EFK :: Volume #6

#286 Part 2: The body of not dying

The entire surface starts to lose shape, photo-thermal that the explosion produces, is dispersing, the entire affected area, as if places oneself in the stove, is accepting the photo-thermal intense roasting. 整个地表都开始走样,爆炸产生的光热,还是散开,整个被波及的地区,都似乎置身于火炉之中,接受着光热强烈的烘烤。 The sand dust fills the air, the flame was still walking fast to speed along. 沙尘弥漫,火光仍在疾走飞驰。 Shiraishi is locking on the goal, the brilliance that the explosion has, making the flesh of his whole body be melted, is releasing the boiling hot white steam. 白石锁定着目标,爆炸产生的光焰,让他全身的血肉都被融化开来似的,释放着滚烫的白色蒸汽。 However, this degree of injury, Shiraishi does not wrinkle the brow, is maintaining the highest speed to goal advance. 然而,这种程度的伤势,白石连眉头都不皱一下,保持着最高速向‘目标’前进。 The sand dust is dispersing at present. 沙尘在眼前散开。 Goal the form has seen. ‘目标’的身影已经看到。 By explosion shock already somewhat unconscious Hashirama, body many spots, by the scrap, the both legs was lost the ability to act, depends on senjutsu chakra that oneself are not much left, slowly healing. 被爆炸冲击的已经有些神志不清的柱间,身体很多部位,也都被炸碎,双腿失去了行动能力,靠着自身所剩无几的仙术查克拉,慢慢愈合。 Saw that Shiraishi dashes to come, Hashirama then understood the plan of opposite party. 见到白石飞奔而来,柱间便明白了对方的打算。 With the aid of the time of explosion manufacture attack, pulls closer distance of both sides by this, then gives fatally strikes. 借助爆炸制造进攻的时机,以此拉近双方的距离,然后给予致命一击。 Although crazy, but is depending upon the strong self-recovery ability, the opposite party has the crazy energy. 虽然疯狂,但依靠着强大的自愈能力,对方拥有疯狂的底气。 Moreover, in this surface looks like very crazy, but also is the opposite party has calculated carefully the result. 而且,这表面上看来很疯狂,但也不过是对方精心计算过的结果罢了。 The opposite party after thinking, adopted this tactic, routs him. 对方是经过深思熟虑,才采取了这种战术,将他击溃。 Sage Art Wood Style the technique of cuttage!” 仙法木遁・扦插之术!” The thoughts revolve like lightning, both hands tie seal uncontrolled, makes strikes finally. 心思电转,双手不受控制的结印,打出最后一击。 The splinter departs. 木刺飞出。 Scoffs! 嗤啦! Penetrates the physical body the sound to spread clearly. 穿透肉体的声音清晰传出。 The soul whisker also took advantage of opportunity to twine the body of Hashirama, the strong suction, making the spirit body of his within the body uncontrolled flows outward. 灵魂触须也顺势缠绕住了柱间的身体,强大的吸力,让他体内的灵体不受控制向外流动。 Really wants to hit well earnestly, added to you were too troublesome, later generation......” “真想好好认真打一场,给你添太多麻烦了,后辈……” Hashirama has regret slightly, the binding force of technique of Edo Tensei was weakened to directly ignoring the situation. 柱间带着稍许的遗憾,秽土转生之术的束缚力直接被削弱到忽略不计的地步。 Gave up the resistance, the spirit body follows the soul whisker of Shiraishi to depart on own initiative. 放弃了抵抗,灵体主动跟随着白石的灵魂触须离去。 After his spirit body, there is a spirit body to depart together. 在他的灵体之后,又有一道灵体飞出。 But this spirit body struggles crazily, did not seem to want to finish. 只不过这道灵体疯狂挣扎,似乎不想要就此结束。 But under strangling to death of soul whisker, how regardless to make an effort to work loose, can only look at own spirit body helplessly, toward Shiraishi there flowing. 但在灵魂触须的绞杀下,无论怎么用力挣脱,都只能眼睁睁看着自己的灵体,向着白石那里流动。 „!” “咳咳!” Was exploded to flying Tsunade and Fourth Raikage of distant place, panting stands from ground crawling, two people have a lingering fear to look the thick dust that the front has not dispersed, visibles faintly, then completely smashing land in explosion. 被爆炸冲飞到远处的纲手四代雷影,气喘吁吁的从地上爬站起来,两人心有余悸看着前方未散的浓尘,隐约可见,那在爆炸中完全粉碎的大地。 Raikage, are you all right?” 雷影,你没事吧?” Tsunade loud gasping for breath, the body dripping with blood, conducted the massive hemorrhage. 纲手粗重的喘着气,身上鲜血淋漓,进行了大出血。 „, Has not been all right.” “没、没事。” Speech time, Fourth Raikage spat two blood greatly, the body is impractical, is pale. 说话的时候,四代雷影又是大吐了两口血,身体虚浮,脸色苍白。 (Raiton) Lightning Style armor broke most probably, firm such as the body of iron, just like Tsunade, in explosion cut and bruised. 身上的雷遁铠甲破碎了大半,坚固如铁的身躯,也和纲手一样,在爆炸中遍体鳞伤。 The strength that the ignition next of brilliance, the explosion has actually, lets his bone and internal organs, received the serious wound. 光焰的灼烧倒是其次,爆炸产生的劲力,让他的骨头和内脏,受到了严重的创伤。 Looked at each other one, looks to the front. 对视了一眼,向前方看去。 The mist and dust disperses, the person's shadow stands and waits for a long time together, is motionless there, but maintains the posture that stands. 烟尘飞散,一道人影伫立,在那里一动不动,只是保持站立的姿势。 The body puts on the broken bloodstained the white long unlined gown, the puncture of tenacious splinter from the body, the furcation grows, dug out several blood holes on his body. 身上穿着残破染血的白色大褂,坚韧的木刺从身体内部穿刺而出,分叉生长,在他的身上挖出了几个血洞。 Won...... wins?” “赢……赢了吗?” Tsunade looks at Shiraishi pitiful condition at this moment dull. 纲手呆呆看着白石此刻的惨状。 That was the proof of technique of cuttage. 那是中了扦插之术的证明。 In her cognition, so long as this move, were impossible to go on living. 在她的认知中,只要中了这一招,就不可能活下去。 Fourth Raikage nodded, will open the mouth. 四代雷影点了点头,正要开口。 A light sound, lets him and Tsunade body is stiff, does not dare to believe to look at Shiraishi. 一声轻响,让他和纲手身体僵硬,不敢置信看着白石 How can......” “怎么会……” Was pierced the body from the interior obviously. 明明从内部被刺穿了身体。 That injury, is absolutely impossible to live. 那种伤势,绝对不可能活下来。 But- 可是- Quite sore.” “好疼。” Shiraishi swayed from side to side a neck. 白石扭动了一下脖子。 Although this degree of injury will not die, but was too far probably sorely, almost thinks oneself died.” “虽然这种程度的伤势不会死,但好像有点疼过头了,差点以为自己死掉了。” Shiraishi lowers the head, looked that to corpse that the front falls to the ground. 白石低着头,看向面前倒地的尸体。 Shimura Danzo. 志村团藏 The eyes opened, lost the focal distance, empty soulless. 双眼睁大,失去了焦距,空洞无神。 Being unwilling on face and struggles, frames lifelike. 脸上的不甘与挣扎,惟妙惟肖定格。 It seems like your method has used up completely. However, is really ugly/difficult to look at, the Danzō elder, I also lives this matter to disappoint you. However many thanks to you, my soul can touch a higher boundary. Is funding my aspect, you and three generations of items so make me be moved.” “看来你的手段已经全部用光了。不过,真是难看呢,团藏长老,我还活着这件事想必让你很失望吧。但是多亏你,我的灵魂才得以触及更高的境界。在资助我这方面,你和三代目都是如此让我感动不已。” It looks like taunt exhausts the method that all can use obviously, but has not affected finally, dead who instead he summoned, becomes his enemy further firewood. 就像是嘲讽似的明明穷尽了一切可以利用的手段,但结果还是没有丝毫作用,反而他召唤出来的死者,成为了他这个敌人再进一步的薪柴。 Has turned around, Shiraishi disregards the penetration physical body, splinter that brings the endless ache, to Tsunade and Fourth Raikage. 转过身,白石无视穿透肉体,带来无尽疼痛的木刺,面向纲手四代雷影 On the face hangs the smile that is wiping to bathe in fresh air, the footsteps are firm, steps unwaveringly forward. 脸上挂着一抹如沐春风的微笑,脚步坚定,毫不动摇向前迈起。 Then...... you open the eye in my within the body well, how I devastate Hidden Leaf Village. Then, was only left over you, Teacher Tsunade, Fourth Raikage, you must become my part.” “然后……你就在我体内好好睁大眼睛,我是如何蹂躏木叶村的吧。接下来,只剩下你们了,纲手老师,四代雷影,你们也要成为我的一部分。” In the desolated land, concentrates on Shiraishi Tsunade and Fourth Raikage, regarding life and death general knowledge, attacked torn to pieces. 荒芜的大地上,专注白石纲手四代雷影,对于生与死的常识,已经被冲击的支离破碎。 Desperate, frightened, for the first time so clear spread in their hearts. 绝望,恐惧,首次如此清晰的蔓延在他们心中。 Monster! 怪物! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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