EFK :: Volume #6

#278 Part 1: The bridge of warrior

West Land of Fire. 火之国西部。 At night , the flame rises from all directions, the restless fire seems like the thundering of sky, roaring filial piety exudes the rock the earth howling. 黑夜之下,火光四起,不息的炮火像是天空的轰雷,咆孝的发出震天动地的吼叫声。 The camp region of alliance army respective fifth regiment, has gotten sucked into the sea of fire at this moment. 联盟军所属第五联队的营地区域,此刻已经深陷火海之中。 As a result of the sudden attack, commands the direction level of fifth regiment almost to be at being annihilated in addition condition, causing each squadron each other to lose the contact, first after being attacked, even if relying on the splendid fight quality, does not have immediately organization's effective counter-attack strength, resists the raider. 由于突然的袭击,加上统率第五联队的指挥层几乎处于‘全军覆没’状态,导致各个中队彼此失去联系,第一时间遭到突袭后,哪怕凭借着出色的战斗素质,也没有立刻组织有效的反击力量,对抗袭击者。 Let alone, the crowd that wells up in all directions from the night, is carries out the entire side attack to the fifth regiment all armies, in the air was not the air force unit of alliance army to occupy, humming sound the sound is unceasing, flight ninja, the angel landing human world of death, the ammunition under projection, raised the boundless storm and hot wave in the land probably. 更何况,从黑夜之中四面八方涌来的人群,是对第五联队所有部队进行全方打击,就连空中也被不属于联盟军的空军部队占据,嗡嗡的声音不绝,一架架飞行忍具,像是死亡的天使降落人间,投射下的弹药,在大地上掀起无边的风暴与火浪。 By inaccurate computation, since fight, the casualties of fifth regiment, reach over ten thousand much. 根据不确切的计算,从战斗至今,第五联队的伤亡人数,就多达上万。 The medical troops paralysis, the communications unit paralysis, directs the department also to be in the paralysis similarly, so-called regiment counter-attack strength, strength that but some not controlled Jōnin, hasty under organize, although can have certain resistance effect, but is facing the inexhaustible enemy, and firepower in advance surface-to-air body covers, disintegrates rapidly, collapses at the first blow. 医疗部队瘫痪,通讯部队瘫痪,指挥部门也同样处于瘫痪,所谓的联队反击力量,只是一些未被控制的上忍,仓促之下自行组织起来的力量,虽然能产生一定的抵抗作用,但在面对无穷无尽的敌人,以及陆空一体的先行火力覆盖,也是迅速土崩瓦解,不堪一击。 The pitiful yell sound and flurried sound made one group, the camp region of fifth regiment during the combat, contracts the space of territory continually unceasingly, it may be said that is tattered and torn. 惨叫声与慌乱声响作了一团,第五联队的营地区域在持续作战之中,不断收缩领土的空间,可谓是千疮百孔。 Is the resistance, more is felt that desperate death, being in towards oneself is imminent. 越是抵抗,越是感觉到那种绝望的死亡,正在朝自己迫近。 Damn, what headquarters there had, how unable to relate!?” “该死,指挥部那里发生了什么,怎么联系不上!?” On the forehead is twining bloodstained gauze alliance army Jōnin, battle after furiously, takes up hand-held communication to contact to the communications unit of fifth regiment, fights now, regimental commander Mifune of fifth regiment, including the squadron commander who these hold the post of the regiment important post, has not appeared unexpectedly, completely mysterious missing as, making him feel the anger and humiliation. 额头上缠绕着染血纱布的联盟军上忍,奋力的厮杀之后,拿起手持通讯器向第五联队的通讯部队进行联络,战斗到现在,第五联队的联队长三船,包括那些担任联队要职的中队长,竟然一个都没有出现,全部神秘失踪似的,让他感到愤怒和屈辱。 Does does not understand that the people of headquarters are making anything. 搞不明白指挥部的人到底在做什么。 The enemies have attacked this place, actually a response does not have. 敌人已经进攻到这个地方,竟然一个反应都没有。 However, what in communication transmits is the electromagnetic wave rustling sound after instrument breakdown, has met unable to receive the signal. 然而,通讯器中传来的是仪器故障后的电磁波沙沙声,已经接收不到信号。 ! 啪! The alliance army Jōnin air/Qi results in the complexion to be red, bears falls communication on the ground, steps on the broken impulsion. 联盟军上忍气得脸色通红,忍住将通讯器摔在地上,一脚踩碎的冲动。 Do not retrocede, resists the moment again quickly, the reinforcements-” “不要后退,再抵挡片刻,援军很快-” Unavoidablily, he has to issue such order, shouts the surrounding alliance army companions do not retrocede, must prevent the enemy here. 不得已之下,他只得下达这样的命令,呼喊着周围的联盟军同伴不要后退,必须在这里阻止敌人。 Titter! 噗嗤! The blade penetrates the physical body the sound, making this alliance army Jōnin body one stiff, the mouth voices painful sobbing. 刀刃穿透肉体的声音,让这名联盟军上忍身体一僵,嘴里发出一声痛苦的呜咽。 !” “唔!” He looks that passes through on the blade that from the waist side, is contaminating bright red bloodline. 他看着从腰侧贯穿出来的刀刃上,沾染着鲜红的血迹 Side looks, Hidden Mist shinobi unemotional looks at itself, then extracts the blade, jumps to flash rapidly backward, when the surrounding person, is separated from the team startled, falls into the sea of fire to vanish. 侧头看去,一名雾隐忍者面无表情的看着自己,然后抽出刀刃,迅速向后跳闪,在周围人愕然之际,脱离队伍,陷入火海之中消失。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Why he......” “为什么他……” In us mixed in the spy?” “我们之中混入了间谍吗?” Team leader, are you all right?” “队长,你没事吧?” Responded they, as if understood anything. 反应过来的他们,仿佛间明白了什么。 But this alliance army Chief Jōnin, is actually the severe wound sits on the ground, the meat pain on face turns in the same place, if not he responds is quick enough, that was not held a moment ago his leaning waist spot. 但这名联盟军上忍队长,却是重伤坐在地上,脸上的肉痛苦扭在一起,如果不是他反应够快,刚才那一下,就不是捅到他侧腰部位了。 Although the betrayal of his angry opposite party, what now is most important is the cure wound, otherwise , is incapable of battling in this case radically. 虽然他愤怒对方的背叛,但现在最重要的还是治愈伤口,不然的话,这种情况下,根本无力作战。 Konoha medical shinobi that wears enduring character headband hurried to run, he threw over the white long unlined gown that is covering entirely to burn, is raising the portable medical kit, flushed like lightning. 一名戴着‘忍’字护额木叶医疗忍者赶紧跑了上来,他披着布满烧痕的白色大褂,提着便携式医疗箱,闪电般冲了过来。 I do not have...... the matter......” “我没……事……” Alliance army Jōnin only sees together the silver light flash, neck one cool, the blood spews out. 联盟军上忍只看到一道银光闪过,脖子一凉,鲜血喷涌而出。 Sees only this medical shinobi to open the medical kit using the technique of adept, takes out the member technique blade, has wiped his throat rapidly. 只见这名医疗忍者以娴熟的手法打开医疗箱,从中取出一把手术刀,迅速抹过他的喉咙。 Alliance army Jōnin feels being incapable of body, the consciousness falls into the boundless darkness, fell down with the vacant mood, the body decreased temperature rapidly. 联盟军上忍感受到身体的无力,意识陷入无边的黑暗中,怀着茫然的心情倒在了地上,身体迅速降温。 Damn, he is also a rebel!” “该死,他也是叛徒!” Surrounding shinobi responded immediately, wanted to kill that Konoha medical shinobi. 周围的忍者顿时反应过来,想要上去杀死那名木叶医疗忍者 A blood dragon flies from the side, the passing over gently and swiftly land, hit to fly they. 一条血龙从侧旁飞来,掠过大地,撞飞了他们。 That Konoha medical shinobi does not return, takes the medical kit, loosens on the forehead enduring character headband, runs toward the battlefield outside. 那名木叶医疗忍者头也不回,带上医疗箱,解下额头上的‘忍’字护额,朝战场外跑去。 The defense line collapses at the first encounter , facing step that the enemy attacks, is unable to resist. 防线一触即溃,,面对敌军进攻的步伐,根本无从抵挡。 Wears Land of Demons Jōnin of silver Chakra armor, charges in the first line, the back has Land of Demons Unit shinobi, has strengthens the soldier a large number , the place visited just like the overwhelmingly superior force, breaks in the alliance army center of fifth regiment with irresistible force, further compresses the existing space of fifth regiment. 身穿银色查克拉铠甲的鬼之国上忍,冲锋在第一线,背后既有鬼之国忍者,亦有数量众多的强化士兵,所过之处宛如秋风扫落叶般,势如破竹冲入第五联队的联盟军腹地,进一步压缩第五联队的生存空间。 Such, almost performs in each defense line position of fifth regiment, the vigilant army, alerts that not to know teammate who mutually when betrays, but must without higher authority command staff, hits facing the unreleneting pursuit of enemy at the same time courageous, the situation could be said as disadvantageous to the extreme. 这样的一幕,几乎在第五联队的各个防线位置上演,互相警惕的部队,戒备那不知何时背叛的队友,还要在没有上级指挥人员的情况下,一边面对敌军的穷追勐打,局势可以说是不利到了极点。 Humming sound a flight ninja sound, is to make alliance army shinobi in battlefield feel fearful and apprehensive. 嗡嗡的飞行忍具声音,更是让战场上的联盟军忍者感到心惊胆战。 Although knows when the tangled warfare, the air force unit of opposite party will not project the ammunition, but light/only hears the sound, their innermost feelings have started to have the frightened psychology. 虽然知道在混战之时,对方的空军部队不会投射弹药,但是光是听到声音,他们的内心就已经开始产生恐惧的心理。 The warriors contract in the center of camp, accepts from escaping unceasingly alliance army shinobi, their each is wounded, dirty, escapes to the safe place, facial expression numb pouring on the ground, is given the treatment of medical officers. 武士们收缩在营地的腹地,不断接受着从外逃来的联盟军忍者,他们各个身上负伤,灰头土脸,逃到安全地方,神情麻木的倒在地上,接受着医疗人员的治疗。 As a result of the scarcity of medical resource, the manpower of medical troops face over ten thousand wounded person, is more anxious much burnt/anxious E, the stretcher and bed are insufficient, can only , whatever the wounded person lies down to conduct the emergency treatment. 由于医疗资源的紧缺,医疗部队的人手面对上万的伤员,也是急得烂头焦额,就连担架和床铺也不够用,只能任由伤员就地躺下进行紧急治疗。 However, facing encircling large-scale army, even if were the communications unit services the communication equipment, the alliance army headquarters are impossible to support here immediately. 然而,面对四面包围上来的大规模部队,哪怕是通讯部队维修好了通讯设备,联盟军总部也不可能立刻对这边进行支援。 Facing attacks like this courageous, the camp space of fifth regiment, insufficient original 1/10, moreover was being reduced the space fast. 面对这样的勐攻,第五联队的营地空间,已经不足原来的十分之一,而且还在被飞快压缩着空间。 They look like defend against a siege on an isolated island, all around surrounding sea, without the wooden raft and putting on, can only treat in same place, waits for looking upon with favor of shinigami. 他们就像是被困守在一座孤岛上,四周环海,没有木筏和穿,只能待在原地,等待死神的垂青。 Escaping technique the bloodshed, submerged over a thousand shinobi, each hit and swooping of blood dragon, can cause more than ten people of casualties. 遁术所化的血海,淹没了上千名忍者,血龙的每一次撞击和飞扑,都能造成十几人的伤亡。 Thunder Corps leader Chino, the time that the defense line that so long as stared by her, no army resists surpasses for three minutes. 雷光团的首领千乃,只要被她盯上的防线,没有一支部队抵抗的时间超过三分钟。 Her strength is equal to the Five Kage level, the subordinate all with thorn group same Secret Technique and Kekkei Genkai (Bloodline Limit) shinobi, is only their army, in a short time, causes the fifth regiment several thousand people of casualties sufficiently. 她的实力等同于五影的水准,麾下皆是和荆棘小组一样的秘术血继限界忍者,只是他们一支部队,就足以在短时间内,造成第五联队数千人的伤亡。 In situation that in fifth regiment regimental commander Mifune does not act, the Chino offensive makes alliance army shinobi be incapable of contending. 在第五联队联队长三船不出手的情况下,千乃的攻势让联盟军忍者无力抗衡。 They have withdrawn completely, now defends in the surrounding, almost turned into the Land of Iron warrior army.” “他们已经完全龟缩起来了,现在防守在外围的,差不多变成铁之国的武士部队了。” Thunder Corps assistant Ashin, has the stage to escape Kekkei Genkai (Bloodline Limit) shinobi, at this time arrives at the Chino side to say. 雷光团的副手风心,拥有台遁血继限界忍者,此时来到千乃的身边说道。 This was also too useless, 20,000 people of Unit shinobi, collapsed at the first blow unexpectedly. My final unique skill, has not applied.” “这也太没用了吧,两万人的忍者,竟然这么不堪一击。我的最后绝招,还没有派上用场。” After Chino hears, selected the eyebrow. 千乃听到后,挑了挑眉。 Does not have the means that in situation that in the headquarters are almost annihilated, but must guard against the rebels in army to sneak attack...... to be able at the same time to insist that this situation, is fierce.” “没办法,在指挥部差不多全军覆没的情况下,还要一边防范部队中的叛徒偷袭……能坚持到这个地步,已经算是厉害的了。” Ashin shakes the head. 风心摇了摇头。 If did not take the lead to take the headquarters of fifth regiment, wanted to obtain the victory quickly, was not the realistic matter, the price of sacrifice will also be bigger. 如果不是率先拿下了第五联队的指挥部,想要这么快取得战果,根本是不现实的事情,牺牲的代价也会更大。 Can under so many unfavourable factors, but can also create certain hindrance to their attacks, should say that worthily is the allied armies of five great nations. 能在这么多不利的因素下,还能对他们的进攻造成一定阻碍,应该说不愧是五大国的联军。 By shinobi, they are outstanding. 忍者而言,他们都非常优秀。 What a pity, the war does not have the coordinated view. 可惜,战争从没有对等的说法。 Them occupies the comprehensive suppression of information, equipment, population as well as top shinobi, only if the alliance army main force situated in Land of Rain can return to base rapidly, otherwise, suffering a defeat and fleeing has determined. 他们这边占据情报、装备、人数以及顶尖忍者的全面压制,除非位于雨之国的联盟军主力能迅速回防,不然,败亡是已经确定的。 Then hits with irresistible force, one breath decision result.” “接下来势如破竹打进去,一口气决定胜负。” A Chino palm move, in the bloodshed, splits several blood dragons again. 千乃手掌一招,身后的血海之中,再次分裂出数条血龙。 „It is not good. Until now, we had not been blocked by the warrior, that Mifune does not seem to be taken, but us placed in the people of fifth regiment headquarters is taken by him, continued to attack, they may be very in danger.” “不行。迄今为止,我们并未遭到武士的阻击,那位三船似乎没有被拿下,但我们这边安置在第五联队指挥部的人被他拿下了,继续攻打下去,他们很可能有生命危险。” Ashin is knitting the brows, stops the idea that Chino continued to attack. 风心皱着眉,阻拦了千乃继续攻打下去的想法。 Chino looks at Ashin, asked: What to do do you plan?” 千乃看着风心,问道:“你打算怎么办?” Since Mifune has not entered the war, means that he and alliance army now are not wholeheartedly, although we can eliminate him, but, we must pay the suitable price in that case. According to the speculation, Jōnin Chakra armor, may be unable to block his blade edge.” “既然三船没有参战,意味着他和联盟军现在并不是一心,虽然我们可以消灭他,但是那样一来,我们也要付出相当的代价。根据推测,上忍们身上的查克拉铠甲,可挡不住他的刀锋。” The Ashin words, let Chino looking pensive. 风心的话,让千乃若有所思。 Each Jōnin is the tremendous resource, wants to kill Mifune, as well as that several thousand warriors, even they, must pay certain price, further increases the casualties. 每一位上忍都是宝贵资源,想要杀死三船,以及那数千名武士,即便是他们,也要付出一定的代价,进一步加大伤亡。 But this casualties, as if are not the necessary product. 而这种伤亡,似乎并不是必要的产物。 Therefore, can go to negotiate with him now?” “所以,现在要去和他交涉是吗?” Chino continues to ask. 千乃继续问道。 Ashin nodded, looks to the last not attacked and occupied domain of front's fifth regiment, replied: At this moment, that warrior great general, is impossible unable to look at the present situation.” 风心点了点头,看向前方第五联队的最后一块没有被攻占的版图,回答道:“事到如今,那位武士大将,不可能看不出来眼下的局势。” Saying, he puts out communication, was saying to another side person: Makes all troops stop the attack temporarily, now since wartime negotiation stage.” 说着,他拿出通讯器,对着另一边的人说道:“让各部队暂时停下攻击,现在进入战时交涉阶段。” Quick, the fight sound in battlefield vanishes, is only left over sky the sound of flight ninja transmitting, but also releases in sky over continually. 很快,战场上的战斗声消失,只剩下天空中的飞行忍具传来的声音,还在上空持续释放。 Later, he and Chino looked at each other one, brings Thunder Corps and one team of Land of Demons shinobi, walks toward the fifth regiment last camp. 之后,他和千乃对视了一眼,带着雷光团和一队鬼之国忍者,向着第五联队最后一处营地走去。 Entrance that is guarded by the warriors, very vigilant Chino and the others nearness, but the palm according to the hilt of waist, have not drawn a sword, quarrels by the blade. 由武士们看守的入口,很是警惕千乃等人的靠近,但他们也只是将手掌按在腰间的刀柄上,并未拔刀,以刀刃相向。 But this gives Chino and the others without doubt a signal- warrior and shinobi are not a heart. 而这无疑给千乃等人一个信号-武士和忍者并非一条心。 Unit shinobi of alliance armed forces' fifth regiment almost gives way, although can also cause certain hindrance and casualties to Land of Demons, but from the unemployment problem of war, this casualties, in Chino and the others in tolerance ranges. 联盟军第五联队的忍者几乎垮掉,虽然还能给鬼之国造成一定的阻碍与伤亡,但以战争的宏观角度来说,这点伤亡,在千乃等人的承受范围之内。 If counter-attacks facing warriors close to five Kage Rank, the sacrifice will expand without doubt, the casualties, may surpass their initial budget to be many. 但是若是面对一位接近五影级的武士反扑,牺牲无疑会扩大,伤亡人数,可能会超过他们最初的预算很多。 Let alone, they place in the manpower of fifth regiment headquarters, but also was controlled by Mifune. 更别说,他们安置在第五联队指挥部的人手,还被三船控制起来了。 Sir Mifune, Thunder Corps Miss Chino requests to talk over the telephone.” 三船大人,雷光团千乃小姐要求通话。” The warriors go to return to again, to sitting quietly battalion's central Mifune, transmitted outside the camp the Thunder Corps negotiation condition. 武士冲介再次去而复返,向稳坐营地中央的三船,传达了营地外雷光团的交涉条件。 Negotiation? Our casualty do so many people, what also negotiate now? Regimental commander, now is placed in the present path, only then, that is kills, with their fight in which both sides perish!” “交涉?我们都死伤了这么多人,现在还去交涉什么?联队长,现在摆在眼前的道路只有一条,那就是杀出去,和他们鱼死网破!” Some disposition violent being wounded squadron commanders, are unable to endure this humiliation the result, is only thinking before the point of death, kills some enemies. 一些脾性暴烈的负伤中队长,无法忍受这种屈辱的结局,只想着在临死之前,多杀一些敌人。 Even if they will be defeated, but the enemy wants to eliminate them, must pay the price of blood. 纵然他们会失败,但敌人想要消灭他们,也要付出血的代价。 Said right, before that first offers a sacrifice to the flag with these rebels, revenged for the companion of dying!” “说得对,在那之前,先拿这些叛徒祭旗,为死去的同伴报仇!” Has killed red eyes squadron commander Jōnin, the eye stares to want sweeping of crack to rebel who’ was bound, altogether more than 20 people, two Jōnin, other all are Chūnin. 已经杀红眼的中队长上忍,目瞪欲裂的扫向被绑缚住的‘叛徒’,一共二十多人,其中两名上忍,其余皆是中忍 These people sit on the ground, whatever the surroundings malicious look looks steadily, does not say a word, remains silent. 这些人坐在地上,任由周围恶意的眼神盯视,不发一言,保持沉默。 If continues to make war, they also realized that waits for own, what destiny can be. 如果继续开战,他们也意识到等待自己的,会是什么样的命运。 By their conditions, no one can save them. 以他们这个状况,没有人可以救得了他们。 Anger I can understand, but please be calm, periphery has a look at already the companion who is unable to fight, you are really willing to look that they did sacrifice completely?” “各位的愤怒我可以理解,但是还请冷静一下,看看周围已经无法战斗的同伴,你们真的愿意看着他们全部牺牲掉吗?” Mifune sighed, periphery the direction. 三船叹息了一声,指向周围。 Because the medical land is scarce, here, covered entirely the wounded person. 由于医疗用地紧缺,就连这边,也是布满了伤员。 The wailing sound and sob sound became one piece, many people are the facial expression are more numb, obviously received the huge stimulation, on the face the will of 1 fight did not have, in the fear look, is earnestly seeking the faith of going on living. 哀嚎声与哭泣声响成了一片,不少人更是神情麻木,显然是受到了巨大的刺激,脸上一点战斗的意志都没有,害怕的眼神中,更是渴求着活下去的信念。 Although also has, even if wounded, must fight shinobi until death, at the point of death hugged before is killing one not to owe, kills two people gained the idea. But, the fighting will of entire alliance armed forces' fifth regiment, is withering rapidly, is the inarguable fact. 虽然其中也有即便负伤,也要战斗至死的忍者,临死之前抱着杀一个不亏,杀两人赚了的想法。可是,整个联盟军第五联队的战斗意志,正在迅速萎缩,也是不容争辩的事实。 That side headquarters could not have related, Land of Grass alliance army principal force, also cannot relate, but I want even relates on, their side estimate are not quite good. The wounded person who shinobi that here can fight, less than 3000 people, has remained majority that is unable to fight. This means anything, I think that everyone is clear.” “总部那边已经联系不上了,草之国的联盟军主力部队,也同样联系不上,但我想即便联系上,他们那边估计情况也不太好。这边能战的忍者,已经不足三千人,剩下来的大部分都是无法战斗的伤员。这意味着什么,我想各位是清楚的。” Mifune sighed. 三船叹了口气。 This fight, presents the spy from the interior, Thunder Corps rebels, after the communication section was blown up, he knows that was impossible to win. 这场战斗,从内部出现间谍,雷光团反叛,通讯部被炸毁之后,他就知道不可能胜利了。 Leaves behind a face complex crowd, Mifune leads in the trusted subordinate the corner/horn and to/clashes, as well as two teams of warriors, walk toward the camp. 留下一脸复杂的人群,三船带着亲信里角和冲介,以及两队武士,向营地外走去。 Outside the camp, saw Thunder Corps that waits for seriously, numerous Land of Demons shinobi. 在营地外,看到了严肃以待的雷光团,还有一众鬼之国忍者 The rear area is the dense crowd, large number of armored gun carriers, form the establishment team, becomes the formation to dispel. 后方更是黑压压的人群,大量的装甲炮车,更是形成编制队伍,成队列排开。 Massive alliance army shinobi, becomes the captive. 在这其中,还有大量的联盟军忍者,成为了阶下之囚。 Mifune sees this, the heart is startled in Land of Demons can mobilize so the expedition army of scale unexpectedly, from the population, has only gone far beyond the fifth regiment population sum total. 三船看到这一幕,心惊于鬼之国竟然能调动如此规模的征战部队,光从人数上来说,就已经远远超过第五联队人数总和。 Never expected that Thunder Corps unexpectedly is also the special combat unit that the Land of Demons military trains, this also is really surprising.” “没想到雷光团竟然也是鬼之国军方培训出来的特殊作战部队,这还真是令人惊讶。” Mifune arrived here, looks to take the leading positions Thunder Corps, as well as leader Chino, the feeling is incomparable. 三船来到这里,看着作为领导地位的雷光团,以及首领千乃,感慨无比。 Unnecessary words were needless saying that Mifune your excellency should see clearly the present situation, fought this stage, opportunity that the fifth regiment has not turned defeat into victory, even only needed me to order, the entire fifth regiment will also unravel.” “多余的话就不用说了,三船阁下应该看清楚现在的局势,战斗到这个阶段,第五联队已经没有反败为胜的机会,甚至只需要我一声令下,整个第五联队也会灰飞烟灭。” Chino powerful said the words. 千乃气势十足的将话语说出来。 Mifune had not been shocked, but the undulating nod said: This situation old man also understands, does not know Miss Chino does negotiate now, what condition wants?” 三船并未被震慑到,只是澹澹点头道:“这种局势老夫亦是明白,不知道千乃小姐现在进行交涉,想要什么样的条件?” Lets your warrior evacuations, and returns to fall in the warrior hand captures, we will not split with the neutral country on own initiative.” “让你们的武士撤离,并且交还落在武士手中俘虏,我们不会主动与中立国交恶。” Chino direct explanation purpose in coming. 千乃直接说明来意。 shinobi of that fifth regiment?” “那第五联队的忍者呢?” If they are willing to surrender, we will be the international humanitarian spirit, does not harm their lives. But if resists stubbornly , can only rout them thoroughly.” “如果他们愿意投降,我们会出于国际人道主义精神,不危害他们的性命。但若是负隅顽抗,也只能彻底击溃他们了。” On the face of Chino palm of the hand size, filled withering, the red eye pupil is glittering the strange brilliance. 千乃巴掌大小的脸上,充满了肃杀,红色的眼眸闪烁着奇异的光辉。 The land of under foot is incarnadine, is her Ninjutsu causes, a little bit blood bead starts to float upwardly, is bright just like the gem of drop blood. 脚下的大地染红,是她的忍术导致,一滴滴的血珠开始向上漂浮,宛如滴血的宝石明亮。 Oh...... old man now the regimental commander of fifth regiment.” “唉……老夫现在还是第五联队的联队长。” Explanation white spot.” “说明白点。” Chino stares to Mifune. 千乃瞪向三船 Mifune said calmly: Old man can represent the fifth regiment surrender.” 三船平静说道:“老夫可以代表第五联队投降。” Mifune your excellency, you are only a warrior, I advised politely you do not mind others' business. Does not have the gate to the protracted time.” 三船阁下,你只是武士,我奉劝你不要多管闲事。向拖延时间没门。” Chino coldly said. 千乃冷冷说道。 In the eye has emitted murderous aura. 眼睛里已经冒出杀气 The time drags for a long time, alliance army shinobi in camp, will restore one point of battle efficiency, when the time comes facing having the prepared alliance army, their here sacrifices will definitely expand. 时间拖得越久,营地中的联盟军忍者,就会多恢复一分战斗力,到时候面对有所准备的联盟军,他们这边的牺牲肯定会扩大。 30 minutes. In 30 minutes, the old man will persuade resistance shinobi, to Miss Chino a satisfactory answer.” “三十分钟。三十分钟内,老夫会劝服反抗的忍者,给千乃小姐一个满意的答复。” Mifune also saw the Chino difficulty, she hopes that the fifth regiment surrender, so many shinobi have prepared counter-attack after all, to here Unit Land of Demons, will cause big casualties. In addition the way out has broken, counter-attack of alliance army, will be very crazy, the time drags for a long time, to Land of Demons is disadvantageous. 三船也看出了千乃的难处,她希望第五联队投降,毕竟这么多忍者有所准备的反扑,会给这里的鬼之国,造成不小的伤亡。加上生路已断,联盟军的反扑,会无比疯狂,时间拖得越久,对鬼之国越是不利。 Therefore, he proposed 30 minutes of inducing somebody to capitulate time. 所以,他提出三十分钟的劝降时间。 After Chino hears, closely is frowning, as if seriously was considering. 千乃听到后,紧紧皱着眉头,似乎在认真考虑。 If 30 minutes pass by, but also without result what to do?” “如果三十分钟过去,还没有结果怎么办?” 30 minutes of words, she can wait actually. 只是三十分钟的话,她倒是等得起。 After all the fifth regiment has become the island of resistance in encirclement ring, even if as a result of the stimulation of grief and indignation, lets their fighting will large scale enhancement, is impossible to escape from the encirclement ring. 毕竟第五联队已经成为了包围圈中的孤军,就算由于悲愤的刺激,让他们的战斗意志大幅度增强,也不可能逃出包围圈。 Based on this situation, Chino thought that can give the opportunity that the alliance a army consideration surrenders. 基于这种情况,千乃觉得可以给联盟军一个考虑投降的机会。
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