EH :: Volume #25

#57: The time is silent

Buzz rumbling-! xi 嗡轰轰--!纚 Smelts the energy that the evil god erupts to damage by abrasion the quantum, everywhere one visit material completely all disappears, reliable incomparable the space middle level the sea of quantum twists unexpectedly flickers, plum and Mei and the others completely all the ear faint dizzily. 冶邪神爆发出的能量擦破量子,所到之处物质尽皆泯灭,在量子之海中层牢固无比的空间居然扭曲一瞬,梅和芽衣等人尽皆耳晕目眩。 While the present!” The plum in the sea of consciousness loudly, Mei and bright tong Lin and the others suppressed ill, presses out to do the energy in Herrscher Core completely. “趁现在!”梅在意识之海中高声,芽衣、亮烔琳等人强忍不适,将律者核心内的能量全部榨干。 In the Mei hand congeals 3000 zhang (3.33 m) thunder blade, above the quantum attribute attachment, for the first time present thunder light makes the people lose the vision, the chaotic magnetic field even makes the consciousness of usually in going smoothly everywhere inquire about to suffer setbacks. 芽衣手中凝结出三千丈的雷刀,量子属性依附其上,乍现的雷光让众人失去视觉,混乱的磁场甚至使平日里无往不利的意识探寻受挫。 In the aurora, the Yae Ji divine nature, consciousness and smelts the evil god also in Telepathy, the plum determination final position, belongs to restrain the Herrscher power to erupt at this moment, the endless light lance drops from the clouds, the amethyst that the penetration quantum material forms, will smelt the evil god to be one of them sleepily. 在极光之中,八重霁的神性、意识与冶邪神还在纠缠,梅确定最后的位置,属于约束律者的权能在此刻爆发,无尽光矛从天而降,穿透量子物质形成的紫晶,将冶邪神困在其中。 Newborn little fellow, you with Honkai stand unexpectedly! You will receive chasing down of our members! The bright department cannot accommodate you again!” Smelts the evil god to shout with the consciousness, trivial taboo level, but also thinks that the seal is occupied by me?!” “新生的小家伙,你居然和崩坏站在一起!你将受到我们全体成员的追杀!光明一系再也容不下你!”冶邪神用意识嘶吼,“区区禁忌位阶,还想封印住我?!” Seal flickered also enough.” Yae Ji returned to words. “封印一瞬也就够了。”八重霁难道回了句话。 Recited!” Bright tong Lin presses out dry/does Herrscher Core, the body hot phoenix, together to smelting the evil god hits with the endless quantum thunder light that Mei condenses! xi “吟!”亮烔琳榨干律者核心,身化火凰,同芽衣凝聚的无尽量子雷光一同向冶邪神撞去!纚 Buzz humming sound ~ 嗡嗡嗡~ Even if with smelting the evil god consciousness the dogfight Yae Ji, at this time all sensations still change to the nihility, with the divine nature, consciousness Telepathy smelts the evil god to vanish does not see, as if this was really annihilated to kill. 即便是与冶邪神意识缠斗的八重霁,此时所有感知也化作虚无,与神性、意识纠缠的冶邪神消失不见,仿佛真被这一击灭杀。 Sister Mei!” The Sirin several Herrscher Core energies inject the spatial law core, this place space seal to pinnacle. “梅姐!”西琳数枚律者核心的能量注入空律核心,将此地空间封印到极致。 Mei Yaoya displays the restraint power again, Judas's light shadow covers entirely the crack, ten several rays block toward the light shadow that the sea of level quantum flees that extreme speed together. 梅咬牙再次施展约束权能,身后犹大的光影布满裂纹,十数道光芒还是将那一道极速朝量子之海上层窜去的光影拦住。 Haha ~ one flock of ants also presumptuously think to block me!” Without with Yae Ji Telepathy smelts the evil god, then shakes off two people fetters with the method slightly, goes toward the sea of level lasing quantum. 哈哈~一群蝼蚁还妄想拦住我!”没有和八重霁纠缠的冶邪神,稍用手段便挣脱两人的束缚,朝量子之海上层激射而去。 It feared, middle level the sea of quantum, the strength was restrained the original sin domain, means that crowd of ants general civilizations really can make It fall from the sky. 祂怕了,在量子之海中层,实力被约束到原罪领域,意味着那群蝼蚁一般的文明真能使祂陨落。 Newborn fellow!” Saw with own eyes one will soon enter the sea of level quantum, smelted the evil god unable to bear to that similar gave an information, you best treat forever on the seabed of level quantum, otherwise we will extinguish your relationship of form and spirit thoroughly kill!” xi “新生的家伙!”眼见自身即将进入量子之海上层,冶邪神忍不住给那个同类传递了一条信息,“你最好永远待在量子之海底层,不然我们会彻底将你的形神灭杀!”纚 The Yae Ji complexion is invariable, the divine nature is glorious, observes closely stubbornly changes to the luminous spot has smelted the evil god. 八重霁面色不变,神性光辉黯淡,死死盯住已化作光点的冶邪神。 Everyone, I came.” “大家,我来了。” The Thea voice appears during the people consciousness, in that smelts the evil god most above, huge deep blue world bubble blocks the way of opposite party. 西娅辛的声音浮现在众人意识之中,在那冶邪神的最上方,一颗庞大至极的蔚蓝世界泡拦住对方的去路。 „The Hē~ trivial ants, look at me to grind your state!” 呵~区区蝼蚁,看我碾碎你的国度!” Smelts the evil god direct impact on go, arrives to Theiler Alliance. 冶邪神直冲而去,降临至泰莱雅联盟。 When It just wanted breaks through the entire world to soak, actually impressively discovered one had been flooded the strength of fetter divine nature world! But the world soaks still in crashes to the seabed of level quantum unceasingly! 等祂刚想要冲破整颗世界泡时,却赫然发现自身已被充斥着神性的世界之力束缚!而世界泡还在不断向量子之海底层坠落! Lunatic! Lunatics! You are the lunatics!” Smelts the evil god's consciousness to lock Thea stubbornly, actual control who this world soaks, „the world soaks, once crashes, has not returned to the upper-level possibility again, your life span the unlimited deflation, you will take the say/way!” xi “疯子!疯子!你们都是疯子!”冶邪神的意识死死锁定住西娅辛,这个世界泡的实际掌控者,“世界泡一旦坠落,再也没有返回上层的可能,你的寿命将会无限制的缩减,你这是取死之道!”纚 Thea has not paid attention, because of smelting struggling of evil god, in the entire world bubble starts to erupt the catastrophe, in the godship consciousness of Yae Ji, is the light point group of Taillette federation follower, in one is dying out piece by piece dimly the dissipation. 西娅辛没有理会,因冶邪神的挣扎,整颗世界泡内开始爆发大灾难,在八重霁的神格意识中,属于泰莱特联邦信徒的光点群,正在一片片黯淡寂灭消散。 Stops!” “到此为止!” Spans Yae Ji that and the others the space comes to strengthen the fetter, Mei and the others the energies has restored almost. 跨越空间而来的八重霁等人加强束缚,芽衣等人的能量已然恢复七七八八 Finally strikes!” “最后一击!” The consciousness and divine nature of Yae Ji and smelt evil god Telepathy, endless thunder light with flaminging the friendly phoenix erupts again, after the pinnacle is radiant, smelts the god body of evil god to reduce the nihility, reduces the Theiler 1/5 world bubbles. 八重霁的意识、神性与冶邪神纠缠,无尽雷光与炽热火凰再度爆发,极致璀璨过后,冶邪神的神体削减成虚无,同时也削减掉泰莱雅五分之一的世界泡。 Dawn! My known your! Departs from the spirit of community, joint strangling to death of waiting decayed and bright two department!” “曙光!吾已知你名!背离群体之灵,等待腐朽、光明两系的联合绞杀!” The vague sound scatters in the people consciousness, consumption smallest Sirin rushes to build the strength of space, preventing the radiation in sea of quantum to enter the breakage in Theiler world bubble. xi 若有若无的声音在众人意识中飘散,消耗最小的西琳赶忙架起空间之力,防止量子之海中的辐射进入破损的泰莱雅世界泡中。纚 The one who is wounded is biggest is Thea, soaks with the world with as one her, has fallen into the stupor at this moment, Theiler world soaks also in crashes to the seabed of level quantum unceasingly. 受创最大的是西娅辛,与世界泡同为一体的她,此时此刻已然陷入昏迷,泰莱雅世界泡也在不断向量子之海底层坠落。 Next is Yae Ji, is good because of dependence god characteristics, but can also maintain. 其次便是八重霁,好在依靠‘神’的特性,还能维持。 Fell from the sky?” The plum looks pale, Herrscher Core on key of blank has disrupted, can collapse Huicheng the nihility momentarily. “陨落了?”梅面色苍白,空白之键上的一颗律者核心已然碎裂,随时都会崩毁成虚无。 Mei sits in repose with eyes closed, the aura extremely feeble, is shortest in civilized pillar/backbone the time of she transforms, to the control of Honkai as well as power is far less than several seniors, now is in training within the body that frail core. 芽衣闭目养神,气息极度虚弱,在文明支柱中她蜕变的时间最短,对崩坏以及权能的操控远不如几位前辈,如今正在修养体内那颗脆弱的核心。 Should die.” Most relaxed except for Sirin, was bright tong Lin, she sent the eruption power to have the full experience to the frequency, even if erupted in a short time again one time, accomplished a task with ease. “应该死了吧。”最轻松的除了西琳,便是亮烔琳了,她对频发爆发权能有十足的经验,哪怕短时间内再爆发一次,也是游刃有余。 The Yae Ji closing one's eyes sensation, long time opens eyes saying: Divine nature and aura vanish thoroughly, but does not have the godship.” 八重霁闭眼感知,半晌睁眼道:“神性和气息彻底消失,但没有神格。” The plum relaxes, waves to summon the sleep cabin, lays aside in which Thea cautiously. xi 梅松了一口气,挥手召出睡眠舱,将西娅辛小心翼翼地放置其中。纚 I maintain Theiler world to soak do not crash, you find the way to make Thea restore as soon as possible.” The double pupil of Yae Ji that pair of implication god splendor restores the normal state, told that the people said: Later we are stationed middle level the sea of quantum, to guard accident/surprise.” “我来维持泰莱雅世界泡不坠落,你们尽快想办法让西娅辛恢复。”八重霁那双蕴含神辉的双眸恢复常态,吩咐众人道:“以后我们就在量子之海中层驻扎,以防意外。” ...... ...... The time is silent, execution that the reincarnation plans, even if Theiler federation after destructive attack, the number of dawn follower still in day after day growth. Godship consciousness. 时光缄默,转生计划的执行,纵使泰莱雅联邦经过毁灭性的打击,曙光信徒的数量仍在日复一日的增长。神格意识。 The luminous spot that the followers are born gathers in the small stream, rivers, lake and sea, until becoming vastness that cannot see the end. 信徒们诞生的光点汇聚成小溪、河流、湖泊、大海,直至成为看不见尽头的汪洋。 All living things consciousness gather here, Yae Ji receive here information, compared with his to become Shenqian the information sum total of receiving also wants on many innumerable times... 众生意识在这里汇聚,八重霁在这里的接收到的信息,比他成神前所接收到的信息总和还要多上无数倍... The divine nature, consciousness and god body has restored, Yae Ji will lose...... xi in the vastness of follower brilliance gathering sometimes 神性、意识、神体早已恢复,八重霁有时会在信徒光辉汇聚的汪洋中迷失......纚 Clearing weather! Clearing weather! Awakes!” “霁!霁!醒醒!” Yae Ji opens the eye fiercely, what before him is wears the plum of scientific research coat, the consciousness gushes out immediately, this time Theiler world soaks has returned to normal, in the world bubble even also another life star with it acting as companion, the consciousness continues to inquire about, penetrates in that star... 八重霁猛地睁开眼睛,在他面前的是身穿科研大衣的梅,意识随即涌出,此时的泰莱雅世界泡已然恢复正常,世界泡内甚至还有另一颗生命星球与之作伴,意识继续探寻,深入那颗星球之中... Earth?” “地球?” „Did you see?” The plum does not care, „before Thea is very early, awoke, she also integrates in Earth Theiler world bubble, there is a world bubble to prevent the material of within the four seas of quantum, Earth restored the vitality reluctantly.” “你看到了?”梅并不在意,“西娅辛很早之前就醒了,她将地球也融入到泰莱雅世界泡中,有世界泡阻挡量子之海内的物质,地球勉强恢复了生机。” Yae Ji shakes the head, with the finger/refers abdomen massage temples, he always thought where is not quite right. 八重霁摇摇头,用指腹按摩太阳穴,他总觉得哪里不太对。 „The spaceship of grand Se civilization fed in the news, develops Jin Wenming to confirm perishes, smelts the idol complete collapse of evil god.” Mei say/way. “隆瑟文明的飞船传回了消息,演金文明已确认灭亡,冶邪神的神像全部倒塌。”梅道。 grand Se civilization?” The thought just got up, Yae Ji seeks for a handful follower luminous spots in the endless godship consciousness, that is the reincarnation one of belief places plans to bring. xi “隆瑟文明?”念头刚起,八重霁就在无尽神格意识中找寻到一小撮信徒光点,那是转生计划带来的信仰地之一。纚 „It is not right, how long crossed?” Yae Ji looks to the plum. “不对,到底过了多久?”八重霁看向梅。 ...... ......
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