EFK :: Volume #6

#278 Part 2: The bridge of warrior

Time arrives, how regardless of finally, the old man will lead the warrior to depart, and returns all captives, resigns fifth regiment regimental commander, no longer inquired about alliance army anything. The old men handle affairs his entire life, all takes and as expensive/noble. This war until now, bleeding are many enough, does not need to add the innocent casualties.” “时间一到,无论结果如何,老夫都会率领武士离去,并且归还所有俘虏,卸任第五联队联队长一职,不再过问联盟军任何事情。老夫一生行事,皆以‘和’为贵。这场战争迄今为止,流血已经够多了,没必要平添无辜的伤亡。” The Mifune sincere intent cuts, hoping Chino can give the shinobi means of livelihood of fifth regiment. 三船诚恳意切,希望千乃能给第五联队的忍者一条活路。 Chino shot a look at one toward Ashin there, Ashin nodded the head slightly, Chino has then turned head, said to Mifune: Such being the case, I wait for 30 minutes. The time ended, if the fifth regiment must resist stubbornly, then also asked the warriors to leave, because I will launch the attack without the difference at the appointed time.” 千乃朝着风心那里瞥了一眼,风心微微颔首,千乃便回过头,对三船说道:“既然如此,那我就等三十分钟。时间结束,若是第五联队还要顽抗,那么还请武士们离开,因为到时我会无差别发起进攻。” 【 The new chapter renews the slow issue, in can trade on source app to have the solution finally, here downloads 【新章节更新迟缓的问题,在能换源的app上终于有了解决之道,这里下载 Many thanks.” “多谢。” Mifune serious nodded, leading behind warrior to turn around to return to the camp. 三船郑重点了点头,带着身后的武士转身返回营地。 After Mifune departs, Chino waves slightly, the army disperses in good order, prepares fight. 三船离去后,千乃微微一挥手,身后的部队井然有序分散开来,做好战斗的准备。 Before the result has not fallen, cannot relax to shinobi of fifth regiment completely, preventing them to use these a half hour of army to prepare, breaks through. 在结果没有落定之前,也不能对第五联队的忍者完全放松,防止他们利用这半个小时正军备战,进行突围。 Although this is unlikely, but is not affected much carefully. 尽管这个可能性很小,但小心无大碍。 Ashin, you feel the words of opposite party, somewhat credibility?” 风心,你觉得对方的话,有几分可信度?” Chino asked like this. 千乃这样问道。 She controls the blood to infiltrate into the land, lets in the land, proliferates blood that oneself control, if the fifth regiment surrender is good, joins the resistance, these infiltrate into the bottom blood, then to the pleasant surprise of fifth regiment. 她操控血液渗透入大地,让大地之中,遍布自己操控的血液,若是第五联队投降还好,加入反抗到底,这些渗透入地底的鲜血,便是给第五联队的惊喜。 The fifth regiment can use these a half hour to control one's breathing, then she can also use similarly these a half hour, completes the arrangement of Forbidden Technique. 第五联队可以利用这半个小时时间进行调息,那么她也同样可以利用这半个小时时间,完成自己禁术的布置。 Her Kekkei Genkai (Bloodline Limit), most does not fear is the person are many. This stretch of battlefield because of casualty personnel of both sides, has made the blood of massive outflow, these blood under the control of her Ninjutsu, will become the weapon that she opposes the enemy. 她的血继限界,最不怕的就是人多。这片战场因为双方的死伤人员,已经制造了大量流失的血液,这些血液在她忍术的控制下,都会成为她对敌的武器。 Only from the information, this Great general Mifune naturally is a credible person. However at present this situation, we are impossible to obey the information the one-sided information, if estimates the mistake, us will put in the huge sacrifice. Can induce somebody to capitulate is naturally best, but must complete the warming up work of decisive battle.” “仅从情报而言,这位三船大将自然是一位可信之人。但是眼下这种情况,我们不可能听从情报的片面信息,要是预估错误,我们这边就会付出巨大的牺牲。能劝降自然最好,但也要做好决战的热身工作。” Ashin calm speech. 风心冷静的发言。 Looks at the front wailing sound unceasing camp, the heart is not understanding like the iron stone does not swing. 望着前方哀嚎声不断的营地,心如铁石般不懂不摇。 In front of the war, any mercy and weakness, will bring the huge damage to oneself. 在战事面前,任何的慈悲与软弱,都会给自己带来巨大的损伤。 Even if he believes Mifune, the weapon in hand must frequently the standby, so long as the opposite party has the resistance, suppresses on the by most vicious method. 哪怕他相信三船,手中的武器也必须时刻待命,只要对方一有反抗,就以最凶狠的手段镇压回去。 Chino no longer spoke, is controlling wholly absorbed the blood that infiltrated into the bottom, the standby period passed. 千乃不再说话,专心致志操控着渗透入地底的血液,等待时间流逝。 A half hour quick in the past, Mifune goes out from the camp immediately, from his serious in speech and manner expression, could not see that gets angry slightly happily. 半个小时很快过去,三船应时从营地中走出,从他不苟言笑的表情中,看不出丝毫喜怒。 The Chino eye glance, Ashin is understanding, approaches one step, intercepts Mifune. 千乃眼睛一瞥,风心会意,主动上前一步,将三船拦截下来。 Chino sends the eye of red light to stare at Mifune, Chakra in within the body is circulating the torso and four limbs. 千乃发着红光的眼睛盯着三船,体内的查克拉流通躯干与四肢。 Mifune your excellency, a half hour had passed, I think that shinobi of your warrior and fifth regiment had discussed made my satisfactory result.” 三船阁下,半个小时的时间已经过去了,我想你们武士和第五联队的忍者已经商量出一份令我满意的结果了吧。” Mifune deeply inspires, on the face also feeling relieved showed a smile, the nod replied: Yes, after my mediation, inside alliance army shinobi, is willing to surrender to Miss Chino, gives up revolting, but they put forward two conditions.” 三船深吸了一口气,脸上也是如释重负的露出了一丝笑容,点头回答道:“是的,经过我的调解,里面的联盟军忍者,愿意向千乃小姐投降,放弃反抗,但是他们提出两个条件。” Mentioned listens.” “说来听听。” First, they hope our warriors as cube, after they surrender, safeguards their safety. Second, their here desperately short of medical shinobi and various types of medical commodities, hope that you can undertake the corresponding international humanitarian spirit.” “第一,他们希望我们武士作为中立方,在他们投降之后,保障他们的生命安全。第二,他们这边急缺医疗忍者和各种医用物资,希望贵方能够承担起相应的国际人道主义精神。” Mifune looks steadily at Chino, seeks agreeing of opposite party. 三船直直盯视千乃,寻求对方的首肯。 Chino hesitated, agreed. This is must, very thanked Mifune your excellency as cube, established the peaceful bridge for us. ” 千乃沉吟了一下,同意了下来。这是应当的,十分感谢三船阁下作为中立方,为我们双方建立和平的桥梁。” In her heart also relaxes. 她的心中也是松了一口气。 So many alliance army shinobi resist stubbornly at risk of life, her must pay the corresponding price, since can take the opposite party army in this non-combatant way, naturally best. 这么多联盟军忍者拼死顽抗,她这边也要付出相应的代价,既然能以这种非战斗方式拿下对方全军,自然是最好不过。 In the experience to the Land of Demons abundant armed forces, some internal still quantity unknown spies, possibly has the significant internal hidden danger in addition, is they have to one of important reasons considers to surrender. 在见识到鬼之国雄厚武装力量,加上内部还有数量未知的间谍,可能存在重大的内部隐患,也是他们不得不考虑投降的重要原因之一吧。 „, The cooperation is so happy, Miss Chino.” “那么,合作愉快,千乃小姐。” Mifune puts out a hand. 三船伸出手。 Cooperation is happy.” “合作愉快。” Chino also put out a hand, grasped, expressed own good intentions. 千乃也是伸出手,握了上去,表达自己的善意。 Please remember this book first round domain name:. 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