EH :: Volume #25

#59: Locks the Honkai god

Talent one second remembers the home station address:[ Loves pen building] https:// quickest renewal! Adless! 天才一秒记住本站地址:[爱笔楼]https://最快更新!无广告! Kiana. The opportunity that Kaslana, your also reneges on a promise for the last time, after this, your consciousness will pull out leaves, the body will seal, you will pass for several years and even ten several years life in the different world. Did you, really think?” ao 琪亚娜.卡斯兰娜,你还有最后一次反悔的机会,在这之后,你的意识将被抽离,身体将会封存,你将独自一人在异世界度过数年乃至十数年的生活。你,真的想好了吗?”軪 In the sleep cabin, inside voice is broadcasting the notice to the young girl. 睡眠舱内,里面的语音正在向少女播放通知。 If reneges on a promise, the sleep cabin will open, the young girl will return to the original life path, any will not be affected. 如果反悔,睡眠舱将开启,少女会回到原有的生活轨迹中,不会受任何影响。 I thought that started quickly.” Categorical that Kiana said. “我想好了,快开始吧。”琪亚娜说的斩钉截铁。 Respectable reincarnation, the following consciousness pulls out , may create the short dizziness feeling to you. All for human, wishing the dawn to aid you.” “尊敬的转生者,接下来的意识抽离中,可能会对您造成短暂的眩晕感。一切为了人类,愿曙光护佑您。” Listens to disseminating news of machine, Kiana to feel that own eyelid is fighting, the line of sight is also gradually blurring at present, she looks finally toward the position that mother is at, just wants to open mouth to say anything, the consciousness has fallen into the stupor. 听完机器的播报,琪亚娜感觉自己的眼皮在打架,视线也逐渐在眼前模糊,她最后朝外界母亲所在的位置看去,刚想张嘴说些什么,意识已然陷入昏迷。 ...... ...... When Kiana when opening eyes, her front is the strange forest, side has the strange yellow fruit. ao 琪亚娜在睁开眼时,她的面前是陌生的森林,旁边有陌生的黄色果子。軪 Kiana sets out, extends about the arm to have a look, bread twist pigtail that behind her also several years ago gripped unexpectedly. 琪亚娜起身,伸出手臂左右看看,她背后竟然还有前几年扎的麻花辫。 This was my body several years ago!” About Kiana moves, lacks the energy besides within the body, nothing ill. “这是我前几年的身体!”琪亚娜左右活动,除了体内缺少能量外,没有任何不适。 Cannot think that clones is so sturdy.” The Kiana deep breath, glances the circulation deep blue, does not have the Honkai Energy world to be really good!” “想不到克隆出的身体这么棒。”琪亚娜深呼吸,蔚蓝眼波流转,“没有崩坏能的世界真好!” However by this sensitivity of body to the energy, she sensation has had in the air to have the unknown strength, but this strength compared with wild Honkai Energy, is quite gentle. 不过以这具身体对能量的敏感,她已经感知出空气中有未知的力量,不过这股力量比起狂暴的崩坏能来说,相当柔和。 Takes off that yellow fruit conveniently, Kiana recalled that approximate of this world said that holds up the careful observation of fruit under Sun, this... should be called natural raspberry, is one of the natural dyestuffs.” 随手摘下那枚黄色果实,琪亚娜回想起这个世界的大致介绍,举起果实在太阳下细细观察,“这个...应该叫‘落落莓’吧,是天然染料之一。” Un?” “恩?” Kiana sees wet, is long with sphere same blue sex fiend, in that demon object, has also calculates that full element strength, or they are one of the element strength aggregates. ao 琪亚娜又看到一个湿漉漉,长得跟圆球一样的蓝色魔物,在那个魔物体内,有着还算充盈的元素力,或者说,它们就是元素力的聚集体之一。軪 Interesting, probably called... water Slime, does not know how ate.” “有意思,好像叫...水史莱姆,就是不知道吃起来怎么样。” Probably feels the Kiana evil intention, 像是感受到琪亚娜的恶意, That lump of round Slime was frightened, escapes toward the distant place. 那坨圆圆的史莱姆受到惊吓,一个劲地往远处逃跑。 Right, needs to test to be good.” Kiana patted the forehead, does not know that is because the body changed into several years ago appearances, continually mental also changed young. “对了对了,需要实验一下才行。”琪亚娜拍了拍脑门,不知道是不是因为身体换成了几年前的模样,连心智也随之变年轻了些。 Kiana sits cross-legged on the lawn, feels the element strength in all around air carefully, according to guiding the route revolution of Honkai Energy spits the breath, the element strength after the short several breath, rushes insanely generally sits in meditation the young girl! 琪亚娜盘坐在草地上,细细感受四周空气中的元素力,根据引导崩坏能的路线运转吐息,外界的元素力在经过短暂的几个呼吸后,疯一般涌向打坐中的少女! The invisible element strength gathers massively, making Kiana of dead center fuzzy, imitates, if will soon be separated with this world. 无形的元素力大量聚集,使得正中心的琪亚娜变得模糊,仿若即将和这片世界脱离。 Compared with wild Honkai Energy, the temperate element strength makes Kiana be unable to put down, is only... 比起狂暴的崩坏能,温和的元素力让琪亚娜爱不释手,只是... Kiana spat the breath to finish, gathered, in the element strength of lower abdomen place fanned into all the limbs and bones immediately, later discharged from the pore again gradually, the circulation returned to the surrounding air. ao 琪亚娜吐息结束,原本聚集在小腹处的元素力又立即散入四肢百骸之中,再之后又渐渐从毛孔中排出,流转回周围的空气中。軪 Was lither except for the body, within the body was still nothing element strength can actuate. 除了身体轻盈了些,体内仍是没有任何元素力可以驱动。 If can install artificial Herrscher Core to be good in the body.” Kiana sets out to stretch oneself, the vision looks into the distance toward the distant place, there, faintly city-state being situated is one of them. “要是能在身体内安装一颗拟似律者核心就好了。”琪亚娜起身伸了个懒腰,目光朝远处眺望,在那里,隐隐有一座城邦坐落在其中。 The construction of city-state makes Kiana recall also when St. Freya Academy goes to school, there are time her to enter in the named material piece, that inside construction, was similar to the building of distant place city-state. 城邦的建筑让琪亚娜回想起自己还在圣芙蕾雅学园上学的时候,有次她进入了名为的资料片中,那里面的建筑,就和远处城邦的建筑物差不多。 Therefore according to the time, this mainland was actually the middle ages?’ ‘所以按照时间来看,这片大陆其实是中世纪?’ That side suspect! Do you do here!” “那边可疑的人!你在这里干什么!” Others 's yelling causes to break the ponder of Kiana, when getting back one's composure, what appears at present her has the maroon long hair, the top of the head is the vigilant young girl who the red rabbit-ear is tying. 他人的叫喊使打破琪亚娜的思考,等回神时,出现在她眼前的是留着栗色长发,头顶系着红色兔耳结的警惕少女。 At this time, the young girl leaning waist is god's eyes, are glittering red brilliance that symbolizes the flame. ao 此时,少女侧腰系着的神之眼,正闪烁着象征火焰的红色光辉。軪 ...... ...... Becoming Yae Ji after god to be very busy, the dawn follower is growing every day doubled and re-doubled, in the godship consciousness could not have seen the end the belief sea still to inflate unceasingly. 成神后的八重霁很忙,曙光的信徒每天都在成倍增长,神格意识中早已望不见尽头的信仰海洋还在不断膨胀。 In the specific situation, he needs to coordinate reincarnation to complete the sacrificial offering, lowers the supernatural power, the harvesting belief. 在特定的场合,他需要配合转生者完成祭祀,降下神力,收割信仰。 His consciousness rushes about in various summons always, afterward, the consciousness started to split up, the godship who one point two and two revolutions of four, Four Modernizations eight, the belief brought consciousness to expand, made the consciousness be able to split up innumerably. 他的意识无时无刻都在各种呼唤中奔波,再后来,意识开始分化,一分二、二转四、四化八,信仰带来的神格意识壮大,也让意识得以分化无数。 When the rarity has the leisure time, Yae Ji will put in that the vision in the young girl who in the real universe strives for success. 难得有闲暇时光时,八重霁会将目光投放到那个在真实宇宙中拼搏的少女。 Has not known how long, the plum awakened from the godship consciousness him again. 不知过了多久,梅再次将他从神格意识中唤醒。 He discovers at this time the plum, probably in the Fire Moth most difficult that years, in the eye deep conceals is weary, always board that elegant face. ao 他发现此时梅,像是在逐火之蛾最艰难的那段岁月里,眼中深藏疲倦,无时无刻不板着那张俏脸。軪 In real universe the 1 million people casualty of reincarnation most.” The plum just opened the mouth, then brings a bad news to Yae Ji. “真实宇宙中转生的百万人次死伤大半。”梅刚开口,便给八重霁带来一个坏消息。 The belief luminous spot in godship consciousness takes off and lands, whether there is completely to summon every time, in the quantitative change, some reincarnation died every time thoroughly, sometimes the belief avalanche, he is unable to inquire about. 神格意识中的信仰光点起起落落,每时每刻都有无尽呼唤,每时每刻都在量变,有些转生者彻底死亡,信仰崩塌,他有时也无法探寻的到。 How many consciousness the switch to absorb?” What Yae Ji cares is this, so long as the reincarnation consciousness exists, the manufacture of clone body reaches a high degree of proficiency to nowadays human civilization. “意识转换器吸收了多少?”八重霁关心的是这个,只要转生者的意识存在,克隆体的制造对现如今的人类文明来说早已炉火纯青。 I mean, true death.” The plum waves to open the projection, consciousness the switch even unable to receive their consciousness with enough time, invasion about one step, we prepare to give up the real universe.” “我的意思是,真正的死亡。”梅挥手打开投影,“意识转换器甚至没能来得及接收他们的意识,的入侵更近一步,我们准备放弃真实宇宙。” In the godship consciousness of Yae Ji flashes through the god light/only, the next second then casts the vision on Kiana, the world that Kiana is at was still peaceful auspicious, nothing by the sign that the evil god invaded. 八重霁的神格意识中闪过神光,下一秒便将目光投在琪亚娜身上,琪亚娜所在的世界仍是安静祥和,没有任何被邪神入侵的迹象。 Catches the eye to look to the plum, Yae Ji inquires: „Was the false starry sky concept map that before Kiana transmitted useless?” 抬眼看向梅,八重霁询问道:“之前琪亚娜传来的虚假星空概念图没有用?” The plum has pondered this issue, the opens the mouth reply: Useful, the resources that but consumes are not our human civilization can withstand, you must know, we assimilate is not the 1-2 hundred world, but is on the tree of imaginary number nearly endless world bubble.” ao 梅早就思考过这个问题,张口回复:“有用,但所消耗的资源不是我们人类文明所能承受的,你要知道,我们同化的不是一两百个世界,而是虚数之树上近乎无尽的世界泡。”軪 „In inverse proportion.” Yae Ji long time said silent: „The civilization in sea of quantum must dissipate sooner or later, here does not have the real universe breeding civilized garden, when annexes the real universe......” “此消彼长。”八重霁沉默半晌才道:“量子之海中的文明迟早要消逝,这里没有真实宇宙孕育文明的花园,等到吞并完真实宇宙......” Might as well draw the Honkai god to resist the evil god together?” Suggested. “不如拉着崩坏神一起对抗邪神?”梅建议。 Yae Ji shakes the head, „the Honkai god is infinite primary, why although is not clear decayed has not moved It to the present, but It has not resisted the decayed strength obviously.” 八重霁摇头,“崩坏神不过无限初级,虽然不清楚为什么腐朽到现在都没有动祂,但祂显然没有对抗腐朽的实力。” Real?” Said with a smile: „The world bubble in sea of quantum, is almost because Honkai pollution crash in, this magnitude, is not infinite primary can achieve.” “真的吗?”梅笑道:“量子之海中的世界泡,几乎都是因为崩坏污染坠落其中,这个数量级,可不是无限初级能够达到。” How did that find It?” “那怎么找到祂?” I make seek for will soon resist finally the civilization, so long as we helped them win this war, Honkai will arrive.” “我让苏找寻到一个即将对抗终焉的文明,只要我们帮他们赢得这场战争,崩坏自会降临。” It seems like you have thought that” Yae Ji is helpless, when can you also beat around the bush with me?” ao “看来你早就想好了,”八重霁无奈,“你什么时候也会和我绕弯子了?”軪 ...... ...... . 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