EFK :: Volume #6

#282 Part 1: The world of dead

The impact scatters in all directions. 冲击四散。 The brilliance that along with land cuns (2.5 cm) by the horror of storm tearing, after that is the red and white two energies blend, to disperse. 伴随着大地寸寸被风暴撕裂的恐怖画面,那是红与白两种能量交融后发散出来的光辉。 But also along with together depressed light, seems constraining the painful sound that divulges from the mouth vigorously. 在这其中,还伴随着一道苦闷的轻哼,仿佛是在极力压抑着从口中泄露出来的痛苦之声。 Instantaneously, two blending energies steadily rise, later after increasing to a critical point, swept across to all around again, a wilder impact, bursts out from the energy. 瞬间,两股交融的能量持续上涨,随后在攀升到一个临界点后,再度向四周席卷了一切,一股更为狂暴的冲击,从能量之中迸发而出。 Produced Menglie impact, immediately may be called the diamond not bad body ball fly again Ayane that. 产生的勐烈冲击,顿时再度把绫音那堪称金刚不坏的躯体弹飞出去。 By aggressive Chakra who the both arms release, the strength that it backlashes, lets her pair of arm that is covered with the snow white hair, contaminated dazzling bright red, the sprinkling had/left a lot of blood. 借由双臂释放出去的凶悍查克拉,其反噬回来的力道,让她那双长满雪白毛发的手臂,沾染了刺眼的鲜红,溅洒出大量的鲜血。 The body is covering Chakra armor , is further on the edge that cracks, cannot say that this must the left energy the armor be heartless just like the slip of paper, but wants to play the effect good protection, obviously is dream of a fool. 身上笼罩着的查克拉铠甲,也进一步处于崩裂的边缘,不能说这层须左能乎装甲宛如纸片脆薄,但想要起到效果良好的防护作用,也明显是痴人说梦。 Pain! 痛! Puts on the ache of heart check bone! 穿心裂骨的疼痛! This ache, almost made Ayane lose all intuitions, the nerve of whole body was at a strange stagnation condition, this ache, overstepped the range that the human body can withstand. 这种疼痛,几乎让绫音失去了所有的直觉,全身的神经都处于一种诡异的凝滞状态,以至于这种疼痛,超越了人体所能承受的范围。 In the giant red child of her incarnation rabbit body, is glittering the unbelievable and shocking color, startled that as well as she does not want to acknowledge. 她那化身兔身的巨大红童中,闪烁着难以置信与震惊之色,以及一丝连她自己都不想要承认的惊慌。 Right. 没错。 This type unceasingly in the frightened feeling that the death edge scrapes past, lets the Ayane wholeheartedly investment fight, puts out surplus Chakra to send out Gods Vacuum Attack finally completely, as if becomes does not have the significance to get up. 这种不断在死亡边缘擦身而过的惊悚感觉,让绫音全身心投入战斗,拿出最后全部剩余的查克拉发出神空击,似乎都变得毫无意义起来。 This type was attacked the hopeless situation the deep powerless feeling, she is unable to believe that this is only that less than 30-year-old later generation shinobi can perform. 这种被打击到绝境的深深无力感,她无法相信这只是一个不足30岁的后辈忍者能够发挥出来的力量。 She goes on an expedition her entire life innumerably, since the shinobi school has graduated, she in death border, has paced many times, slaughters with innumerable different types of powerful shinobi, own strength foundation, the rich fight experience that gains, has achieved shinobi to have the peak level that but has not surged like this powerless feeling. 她一生征战无数,自从忍者学校毕业以来,她在死亡的边境,也踱步过许多次,与无数不同类型的强大忍者厮杀,无论是自身的力量基础,还是积累下来的丰富战斗经验,都已经达到了忍者该有的巅峰水准,但从没有涌起过像这次一样的无力感。 Therefore, she starts to suspect that own strength, whether couldn't have kept up with this changeable time? 于是,她开始怀疑自己的力量,是否已经跟不上这个变化多端的时代? Just, such idea, in the Ayane mind just appeared, by all her of a sudden pinches out, finished this suspecting the self- idea journey. 只不过,这样的想法,在绫音的脑海中刚刚浮现时,就被她一下子掐灭,结束了这段怀疑自我的心路旅程。 Nevertheless said that somewhat attacks itself, but her psychology does not have to need to seek the excuse frailly, lulls self- situation. 尽管这样说有些打击自己,但她的心理也没有脆弱到需要寻求借口,来麻痹自我的地步。 Opens Hachimon Tonkou (Eight Celestial Divination Gates) Might Guy, truly the strength achieved not a unimaginable boundary, even can say, even the slightest misstep, she possibly dies without the burial ground, but has the hope that wins. 开启八门遁甲之阵的迈特凯,确实实力达到了一个让人无法想象的境界,甚至可以说,稍有不慎,她就可能死无葬身之地,但并非没有赢下来的希望。 The technique of strength, since the birth, was then included in the Forbidden Technique ranks. 增强实力的术,自诞生以来,便被列入禁术行列之中。 Hachimon Tonkou (Eight Celestial Divination Gates) particularly outstanding person. 八门遁甲尤其是其中的佼佼者。 This is erupts by the temporary that the life price trades. 这是以生命代价换来的短暂性爆发。 The life can only bloom a time pinnacle of poetic creation lotus magnificent. 一生只能绽放一次的绝唱莲华。 So long as has shouldered the peak in opposite party final life , the victory is still her. 只要扛过对方最后人生中的巅峰期,那么,胜利依旧属于她。 Therefore, Ayane quickly restored calmly, issued at present situation most advantageous the judgment to oneself- evades its point. 因此,绫音很快恢复了冷静,下达了对自己目前处境最为有利的判断-避其锋芒。 She is not Ruri, will not have the respect to the powerhouse, likes the upfront and powerful enemy battles, and by all of such mentality respect opponent. 她不是琉璃,不会对强者产生敬意,喜欢正面和强敌交战,并以这样的心态尊重对手的一切。 She does not have this unnecessary pride, was said despicable also good, timid also good, the coward is also good, regardless of adopts what method, so long as can bring the fruit of victory for Shiraishi, is her life most vital significance. 她没有这种多余的骄傲,被人说卑鄙也好,胆怯也好,懦夫也好,无论采取什么手段,只要能为白石带来胜利的果实,才是她人生最重要的意义。 Without hesitation, in Ruri covers for her again on twines the thunder and lightning Chakra armor, plans again with a triumphant upfront wartime, since relied on the convenience of Byakugan| white eyes, the mold lake is seeing the triumphant red form, Ayane rapid crawled from the ground, could not attend to is still bleeding the both arms of incarnadine snow white hair, the hind leg makes an effort a tread, was separated rapidly same place, escaped battlefield another side. 毫不犹豫,在琉璃重新为她覆盖上缠绕雷电的查克拉铠甲,打算再次与凯正面一战时,凭借着白眼的便利,模湖看到了凯的红色身影,绫音迅速从地上爬起,顾不得还在流血染红雪白毛发的双臂,后腿用力一蹬,迅速脱离了原地,逃到了战场的另一侧。 The huge body landing, crushed there land. 庞大的身体降落,压坏了那里的土地。 This decisive avoidance point, letting stands in her top of the head simply, plans with the aid of Ruri of Ayane and triumphant war, on the face immediately one surprised. 这样干脆果断的避开锋芒,让站在她头顶,打算借助绫音与凯一战的琉璃,脸上顿时一愕。 Immediately in the silence, understood the idea of Ayane. 随即在无声之中,明白了绫音的想法。 This indeed is her style. 这的确是她的风格。 Subconscious, Ruri also restrained own aura decisively, no longer pays great attention in must the left energy the destructive power and striking power of armor, but thickened the above armor, exchanges the vigorous crowded blood-color thunder and lightning , to continue to strengthen must the left energy defensive power, while stimulates the cell of Ayane whole body by (Raiton) Lightning Style, strengthens her traveling speed and nerve reaction capacity. 下意识的,琉璃也果断收敛了自身的气息,不再注重于须左能乎铠甲的破坏力与攻击力,而是加厚了上面的装甲,换上浑厚密集的血色雷电,一边继续加强须左能乎的防御力,一边以雷遁刺激绫音全身的细胞,加强她的移动速度与神经反应能力。 Although the regret cannot with a triumphant upfront war, but she respects Ayane with the Byakugan| white eyes observed situation, best judgment that then makes. 虽然遗憾不能与凯正面一战,但她尊重绫音白眼观察到的局势,然后做出来的最佳判断。 After all this is not the one-to-one duel, but is the life and death fight. 毕竟这不是一对一的决斗,而是你死我活的战斗。 Instantaneously, three people after the short difference, the opinion reached an agreement. 只是瞬间,三人就在短暂的分歧后,意见重新达成了一致。 Shiraishi also starts to expand and contract own soul whisker, is disturbing the triumphant action. 白石也开始伸缩自己的灵魂触须,干扰着凯的行动。 He closes one's eyes at this time, lets loose own perception capability full power. 他此时闭着眼睛,全力放开自己的感知能力。 Facing eight full shinobi, he cannot see clearly the motion path of opposite party through oneself naked eye, his naked eye also compares Ayane Byakugan| white eyes again. 面对八门全开的忍者,他不能通过自己的肉眼去看清对方的移动轨迹,他的肉眼再强也比不过绫音白眼 At this time, extremely believes that own naked eye, will only suffer a loss by oneself. 这个时候,太过相信自己的肉眼,只会让自己吃亏。 sensor type ninja, has one set of reconnaissance means of sensor type ninja. 感知忍者,有感知忍者的一套侦察手段。 Compared with picture that the naked eye sees, he believes that through analyzing the soul of enemy, gains enough many information. 比起肉眼看到的画面,他更相信通过分析敌人的灵魂,来获取足够多的情报。 Fierce that the soul fluctuates, possibly peels off the shell momentarily, but, the flesh of physical body also starts to disintegrate. In Shiraishi heart secretly thought/passage. 灵魂波动的十分剧烈,随时可能脱壳而出似的,肉体的血肉也开始分崩离析。白石心中暗道。 Only used the moment time, he through own sensor type ninja technique, after triumphant eight full, change that the physical body and soul have, purity of observing and emulating. 只用了片刻功夫,他就通过自己的感知忍术,将凯八门全开后,肉体与灵魂产生的变化,观摩的一清二楚。 Chakra continues the thing with the human body soul and flesh, if erupts extremely ominous courageous, affected, not only the physical body, the soul will also be affected similarly fiercely. 查克拉是与人体灵魂、血肉相承接之物,如果爆发的太过凶勐,受到影响的,不只是肉体,灵魂同样也会受到剧烈影响。 Although does not pass Might Guy of technique of soul, possibly the sensation does not arrive at own soul condition, but Shiraishi can actually see the triumphant soul clearly, like gradually the physical body of disintegration, is separated from the physical body be at one type momentarily the condition. 尽管不通灵魂之术的迈特凯,可能感知不到自己的灵魂状态,但白石却可以清晰看到凯的灵魂,也像逐渐崩解的肉体一样,处于一种随时脱离肉体的状态。 But because was disturbed by powerful Chakra, causing the soul to be forced according to the meat shell. 但由于被强大的查克拉干扰,导致灵魂被强制按在了肉壳之中。 Three minutes, three minutes, his Chakra erupts the condition again, will fall into the stopped state by own soul and body on own initiative.” “三分钟,再有三分钟时间,他的查克拉爆发状态,就会让自己的灵魂与身体主动陷入停止状态。” Shiraishi opens the eye, flashes through together the gloomy ray, disregards powerful storm that assailed to come, when the clothes and hair were blown by the storm flap flap makes noise, to Ruri and Ayane was clear that transmits information that oneself investigated. 白石睁开眼睛,其中闪过一道灰暗的光芒,无视了吹袭而来的强力风暴,在衣服与头发被暴风吹得猎猎作响之际,向琉璃绫音清楚传达了自己探查到的情报。 However this news, is to make Ayane smile bitterly secretly. 然而这个讯息,却是让绫音暗自苦笑。 Shiraishi, you thought highly of me, the strength of this fellow, the feeling has exceeded ten. Can support for a half minute, I thought that is my limit.” 白石君,你太看得起我了,这个家伙的力量,感觉已经超越了十尾。能够撑住半分钟,我觉得已经是我的极限了。” Ayane stuffy snort/hum clenching teeth. 绫音闷哼着咬牙。 Thinks then must support for three minutes, feels desperate. 一想到接下来还要支撑三分钟时间,就不禁感到绝望。 But regarding the loyalty of Shiraishi order, was the instantaneous steamroll this weak despair. 但对于白石命令的忠诚,还是瞬间碾压了这份无力的绝望。 In the red red child, is firing thick frantic fighting intent, increases in successively, then returning of Menglie plunges who to/clashes straightly. 赤色的红童之中,灼烧着浓浓的狂热战意,在身上节节攀升,然后勐烈的回扑向笔直冲来的凯。 Eternal eye of Ruri, is listening to the exchange of Shiraishi and Ayane, while is paying attention to the triumphant motion path. 琉璃的永恒之眼,一边听着白石绫音的交流,一边关注着凯的移动轨迹。 The speed of opposite party is quick, quickly to compared with her Eight God Thunder, if the thunder also wants rapid courageous several times. 对方的速度很快,快到比她的八雷神・若雷还要迅勐数倍。 Although her eye can see the form that the opposite party moves, but simulated an actual combat in the mind slightly, Ruri knows, although oneself can see, but the body is actually not able to react. 她的眼睛虽然能够看到对方移动起来的身影,但是稍微在脑海中模拟了一下实战,琉璃就知道,自己虽能看到,但身体却无法做出反应。 After all taijutsu this type of thing, is not her strong point. 毕竟体术这种东西,不是她的强项。 If the employ stalling tactics, has the insight to dominate Byakugan| white eyes above Sharingan, as well as has peak taijutsu Ayane, is led the following fight by her, instead can strive to a odds of success. 如果采取拖延战术,拥有洞察力凌驾写轮眼之上的白眼,以及持有最顶尖体术绫音,由她来主导接下来的战斗,反而能够争取到一线胜算。 At this moment, just like the crazy howl that the courageous beast shouts together, fluctuates deafeningly in the world. 就在这时,一道犹如勐兽呼喊的狂啸声,震耳欲聋波动在天地之间。 Evening shape!” “夕象!” Originally already by who the blood red steam twines, at this time covers the blood red steam in body, became really concentrates compared with before heavy/thick , from afar, making people think on him is burning the flaming blood arrogance. 原本就已经被血红蒸汽缠绕住的凯,此时笼罩在身躯上的血红蒸汽,变得比之前更加凝实厚重,远远看去,让人觉得他身上正燃烧着熊熊的鲜血气焰。 Obviously is not the flame, but this arrogance actually brings a terrifying temperature, seems burning the blood of triumphant whole body, is twisting the surrounding air. 明明不是火焰,但这种气焰却自带一种恐怖的温度,仿佛是在将凯全身的血液进行燃烧,扭曲着周围的空气。 The hair and eyebrow, in this moment, were dyed the same color by the blood red steam. 就连头发与眉毛,在这一刻,都被血红蒸汽染成了同一色彩。 He sees the action that Ayane takes, immediately understands the idea of opposite party- does not plan with his front impact, therefore rapid some decision, track that the revolving body change leads the way, but has not pursued immediately, but is the curved elbow, to front wields a fist void. 他看到绫音采取的行动,立刻明白了对方的想法-不打算与他正面碰撞,于是迅速有了决定,旋转身体改变前行的轨道,但并未立即追赶,而是弯肘,对着前方的虚空挥出一拳。 „A foot!” “一足!” The air vibrates. 空气震动起来。 The grating howling sound, took the lead to reach in the Shiraishi three people of ears. 刺耳的呼啸声,率先传进了白石三人的耳朵之中。 The strength has not arrived obviously, but the piercing ache, probably is thorough has taken root in the resistance in the frontline Ayane flesh, frequently is suffering her nerve, but also therefore, she replaces Ruri and Shiraishi, eliminated most strengths. 明明力道还未抵达,但刺骨的疼痛,却好像彻底已经扎根在抵抗在最前方的绫音血肉之中,时刻折磨着她的神经,但也因此,她代替琉璃白石,消去了大部分的力量。 Bang! 轰! The straight air shell, as if must connect another head of land, has the unprecedented imposing manner, splits together profoundly such as the gully of deep pool in the land. 笔直的空气炮弹,仿佛要连接到大地的另一头,带着一往无前的气势,在大地上裂开一道深长如渊的沟壑。 Immediately explodes in the end of distant place, the cliff and abyss, strike the air fist to depress in this, in an instant is born. 随即在远方的尽头爆炸开来,断崖与深渊,在这击空气拳压下,刹那间诞生。 Is relying on the Byakugan| white eyes power of observation, his taijutsu quality, as well as Ruri thunder attribute Chakra strengthens the ability, let the Ayane danger and danger avoids this struck. 凭借着白眼的观察力,自身的体术素质,以及琉璃的雷属性查克拉强化能力,让绫音险而又险避开了这一击。 The air fist presses scratches her shoulder to fly to the end. 空气拳压是擦着她的肩头飞向尽头。 The Ayane season looks spirit is willing in big hole that the end explodes, blood red pupil trembles, is this strength...... the might that shinobi taijutsu can hit? 绫音心有余季看着在尽头爆炸出来的大坑,血红的童孔震颤起来,这种力道……是忍者体术可以打出来的威力? Although surprised, but Ayane had not been shocked continually by this powerful imposing manner. 尽管惊讶,但绫音也没有被这股强大的气势持续震慑住。 Is even more sad, child strength releases unceasingly, frequently is observing and emulating the triumphant body internal condition. 只是心情愈加沉重,童力不断释放,时刻观摩着凯身体内部的状况。 The catching up way of this air fist, is quite similar to her Gods Vacuum Attack, or is the same Chakra's being assigned away from the capital skill, by through the air compression the limit, releases later, breaks the body and Ninjutsu of enemy by this. 这种空气拳的发力方式,和她的神空击极为相似,或者是同一种查克拉的外放技巧,以通过将空气压缩到极限,随后释放出去,以此来震碎敌人的身躯与忍术 Stated differently, her Gods Vacuum Attack is the palm strikes, opposite party is the boxing. 不同的是,她的神空击是掌击,对方的则是拳击。 Therefore, release such destructive power astonishing taijutsu, needs the prelude. 因此,释放这样破坏力惊人的体术,需要前奏。 Also gathers Chakra, with the process of compressed air. 也就是汇聚查克拉,与压缩空气的过程。 Regardless of again how rapid, this process is unable to abbreviate. 无论再怎么迅速,这个过程无法省略。 So long as sees through this point, she can use Byakugan| white eyes, ahead of time dodges the triumphant attack. 只要看穿这一点,她就可以利用白眼,提前规避凯的进攻。 In insight aspect, Byakugan| white eyes be more convenient than Sharingan. 在洞察力这方面,白眼要比写轮眼方便许多。 Two feet!” “二足!” The air fist pressure that the compression forms, advances again. 压缩形成的空气拳压,再次突进而来。 Humming sound! 嗡嗡! Ayane pours into senjutsu chakra to the blood child , the invisible pressure, is vibrating all around air current, to the material of real world, created substantive interference. 绫音注入仙术查克拉到血童之中,无形的威压,震动着四周的气流,对现实世界的物质,造成了实质性的干涉。 With the aid of the opportunity that this gets to come with great difficulty, Ayane has not chosen as before spells hardly, but dodges. 借助这好不容易得来的机会,绫音依旧没有选择硬拼,而是闪躲。 This strength, has exceeded her Gods Vacuum Attack, exceeded the anti- attack upper limit of her body. 这种力量,已经超越了她的神空击,也超越了她身体的抗打击上限。 By her body carrying capacity, withstands three to four fists, sufficiently fatal. 以她的身躯承受力,承受三到四拳,就足以致命。 Shiraishi looks at the triumphant attack tranquilly, but knits the brows slightly, transfers senjutsu chakra, forms medical Senjutsu, covers the whole body of Ayane, making her whole body cover in the rich green ray, quickly restores the injury. 白石平静看着凯的进攻,只是微微皱眉,调动仙术查克拉,形成医疗仙术,覆盖到绫音的全身,让她全身笼罩着浓郁的绿色光芒之中,迅速恢复伤势。 bloodline on snow white hair starts to solidify, some flesh of breakage, swayed from side to side the dynamic granulation, the flesh restructured, obtained the new life. 雪白毛发上的血迹开始凝固,一些破损的血肉,扭动具有活力的肉芽,血肉进行了重组,获得新生。 Some bones of break , to violate the general knowledge the speed, starts to heal. 就连有些断裂的骨头,也在以违反常识的速度,开始愈合。 During is retreating, Shiraishi also pulls out a finger size from the Ninja Tool package the red pill, lost toward below. 在撤退之中,白石也从忍具包里掏出一颗指头大小的红色药丸,朝着下面丢了出去。 Ayane opens the mouth, is involved in the pill the mouth with ease, is digesting efficacy. 绫音张开口,轻松将药丸卷入口中,消化着其中的药力。 The dry body starts to give full play to the vitality. 干涸的身体开始重新焕发生机。 Chakra of bottoming, is also restoring, wanting ample this to start the withered body. 见底的查克拉,也在恢复,想要盈满这具已经开始干枯的身体。 In the blood child flashed through the brilliant color, the imposing manner restored the peak, even on. 血童之中闪过灼灼之色,气势恢复了巅峰,甚至更上一层。 Flesh and broken bone of breakage, obtains the rebirth. 破损的血肉与碎骨,也得到重生。 But the brain of Ayane is still calm, dreaded looks at triumphant every action and every movement. 绫音的大脑依旧冷静,忌惮的看着凯的一举一动。 Because she understands, even if restores the peak, she is unable with a triumphant upfront war. 因为她明白,即便恢复到巅峰,她也无法和凯正面一战。 Even gathers the Ruri strength, still similarly so. 即便集合琉璃的力量,也同样如此。 In Ruri of Ayane top of the head, took the action, both hands tie seal. 绫音头顶的琉璃,也展开了行动,双手结印。 The time of piece breath, in the land surges the thick white fog, buries the land and sky, lets place one meter away, becomes the mold lake is not unclear, disturbs the triumphant line of sight. 片息的功夫,大地上涌起浓厚的白雾,将大地与天空掩埋,让一米之外的地方,都变得模湖不清,干扰凯的视线。 Although she knows that is impossible to surround triumphantly is too long, so long as can strive for one second, her not parsimonious Chakra's release. 尽管她知道不可能困住凯太久,但只要能争取一秒时间,她也不会吝啬查克拉的释放。 Dead ahead o'clock position!” “正前方一点钟方位!” However, the sound informed together triumphantly answered the tuart correctly. 然而,一道声音告知了凯正确答桉。 Is Second Hokage Senju Tobirama. 二代火影千手扉间 His sensor type ninja technique, by the disturbance of Hidden Mist Jutsu, was not caught Shiraishi three people of Chakra rapidly. 他的感知忍术,不受雾隐之术的干扰,迅速捕捉到白石三人的查克拉。 Bang! 轰! The fist presses the extrusion to come, to cover the thick fog of the world to crush under a fist completely, without a trace of disappearance, appeared the Shiraishi three people of forms. 拳压挤压而来,笼罩天地的浓雾在一拳之下粉碎殆尽,消失的无影无踪,现出了白石三人的身影。 Really is the overbearing fist pressure, the strength that but this dependence autonomy body obtains, how sees seems like late autumn the maple leaf on the wane. The true youth, should not be full of vigor and vitality, the vitality bursts out is right? But you, now will be one piece soon the decayed leaf. For Will of Fire that type of laughable thing, thus burns own life, does that is really worth?” “真是霸道的拳压,但是这种依靠自残身体获得的力量,怎么看都像是深秋中凋零的枫叶啊。真正的青春,不应该是朝气蓬勃,生机迸发才对吗?而你,现在不过是一片即将腐朽的树叶罢了。为了火之意志那种可笑的东西,从而燃烧自己的生命,这么做,真的值得吗?” Ayane was not frightened by the fist pressure of opposite party, but reveals a filament on the face for the contemptuous smile, conducts to provoke intentionally, wants to disturb the triumphant mind by this. 绫音并不被对方的拳压吓到,而是在脸上露出一丝极为轻蔑的笑容,故意进行挑衅着,想要以此来干扰凯的心神。 However, responded her, fist that but wielded triumphantly. 然而,回应她的,只是凯挥出去的拳头。 Present, simply does not have too many times to listen to others 's spoken language, his most attention, centralized in Chakra that in the control eruption grows. 现在的凯,根本没有太多功夫听取他人的言语,他的大部分注意力,都集中在控制爆发增长的查克拉上。 This obvious provocation, is useless to him. 这种显而易见的挑衅,对他根本无用。 Three feet!” “三足!” When sends out this fist, obviously felt triumphantly own body is not right. 发出这一拳时,凯明显感觉到自己身体的不对劲。 Then heard a clear crack sound, lets on face that he had not fluctuated, the muscle starts to twitch slowly the distortion. 而后听到了一声清脆的裂声,让他原本没有波动的脸庞上,肌肉开始缓缓抽搐扭曲。 The bone of right arm is disrupting. 右臂的骨头正在碎裂。 Cannot waste the time to get down again, must fight a battle to force a quick decision! In the triumphant heart sets firm resolve. 不能再浪费时间下去了,必须速战速决!凯心中下定决心。 Although of Hachimon Tonkou (Eight Celestial Divination Gates) powerful, the side effect of but bringing, similarly fearful incomparable. 八门遁甲之阵虽然强大,但带来的副作用,同样可怕无比。 He does not know how long oneself can also insist, if cannot before the blood steam combustion, solve the enemy completely, the later fight, incomparably will trouble. 他不知道自己还能坚持多久,如果不能在血蒸汽燃烧殆尽之前,将敌人解决,之后的战斗,就会无比麻烦。 What a pity is, the opposite party does not pester with him completely, but dodges his attack constantly, making his attack fail. 可惜的是,对方完全不与他纠缠,只是一味闪避他的攻击,让他的攻击一直落空。 Even if triumphant, the mood also unavoidably becomes anxious. 哪怕是凯,心情也难免变得焦躁不安起来。 The Ayane danger and danger evaded the fist. 绫音险而又险躲过了拳头。 This fist pressure, scrapes past time as before, cannot hit her body directly. 这一次的拳压,依旧是擦身而过,没能正面击中她的身体。 The air pressure that type blocks her body action, was dispersed by Eight God Thunder child Shuzhen by Ruri. 那种封锁她身体行动的气压,被琉璃八雷神童术震散。 The bonus is so, Ayane also felt oneself dodge is getting more and more reluctant. 饶是如此,绫音也感觉到自己闪躲的越来越勉强。 Scratched the past fist pressure, these time was closer, ripped open the flesh of her shoulder directly, reveals the dense/woods white as well as has the bones of dense and numerous fissure. 擦过去的拳压,这一次更为贴近,直接将她肩头的血肉撕开,露出森白以及有密密麻麻裂痕的骨头。 On the Ayane face is maintaining the smile, but the muscle on face is the same is swaying from side to side. 绫音脸上保持着笑容,但脸上的肌肉一样在扭动。 This type was torn up the feeling of flesh by the life, making her feel anxiously. 这种被人生撕掉血肉的感觉,让她感觉到不安。 Most can also dodge one time. 最多还能闪躲一次。 As the fist of opposite party presses more and more strongly, the speed and might steadily are also rising, her reaction ability, started to arrive in the upper limit. 随着对方的拳压越来越强,速度与威力也在持续上升,她的身体反应能力,也开始抵达了上限。 Wood Style Mokujin no Jutsu (Wood Human)!” 木遁木人之术!” At this time, a tree bud break out from the ground, later suddenly grows a giant wooden figurine who endures compared with the mountain massif size. 此时,一棵树芽破土而出,随后眨眼间生长成一头堪比山体大小的巨大木人。 In the body of wooden figurine, but also is twining a giant Mulong, charges into Ayane. 在木人的身躯上,还缠绕着一头巨大的木龙,冲向绫音 In the sky flies the missile, bombs on the progress of wooden figurine, the body that several fell the wooden figurine exploded. 天空中飞来导弹,在木人的前进道路上轰炸开来,有几颗落到了木人的身上爆炸开来。 But splashed some sawdust, the wooden figurine and Mulong were it can be said that perfect. 但只是溅出了一些木屑,木人和木龙可以说是完好无损。 Hashirama stands in the peak of wooden figurine, the black hair dances in the air, the look is quiet, holds their palms together. 柱间站在木人的顶端,黑发飞舞,神色沉静,双手合十。 The wooden figurines stretch out the right palm, above appears greatly place character, aims at the body of Ayane. 木人伸出右掌,上面浮现出一个巨大的‘座’字,对准绫音的身体。 Sage Art gallery hut enters chan to relax the hands!” 仙法・廓庵入鄽垂手!” A strong and familiar binding force, suppresses again on the body of Ayane. 一股强大而熟悉的束缚力,再次压制在绫音的身体上。 crouches/submits thunder!” “伏雷!” Almost meanwhile, Ruri also took the action. 几乎同时,琉璃也展开了行动。 The blood-color thunder and lightning falls from the sky, enormous and powerful falls in the Ayane body, without wound Ayane, was instead clean her Wood Style strength wash, swept off the fetter. 血色的雷电从天空噼落,浩荡的雷威落在绫音的身躯上,没有创伤绫音,反而将她身上的木遁力量洗涤干净,扫去了束缚。 Let Ayane not by the disturbance of Hashirama Wood Style Senjutsu. 绫音不受柱间木遁仙术的干扰。 Is that type can decode the Sealing Technique virgin technique, the virgin technique of this woman must trouble compared with the spot!” “又是那种能够破解封印术的童术,这女人的童术比斑还要麻烦!” Tobirama looks understands, Ruri, broke through their blockade more than once in this manner. 扉间看得明白,琉璃不止一次用这种方式,打破了他们的封锁。 Because of existence of this virgin technique, Ayane can disregard the air fist pressure of triumphant dissemination in air, acts on free will, the strength fetter that rather than the fist pressure carries, slows down the action. 正是因为这个童术的存在,绫音才可以无视凯散播在空气中的空气拳压,自由行动,而不是拳压携带的力量束缚,减缓行动。 In sky, peace locking Hashirama form. 天空中,和平者锁定住柱间的身影。
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