EFK :: Volume #6

#277 Part 1: Stave

Above desolated broken land, five giant door that is carving the fierce malicious ghost statue rises straight from the ground towering, then intercepts on only way that together , in the white light beam goes forward. 荒芜残破的大地之上,五道雕刻着狰狞恶鬼雕像的巨大门扉突兀拔地而起,一道接着一道拦截在白色光束前进的必经之道上。 The white light beam from in the air has delimited, the quick firing, outshines the nighttime sky at the same time, is twisting light beam nearby air slightly. 白色的光束从空中划过,急射而出,照亮夜空的同时,也微微扭曲着光束附近的空气。 This pure white light beam artillery, in instantly, is without hesitation the hit that five giant leaves raise up in the door, is only time in an instant, penetrates the front three firm thick leaves, but two leaves that remains, although was also penetrated, but as a result of the door strong defensive power, deflects the track that the white light beam went forward at the final moment slightly, the danger and danger avoids the position that Hashirama and the others evacuated, hit the mountain massif of distant place. 这道纯白的光束炮,在五道巨大门扉竖起的刹那,毫不迟疑命中在门扉上,只是一转眼的时间,就将前面三道坚厚的门扉穿透,而剩下来的两道门扉,虽然也被穿透而过,但由于门扉强大的防御力,在最后时刻微微偏转了白色光束前进的轨道,险而又险避开了柱间等人撤离的方位,击中了更远处的山体。 The deafening explosive sound resounds through the world immediately, the white spherical fluctuation of energy, takes shape from the land suddenly, causes to cover the mountain massif in sphere energy impact, as well as nearby land and forest, vanish in the flash. 震耳欲聋的爆炸声顿时响彻天地,白色的球状能量波动,从大地上猛然成型,导致笼罩在球形能量冲击中的山体,以及附近的土地与林木,都在一瞬间内消失殆尽。 Earth-shaking shivering, has not gone far away from the world, depressed thunderous continuous, but also is rocking this being unbearable lands. 惊天动地的颤抖,还未从天地间远去,沉闷的雷鸣持续不断,还在晃动着这片不堪忍受的土地。 " Mountain vanished. " 「山・・・・・・消失了。」 Tobirama and the others surprised looks to distant place that vanishing mountain top, it can be said that eradicates, nearby land and woods, has not escaped, with the mountain massif vanishes together during the energy attacks. 扉间等人吃惊的看向远处那座消失的山头,可以说是连根拔起,附近的土地与树林,也没有逃过一劫,和山体一同消失在能量冲击之中。 " Really is the exaggerating destructive power, this already above Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) pure Bijūdama (Tailed Beast Ball). " 「真是夸张的破坏力,这已经在九尾单纯的尾兽玉之上了。」 Tobirama deeply inspires, without five heavy Rashomon that deflections, this impact blasts out in their center directly, shinobi of body of their these Edo Tensei said fortunately, fate that but others all extinguish mostly. 扉间深深吸了一口气,如果没有五重罗生门那一下的偏转,这道冲击直接在他们中央炸开,他们这些秽土转生之身的忍者还好说,但其余人多半是全灭的下场。 Hashirama looks at this, without spoken language, but also felt the dreadful pressure. 柱间看着这一幕,没有言语,但也感受到了滔天般的压力。 If only one person, he copes with actually not the too tremendous pressure, if two people, can depend upon the Wood Style particularity to deal with reluctantly, at least can guarantee in a short time the undefeated, but disposable can threaten own shinobi facing three strengths, even the god of his shinobi, will still have the powerless feeling that one type is unable to defeat. 如果只是一人,他对付起来其实并没有太大的压力,若是两人,勉强可以依靠木遁的特殊性应付过去,起码可以保证短时间内不败,但是一次性面对三个实力能威胁到自己的忍者,即便是他这个忍者之神,也会产生一种无法战胜的无力感。 Be that as it may, is facing the fatal threat of this rank, his body also made the corresponding preparation automatically . Moreover, an extremely intense will, is disturbing own thought unceasingly, attempts to extinguish his consciousness ocean, becomes one thoroughly the controlled puppet. 话虽如此,在面对这种级别的致命威胁,他的身体也是自动做出了相应的准备,而且,还有一股极为强烈的意志,在不断干扰自己的思维,企图将他的意识溟灭,成为一具彻底被人操控的傀儡。 The Hashirama corners of the mouth reveal to wipe the worried helpless smile, has suppressed the innermost feelings fight obviously vigorously the desire, but the technique -type binding force, that closely associated perturbed force, making him have to according to the will action of technique. 柱间嘴角流露出一抹苦恼的无奈笑容,明明已经极力压制内心战斗的欲望,但术式的束缚力,还有那股如影随形的干扰力,让他不得不按照术者的意志行动。 Therefore, his both hands probably stable clergy gathers ten. 于是,他的双手像是安定的僧侣般合十。 senjutsu chakra that within the body flows, enlivened the pinnacle, started to turn toward the land of under foot to pour into has the energy of life characteristics 体内流动起来的仙术查克拉,活跃到了极致,开始向着脚下的大地注入带有生命特性的能量 The land of under foot exudes ka ka the sound, probably splits together the tiny opening, however ran out of massive vines from the opening, then these vines grow crazily, drives the body of Hashirama, flying to be the same to the sky. 脚下的大地发出咔咔的响声,像是裂开一道细小的口子,然而从裂口中冲出了大量的藤蔓,接着这些藤蔓疯狂生长,将柱间的身体带动起来,飞向天空一般。 But the vine of Hashirama under foot, in the process of growth, the rapid distortion twists, can see the huge model the fuzzy outline. 柱间脚下的藤蔓,在生长的过程中,迅速变形扭曲,能够看出巨大模型的模糊轮廓。 " Sage Art Wood Style logarithm Senju! " 仙法木遁・真数千手!」 Towering rattan wood of distortion, the incarnation becomes one big such as the giant image of Buddha of mountain. 扭曲的参天藤木,化身成一座高大如山的巨大佛像。 The image of Buddha is built by the hardwood of Wood Style manufacture all over the body, just like sitting in contemplation to sit cross-legged to sit on the ground, holds their palms together, Senju that the back opens, has to plant does not get angry from the constriction of prestige, the stance of standing rock-firm, even if changes the rabbit body, wears on Ayane of Susanoo armor, has a feeling dwarfed feeling in volume. 佛像通体由木遁制造的硬木打造,宛如老僧入定盘膝坐在地上,双手合十,背后张开的千手,更是有种不怒自威的压迫感,巍然屹立的姿态,哪怕变化兔身,着上须佐能乎铠甲的绫音,在体积方面也是有种小巫见大巫的感觉。 The under body of human in the eye of image of Buddha hides, seems like the ants general size, the shape is insignificant with the Egyptian dust. The power and prestige imposing great rabbit, saw the giant Senju image of Buddha that rises straight from the ground suddenly, bone-chilling cold such as the imposing manner of blade, cannot help but obstructs. 人类的躯体在佛像的眼皮子底下,更是显得如同蝼蚁一般大小,形同埃尘微不足道。原本威风凛然的巨兔,陡然看到拔地而起的巨大千手佛像,凛冽如刀的气势,也是不由得一窒。 Is built on Shiraishi and Ruri of Ayane rabbit body top of the head, all narrows the eye, to Wood Style Senjutsu that the god of this shinobi displayed, immediately praised to the heavens. 立于绫音兔身头顶的白石琉璃,皆是眯起了眼睛,对这位忍者之神施展出来的木遁仙术,顿时叹为观止起来。 Chakra who although oppresses, is not enough to create the disturbance to their actions, but the threat feeling is actually not able to erase. If not deal carefully, perhaps they will also eat to owe greatly. 虽然压迫过来的查克拉,不足以对他们的行动造成干扰,但威胁感却无法抹除。如果不小心应对,他们说不定也会吃上大亏。 " Chakra of human may unexpectedly 「人类的查克拉竟然可 By powerful to this situation, no wonder spot that fellow will lose the fight in the valley of end. " 以强大到这个地步,难怪斑那个家伙会在终结之谷输掉战斗。」 Ruri looks at all these interestingly, somewhat understood why their Uchiha Clan ancestor Uchiha Madara, in the valley of end, will lose to the god of this shinobi. Even if the pupil strength of use eternal eye, controls Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) to battle together, cannot defeat as before, can only depend upon the schemes and tricks, lives on dishonorably like the mouse in the Ninja World darkness, only dares after the opposite party dies plans. Now Hashirama gave this answer. 琉璃饶有兴趣看着这一切,有些理解为什么他们宇智波一族的先祖宇智波斑,会在终结之谷,败给这位忍者之神了。哪怕是利用永恒之眼的瞳力,操控九尾一同作战,也依旧没能战胜,只能依靠阴谋诡计,像老鼠一样苟活在忍界的黑暗中,只敢在对方死后进行算计。现在柱间给出了这个答案。 It is not the strength of spot is too weak, but is the strength of god of this shinobi, extremely in violating common sense. 并非斑的力量太弱,而是这位忍者之神的实力,太过于违反常理。 Front Mokuryū no Jutsu (Wood Dragon) is also good, Nativity of a World of Trees, regarding the opposite party, can only be the exploratory attack of warm-up period at best. 前面的木龙之术也好,树界降诞也罢,对于对方而言,充其量只能算是热身阶段的试探性进攻吧。 The Shiraishi calm complexion, the earnest color on face aggravated several points, approved the view of Ruri. 白石沉着脸色,脸上的认真色彩又是加重了几分,认同了琉璃的说法。 " Besides Kazuhime, I also the first time is saw that some people have such huge Chakra. Although Chakra of that Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) boy is also very huge, but came from Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) mostly, does not calculate oneself truly have. " 「除了一姬之外,我也是第一次见到有人拥有这么庞大的查克拉。虽然那个九尾小子的查克拉也很庞大,但是其中大部分来自于九尾,并不算自己真正拥有。」 In present Ninja World, has Bijuu (Tailed Beast) rank Chakra's shinobi to be many, but arrives at this rank even shinobi, has the enormous disparity. After all disparity also ten points of big between Bijuu (Tailed Beast) and Bijuu (Tailed Beast), the strength and Chakra are imbalanced. 在如今的忍界之中,拥有尾兽级别查克拉的忍者并不少,但即便是到达这个级别的忍者,亦是存在着极大的差距。毕竟尾兽尾兽之间的差距也十分之大,实力与查克拉并不均衡。 Bijuu (Tailed Beast) magnitude Chakra, but arrives at the fuzzy definition of some level, between the lower limit and upper limit, have a huge blank. 尾兽量级查克拉,只是到达某个水准的模糊定义,下限与上限之间,亦有着一片巨大的留白。 If Fourth Raikage and Hoshigaki Kisame this kind of the total quantity of having Bijuu (Tailed Beast) level Chakra shinobi, is 2 or 3, then, Kazuhime with the Chakra total quantity of god of this shinobi, at least can achieve 7 ranks, and even more. 如果说四代雷影干柿鬼鲛这类拥有尾兽级查克拉忍者的总量,是二或者三,那么,一姬与这位忍者之神的查克拉总量,至少可以达到七的级别,甚至更多。 Can in Chakra measures on exceeds their existences, only had the investigation extremely lifeform of ten this violation common senses probably. 能在查克拉量上超越他们的存在,大概只有十尾这种违背常理的究极生物了。 " This share of Chakra, only then three of us add almost to exceed. " Ayane mouth, although arrives surprisedly to the Hashirama Chakra feeling of quantity, in the tone that but spoke too has not worried or anxious, but treated with a moderation, " , but, the fight through not competing Chakra's many decided the victory and defeat, therefore this minor matter does not absolutely need to care. " 「这股查克拉,只有我们三人加起来差不多才能超越。」绫音咧着嘴巴,尽管对柱间的查克拉量感到惊讶,但说话的语气中并没有太多担忧或者紧张,只是以一种平常心来对待,「不过,战斗又不是通过比拼查克拉的多少来决定胜负,所以这种小事根本没必要在乎。」 " In brief, first by the past, otherwise my Ninjutsu may not have the means to collect the effect directly. " Shiraishi nodded, told the Ayane action. 「总之,先靠过去,不然我的忍术可没办法直接凑效。」白石点了点头,吩咐绫音行动。 Ruri and Ayane do not excel at Sealing Technique, common Sealing Technique, Chakra who is unable to suppress Hashirama within the body, battles continually, their Chakra first step may exhaust, can only depend upon his soul Forbidden Technique to aim, extracts the soul of opposite party, seals. 琉璃绫音都不擅长封印术,寻常的封印术,也无法镇压柱间体内的查克拉,持续作战下去,他们的查克拉可能会先一步耗尽,只能依靠他的灵魂禁术进行针对,将对方的灵魂抽取出来,进行封存。 " That on! " 「那就上了!」 Ayane rubbish, this condition consumes Chakra, if cannot end the fight within the given time, her giving birth condition, will be forced to relieve. 绫音没有废话,这种状态十分消耗查克拉,如果不能在规定时间内结束战斗,她的免身状态,就会被迫解除。 Facing so giant Senju image of Buddha, she does not think at present only depends on Ruri complete body Susanoo, can deal alone. 面对眼前如此巨大的千手佛像,她不觉得仅凭琉璃的完全体须佐能乎,可以独自应对。 Therefore, fighting a battle to force a quick decision is the best way. 因此,速战速决是最好的办法。 The imposing manner of rushing erupts from the Ayane rabbit loudly, in the Hashirama calm look, ran to rapidly came up to want the flexible speed compared with Bijuu (Tailed Beast), exposed with nothing left, in addition the (Raiton) Lightning Style stimulation of Ruri on Ayane, lets her 澎湃的气势从绫音的兔身上轰然爆发,在柱间沉着的眼神中,迅速奔跑冲了上来远比尾兽要灵活的速度,在绫音身上展露无遗,加上琉璃雷遁刺激,更是让她 The cell of whole body is at the activation condition, further enhanced the speed and reaction. 全身的细胞都处于活性化状态,进一步提升了速度与反应力。 Ruri complete body Susanoo grasped the double sword fight, Ayane that but knows nothing about regarding Kenjutsu, sword blade type of weapon will only hinder her fight, reduces efficiency that she fights. To her, not compared with a fist more practical weapon. 原本琉璃的完全体须佐能乎是手持双剑战斗,但是对于剑术一窍不通的绫音来说,剑刃这种兵器只会妨碍她的战斗,降低她战斗的效率。对她来说,没有比拳头更加实用的兵器了。 Therefore the body surface after on Chakra armor, in the hand of Ayane is also empty, stays the unarmed condition, to front wields a palm void fiercely. 因而身躯表面在着上查克拉铠甲后,绫音的手中也是空无一物,保持赤手空拳的状态,对着前方的虚空猛地挥出一掌。 Sat cross-legged to be situated the Senju image of Buddha in land, starts pull stand to stand up, facing the high-speed surprise attack of Ayane, the seemingly unwieldy body, the reaction speed is not slow, by wooden palm response. 原本盘膝坐落于大地上的千手佛像,开始拔立站起,面对绫音的高速突袭,看似笨重的躯体,反应速度一点都不迟钝,以木制的手掌回应。 Bang! 轰! Two gangs of Chakra dashes mutually, inspires ripples void, makes the depressed heavy bass sound. Shakes the powder to all around impact, causes the fierce storm. 两股查克拉互相冲撞,引动虚空荡漾,发出沉闷至极的重低音声响。震散向四周的冲击,引起剧烈的风暴。 " Sage Art Grand Fire Extermination! " 仙法豪火灭失!」 In instantly, colored glaze that the palm of palm and Senju image of Buddha of Ayane dashes 绫音的手掌与千手佛像的手掌冲撞起来的刹那,琉 In glass in Kou gathers senjutsu chakra, then sprays together the flame turbulent current toward the front Senju image of Buddha, charges into the face of Senju image of Buddha. 璃于口中汇聚仙术查克拉,然后向着前方的千手佛像喷射出一道火焰激流,冲向千手佛像的面部。 " Sage Art Wood Style Mokuryū no Jutsu (Wood Dragon)! " 仙法木遁木龙之术!」 Hashirama looks to charge into own flame turbulent current, fully realized that cannot by the direct hit, be summoned a giant Mulong immediately, coils its body, packages in all around, watertight that surrounds. 柱间看着冲向自己的火焰激流,深知不能被直接命中,立刻召唤出一条巨大的木龙,将其身躯盘曲,包裹在四周,围拢的水泄不通。 The flame turbulent current blasts out on Mulong, changes into a sea of fire rapidly , to continue to burn on Mulong, the Senju image of Buddha head is also contaminating on the flaming roaring flame, in burning down of raging fire during. 火焰激流在木龙身上炸开,迅速化为一片火海,持续在木龙身上燃烧,连带着千手佛像头部也沾染上熊熊烈焰,处于烈火的焚烧之中。 Thump! 咚! Penetrates the atmospheric the sound, dozens are similar to the diamond hard wooden arm, front grips tightly the fist, is relentless the bombardment on the body of Ayane. 穿透大气的声音,数十只如同金刚石坚硬的木制手臂,前端紧握成拳,毫不留情轰击在绫音的身上。 All around the explosive sound resounds through continues unceasingly, the windblown dust flies to roll, is attacked by Senju image of Buddha giant arm, her ominous was also aroused, with palm that the Senju image of Buddha confronts, makes an effort to advance, has not retroceded one step. 爆炸声响彻四周持续不绝,尘烟飞滚而起,遭到千手佛像巨臂的攻击,她内心的凶性也被激起,与千手佛像对峙的手掌,更加用力推进,不曾后退一步。 But through strength that the giant arm instead shakes, lets the Senju image of Buddha humming sound the tremor. " Hot thunder! " 而通过巨臂反震回去的力道,也让千手佛像嗡嗡颤动。「火雷!」 Sees only that palm that Ayane wields, blooms suddenly the intense electric light, with the Senju image of Buddha palm of its contact, blasts open fiercely, changes into massive broken wooden dispersing. 只见绫音挥出去的那只手掌,猛然绽放出激烈的电光,与其接触的千手佛像手掌,猛地炸裂,化为大量的碎木飞散。 " Gods Vacuum Attack! " 神空击!」 Looks for this time, across the important pass that the Senju image of Buddha palm forms, Ayane that palm castrates does not reduce, long jab to the chest of Senju image of Buddha. 找准这个时机,穿过千手佛像手掌形成的关口,绫音那只手掌去势不减,直击向千手佛像的胸膛。 The huge Senju image of Buddha in the slating explosion sound, cannot help but shook backward drew back several steps, the position of chest, explodes an shocking pothole, looks astoundingly. 庞大的千手佛像在雷鸣般的轰响中,向后不由自主震退了几步,胸膛的位置,更是炸出一个触目惊心的坑洞,看着令人惊骇。 Regarding Mulong of Hashirama body, starts to integrate the Senju image of Buddha the top of the head to vanish, all around fire intensity slowly changes is also small, under the induction of Shiraishi, in these flame residual senjutsu chakra was being absorbed rapidly by the Senju image of Buddha. 围绕着柱间身躯的木龙,开始融入千手佛像的头顶消失,四周的火势也是慢慢变小,在白石的感应下,那些火焰中残留的仙术查克拉正被千手佛像迅速吸收掉。 Many senjutsu chakra release, the palm and chest that restore the Senju image of Buddha to damage from Hashirama within the body, becomes complete such as beginning. 更多的仙术查克拉柱间体内释放,恢复着千手佛像破损的手掌与胸膛,变得完好如初。 Regarding this situation, Ayane is not surprised, Wood Style recruits Chakra as well as restores the characteristics of creation, before then she has the understanding early. 对于这个情况,绫音并不感到意外,木遁吸收查克拉以及恢复创造物的特性,在此之前她早有了解。 Facing this existence, can only from the positive/direct steamroll in the past, not have the opportunity of being opportunistic. At this moment, Ayane feels by the side to transmit the change. 面对这种存在,只能从正面碾压过去,不会有投机取巧的机会。就在这时,绫音感受到侧旁传来异动。 A blade ray flashes through, Sakumo grasps the White Fang Tantō (Short Sword) form to fly to flash, finally on the dark-red Chakra armor, do not say the fissure, a mark seal has not stayed behind above, felt to cut, did not seem to cut. 一刀光芒闪过,朔茂握着白牙短刀的身影飞闪过去,结果暗红色的查克拉铠甲上,不要说裂痕,就连一丝的痕印都没有在上面留下,觉得砍了,又似乎没砍。 Fourth Raikage using the (Raiton) Lightning Style armor increase, the finger is a blade, polishes the sharp blade that it destroys the hardest defenses, is stays behind on Chakra armor together less than half foot deep opening. 四代雷影利用雷遁铠甲增幅,手指为刀,将其打磨成无坚不摧的利刃,也是堪堪在查克拉铠甲上留下一道不足半尺深的裂口。 Uchiha Izumi controls Susanoo, brandishes the long sword to divide, making the Chakra armor of Ayane body surface expose some Chakra fragments. 宇智波泉奈操控须佐能乎,挥舞长剑劈来,让绫音体表的查克拉铠甲抖落些许的查克拉碎屑。 Ayane impatient wields to strike the hand, hits to Uchiha Izumi. 绫音不耐烦的将手挥击出去,打向宇智波泉奈。 During Uchiha Izumi in the body flies upside down, Susanoo of whole body starts to collapse, the body is also starts to present the naked eye obvious fissure, changes into the paper scraps to disperse. 宇智波泉奈在身体倒飞之中,全身的须佐能乎开始崩溃,身体也是开始出现肉眼可见的裂痕,化为纸屑飞散。 Shiraishi swept one, the back soul whisker speeds along, catches up body that Uchiha Izumi flies upside down, to his body fast one volume, bringing the spirit body to fly back together. 白石扫了一眼,背后的灵魂触须飞驰出去,追上宇智波泉奈倒飞的身体,对着他的身躯快速一卷,带着一道灵体飞回。 " Izuna ! " 泉奈!」 The person of frontline propaganda is Uchiha Tajima. 喊话的人是宇智波田岛。 He wants to go forward to rescue, charged into Ayane without hesitation. " Tajima this idiot! " 他想要上前营救,毫不犹豫冲向了绫音。「田岛这个白痴!」 Among the Senju Buddha criticized one, but coordinates others to assist from the side, has not gone forward one step. Ruri casts aside excessively, Sharingan has delimited together the swift and fierce ray. 千手佛间暗骂了一声,只是配合其他人从侧旁协助,没有上前一步。琉璃撇过头,写轮眼划过一道凌厉的光芒。 " Unsophisticated thunder! " 「土雷!」 The land was covered by the blood-color thunder rapidly, embezzles the Uchiha Tajima thigh following spot, the intense feeling paralysis sweeps across the Uchiha Tajima whole body, keeping his whole body stiff in same place from moving. 大地迅速被血色的雷霆覆盖,将宇智波田岛大腿以下部位吞没,强烈的麻痹感席卷宇智波田岛全身,让他全身僵硬在原地无法动弹。 " Hateful you are also Uchiha why 「可恶・・・・・・你也是宇智波・・・・・・为什么・・・・・・ Uchiha Tajima could not speak immediately, the soul whisker broke in his within the body, drags to entrain together the spirit body crudely, falls into Shiraishi within the body to vanish. 宇智波田岛顿时说不出话了,灵魂触须冲入了他的体内,粗暴从中拖拽出一道灵体,落入白石的体内消失。 Fourth Raikage and the others complexion gloomy like water, suddenly thought that uses the technique of Edo Tensei for Land of Demons, is an incomparably wrong resolution. 四代雷影等人脸色阴沉如水,突然觉得对鬼之国使用秽土转生之术,是一个无比错误的决断。 Not is only the present fight, the fights of other alliance army regions, they also worry. 不仅仅是眼前的战斗,联盟军其余区域的战斗,他们也十分忧心。 The betrayal of Hidden Mist has been a foregone conclusion, does not know that side the alliance army headquarters how, they can only place hopes in Shikaku and Mabui two people can defend the situation, did not want the Land of Demons snare to be good. 雾隐的背叛已成定局,也不知道联盟军总部那边如何,他们只能寄希望于鹿久麻布依两人能够守住局势,不要中了鬼之国的圈套才好。 " It is not good, like this fight we cannot insert the hand. " 「不行,这样的战斗我们根本插不进去手。」 Sakumo falls back on the safety zone, grasps White Fang Tantō (Short Sword), the whole face has no alternative. 朔茂退到安全区域,手持白牙短刀,满脸无可奈何。 Was exceeded so many by own disciple, he is gratified, loses very much. 被自己的弟子超越这么多,他既是欣慰,也很失落。 With this complex mood, who he regarding this fight wins finally who loses, and does not have any interest. 怀着这种复杂的心情,他对于这场战斗最终谁胜谁负,并没有什么兴趣。 He is only a deceased person, only wants to extricate from this condition a bit faster, in addition, he does not have other ideas. But is unable to participate in fight this point, not only Sakumo sees this issue, others are also same. 他只是一个死人,只希望快点从这个状态解脱,除此之外,他没有其余的想法。而无法参与战斗这一点,不只是朔茂看出这个问题,其余人也是一样。 Facing the fight of this progression, they disturb the function of attention now, becomes minimal. But facing Shiraishi three people of pursuing to the end and hit hard, even if powerful such as the god of shinobi, cannot endure surely. 面对这种级数的战斗,他们现在就连干扰注意力的作用,都变得微乎其微。但面对白石三人的穷追猛打,哪怕强大如忍者之神,也必定吃不消。 Bang! 轰! The body of Ayane again and Senju image of Buddha hits violently, the blood red pupil stares towering. 绫音的身体再次和千手佛像激撞,血红的瞳孔突兀一瞪。 Hashirama feels dizzy immediately, an extremely strong shaking strength, as if penetrated the external body, directly is attacking his consciousness. 柱间顿时感到头昏眼花,一股极强的震力,仿佛穿透了外在的躯壳,直接在攻击他的意识。 Bountiful with the Hashirama willpower, is the body one stiff, but quickly gets back, the body flashed, fell back on rear area, making the soul whisker that flew from void come up empty-handed. 饶是以柱间的意志力,也是身体一僵,但很快恢复过来,身体一闪,退到了后方,让从虚空中飞来的灵魂触须扑空。 In the sky, peace passed over gently and swiftly the Senju image of Buddha top of the head, during the spark and electric light spatter in all directions, fires a row of missile. 天空中,和平者掠过千手佛像的头顶,在火花与电光迸溅之中,发射出一排导弹。 Hashirama looked that does not look at one, Senju image of Buddha dozens arms wields, the missile interception, explodes on the halfway directly. 柱间看都不看一眼,千手佛像数十只手臂挥出,直接将导弹截击下来,在半路上爆炸。 The flame and mist and dust ascended, swept across Ayane and Senju image of Buddha. 火光与烟尘升腾了起来,将绫音千手佛像都席卷了进去。 Encounters the Senju image of Buddha arm of guided missile bombardment, above appears the burned black hot mark, but with injection of senjutsu chakra, then quickly returned to the original condition. 遭遇导弹轰击的千手佛像手臂,上面显现焦黑的烫痕,但随着仙术查克拉的注入,便又迅速恢复了原状。 Ayane bullies the body attack while this again, the Senju image of Buddha has not shown weakness, under the control of Hashirama, arms changes to the innumerable remnant shades immediately, the bang to the Ayane body. 绫音趁此再度欺身进攻,千手佛像也没有示弱,在柱间的操控下,一只只手臂顿时化作无数残影,轰向绫音的身躯。 The deafening sound of explosion, the mist and dust of scattering in all directions, a lot of Chakra fragments and sawdust collapse to scatter from both unceasingly. As Ayane is further close, Shiraishi finds out the soul whisker, swoops to Hashirama, making him keep dodging in the Senju image of Buddha peak. Although depends upon the quick movement, 11 dodges the soul whisker of Shiraishi, but was also therefore diverted the attention, the offensive of Senju image of Buddha presented the flaw instantaneously. 爆炸的震响,四散的烟尘,大量的查克拉碎片和木屑从两者身上不断崩溃散落。随着绫音进一步接近,白石探出灵魂触须,飞扑向柱间,让他不停在千手佛像的顶端闪躲。尽管依靠敏捷的动作,将白石的灵魂触须一一躲闪过去,但也因此被分散了注意力,千手佛像的攻势瞬间出现了破绽。 The Ayane eye braves the ominous light to start to roar to bellow, opens the limit the mouth, the intense white light emerges from the mouth deep place, aims at the Senju image of Buddha the crown. 绫音眼睛冒着凶光开始咆哮大吼,将嘴巴张开到极限,强烈的白光从口腔深处涌现出来,瞄准千手佛像的顶部。 Hashirama is without hesitation, when dodging the soul whisker of Shiraishi, at the same time reacts to the attack of Ayane. " Withstand/Top Buddha! " 柱间毫不迟疑,在躲闪白石的灵魂触须之际,一边对绫音的进攻做出反应。「顶上化佛!」 The Senju image of Buddha back arm, the lifelike vibration, starts to extend as if by prior agreement, grips tightly the fist, above is filling difficult situation murderous aura, finally changes to innumerably quick such as the remnant shadow of lightning, falls to the body of Ayane. 千手佛像背后的手臂,栩栩如生震动,不约而同开始伸展,紧握成拳,上面弥漫着惊涛骇浪般的杀气,最终化作无数快如闪电的残影,落向绫音的身体。 Rumbling- 轰轰轰- Remnant shadow fist only falls, the strength in each fist containing, triggers the void vibration sufficiently, the ground disintegration. 残影的拳头一只只落下,每一只拳头中蕴含的力量,都足以引发虚空震动,地面崩碎。 Covers in the Ayane body surface indestructible Susanoo armor, is sends out absolutely terrifiedly ka ka the sound, cracking of being unable to withstand the load, forms fragments to scatter. 覆盖在绫音体表坚不可摧的须佐能乎铠甲,更是发出毛骨悚然的咔咔声响,不堪重负的崩裂,形成一块块碎片散落。 Carries to destroy the fist of aura, each direct hit Ayane body. Even if there is diamond not bad degree of hardness, facing this type nearly tyrannical, inexhaustible fierce boxing, heard the clear bone split sound, the flesh becomes one piece rottenly, the pure white fur will dye the blood red color. 以至于携带毁灭气息的拳头,每一下都直接命中绫音的身躯。哪怕拥有金刚不坏的硬度,面对这种近乎暴虐般,无穷无尽的凶猛拳击,也是传来了清脆的骨裂声,血肉更是烂成一片,将洁白的毛皮染成血红之色。 However surface, facing such wound, Ayane no snort/hum, but maintains the posture of opens the mouth as always, in the blood red eye pupil infiltrates the rich cruel color. 然面,面对这样的创伤,绫音没有哼出一声,只是一如既往保持张口的姿势,只有血红的眼眸中渗透出浓郁的暴戾色彩。 The imposing manner of Senju image of Buddha rises the limit, the remnant shadow that the giant arm wields, almost blots out the sky, locks Ayane completely instantly " , if thunder! " Scoff! 千手佛像的气势升涨到极限,巨臂挥出的残影,几乎铺天盖地,全部锁定绫音的刹那「若雷!」嗤!
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