EFK :: Volume #6

#280 Part 1: seal

Silver coins!” “银角!” gold/metal corner/horn sees head blasting open of silver coins, immediately realizes the situation is not wonderful, wants to support. 金角看到银角的脑袋炸裂,立刻意识到情况不妙,想要过去支援。 Do not want to pass!” “别想过去!” As drinks the sound greatly, two golden chains fly air-splitting, by wonderful quick speed winding to the body of gold/metal corner/horn. 随着一道大喝声,两道金色锁链破空飞来,以奇快的速度缠绕向金角的身体。 gold/metal corner/horn is one startled, evades the blockades of these two golden chains, falls back on the security area, but also therefore lost the best time of supporting the silver coins. 金角又是一惊,躲过这两道金色锁链的封锁,退到安全地区,但也因此失去了支援银角的最佳时机。 Comes to support the color losing warehouse, before the head of silver coins restores to be complete, took out has prepared the good seal symbol, made an effort according to the chest front of silver coins, braved the black incantation that from the seal symbol, formed the chains to wrap the whole body of silver coins, even the head restored, the soul in body was still suppressed, is unable to control the body. 前来支援彩的失仓,在银角的脑袋恢复完整之前,就取出早已准备好的封印符,用力按在银角的胸前,从封印符中冒出来的黑色咒文,形成锁链包裹住银角的全身,即便脑袋恢复,身躯中的灵魂也遭到镇压,无法操控身体。 Standing that silver coins both eyes shut tightly in same place, motionless. 银角双目紧闭的站在原地,一动不动。 Follows loses Land of Demons shinobi that the warehouse comes, brings back to the rear area the silver coins, conducts stricter safeguarding, prevents to happen accidentally/surprisingly. 跟随失仓而来的鬼之国忍者,将银角带回后方,进行更加严格的看管,防止意外发生。 Hateful, this is Uzumaki Clan the technique of Adamantine Chains!” “可恶,这是漩涡一族金刚封锁之术!” gold/metal corner/horn looks to sneak attacking oneself, stops red hair young girl who he acts, is Karin. 金角看向偷袭自己,制止他行动的红发少女,正是香燐 Recognizes the Ninjutsu positive result that she displays, originates from Uzumaki Clan inheritance Sealing Technique. 认出她施展的忍术名堂,来源于漩涡一族的传承封印术 In the past when he and Uzumaki Clan shinobi battle, the opposite party has used the similar ability, stated differently, that Uzumaki Clan shinobi, has achieved to use the boundaries of four chains, used this type to suppress the Bijuu (Tailed Beast) Chakra's technique type, at that time brought a big difficulty to him. 过去他与漩涡一族忍者交战时,对方使用过相似的能力,不同的是,那位漩涡一族忍者,已经达到使用四条锁链的境界,利用这种能镇压尾兽查克拉的术式,当时可是给他带来了不小的困扰。 Once tied down by this golden chains, even if he, Chakra in within the body will also be disturbed by the powerful, is unable to act on free will. 一旦被这种金色锁链缠住,哪怕是他,体内的查克拉也会受到强力干扰,无法自由行动。 In he ponders the countermeasure, the in the air spirit body descends together, flies like lightning toward the position that he is. 就在他思考对策时,空中一道灵体降落,朝着他所在的位置闪电般飞来。 gold/metal corner/horn does not dare to delay, evades the attack of this spirit body again. 金角不敢有所耽搁,再次躲过这道灵体的攻击。 The technique of soul, in addition Uzumaki Clan Sealing Technique, becomes the fatal threat to other party sufficiently. 灵魂之术,再加上漩涡一族封印术,足以对他造成致命威胁。 Good swift and fierce skill.” “好凌厉的身手。” After the color fills the good bullet, is taking a fast look around gold/metal corner/horn each action, although is very thrilling, but he indeed in fast adaptation their here offensive rhythms, believes that passes the moment again, gold/metal corner/horn can find out their here attacking modes completely, hit back. 彩重新填装好子弹之后,扫视着金角的每一个举动,虽然很惊险,但他的确在快速适应他们这边的进攻节奏,相信再过片刻,金角就能完全摸清楚他们这边的攻击模式,进行反击了吧。 Must to most open the speed opposite party seal, the Land of Demons present main force, half is diverted here, pressure affirmation centralized in most front battlefield. Every one minute every seconds, some people sacrificed, or Land of Demons, alliance army. 必须以最开速度将对方封印,鬼之国现在的主力,一半都被牵制在这里,压力肯定集中在最前沿的战场。每一分每一秒,都有人牺牲,或是鬼之国,或是联盟军。 After all they once resisted with all one's strength two generations of Five Kage shinobi, wanted to cope with them with the similar strategy, was invalid, let alone......” “毕竟他们曾经是力敌二代五影忍者,想要用同样的计策对付他们,是行不通的,何况……” Loses the warehouse to narrow the eye, feels aura that in the air constrains, making him feel incomparably familiar, in the eye does not control self reveals the prudent and vigilant color. 失仓眯起眼睛,感受到空气之中压抑起来的气息,让他感到无比熟悉,眼睛之中不自禁的流露出慎重与警惕之色。 Retreats!” “撤退!” The color said a hello, making everyone retreat backward, in the Byakugan| white eyes field of vision, gold/metal corner/horn within the body is agitating share of a Chakra who made the will of the people season. 彩打了一个招呼,让所有人向后撤退,白眼的视野中,金角的体内正鼓动着一股令人心季的查克拉。 This share of Chakra, gathered completely the evil and wild will, making the person shoulders sink, the breath cannot help but aggravated. 这股查克拉,其中蓄满了邪恶与狂暴的意志,让人双肩一沉,呼吸不由得加重。 When withdrawing, the color fills the bullet, aims at gold/metal corner/horn the forehead to touch off the trigger. 在退后之时,彩重新填装子弹,瞄准金角的眉心扣动扳机。 Bang! 砰! The bullet is carrying the close electric current, probably the arrow lightning charges into gold/metal corner/horn together. 子弹携带着细密的电流,像是一道箭型的闪电冲向金角。 Bang! 轰! gold/metal corner/horn the body, erupts a red Chakra light beam courageous, charges into the sky, Chakra who forms the essence, changed into a shield wall in all around, carried the electric current the bullet to keep off by Chakra shield wall, dissipated in the electric current of scattering in all directions. 金角的身上,勐地爆发出一道红色的查克拉光柱,冲向天空,形成实质的查克拉,在四周化为了盾墙,携带电流的子弹被查克拉盾墙挡了下来,在四散的电流中消逝。 This is the penetrating power strongest thunder attribute bullet, is unable to pass through Chakra materialization unexpectedly the shield wall.” “这已经是穿透力最强的雷属性子弹了,竟然也无法穿过查克拉实体化的盾墙。” The color shouted gently inspires, helpless slightly. 彩轻轻呼吸了一口气,微微无奈。 Red Chakra who concentrates, is wrapping gold/metal corner/horn the whole body, in the light beam, transmits anger low roar that person and the wild animal mixes: 集中起来的红色查克拉,包裹着金角的全身,光柱之中,传来人与野兽混合起来的愤怒低吼声: Your this flock of insects, angered me thoroughly!” “你们这群虫子,把我给彻底惹怒了!” Can from this mix sound, listen indistinctly is gold/metal corner/horn the timbre. 能隐约从这种混合音中,听出是金角的音色。 When with Chakra's crowdedness more and more, achieved a critical point, courageous same place explodes, raises a lot of mist and dust, charges into all around. 随着查克拉的越来越密集,达到了一个临界点时,勐地原地爆炸开来,掀起大量的烟尘,冲向四周。 The following dust impact comes, a sturdy shadow, toward all around rapid courageous sweeps. 跟着粉尘冲击而来的,还有一条粗壮至极的黑影,向着四周迅勐一扫。 Land of Demons shinobi that some dodge without enough time, spits blood to tumble directly, medical symbol and medical technique also start immediately, send out the rich dark green ray, cures their injuries. 一些来不及闪躲的鬼之国忍者,直接吐血翻滚出去,身上的医疗符与医疗术也应时启动,发出浓郁至极的青绿光芒,治愈他们身上的伤势。 When they who escape by luck, look to the thick dust, brings to wipe the panic-stricken color. 侥幸逃过一劫的他们,看向浓尘之中时,都带着一抹惊骇之色。 The color vision moves, in Byakugan| white eyes, a shadow rapid pulls closer the distance with, wants not to think, threw to the front the sniper's rifle in hand straightly. 彩的目光一动,白眼之中,一道黑影迅速与自己拉近距离,想也不想,将手中的狙击步枪向前方笔直扔了出去。 Bang! 轰! The sniper's rifle bumps into with that shadow, has the explosion immediately, the flame of fierce combustion, swallows that shadow thoroughly. 狙击步枪与那道黑影相撞,立马发生爆炸,剧烈燃烧的火焰,将那道黑影彻底吞噬。 Regarding in Karin of battlefield edge, waves the back two golden chains again, charges into that shadow in flame. 围绕在战场边缘的香燐,再次舞动背后的两条金色锁链,冲向火光之中的那道黑影。 The shadow illness/quick flashes is separated, evades the attack of golden chains easily, during falls to the ground, lets the land following disintegration, curls up the dust, appears the shadow the main body. 黑影疾闪脱离,轻而易举躲过金色锁链的袭击,落地之中,让大地跟着崩碎,卷起尘埃,显现出黑影的本体。 Saw only a share of rich red Chakra to form the flesh of essence, wrapped the human body whole body, the four limbs kisses the ground, six sturdy tails shook in the back, causing the surrounding air current to be chaotic. 只见一股浓郁的红色查克拉形成了实质的血肉,包裹住人体全身,四肢伏地,六根粗壮的尾巴在背后摇动,导致周围的气流混乱不堪。 Also grabs palm-leaf fan Rikudō (Six Path) Ninja Tool in his palm, is making clear to the status of opposite party, is gold/metal corner/horn. 在他的手掌还抓着芭蕉扇这件六道忍具,昭示着对方的身份,正是金角。 Because of the raw food the Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) flesh, having caused the body also to have the corresponding variation, can like Jinchūriki, fight with the Bijuu (Tailed Beast) stance. 因为生食过九尾的血肉,导致身体也产生了相应的变异,可以像人柱力一样,以尾兽化的姿态进行战斗。 „The situation is a little right now troublesome.” “这下子情况有点麻烦了。” Loses the warehouse to see gold/metal corner/horn Bijuu (Tailed Beast), moreover is six conditions, divulges Chakra from within the body, frequently can cause the storm, with attack close to his shinobi. 失仓看到金角的尾兽化,而且还是六尾状态,从体内宣泄出来的查克拉,时刻能引起风暴,用以进攻靠近他的忍者 Let alone, in the opposite party hand also holds Rikudō (Six Path) Ninja Tool. 更别说,对方手中还握有六道忍具 In the Bijuu (Tailed Beast) condition, gold/metal corner/horn Chakra achieved a stronger boundary without doubt, as the matter stands, Rikudō (Six Path) Ninja Tool might, will follow to promote together. 尾兽化状态下,金角的查克拉无疑达到了更强的境界,这样一来,六道忍具的威力,也会跟着一同提升上去。 Sure enough, the gold/metal corners/horns of six conditions, grip the palm-leaf fan in right hand, made an effort to fan like before. 果不其然,六尾状态的金角,握住右手中的芭蕉扇,像之前那样用力扇动了一下。 The hurricane of smashing land produces instantaneously, lets face directly this hurricane color and the others, cannot bear the look changes. 粉碎大地的飓风瞬间生产,让直面这道飓风的彩等人,忍不住色变。 Surrounding Land of Demons shinobi wants to run away, was involved, was blown the flesh mold lake by the hurricane, pouring is motionless on the ground, in the sleeves, the Katsu small-scale individual crawled, mounts in the wound deep place, starts to release medical ninjutsu. 周围的鬼之国忍者想要逃走,也都被卷入其中,被飓风刮得血肉模湖,倒在地上一动不动,衣袖之中,活蝓的小型个体爬了出来,黏在伤口较深的地方,开始释放医疗忍术 But this degree of injury, even if under the cure of number heavy medical service technique, is unable to restore in a short time. 但这种程度的伤势,哪怕在数重医疗术的治愈下,也无法短时间内恢复。 But gold/metal corner/horn the offensive, him fans the palm-leaf fan instantaneously again, these sweeps across not to tear to pieces the hurricane of human body comes time, but is the flood of blotting out the sky, the sky also instantaneous overcast sky, the thunder starts the roaring filial piety. 而金角的攻势瞬间再至,他再度扇动芭蕉扇,这一次席卷而来的不是撕烂人体的飓风,而是铺天盖地的洪水,天空也瞬间阴云密布,雷霆开始咆孝。 At the same time, he has used the palm-leaf fan, started technique of Suiton (Water Style) and (Raiton) Lightning Style. 同一时间,他利用过芭蕉扇,发动了水遁雷遁之术。 Haha, dies to the father completely! Dies! Dies!” “哈哈,全部给老子去死吧!去死吧!去死吧!” gold/metal corner/horn loud roaring filial piety, Chakra of Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) evil aura, although was controlled by him, but also makes his will favor bloodthirsty militant side, the cruelty and callousness in his bone, guides completely. 金角大声咆孝,九尾邪恶气息的查克拉,虽然被他掌控,但也让他的意志更倾向于嗜血好战的一面,将他骨子里的残暴与冷酷,全部引导出来。 Suiton (Water Style) the technique of Grand Falls!” 水遁・大瀑布之术!” Falls back on the losing warehouse before color body, ties seal to start Ninjutsu. 退到彩身前的失仓,结印发动忍术 The under foot emerges the same water volume the flood, with gold/metal corner/horn using the flood that the palm-leaf fan releases intense dashes in together, prevented the offensive of flood. 脚下涌现同等水量的洪水,与金角利用芭蕉扇释放的洪水激烈的冲撞在一起,阻止了洪水的攻势。 The water current flows recklessly, created a big lake in the battlefield instantaneously. 水流肆意流淌,瞬间在战场上造成了一个大型湖泊。 The gold/metal corner/horn one, as if disdains to lose the blockade action of warehouse layer on layer/heavily , the under foot makes an effort to step on, the surface burst, curls up the water spray, physique that moves, probably red straight ray, direct impact. 金角重重一哼,似乎十分不屑失仓的阻击行动,脚下用力一踩,水面爆炸开来,卷起水浪,移动起来的身姿,像是一条红色笔直的光线,一路直冲。 Suiton (Water Style) the technique of mirage!” 水遁・水镜之术!” Loses the warehouse to wield the long stick, the mirage keeps off before the body, from the mirror surface, runs out of together and gold/metal corner/horn six condition exactly the same forms, hits with gold/metal corner/horn in one. 失仓将长棒一挥,水镜挡在身前,从镜面上,冲出一道和金角六尾状态一模一样的身影,与金角撞击在一处。 Winter! 冬! The depressed fulmination in atmosphere spreads. 大气之中的沉闷爆鸣扩散开来。 gold/metal corner/horn the attack after keeping off, the form in mirage also changes to a beach water mark to disappear. 在挡下金角的攻击后,水镜中的身影也化作一滩水迹消失。 With the aid of this crevice, the color form flashes, before arriving at gold/metal corner/horn the body, slightly bends down the body, the right palm ejects courageous. 借助这个空隙,彩的身影一闪,来到金角的身前,微微伏下身体,右掌勐地击出。 Gods Vacuum Attack!” 神空击!” Impact that repels from the palm, immediately struck to fly gold/metal corner/horn the body, making him exude one painfully stuffy. 从掌心排斥出去的冲击,顿时击飞了金角的身体,让他发出一声痛苦的闷哼。 Karin treads water to run, flies with the golden chains to the gold/metal corner/horn. 香燐踩水奔跑过来,用金色锁链飞向金角。 The nearby is covered with cuts and bruises, Land of Demons shinobi that surrounds, prepares the seal symbol, suppresses gold/metal corner/horn momentarily. 附近满身是伤,包围上来的鬼之国忍者,也准备好封印符,随时镇压金角。 However, gold/metal corner/horn by an unexpected posture revolving body, the sole at a water surface point, is leaving behind together the remnant shadow same place, flashed the distant place, making the Karin golden chains come up empty-handed. 然而,金角以一个让人意想不到的姿势旋转身体,脚掌在水面一点,在原地留下一道残影,闪到了更远处,让香燐的金色锁链扑空。 Downloaded my Gods Vacuum Attack strength unexpectedly all of a sudden, not only it seems like Chakra, the resilience of body, almost arrived at the Bijuu (Tailed Beast) level.” “竟然一下子卸掉了我的神空击力道,看来不只是查克拉,身体的抗打击能力,也差不多到达尾兽级了吧。” The color complexion is serious, that Gods Vacuum Attack, the contrast usually, had used he 120% strengths a moment ago, finally the gold/metal corner/horn of Bijuu (Tailed Beast), can actually remove the might in the so brief time, this strong body and spirit, has exceeded the degree that normal shinobi has been able to arrive. 彩的脸色沉重,刚才那一下神空击,对比平时,已经用了他百分之一百二十的力道,结果尾兽化的金角,却能在如此简短的时间内卸去威力,这种强硬的体魄,已经超越了正常忍者所能抵达的程度。 However, thinks is also, the opposite party depended upon the physique in the past, can raw food Kyūbi (Nine-Tails), digest Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) Chakra, but also does not have the will to collapse dead, not only the spiritual strength, the physical body strength, went to the inconceivable situation obviously. 不过,想想也是,对方过去依靠自身体质,能生食九尾,消化掉九尾的查克拉,还没有意志崩溃而死,不只是精神力量,肉体力量,显然也达到了不可思议的地步。 To pose the threat with this degree of Gods Vacuum Attack, was he has a low opinion of the enemy. 用这种程度的神空击想要造成威胁,是他轻敌了。 Really is the might good palm strikes, is Eight Trigrams Vacuum Palm evolution version Gentle Fist? This and I had battled in the past Hyuga clan shinobi, differs actually enormously. However, you underestimated me, do not think that got rid of the silver coins, thinks that I quite coped. Even if Gentle Fist, is unable to penetrate my Bijuu (Tailed Beast) coat, I and these use the (Raiton) Lightning Style armor fight waste Raikage, but is different.” “真是威力不俗的掌击,是八卦空掌的进化版柔拳吗?这和我过去交战过的日向一族忍者,倒是相差极大。不过,你们太小看我了,别以为干掉了银角,就以为我好对付。哪怕是柔拳,也无法穿透我的尾兽外衣,我和那些利用雷遁铠甲战斗的废物雷影,可不一样。” gold/metal corner/horn boast shamelessly is saying, does not place in color Gods Vacuum Attack the eye completely. 金角大言不惭的说着,完全不将彩的神空击放在眼中。 This degree of strength, wants to penetrate his Bijuu (Tailed Beast) coat, but also too early a point. 这种程度的力道,想要穿透他的尾兽外衣,还太早了一点。 Thank the explanation, I heard that your brothers had many Rikudō (Six Path) treasures to have, how, didn't use?” “感谢讲解,我听说你们兄弟拥有多件六道宝具,怎么,不用出来吗?” The color hand touches to the Ninja Tool package. 彩的手摸向忍具包。 With other Rikudō (Six Path) Ninja Tool fights was really the ink marks, with this murder directly. After killing you, I go to untie seal of silver coins, then your people and these junks, breaks completely.” “用其余六道忍具战斗实在是太墨迹了,用这个杀人更直接一点。干掉你们之后,我就去把银角的封印解开,然后把你们的人和那些破铜烂铁,全部砸碎。” gold/metal corner/horn the laughter sounds exceptionally cruel, murderous aura forms the essence, attacks surrounds his Land of Demons shinobi to the surroundings. 金角的笑声听上去异常残忍,杀气形成实质,冲击向周围包围他的鬼之国忍者 Right? However excuse me, the time of here wasting was too a little long.” “是吗?但是不好意思,在这里浪费的时间有点太久了。” The color takes out two injector that from the Ninja Tool package gathers the full solution, red, blue color. 彩从忍具包中取出两支蓄满药液的注射器,一支红色,一支蓝色。 Is that? gold/metal corner/horn narrows the eye, the form such as the wind from vanishes same place. 那是?金角眯起眼睛,身影如风从原地消失。 Suiton (Water Style) Water Dragon ball technique!” 水遁・水龙弹术!” Loses the eye of warehouse to focus on gold/metal corner/horn every action and every movement, both hands is tying seal, a head length reaches twenty meters giant Water Dragon to charge into the sky from him, then the spirited dive to the position that the gold/metal corner/horn will soon arrive. 失仓的眼睛紧盯着金角的一举一动,双手结印,一头长达二十几米的巨大水龙从他背后冲向天空,接着气昂昂的俯冲向金角即将抵达的位置。 Bang! 轰! The water current surges, to welling up the strength, prevented gold/metal corner/horn brunting. 水流涌动,冲涌出去的力道,阻止了金角的冲势。 The color the red injector, aims at own neck, punctures without hesitation. 彩将红色注射器,对准自己的脖子,毫不犹豫刺下。 The red solution injects into the color nape of the neck, Chakra who causes within the body increases sharply rapidly courageous, causes be full originally on basin, the direct flood, unnecessary Chakra spews out from the color body, formed a firm thick Chakra coat in the body surface, be at releases the entity Chakra's increase condition continually. 红色的药液注射入彩的脖颈之中,导致体内的查克拉迅勐激增,导致原本就已充盈的‘水池’,直接满溢,多余的查克拉从彩的身体中喷涌而出,在体表形成了一层坚厚的查克拉外衣,处于持续释放实体查克拉的增幅状态。 Although the Bijuu (Tailed Beast) coat of not gold/metal corner/horn, Chakra but who this increases sharply suddenly, made gold/metal corner/horn receive the psychology of belittling. 虽然不比金角的尾兽外衣,但这股突然激增的查克拉,也让金角收起了小觑的心理。 brat, planned that defeats me by that type of thing? Really naive!” 小鬼,打算靠那种东西来打败我吗?真是天真!” gold/metal Jiaozhen disperses the water current, back six thick such as the tail of python sweeps away toward the front, the body ran at the same time, meets no resistance, bypasses lost warehouse defense line. 金角震散水流,背后六条粗如巨蟒的尾巴向着前方横扫,身体一边奔跑,如入无人之境,绕过了失仓这条防线。 The color had not replied, the left hand continues to take up the blue injector, aims at own right arm to puncture, empties the blue solution in injector. 彩没有回答,左手继续拿起蓝色注射器,对准自己的右臂刺下,将注射器中的蓝色药液清空。 Red should be the increase Chakra's effect, blue is also the increase class medicine? Although gold/metal corner/horn on the mouth despises, but the innermost feelings were to actually be vigilant the extreme. 红色的应该是增幅查克拉的效果,蓝色的也是增幅类的药物吗?金角虽然嘴上轻视,但内心却是警惕到了极点。 If only beforehand Gods Vacuum Attack, was not naturally placed in the eye by him, so long as is unable to penetrate his Bijuu (Tailed Beast) coat, Gentle Fist does not have the significance. Gods Vacuum Attack that but if strengthens after the dual medicament, could pose the threat to him. 如果只是之前的神空击,自然不被他放在眼中,只要无法穿透他的尾兽外衣,柔拳就没有意义。但若是经过双重药剂强化的神空击,说不定能对他产生威胁。 At this moment, the sky appeared densely and numerously raindrop, one is exploding to his body shoots. 就在这时,上空出现了密密麻麻的‘雨点’,对着他的身体一顿爆射。 One heap of junks!” “一堆破铜烂铁!” These raindrop is kunai and shuriken, gold/metal corner/horn looked that does not look at one, moves a tail, will explode over ten thousand kunai and shuriken that separating shoots to come directly, cannot leave behind the least bit scar on his Bijuu (Tailed Beast) coat. 这些‘雨点’是苦无手里剑,金角看都不看一眼,甩动一根尾巴,直接将爆射而来的上万支苦无手里剑弹开,没能在他的尾兽外衣上留下半点伤痕。 Suiton (Water Style) Water Dragon whip!” 水遁・水龙鞭!” Separates these kunai and shuriken when him, again action, lost the warehouse to complete technique, caught his action, the double palm made an effort the holding down water surface. 就在他弹开这些苦无手里剑,再次行动时,失仓已经率先完成了术式,捕捉到他的行动,双掌用力按住水面。 Under the gold/metal angular orientation looked, the surrounding water columns charge into the sky, changed to the soft rope, ties up solid on the body of gold/metal corner/horn, suppresses his action. 金角向下一看,周围一道道水柱冲向天空,化作了柔软的绳索,结实捆绑在金角的身体上,压制他的行动。 Karin flashes rear area, controls the chains to lock gold/metal corner/horn the body, gold/metal corner/horn does not dare to be negligent, makes an effort to shake the fluent rope on dispersing body, the body subconsciousness dodges toward the side by. 香燐闪到后方,操控锁链锁定金角的身体,金角不敢大意,用力震散开身体上的水流绳索,身体下意识向着侧旁闪躲。 ! 啪! The color steps the water surface, senjutsu chakra pours into both feet, makes an effort a tread, the body swift and fierce ejection goes out. Using the Byakugan| white eyes insight, in the instance that the gold/metal corner/horn sidewise side dodges, he sentenced the movement of opposite party in advance, has not missed the flash that the opposite party exposes weaknesses. 彩踩住水面,仙术查克拉注入双足,用力一蹬,身体凌厉的弹射出去。利用白眼的洞察力,在金角向侧旁闪躲的瞬间,他就预判了对方的动作,没有错过对方露出破绽的一瞬间。 brat, waited is you!” 小鬼,等的就是你!” gold/metal corner/horn the eyes stare courageous in a big way, Chakra of whole body starts to agitate, to start the wild hurricane, the Japanese banana antithetical poen of right hand the front is brandishing. 金角的眼睛勐地瞪大,全身的查克拉开始鼓动,掀起狂暴的飓风,右手的芭蕉扇对着前方挥舞。 Sees only in the palm-leaf fan, the lasing leaves says thunder light innumerably, twines the color body, offensive interrupt that he attacks. 只见芭蕉扇中,激射出无数道雷光,缠绕住彩的身体,将他突袭的攻势中断。 gold/metal corner/horn finds out the left hand, then the both feet courageous strength treads on the water surface, takes the step, grasps to the right arm that the color extends, attempts to tear into shreds. 金角探出左手,然后双足勐力在水面上一踏,跨出步伐,抓向彩伸出来的右臂,企图撕碎。 Your right arm I accepted!” “你的右臂我就收下了!” The color sees gold/metal Jiaojin the body, in pure white pupil, has not had worried slightly, the corners of the mouth instead show a happy expression. 彩看到金角近身,纯白的童孔中,并未有丝毫担忧,嘴角反而露出一丝笑意。 Since you want, this arm gave to you!” “既然你想要,这条手臂就送给你了!” In the color right arm erupts destructive aura suddenly, massive senjutsu chakra pour into. 彩的右臂中突然爆发出一股毁灭性的气息,大量的仙术查克拉灌入其中。 Gods Vacuum Attack!” 神空击!” The blood that in the arm spews out, exploded one group of blood fog directly, air blast that will hit, dyed the blood red color, even broadcast the bone split sound, the body of straight winning the gold corner/horn. 手臂之中喷涌而出的鲜血,直接炸成了一团血雾,将打出去的空气冲击,也染成了血红之色,甚至从中传来骨裂的声音,直冲金角的身体。 „!” “嗷嗷嗷嗷嗷嗷!” Encounters the gold/metal corner/horn of blood red impact, made the incomparably pitiful sound directly, the body fell into the water current, the nervous system was completely confused, the body was uncontrolled, in the ear nose filled to well up the water current unceasingly, let his tinnitus, the consciousness falls into a blank. 遭到血红冲击的金角,直接发出了无比凄惨的声音,身体陷入水流之中,神经系统完全错乱,身体不受控制,耳鼻之中不断灌涌水流,让他一阵耳鸣,意识更是陷入一片空白。 Scoffs! 嗤啦! The golden chains drives in void, crashes into the water, these not held gold/metal corner/horn the Bijuu (Tailed Beast) body time accidentally/surprisingly, bails out from the water him. 金色锁链在虚空中拖动,坠入水中,这一次毫无意外的抓住了金角的尾兽化身体,将他从水中捞出。 The suppressed strength on golden chains, non-stop blocking gold/metal corner/horn Bijuu (Tailed Beast) Chakra, the aura falls into the dispirited. 金色锁链上的压制力量,不停封锁金角的尾兽查克拉,气息陷入萎靡之中。 Surrounding Land of Demons shinobi is not scruple, pastes on several seal symbols on the body of gold/metal corner/horn continuously. 周围的鬼之国忍者也不迟疑,连续在金角的身上贴上数道封印符。 You...... this crowd...... insect......” “你们……这群……虫子……” The gold/metal corner/horn squeezes out the unwilling sound from the gap between teeth, the words and expressions that said were getting more and more weak, closed the eyes slowly. 金角从牙缝里挤出不甘心的声音,说出来的字句越来越无力,缓缓闭上了双眼。 Bijuu (Tailed Beast) Chakra who packages the body surface, disappears in the air slowly. 包裹住体表的尾兽查克拉,慢慢消失在空气中。 Karin also took back the golden chains, in the retracting body, saw that gold/metal corner/horn seal gets up finally, gasping for breath of feeling relieved, wipes the sweat that on a face presented. 香燐也是收回了金色锁链,缩回身体之中,看到金角终于封印起来,如释重负的喘了口气,抹了一把脸上出现的汗水。 For a long time maintains Adamantine Chains, is also big to her consumption. 长时间维持金刚封锁,对她的消耗也不小。 This fellow is really difficult to deal with, spent for a long time to solve unexpectedly.” “这家伙真是难对付,竟然花了这么长时间才解决掉。” Even if the gold/metal corner/horn be at the seal condition, Karin dreading in eye does not reduce. 哪怕金角处于封印状态,香燐的眼中的忌惮也是丝毫不减。 Should rejoice that the opposite party is only the Edo Tensei condition, the fight consciousness is far less than before death, in addition the silver coins under the general idea/careless, by ahead of time seal...... perhaps, otherwise facing the gold/metal horn silver corner/horn brothers of Bijuu (Tailed Beast), us will all be extinguished.” “应该庆幸对方只是秽土转生状态,战斗意识远不如生前,加上银角又在大意之下,被提前封印……不然面对尾兽化的金角银角兄弟,我们这边说不定会被全灭。” Lost the warehouse to warn, the victory of this fight, filled in brief accidentally and accidental/surprised, as well as information advantage. 失仓告戒了一番,这场战斗的胜利,总之充满了偶然和意外,以及情报的优势。 The capabilities information that if not know the gold/metal horn silver corner/horn brothers, they arrogant extremely arrogant personality, deals with, so will not be relaxed. 若是不知晓金角银角兄弟的能力信息,还有他们自大狂妄的性格,应付起来,不会这么轻松。 The bonus is so, there are many Land of Demons shinobi, died in the fight. 饶是如此,还是有不少的鬼之国忍者,在战斗中不幸牺牲。 Lost the warehouse to sweep a color right arm, above dripping with blood, weak let fall, the bone estimate has broken to pieces the sediment. 失仓扫了一眼彩的右臂,上面鲜血淋漓,无力的垂落下来,骨头估计已经碎成了渣子。 Was all right? This arm looked like cannot use in a short time.” “没事了吗?这条手臂看来短时间内是不能用了。” The color brow selects, immediately wields the left hand unemotionally, puts on the stance of hand blade, is wielding to the right arm, shuts off from the shoulder the right arm. 彩眉头一挑,随即面无表情挥动左手,摆成手刀的架势,对着右臂一挥,将右臂从肩膀上切断下来。 Doesn't matter, I have made the right arm pass out with anesthetic lead, even if the bone falls broken, will not make me feel slightly the ache.” “没关系,我已经用麻醉剂率先让右臂失去了知觉,即便骨头碎掉,也不会让我感到丝毫疼痛。”
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