EFK :: Volume #6

#279 Part 2: Gold/Metal horn silver corner/horn

The color knows that Land of Rain battlefield, is not can control, the duty that he receives is to annihilate the Land of Grass alliance army main force. 彩知道雨之国的战场,不是自己能够控制的,他接到的任务是歼灭草之国的联盟军主力。 Therefore, after the deep breath the one breath, the color mood returned to normal, holds up the sniper's rifle, follows the army to go forward, then in the march process, touches off the trigger courageous. 因此,在深呼吸了一口气之后,彩的心情平复下来,举起狙击步枪,跟随部队前进,然后在行进过程中,勐地扣动一下扳机。 Bang! 砰! The bullet penetrates the air, changes to together the sharp thin glow, passes through in the human body. 子弹穿透空气,化作一道锐利的细芒,贯穿人体之中。 When this bullet across the silver coins move the remnant shadow, but his rear area not far away operational Edo Tensei subordinate actually cannot evade, was exploded the head by the bullet, the body flies upside down. 这颗子弹穿过银角移动时的残影,但他后方不远处一名正在作战的秽土转生部下却未能躲过,被子弹爆开脑袋,身体倒飞出去。 Nearby Land of Demons shinobi presses hastily, will prepare good seal rune/symbol Tie in this on Edo Tensei shinobi chest that explodes the head, suppresses it, blocks his consciousness and action. 附近的鬼之国忍者连忙压上,将准备好的封印符贴在这名爆头的秽土转生忍者胸口上,将其镇压下来,封锁他的意识与行动。 Worthily is the Ninja World old seniors, even if died, remains the fight consciousness in soul is such sensitive intense, wants to depend on this type of toy to defeat, really naive a point.” “不愧是忍界的老前辈,哪怕死了,残留在灵魂中的战斗意识还是这么敏感强烈,想要靠这种玩具击败,果然还是天真了一点啊。” The color continued to fire a bullet, killed Edo Tensei shinobi of second gold/metal horn silver corner/horn army. 彩继续发射了一颗子弹,击毙第二名金角银角部队的秽土转生忍者 No means create the threat to the gold/metal corner/horn and silver coins, the color decisive choice first other Edo Tensei shinobi, removes from the battlefield. 没办法对金角与银角造成威胁,彩果断选择先把其余秽土转生忍者,从战场上排除掉。 These fellows cannot kill, Chakra is infinite, basically can only aim at with Sealing Technique, anyone, will have. 这些家伙杀不死,查克拉无限,基本只能用封印术针对,无论是谁,都会感到头疼。 Even if only the Jōnin level, keeps in the battlefield, in the color eye is also very dangerous. 哪怕只是上忍级,留在战场上,在彩眼里也是十分危险。 If starts the suicide -type from exploding attack, them greatly will also be damaged. 要是发动自杀式的自爆攻击,他们这边也会遭到巨大损伤。 In that side!” “在那边!” The subordinate who watches the surrounding combat, was exploded seal unceasingly, gold/metal corner/horn and silver coins responds rapidly, locks direction that the bullet flew. 看着周围作战的部下,不断被爆头封印,金角与银角迅速反应过来,锁定了子弹飞来的方向。 Two people discarded the surrounding thorn panel simultaneously, chooses acts to a more threatening color. Cannot very -long-range ambush shinobi of enemy to remove this, even if they are the fights, meets the feeling uneasy heart. 两人同时舍弃了周围的荆棘小组成员,选择对更具有威胁的彩出手。不把这样能够超远程狙击敌人的忍者排除,他们哪怕是战斗,也会感觉不安心。 Bang! 轰! Breaks through frontline Land of Demons Unit shinobi to block, gold/metal corner/horn and silver coins two people also fell to the ground, step on broke to pieces the ground, caused Chakra turbulent flow, raised blows the flying rock the storm. 冲破前线的鬼之国忍者封锁,金角与银角二人同时落地,踩碎了地面,引起查克拉乱流,掀起吹飞岩石的风暴。 The color is calm in time of danger to withdraw, at the same time continues to exchange the new bullet, this time has not aimed at the gold/metal horn silver corner/horn, but aims at their front land. 彩临危不乱退后,一边继续换上新的子弹,这次没有对准金角银角,而是对准他们两人前方的大地。 Bang. 砰。 The bullet penetrates the land, causes the explosion in their front immediately, the impulse of demolition, attacks the body of gold/metal corner/horn and silver coins recklessly. 子弹穿入大地,立马在他们二人前方引起爆炸,爆破的冲击力,肆意冲击金角与银角的身体。 Two people do not draw back instead enter, is going against the scalding hot impact storm unscrupulously, in the vision is full of the murderous intention. 二人不退反进,肆无忌惮顶着灼热的冲击风暴,目光之中饱含杀机。 Byakugan| white eyes brat, the style of this low may be useless to our brothers!” 白眼小鬼,这种下三滥的招式对我们兄弟可没用!” „Is this new-style Ninja Tool that present shinobi use? The might is good, moreover uses seems very convenient.” “这就是现在忍者们使用的新式忍具吗?威力不错,而且使用起来看上去还挺方便的。” The color continues to withdraw, tries to spread out with these two people, nearby Land of Demons shinobi has the consciousness to surround, but does not have to be close to the body attack, but diverts the advance footsteps of gold/metal corner/horn and silver coins by the escaping technique. 彩继续退后,试图和这二人拉开距离,附近的鬼之国忍者有意识包围上来,但是没有直接近身进攻,只是以遁术牵制金角与银角的前进脚步。 One flock of insects, were really noisy!” “一群虫子,真是吵死人了!” The gold/metal corner/horn could not endure these disturbances, the palm-leaf fan wields toward the side by, makes to mix including the storm of thunder and flame, immediately let this crowd of Land of Demons shinobi that disturbed him and silver coins tumbled, spat blood to fall to the ground. 金角忍受不了这些干扰,芭蕉扇往侧旁一挥,制造出混含雷霆与火焰的风暴,顿时让这群干扰他和银角的鬼之国忍者翻滚回去,吐血倒地。 Silver coins this was flushed, reduced itself with the color distance, initiated near body war. 银角这是冲了上来,缩短自己与彩的距离,发起近身战。 Together person's shadow rapid from color behind jumping out, a barb long stick gently finger/refers in hand. 一道人影迅速从彩的身后窜出,手中的倒钩长棒轻轻一指。 Suiton (Water Style) the technique of mirage!” 水遁・水镜之术!” At the same time the mirage appears in the front of silver coins towering, the person's shadow runs out from the mirror surface together fast, with the silver coins same strength and speed, kept off the attack of silver coins. 一面水镜突兀出现在银角的前方,一道人影从镜子面快速冲出,用和银角相同的力道与速度,挡下了银角的进攻。 Wha-” “什-” The silver coins look that this person's shadow that keeps off to attack, unexpectedly with exactly the same, Chakra, is completely consistent, immediately on face one surprised. 银角看着这道挡下自己攻击的人影,竟然和自己长得一模一样,所用的查克拉,也完全一致,顿时脸上一愕。 The color held this crevice, the muzzle of sniper's rifle had aimed at the forehead of good silver coins. 彩抓住了这个空隙,狙击步枪的枪口早已瞄准好银角的额头。 the next moment, the silver coins head exploding opens, turns into the slip of paper dispersion that everywhere dances in the air. 下一刻,银角脑袋啪的爆开,化成漫天飞舞的纸片分散。 Please remember this book first round domain name:. 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