EH :: Volume #25

#58: Reincarnation plan: Kiana

Three years.” Leaf “三年。”叶 In Mei Zui said a number light. 梅嘴中轻飘飘说出一个数字。 !” Yae Ji relaxes, sees in the godship consciousness such many beliefs, he also thinks own deep sleep dozens over a hundred years. “呼!”八重霁松了口气,见到神格意识中如此之多的信仰,他还以为自己沉睡了几十上百年之久。 These days has the evil god to dive to enter the sea of quantum?” “这段时间有没有邪神下潜进入量子之海?” No,” plum shakes the head, „, but many real universes the civilized submergences of doubtful belief evil god.” “没有,”梅摇头,“但有不少真实宇宙的疑似信仰邪神的文明下潜。” Yae Ji felt relieved thoroughly. 八重霁彻底放下心来。 Mei Qing selects void, a projection shows in front of Yae Ji, „ this is your deep sleep period, the belief that the reincarnation plans to bring, total the reincarnation 400 million people, we bossed around sea of middle-level world bubbles the part of quantum. 梅轻点虚空,一处投影展现在八重霁面前,“这是你沉睡时期,转生计划带来的信仰,共计转生四亿人次,我们笼络了一部分量子之海中层的世界泡。 In addition, we also in sea of level reincarnation quantum ten million people, exploratory nature in real universe reincarnation 100 people. ” Leaf 除此之外,我们还在量子之海上层转生了千万人次,试探性在真实宇宙转生了一百人次。”叶 The plum remembers anything probably, opening suddenly tastes: „The person who right, in this batch of reincarnation lists, we were familiar with prepared the real universe.” 梅像是想起什么,顿了顿开口道:“对了,这批的转生名单中,有一个我们熟悉的人准备去真实宇宙。” Person who we are familiar with?” In the Yae Ji mind flashes through cherry, bell, Fu Hua and the others. “我们熟悉的人?”八重霁的脑海中闪过樱、铃、符华等人。 Is she.” “是她。” In the projection shows a white bluing pupil, a face firm and resolute young girl. 投影中展现出一名白发蓝瞳,一脸坚毅的少女。 Kiana. Kaslana, finally Herrscher appearance similar that is born with on civilized era, civilized pillar/backbone Raiden Mei and Bronya good friend, Schicksal Church S-Rank Valkyrie.” 琪亚娜.卡斯兰娜,与上文明纪元诞生的终焉律者长相相似的那位,文明支柱雷电芽衣布洛妮娅的好友,天命教廷S级女武神。” „?” Yae Ji shows the expression that is interested, „is this small girl S-Rank? Growth quick.” “哦?”八重霁露出感兴趣的表情,“这小丫头已经是S级了吗?成长的很快嘛。” Compared with her two friends, the strength growth is slow, therefore she must participate in the reincarnation plan,” plum continues saying: Her mother Cecilia sees currently manages Reanna that the real universe reincarnation planned, therefore the Kiana reincarnation place decided before was very long by the observed civilization.” Leaf “比起她那两位朋友,实力增长算是慢的,所以她才要参与转生计划,”梅继续道:“不过她母亲塞西莉亚去见了目前管理真实宇宙转生计划的蕾安娜,于是琪亚娜的转生地点定在了一个很久之前就被观测到的文明。”叶 That civilization is very intelligent, camouflaged the starry sky with the unknown method, is equivalent installs the thing that sea of the world one similar quantum soaked in the real universe, can effectively prevent Honkai to invade, does not have the trace that the evil god invades, is very interesting.” “那个文明很聪明,用未知的手段遮蔽了外界星空,相当于在真实宇宙中安装了一个类似量子之海世界泡的东西,能够有效防止崩坏入侵,也没有邪神侵染的痕迹,很有意思。” Hou ~ Yae Ji selects the eyebrow, in the eye pupil reflects in the projection ‚the world bubble, sighed: This person is really a talent, has the time I to see this actually.” “嚯~”八重霁挑眉,眼眸中倒映出投影里的‘世界泡’,感叹道:“这人真是个天才,有时间我倒是想见见这位。” You, if bored can also pay attention,” plum moves to the jurisdiction to Yae Ji, we in this civilized outside installed the consciousness switch of superhigh pewer auxiliary, otherwise is unable to penetrate its ‚the world bubble, to prevent great strength in that world has induced, perhaps must you make a move to cover up.” “你要是无聊也可以多关注,”梅将权限移给八重霁,“我们在这个文明的界外安装了超高功率的意识转换器进行辅助,不然无法穿透它的‘世界泡’,为了防止那个世界的强大者有所感应,或许还得你出手遮掩。” I understand.” Yae Ji nods. “我明白。”八重霁点头。 Mei Chou a time, Kiana will open this reincarnation to plan after two hours, the information that we receive will delay.” 梅瞅了眼时间,“琪亚娜将在两个小时后开启这次转生计划,我们接收到的信息会有所延迟。” ...... ...... New Earth, flood human federation, Schicksal Church Valkyrie bedroom. Leaf 新地球,泛人类联邦,天命教廷女武神卧室。叶 Kiana, do you really want to participate in the reincarnation plan?” Valkyrie in projection wears Warframe, the stature selects high, on the elegant face is revealing to the worry of friend, carefully looked, hasn't been becoming Raiden Mei of flood human federation civilized pillar/backbone? 琪亚娜,你真的要参加转生计划?”投影中的女武神身着战甲,身材高挑,俏脸上正流露出对友人的担心,仔细一看,不正是早已成为泛人类联邦文明支柱的雷电芽衣吗? What has to make much ado about nothing,” Kiana is moving the physique, without the accident/surprise, after this will be her, several years and even ten several years last time activity main body, before „, in companions who in the evil god war died, didn't many people start the reincarnation plan?” “有什么大惊小怪的,”琪亚娜正在活动筋骨,如果没有意外,这将是她以后数年乃至十数年最后一次活动本体,“之前在邪神战争中死去的同伴们,不是有很多人开始转生计划了吗?” But you go to the real universe!” Mei shakes the head, the complexion is unattractive, present real universe coming under a spell god wreaks havoc, once were corroded by them, the consequence is dreadful.” “可你是去真实宇宙!”芽衣摇头,面色也不好看,“如今真实宇宙中邪神肆虐,一旦被祂们侵蚀,后果不堪设想。” All right, I am not take the lead, moreover Reanna selected the quite strange world to me.” Mentioned this, Kiana was delighted, that civilization can make the world bubble in the real universe unexpectedly, the main body civilization isolation, heard that inside did not have Honkai Energy, did not have the evil god.” “没事,我又不是打头阵的,而且蕾安娜给我挑了个比较古怪的世界。”说起这个,琪亚娜眉飞色舞,“那个文明居然能在真实宇宙中造出世界泡,将本体文明隔离,听说里面没有崩坏能,更没有邪神。” Saw that the good friend is excited, Mei silent meeting, persists in saying: „ Kiana, goes to the real universe not to go to the picnic, is not guards in the world bubble to exterminate Honkai Beast, its degree of hazard is above the imagination, controls the Herrscher power like us Herrscher, does not dare to break surface the real universe at will, moreover how many years... this goes is even ten for several years, did you... really think? 见到好友如此兴奋,芽衣沉默了会,坚持道:“琪亚娜,去真实宇宙不是去郊游,更不是去镇守世界泡中剿灭崩坏兽,它的危险程度超乎想象,像我们掌控律者权能的律者,也不敢随意上浮真实宇宙,而且...这一去就是几年乃至十数年,你...真的想好了吗? Other your also road can walk, my here has the consciousness school to enter the step the quota, I help you relate Reanna to cancel the reincarnation plan now, other aspects are arranged by me. ” 还有别的路可以走,我这边有个意识学院进阶的名额,我现在帮你联系蕾安娜取消转生计划,其他方面由我来安排。” Elegant face of Kiana under the persuasion of Mei suddenly gloomy, cannot bear say: „ You think that who you are! Each said that is good for me! But what that I think truly, do you know? Under I do not make the greenhouse flowers that your wings cover! I must grow into the pillar/backbone, is the civilization, for you, shares the responsibility for everyone! Why! I am not why good! Leaf 琪亚娜芽衣的劝说下俏脸忽地阴郁,忍不住道:“你以为你是谁!各个都说是为了我好!但我真正想的什么,你们知道吗?我不要做你们羽翼笼罩下的温室花朵!我也要成长为支柱,为文明,为你,为大家分担责任啊!为什么!为什么就偏偏我不行!叶 Because I and Previous Civilization Era finally is Herrscher much longer? What can that represent? You are are not also longer with Previous Civilization Era leader Dr. MEI much! ” 就因为我和上个文明纪元的终焉律者长得相似吗?可那又能代表什么?你不是也和上个文明纪元的领袖梅博士长得一样吗!” Mei in same place, looks at Kiana to vent, in the heart is also full of the grievance. 芽衣楞在原地,看着琪亚娜发泄,心中也充满委屈。 The look on Kiana elegant face is gradually stiff, until showing an ugly/difficult to look at smile, the tone transfers temperately: Does not use Mei, I have thought that I know that you and Bronya are good for me, but I have my road to walk, in any event, thank you to my help.” 琪亚娜俏脸上的神色逐渐僵硬,直至露出一个难看的笑容,语气转为温和:“不用了芽衣,我已经想好了,我知道你和布洛妮娅是为了我好,但我有自己的路要走,不论如何,谢谢你们对我的帮助。” Long time, the Mei jerky opens the mouth said: Was sorry that... was I thought oneself infallible...” 半晌,芽衣生涩开口道:“抱歉...是我太自以为是了...” What this/should apology is I am right, I have not controlled my mood, has a fit of temper to you.” Kiana lowers the head, does not dare to look at once friend again, why she does not know, such fierce why own mood can fluctuate, was these years time, the step of friend was getting quicker and quicker, she was away from was getting more and more far? Because of other anything... “该道歉的是我才对,我没控制好自己的情绪,冲你发了脾气。”琪亚娜低头,不敢再看曾经的友人,她也不知道为什么,为什么自己的情绪会波动的如此剧烈,难道是这几年时间,友人的步伐越来越快,她距离的越来越远?还是因为别的什么... I knew, Kiana...” The Mei show/unfolds face shows the smile, „ wished you to obtain the success in the reincarnation plan, wanting you to be able after the plan ended also became the new civilized pillar/backbone, finally, “我知道了,琪亚娜...”芽衣展颜露出笑容,“祝你在转生计划中取得成功,希望你能在计划结束后也成为新的文明支柱,最后, Wish the dawn to bless you. ” Leaf 愿曙光保佑你。”叶 Taking advantage of your auspicious words, wishing the dawn to bless you.” Kiana returns said, actually does not dare to go and project eye looking at each other of Mei. “借你吉言,愿曙光保佑你。”琪亚娜回道,却不敢去与投影出芽衣的眼睛对视。 Kiana, my here also many things must process, possibly your reincarnation plans... me and Bronya does not have the means to hurry back.” 琪亚娜,我这边的还有不少事情要处理,可能你的转生计划...我和布洛妮娅都没办法赶回去。” I understand, I know.” Kiana showed the former smile finally, everyone for the human civilization, our friendship wanted in the heart good, don't forget , I will one day stand side you sooner or later.” “我明白,我知道。”琪亚娜终于露出从前的笑容,“大家都是为了人类文明,我们的友谊只要记在心中就好,别忘了,迟早有一天,我会重新站在你们身边。” Naturally.” Mei also puts aside the mood, reveals does not dope any negativity the temperate smile, I wait for the coming of that time.” “当然。”芽衣也放下情绪,重新露出不掺杂任何负面情绪的温和笑容,“我等待那一时刻的到来。” Good good, your busy person chatted with me was so long, was really the waste civilized resources, went quickly busily.” Kiana beckons with the hand, I should also go to the reincarnation section report.” “好啦好啦,你这个大忙人跟我聊了那么久,真是浪费文明资源,快去忙吧。”琪亚娜摆摆手,“我也该去转生部报道了。” Un, bye.” “恩,再见。” Bye, Mei.” Leaf “再见,芽衣。”叶 ...... ......
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