EFK :: Volume #6

#283 Part 1: Tacit

The strange cold wind howls, Hashirama only feels the four limbs to be stiff, has anything, is suppressing his body, keeping him from moving. 诡异的寒风呼啸而过,柱间只觉得四肢僵硬,有什么东西,正在压制他的身体,让他无法移动。 Lodges the spirit body in body, suddenly is afraid shivers, as if stared general by some type of terrifying thing. 就连寄宿在身躯内的灵体,都突然间不寒而栗的颤抖起来,仿佛被某种恐怖的事物盯上一般。 Dies!” “去死吧!” Fourth Raikage and the others the support catch up, the opposite party brandishes the arm of winding lightning unrestrained/no trace of politeness, then takes the arm as the blade, cuts to the nape of Shiraishi. 四代雷影等人的支援赶来,对方毫不客气挥舞缠绕闪电的臂膀,然后以臂膀为刀刃,斩向白石的后颈。 Shiraishi shoots a look at not to shoot a look at one, the body one step takes the action ahead of time, jumps out of the Fourth Raikage attack range. 白石瞥都没有瞥去一眼,身体提前一步做出行动,跳出四代雷影的攻击范围。 The soul whisker subsequently hits back, twines to Fourth Raikage, Fourth Raikage changes to thunder light, dodges the attack of soul whisker. 灵魂触须随后做出反击,缠绕向四代雷影,四代雷影化作雷光,闪躲掉灵魂触须的进攻。 When he wants to launch the attack again, the surrounding environment does not know when has changed. 等他再度想要发起进攻时,周围的环境不知何时已经大变。 The length and breadth land of desolate no human footmark, presents not the normal sorrel gloss, gloomy does not see the sunlight the sky, is filling one decayed and aura of death. 荒无人迹的广袤土地,呈现不正常的红褐色光泽,灰暗不见日光的天空,弥漫着一股腐朽与死亡的气息。 This ruined, the bleak, by far ancient vestige ruins took to desolate of person. 这种破败,荒凉,远胜古代遗迹废墟带给人的苍凉。 Tsunade and the others look startled to all around, the original battlefield scenery vanishes does not see, changed into the incomparably strange environment suddenly. 纲手等人愕然看向四周,原本的战场景色消失不见,陡然间换成了无比陌生的环境。 Here is......” “这里是……” All around the glance, floods the desolated and ancient aura, takes to their unequalled constraining. 扫视四周,充斥荒芜与古老的气息,带给他们无与伦比的压抑。 Incessantly so, always felt that has anything to invade their bodies, Chakra who lets their within the body flows to become the detention to get up. 不止如此,总感觉有什么东西正在入侵他们的身体,让他们体内的查克拉流动变得滞涩起来。 Where this is, what did you do?” “这是什么地方,你干了什么?” Wanted to sneak attack Shiraishi, Fourth Raikage does not have to think oneself and the others will arrive at such a strange world. 原本只是想要偷袭白石,四代雷影没想到自己等人会来到这么一个古怪的世界。 He interrogated to Shiraishi. 他质问向白石 Except for with Tsunade and Fourth Raikage, Sakumo and Third Hokage Hiruzen and among Senju Buddha three Edo Tensei shinobi, was one and flushed. 除了跟上来的纲手四代雷影,还有朔茂三代火影日斩千手佛间三位秽土转生忍者,也是一并冲了进来。 Different with Tsunade and Fourth Raikage, only by Hashirama that and the others the Edo Tensei condition survives, felt that about this desolated world the kind familiarity, always felt where oneself have gone to similar place. 纲手四代雷影不同,唯独以秽土转生状态存活下来的柱间等人,对这片荒芜世界感觉到亲切的熟悉感,总觉得自己在哪里来到过类似的地方。 Facing the inquiry of Fourth Raikage, Shiraishi lifts the hand, the whisker of soul blooms again, as if obtained the unprecedented liberation, the empty shadow concentrates to be solid and strong, joy turns to begin the claw. 面对四代雷影的提问,白石只是抬起手,灵魂的触须再次绽放,似乎得到了前所未有的解放,虚影更加凝实与壮大,欢呼雀跃的扭动手爪。 Let the people look vigilantly to him. 让众人更加警惕的看向他。 Why does not know, Shiraishi aura, making them feel an extremely strong suppressed strength, is fettering their bodies in the time, was just like arrives at the home game of opposite party to be the same. 不知道为何,白石身上的气息,让他们感受到一股极强的压制力,在时刻束缚着他们的身体,就好比来到了对方的主场一样。 Only... earth...” “净…土…” Only at this time, Hashirama detected suddenly anything, mouth dignified revealed these two characters, on the face full is the inconceivable color. 唯独这时,柱间突然间察觉到了什么,嘴里凝重的吐露出这两个字,脸上满是不可思议的色彩。 Pure land?” “净土?” Tsunade and Fourth Raikage stare, suddenly has not responded. 纲手四代雷影一愣,一时间没有反应过来。 Right, just like said for the Sir initially, here was the pure land, place that we have treated before.” “没错,正如初代大人所言,这里是净土,我们之前所一直待的地方。” Hiruzen also responded probably, understands where here is, familiarity of that lingering in body, how is a matter. 日斩也像是反应了过来,明白了这里是什么地方,那种萦绕在身体中的熟悉感,到底是怎么一回事。 Pure land. 净土。 Belongs to the world of dead. 属于死者的世界。 The place of soul resting. 灵魂安息之地。 Although their these Edo Tensei shinobi, after the soul turns over to the pure land, the soul be at a closed state, but as a result of the great strength of soul strength, still has certain induction ability regarding the outside world, the consciousness is also partial to the chaos, is unable to act on free will. 虽然他们这些秽土转生忍者,在魂归净土之后,灵魂处于一种封闭状态,但由于自身灵魂力量的强大,对于外界依然存在一定的感应能力,意识也偏向混沌,无法自由行动。 Therefore, regarding aura that pure land that is in sole possession, after the reminder of Hashirama, their rapid reaction. 因此,对于净土那独有的气息,经由柱间的提醒之后,他们快速反应过来。 Therefore, on the face is in abundance same as Hashirama, looks to the pupil of Shiraishi, flooded the inconceivable color, one wipes the haze and shock that can hardly be removed. 于是,脸上纷纷和柱间一样,看向白石的眸子里,充斥了不可思议之色,还有一抹挥之不去的阴霾与震惊。 Words that did not remember incorrectly, opposite party after displaying Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Summoning Jutsu), pulls this world them. 没记错的话,对方是在施展通灵之术之后,将他们拉扯到这个世界。 This does not mean that...... between the opposite party and pure land do have the contract? 这不是意味着……对方和净土之间存在契约? The pure land has own consciousness, moreover can exchange with the living person? 净土拥有着自己的意识,而且还可以和生人交流? Thinks this possibility, Hiruzen and the others a little are absolutely terrified. 一想到这个可能性,日斩等人就不禁有点毛骨悚然。 Looked fills the mist that to all around, sky that as well as some ashes throw, does not know is the misconception, always thought that has the innumerable eyes to hide to be one of them, is staring at them, spills over the strange dim light. 看向四周弥漫起来的薄雾,以及有些灰扑扑的天空,不知道是不是错觉,总觉得有着无数双眼睛潜藏在其中,盯着他们,泛出诡异的幽光。 On the other hand, from came to start a moment ago, Chakra who because I the fight loses, stopped the restoration directly. Your situations how?” “话说回来,从刚才进来开始,我因为战斗损耗掉的查克拉,就直接停止了恢复。你们的情况如何?” Among the Senju Buddha said at this time, looks to Hiruzen and the others. 千手佛间此时说道,看向日斩等人。 No matter what, now they are grasshopper on a string. 不管怎么样,现在他们都是一条绳子上的蚂蚱。 Hiruzen and Sakumo stare, immediately also induces carefully Chakra in within the body, indeed stopped the restoration. 日斩朔茂一愣,随即也仔细感应一下自己体内的查克拉,的确停止了恢复。 Hiruzen complexion ugly/difficult to look at nodded, his situation and between Senju Buddha similar, Chakra in within the body stopped the restoration. 日斩脸色难看的点了点头,他的情况和千手佛间相似,体内的查克拉停止了恢复。 Then, he looks to Sakumo, over and over confirmed. 接着,他看向朔茂,再三确认。 Sakumo also nods, without refuting this elaboration. 朔茂也是点头,没有反驳这个论述。 Other source because of Chakra of fight consumption, no longer quick recovery like the past. 他方才因战斗消耗的查克拉,不再像过去那样快速恢复。 Just, his complexion is usual, but tranquil accepted this brutal fact. 只不过,他的脸色如常,只是平静的接受了这个残酷的事实。 Tsunade and Fourth Raikage heard Hiruzen and the others the exchanges, understood them now the unfavourable environment. 纲手四代雷影听到了日斩等人的交流,也是明白了他们现在所处的不利环境。 Edo Tensei lost the infinite Chakra ability, with one point of few point, no longer has makes Chakra's ability infinitely. 秽土转生失去了无限查克拉能力,用一分少一分,不再拥有无限制造查克拉的能力。 This means that following Edo Tensei shinobi cannot probe again at will, Hashirama strength, is unable to restore to the peak forever, displays logarithm Senju to suppress the enemy again. 这意味着接下来秽土转生忍者不能再随意试探,柱间的实力,也永远无法恢复到巅峰时期,再次施展真数千手镇压敌人。 But such suppressed strength, is the pure land brings obviously. 而这样的压制力,显然是净土带来的。 Edo Tensei shinobi lost Chakra to reconstruct the ability, she and Fourth Raikage these two strangers, need to consume Chakra unceasingly, resists the corrosion of pure land strength, will otherwise be swallowed by the strength of pure land completely. 秽土转生忍者失去了查克拉再造能力,她和四代雷影这两个生人,需要不断消耗查克拉,来抵抗净土力量的侵蚀,否则就会被净土的力量吞噬殆尽。 The method of collapsing has two, defeats Shiraishi, takes him as the breach, found to decode the Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Summoning Jutsu) critical information. 破局的方法有两个,打败白石,以他为突破口,找到破解通灵之术的关键信息。 Second, that by own strength, shakes off the fetter of pure land. 第二个,那就是凭借自己的力量,挣脱净土的束缚。 But obviously the second means are unable to achieve, is only theoretically feasible. Then, the feasible tactic, only has one. 但显然第二个办法无法达成,只是理论上可行。那么,可行的战术,只剩下一个。 Not hesitant, sees only Tsunade both hands to tie seal, the rhombus mark of forehead, shines together the blue-purple ray suddenly, the blue halo covers in the Tsunade surface, a share of vigorous boundless Chakra, from the mark, circulates to Tsunade all the limbs and bones. 没有犹豫,只见纲手双手结印,眉心的菱形印记,陡然亮起一道蓝紫色的光芒,紧接着蓝色的光晕笼罩在纲手的表面,一股浑厚无边的查克拉,从印记之中,流通向纲手的四肢百骸。 Yin Seal solution!” 阴封印・解!” Feels Chakra who within the body is full, the mark was still providing Chakra for her continuously, that type was taken Chakra's palpitation feeling by the pure land, slowly vanishes from the heart of Tsunade. 感受着体内充盈起来的查克拉,印记仍在源源不断为她提供查克拉,那种被净土吸食查克拉的心悸感,慢慢从纲手的心中消失。 Fourth Raikage sees this, relaxes slightly. 四代雷影见到这一幕,也是微微松了口气。 His Chakra measures it can be said that compares favorably with Bijuu (Tailed Beast), in addition the pure land takes the Chakra speed of living person is not quick, even if in this unfavourable environment, he can also support on is very long, conducts the protracted war. 他的查克拉量可以说是媲美尾兽,加上净土吸食生人的查克拉速度并不快,哪怕在这种不利的环境,他也能支撑上很久,进行持久战。 He also worried Tsunade will take the lead unable to support, was taken Chakra dead, but wants to come now, obviously was he thinks. 原本他还担心纲手会率先支撑不住,被吸食查克拉而死,但现在想来,明显是他多想了。 Chakra who Tsunade exposes at this time measures, he also felt that the heart is startled. 纲手此时展露出来的查克拉量,就连他也感到心惊。 However, Tsunade has therefore not stopped to act, the mark of forehead rhombus starts to twist, the distortion, turned into the curse seal shape, extends toward the forehead and face proliferation, then covers rapidly to the torso and four limbs of Tsunade, packages her whole body. 然而,纲手并未因此而停下行动,眉心菱形的印记开始扭曲,变形,变成了咒印形态,向着额头与脸面扩散延伸,然后迅速覆盖向纲手的躯干与四肢,将她的全身包裹起来。 „Is that the techniques of hundred? I listened to Katsu to raise before, originally is operates in this manner. The really good idea, this move is what a pity useless to me.” “那就是百豪之术吗?我以前听活蝓提起过,原来是以这种方式运行的啊。真是不错的想法,可惜这种招数对我没用。” Shiraishi puts out a hand, the soul whisker also follows, to be divided into several, plunges Tsunade and the others respectively. 白石只是伸出手,灵魂触须随之跟上,分成数根,分别扑向纲手等人。 The speed of soul whisker is quick, but also has the limit, opposite shinobi are in ten thousand does not have existence, only depending on Body Flicker Technique, without extra factor disturbance, evades the attack of soul whisker is not difficult. 灵魂触须的速度很快,但也存在极限,对面的忍者们都可谓是万中无一的存在,仅凭瞬身术,在没有额外因素干扰的情况下,躲过灵魂触须的进攻并不难。 Is useful, only then hits has known!” “有没有用,只有打过才知道!” Tsunade about the mood by the Shiraishi spoken language, incomparably was not believed own strength. 纲手并不被白石的言语左右情绪,无比坚信自己的力量。 But wields the fist, pounds toward the ground. 而是挥出拳头,朝着地面砸去。 Said is also.” “说的也是。” Shiraishi shows a faint smile, flashes toward the side. 白石微微一笑,向着侧闪一闪。 A surrounding area hundred meters land, under the fist of Tsunade, easily crushes. 方圆百米的大地,在纲手的拳头下,轻易粉碎开来。 Wood Style Mokuryū no Jutsu (Wood Dragon)!” 木遁木龙之术!” Hashirama is saving Chakra, starts to be primarily disturbing. 柱间节省着查克拉,开始以干扰为主。 Two wife who compares the opposite party, the opposite party on the destructive power and taijutsu, has not exceeded the common sense the achievements, this means that can kill the opposite party with the conventional physical attack. 相比对方的两名妻子,对方在破坏力与体术上,并没有超越常理的建树,这意味着可以用常规的物理攻击杀死对方。 Moreover this war must fight a battle to force a quick decision, here drags for a long time, their here situations are disadvantageous. 而且这一战必须速战速决,在这里拖得越久,他们这边的局势越是不利。 Giant rattan wood finds out from the land slit of disruption, changes to a giant Mulong, charges into Shiraishi. 巨大的藤木从碎裂的大地缝隙中探出,化作一条巨大的木龙,冲向白石 Tsunade seizes this time, ten fingers of insertion grounds. 纲手看准这个时机,十指插入地面。 Bang, the rock of hill size was deep cut together directly from the land by Tsunade, treating as the shell is the same, launches to Shiraishi. 轰隆一声,一块小山大小的岩石直接被纲手从大地中深挖出来,当做炮弹一样,发射向白石 Bang! 轰! The hill big rock pounds to fall on the Shiraishi front, closed off his complete escape route directly. 小山大的岩石砸落在白石的前方,直接封锁了他的全部退路。 Doton (Earth Style) Yellow Springs moor!” 土遁・黄泉沼!” Hiruzen has not kept the hand, changes to the swamp the front land, swallows the Shiraishi both legs, making him lose the mobile capability temporarily. 日斩也没有留手,将前方的大地化作沼泽,吞噬掉白石的双腿,让他暂时失去移动能力。 Mulong also catches up, closely twines his body. 木龙随之赶上,紧紧将他的身体缠绕起来。 Good opportunity, Hashirama, do not let go!” “好机会,柱间,不要松手!” Saw that Shiraishi that was twined by Mulong, among the Senju Buddha was immediately steady. 看到白石被木龙缠绕住的一幕,千手佛间立马稳了。 Ninja Sword comes out of the sheath, grips tightly in the hand, maps together the cold and gloomy cold light, is treading the torso of Mulong unrestrained/no trace of politeness, runs forward, the blade is relentless to wield to the Shiraishi nape of the neck, plans to cut the head of opposite party in one vigorous effort. 忍刀出鞘,紧紧握在手中,映射出一道森冷的寒光,毫不客气踏着木龙的躯干,向前奔跑,刀刃毫不留情挥向白石的脖颈,打算一鼓作气斩掉对方的脑袋。 Shiraishi swept the opposite party to be the same lightly, a corners of the mouth slightly crack. 白石只是淡淡扫了对方一样,嘴角微微一裂。 The innumerable sawdust dance in the air in in the air. 无数的木屑飞舞在空中。 Mulong crushes the thorough degree. 木龙粉碎到彻底的程度。 Among Senju Buddha look one surprised, the under foot makes a false step, the body loses the strength of basing on, crashes directly downward. 千手佛间神色一愕,脚下踩空,身体失去凭依的力量,直接向下坠落。 In the split vision of line of sight dead angle, saw the transparent illusory soul whisker flies air-splitting. 视线死角的余光之中,看到了透明虚幻的灵魂触须破空飞来。 In everyone responded when , the whisker searched into the body between Senju Buddha, pulled together the spirit body. 在所有人反应不及的之际,触须探入了千手佛间的身体之中,从中拉扯到一道灵体来。 A strange corpse crashes, is making clear among the Senju Buddha elapsing of spirit body, becomes the Shiraishi it's in the bag. 一具陌生的尸体坠落,昭示着千手佛间灵体的逝去,成为了白石的囊中之物。 What's the matter, how initially for Wood Style of Sir can......” “怎么回事,初代大人的木遁怎么会……” Hiruzen does not dare to believe to look to Shiraishi, as well as after that everywhere dances in the air, vanishes the sawdust that does not see, as if into thin air generally, from cancels at present its existed. 日斩不敢置信看向白石,以及那漫天飞舞后,就消失不见的木屑,仿佛人间蒸发了一般,从眼前抹去了其存在。 This is really extremely strange, making him be puzzling. 这一幕实在是太过诡异,让他百思不得其解。 The swamp of Shiraishi under foot, changed into the common rocky ground, the both legs made an effort to pull out from within the earth, resumed the action, indifferent sweeping to all around, the vision fell on Hiruzen and the others later, but in the line of sight felt actually acts in a completely informal or uninhibited manner probably. 白石脚下的沼泽,也化为了寻常的岩石地,双腿用力从土中拔了出来,重新恢复了行动,淡然的扫向四周,随后目光落在日斩等人身上,但视线中给人的感觉却好像旁若无人般。 Then, was one's turn you.” “接下来,轮到你们了。” ...... …… Four feet!” “四足!” Breaks through the sonic barrier air fist fast, lets dodge directly jumps, Ayane that runs away unceasingly everywhere is startled with amazement. 突破音障般的空气拳速,直接让闪跳中,不断到处逃窜的绫音骇然一惊。 Originally she thinks that can also rely on the Byakugan| white eyes insight, with own strong maneuvering force, evades again strikes, wins enough time, but obviously, she underestimated speed and strength of opening after of Hachimon Tonkou (Eight Celestial Divination Gates). 原来她以为还能凭借白眼的洞察力,与自身的强大机动力,再次躲过一击,争取足够的时间,但显然,她小看了开启八门遁甲之阵后的凯的速度与力量。 This strikes, she does not evade absolutely. 这一击,她绝对躲不过。 , Her top of the head transmits the sound fiercely. 猛地,她的头顶传来动静。 Sees only the Ruri body to leap, covered Chakra armor in her snow white fur/superficial knowledge, as also departure of Ruri vanishes. 只见琉璃身体飞跃出去,原本覆盖在她雪白皮毛上的查克拉铠甲,也随着琉璃的离去而消失。 In the midair, Ruri transforms complete body Susanoo, the giant ghost warrior, grasps the dark red double sword, the air shell that the aiming to/clashes rapidly, wields a sword outrageously. 半空中,琉璃重新幻化出完全体须佐能乎,巨大的鬼武士,手持暗红双剑,瞄准急速冲来的空气炮弹,悍然挥剑下去。 xiao thunder!” “咲雷!” The strength of sharpest thunder, under swing of sword blade, triggered the space tearing phenomenon, bumps into with the red air shell intensely. 最锋利之雷的力量,在剑刃的挥舞下,引发了空间的撕裂现象,与红色的空气炮弹激烈相撞。 Bang! 轰! The air as if stagnated instantaneously, later the red air shell on the by easily accomplished cruel stance, tore into shreds the double sword of ghost warrior directly, puts on the chest. 空气似乎凝滞了瞬间,随后红色的空气炮弹就以摧枯拉朽的暴戾姿态,直接撕碎了鬼武士的双剑,穿胸而过。 A giant cavity appears in the chest of ghost warrior, almost the entire torso annihilation. 一个巨大的空洞出现在鬼武士的胸口,几乎把整个躯干湮灭。 The ghost warrior is unable to withstand the load, knelt down directly. 鬼武士不堪重负,直接跪倒了下去。 „!” “咳!” In the Ruri mouth bleeds, is only the complementary waves, created the heavy injury on her. 琉璃口中流血,只是余波,就在她身上造成了不轻的伤势。 She does not have Ayane so to be intrepid the tenacious body, if the direct hit, a fist finished her life sufficiently. 她没有绫音那样强悍坚韧的身体,要是直接命中,一拳就足以结束她的性命。 Is good is good because of the result, braves death to obstruct after her, was Ayane wins enough space and time, making her flash through the fourth air shell of opposite party. 好在结果不错,经过她冒死阻挠,为绫音争取到了足够的空间与时间,让她闪过了对方的第四道空气炮弹。 In the land that in remnant cannot withstand broken dashes fast, on the body twines the blood-color lightning, Ruri was detecting that locking of line of sight, the triumphant attention really turned to her from Ayane together. 在残碎不堪的大地上快速飞奔,身体上缠绕着血色的闪电,琉璃察觉到一道视线的锁定,凯的注意力果然从绫音转向了她。 Thump! 咚! The air vibrates, the triumphant body moves accordingly. 空气震动,凯身体应声而动。 Howls such as the speed of wind and thunder, even if has not been close, aura of death, pressed in the Ruri heart is not loose. 呼啸如风雷的速度,哪怕还未接近,就有一股死亡的气息,压在琉璃的心头不散。 This strength, triumphant, you have surpassed me completely.” “这种力量,凯,你已经完全超过我了呀。” Even so, some Ruri also leisures exclaimed in surprise strength that triumphant exposes at this moment. 即便如此,琉璃还有闲情惊叹凯此刻展露出来的实力。 The person who probably was forced into the hopeless situation is not she, but is triumphantly same. 就好像被逼入绝境的人不是她,而是凯一样。 Clenches jaws, is not angry, but is the ache of body, the tearing of bone and flesh, enabling the muscle on his face only the pain to twist together. 凯咬牙切齿,并非愤怒,而是身体的疼痛,骨头与血肉的撕裂,让他脸上的肌肉只能痛苦扭曲在一起。 An each round of fist, his body must experience pain in deep sorrow to be the same. 每发一拳,他的身体都要经历万箭穿心的痛苦一样。 Also is one. 又是一声咔嚓。 Sends out from the calf spot. 是从小腿部位发出。 Let his both legs stamp the foot directly, is unable to lead the way one step. 让他的双腿直接顿足下来,无法前行一步。 Thinks that this short distance launches the boxing, but could not have caught up. 本想这次近距离发起拳击,但已经赶不上了。 As a result of the diversion of Ayane, making him waste a lot of time, must as soon as possible the definite victory. 由于绫音的牵制,让他浪费了不少时间,现在必须尽快确定战果。 Compared with is unable with Ayane that a fist finished, he can only then aim on the fist of Ruri the hope sustenance. 比起无法用一拳结束的绫音,他只能将希望寄托在接下来瞄准琉璃的拳头上。 Also at least, must carry off one person. 至少,也要带走一人。 Hachimon Tonkou (Eight Celestial Divination Gates) a might is extremely huge, he is unable completely to control. 八门遁甲之阵的威力太过巨大,他根本无法完全控制。 Therefore, the elbow bends again, is clenching teeth, is staring at the Ruri position stubbornly, is ready. 于是,手肘再度弯起,咬着牙,死死盯着琉璃的方位,蓄势待发。 Black thunder!” “黑雷!” The Ruri look is tranquil, eternal Mangekyō in eye rotates slightly. 琉璃眼神平静,眼中的永恒万花筒微微转动。 The world falls into the jet black silent world. 天地陷入漆黑无声的世界。 Restores again time, a red form appears in the triumphant line of sight. 再度恢复的时候,一道红色的身影出现在凯的视线之中。 It is not able to withdraw the attack, sends out the fist strength outrageously. 凯无法撤回攻击,悍然发出拳力。 Five feet!” “五足!” Also is the penetration to a horizon fist. 又是贯通向天际的一拳。 The firm thick steel, under this astonishing fist strength, looking like the slip of paper is heartless. 坚厚的钢铁,在这道惊人的拳力下,就像是纸片脆薄。 The red precious jade charges into the sky, in the precious jade, reveals a small lifeform shadow, as if in panic-stricken yelling. 红色的宝玉冲向天空,宝玉之中,显露出一只微小的生物黑影,似乎在惊恐的啼叫。 Wrapped its red precious jade, in the outer covering also presented the dense and numerous fissures, situated in edge that cracked momentarily. 就连包裹它的红色宝玉,外壳上也出现了密密麻麻的裂痕,处于随时崩裂的边缘。 But was used to load its peace machine armor, at this time also turned into one pile of scrap copper broken irons, scatters. 而原本用来装载它的和平者机甲,此时也变成了一堆破铜碎铁,散落下来。 Hateful!” “可恶!” Triumphant this time eye of zi wants to crack, is irritable with makes him almost lose the calm heart anxiously. 凯此时目眦欲裂,急躁与不安让他几乎失去冷静之心。 As a result of impediment of peace, his fist crushes machine armor, but makes rear Ruri escape again. 由于和平者的阻挡,他的拳头只是把机甲击碎,但却让后方的琉璃再次逃脱。 Although still had the complementary waves to proliferate, but that type of complementary waves, make the inadequate fatal injury to Ruri radically. 虽然仍有余波扩散出去,但那种余波,对琉璃根本造不成致命的伤势。 The back relies on the rock of break, Ruri is panting for breath together slightly, recovers the energy. 背倚着一块断裂的岩石,琉璃微微喘息,恢复体力。 The light green fluorescence covers the whole body, pastes starts to have the function in the high-level medical symbol of chest, makes to have senjutsu chakra of medical ability, at an exceptional pace, restores the injury on her body. 淡淡的绿色荧光笼罩全身,贴在胸口的高级医疗符开始产生作用,制造出带有医疗能力的仙术查克拉,以惊人的速度,恢复她身体上的伤势。 Her eye pupil sweeps to distant place, can only see that say/way reluctantly in the blood-color steam, still painful. 她的眼眸扫向远方的凯,只能勉强看到那道在血色蒸汽中,兀自痛苦的凯。 The might that Hachimon Tonkou (Eight Celestial Divination Gates) brings is no doubt powerful, but wants to come the body of opposite party, almost soon reached the limit. 八门遁甲带来的威力固然强大,但想来对方的身体,也差不多快要到极限了吧。 So long as delays one again, the threat that opposite party Hachimon Tonkou (Eight Celestial Divination Gates) brings, will relieve automatically. 只要再拖延一阵,对方八门遁甲带来的威胁,就会自动解除。 This type can only the fate of stampede, before letting she remembered was remote, who have not grown. 只是这种只能狼狈逃窜的下场,让她想起了遥远之前,还未成长起来的自己。 At that time, because the strength was insufficient, frequently was chased down in the battlefield, several times fell into the deathtrap. 那个时候,由于实力不足,经常在战场上被人追杀,数次陷入死地。 This fearful and apprehensive, the misstep one step dies without the thrilling feeling of burial ground, since leaving Konoha, has not experienced again well. Even if with a Might Duy war, has not forced into her to the true hopeless situation. 这种心惊胆战,踏错一步就死无葬身之地的惊险感觉,自从离开木叶之后,就再也没有好好体验过了。哪怕是与迈特戴一战,也未把她逼入到真正的绝境。 Although is running away, but her feeling unprecedented hot blooded. 虽然只是在逃窜,但她久违的感受到了一种前所未有的热血。 This makes Ruri smile bitterly secretly. 这让琉璃暗自苦笑。 Although wishes one could to fight directly directly, realizes that battle, but the rationality told her, rushed directly that at all is not the fight, but was pure was ground, brings death. 虽然恨不得上去直接正面交手,体会一下那久违的厮杀,但理性告诉她,正面冲上去那根本不是战斗,而是单纯的被碾碎,去送死而已。 Ok, at this time, first listened to the words of that Byakugan| white eyes woman.” “算了,这个时候,就先听那个白眼女人的话吧。” The tactic has operated to this situation, is unable to modify again. 战术已经运行到这个地步,无法再去改动。 Only needs to delay the time then, waits for triumphant Hachimon Tonkou (Eight Celestial Divination Gates) a condition to vanish, can determine that was their victory and defeat. 只需要拖延时间即可,等待凯的八门遁甲之阵状态消失,就可以确定是她们的胜负了。 Does not need for the struggle of own spirit, but ruins the full strategy. 没必要为了自己一个人的意气之争,而毁掉全盘的战略。 In she plans to conduct the next action, in the line of sight, the red light shadow, dashes together suddenly. 就在她打算进行下一步行动时,视线之中,一道赤色的光影,突然飞奔起来。 Un?” “嗯?” Ruri is paying attention to the triumphant action. 琉璃关注着凯的行动。 Although the speed of dashing is quick, but before the contrast, as if has slid. 飞奔的速度虽然很快,但对比之前,似乎有所下滑。 If only this speed, under she can definitely evade by oneself strength attacks together. 如果只是这种速度,她完全可以凭借自己的实力躲过下一道攻击。 Inexplicable, her heart jumps. 只是莫名的,她心头一跳。 On the smooth forehead, the infiltration is in a cold sweat, the complexion is even more pale, as if lost the blood-color. 光滑的额头上,渗透出了冷汗,脸色愈加苍白,仿佛失去了血色。 It is not right! In the Ruri heart is startled with amazement. 不对!琉璃心中骇然一惊。 This constriction is unprecedented. 这种压迫感前所未有。 Not is only the action, in senjutsu chakra on joined bodies, starts to have the sign of stop motion. 不仅是行动,就连体内的仙术查克拉,都开始有停止运动的迹象。
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