in the pupil shines fiery red. 就这样安静了数秒,迪达拉双手结印,瞳孔之中映照火红。 Art-” “艺术-” Explodes! Drinks!” “就是爆炸!喝!” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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