EFK :: Volume #6

#285 Part 1: Losing

The Tobirama direct complexion crazily changes. 扉间直接脸色狂变。 That is reincarnation Ninjutsu! Quickly! Prevents her!” “那是转生忍术!快!去阻止她!” Wants not to think, Tobirama started the attack directly, does not give Ruri to continue uses/gives technique the opportunity. 想也不想,扉间直接开始了进攻,不给琉璃继续施术的机会。 Initially follows for and stone river later, realized the gravity of matter. 初代艾与石河随后跟上,也意识到了事情的严重性。 They cannot think, the opposite party continually is mystical incomparable reincarnation Ninjutsu, can grasp the use. 他们想不到,对方连神秘无比的转生忍术,都能掌握使用。 At present they can also have certain advantage in the fight, but if and other Ayane resurrected, then their advantages will be nothing left. 目前他们还能在战斗上占据一定的优势,但若是等绫音复活,那么他们的优势将会荡然无存。 By situation that the technique of Hachimon Tonkou (Eight Celestial Divination Gates) retrieves with great difficulty, met a dynasty to return to the pre-liberation. 八门遁甲之术好不容易挽回的局势,又会一朝回到解放前。 Must prevent! 必须阻止! Cannot make the opposite party resurrect! 不能让对方复活! Thump! 咚! A more powerful heartbeat, through the dissemination of air, resounds clearly. 更加有力的心跳,通过空气的传播,清晰响起。 This aura, although danger, but exceptionally is weak. 这股气息,虽然危险,但却异常虚弱。 Obviously, this weak dangerous aura, belongs to Ayane that just died and was reborn. 很显然,这股微弱的危险气息,属于刚刚死而复生的绫音 The mouth opens and closes slightly, is breathing the fresh air of this living world. 嘴巴微微开合,重新呼吸着这片生者世界的新鲜空气。 Blasts open the blood hole chest, quickly is restoring, the skeleton, internal organs and flesh in the rebirth, give full play to the new vitality. 炸裂成血洞的胸膛,也在迅速恢复,骨架、内脏、血肉都在重生,焕发新的生机。 Suiton (Water Style) water formation wall!” 水遁・水阵壁!” But knows plan of Ruri, the white lotus and Gengetsu paraselenae is very inspired, spells to go all-out, the synchronization displayed Suiton (Water Style) Ninjutsu without hesitation. 而知道了琉璃的打算,白莲与鬼灯幻月十分振奋,拼尽全力,毫不犹豫同步施展了水遁忍术 Embezzles the flood of land to produce in an instant, in the front is standing erect together several hundred-meter ultra-large waterwall. 吞没大地的洪水刹那间生成,在前方竖立着一道高达上百米的超大型水墙。 Only is the thickness of waterwall, is more than ten meters. 光是水墙的厚度,就有十几米。 And after pouring into Chakra's water current, the degree of hardness wins in the steel. 且经过注入查克拉的水流,硬度胜于钢铁。 Bang! 轰! Initially pushed to the front to hit the ultra thick waterwall, but has not hit all of a sudden, but started out a hole of several meters thickness on the waterwall. 初代艾一马当先撞上了超厚水墙,但没有一下子撞开,只是在水墙上开出了一个几米厚度的洞。 The heavy pressure of water current, making him also feel the pressure. 水流的重压,让他也感受到了压力。 The stone river starts to tie seal. 石河开始结印。 The giant rock giant rises straight from the ground from the land, is as good as the grandiose body of Bijuu (Tailed Beast), makes rumble the sound, a fist bang to the front waterwall. 巨大的岩石巨人从大地上拔地而起,不亚于尾兽的壮硕躯体,发出隆隆声响,一拳轰向前方的水墙。 The powerful impact, is shaking this space. 强烈的冲击,撼动着这片空间。 The white lotus and Gengetsu paraselenae is going against the pressure, pours into Chakra in the waterwall unceasingly, waterwall patching that will damage unceasingly, by this resists the stone river and beginning for impact. 白莲与鬼灯幻月顶着压力,不断在水墙中注入查克拉,不断将破损的水墙修补,以此来抵抗石河与初代艾的冲击。 But the destructive power of enemy is extremely astonishing, not long, can break through the defense level that they make. 但敌人的破坏力太过惊人,不用多久,就可以突破他们二人制造出来的防御层。 Hey, did not have!?” “喂,还没好吗!?” The Gengetsu paraselenae is shouting loudly, clenches the teeth stubbornly, the muscle on face twists completely in one. 鬼灯幻月大声喊着,死死咬紧牙关,脸上的肌肉全部扭曲在一块。 Was similar.” “差不多了。” Ruri responded to one lightly, does not seem to feel the war anxious as. 琉璃淡淡回应了一句,似乎没有感觉到战局的紧张似的。 Compares Hachimon Tonkou (Eight Celestial Divination Gates) a threat, the attack of this degree, does not place in her eye. 相比起八门遁甲之阵的威胁,这点程度的进攻,并不放在她的眼里。 With the restoration of heartbeat, the vitality of white great rabbit starts to flow in within the body. 随着心跳的恢复,白色巨兔的生机开始在体内流淌。 Except that the aura is very weak, the consciousness of Ayane has been regaining consciousness fast. 除了气息十分微弱,绫音的意识已经在快速苏醒。 Ruri knows, this is the Chakra defect serious consequence. 琉璃知道,这是查克拉缺失严重的后果。 In order to resist Hachimon Tonkou (Eight Celestial Divination Gates) a final impact, Ayane also used within the body most Chakra finally. 为了抵挡八门遁甲之阵的最后冲击,绫音最后也用上了体内大半的查克拉。 In addition the death can lose some Chakra, at this time Ayane resurrects even, is still the incomplete weak condition. 加上死亡会流失部分查克拉,此时绫音即便复活,也是不完整的虚弱状态。 Wants not to think, Ruri jumps slightly, arrives at the mouth of great rabbit, puts out the transistor, a palm loosen, falls into the great rabbit mouth that opens slightly with ease. 想也不想,琉璃轻微一跳,来到巨兔的嘴边,将晶体管拿出,手掌一松,轻松落入微微张开的巨兔嘴中。 The foreign matter flows , the great rabbit is rolling subconsciously the throat, grinds the transistor, the silver fine sand flows to the flesh. 异物流入,巨兔下意识的滚动着喉咙,将晶体管碾碎,银色的细沙流淌到血肉之中。 A share of huge Chakra, attacks rapidly to all the limbs and bones. 一股庞大的查克拉,迅速冲击向四肢百骸。 Let the spine and even the whole body of great rabbit receives the electric shock to be the same, intense shivers. 让巨兔的脊骨乃至全身都受到电击一般,激烈的颤抖起来。 Fiercely, great rabbit bright red such as the pupil of blood, restored the light appearance, is shining upon the jet black curtain of night. 猛地,巨兔鲜红如血的眸子,恢复了淡淡的神采,映照着漆黑的夜幕。 Although the flesh of chest is still repairing, but the body unobstructive has acted. 虽然胸膛的血肉还在修复,但身体已经无碍行动。 Lies down on the ground, holds up the right arm, is wielding to the side by. 躺在地上,举起右臂,对着侧旁一挥。 The white lotus and Gengetsu paraselenae jumps the step make way. 白莲与鬼灯幻月跳步闪开。 The waterwall lost Chakra's supply, presents the flaw. 水墙失去了查克拉的供应,出现破绽。 The fist of rock giant breaks through the waterwall, reveals a section of arm. 岩石巨人的拳头冲破水墙,露出一截臂膀。 Initially for Raikage in all directions lasing, ran out of beside the waterwall. 初代艾身上的雷影四处激射,也冲出了水墙之外。 However, at this moment greets their, is actually a hugeness, has the fist of white fur/superficial knowledge. 然而,此刻迎接他们的,却是一只巨大,有着白色皮毛的拳头。 Bang! 轰! Earth-shaking Chakra attacks, blows the storm that flies, with the absolute stance, crushed the arm of rock giant. 惊天动地的查克拉冲击,吹飞出去的风暴,以绝对的姿态,粉碎了岩石巨人的手臂。 Initially for thunder and lightning, was blown by the fist wind, the body uncontrolled tumbling, in the Edo Tensei body, spreads the sound that splits. 初代艾身上的雷电,也被拳风吹开,身体不受控制的翻滚出去,秽土转生的身躯上,传出裂开的声音。 Strength that the fist has, looks like the typhoon to wreak havoc. 拳头产生的力量,就像是台风在肆虐。 Although withstood, but the Tobirama three people are unable to go forward again one step, can only that say/way just like the blood pupil great rabbit of demon god, sit the straight body from the land helplessly slowly. 虽然承受住了,但扉间三人也无法再前进一步,只能眼睁睁那道宛如魔神的血眸巨兔,慢慢从大地上坐直身体。 The terrifying aura of that vigorous as abyss, light/only looks straight ahead, lets person scalp tingles, feels the skin in the stabbing pain. 那浑厚似深渊的恐怖气息,光是直视,就让人头皮发麻,感到皮肤在刺痛。 Ruri jumped in the ground, is raising head to look, in the front sat the great rabbit of straight body, the happy expression of corners of the mouth. 琉璃跳到了地面上,仰着头看向在前方坐直身体的巨兔,嘴角的笑意更甚。 The great rabbit shook some not sober head, shakes stands up from the ground leisurely, dazzling white radiance covers the whole body, the huge volume naked eye reduces obviously, turns into human the normal build. 巨兔则是晃了晃有些不清醒的脑袋,晃悠悠从地上站起,刺眼的白色光华笼罩全身,庞大的体积肉眼可见缩小,变成人类的正常体型。 Wears somewhat broken kimono style shinobi clothing/taking, the white on leg crosses some knee sock also breakages, the black long hair dances in the air in the wind gently, the skin such as white jade is smooth, seemingly complete such as beginning, has not damaged. 穿着有些残破的和服样式忍者服,腿上的白色过膝袜也有些破损,黑色的长发在风中轻轻飞舞,皮肤如白玉光滑剔透,看上去完好如初,没有丝毫损伤。 Her raising hand arm, is feeling in the arm the strength of that familiar surging forward, satisfied nodded. 她扬了扬手臂,感受着手臂中那熟悉的汹涌澎湃的力量,满意的点了点头 Moreover, Chakra in within the body is also gushing out continuously, really heyday. 不仅如此,体内的查克拉也正源源不断涌出,更甚全盛时期的自己。 Feeling of dying and being reborn how?” “死而复生的感觉怎么样?” Ruri asks. 琉璃开口询问道。 Was ruined.” Ayane said own innermost thoughts without hesitation, the expression on face was very dreary, in the pure white pupil discloses gloomy ice-cold murderous aura, „, not only wasted Shiraishi the precious reincarnation symbol, extremely granule type of card in a hand, was forced to use up ahead of time......, if let the careless mistake that Shiraishi plan presented cannot be controlled in advance, the fellow of that thick eyebrow, even if died 100 times, still dead 10,000 times pities insufficient.” “糟透了。”绫音不假思索说出自己的心里话,脸上的表情十分阴郁,纯白的瞳孔中更是透露出阴暗冰冷的杀气,“不仅浪费了白石君宝贵的转生符,就连极粒子这种底牌,也被迫提前用光……要是让白石君的计划出现不可预控的纰漏,那个粗眉毛的家伙,就算是死上一百次、一万次也死不足惜。” Is this type ruined?” “是这种糟透吗?” Ruri somewhat speechless. 琉璃有些哑然。 Yes, otherwise do you think? I am how good, but Shiraishi plan cannot the errors. This is the matter of primary importance.” “是啊,不然你以为呢?我无论怎么样都好,但白石君的计划不能错漏呢。这才是最重要的事情吧。” Ayane affirmed this point again. 绫音再度肯定了这一点。 Saying, her Byakugan| white eyes is shifting to the Tobirama three people. 说着,她的白眼转向扉间三人。 Tobirama and the others were critical situation, the complexion is exceptionally ugly, obviously for cannot prevent Ayane to resurrect to be annoying promptly. 扉间等人如临大敌,脸色异常难看,显然为没能及时阻止绫音复活而懊恼。 Although the opposite party relieved changed the body, but does not mean that opposite party the body of human was easy to cope. 尽管对方解除了变身,但不意味着对方的人类之身就容易对付。 The situation was bad to the extreme. 局势可谓是糟糕到了极点。 Haha, white hair Hokage, saw, the present is us has the advantage. Jokes aside, if I am you, now has started to lift the flag surrender. Now surrenders, how is also a bright road......, white hair Hokage? My proposition is very good.” “哈哈,白毛火影,看到了没有,现在可是我们这边占据优势哦。说真的,如果我是你们,现在就已经开始举旗投降了。现在投降,也不失为一条明路……怎么样,白毛火影?我的提议很不错吧。” The Gengetsu paraselenae yells, for fear that others cannot hear to be the same. 鬼灯幻月大声喊叫,生怕别人听不见一样。 Resurrecting of Ayane, making his time confidence multiply. 绫音的复活,让他这时信心倍增。 „......” “……” Looks the rampant countenance that Gengetsu paraselenae that villains holds sway, the Tobirama heart gets angry, but does not dare to act rashly. 看着鬼灯幻月那小人得志的嚣张嘴脸,扉间心头冒火,但也不敢轻举妄动。 Now their alliance army, it may be said that are in a dilemma. 现在他们联盟军,可谓是进退两难。 Is the victory turning point of alliance army, is uncertainer. 属于联盟军的胜利契机,更加渺茫。 However, Ayane restores the vitality, without the earliest possible time finds the Tobirama three people, the form twinkle, jumps the step, from vanishes same place. 不过,绫音恢复生机,没有第一时间找上扉间三人,身影闪烁,一个跳步,就从原地消失。 When appears again, has arrived on remnant broken lands, the whole body blood red form lies down together here, the burning red skin splits the innumerable fissures, is releasing the terrifying heat. 再次出现时,已来到一片残碎的土地上,一道满身血红的身影躺在这里,烧红的皮肤更是裂开无数裂痕,释放着恐怖的热量。 Opposite party closing one's eyes of pain, is angry is not air/Qi, exterior breathing emaciated to perhaps only needs slightly to be big stimulation, wanted his life sufficiently. 对方的痛苦的闭着眼睛,有气进没气出,呼吸孱弱到恐怕只需要外部稍大一些的刺激,就足以要了他的命。 Not is only skin tearing, after the Byakugan| white eyes perspective/see through, opposite party two leg bones and right arm bones almost entire broken, the heat of body is also nibbling his few vitality unceasingly. 不仅是皮肤撕裂,经过白眼的透视,对方两条腿骨头、右臂骨头几乎全碎,身体的热量也在不断蚕食他为数不多的生命力。 Judged from the medicine angle, he already with deceased person not different. 以医学角度来判断,他已经和死人无异了。 This person, is Might Guy. 这个人,正是迈特凯 Displays of Hachimon Tonkou (Eight Celestial Divination Gates), his life already such as in wind remaining years of life. 施展完八门遁甲之阵,他的生命已如风中残烛。 Very possibly even realizes lost, but relies on to the hope of life, but here continues to barely manage to maintain a feeble existence. 很可能连意识都已经失去,只是凭借对生命的渴望,而在这里继续苟延残喘罢了。 Such emaciated base and low stance, before letting Ayane is unable to imagine, how oneself and Ruri was beaten by the opposite party thorough steamroll. 这样孱弱卑微的姿态,让绫音无法想象之前,自己和琉璃是如何被对方彻底碾压击败的。 Smoke and fire that dissipates brightly, again how beautiful, can appreciate, only has the time that flickers eventually. Although does not understand your insistence, but since hinders Shiraishi, that can only ask you dead.” “灿然消逝的烟火,再怎么美丽,能欣赏到的,终究仅有那一瞬的时刻罢了。虽然不太懂你的坚持,但既然妨碍到白石君,那就只能请你去死了。” On the face of Ayane, appears to wipe the light smile, implied the bone-chilling cold murderous intention. 绫音的脸上,浮现出一抹淡淡的微笑,暗含凛冽的杀机。 After all, she is a narrow-minded woman. 毕竟,她是个小心眼的女人。 Regarding the Ayane action, Ruri also swept one, selected a brow, then does not have excessively to pay attention. 对于绫音的举动,琉璃也只是扫了一眼,挑了一下眉头,便没有过多关注。 Although the process is a little distressed, but the victor belongs to her and Ayane, such being the case, then as her disciple of loser, after naturally must complete defeats, by consciousness that they retaliate. 虽然过程有点狼狈,但胜利者属于她和绫音,既然如此,那么作为失败者的她的弟子,自然也要做好战败后,被她们报复的觉悟。 Own interest makes it so to let off his first time, but such opportunity, will not have the second time. 自己的兴趣使然可以放过他第一次,但这样的机会,不会有第二次。 Barely manages to maintain a feeble existence by opposite party condition, she thought that ended the life of opposite party is quite good as early as possible. 况且,以对方这种状态苟延残喘,她觉得还是趁早结束对方的生命比较好。 With it in life at the last minute, but must be suffered with the pain, might as well grant him dead. 与其在生命最后一刻,还要饱受折磨与痛苦,不如赐予他死亡。 This is as the teacher, can give him only, final mercy. 这是作为老师,唯一能给予他的,最后的‘慈悲’。 Therefore, she chooses to watch critically. 所以,她选择冷眼旁观。 What's wrong, you want to save him, two generations of eye of Hokage?” “怎么,你想要救他吗,二代目火影?” Extends the arm, detects the change of Tobirama, the Ayane slightly leaning head. 伸出手臂,察觉到扉间的异动,绫音微微侧头。 In just, the Chakra flash of Tobirama within the body revolved high-speed, saw clearly by her Byakugan| white eyes. 就在刚刚,扉间体内的查克拉一瞬间高速运转,被她的白眼看得清清楚楚。 Especially the thigh and arm, are gathering completely Chakra of high potency in an instant, planned that initiates the thunder to strike. 尤其是腿部与手臂,都在刹那间蓄满了高浓度的查克拉,打算发起雷霆一击。 Tobirama figure, originally Chakra who revolves in within the body, stagnates suddenly. 扉间身形一顿,原本在体内运转起来的查克拉,也是陡然一滞。 Really, wants to sneak attack to have Byakugan| white eyes shinobi, is impossible. His all actions, were locked. 果然,想要偷袭拥有白眼忍者,根本不可能。他的一切举动,都被锁定。 Even if his Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu) is quick, but he transfers Chakra to start technique to require the time, this still means that his making a move will have a process. This process could reduce through the cultivation, but is unable to eliminate. 即便他的飞雷神再快,但他调动查克拉发动术式需要时间,这也意味着他的出手会有一个过程。这个过程也许可以通过修炼减少,但无法消除。 Perhaps common Hyuga shinobi cannot respond, but relates to Ayane that exaggerating to inhuman taijutsu, can absolutely in the instance that he acts, counter-attacks. 寻常的日向忍者也许反应不过来,但联想到绫音那夸张到非人的体术,绝对可以在他出手的瞬间,进行反击。 Little miss, rich/forgive Renchu, and rich/forgive people, he already-” “小姑娘,得饶人处且饶人,他已经-” Did not wait for Tobirama saying that the explosion shock launched together from the palm of Ayane. 不等扉间说完,一道爆炸冲击就从绫音的掌心发射出去。 The Gods Vacuum Attack impact strength, attacks and sinks the front land directly, making the bulk land hollow. 神空击的冲击力道,直接将前方的大地击沉,使得大块的土地凹陷。 The dust that blows off, covers that dripping with blood the body. 吹散开来的灰尘,掩盖住那具鲜血淋漓的身躯。 The Tobirama complexion is gloomy, is tying tight a face, has not said anything. 扉间脸色阴沉,紧绷着一张脸,没有说什么。 Sorry, I am not that magnanimous, killing oneself personal enemy to woman who can leave a loophole. The homicide my one time, I also kill his one time, is happen to coordinated.” “抱歉,我可不是那种大度,对杀死自己的仇人都能网开一面的女人。他杀我一次,我也杀他一次,正好对等。” On the Ayane face exudes is wiping the faint smile, seems to be mixing with the meaning of several points of ridicule, but how to see that seems like enraging Tobirama to intend to be the same intentionally. 绫音脸上泛着一抹浅笑,其中似乎夹杂着几分嘲弄之意,但怎么看都像是在故意激怒扉间出手一样。 Tobirama bears has not begun, disappointing her quite. 扉间忍住没有动手,让她颇为失望。 In calm and sizes up the situation this aspect, the opposite party as Hokage is indeed impeccable. 在冷静和审时度势这方面,对方身为火影的确无可挑剔。 That, how then do you want to do? The present is four pairs three, how sees is us powerful.” “那么,接下来你们要怎么做呢?现在是四对三,怎么看都是我们这边有力。” Ayane throws to Tobirama to answer this difficult problem. 绫音将这个难题抛给扉间来作答。 Only she can cope with their three people. 光她一人就可以对付他们三人。 Even if Ruri because of the severe wound, the strength cannot display, but has the white lotus and Gengetsu paraselenae helps, can say, the balance of fight, has leaned toward Land of Demons completely. 哪怕琉璃因为重伤,实力发挥不出,但有着白莲与鬼灯幻月帮阵,可以说,战斗的天平,已经完全向鬼之国这边倾斜。 Perhaps, but we will not sit waiting for death, at least diverts your part of strength matters, can accomplish.” “也许吧,但是我们也绝不会坐以待毙,至少牵制住你们一部分力量这件事,还是可以办到的。” Tobirama had not been frightened by Ayane. 扉间并未被绫音吓到。 As him who walks from the wartime years, has experienced such death to fight many times. 作为从战争年代走过来的他,早已经历过这样的死战很多次了。 Even if knows perfectly well the tactical situation to be bad, hope that will also not give up fighting. 哪怕明知战况恶劣,也绝不会放弃战斗的希望。 To frustrate his confidence in the spoken language, is only dream of a fool. 想要用言语挫败他的信心,只是痴人说梦。 Moreover, ten also resurrected probably, you sent that small girl Chakra of past to disappear, where can your situations good to go compared with us? Our situations, should be the same are right.” “况且,十尾好像也重新复活了,你们派过去的那个小丫头查克拉消失了,你们的局势比我们能好到哪里去呢?算起来,我们双方的局势,应该是半斤八两才对。” Tobirama so sneered, the leaning head looks to a position, posed the counter- threat by the words technique to Ayane while convenient. 扉间这般冷笑了起来,偏头望向一个方位,顺便以话术对绫音进行了反威胁。 No matter can win, Tobirama cannot lose in the imposing manner at least. 不管能不能赢,扉间起码不会在气势上不能输阵。 Truly, from the present situation, the alliance army as if falls into the disadvantage. 确实,从眼前的局势来看,联盟军似乎陷入劣势。 But is Land of Demons so? The reincarnation technique is powerful, but that cannot repeatedly use Forbidden Technique. 鬼之国何尝不是如此呢?转生术强大毋庸置疑,但那绝不是能够多次利用的禁术 That type replies Chakra's method instantaneously is also. 那种瞬间回复查克拉的手段也是。 In addition that giant machinery as if also caused heavy losses, is only left over a core of breakage to run away. 加上那个巨大机械似乎也被重创,只剩下一个破损的核心逃走。 This loss, he does not believe that Land of Demons can bring. 这种损失,他不相信鬼之国可以一笔带过。 Land of Demons presses the bottom the method, gradually is reducing. 鬼之国压底的手段,也在逐步减少。 It seems like, their two sides massacre mutually, steadily reduces the battle efficiency, instead the disadvantaged dawn, had the sign that raised the head at this time. 看上去,他们两方互相残杀,不断减少战斗力,反而原本劣势的晓,此时有了重新抬头的迹象。 The change in situation of this war also has, seizes every opportunity, the space that can use also has, this way, the alliance army might as well be able to turn defeat into victory. 这场战争的变局还有很多,见缝插针,可以利用的空间还有很多,这样下去,联盟军未尝不能反败为胜。 Really, heard the Tobirama that counter- threat the opinion, Ayane and Ruri also cannot help but fell into slightly silently. 果然,听到扉间那反威胁的言论,绫音琉璃这边也不由得微微陷入了默然。 Obviously regarding Nagato that side situation, does not care a whoop. 显然对于长门那边的情况,并不是毫不在意。 Then is continues to exterminate the alliance army, completely solves extra worries, goes to another battlefield, preventing ten...... from becoming them to choose the difficult problem. 接下来是继续清剿联盟军,彻底解决掉后顾之忧,还是前往另一处战场,阻止十尾……成为了她们两人选择了难题。 Land of Earth, southeast wilderness. 土之国,东南荒野。 One team of troops poured in the pool of blood, the surrounding land had the trace of breakage, some areas suffered the roasting of high temperature, dissolved directly. 一队人马倒在了血泊之中,周围的大地有破损的痕迹,一些地区遭受了高温的烘烤,直接溶解开来。 Finished finally, worthily is the regimental commander of alliance army, the almost roasted adult did.” “总算是结束了,不愧是联盟军的联队长,差点就被烤成人干了。” The men with the exaggerating tone recounted fight is not easy, but the tone is quite actually dissolute and self-satisfied, the meaning of teasing is very strong. 男人用夸张的语气来述说战斗的不容易,但其实口气相当放肆和得意,调侃之意十分浓厚。 Big brother, your will be hostile.” “大哥,你这样会被人仇视的。” Was responsible for the post-war handle work Brand and earth male, heard the Mushio narcissism words, cannot help but speechless. 负责战后处理工作的火男与土男,听到了虫男自恋的话语,不由得无语。 Falls down, loses alliance army shinobi of strength of resistance, alliance army Sanlian team regimental commander who lured the enemy out of his stronghold Pakura. 倒在地上,失去反抗之力的联盟军忍者,正是被调虎离山出来的联盟军第三联队联队长叶仓 Elite Jōnin of Sand Shinobi village, has fearful Shakuton (Scorch Style) Kekkei Genkai (Bloodline Limit), may be called the terrifying in the battlefield lethality. 砂隐忍者村的精英上忍,拥有可怕的灼遁血继限界,在战场的杀伤力堪称恐怖。 In this war, was killed White Zetsu directly in her hand, reaches over a thousand. Ninjutsu must the rigidity be extremely high, when used to cope with Land of Demons shinobi in battlefield, has not known that must sacrifice many people, can beat her. 在这场战争中,直接丧命在她手上的白绝,就多达上千。忍术的必死性极高,如果用来对付战场上的鬼之国忍者,还不知道要牺牲多少人,才能击败她。 Is good to take Xuan Yuan Zhong of Land of Demons special action squad, successfully ambushed this squad. 好在作为鬼之国特别行动小队的轩猿众,成功伏击了这支小队。 Sees only the chest of Pakura this team leader, blows up together the insect tumor, non-stop making the sound of agitation, as if the breeding life is ordinary. 只见叶仓这个领队的胸口,鼓起一块虫型肿瘤,不停发出鼓动的声音,仿佛孕育生命一般。 So long as Pakura has the revolution Chakra's sign, this insect tumor will inflate unceasingly, after reaching the limit, has the radical explosion, the move will kill. 只要叶仓有运转查克拉的迹象,这个虫型肿瘤就会不断膨胀,到达极限后发生剧烈爆炸,将中招者杀死。 Tied up Pakura and other survivors, dead alliance army shinobi, cremated processing directly. 叶仓等幸存者捆绑好,死去的联盟军忍者,直接就地火化处理。 Pakura to eat the vision of person, is staring Mushio and the others ruthlessly, the appearance is very scary, but she this condition, really does not have the least bit deterrent force now. 叶仓以吃人的目光,狠狠瞪着虫男等人,样子很吓人,但她现在这个状态,实在是没有半点威慑力可言。 Mushio arrives around Pakura, by the stance opens the mouth of victor: 虫男走到叶仓跟前,以胜利者的姿态开口: Very sorry, Pakura Jōnin, our Ninjutsu the nature is not good. My rupturing insect, is the type that is strikes to kill, this fight was we won, but also invited on the road honest, do not make a show. Otherwise, I will not assure your absolute safety.” “很抱歉,叶仓上忍,我们的忍术相性不好。我的爆裂虫,也是属于一击必杀的类型,这次战斗是我们赢了,还请路上老实一点,不要耍花样。不然的话,我可不会保证你绝对安全。” „Her appearance, even if makes a show does not have the significance.” “她这个样子,即便耍花样也没意义吧。” Brand goes said. 火男接下去说道。 The rupturing insect is not easy to dispel, particularly after rupturing insect of several times of strengthening. Even if shinobi of Five Kage that level, the move is not good to cope. 爆裂虫可不是那么容易祛除的,尤其是经过数次强化的爆裂虫。哪怕是五影那个层次的忍者,中招都不好对付。 Said is also.” “说的也是。” Mushio nods, starts to size up this Sunagakure renowned beautiful woman Jōnin. 虫男点点头,开始打量着这位砂隐村远近闻名的美人上忍 Is beautiful like the appearance, is powerful, lives in top female Jōnin in the village, the pursuer can form a long line to come mostly. 像这样模样美丽,实力强大,又在村子里身居高位的女性上忍,多半追求者能排起一条长龙来吧。 But, just like the hearsay said that was beautiful woman Jōnin.” “不过,正如传闻所言,是一位美人上忍呢。” Big brother, makes a move to have the big problem to the captive carelessly.” “大哥,对俘虏胡乱出手会出大问题的。” earth male astonished, then said. 土男惊愕了一下,然后说道。 I spoke thoughtlessly a saying, moreover where did I have the husband and wife...... you to want?” “我只是随口一说,而且我也有家室……你们想哪里去了?” Mushio shakes the head, then puts aside from the faces of some Pakura that ashamed and resentful pain the vision. 虫男摇了摇头,便把目光从叶仓那张有些羞愤痛苦的脸上移开。 Ok, can go back to stop work for the day finally. Then, connects with the captive, a more important work must be done, the time of here wasting was too much grows.” “好了,终于可以回去收工了。接下来,把俘虏交接完毕,还有更重要的工作要做,在这里浪费的时间有点过长了。” As the Mushio words fall, other Xuan Yuan Zhong members is a face are also solemn and respectful, numerous nods. 随着虫男话语落下,轩猿众其余成员也是一脸肃穆,重重点头。 The flame is burning the wilderness. 火焰燃烧着荒野。 The flamingo of combustion roaring flame, as if Nirvana of a phoenix in the fire yelled. 燃烧烈焰的火鸟,仿佛一只凤凰在火中涅槃啼叫。 Ha, sees not to have, Kitsuchi, this is my brand-new art, in scene that Hidden Rock cannot see for a lifetime! Un!” “哈哈哈,看到没有,黄土,这就是我崭新的艺术,在岩隐一辈子都见不到的光景!嗯!” The laughter that Deidara that is fearless, carefree dripping disseminates in the world. 迪达拉那天不怕地不怕的笑声,畅快淋漓在天地间散播。 Deidara, your bastard- gives me to get down!” 迪达拉,你这混蛋-给我下来!” Kitsuchi under loud is whooshing. 黄土在下方大声的嘶吼着。
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