EH :: Volume #25

#60: If you come to be good earlier

Talent one second remembers the home station address:[ Loves pen building] https:// quickest renewal! Adless! 天才一秒记住本站地址:[爱笔楼]https://最快更新!无广告! The endless brilliance connection sky and land, everywhere are gold/metal boundless one piece, the space is coagulating several million thousand zhang (3.33 m) light edges, just like the sword of Damocles float in the top of the head of permanent civilized people. he 无尽光辉连接天空与大地,到处是金茫茫一片,天上凝固着数百万柄千丈长的光刃,犹如达摩克里斯之剑悬浮在恒文明人们的头顶。鉌 ‚Am I dying?’ Lies down the young girl stature in golden land is withered, the body used to resist the imprisoned domain exposure suit to lose the function, Honkai Energy in within the body already the out of control adverse current, pulp that her internal organs twisted. ‘我要死了吗?’躺在金色大地上的少女身材干瘪,身上用以对抗禁锢领域的防护服早已失去作用,体内的崩坏能早已失控逆流,将她的内脏绞的稀巴烂。 If not for consciousness is firm, perhaps imprisons the harm that the power causes, has written off her thoroughly. 若不是意识还算坚定,恐怕禁锢权能造成的危害,已将她彻底抹杀。 The young girls try hard to look extremely toward the stele of front distant place, that restrains the building up body of Herrscher power, so long as destroys it, the permanent civilization will go through the difficulty again. 少女努力往前方极远处的石碑望去,那是约束律者权能的集结体,只要将它破坏,恒文明将再次度过难关。 However... 不过... „!” In the black blood that the young girls cough mixes with collapse destroys the internal organs fragment, she is in the middle of the civilization distance stele recent great strength, other teammates have all passed away. “咳咳!”少女咳出的黑血中夹杂崩毁的内脏碎块,她已是文明当中距离石碑最近的强大者,其他队友皆已逝去。 The satellite beyond star records present one, 30 million population that the permanent civilization only remains cried. 星球外的卫星记录着眼前的一幕,恒文明仅剩的三千万人口失声痛哭。 In the civilization has resisted several Herrscher great strength, unexpectedly also dies in the punitive expedition restrained Herrscher on the way of... the restraint domain is still spreading unceasingly, from swallowing the entire star is only the time issue. he 文明中对抗过数位律者的强大者,居然也死在了讨伐约束律者的途中...约束的领域还在不断蔓延,距离吞噬整颗星球只是时间问题。鉌 People are sobbing for the young girl, is the civilized sob, is sobbing for oneself. 人们在为少女哭泣,在为文明哭泣,在为自己哭泣。 The chaotic symptom starts, but the permanent civilized high level actually loses the control the power. 混乱的苗头开始,但恒文明高层却失去管控的动力。 All hopes did not have. 一切的希望都没了。 The civilization after the dangers and difficulties, pours finally , under power that restrains Herrscher. 文明历经艰难险阻,终是倒在了约束律者的权能下。 Above gold/metal land, young girl's consciousness is murky, in the sky sends out the radiant gold/metal light blade unable to arouse her any fighting spirit. 金芒大地之上,少女的意识昏沉,天空中散发璀璨金芒的光刃也无法激起她任何一点斗志。 Such as, if has first, I in the reincarnation to the Honkai world...’ ‘如、如果有下一世的话,我可不要在转生到崩坏世界...’ As the last thought dissipates, the god in young girl eyes light/only also gets down rapidly dimly, that pair of permanent civilized everyone has seen eye, including closing the strength does not have. he 随着最后一道思想消逝,少女眼中的神光也迅速黯淡下去,那双恒文明所有人都见过的眼睛,连闭合下去的力气也没有。鉌 Gave up?’ ‘放弃了?’ When young girl's consciousness will soon dissipate, a white light consciousness the package, the implication is one of them, has a moderate sound to inquire like this. 当少女的意识即将消散时,一股白光把意识包裹,蕴含在其中,有个温和的声音这样询问。 ‚Are you... a god?’ The young girls see own collapse destroys consciousness body reorganization, ‘你...是神?’少女见到自己崩毁的意识体重组, Discovered that she flutters in restraining the domain, can see own corpse downward. 发现她飘在约束领域内,向下还能看到自己的尸体。 From some perspective, you can also regard god me „”.’ ‘从某种角度上来说,你也可以把我当成“神”。’ The young girls long time, open the mouth to ask silent: You come to see me, looks at our permanent civilized joke?” 少女沉默半晌,开口问道:“你是来看我,看我们恒文明笑话的?” „It is not.” “不是。” What do you want?” The young girls were vigilant. he “那你想要什么?”少女警惕。鉌 Relaxes, you had died, the fire of civilized final hope will be put out, restrains the domain to embezzle space on the every inchs star sooner or later, civilized destruction at present.” “放松,你已经死去,文明最后的希望之火熄灭,约束领域迟早会吞没星球上的每一寸空间,文明的毁灭就在眼前。” That sound also said, perhaps by other Herrscher destruction, the civilization can also crash into the sea of quantum to barely manage to maintain a feeble existence, but was restrained kills everyone's civilization completely......” 那个声音又道,“被别的律者毁灭,文明兴许还能坠入量子之海苟延残喘,但被约束完全杀死所有人的文明......” The young girls suddenly, yes, she had died, the permanent civilized final hope did not have, all cards in a hand completely have, the result or the tragedy that trades. 少女恍然,是啊,她已经死了,恒文明最后的希望也没了,所有的底牌尽出,换来的结局还是悲剧。 Such being the case, at present this mysterious who god is, what goal has, what relations also has with her? 既然如此,眼前这个神秘的‘神’是谁,有什么目的,又和她有什么关系呢? Said that what you do want to obtain from here?” “说吧,你想要从我这里得到什么?” I will help you defeat the restraint, defeats the corrosion, finally cuts to extinguish finally.” “我会帮助你们战胜约束,击败侵蚀,最终斩灭终焉。” Condition?” he “条件?”鉌 „One side no condition, I must see with the Honkai god, that fellow hard to get hold can barely catch a glimpse, wants to see It, can only offer this bad plan.” “没什么条件,我要和崩坏神见一面,那个家伙神龙见首不见尾,想见祂,只能出此下策。” In the young girl heart is startled secretly, some innumerable civilizations fall on the Honkai trial, this fellow opens the mouth must see the Honkai god, wait/etc, It has said probably, It is also a god. 少女心中暗暗吃惊,有无数文明倒在崩坏的试炼上,这个家伙张口就要见崩坏神,等等,祂好像说过,祂也是神。 „Do I hold true by do not promise you,” young girl sighed, „ promised you to defeat finally, making the civilization barely manage to maintain a feeble existence, did not promise you, perhaps the permanent civilization will annihilate before long thoroughly in the dust of history. “我有什么理由不答应你呢,”少女叹气,“答应你能战胜终焉,让文明苟延残喘,不答应你,恐怕恒文明过不了多久就会彻底湮灭在历史的尘埃里。 Although does not know that you reported what goal, but I complied. 虽然不知道您报有何种目的,但我答应了。 For the person of entire civilization, complied. ” 替全文明的人,答应了。” Later you for the decision that you make today, felt that extremely rejoiced.” “以后你会为你今天做出的决定,感到万分庆幸。” Yae Ji is very satisfied with the young girl, Soviet's surveillance world tree in the Xumi mustard seed, as the evil god invades, in the real universe Honkai by the civilization that threatens is been also getting more and more difficult to seek, not to mention must with finally the civilization of resistance. he 八重霁对少女很满意,苏在须弥芥子中监视世界树,但随着邪神入侵,真实宇宙中受崩坏威胁的文明也越来越难找寻,更不用说是要和终焉对抗的文明。鉌 After seeking long time, found this quite appropriate civilization. 找寻良久后,才找到这个比较合适的文明。 The permanent civilization has experienced ten Herrscher Honkai, this is the 11 th time. 恒文明已经历过十次律者崩坏,这是第十一次。 The operation is appropriate, in two years then some opportunities see the Honkai god. 操作得当,两年内便有机会见到崩坏神。 ...... ...... When the city riot, high-level is dispirited, the monitoring satellite of permanent civilization transmitted the new picture. 城市暴乱,高层颓废之时,恒文明的监控卫星传来了新的画面。 The look of young girl condenses the god light/only, is struggling is standing up from gold/metal land. 少女的眼神重新凝聚神光,正挣扎着从金芒大地上站起。 She... she... got up! Our also hope!” he “她...她...又起来了!我们还有希望!”鉌 Fish Sir long live! The fish Sir refuels!” “鱼大人万岁!鱼大人加油啊!” Sits the civilized high levels in conference room is also inconceivable, just now they look that helplessly the fish Chinese zither died, at this time how... 坐在会议室内的文明高层们也不可思议,方才他们眼睁睁看着鱼瑟死去,这时怎么... Schicksal eventually us!” 天命终究是在我们这边!” Sees the fish Chinese zither completely stiff body, a high level cannot bear set out to shake the fist to bellow, more people are excited to suppressing redden all over the face. 看到鱼瑟完全挺直身躯,一个高层忍不住起身挥拳大吼,更多人是激动到憋得满脸通红。 Restrains the domain, the fish Chinese zither felt own unprecedented good, is also cured including the consciousness wound that the beforehand several Herrscher campaigns leave behind. 约束领域内部,鱼瑟感觉自己前所未有的好,包括之前几次律者战役留下的意识创伤也得到治愈。 On oneself covered an invisible defense cover probably, will restrain the strength impediment of power outside. 自己身上像是笼罩了一层无形的保护罩,将约束权能的力量阻隔在外。 , In the screams of permanent civilized people, the fish Chinese zither starts to run in the direction that the stele is at suddenly unexpectedly! he 忽地,在恒文明民众的惊呼声中,鱼瑟竟开始朝着石碑所在的方向奔跑!鉌 The speed raised gradually, until changing to a shadow raided to go! 速度渐渐提起,直至化作一道黑影直袭而去! The fish Chinese zither does not have to think oneself can in restraining the domain unexpectedly displays the complete strength, the distances of these dozens seconds of long-range raids, before are, entered the domain laboriously until death dozens times of vanguard distance! 鱼瑟从没想到自己居然能在约束领域内施展全部力量,这数十秒的奔袭的距离,已是之前辛苦进入领域直至死亡的前行距离的数十倍! Under the surveillance of satellite, the shadow of that say/way long-range raid gradually changes to the radiant flowing light, strokes directly above thousand zhang (3.33 m) high golden stele! 在卫星的监视下,那道奔袭的黑影逐渐化作璀璨流光,径直击打在千丈高的金色石碑之上! Success?” “成功了吗?” Everyone of permanent civilization stares the big eye, stares to stare at all in picture, for fear that leaves out anything. 恒文明的所有人瞪大眼睛,直勾勾盯着画面中的一切,生怕漏掉什么。 Ka ~ ka ka ~ 咔~咔咔~ Imitates if the egg shell shatter sound, appears in the permanent civilized everyone's ear, that has covered the restraint domain of ten thousand miles area territory, unexpectedly in quietly shatter! he 仿若蛋壳破碎的响动,浮现在恒文明所有人的耳中,那个已然笼罩万里区域的约束领域,竟在悄然破碎!鉌 The 1 million light edges in sky change to the luminous spot to dissipate, the crack opens hence, connects gold/metal land. 天空中的百万把光刃化作光点消散,裂纹至此开启,连接金芒大地。 Finally, in bang the sound resounds grandly restrains Herrscher to become the history. 最终,在“轰”的声盛大鸣响中约束律者成为历史。 Sees this, permanent civilized everyone in same place, some little time responded, angry roaring that vented continuously, some people even built to maintain the robot of order to kiss...... 见到这一幕,恒文明所有人楞在原地,好一会才反应过来,发泄的怒吼接连不断,有人甚至架起维持秩序的机器人亲了上去...... High-level meeting. 高层会议。 Quickly! Quick relation fish Chinese zither! She overdrew certainly all potentials, welcomed quickly our heroes!” “快!快联系鱼瑟!她一定透支了所有潜能,快把我们的英雄迎回来!” Original restraint domain center. 原约束领域中心。 The young girl of named fish Chinese zither grasps a dim core, looks that the restraint domain in becomes the nihility at present shatter, recalled before , travels teammates who on elapse, cannot bear the nose turn sour, the eye socket blushes, until the clear tears gushes out. he 名为鱼瑟的少女手持一枚黯淡的核心,看着约束领域在眼前破碎成虚无,又回想起前行路上逝去的队友们,忍不住鼻子发酸,眼眶发红,直至清泪涌出。鉌 The horizon can see that indistinctly the permanent government dispatches the fighter aircraft shadow that comes, the fish Chinese zither to erase the tears, said with the sound that slightly cannot be checked: 天边隐约能看到恒政府派遣而来的战机黑影,鱼瑟抹掉眼泪,用微不可查的声音道: Hey! That god, you, if comes to be good earlier.” “喂!那个神,你要是早点来多好。” ...... ......
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