EFK :: Volume #6

#277 Part 2: Stave

The remnant shadow reverberation ground, washes out to stay in same place electric light, in the front makes the cliff. 残影回向地面,冲散停留在原地的电光,在前方造出断崖。 The of terrified aura from the image of Buddha, Hashirama wants 悚然的气息从佛像背后袭来,柱间想要 Returns to base, giant arm recycling that however wields at this time actually already without enough time. 回防,然而此时挥出去的巨臂回收却已来不及。 Under the Ruri Dojutsu (Eye Technique) revolution, circles to image of Buddha back Ayane in a flash, in the huge mouth, white aurora spews out. 琉璃瞳术运转下,一瞬间绕到佛像背后的绫音,巨口之中,一道白色极光喷涌而出。 The entire Senju image of Buddha in shining of white light beam, the bystander can only see a white ray, swallows the Senju image of Buddha, shines to the distant place, the be continuous several kilometers get down. 整个千手佛像都在白色光束的照耀中,外人只能看到一片白茫茫的光芒,将千手佛像吞噬,照射向远方,绵延数公里下去。 " This way the grandfather Sir will be defeated. " Tsunade whole face unwilling looks at all these. 「这样下去祖父大人会落败・・・・・.」纲手满脸不甘心的看着这一切。 Short advantage that Hashirama makes, under this strikes, immediately disintegrates. Tobirama knits the brows does not speak, similarly felt the thorniness of matter. 柱间制造出来的短暂优势,在这一击之下,立刻土崩瓦解。扉间皱眉不语,同样感到了事情的棘手。 Opposite party the ingenuity of very tactical use, holds the Senju image of Buddha to intend is not then able to rotate the defensive full power immediately the crevice, circled to launches the surprise attack behind suddenly, created the unexpected sure-kill effect, ate this to strike hardly, even if will be the Senju image of Buddha will unable to endure. 对方的战术利用的十分巧妙,抓住了千手佛像全力出手接着无法立刻回转防守的空隙,绕到身后猛然发起突袭,造成出其不意的绝杀效果,硬吃这一击,哪怕是千手佛像也会吃不消。 " The rebel does to honor, Tsuchikage Dust Release had certainly the big use at this time! " Fourth Raikage is also angry exceptionally. As the alliance army head, the battlefield is not even able to enter unexpectedly, such experience, really makes him feel the humiliation. Therefore, causes three generations of Mizukage that Ōnoki died regarding the sneak attack, is clenching jaws of hatred. 「要不是叛徒作崇,土影尘遁一定在这时派上大用场!」四代雷影同样恼怒异常。作为联盟军首脑,竟然连战场都无法进入,这样的经历,实在让他倍感屈辱。因此,对于偷袭致使大野木死亡的三代水影,更是痛恨的咬牙切齿。 " Makes me go. " 「让我去吧。」 At this time, whole body scar walked, on his face silent, later is determined to resemble, said. 这时,满身伤痕的凯走了出来,他的脸上沉默了下来,随后下定了决心似的,开口说道。 " , You thinks 「凯,你难道想・・・ Tsunade one startled, understood the triumphant intention quickly, stared wide-eyed. 纲手一惊,很快明白了凯的用意,瞪大眼睛 " Initially for Sir , if failed, our here situations will be further bad. Moreover, I and Teacher Ruri also not fights completely, if not seize this time opportunity, later perhaps did not have that good opportunity. " 「初代大人要是失败,我们这边的局势就会进一步恶劣下去。而且,我和琉璃老师也有一场未尽的战斗,如果不把握住这次的机会,以后恐怕就没有那么好的机会了。」 The triumphant facial expression is earnest. 凯的神情认真。 " But, used that style, you can also- 「可是,用了那个招式,你也会- " Perhaps, but the youth did not allow the regret exists. My words, do not know that can achieve what degree, but, I think that I at least can solve two people. " 「也许吧,但是青春是不容许后悔存在。我的话,不知道能够做到什么程度,但是,我认为自己至少可以解决掉其中的两人。」 The triumphant words are silent with Tsunade, then sighed. 凯的话用纲手沉默下来,接着叹了口气。 " I understood. Finally what you have to confess? " Tsunade looks with the complex look. 「我明白了。最后你还有什么要交代的吗?」纲手用复杂的眼神看向凯。 Shakes the head, the expression becomes very serious, in the eye is glittering the light glimmer, probably is recalling anything 凯摇了摇头,表情变得十分严肃,眼睛里闪烁着淡淡的微光,像是在回忆着什么 Then, his body runs, withstand/top such as blade fresh breeze that is assailing to come, flushes away toward the battlefield of front fluctuation terrifying aura. 接着,他的身体奔跑出去,顶着吹袭而来的如刀劲风,向着前方波动恐怖气息的战场冲去。 The thumb of right hand, pressed quietly in own heart position. 右手的大拇指,也是悄然之间按在了自己的心脏位置。 Has the energy of meaning of warming scalding hot, is mobile in within the body, turns toward the heart position to gather quietly. 一股灼热带有温暖之意的能量,在体内流动,悄然间向着心脏位置汇聚。 The triumphant body, presented the setting sun color red steam, one such as in fall faded and fallen red maple leaf, drags with the wind. " Dead gate opens! " 凯的身上,出现了夕阳色的红色蒸汽,一如秋日中飘零的红色枫叶,随风摇曳。「死门・・・・开!」 In smog that gradually covers, the chest position of Senju image of Buddha starts out a giant cave entrance, almost hollows out the entire chest of Senju image of Buddha, back arm, is scattered, is only left over a few is only well-preserved. 逐渐掩盖的烟雾中,千手佛像的胸膛位置开出一个巨大的洞口,几乎把千手佛像的整个胸膛挖空,背后的手臂,也是零零散散,只剩下少数几只还保存完好。 Right leg incomplete half, can only sitting in an extremely difficult situation fall down, motionless, just like dying thing. 右腿残缺了一半,只能狼狈不堪的坐倒在地上,一动不动,宛如死物。 Hashirama arm exploded he casts off the image of Buddha runs, while makes the slip of paper that dances in the air to follow to come gather the arm, spreads out with the Shiraishi three people unceasingly. 柱间的一条手臂被炸他甩开佛像一边奔跑,一边让飞舞跟随而来的纸片汇聚成手臂,不断与白石三人拉开距离。 Looks to running Hashirama, the Shiraishi vision sweeps off, catches the form that Hashirama runs away quickly. 看向奔跑中的柱间,白石目光扫去,很快捕捉到柱间逃窜的身影。 " It seems like this move regarding the body of Edo Tensei, is very strenuous, without the means uses immediately the second time. " Shiraishi is saying, then the squatting down body, pours into own Senjutsu to Ayane within the body, has the beaten flesh the bone that she breaks gets back. 「看来这个招数对于秽土转生之身来说,也是非常吃力,没办法立即使用第二次。」白石这么说着,然后蹲下身子,将自己的仙术注入到绫音的体内,将她断裂的骨头还有被打烂的血肉恢复过来。 " My changed the body to relieve, finished him while the present. " 「我的变身要解除了,趁现在结束他。」 Ayane feels the aching feeling in within the body gradually to vanish, the spirit inspires, must pursue. 绫音感受着体内的疼痛感逐渐消失,精神一振,就要追击上去。 , The form falls into the field of vision fiercely together, attracted her attention, making her stop the action of pursuit. Ruri and Shiraishi are also turn the head to look, obviously also induces anything, that was suddenly appears in the field of vision together 猛地,一道身影落入视野之中,吸引了她的注意力,让她停下了追击的行动。琉璃白石也是转头看去,显然也是感应到了什么,那是一道突然出现在视野中 By form that one group of red steam package solid. 被一团红色蒸汽严实包裹住的身影。 Please remember this book first round domain name:. Cell phone version reading website: 请记住本书首发域名:。手机版阅读网址:
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