EFK :: Volume #6

#282 Part 2: The world of dead

Chest below mechanism/organization start, reveals a giant turbine wheel, red light source condenses, the release twists the air the high-temperature energy. 胸口下方的机关启动,露出一个巨大的涡轮,红色的光源在其中凝聚,释放出扭曲空气的高温能量。 Hashirama swept one, withdraws directly. 柱间只是扫了一眼,直接退后。 The red aurora sweeps oversized, instantaneously became two sections the wooden figurine and Mulong, high and low separates. 红色的极光扫过大地,瞬间将木人与木龙噼成了两截,上下分离。 The red flash of high temperature, making the precious pearl of peace make the rapid sound. 高温的红色闪光,让和平者的宝珠发出急促的声响。 Such attack, to it, is the consumption is huge. 那样的攻击,对它来说,也是消耗巨大。 Shiraishi swept one, the under foot shadow fled, the body was separated from the Ayane top of the head rapidly, rushed toward Hashirama there. 白石扫了一眼,脚下影子窜动,身体迅速脱离了绫音的头顶,朝着柱间那里奔去。 In the past helped!” “过去帮忙!” Tsunade and Fourth Raikage and the others, detect the Shiraishi trend. 纲手四代雷影等人,察觉到白石的动向。 Immediately understands they plan to divide forces two groups. 立刻明白他们打算分兵两路。 Although the triumphant that side battlefield, they are unable to meddle, but here fight, they can actually assisting helping hand, toward Shiraishi surrounding in the past. 虽然凯那边的战场,他们无法插手,但这边的战斗,他们却能相助一臂之力,向着白石包围过去。 Wood Style tree arrives!” 木遁・树界降临!” Hashirama is also starting Ninjutsu. 柱间也发动着忍术 Sturdy trees just like the python to flee, starts to make the forest in the desolated land, wants to tie up the body of Shiraishi. 根根粗壮的树木犹如蟒蛇窜动,开始在荒芜的大地上制造森林,想要捆绑住白石的身体。 Shiraishi shuttles back and forth in the forests, looks at rattan wood who towards oneself throws unemotionally, both hands launches Chakra Scalpel, tenacious rattan wood will easily cut. 白石在林间穿梭,面无表情看着朝自己扑来的藤木,双手展开查克拉手术刀,轻易将坚韧的藤木切割开来。 Above, peace continues to launch bombing, destroys the forest in land. 上面,和平者继续发射炮击,摧毁大地上的林木。 Really, although Chakra is infinite, but if consumes too in a big way, does not have the means to restore completely Chakra all of a sudden, requires the time.” “果然,虽然查克拉无限,但如果消耗太大,也没有办法一下子恢复全部查克拉,需要时间。” Feels the Hashirama Wood Style might, contrasts the beforehand prestige energy, Shiraishi then knows, Edo Tensei infinite Chakra, also has the flaw. 感受柱间木遁的威力,对比之前的威能,白石便知道,秽土转生的无限查克拉,同样也有着缺陷。 But Chakra this type of thing, is unable born baseless. 而查克拉这种东西,无法凭空诞生。 Must have energizing system manufacture. 必须要有‘供能’的系统制造。 Hashirama Chakra of Senju image of Buddha consumption extremely in hugeness, even if Edo Tensei, is unable to restore all of a sudden, is full of the energy instantaneously. 柱间千手佛像消耗的查克拉太过于巨大,哪怕是秽土转生,也无法一下子恢复,瞬间充满能量。 Therefore, saves the Wood Style might Hashirama, needs fights, while restores Chakra, makes the preparation for launch next logarithm Senju time. 因此,节省木遁威力的柱间,需要一边战斗,一边恢复查克拉,为发动下一次的真数千手做出准备。 But he must do, breaks the Hashirama recovery procedure, expands the consumption of Hashirama, keeping him from restoring. 而他要做的,就是打断柱间的恢复过程,扩大柱间的消耗,让他无法恢复。 Wood Style the technique of cuttage!” 木遁・扦插之术!” Hashirama sees Shiraishi more and more close to oneself, launches the innumerable splinters, falls from the sky like the rainstorm. 柱间看到白石越来越靠近自己,发射出无数的木刺,像暴雨从天空倾洒下来。 Shiraishi has not dodged, directly on however. 白石没有闪避,迎头而上。 The back soul whisker opens to all around, is involved the splinter that the lasing comes. 背后的灵魂触须向四周张开,将激射而来的木刺卷入其中。 These splinters just like placing oneself in a different space and time of nihility, vanishes slowly. 这些木刺宛如置身在一处虚无的异时空之中,缓缓消失。 In the Hashirama sensation, these by the splinter that the soul whisker touches, had changed into the pure Chakra energy, integrates. 柱间的感知中,那些被灵魂触须触及的木刺,已经化为了纯粹的查克拉能量,融入其中。 Although to aim at soul technique of foundation, but after uninterrupted variation, can contact the entity material gradually, has strong defense capability. 虽然是为了针对灵魂而开创的术,但经过不间断的变异,也能够逐步接触到实体物质,具有很强的防御能力。 But absorbs and digests Chakra this characteristics, makes Hashirama realize, this technique has the greatest risk. 而吸收与消化查克拉这个特性,也让柱间意识到,这个术存在莫大的危险性。 To retreat in him, when with Shiraishi spreads out, only listens to the Shiraishi spooky words to transmit: 就在他想要撤退,与白石拉开距离时,只听白石幽幽的话语传来: Although we were fighting in the past in secret were innumerable, many gratitude and grudges disputes, but this actually should be for the first time we meet officially-” “虽然过去我们在暗中交手了无数次,彼此之间也有诸多恩怨纠葛,但这其实应该算是我们第一次正式见面吧-” The corners of the mouth of Shiraishi curl upwards slightly, the gloomy gloss passed over gently and swiftly his pupil, stares to stare at the Edo Tensei body of Hashirama, has probably seen through the essence of this body. 白石的嘴角微微一翘,灰暗的光泽掠过他的童孔,直勾勾盯着柱间秽土转生身体,像是已经看穿了这具身体的本质。 In that fills in the body of dead air/Qi, besides the Hashirama soul, in its deep place, sends out together is being very dark and decayed aura, the whole face gloomy illusory old man soul. 在那充满死气的身体之中,除了柱间的灵魂,在其深处,还有一道散发着无比黑暗与腐朽气息,满脸阴沉的虚幻老者灵魂。 Danzō elder!” “-团藏长老!” That say/way illusory old man soul is shivering. 那道虚幻的老者灵魂正在颤动。 Cannot think that own technique, was seen through the complete details by Shiraishi all of a sudden. 想不到自己的术,一下子就被白石看穿了全部底细。 By oneself as the Edo Tensei sacrificial offering, your also really being able to get down hand, two generations eye and you, uses this way, controls the First Hokage body reluctantly. The idea is good, what a pity......” “以自身作为秽土转生祭品,你还真下得去手,二代目和你,就是利用这种方式,才勉强操控住初代火影身体的吧。想法不错,可惜……” Shiraishi has not paid attention to the Hashirama this First Hokage thoughts completely, but bounces in the forests, speeds away fast. 白石完全没理会柱间这位初代火影的心思,而是在林木之间弹跳,飞快疾驰。 The tooth broke by biting the finger, flows out the blood. 牙齿咬破了手指,流出鲜血。 The Hashirama body starts to withdraw, the back land surges, the innumerable clay change into the fluid, blotted out the sky to charge into Hashirama. 柱间身体开始后撤,背后的大地涌动,无数的黄泥化为流体,铺天盖地冲向了柱间 Wood Style wooden spindles wall!” 木遁・木锭壁!” The arch wooden wall that the wood makes, the mobile clay will prevent outside. 木造的拱形木墙,将流动的黄泥阻挡在外。 But also therefore, Hashirama lost the best departure time. 但也因此,柱间失去了最佳的离去时机。 Shiraishi palm holding down ground. 白石手掌按住地面。 Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Summoning Jutsu)!” 通灵之术!” The jet black crack, just like the big mouth that the giant beast will soon rip open, is extruding the barrier of the world, starts to corrode this space and time that is the living. 漆黑的裂缝,宛如巨兽即将撕开的血盆大口,挤压着世界的壁垒,开始侵蚀着这片属于生者的时空。 Please remember this book first round domain name:. 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