EFK :: Volume #6

#279 Part 1: Gold/Metal horn silver corner/horn

The Land of Grass above night filled silent. 草之国上空的夜晚充满了寂静。 The tranquil dim light of night, pulls up a dark theater curtain in the sky probably, without cloud, does not have breeze blow, only then moon fixes in in the air, spreads the ray to overlook the land. 宁静的夜色,像是在天空拉起一张黑暗的幕布,没有云彩,也没有微风吹拂,只有月亮固定在空中,播散光芒俯视大地。 , Arrived even wild animal yelling sound no mountain forest , a courageous however flame shoots up to the sky courageous peacefully, the sound of explosion was stagnating instantaneously, sweeps across to all around, the sea of fire lights the mountain forest instantaneously, and embezzles at the extremely exaggerating speed to all around, attempts the trim forest, and surrounding wilderness swallows thoroughly. 勐地,安静到连野兽啼叫声都没有的山林之中,勐然一道火光冲天而起,爆炸的声音在凝滞了瞬间,席卷向四周,火海瞬间将山林点燃,并以极为夸张的速度侵吞向四周,企图将整片森林,以及周围的荒野彻底吞噬掉。 During far empty, humming sound the sound keeps ringing, is under almost arrives in the battlefield Land of Demons and air force unit of alliance army simultaneously, rapid exchange of fire in the Land of Grass boundary. 远空之中,嗡嗡的声音响个不停,隶属于鬼之国、联盟军的空军部队几乎同时抵达战场,在草之国的地界上迅速交火。 In combustion land, massive person's shadows across flame barrier, fast forward sprint. 燃烧的大地上,大量的人影穿过火焰屏障,飞快向前冲刺。 Is two people of head has the golden color and silver-gray long hair respectively, the hairstyle is disorderly, does not seem to reorganized carefully, therefore seems very wild. 为首的两人分别有着金色与银灰色的长发,发型杂乱,似乎没有精心整理过,因此显得十分狂放。 their two people put on Hidden Cloud Jōnin is enduring the uniform/subdue, on the shoulder engraves gold/metal respectively and silver the notable indicator, the body is coercing imposing manner, is only Chakra of gushing out, is almost suffocating. 他们二人穿着云隐上忍的忍着制服,肩膀上各刻上‘金’与‘银’的显着标志,身上裹挟着的气势,光是喷薄而出的查克拉,就几乎让人窒息。 Facing fire that the enemy descends, they did not care at all, even snorts contemptuously regarding the iron lump flight vehicle of space, does not spare a glance. 面对敌人降落下来的炮火,他们毫不在意,甚至对于天上的铁疙瘩飞行器嗤之以鼻,不屑一顾。 The continuous ammunition strafes them, is unable to catch up with their footsteps, can only look helplessly they break through a blockade line layer upon layer at an exceptional pace, faces directly the rear Land of Demons principal force. 连绵不绝的弹药扫射他们,也无法追上他们的脚步,只能眼睁睁看着他们以惊人的速度突破一层层的封锁线,直面后方的鬼之国主力部队。 Has both strength shinobi facing this speed, wants to attack them accurate, is really extremely difficult. 面对这种速度兼具力量型的忍者,想要精准打击他们,实在是太过困难。 Let alone these two people of shinobi that is not ordinary Edo Tensei comes out, the gold/metal horn silver corner/horn brothers but who once forced into the deathtrap two generations of Raikage and Second Hokage, can depend on the anomaly that raw food Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) flesh survival several days did not die in the Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) stomach. 何况这二人并非普通秽土转生出来的忍者,而是曾经将二代雷影二代火影逼入死地的金角银角兄弟,能在九尾肚中靠生食九尾血肉生存数日而不死的怪胎。 The fight, to them is the potluck. 战斗,对他们来说不过是家常便饭。 Even if has not seen facing this type nowadays in the past new Ninja Tool, on their two faces as before calm, the smile does not reduce. 哪怕面对现如今这种过去未曾见过的新型忍具,他们二人脸上依旧从容,笑容不减。 Those who follow behind in their is ten several Hidden Cloud Shinobi, unifies the body of Edo Tensei, what on the face reveals is with the color of gold/metal horn silver corner/horn same bloodthirsty, they before one's death once were one of the gold/metal horn silver corner/horn army, followed the gold/metal horn silver corner/horn, has participated action that killed two generations of Raikage and Second Hokage. 跟随在他们身后的是十数名云隐忍者,统一秽土转生之身,脸上露出来的是和金角银角一样的嗜血之色,他们在生前都是金角银角部队的一员,跟随金角银角,参与过袭杀二代雷影二代火影的行动。 They every people, are experienced Jōnin, is representing in the first Ninja World war battlefield, Hidden Cloud sharpest strength. 他们每一人,都是身经百战的上忍,代表着第一次忍界大战战场上,云隐最精锐的力量。 Haha, after waking up, can kill one greatly!” “哈哈,醒来之后,又可以大杀一番了!” This by the Second Hokage technique that we get rid of, was that fellow controlled us?” “这个是被我们干掉的二代火影的术,是那家伙操控了我们吗?” Who knows that in brief, butchered completely the present enemy on the line!” “谁知道呢,总之,把眼前的敌人全部宰掉就行了!” This world anything can be few, the only war will not absent!” “这个世界什么都可以少,唯独战争不会缺席!” The gold/metal horn silver corner/horn, as well as follows the gold/metal horn silver corner/horn army member who comes, on each face is reveals frantic fighting intent from inside to outside, the bloodthirsty and cruel aura, divulges from them. In their eyes only then purest slaughtering, destruction. 金角银角,以及跟随而来的金角银角部队成员,每一人脸上都是流露出由内而外的狂热战意,嗜血、残暴的气息,从他们身上宣泄而出。他们的眼中只有最为纯粹的杀戮,还有破坏。 Came, the silver coins, first give them a color to take a look!” “来了,银角,先给他们一点颜色瞧瞧!” Is hanging loose the gold/metal corner/horn of golden long hair, a corners of the mouth crack, shows the callous bloodthirsty smile, the mouth spits together, the feather fan that at the same time the red-white alternate with then falls into gold/metal corner/horn the right hand. 披散着金色长发的金角,嘴角一裂,露出一道冷酷嗜血的笑容,嘴巴一吐,一面红白相间的羽扇便落入金角的右手之中。 Just came up to use such style of Menglie, to these people, can too excessive a point, gold/metal corner/horn?” “刚上来就用这么勐烈的招式吗,对这些人来说,会不会太过分了一点了呢,金角?” The silver coins of hanging loose silver-gray color long hair saw that the gold/metal corner/horn the weapon that takes from the belly, divine tool that Rikudō Sennin (Sage of Six Paths) inherits- palm-leaf fan, has the release kerosene wind and thunder earth five Chakra Nature Transformation abilities, on the face blooms the smile of taking pleasure in others' misfortunes. 披散银灰色长发的银角看到金角从肚子里拿出来的武器,正是六道仙人传承下来的神器-芭蕉扇,拥有释放火水风雷土五种查克拉性质变化的能力,脸上绽放出幸灾乐祸的笑容。 Excessively? But only runs into the large unit, this weapon has the opportunity!” “过分吗?但是只有遇到大部队,这件兵器才有用武之地!” The gold/metal corner/horn spits to exhale gently, Chakra pours into the feather fan, in the eye pupil flashes through together the ruthless severe color. 金角轻轻吐出了一口气,查克拉注入羽扇之中,眼眸中闪过一道狠厉之色。 First with this greeting!” “先用这个打个招呼!” Then, the gold/metal corner/horn took up to pour into lots of Chakra's palm-leaf fans, is wielding to the front courageous strength. 说罢,金角拿起注入了大量查克拉的芭蕉扇,对着前方勐力一挥。 Storm sweeps across immediately to the front, the land also follows to crush together, incessantly so, in storm, flame and thunder, from splitting in land, spout the flood. 一股暴风顿时席卷向前方,大地也跟着一同粉碎,不止如此,在风暴之中,还有火焰与雷霆,从裂开的大地之中,喷涌出洪水。 In a flash, the front all are swept away to empty by Ninjutsu that the palm-leaf fan releases. 只是一瞬间,前方的一切就被芭蕉扇释放出去的忍术横扫清空。 It seems like the vanguard of opposite party is not common shinobi, hid.” “看来对方的先锋部队不是寻常忍者,躲过去了。” The silver coins body is startled slightly, immediately on the face shows the smile, brings the meaning of playing the taste. 银角身体微微一怔,随即脸上重新露出笑容,带着玩味儿的意思。 Like this plays to be interesting.” “这样玩起来才有趣。” gold/metal corner/horn has not cared, pushes to the front to rush, the form is carrying the howling sound air-splitting, goes into action the physique, looks like ominous courageous storm. 金角也没有在意,一马当先冲了上去,身影携带着破空的呼啸声,行动起来的身姿,就像是一股凶勐的暴风。 In instance that the gold/metal corner/horn rushes, the human form light shadow came from the opposite together, the paper hits to the body of gold/metal corner/horn. 在金角冲上去的瞬间,一道人形光影从对面而来,纸撞向金角的身体。 gold/metal Jiaoxiang does not think, the body side flashes, evades the attack of light shadow, lets its come up empty-handed. 金角想也不想,身体侧闪,躲过光影的袭击,让其扑空。 „Does soul have the hole the technique? Careful, the silver coins, do not project on by that thing.” “灵魂出窍的术?小心点,银角,别被那个东西打到。” gold/metal Jiaomi the eye is looking that the light shadow from cooks at present, has not gone forward to pursue, but reminded silver coins one. 金角眯着眼睛看着光影从眼前熘走,没有上前追击,只是提醒银角一声。 The silver coins nod, look to the front, shinobi of squad in the front blocks the way, they are throwing over the black windproof coat, can see the black Chakra armor under windproof coat indistinctly, is wearing the black sharp mouth mask on the face, covers in the shadow. 银角点头,看向前方,一支小队的忍者在前方拦路,他们披着的黑色的风衣,隐约能够见到风衣下的黑色查克拉铠甲,在脸上佩戴着黑色尖嘴面具,笼罩在阴影之中。 Plays tricks.” “装神弄鬼。” gold/metal corner/horn and silver coins looked at each other one, leading behind squad to meet the approaching enemy directly. 金角与银角对视了一眼,带领身后的小队直接迎击上去。 The palm-leaf fan in the gold/metal corner/horn hand, wields again, hot waves tumble from the fan, sends out the boiling hot energy, plans to swallow the front thorn panels at one fell swoop. 芭蕉扇在金角手中,再度一挥,一片火浪从扇子中翻滚而出,发出滚热的能量,打算将前方的荆棘小组成员一举吞噬。 However facing hot wave that sweeping across to come, one of them flashes the front, opens both hands, the precious jade of chest front Chakra armor initiates the bright, the hot wave absorption, transforms as Chakra, integrates in the armor. 然而面对席卷而来的火浪,其中一人闪到前方,张开双手,胸前查克拉铠甲的宝玉发起亮光,将火浪吸收,转化为查克拉,融入铠甲之中。 In thorn group, has several a person's shadow to throw, gold/metal corner/horn and silver coins back subordinate also moved accordingly, step on break to pieces the ground to advance forward. 荆棘小组中,又有数道人影扑了上去,金角与银角背后的部下也是应声而动,踩碎了地面向前突进。 Wood Style tree ties up to kill!” 木遁・树缚杀!” A lot of wooden rattan charge into gold/metal corner/horn and silver coins. 大量的木制藤条冲向金角与银角。 gold/metal corner/horn and silver coins form dodge, evades the winding of rattan with ease, but with the surprise vision looked that to front that shinobi that displays Wood Style. 金角与银角身影一闪,轻松躲过藤条的缠绕,只是用诧异的目光看向前方那名施展木遁忍者 Although is very weak, but indeed is Wood Style right, are you shinobi of Senju clan?” “虽然很弱,但的确是木遁没错,难道你是千手一族的忍者?” gold/metal corner/horn frowns. 金角皱起眉头。 He and silver coins also since the Warring States period, on shinobi of reputation/honorary side, belong to the same generation character with two generations of shades, regarding Wood Style Daimyō, naturally does not will feel strange. 他和银角也是自战国时代开始,就名誉一方的忍者,与二代影们分属同辈人物,对于木遁大名,自然不会感到陌生。 In the Warring States period, in his memory, only has Patriarch of Senju clan, afterward Konoha First Hokage Senju Hashirama has used such technique. In addition, does not have the second person to have the Wood Style ability. 在战国时代,在他的记忆中,只有千手一族的族长,后来的木叶初代火影千手柱间使用过这样的术。除此之外,就没有第二个人拥有木遁的能力。 Saw that the opposite party did not speak, but continued to release the Wood Style Ninjutsu attack, gold/metal Jiaoleng snort/hum, wielded the sharp storm with the palm-leaf fan conveniently, the trees rattan that will attack shut off. 见到对方不语,只是继续释放木遁忍术进攻,金角冷哼一声,随手用芭蕉扇挥出锐利的风暴,将袭击来的树木藤条切断。 „If Wood Style of god of shinobi, I am also in awe, but is unqualified depending on your Wood Style!” “如果是忍者之神的木遁,我还敬畏三分,但凭你的木遁可不够格!” gold/metal corner/horn facing this degree of Wood Style, almost cannot feel the pressure, in his eyes, only troublesome, is hidden, uses soul Ninjutsu that shinobi. 金角面对这种程度的木遁,几乎感觉不到压力,在他眼里,唯一麻烦的,便是隐藏起来,使用灵魂忍术的那名忍者 At this moment, the nighttime sky of distant place, was lightened by the flame, ‚meteor’ has flown the gold/metal horn silver corner/horn and top of the head of thorn panel, falls the alliance military headquarters team of rearward. 就在这时,远方的夜空,被火光点亮,一道道‘流星’飞过了金角银角与荆棘小组成员的头顶,落向后方的联盟军部队。 The deafening explosion, almost explodes a land of trim crushes, moreover such ‚meteor’ is continuous, is not aware of fatigue to conduct long-distance bombing. 震耳欲聋的爆炸,几乎把一整片的大地炸得粉碎,而且这样的‘流星’连绵不绝,不知疲倦进行远程炮击。 Situated in the rear alliance military headquarters team, after being attacked, is pulls up to prepare the good Chakra cannon, lifts the artillery tube high, the muzzle aims at the position that Unit Land of Demons goes forward, carries out the remote precision strike. 位于后方的联盟军部队,在遭受到打击之后,也是拉起准备好的查克拉大炮,将炮筒高高抬起,炮口瞄准鬼之国前进的方位,进行远程火力打击。 Damn Land of Demons, do not think, only then you can carry out the long-distance attack! Looked to me!” “该死的鬼之国,别以为只有你们能够进行远程打击!给我瞧好了!” Hidden Cloud shinobi promotes Chakra cannon, adjusts the good position, prepares to go forward to promote the tension bar. 云隐忍者推动查克拉大炮,调整好方位,准备上前推动拉杆。 After scoffed sound, sharp winds have stroked, prepares to promote Hidden Cloud Shinobi of several Chakra cannon tension bars, is the body is divided into two halves from the middle, poured in the both sides. 嗤的声响过后,一道道锐利的风拂过,准备去推动数门查克拉大炮拉杆的云隐忍者,皆是身体从中间分成两半,倒在了两侧。 Other Hidden Cloud Shinobi one startled, looks to the sky. 其余云隐忍者一惊,看向天空。 In above!” “在上面!” The jet black giant beast, by the steel and flesh construction, has flown their top of the head, thunder Guangluo in the land, becomes the hard coke famous alliance army shinobi electricity. 漆黑的巨兽,以钢铁与血肉浇筑而成,飞过他们的头顶,一道道雷光落在大地上,将一名名联盟军忍者电成焦炭。 But in its side, is flying a young girl who puts on the red and white witch to take, in both hands, is rotating the aura of wind, the peaceful desert to the ice-cold look, overlooks below Hidden Cloud Shinobi, that several Chakra cannon, the purpose in coming is self-evident. 而在它的身旁,同样飞行着一名穿着红白巫女服的少女,双手之中,转动着风之气息,澹漠到冰冷的眼神,俯视下方的云隐忍者,还有那数门查克拉大炮,来意不言而喻。 Blocks her!” “拦住她!” The protection in nearby alliance army shinobi, dashes immediately, some people prepare to start flight ninja, rushes to the sky and Feather Girl fight. 守护在附近的联盟军忍者,立马飞奔上去,一些人准备启动飞行忍具,冲上天空和天羽女战斗。 The Feather Girl peaceful desert sweeps, the air knife edges of sparkle white rays fly from the hand to shinobi in land, some shinobi move aside, was pared the head directly, or cuts off around the middle, wound position smooth does not make sense, no folds. 天羽女澹漠一扫,一道道闪耀白色光芒的空气刀刃从手中飞向大地上的忍者,一些忍者躲闪不及,直接被削去脑袋,或是拦腰斩断,伤口位置平整的不像话,没有一丝皱褶。 Across the air blade of shinobi body, cut on Chakra cannon, left behind scars in the fort and artillery tube, but is unable to penetrate the past. 穿过忍者身体的空气刀刃,斩在了查克拉大炮上,在炮台和炮筒上留下一道道伤痕,但无法穿透过去。 But is responsible for controlling Hidden Cloud Shinobi of Chakra cannon, runs to the position of tension bar again, according to above that both hands make an effort, advances the bottom place it. 而负责控制查克拉大炮的云隐忍者,再度奔跑到拉杆的位置,双手用力的按在上面,将其推到底处。 In the dark muzzle, is first gathering the point blue star light, later the star light color is getting deeper and deeper, gradually dyes dark blue, profound, mysterious, seems breeding boundless void. 黝黑的炮口之中,先是汇聚着点点的蓝色星光,随后星光的色彩越来越深,逐渐染成一片深蓝,深邃,神秘,仿佛孕育着一片无垠的虚空。 The Feather Girl vision flashes, the form flies above the muzzle in a flash, the palm of both hands aims at the dark profound muzzle, is gathering senjutsu chakra of whole body. 天羽女目光一闪,身影转瞬飞到炮口上方,双手的掌心对准黝黑深邃的炮口,汇聚着全身的仙术查克拉 Sage Art dust completely! 仙法・尘尽! Bang! 轰! The storm and flame the detonation, above the land, the giant mushroom this solitary one cloud of spewing out, passes through the world in an instant simultaneously, blasts out without the indication in the alliance army center directly. 风暴与火光刹那间同时起爆,大地之上,喷涌而出的巨大蘑孤云,贯穿天地,在联盟军腹地直接毫无征兆炸开。 Raimaru stopped fell the thunder, vibrated the steel wing, the vision swept to the mushroom this solitary one cloud that raised from the land, flew rapidly. 雷鸣丸停下了落雷,震动钢铁翅膀,目光扫向从大地上升起的蘑孤云,急速飞了过去。 The person's shadow runs out from the flame together, witch clothing/taking becomes broken, exposed flesh outside, above also presented massive burning, the appearance is very distressed. 一道人影从火光中冲出,身上的巫女服变得残破,暴露在外的肌肤,上面也出现了大量的烧痕,样子十分狼狈。 The Raimaru speed sped up again, passed over gently and swiftly void, Feather Girl that will be wounded received to conduct the back. 雷鸣丸速度再次加快,掠过虚空,将负伤的天羽女接到背上。 Although the body is carrying the medical symbol, has the medical technique support of long-distance medical shinobi, but this degree of severe wound, not can restore in a short time. 虽然身上携带着医疗符,更有远程医疗忍者的医疗术支援,但这种程度的重伤,并非短时间内能够恢复。 Elder sister, the restorative in the No. 3 box that I conduct the back!” “姐姐,恢复药在我背上的第三号盒子里!” Raimaru shouts loudly. 雷鸣丸大声喊道。 The mechanism/organization sound of back steel spot gets up, exposes a small-scale bin, two rows of three rows, total six boxes. 背后钢铁部位的机关声响起,暴露出一个小型储藏箱,两排三列,共计六个盒子。 Feather Girl presses the switch of third box, observes one, the cover opens, reveals a blue pill. 天羽女按动第三个盒子的开关,啪察一声,盖子打开,露出一粒蓝色的药丸。 Is without hesitation, Feather Girl takes out the blue pill, places the mouth to bite, swallows in the belly. 毫不迟疑,天羽女取出蓝色药丸,放在嘴里咬碎,一口气咽进肚子里。 Feather Girl recited one lightly, only felt that Chakra of loss was full the body rapidly, burning also vanished at the visible speed, the condition restored the peak. 天羽女轻吟一声,只感觉到原本损失的查克拉迅速充盈身体,身上的烧痕也以肉眼可见的速度消失,状态重新恢复到巅峰。 „The frontline Chakra cannon has destroyed, then......” “前线的查克拉大炮已经销毁,接下来……” Raimaru contains thunder light the eye pupil, sweeps to the flank army of alliance army. 雷鸣丸蕴含雷光的眼眸,扫向联盟军的侧翼部队。 Altogether 4000 population, are raiding forces in the Land of Grass alliance army principal force, inside is gathering shinobi of considerable strength, such army enters in the battlefield, the created threat can be imagined, will make the Land of Demons army further intensify the casualties. 一共四千人数,是一支草之国联盟军主力部队中的奇袭部队,里面汇聚着相当实力的忍者,这样的部队进入战场之中,造成的威胁可想而知,会让鬼之国的部队进一步加剧伤亡。 Makes this army paralyze, we came here duty to finish even.” “让这支部队瘫痪掉,我们来这里的任务就算结束了。” The Raimaru change flight path, dives to the flank raiding forces of this alliance army. 雷鸣丸变动飞行轨道,俯冲向这支联盟军的侧翼奇袭部队。 Leads several Elite Jōnin of this raiding forces, is detected the trend that Raimaru attacked, showed the stance of meeting the enemy. 率领这支奇袭部队的数名精英上忍,也是察觉到了雷鸣丸袭击过来的动向,摆出了迎敌的架势。 Katon (Fire Style) the technique of fireball!” 火遁・豪火球之术!” Suiton (Water Style) Water Dragon ball technique!” 水遁・水龙弹术!” Doton (Earth Style) rock iron artillery!” 土遁・岩铁炮!” The fireball, the Water Dragon, the rock, such as the rainstorm of counter volume falls in torrents to the sky. 火球,水龙,岩石,如逆卷的暴雨倾泻向天空。 Innumerable kunai, shuriken as well as explosive tag, prepare to forestall opponent by a show of strength, suppress Raimaru and Feather Girl fight morale. 在这其中,还有数不清的苦无手里剑以及起爆符,准备先声夺人,压制住雷鸣丸天羽女的战斗士气。 Facing without all-around attack of dead angle, Raimaru is only downward dive, intention that has not dodged, however a pair of eyes pupil is truly getting more and more bright, until was invaded all pupil by the enchanting incomparable blue electric light. 面对没有死角的全方位进攻,雷鸣丸只是一个劲的向下俯冲,没有丝毫躲闪的意图,然而一双眼眸确实越来越亮,直至被炫丽无比的蓝色电光侵占了所有的童孔 Also calculates the somewhat bright nighttime sky, gets dark suddenly. 原本还算有些明亮的夜空,陡然间黑了下来。 the great bowl that the dense dark cloud such as backs off, covers this raiding forces completely. 黑压压的乌云如一只倒扣下来的巨碗,将这支奇袭部队全部笼罩在内。 What's the matter? Did the sky collapse?” “怎么回事?天塌了吗?” „It is not right, is this...... the thunder clouds? I remember in the information, raises the opposite party to have had to summon the wide scope thunder clouds tie the ability.” “不对,这是……雷云?我记得在情报之中,有提过对方拥有召唤大范围雷云结界的能力。” Incurred, breaks through a bit faster!” “中招了,快点突围!” The alliance army shinobi quality of team leader is perfect, quickly restored calmly, the organization manpower break through the thunder clouds tie the blockade. 领队的联盟军忍者素质过硬,很快恢复了冷静,组织人手冲破雷云结界的封锁。 However, whatever the people of sensation squad release the sensor type ninja technique, is unable the sensation to tying access, Chakra, cannot induce similarly, as if they were stranded in a different space, with Ninja World in different dimensions. 然而,任由感知小队的人释放感知忍术,也无法感知到结界的出入口,外界的查克拉,也同样感应不到,仿佛他们被困在了一个异度空间之中,与忍界处于不同的维度上。 In thick black cloud Qi, thick such as thunder Guangpi of bucket falls, explodes in the land, makes dirtily nearby alliance army shinobi, air/Qi clenches teeth, actually ties with this thunder clouds does not have the means. 浓黑的云气之中,一道道粗如水桶的雷光噼落,在大地上爆炸,将附近的联盟军忍者弄得灰头土脸,气得直咬牙,却拿这处雷云结界毫无办法。 Rumble thunderclap, even has covered the sounds of people. 轰隆隆的雷声,甚至盖过了人声。 Enormous and powerful, frightening did not say, but must guard at the same time does not know thunder light who where drops, is only the moment time, makes these several thousand people of raiding forces be in chaos. 浩荡的雷威,让人心惊胆战不说,还要一边防备不知从哪里落下的雷光,只是片刻功夫,就让这数千人的奇袭部队陷入一片混乱之中。 At this moment, the storm sound raids, the red and white sound passing over gently and swiftly sky, massive air knife edges such as the raindrop fell together to the land. 就在这时,风暴声袭来,一道红白的声音掠过天空,大量的空气刀刃如雨点倾洒向大地。 Suddenly, the body and land of shinobi were cut together broken by the air blade. 一时间,忍者的身体和大地一同被空气刀刃斩碎。 When they organize the manpower counter-attacks, the Feather Girl form is also mystical from black cloud Qi disappears, does not see the trace. 等他们组织好人手反击时,天羽女的身影又神秘从黑色的云气中消失,不见痕迹。 „Did that side also begin? My here time was also similar.” “那边也动手了吗?我这边的时机也差不多了。” Grasps the color of sniper's rifle, saw with Byakugan| white eyes the huge thunder clouds that in the distant land fills suddenly, know Raimaru has appeared own main body, locks the raiding forces of that alliance army in tying. 手持狙击步枪的彩,用白眼看到了远方大地上忽然弥漫起来的庞大雷云,知道雷鸣丸已经将自己的本体显现出来,将那支联盟军的奇袭部队锁在结界之中。 Under this condition, the Raimaru attack ability will weaken significantly, but relative, can actually make one thunder clouds cage that several thousand shinobi block, if coordinates Feather Girl Fūton (Wind Style), will attack the weak flaw also to make up. 这个状态下,雷鸣丸的进攻能力将会大幅度削弱,但相对的,却可以制造出一个将数千忍者封锁起来的雷云牢笼,如果配合天羽女风遁,攻击薄弱的缺陷也将会弥补。 In this condition, so long as does not have five Kage Rank other team leaders shinobi, two people resist and annihilate a several thousand people of Unit shinobi, and is a cinch. 在这个状态下,只要其中没有五影级忍者领队的话,两人抵挡并且歼灭一支数千人的忍者,并不在话下。 The flank raiding forces that this subordinates the alliance army, in the color eye, nothing to be worried. 这支隶属联盟军的侧翼奇袭部队,在彩的眼里,已然不足为虑。 He waves, the rear shinobi form then together, such as the wind flies together forward Fangzheng in the battlefield of fierce exchange of fire. 他挥了挥手,后方的忍者身影一道接着一道,如风般飞向前方正在激烈交火的战场。 To eat the Land of Grass alliance army complete main force, including two difficulties ; first, this reaches over ten thousand shinobi, even if the flank raiding forces were diverted, remains in alliance army shinobi of main battlefield, can put out 10,000 people. 想要吃掉草之国的联盟军全部主力,其中有两个难点,其一是这多达上万的忍者,哪怕侧翼的奇袭部队被牵制住,留守在主战场的联盟军忍者,也能拿出一万人。 The two difficulties, Unit Edo Tensei that lies in summoning. 其二难点,在于召唤出来的秽土转生 The gold/metal horn silver corner/horn, had killed two Five Kage Hidden Cloud murderers, according to top-secret information that in the Land of Demons intelligence system supplies, these two are the Rikudō Sennin (Sage of Six Paths) descendant, the physique are at variance with the average man, has giant Chakra inborn, after the raw food Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) flesh, in body, but can also erupt Bijuu (Tailed Beast) entity Chakra. 金角银角,是曾经杀死过两位五影云隐凶犯,根据鬼之国情报系统中提供的绝密信息,这两人是六道仙人的后裔,体质异于常人,天生拥有巨大的查克拉,在生食九尾的血肉之后,在身体之中,还可以爆发出尾兽的实体查克拉。 In addition, they can also control Rikudō (Six Path) Ninja Tool, the color have experienced a Rikudō (Six Path) treasure has- the might of palm-leaf fan, wields at will, can not print and distribute getting angry sea mine ballad five species powerful Ninjutsu, as Chakra pours into, the Ninjutsu might steadily will also rise. 除此之外,他们还可以驾驭六道忍具,彩已经见识到了其中一件六道宝具-芭蕉扇的威力,随意挥动,就可以无印发动火水雷土风五种属性的强力忍术,随着查克拉注入越多,忍术的威力还会持续上升。 What unfortunately is, controls this Rikudō (Six Path) Ninja Tool gold/metal corner/horn, Chakra is almost inexhaustible, means the palm-leaf fan in his hand, the degree of threat rises infinitely. 不巧的是,驾驭这件六道忍具的金角,查克拉几乎用之不竭,意味着他手中的芭蕉扇,威胁程度无限上升。 In such battlefield, does not have the means to encircle by the population, can only to correspond the rank shinobi to go to block, has seal their possibility. 在这样的战场上,靠人数是没办法围剿的,只能以对应级别的忍者前去阻击,才有封印他们的可能性。 If Scarlet Child were here good.” “如果赤子在这里就好了。” The color heart sighed. 彩心底一叹。 But also knows, this is only an expectation, do not look that Land of Demons the military promotes at present very smoothly, but hence population of sacrifice also and many. 但也知道,这只是个奢望,别看鬼之国目前军事推动十分顺利,但至此牺牲的人数也并不少。 Even if has in addition of several medical techniques to hold, is unable to safeguard itself not dead in the battlefield thoroughly. 纵然有着数道医疗术的加持,也无法彻底保障自己在战场上不死。 Contrasts them, Land of Rain that side battlefield, is true earth-shaking. 对比他们这边,雨之国那边的战场,才是真正的惊天动地吧。 In his Byakugan| white eyes, the Land of Rain sky, is covering a share of extremely fearful Chakra, moreover this share of astonishing Chakra, but also in being centered on Land of Rain expands unceasingly, attempting to swallow during this share of Chakra's surrounding the whole world. 在他的白眼之中,雨之国的上空,笼罩着一股极为可怕的查克拉,而且这股惊人的查克拉,还在以雨之国为中心不断扩张,企图要把整个世界吞噬进这股查克拉的包围之中似的。 The land and sky, were covered surrounding by this type of ominous aura. 大地与天空,都被这种不祥的气息笼罩包围。
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