EFK :: Volume #6

#281 Part 2: Red

Did not use, the little miss, that Lord Kazekage, now is our captives.” “不用去了哦,小姑娘,那位风影大人,现在已经是我们的阶下之囚了。” The mature masculine sound conveys from void. 成熟的男性声音从虚空中传来。 Towering emergence of a man and a woman two forms from air of revolving. 一男一女两道身影从旋转的空气中突兀出现。 Gaara body one tight, the surrounding sand has the consciousness to charge into the rear channel, hits always the person. 我爱罗身体一紧,周围的沙子有意识冲向后方的通道,打向来人。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 砰!砰!砰! Endures compared with the sand of steel degree of hardness, impact one after another, sent out depressed sound that hits the hard object. 堪比钢铁硬度的沙子,接连的冲击,发出了撞击硬物的沉闷声响。 Sees only the peaceful blue skeleton empty shadow, by form constitution that Chakra is released externally, protects around sudden a man and a woman, is this seems like incomparably frivolous Chakra shield armor, resists the sand success of Gaara. 只见澹蓝色的骷髅虚影,以查克拉外放的形式构成,保护在突然出现的一男一女周围,就是这一层看上去无比轻薄的查克拉盾甲,将我爱罗的沙子成功抵御下来。 This is-” “这是-” Gaara stared wide-eyed, then wields the palm suddenly, many sand rushed to the front, probably the galloping restless tsunami, to peaceful blue skeleton shield armor that Chakra is forming, launches the uninterrupted impact. 我爱罗陡然瞪大眼睛,然后挥出手掌,更多的沙子涌向了前方,像是奔腾不息的海啸,对着查克拉形成的澹蓝色骷髅盾甲,发起不间断的冲击。 Saw that a lot of sand well up, in which Chakra is highly regarded, the Obito brow selects, felt Stage 1 must the left energy, defend such attack to be somewhat dangerous, when skeleton, will contribute labor and materials, nearby Lin shakes the head, the arm lifted, broke the Obito movement: 看到大量的沙子涌来,其中的查克拉不可小觑,带土眉头一挑,觉得第一阶段的须左能乎,防御这样的攻击有些危险,正要在骷髅的基础上,添砖加瓦时,旁边的琳摇了摇头,手臂抬起,打断了带土的动作: Obito, making me come.” 带土,让我来吧。” The voice falls, her body emits one group of dark green blue empty shades, such as the indefinite form blue flame is flowing, the sturdy tail of shape with python, punctures from Lin's back forward suddenly, altogether seven. 话音一落,她的身上冒出一团苍蓝色的虚影,如不定型的蓝色火焰在流动,形同巨蟒的粗壮尾巴,从琳的背后向前突刺,一共七根。 The sand that wells up, is struck the powder by the tail that these puncture suddenly all of a sudden, then castrates to Gaara that and the others does not reduce the positions flushes away. 涌来的沙子,一下子被这些突刺出去的尾巴击散,接着去势不减的向我爱罗等人的位置冲去。 Bang! 轰隆! An entire floor had the radical explosion, the center of corridor, presented a giant cavity, spreads toward the floor, the above ceiling was also broken, the rock of bulk crashes downward. 一整个楼层发生了剧烈的爆炸,楼道的中央,出现了一个巨大的空洞,向着底层蔓延,上面的天花板也被震碎,大块大块的岩石向下坠落。 Gaara and the others bury directly in the great stone pile, splashes a lot of mist and dust. 我爱罗等人直接掩埋在巨石堆中,溅起大量的烟尘。 Coughs............” “咳……咳咳……” Shoves open to press in giant stone, the front piece bloodstained of Gaara chest, by Bijuu (Tailed Beast) tail direct hit that Lin transforms, even if sand counter-balanced part of impacts, broke several rib of his chest front, the body starts not to stand. 推开压在身上的巨石,我爱罗胸口的衣襟染血,被琳幻化的尾兽尾巴直接命中,哪怕有沙子抵消了一部分冲击,也将他胸前的肋骨打断了几根,就连身体都开始站不直。 But in his Temari and Kankurō, cannot withstand, in that strikes, basically only then vents anger, without air admission. 而在他身旁的手鞠勘九郎,更加不堪,在那一击下,基本只有出气,没有进气。 Gaara looks at upwards floor large cave/hole vigilantly, starts to gather the surrounding sand, planned that starts the thunder to strike, draws the disadvantage. 我爱罗警惕看向上方楼层的大洞,开始汇聚周围的沙子,打算发动雷霆一击,扳回劣势。 Gathers the potential in his imposing manner to carving of peak, the back spreads air-splitting the sound courageous, making him one startled, the subconsciousness turns head. 就在他的气势蓄势到巅峰之刻,背后勐地传出破空声,让他一惊,下意识回头。 A tail tied down his neck, another four tails confused his four limbs, the other two tails tie down his torso, the forcibly lacing. 一根尾巴缠住了他的脖子,另外四根尾巴绕住了他的四肢,剩余的两根尾巴缠住他的躯干,用力束紧。 ......” “唔……” In the Gaara mouth transmits the pain stuffy, peripheral vision of corner of the eye, shooting a look at these seven tails is the space that twists from the back flashes before suddenly, hit his one to be caught off guard. 我爱罗的口中传来痛苦的闷哼,眼角的余光中,瞥到这七根尾巴是突然间从背后扭曲的空间中闪现而出,打了他一个措手不及。 Even his sand, to such space and time technique, is unable to react promptly. 即便是他的沙子,对这样的时空术,也无法及时做出反应。 In the space of distortion, Obito and Lin go out, look at already Gaara that was controlled, on the face piece of even Dan, does not feel to defeat Gaara, is any proud matter. 扭曲的空间中,带土与琳走出,看着已经被控制起来的我爱罗,脸上一片平澹,不觉得打败我爱罗,是什么值得骄傲的事情。 After all space and time child technique the energy of fairy not measuring, only if has Fourth Hokage and Raikage such nerve reaction capacity, can in that moment that the space and time child technique starts, making the body hit back subconsciously. 毕竟时空童术的神鬼莫测之能,除非是拥有四代火影雷影那样的神经反应能力,才能在时空童术发动的那一刻,让身体下意识做出反击。 In comparison, counter-attack of Gaara, although contrasts most shinobi quick, but regarding control space and time child technique Obito, was slow. 相比之下,我爱罗的反击,虽然对比大部分忍者来说很快,但对于操控时空童术的带土来说,还是过于缓慢了。 Lin controls seven tails to make an effort to fling, the Gaara body pen non-stop flew, breaks open several walls all the way, poured did not have the sound in the ruins thoroughly. 琳操控七条尾巴用力一甩,我爱罗身体笔直飞了出去,一路上砸开数层墙壁,倒在废墟中彻底没了动静。 Deals with these people with us, rather also used a talented person in an insignificant position, this fight, definitely is unable to manifest my true strength.” “用我们来对付来这些人,未免也太大材小用了吧,这种战斗,完全无法体现出我的真正实力啊。” Obito by a tone opens the mouth that has the imposing manner, both hands hug in the chest front, the surrounding peaceful blue color must the left energy still operate continually, making the gale that the surroundings fight to cause keep off completely, is gorgeously motionless and Lin. 带土以一种颇具气势的口吻开口,双手抱在胸前,周围的澹蓝色须左能乎仍在持续运作,让周围战斗引起的强风全部挡下,在其中与琳巍然不动。 Is only the Mangekyō Sharingan words, going to the Land of Rain battlefield may be unqualified. Your must the left energy, a fist be broken by Ms. Ayane before, don't you remember? Dependence space and time child technique copes with these challenge human general knowledge the monster, was extremely reluctantly.” “只是万花筒写轮眼的话,前往雨之国战场可还不够资格。你的须左能乎,之前可是被绫音师母一拳砸碎过,你不记得了吗?依靠时空童术对付那些挑战人类常识的怪物,还是太过勉强了。” Lin hears the complaint of Obito, cannot help but teased. 琳听到带土的抱怨,不由得打趣起来。 The space and time child technique is quick, but is not invincible, strongly in Land of Rain shinobi, their body reversals of stress is the first-class, extra-superior level, wants to depend on space and time child technique to sneak attack, extremely reluctantly. In addition, concentrates shinobi of that place, existence that has in view of space and time Ninjutsu many, that Akatsuki leader Nagato, the control of attraction, has promoted to willfully the curved space boundary, Obito in his domain, is unable to mobilize space and time child technique smoothly, likely was involved in the space turbulent flow, finally loses. 时空童术很快,但并非无敌,集中在雨之国忍者,他们的身体反应力都是一流,超一流的水准,想要靠时空童术偷袭,太过勉强。除此之外,集中那一块地方的忍者,不乏有针对时空忍术的存在,那位晓组织的首领长门,已经将引力的操控,提升到任意弯曲空间的境界,带土在他的领域之内,根本无法顺利发动时空童术,很可能被卷入空间乱流中,最终迷失。 The space and time child technique is powerful and mysterious, but if aimed, or the failure, must take the enormous risk. 时空童术强大而神秘,但若是遭到针对,或是失败,亦要承担极大的风险。 Simply speaking, in the battlefield that Obito in that monster frequently presents, uses space and time child technique, falls short of the best to be better than the worst. 简单来说,带土在那种怪物频繁出现的战场上,利用时空童术,比上不足比下有余。 Land of Demons invests into the Land of Rain battle efficiency, already enough sufficient, does not need to move unnecessarily again. 况且,鬼之国投入到雨之国的战斗力,已然足够充足,没必要再多此一举。 Kakashi is also the same truth. 卡卡西也是一样的道理。 „...... That time fought my not careful general idea/careless.” “呃……那次战斗我只是不小心大意了而已。” Obito did not acknowledge that is own suffering defeat. 带土绝不承认那是自己的败北。 Was is, is only the general idea/careless.” “是是,只是大意了而已。” Probably coaxes smiling of the child same is perfunctory. 像是哄小孩子一样敷衍的笑了笑。 Lin took a fast look around surrounding, surrounding Land of Demons shinobi takes the lead to disperse, goes to alliance army headquarters fort each area to continue to battle, creates more confusions, quite makes outside army push directly into. 琳扫视了周围一圈,周围的鬼之国忍者率先散开,前往联盟军总部要塞各个地区继续作战,制造更多的混乱,好让外面的部队长驱直入。 But, we have the opportunity to go to the Land of Rain battlefield, waits for Kakashi to handle here matter, we will also take two strengths, goes to that side battlefield. Teacher Shiraishi they, is also struggling hard now furiously.” “不过,我们也不是没有机会前往雨之国战场,等卡卡西处理掉这边的事情,我们也会作为二线战力,前往那边的战场。白石老师他们,现在也在奋力苦战吧。” Lin is looking at the Land of Rain position profound nighttime sky, is out of sorts. 琳望着雨之国方位的深邃夜空,一阵失神。 Obito has not spoken, but builds Lin that to appear the somewhat emaciated shoulder with the palm, in the eye reveals one gentle and look of comfort. 带土没有说话,只是用手掌搭着琳那显得有些瘦弱的肩膀,眼睛之中流露出一丝柔和与安慰的神色。 Relax, Lin, how has words to mention, the good person non- longevity, the disaster loses the millenniums. That soft food male is so mean sinister, I think that can kill his person, it is estimated that has not been born.” “放心吧,琳,有句话怎么说来着,好人不长命,祸害遗千年。那个软饭男这么阴险卑鄙,我想能杀死他的人,估计还没有出世呢。” Land of Rain. 雨之国 Under the jet black curtain of night, interweaves incomparably chaotic Chakra aura, making this time nighttime sky seem like, probably cast a discomforting shadow, covers in the heart of person. 漆黑的夜幕下,交织无比混乱的查克拉气息,让此时的夜空看上去,像是蒙上了一层令人不安的阴影,笼罩在人的心头上。 In the Ayane blood red field of vision, that say/way is burning humanity of red steam, is reducing at a speed extreme speed of shatter space and time with her distance, exceeded Sharingan insight Byakugan| white eyes, how is not almost able to lock that red person's shadow to move. 绫音血红的视野中,那道燃烧着红色蒸汽的人道,正以一种破碎时空的速度极速缩短与她的距离,以至于就连超越了写轮眼洞察力的白眼,都差点无法锁定到那道红色人影是如何移动的。 Sees his twinkle, the middle process abbreviated completely generally, appeared in the next position towering. If did not determine that is the pinnacle speed initiates, Ayane was even mistaken that the opposite party is conducting the space and time jump using space and time Ninjutsu. 只是看见他一个闪烁,中间的过程全部省略掉了一般,突兀出现在下一个位置。如果不是确定那是极致的速度引发,绫音甚至误以为对方在利用时空忍术进行时空跳跃。 Is of Hachimon Tonkou (Eight Celestial Divination Gates)! This fellow opened the final death gate!” “是八门遁甲之阵!这家伙开启了最后的死门!” In a flash, Ayane responded. 一瞬间,绫音反应了过来。 This move of taboo taijutsu, once appeared briefly in the Land of Wind battlefield, forces into the hopeless situation her sworn enemy woman, finally has to depend on child technique to win reluctantly. 这招禁忌体术,曾经在风之国战场上昙花一现,将她的死对头女人逼入绝境,最后不得不靠着童术勉强取胜。 Although she obtains the strength Forbidden Technique not to spare a glance regarding this dependence autonomy, but also has to acknowledge, can force into the hopeless situation her sworn enemy, Hachimon Tonkou (Eight Celestial Divination Gates) also has the originality. 虽然她对于这种依靠自残获得力量的禁术不屑一顾,但也不得不承认,能将她的死对头逼入绝境,八门遁甲也有着独到之处。 However, by tyrannical and dangerous aura that in the air transmits, but stared at one, was almost frozen the whole body blood. 然而,透过空气中传来的暴虐而危险的气息,只是被凝视了一眼,就几乎被冻结了全身血液。 Without hesitation, she discarded to the pursuit of Hashirama, two hind legs make an effort a tread, flashes backward leaps, attempts to spread out with this red form. 毫不犹豫,她舍弃了对柱间的追击,两条后腿用力一蹬,向后闪跃,企图与这道红色身影拉开距离。 But, that red form just like attaching the deep-rooted ulcer of bone, sees the Ayane movement, the form glitters again, flushed at a quicker speed. 可是,那道红色的身影宛如附骨之疽,看到绫音的动作,身影再次闪烁,以更快速度冲了上来。 Damn, cannot avoid!” “该死,躲不开!” Ayane shocking stared wide-eyed, obviously is not the technique of space and time jump, is only the simplest body movement, finally actually gives the strong feeling that she one type is unable to dodge absolutely. 绫音震惊的瞪大眼睛,明明不是时空跳跃之术,只是最简单的身体移动,结果却给她一种绝对无法闪避开的强烈感觉。 Really damn! Her criticizes. 真是见鬼!她心里一阵暗骂。 Even if facing Fourth Raikage that the speed of exceeding the human body, is unable to bring this humiliation to her. 哪怕面对四代雷影那种超越人体的速度,也无法给她带来这种屈辱感。 Byakugan| white eyes is unable to catch. 就连白眼也无法捕捉。 Bang! 轰! The red form attacks the body of Ayane, finally had the startled day explosion, causes the air to shake the cry. 红色的身影冲击到绫音的身体,最终产生了惊天的爆炸,引起空气震鸣。 Ayane only thought that the world is reversing, the turbulent strength that is unable to resist, strokes to fly her huge body. 绫音只觉得天地在倒转,一股无法抵挡的汹涌力量,将她庞大的身躯一击打飞出去。 Covers in body outside Chakra armor, collapses the fragmentation instantaneously, red impact, although like Gentle Fist, cannot put on the internal organs, but was actually most just the courageous fist strength, was entered the meat by the skin, again by the meat bone to inter the body. 笼罩在身体外面的查克拉铠甲,也是瞬间崩裂成碎片,红色的冲击,虽然不像柔拳那样,可以直穿内脏,但却是最为刚勐的拳力,由皮入肉,再由肉入骨。 The piercing ache, making the Ayane whole body tremble, the attacked spot, passed out directly. 刺骨的疼痛,让绫音浑身震颤,被攻击的部位,直接失去了知觉。 Bang! 轰隆! The huge rabbit body crashes, easily breaks together the land. 庞大的兔身坠落下来,轻易砸碎一块陆地。 However, the idea that Ayane has not actually rested, the body tumbles, tumbles distressedly toward the side by. 然而,绫音却没有歇息的想法,身体翻滚,朝着侧旁狼狈翻滚出去。 The red impact drops from the clouds. 红色的冲击从天而降。 Created the picture of meteorite impact land. 造成了陨石冲击大地的画面。 The complementary waves impact, makes Ayane protect the both arms before the body, keeps off sharp rock and storm that fly, loves her to look fierce. 只是余波冲击,就让绫音将双臂护在身前,挡下飞来的尖锐岩石与风暴,疼得她龇牙咧嘴。 Blood-color steam...... the triumphant this boy, has not thought that really achieved this.” “血色蒸汽……凯这小子,没想到真的做到了这一步了啊。” Ruri saw clearly the real status of this red form, was her past student Might Guy. 琉璃看清楚了这道红色身影的真实身份,正是她过去的学生迈特凯 Initially because sighed with emotion Might Duy of taijutsu, wanted to enjoy oneself to the full fight one time that therefore, left behind the life of oneself this disciple. 当初因为感慨迈特戴体术之强,想要更尽兴的战斗一次,于是,留下了自己这位弟子的性命。 She has not thought, the action of initial having no intention, will really really have one day of blossoming and bearing fruit. 只是她没想到,当初的无意之举,竟然真的会有开花结果的一天。 Hachimon Tonkou (Eight Celestial Divination Gates) of this might, even she, still smelled to smell the aura of death. 这个威力的八门遁甲,即便是她,也嗅闻到了死亡的气息。 With Might Duy of Hachimon Tonkou (Eight Celestial Divination Gates), is no comparison between them. 迈特戴八门遁甲之阵,不可同日而语。 Bastard, your cheap person do not speak the sarcastic remark here, hit, but I! I have told you, cuts the grass to want the root, you such militant personality, must have problems sooner or later. Now turns into this appearance, is the result that you indulge intentionally!” “混蛋,你这贱人别在这里说风凉话啊,被打的可是我!我早就跟你说过,斩草要除根,你这样好战的性格,迟早要出问题。现在变成这个样子,都是你故意放纵的结果!” Hears murmur that Ruri spreads, Ayane cannot help but angry shouting abuse. 听到琉璃传出的赞叹声,绫音不由得愤怒的破口大骂。 The enemies hit her fist, almost lets her whole body bone break, how many fists if comes on again, she also does have the life in? 对方只是打了她一拳,就差点让她全身骨头断裂似的,要是再来上几拳,她还有命在? Moreover is feeling on that more and more terrifying imposing manner, almost the direct impact clouds, fill the air in the above ten aura are shaken torn to pieces, Ayane pupil shrinks tightly, cannot help but flashes through together the color of shock. 而且感受着凯身上那越来越恐怖的气势,几乎直冲云霄,就连弥漫在上空的十尾气息都被震得支离破碎,绫音童孔缩紧,不由得闪过一道震惊之色。 That red form appears in the pupil positive/direct field of vision again, by the astonishing speed movement that Byakugan| white eyes is unable to catch, Ayane suppressed the flurry of innermost feelings reluctantly, in blood red pupil also flashes through together the ruthless severe color. 那道红色身影再次出现在童孔的正面视野中,以白眼无法捕捉的惊人速度移动,绫音勉强压住了内心的慌乱,血红的童孔中也闪过一道狠厉之色。 Therefore, her double palm aims at who moves in the land, uses senjutsu chakra that discharges from the palm, the courageous strength is compressing all around air, makes full power. 于是,她的双掌对准在大地上移动的凯,利用从掌心排放出去的仙术查克拉,勐力压缩着四周的空气,全力打出。 Gives me dead!” “给我去死!” Please remember this book first round domain name:. 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