EFK :: Volume #6

#280 Part 2: seal

The incision wound place, just flowed out the blood, Katsu crawls from the color collar, the social climbing in the wound section position, in addition the medical symbol and medical technique is also revolving, in an instant stops bleeding. 切开的伤口处,刚流出鲜血,活蝓就从彩的衣领中爬出,攀附在伤口的截面位置,加上医疗符与医疗术也在运转,刹那间止血完毕。 Karin walked, the right arm that will fall, seal in the scroll, hands the color front. 香燐走了过来,将掉落的右臂,封印在卷轴之中,递到彩的面前。 The color received with the left hand, places in the scroll the Ninja Tool package. 彩用左手接过,将卷轴放在忍具包中。 „The arm of being cut off, after can only go back , said that now also rest time. Walks!” “断掉的手臂,只能回去之后再说了,现在还不到休息的时候。走吧!” The color form flashes, takes the lead to dash, goes to battlefield most front. 彩的身影一闪,率先飞奔上去,前往战场的最前沿。 As a result of the disturbance of gold/metal corner/horn, causing him unable to go to the front battlefield, the pressure of Land of Demons front Unit shinobi, is very it is estimated that big, must pass to support as soon as possible. 由于金角的干扰,导致他无法前往前方的战场,鬼之国前沿忍者的压力,估计已经很大了,必须尽快过去支援。 Lost an arm, was unable to make him retreat. 只是失去了一条手臂,还不能让他退却。 We also pass.” “我们也过去吧。” Loses the warehouse to follow to run, brings Land of Demons shinobi that stays this place, charges into the front battlefield support. 失仓跟着奔跑上去,带着停留此地的鬼之国忍者,冲向前方战场支援。 The gold/metal horn silver corner/horn is only one of the alliance military headquarters team in which main forces, wants to win and annihilate this alliance army, is not relaxed. 金角银角只是这支联盟军部队的其中主力之一,想要打赢并且歼灭这支联盟军,可一点都不轻松。 Alliance army headquarters fort. 联盟军总部要塞。 Under the quiet dim light of night, all are appear are so tranquil and serene, making one have to plant the misconception of extra mundane pure land that gets sucked into the peace. 沉寂的夜色下,一切都是显得这般宁静与安详,让人有种深陷和平的世外净土的错觉。 Concentrated the conference room of alliance army general staff and in intelligence department, at this moment had been seized by the Land of Demons surprise attack squad headed by Kakashi, and in which member has encountered the control, causes to give orders to alliance army each principal force at this time, becomes Land of Demons this side person. 集中了联盟军参谋部与情报部的会议室中,此刻已经被以卡卡西为首的鬼之国奇袭小队占领,并且其中的成员已经遭到了控制,导致此时向联盟军各个主力部队发号施令的,都成为了鬼之国这一边的人。 Moreover after the beforehand probe, in determining Kakashi will not be cheated by his honeyed words, although on the Shikaku face has not revealed anything, but the innermost feelings a dark however piece, regarding the future of alliance army, had felt unprecedented worry. 而且经过之前的试探,在确定卡卡西不会被他的花言巧语所蒙骗,鹿久脸上虽然没有表露什么,但内心却已经暗然一片,对于联盟军的前途,感到了前所未有的担忧。 Object who gives orders, becomes the Land of Demons person, in addition the northern tetrad team, it is estimated that had been beaten by Hidden Mist at this time thoroughly, is turning toward the headquarters to march, Shikaku cannot imagine, here battlefield, possibility of striving to turn the tide. 就连发号施令的对象,都成为了鬼之国的人,加上北部的第四联队,估计此时已经被雾隐彻底拿下,正向着总部这边进军,鹿久想象不出,这边的战场,还有力挽狂澜的可能性。 Naturally, not cannot strive to turn the tide, so long as the Land of Rain battlefield, the alliance army gain the victory fast, annihilates Land of Demons and Hidden Mist top strength , this war also has the possibility that continues to win. 当然,也并非不能力挽狂澜,只要雨之国的战场,联盟军快速取得胜利,歼灭掉鬼之国雾隐的顶级战力,那么,这场战争还有继续赢下去的可能。 As but, now the passage of step by step time, Shikaku not clear Land of Rain battlefield situation, but can also understand that side situation is also less optimistic. Is the dragging, the possibility that the alliance army win is weak. 可是,现在随着时间的一步步推移,鹿久不清楚雨之国战场的情况,但也能明白那边的局势同样不容乐观。越是拖延,联盟军胜利的可能性越是微弱。 Can do only, met one's fate with resignation. 唯一能做的,就是听天由命了吧。 The Kakashi earhole China , Cyprus the ear plug, is listening to the report of all army, then according to the alliance army and Land of Demons front map, lets replace Land of Demons and Hidden Mist of shinobi alliance military situation report section, gives the information to the alliance army. 卡卡西的耳孔中塞着耳塞,听着各方部队的汇报,然后根据联盟军与鬼之国的战线地图,让取代联盟军情报部的鬼之国雾隐忍者,向联盟军传递信息。 Regimental commander Kitsuchi and Pakura of two side main forces, have transferred from the regiment, can say, these two main forces deficient character who not only gives the final word, the battle efficiency of apex. 两方主力的联队长黄土叶仓,已从联队调离,可以说,这两支主力缺乏的不只是一锤定音的人物,还有顶尖的战斗力。 Because although the disparity in shinobi quantity, Land of Demons and Hidden Mist, is far from the degree of gasping for breath, at this time was unable to be completely negligent. 虽然由于忍者数量上的差距,鬼之国雾隐这边,也还远没有到喘口气的程度,此时还不能够完全大意。 After all so-called war, just started. 毕竟所谓的战争,也才刚刚开始罢了。 At this moment, Kakashi stopped the sound of transmitting orders courageous, walks toward the window of conference room, pulls up the window curtains, outside reveals such as the dim light of night of black ink. 就在这时,卡卡西勐地停下了传令的声音,向着会议室的窗边走去,拉起窗帘,露出外面如墨的夜色。 Jet black curtain of night, as the first ‚meteor’ flies from the land to the sky, then explodes the giant light group, illuminates the night, Kakashi then knows, attacks the time in alliance army headquarters to arrive. 漆黑的夜幕,随着第一颗‘流星’从大地飞向天空,然后爆炸成巨大的光团,照亮黑夜,卡卡西便知道,进攻联盟军总部的时机已经到来。 That is......” “那个是……” Shikaku and the others also see the giant light group that in the curtain of night sparkled, the look is startled. 鹿久等人也看到了夜幕中闪耀起来的巨大光团,神色一怔。 Compared with imagination in must quickly.” “比想象中来的要快一点呢。” Kakashi is appreciating ‚meteor’ at the scene that the curtain of night explodes, just like a beautiful brilliant smoke and fire, then his leaning head, peripheral vision of corner of the eye presents Obito and Lin's form slightly. 卡卡西欣赏着‘流星’在夜幕爆炸开的场景,宛如一道美丽绚烂的烟火,然后他微微侧头,眼角的余光中出现带土与琳的身影。 Obito, Lin, is one's turn you to go on stage now. From the fort, the manufacture confusion, provides the boost for outside army.” 带土,琳,现在轮到你们上场了。从要塞之中,制造混乱,为外面的部队提供助力。” I knew, here asked you.” “我知道了,这边就拜托你了。” Obito nodded, Mangekyō Sharingan of right eye slightly one bright, the surrounding space also twists, vanishes with Lin in the conference room together. 带土点了点头,右眼的万花筒写轮眼微微一亮,周围的空间随之扭曲,与琳一同消失在会议室之中。 Please remember this book first round domain name:. Cell phone version reading website: 请记住本书首发域名:。手机版阅读网址:
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