EFK :: Volume #6

#276 Part 2: Difficult of moon/month rabbit

This who knows that little miss strength is so obviously strong, finally at that time actually only ripped a meat in your chest, creates the superficial injury, now recalls, in this does not have issue greatly-” “这个谁知道啊,那个小姑娘明明实力那么强,结果当时却只在你胸口撕了一块肉,造成不痛不痒的伤势,现在回想起来,这里面难道不是大有问题-” Shuts up to me!” “给我闭嘴!” Tobirama stared his one eyes angrily. 扉间恼怒的瞪了他一眼。 The Gengetsu paraselenae also wants to say anything, the mouth sealed up immediately, how to make an effort not to open, can only hate instead stares. 鬼灯幻月还想说什么,嘴巴立即封闭了起来,怎么用力也张不开,只能怨恨的反瞪回去。 When you are Land of Demons collude with each other?” “你们是什么时候和鬼之国勾结在一起的?” The Fourth Raikage aura abundant fearfulness, walks the edge situated in the violent that murderous aura most boils obviously, but actually restrains vigorously, makes his look like the beast of prey fearful. 四代雷影气息雄厚的可怕,明明处于杀气最为沸腾的暴走边缘,但却极力克制,以至于让他的眼神变得像猛兽一样可怕。 Naturally is from the beginning and that's the end.” “当然是从一开始就是了。” Replied Fourth Raikage issue is not Terumi Mei, but is located in another side Shiraishi. 回答四代雷影问题的不是照美冥,而是位于另一边的白石 From the beginning?” “从一开始?” When three Ninja World wars break out, already. Therefore, invites Raikage your excellency does not need excessively to castigate oneself ally, Land of Demons, is Hidden Mist, is completing own task.” “在三次忍界大战爆发之时,就已经是了。所以,请雷影阁下不用过多苛责自己的‘盟友’,无论是鬼之国,还是雾隐,都不过是在完成自己的任务罢了。” Shiraishi shows a faint smile, immediately a thread of conversation revolution, then said: 白石微微一笑,随即话锋一转,接着说道: Moreover, compared with inquiring into these things, was worried that are quite good, Raikage your excellency.” “而且,比起探究这些事情,还是担心一下自己比较好哦,雷影阁下。” What?” “什么?” Hidden Mist is my here ally, you think that you set up in the northern defense line of alliance army headquarters, will also defer to the plan is so as stable as Mount Tai?” 雾隐是我这边的盟友,你认为你们设立在联盟军总部的北部防线,还会按照计划中那样稳如泰山吗?” Fourth Raikage, Tsunade and the others breathed obstructs, because is angry for a while, they do not have relates to these things, but after currently has been calm, discovers a more fearful fact. 四代雷影,纲手等人呼吸一窒,因为一时愤怒,他们没有联想到这些事情,但是现在有所冷静之后,才发现一个更加可怕的事实。 What north guarding alliance army headquarters defense line is the Hidden Mist surface echelon, inside most shinobi, is Hidden Mist shinobi, his regimental commander, is of Hōzuki Mangetsu Hidden Mist Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, has in this/should regiment the highest-level command jurisdiction. 驻守联盟军总部北部防线的是雾隐的海上部队,里面大部分忍者,也都是雾隐忍者,其联队长,更是雾隐忍刀七人众之一鬼灯满月,拥有该联队中最高级的指挥权。 In other words , if Hōzuki Mangetsu is also the Mizukage person , the alliance army headquarters north defense line, is equal nominally, the Land of Demons marine landing force, can make treaties of alliance directly Hidden Mist, the long jab alliance army headquarters. 换言之,若是鬼灯满月也是水影的人,那么,联盟军总部北方防线,等同于虚设,鬼之国的海上登陆部队,可以直接会盟雾隐,直击联盟军总部。 Thinks that this dreadful matter, Fourth Raikage or Tsunade, are the facial expression are heavy, in the eye is flowing the deep anxiety. 想到这个可怕的事情,无论是四代雷影还是纲手,都是神情沉重,眼睛里流淌着深深的不安。 Even if there is an assistance of Hidden Mist, the alliance army still have at least 70,000 shinobi, you are impossible to swallow under! Gives up any idea of spreads rumors and misleads the people here, we will not be swindled!” “就算有雾隐的协助,联盟军也拥有至少七万的忍者,你们也不可能吞得下!休想在这里妖言惑众,我们是不会上当的!” Fourth Raikage is categorical, as if in statement iron general fact. 四代雷影斩钉截铁,仿佛在陈述铁一般的事实。 Even if this is not the fact, Fourth Raikage will still recognize that this is the fact. 就算这不是事实,四代雷影也会认定这是事实。 shinobi war? Do you think by the present? Hopes then you can also maintain this sufficient confidence.” 忍者的战争吗?到现在你们还是如此认为吗?希望接下来你们还能保持这种充足的信心。” Shiraishi light smiling. 白石淡淡的笑着。 Really boasts shamelessly!” “真是大言不惭!” Fourth Raikage had not been disturbed by the Shiraishi spoken language, but exposes a stronger fighting spirit, Bijuu (Tailed Beast) magnitude Chakra erupts from within the body, curls up the strong winds in all around, on the fist is the resounding that sends out to creak. 四代雷影并未被白石的言语干扰到,而是展露出更强的斗志,尾兽量级的查克拉从体内爆发,在四周卷起狂风,拳头上更是发出嘎吱嘎吱的脆响。 „Does (Raiton) Lightning Style protect the armor also to go a step further? In the flesh contains a wild energy, even the internal organs have exercised well.” 雷遁护铠还能更进一步吗?血肉之中都蕴含着一股狂暴的能量,连内脏都好好锻炼过了呢。” Ayane penetrated the Fourth Raikage body with the eye, in the flesh of opposite party, spreads the wind and thunder faintly the howling sound, obviously the (Raiton) Lightning Style pattern entered the limit of human body. 绫音用眼睛穿透了四代雷影的身躯,对方的血肉之中,隐隐传出风雷的呼啸声,显然雷遁模式进入到了人体的极限。 Un, taijutsu has exceeded Third Raikage probably.” “嗯,忍体术大概已经超越了三代雷影。” Ruri is also the affirmative nod, displays the affirmation regarding Fourth Raikage taijutsu, but is quick her vision shift, does not stop over on Fourth Raikage, but shifts to the position that Hashirama is , the corners of the mouth raise slightly, red Sharingan is even more bright. 琉璃亦是肯定的点头,对于四代雷影忍体术表现出肯定,但很快她的目光转移,不在四代雷影身上逗留,而是转向柱间所在的位置,嘴角微微扬起,红色的写轮眼越发明亮。 Usual words, could treat as the dessert before full meal, but shinobi of this level, has not needed to give special attention now. Grinds them with that directly.” “平时的话,说不定可以当做正餐前的甜点,但现在这个层次的忍者,已经没有必要特别关注了。用那个直接碾碎他们吧。” Your this woman is really loathful, stood in my head matter a moment ago, I have not done accounts with you. Did that , you raised where only meet the Senjutsu orange cat? I am not your pet.” “你这女人真是让人讨厌,刚才站在我头上的事情,我还没跟你算账。再说,你养的那只会仙术的橘猫哪里去了?我又不是你的宠物。” The Ayane uncomfortable sound puts out from the mouth, is vibrating the air. 绫音不爽的声音从口中吐出,震动着空气。 Originally is the plan with it, but currently has a better choice, does not need Hane.” “本来是打算用它的,但是现在有更好的选择,已经不需要羽火了。” Do not jumble together with your pet me again, even if otherwise has Shiraishi order, I will still butcher you!” “别再把我跟你的宠物混为一谈,否则就算有白石君的命令,我也会宰了你!” The fang that in the rabbit mouth infiltrates, reveals the dense/woods white cold light, as if must eat the person to be the same. 兔嘴之中渗透出来的獠牙,露出森白的寒光,仿佛要吃人一样。 Almost resulted, now is not the quarrel time. 167 losses , 11 draws , 23 wins, this was your level.” “差不多得了,现在不是争吵的时候。况且,167败,11平,23胜,这就是你的水平了。” Ruri eternal Mangekyō glitters slightly, huge Chakra flows to the rabbit body of Ayane, the ground and air starts not the law-abiding vibration, sweeps across ten aura that come from the distant place, is unable to infiltrate the slightest by the crude isolation outside. 琉璃的永恒万花筒微微闪烁,庞大的查克拉流向绫音的兔身,地面与空气开始不安分的震动,就连从远方席卷而来的十尾气息,都被粗暴的隔绝在外无法渗透分毫。 The dark-red, concentrates heavily the solid scales one piece by piece on the Ayane rabbit, by the dark-red crystal armor, can see vaguely snow white beautiful fur. 暗红色,沉重而凝实的鳞甲一片片着在绫音的兔身上,透过暗红色的晶体铠甲,依稀能看到其中雪白美丽的毛皮。 The Ayane rabbit body opens the great mouth, has the white halo shining space faintly, is fermenting the aura of destruction. 绫音兔身张开巨嘴,其中隐隐有白色的光晕照耀空间,酝酿着毁灭的气息。 Withdraws!” “退后!” Tobirama induced slightly, knows that might upper limit of this attack, two words saying, the greeting people dodge. 扉间稍微感应了一下,知道这种攻击的威力上限,二话而说,招呼众人闪走。 The Hashirama aura sinks, both hands tie seal, aims at a ground racket. 柱间气息一沉,双手结印,对准地面一拍。 Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Summoning Jutsu) five heavy Rashomon!” 通灵之术・五重罗生门!” In the huge mouth of Ayane rabbit body, cuts void white light beam spraying together, the endless radiant brilliance, illuminated the night. 绫音兔身的巨口中,一道划破虚空的白色光束喷射而出,无尽的璀璨光辉,更是照亮了黑夜。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完) Please remember this book first round domain name:. 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