EFK :: Volume #6

#281 Part 1: Red

Alliance army headquarters, rest area. 联盟军总部,休息区。 As the conflict in battlefield continually escalates, is located in the rear in the rest area the people, feels flustered unavoidably, prepares for that attacked momentarily. 随着战场上的冲突不断升级,就连位于大后方的休息区内众人,也难免感到人心惶惶,做好了随时出击的准备。 Under this situation, anyone must do unavoidably goes to the battlefield consciousness fully. 在这种局势下,任何一人都免不了要做足前往战场的觉悟。 Neji, Tenten and Rock Lee original Konoha respective triumphant squad, after completing the defensive task of turtle island, follows Chief Jōnin to arrive at the headquarters temporary recuperation, after team leader Might Guy carries out the confidential task, three people also stayed behind. According to the instruction of higher authority, their following work, will conduct the arrangement of correspondence in the headquarters. 木叶所属凯小队的宁次天天与李洛克三人,在完成龟岛的防守任务后,就跟随上忍队长来到总部暂时休整,在队长迈特凯执行机密任务后,三人亦是被留下。按照上级的指令,他们接下来的工作,会在总部内进行对应的安排。 In three people, Tenten and Rock Lee are Chūnin, Neji take only Jōnin outside team leader Might Guy, naturally becomes the interim acting team leader of squad. 三人之中,天天与李洛克是中忍,宁次作为队长迈特凯之外的唯一上忍,自然成为了小队的临时代理队长。 At this time he calls two people to conduct internal conference to oneself room. 此时他召集两人到自己的房间进行内部会议。 Does not know how the triumphant teacher, starting from yesterday, had not seen others, even carries out any confidential task, above still kept secret excessively.” “也不知道凯老师怎么样了,从昨天开始,就没有看到他人,就算是执行什么机密任务,上面也保密过头了吧。” After Tenten arrives at the Neji room, cannot help but complained. 天天来到宁次的房间后,不由得抱怨起来。 As Chūnin of alliance army, she naturally is the Decapitation Strike that not the clear alliance army upper layer carries out, but knew that their Chief Jōnin, is carrying out a top-secret task, the team member has not disclosed the slightest, reply that the higher authority gives, is to make Neji manage, prepares to attack at any time. 作为联盟军的中忍,她自然是不清楚联盟军上层所执行的斩首行动,只是得知他们的上忍队长,正在执行一件绝密任务,就连队员也没有透露分毫,上级给出的回答,是让宁次代为管理,随时准备出击罢了。 If related to the vital S-Rank duty, were not informed the unrelated personnel beyond duty, this is also reasonable. The triumphant teacher carries out, mostly is this kind of top-secret and dangerous side high difficulty duty.” “如果是涉及重要的s级任务,不被告知任务以外的不相干人员,这也在情理之中。凯老师执行的,多半是这类绝密而危险的极高难度任务吧。” As the acting team leader of triumphant squad, Neji seems very calm, as if triumphant departure, to him, has not caused anything to affect, but tranquil incomparable accepted this reality. 作为凯小队的代理队长,宁次显得十分镇定,仿佛凯的离去,对他来说,并没有造成什么影响,只是平静无比的接受了这个现实。 Has not related, Tenten, the triumphant teacher is also burning at this time own youth in the battlefield. As us of student and disciple, cannot lose face to the triumphant teacher!” “没关系的,天天,凯老师此时也正在战场上燃烧自己的青春吧。作为学生兼弟子的我们,也不能够给凯老师丢脸!” Different with face dispirited Tenten, Rock Lee is staying a fighting spirit full stimulated condition, one's blood bubbles up to the brim. Looks at his appearance, should wish one could to go to the battlefield immediately, with enemy hot blooded war one. 和一脸颓废的天天不同,李洛克则是保持着一种斗志满满的亢奋状态,热血沸腾。看他的样子,应该恨不得立刻前往战场,和敌人热血的大战一场吧。 Fool also is really worry-free.” “笨蛋还真是无忧无虑呢。” Tenten looked at an opposite party speechless. 天天无语看了一眼对方。 The battlefield is not used for the hot blooded place, this is not the simulation training fight, will show mercy to shinobi of war at crucial moments. Once this fight is unable entry, to only have the dead end. 战场可不是用来热血的地方啊,这又不是模拟训练战斗,对战的忍者会在关键时刻手下留情。这种战斗一旦无法‘通关’,就只有死路一条。 In this war, because of hot blooded on shinobi that but died in the battlefield, is innumerable. 这场战争中,因为热血上头而在战场上死去的忍者,可是数不胜数。 Neji, you also said that he, now is not the test.” 宁次,你也说说他吧,现在又不是考试。” Gives up, once Li Xianru this condition, he does not listen to any words. Like Naruto that fellow.” “放弃吧,一旦李陷入这种状态,他是听不进任何话的。就和鸣人那个家伙一样。” Neji made a critical appraisal. 宁次做了一个中肯的评价。 „......” “呃……” Tenten has, helpless retreats, these two fellows really have the things in common, when aiming at certain things, will become a muscle, refuses stubbornly to give up. 天天只好无奈退却,这两个家伙确实有共通之处,在针对某些事情时,会变得一根筋,死不放弃。 Said, Naruto has not seen today probably. That Hidden Cloud Uncle Jinchūriki, has not seen others.” “说起来,鸣人今天好像也没有看见呢。还有那个云隐人柱力大叔,也没有看到他人。” Tenten remembered anything suddenly, detects the unusuality of matter. 天天忽然想起了什么,察觉到事情的异常。 Just like the triumphant teacher, carried out what task probably. However, that is their things , there is nothing to do with us, if they are not even able to process, we did not have the significance in the past.” “大概和凯老师一样,都去执行什么任务了吧。不过,那是他们的事情,和我们无关,如果连他们都无法处理,我们过去也没有意义。” Neji calm speech, concentrated the world all top shinobi wars, Jōnin of probably standard strength, has not distinguished with these Chūnin and Genin, is only a cannon fodder. Said of pleasant to hear, can regard as the big point cannon fodder. 宁次冷静的说着话,集中了世界所有顶尖忍者的战争,像是标准实力的上忍,也和那些中忍下忍没有区别,都只是炮灰。说好听一点,可以视为大一点的炮灰。 In the fight of top shinobi, their strengths are insignificant. 在顶尖忍者的战斗中,他们的力量无足轻重。 Only if forms the standard army, but as a result of the scarcity of Jōnin quantity, such condition stands very much hard to bring about. 除非是形成制式的部队,但由于上忍数量的稀少,这样的条件很难成立。 Therefore, Neji is willing to accept like this cruel reality. Talent name, extremely in ambiguous. Can arrive at Jōnin, which also there is not the talent in his person eyes? 因此,宁次愿意接受这样的残酷现实。天才这种称呼,太过于暧昧。能走到上忍的,又有哪一个不是他人眼中的天才呢? Four years ago, perhaps he can rely on the perfect strength, contend with Naruto and left Zhu. However now? In the potential of these two transforms after the strength completely, his Hyuga branch family talent, in this war, sees trivial. 四年前,也许他可以凭借过硬的实力,与鸣人、左助一较高下。但是现在呢?在这两人的潜力完全转化为实力之后,他这个日向分家的天才,在这场战争中,显得微不足道。 Sometimes, is glad to ordinary, instead can make him see clearly more things. 有的时候,甘于平凡,反而能让他看清楚更多的东西。 Tenten looked that is somewhat complex to the Neji look, since four years ago that Chūnin Test, she felt that indistinctly Neji somewhat changed. 天天看向宁次的眼神有些复杂,自从四年前的那场中忍考试后,她就隐约感觉到宁次有些变了。 No longer like the shinobi school, or just became Genin that time making a great show of one's talents, but becomes reserved, hidden goes to all external halo, returns in the ordinary mentality. 不再像忍者学校那样,或是刚成为下忍那段时间的锋芒毕露,而是变得内敛,将所有的外在光环隐去,回归于平凡的心态。 She does not know that these changes of Neji come from where, but felt like, with that unites Chūnin Test, as well as a Hyuga clan is related, the thoughts must be deeper than before. 她不知道宁次的这些变化从何而来,只是隐隐觉得,和那场联合中忍考试,以及日向一族有关,心思也比以前要更加深沉。 After all opposition of Hyuga branch family and main family, so long as is Konoha Shinobi, some people will not always know nothing. 毕竟日向分家宗家的对立,只要是木叶忍者,向来不会有人一无所知。 Neji, how then do we want to do?” 宁次,接下来我们要怎么做?” Tenten regards as the pillar Neji, led by him. 天天还是把宁次视为主心骨,以他为首。 Not is only because he is only Jōnin in squad, other emotions, for example, that has had the expectation in heart deep place from the school period...... 不仅是因为他是小队中的唯一上忍,也还有其余的情感在内吧,比如说,那份从学校时期就一直存在于内心深处的憧憬…… Let her have 100% trusts to Neji. 让她对宁次产生百分之百的信任。 As third person of Lee, sat law-abidingly, looks to face calm Neji. 作为第三人的小李,也是安分坐了下来,看向一脸沉着的宁次 Even is different, he has walked regarding Neji this in the front talent, similarly holds the enormous trust. 即便性格不同,他对于宁次这位一直走在自己前面的天才,同样抱有极大的信任。 They are not only the opponents, can entrust the good friend of back. 他们既是对手,也是可以托付后背的挚友。 Now the situation is tense, when goes to the frontline is not accidental/surprised, even if we now rear situated in alliance army, cannot treat it lightly completely, in my opinion-” “现在局势紧张,什么时候前往前线都不意外,纵然我们现在位于联盟军的大后方,也不能完全掉以轻心,依我之见-” When Neji is saying, suddenly ‚meteor’ explodes together in the curtain of night of out of the window, then in the jet black curtain of night, then erupts an intense white light, almost illuminates the sky of entire alliance army headquarters fort, becoming and daytime equally is bright. 宁次正说之际,突然一道‘流星’在窗外的夜幕之中爆炸开来,然后漆黑的夜幕上,便爆发出一股强烈的白光,几乎把整个联盟军总部要塞的上空照亮,变得和白昼一样明亮起来。 Is hanging small-scale Sun in nighttime sky just like one. 宛如一颗悬挂在夜空中的小型太阳。 Drop- 滴- Drop- 滴- Drop- 滴- What is following is in the fort the alarm exudes the sharp sound that the night of directly breaking silence, making one courageous however awaken from peaceful easy and comfortable. 随之而来的是要塞中警报器发出的锐利响声,直接打破了沉寂的夜晚,让人从和平的安逸中勐然惊醒。 That is-” “那是-” Tenten and Lee take the action simultaneously, rushes to the window position of room quickly, opens the window. 天天小李同时做出行动,快步跑到房间的窗口位置,打开窗户。 The boiling hot wind insufflates from outside, is combining the discomforting aura. 滚热的风从外面吹进,其中混杂着令人不安的气息。 In nighttime sky Sun has not crashed, overhangs in in the air, is releasing the ray continually. 夜空中的‘太阳’没有坠落,高高挂在了空中,持续释放着光芒。 The slight preparation, distant place many ‚meteor’ has not launched to come, the protection that all around of alliance army headquarters fort, shines ties, the large bowl that probably inverts, protects and sustains the fort. 没有丝毫的准备,远处更多的‘流星’发射而来,联盟军总部要塞的四周,亮起来的防护结界,像是一只颠倒过来的大碗,将要塞护持起来。 During this ties even the bottom also to be covered, can prevent sneaking of Doton (Earth Style) shinobi. 这道结界甚至就连地底也被笼罩之中,可以阻止土遁忍者的潜入。 However this time of tying starts is late. 然而这道结界发动的时间还是晚了。 The meteor fire shuttled back and forth fast, hit signal tall tower in fort, let that big signal tower, unravelled in the fire. 流星的炮火飞快穿梭,击中了要塞内的信号高塔,让那座高大的信号塔,在大火中灰飞烟灭。 The fire is still bombing continually, hits, in the protection ties on, emits the flame and impact on the transparent counterfort, lets tie sways the turbulence, in a small boat like tsunami, the momentarily possibly enraged sea tilts. 炮火还在持续轰炸,撞击在防护结界上,在透明的护壁上冒出火光与冲击,让结界摇晃动荡,如同海啸中的一叶扁舟,随时可能被激怒的大海倾覆。 Because the hit of innumerable fire and knot, causes the headquarters fort for a basic point entire land, follows to tremble fiercely, the grounds in some places obviously presented the crack trace, then takes point as the reference, to cracks in all directions. 因为无数炮火与结界的撞击,导致总部要塞为基点的一整块大地,也跟着剧烈震颤,有些地方的地面明显出现了龟裂的痕迹,然后以一个个‘点’为起始位置,向四面八方开裂。 The scalding hot storm sweeps across to come, the window that in Room Neji turns on, the glass breaks directly, a lot of glass disintegrating slags, powder to all around. 灼热的风暴席卷而来,宁次内开启的窗户,玻璃直接震碎,大量的玻璃碎渣,散向四周。 If not Tenten and Lee hides promptly, likely broken acid slag will get a cut. 如果不是天天小李躲得及时,很可能会被震碎的玻璃渣弄伤。 Looked to so fearful one, Tenten and Lee stayed one dull, although they know that tonight possibly crosses not peacefully static, but has not thought, the firepower of enemy can be so ominous courageous, attacked the center of alliance army headquarters directly. 看向如此慑人的一幕,天天小李都是呆了一呆,他们虽然知道今晚可能过得不太平静,但是也没有想到,敌人的火力会是如此凶勐,直接进攻到联盟军总部的腹地。 „Is this position north...... wait/etc, the enemy comes? Doesn't there have the people of tetrad team to guard there? How is this matter?” “这个方位是北面……等等,敌人是怎么过来的?那里不是有第四联队的人在那里驻守吗?这是怎么一回事?” On the Tenten face is very panic-stricken. 天天脸上无比惊骇。 The tetrad team has more than 20,000 shinobi, to most be good at Hidden Mist shinobi of naval battle assuming personal command, in addition Chakra cannon of Hidden Cloud support, large number of military battleships, the shinobi battle efficiency, is the weaponry, in the alliance army is few. 第四联队拥有两万多名忍者,以最擅长海战的雾隐忍者坐镇,加上云隐支援的查克拉大炮,还有大量军用战舰,无论是忍者的战斗力,还是武器装备,在联盟军中都是屈指可数。 Has so elite battle efficiency, how possibly to make the enemy touch from north to the alliance army headquarters silently? 拥有如此精锐的战斗力,怎么可能让敌人无声无息从北面摸到联盟军总部? Like this violates the general knowledge, lets a Tenten brain confusion, does not know that the north tetrad team had what accident, causing this matter to happen. 这样违反常识的一幕,让天天大脑一片混乱,不知道北面的第四联队发生了什么变故,导致这种事情发生。 Does not know, I always not good premonitions. Neji, Tenten, we on, it seems like then can be one struggle hard!” “不知道,我总有一种不好的预感。宁次,天天,我们也上吧,看来接下来会是一场苦战!” The Lee whole face is serious, pours into Chakra to the both legs, prepares to jump from the window, goes to the battlefield. 小李满脸严肃,将查克拉灌注到双腿之中,准备从窗口之中跳下去,前往战场。 In he prepares to take the window, nearby Neji moved suddenly. 就在他准备迈出窗口之际,一旁的宁次突然动了。 In the palm gathers Chakra quietly, when Lee runs to the window, aims at the back of Lee rapidly to eject. 掌心之中悄无声息汇聚查克拉,趁着小李重新奔跑向窗口之际,对准小李的后背迅速击出。 Bang! 轰! The Lee body flew, only feels a dizziness, the intense ache fills to well up the whole body, tumbles to keep in the land, hits the wall surface to stop. 小李身体飞了出去,只感到一阵天旋地转,强烈的疼痛灌涌全身,在大地上翻滚个不停,撞到墙面才堪堪停下。 Neji, you-” 宁次,你-” Tenten dull, panic-stricken turning the head, looks to Neji. 天天一呆,惊骇的转过头,看向宁次 Together when the person's shadow when her words shouted, has dodged before her body. 一道人影在她话语喊出之际,就已闪到她的身前。 Bang! 砰! The palm hits the lower abdomen of Tenten, the strength broke in within the body, Tenten body soft, weak pouring in the bosom of Neji, on stupor past face, but also brings some does not dare to believe and vacant. 手掌击中天天的小腹,力道冲入她的体内,天天身体一软,无力的倒在了宁次的怀中,昏迷过去的脸上,还带着些许的不敢置信与茫然。 Winter winter. 冬冬。 The knock transmits. 敲门声传来。 Comes.” “进来吧。” Neji turns the head to look, making outside person come. 宁次转头一看,让外面的人进来。 The door shoves open, about 30-year-old man walked from outside. 房门推开,一名大约30岁的男子从外面走了进来。 The black hair shawl, the appearance is pretty, has exactly the same Byakugan| white eyes with Neji. 黑发披肩,容貌俊秀,和宁次拥有一模一样的白眼 As soon as he enters the room, saw poured Tenten in Neji bosom, lost the will, poured Lee near wall. 他一进入房间,就看到了倒在宁次怀中的天天,还有失去意志,倒在墙边的小李 Neji recognized the identity of opposite party, Hyuga branch family Jōnin Hyuga among snows. 宁次认出了对方的身份,日向分家上忍-日向雪间。 In the surface is branch family, secretly is the blade of main family elder, the tertiary status is Hyūga Ayane places in a spy of Hyuga clan. 表面上是分家,暗地里是宗家长老的刀刃,第三重身份是日向绫音安插在日向一族的间谍。 In branch family earnestly seeks one of the free extremely. 分家中极度渴求自由的一员之一。 By a remote control of Land of Demons Hyuga clan, the hypocrisy surrender Hyuga main family elder , was transmitted many useful information in recent years. 鬼之国日向一族的遥控,假意投诚日向宗家的长老,这些年来,传递了不少有用的情报。 In the alliance army, as if presents some unknown deals, making the systems of some alliance army departments start to paralyze. 在联盟军之中,也似乎在座一些不为人知的勾当,让联盟军一些部门的系统开始瘫痪。 Is only the stun, hasn't killed directly?” “只是打昏,没有直接干掉吗?” Among Hyuga snows of coming , the smile on face filled teasing. 进来的日向雪间,脸上的笑容充满了调侃。 They are the friend of mine.” “他们是我的朋友。” Neji unemotional reply. 宁次面无表情回答。 That, how after the war do you want to face them? Don't forget, your present behavior, to Konoha is the biggest betrayal.” “那么,战后你要怎么面对他们呢?别忘了,你现在的行为,对木叶已经是最大的背叛。” After Neji hear, but is staring among the Hyuga snows, did not say a word. 宁次听后,只是盯着日向雪间,一言不发。 Ok, this is your matter , there is nothing to do with me, even when the time comes is embarrassed, cannot be I.” “算了,这是你的事情,和我无关,即便到时候难堪的,也不是会是我。” Among the Hyuga snows arrives at the Lee side, ties up his four limbs with the rope, has special rope that suppresses Chakra, is not trivial Chūnin can work loose. Then raised the body of his stupor, shoulders on the shoulder. 日向雪间走到小李的身旁,用绳索把他的四肢捆绑起来,拥有压制查克拉的特殊绳索,不是区区中忍可以挣脱的。接着将他昏迷的身体提了起来,扛在肩膀上。 What do you make?” “你做什么?” Neji is frowning. 宁次皱着眉头。 Since you do not want to kill them, then, they transport/fortune to security the place, otherwise the following fight, may affect them. Underground three of rest area with underground two by our person controls, there present are the temporary prisoner-of-war camps.” “既然你不想杀死他们,那么,就把他们运到‘安全’的地方,不然接下来的战斗,可能会将他们波及进来。休息区的地下三层与地下二层被我们的人控制,那里现在是临时俘虏营。” Among the Hyuga snows answered. 日向雪间解释道。 Neji nodded, lifts up the body of Tenten, leaves the room among the Hyuga snows. 宁次点了点头,扛起天天的身体,跟着日向雪间离开房间。 Just before leaving before, he also penetrated the window, looks nighttime sky that outside sparkled. 临走之前,他还透过窗口,看了一眼外面闪耀起来的夜空。 „Will this war...... win?” “这场战争……会胜利吗?” Victory? Where did you say?” “胜利?你说哪边?” Among the Hyuga snows squinted Neji, laughs at one. 日向雪间斜视了宁次一眼,嗤笑一声。 Neji is sipping the lip, without response. 宁次抿着嘴唇,没有回应。 Among the Hyuga snows aspirates gently, in the foreheads is somewhat absent-minded, later restored calmly. 日向雪间轻轻吐了一口气,眉宇之间有些恍忽,随后恢复了镇定。 I know, to this at crucial moment, everybody will feel swayed by personal gains and losses, does not feel. However as the cageling, even if dies, finally will also be determined to poke head to the birdcage, stares at that free sky dead. I was 30 years old, have wanted to revolt can only take advantage of the present.” “我知道,到了这个关键时候,谁都会感觉到患得患失,觉得不真实。但是身为笼中之鸟,哪怕是死,最后也会下定决心向向鸟笼外探头,凝望那片自由的天空而死去吧。我已经三十岁了,想反抗只能趁现在。” As the Jōnin young private, among the Hyuga snows does not know that this war who wins who loses. 作为上忍小卒子,日向雪间也不知道这场战争谁胜谁负。 But he completed for the consciousness of freedom and death. 但他做好了为自由而死的觉悟。 Even if dies finally, must work loose birdcage, does not want to be crushed with grief in the prisoner's cage. 哪怕最终是死,也要挣脱身上的鸟笼,不想要在囚笼中郁郁而终。 The life of birdcage, his these years has received completely enough. 鸟笼的生活,他这些年已经全部受够了。 Does not get the freedom, until death continuous. 不得自由,至死不休。 „...... I knew.” “……我知道了。” Neji silent, approved these words between Hyuga snows. 宁次沉默了一下,算是认可了日向雪间的这番话。 Received the innermost feelings complex emotion, closely kept up with the footsteps between Hyuga snows, went toward the underground area of rest area. 收起了内心复杂心情,紧紧跟上日向雪间的脚步,向着休息区的地下区域前去。 Bang! 轰! The meteor hammer that launches at will, pounded upside-down a wall rapidly, in the crushed stone of collapse, a whole body was alliance army shinobi of blood, pouring was motionless there. 随意发射出去的流星锤,迅速砸倒了一面墙,在倒塌的碎石中,还有一名浑身是血的联盟军忍者,倒在那里一动不动。 By the pharmacist who the wandering witch status arrives at this place wild is the space, the medical region of direct couplet allied armies headquarters launches the attack, making here go haywire, keeps them from looking like frontline battlefield alliance army shinobi to provide the medical boost. 以云游巫女身份来到此地的药师野乃宇,直接对联盟军总部的医疗区域发起进攻,让这里陷入混乱之中,以至于让他们无法像前线战场的联盟军忍者提供医疗助力。 Following out of office is space pocket, easily solved an alliance army squad of attack, making them pour in the pool of blood. 跟随在野乃宇身边的兜,也是轻易解决掉了来袭的一支联盟军小队,让他们倒在在血泊之中。 But openly attacks the center of alliance army headquarters like this, is the important medical region, making the pocket not know where should open the mouth. 只不过就这样堂而皇之进攻到联盟军总部的腹地,还是重要的医疗区域,让兜不知道该从哪里进行开口。 Chief, aren't our status, noble spirit of saving the sick and wounded medical shinobi? Why as we of medical personnel, must coordinate the combat troops, attacks the center of enemy?” “院长,我们的身份,难道不是救死扶伤的医疗忍者吗?为什么身为医护人员的我们,也要配合战斗部队,进攻到敌人的腹地啊?” Naturally is because the pressure of combat troops is also very big . Moreover, only then goes to battlefield most front personally, can use a medical ninjutsu better real-time support, isn't this truth?” “当然是因为战斗部队的压力同样很大,而且,只有亲自前往战场的最前沿,才能用医疗忍术更好的实时支援,不是这个道理吗?” The wildness was the space says , in flung to begin fast the meteor hammer. 野乃宇说完,又是快速甩动手里的流星锤。 The front land and wall surface were broken again crudely, to alliance army shinobi presses under the crushed stone. 前方的大地与墙面再次被粗暴砸碎,将冲来的联盟军忍者压在碎石下面。 Good.” “好吧。” The pocket sighed, approved this quibble reluctantly. 兜叹了口气,算是勉强认可了这番歪理。 Pulls out two projectiles from the Ninja Tool package, trundle in ground. 忍具包中掏出两颗弹丸,在地面上啪嗒啪嗒的滚动起来。 A lot of purple-red smog spread, covers this region. 大量的紫红色烟雾扩散开来,将这片区域笼罩起来。 Poison immunity low alliance army shinobi, the direct body is paralyzed, uncontrolled dropping down, even if has extremely strong poison immunity alliance army shinobi, feels the mind to be murky, Chakra of whole body lies just like the turtle in within the body, is unable to start Ninjutsu smoothly. 抗毒性较低的联盟军忍者,直接身体麻痹,不受控制的倒下,哪怕是拥有极强抗毒性的联盟军忍者,也是感到头脑昏沉,全身的查克拉在体内宛如龟趴,无法顺利发动忍术 But wild is the space with capturing two people gas mask has not actually worn continually, in poisonous fog idle courtyard, if the action of step, by two people of strength, non-stop harvesting alliance army Unit shinobi of medical region. 而野乃宇与兜两人却连防毒面罩也没有佩戴,在毒雾中闲庭若步的行动,以二人之力,不停收割着医疗区域的联盟军忍者 ...... …… Fūton (Wind Style) the technique of big sickle Itachi!” 风遁・大镰之术!” In the fourth corridor of medical region general-use building, Temari makes an effort to fling to begin the three stars fan, blows the fierce storm, all around wall presents frigid mark seal that knife edges wielded cut. 医疗区域综合大楼的第四层走廊之中,手鞠用力甩动手中的三星扇,吹起剧烈的暴风,四周的墙壁出现了一道道刀刃挥砍的惨烈痕印。 With its hostile two Land of Demons Jōnin, wears Chakra armor, the armor chest front precious jade shines, will look like the blade swift and fierce storm suppression, transforms absorbs in the armor as Chakra. 与其敌对的两名鬼之国上忍,身穿查克拉铠甲,铠甲胸前的宝玉亮起,将酷似刀刃般凌厉的风暴镇压,转化为查克拉吸收到铠甲之中。 Two people open access in the storm, take up the firearms, touches off the trigger. 二人在风暴之中畅通无阻,拿起枪械,扣动扳机。 The flame and thunder and lightning spray from the firearms. 火焰与雷电从枪械中喷射而出。 Bang! 轰! The sand agglomerates the shield wall, the channel blocking, blocked the flame and thunder and lightning. 沙子积聚成盾墙,将通道堵塞,拦下了火焰与雷电。 The shocking air current of proliferation, is mixing with the boiling hot heat. 扩散的冲击性气流,夹杂着滚烫的热量。 Gaara!” 我爱罗!” Temari looked that under to prevents the person who attacks for oneself, is Gaara. 手鞠看向替自己阻挡下攻击的人,正是我爱罗 Kankurō is also puts out the puppet person in one side occasionally, will go forward to battle. 勘九郎在一旁也是拿出傀儡人偶,正要上前作战。 Walks!” “走!” A Gaara brow wrinkle, feels Chakra on sand to vanish, knows the opposite party to use that type of special armor, recruits Chakra in sand. 我爱罗眉头一皱,感受到沙子上的查克拉正在消失,知晓对方正在利用那种特殊铠甲,吸收沙子中的查克拉。 Perhaps from the thickness of armor, needs forcefully Ninjutsu, can crush. 从铠甲的厚度来看,恐怕需要强力忍术,才能击碎。 Otherwise because the midway was recruited Chakra, causing the attack strength to weaken, instead becomes the tonic of armor. 否则会因为中途被吸收查克拉,导致攻击力道衰减,反而成为铠甲的补品。 Troublesome Ninja Tool. 麻烦的忍具 Not powerful to invincible situation, but is very thorny, even can depend upon the Ninja Tool characteristics, diverts several times in own military. 没有强大到让人不可战胜的地步,但很棘手,甚至可以依靠忍具的特性,牵制住数倍于自己的兵力。 Judges this point, Gaara then knows, wants the short time and these two Land of Demons Jōnin decides the victory and defeat, is the not possible matter. 判断出这一点,我爱罗便知道,想要短时间和这两名鬼之国上忍分出胜负,是绝不可能的事情。 Temari that wants to continue to battle, hears the Gaara words, knows that at this time cannot be rash, looked shouts to Kankurō loudly: 本想继续作战的手鞠,听到我爱罗的话,也知道此时不能莽撞,看向勘九郎大声喊道: Kankurō, first goes to the hospital ward father to shift leaves, here is unsafe!” 勘九郎,先去病房爸爸转移离开,这里已经不安全了!” Kankurō nodded, will remove, the back emits the sound suddenly. 勘九郎点了点头,正要回撤,背后冷不丁冒出声音。
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