EH :: Volume #25

#61: Dialogue Honkai god

Newest website: I and we...... really success?” kan 最新网址:“我、我们......真的成功了?”輡 Looks breaks up the star glow to the distant place Herrscher, the fish Chinese zither big mouth respite, God Key drops finally in the place, young girl, imitates, if do not drain the strength, fell was still containing in the ground of high-energy energy. 望向远处崩解成星芒的终焉律者,鱼瑟大口喘息,神之键跌落在地,连带少女本人,仿若也别抽干了力气,跌坐在仍蕴含高能能量的地面上。 In the two years, she struck to kill the restraint, to corrode two Herrscher, now, completes Honkai all smelting trials finally. 这两年来,她先后击杀了约束、侵蚀两位律者,如今,终于完成了崩坏的所有试炼。 The civilized hope at present, lives everyone on this star to cheer for her cheers. 文明的希望就在眼前,生活在这颗星球上的每个人都在为她欢呼喝彩。 Has me, succeeding is inevitable.” “有我在,成功是必然的。” The words in sea of consciousness let in the fish Chinese zither heart one tight. 意识之海中的话语让鱼瑟心中一紧。 Is this gods , helping her arrive at the present, otherwise she will die under the restraint domain, the civilization will therefore also perish. 就是这位‘神明’,一路帮助她走到现在,不然她将死在约束领域之下,文明也会因此而灭亡。 But...... the Honkai trial, she and her civilization is completed through this cheating method, will the Honkai god...... also acknowledge? kan 但......崩坏的试炼,她和她的文明是通过这种作弊的手段才完成,崩坏神......还会承认吗?輡 Her within the body is residing temporarily gods, this matter only then fish know, even if the high level in civilization suspected, does not dare in the critical time question in her. 她的体内寄居着一位神明,这事只有鱼瑟自己知道,文明中的高层纵使怀疑,也不敢在紧要时刻质疑于她。 But now, all finished, the new beginning will soon start, she and will her civilization move toward where? 可现在,一切的一切结束,新的开端即将开始,她与她的文明又将走向何处? Do not worry, little miss.” Thoughts that Yae Ji sees through the fish Chinese zither, your civilization is well.” “别担心,小姑娘。”八重霁一眼看穿鱼瑟的心思,“你们文明会平安无事。” Really, real?” Fish asked, then falls into silent, will she ask the so stupid words? At this moment , can only repose in this gods. “真、真的吗?”鱼瑟问完之后便陷入沉默,她怎么会问出如此愚蠢的话语?事到如今,也只能寄托于这位神明。 Is ready,” the Yae Ji intent has pointed out: It came.” “做好准备,”八重霁意有所指道:“祂来了。” „?” “啊?” Buzz ~ kan 嗡~輡 Also without and other fish responded, endless pure white then swallowed her. 还没等鱼瑟反应过来,无尽纯白便将她吞噬。 The Honkai god understood slightly human so-called how excited is. 崩坏神稍微理解了人类所谓的‘兴奋’是怎么样的。 Since the birth, in the time scales of innumerable era, has completed the civilization of complete trial, ten fingers of numbers, previous time civilization that completes the trial, after cheating, successful Earth civilization. 自诞生以来,无数纪元的时间尺度上,完成全部试炼的文明,也不过十指之数,上一次完成试炼的文明,还是作弊之后才成功的地球文明。 This makes It very angry, therefore sends into exile the Earth civilization to the universe corner. 这让祂很是愤怒,于是将地球文明放逐到宇宙的角落。 But this time, It has not thought unexpectedly in such a short time, presents a civilization that completes the trial. 而这次,祂没想到居然在这么短的时间内,又出现一个完成试炼的文明。 It sits above the pure white space throne, overlooks the person's shadow in pure white space. 祂坐在纯白空间的王座之上,俯视纯白空间内的人影。 What made Its puzzled was, the present young girl aura is weak, by her strength, is not obviously able to defeat finally Herrscher. kan 令祂困惑的是,眼前的少女气息微弱,以她的实力,明显无法战胜终焉律者。輡 ‚Did her teammate die?’ A thought revolution, the Honkai god then understands the complete process, looked that is also desolater to the expression of fish Chinese zither. ‘她的队友都死了?’念头一转,崩坏神便了解全部经过,看向鱼瑟的表情也越加冷淡。 Young girls this damn in restraining the hand of Herrscher, actually used another strength to complete the trial contrary. 少女本该死在约束律者的手中,却违规使用了另一种力量完成试炼。 Another contrary civilization.’ ‘又一个违规的文明。’ While the fish Chinese zither stared by that line of sight when does not dare to pant for breath, the consciousness of Yae Ji finds out fish Chinese zither the sea of consciousness, looks at each other with the Honkai god. 正当鱼瑟被那股视线凝望的不敢喘息时,八重霁的意识探出鱼瑟的意识之海,与崩坏神对视。 For a long time does not see.” Yae Ji said with a smile. “好久不见。”八重霁笑道。 You......” Honkai god sensation to completely strange powerful aura, but this face, makes It keep firmly in mind in the innumerable civilizations. “你......”崩坏神感知到一股完全陌生的强大气息,但这张脸,却让祂在无数的文明中牢记。 I am Yae Ji of Earth civilization.” When Yae Ji the divine nature suppression, the simulation stems from as the human aura. kan “我是地球文明的八重霁。”八重霁将神性压制,模拟出自身为人类时的气息。輡 Snort! Becoming existence of great strength with the aid of the unknown strength, I have no interest in you.” Honkai Shintoism/Divine Dao: If you are prove your, you can walk.” “哼!借助未知力量成为强大者的存在,我对你没有兴趣。”崩坏神道:“若你是来证明自己的,那你可以走了。” Yae Ji heaves a deep sigh saying: „The strength that I send out is not familiar, it seems like you gods who trains as Ha You Wenming, was really is polluted certain situation by the evil god.” 八重霁摇头叹息道:“连我散发的力量都不熟悉,看来你作为哈游文明培养出的神明,真是被邪神污染到了一定地步。” „The generation of using deception.” The sensation to the Yae Ji rare great strength, the endless white light extreme speed draws , the fuzzy form of Honkai god also dissipates gradually. “弄虚作假之辈。”感知到八重霁超乎寻常的强大,无尽白光极速收拢,连带崩坏神的模糊身影也渐渐消散。 Through the cheating method through the civilization of trial, I remembered.” “通过作弊手段通过试炼的文明,我记住了。” In fish Chinese zither heart one tight, just wants to explain anything, actually saw to reside temporarily in the Spiritual God of her within the body acts. 鱼瑟心中一紧,正想解释什么,却见寄居在她体内的神灵出手了。 The astonishing unknown strength packages all, interrupts the way of Honkai god, making the pure white throne have to appear. 惊人的未知力量包裹一切,截断崩坏神的路径,使得纯白王座不得不重新显现。 „Do you want to make me extinguish you thoroughly kill?” The Honkai god puts out a hand to forward, the infinite primary strength eruption, making Yae Ji this consciousness together becomes illusory slightly. kan “你是想让我将你彻底灭杀吗?”崩坏神伸手向前,无限初级的实力爆发而出,让八重霁这一道意识变得虚幻稍许。輡 You should have a look at this.” Yae Ji directs, in silent war star the information of concerned You Wenming and evil god extends to the Honkai god side, only need touch slightly then can understand all. “你应该看看这个。”八重霁一指点出,寂静战星中有关哈游文明与邪神的信息延伸至崩坏神身边,只需微微触碰便能了解一切。 Extremely after short time, the Honkai god has known the complete information. 极为短暂的时间后,崩坏神已知晓全部信息。 We need your help.” Yae Ji sincere say/way, for real universe, for also struggling civilizations in universe.” “我们需要你的帮助。”八重霁诚恳道,“为了真实宇宙,为了还在宇宙中苦苦挣扎的文明们。” I will determine the genuine and fake.” The Honkai god deeply looked at Yae Ji one, the pure white space dissipates again, the form of throne and god, performed all did not have the trace. “我自会判定真假。”崩坏神深深看了八重霁一眼,纯白空间再度消散,王座与神的身影,尽皆没了踪影。 „Did the Honkai god...... walk?” The fish Chinese zither that has not made clear the situation at the scene, will respond after a little while, a pair of beautiful pupil observes closely Yae Ji stubbornly. 崩坏神......走了?”还没有搞清楚情况的鱼瑟愣在当场,少顷才反应过来,一双美眸死死盯住八重霁 Now can save their civilization, gods who only then this can contend with the Honkai god at present. 现在能拯救她们文明的,只有眼前这位能与崩坏神抗衡的神明了。 You...... discussed how?” The fish Chinese zither inquired cautiously. kan “你们......谈的怎么样?”鱼瑟小心翼翼地询问道。輡 Is good.” Yae Ji turns around, looks to the fish Chinese zither, has not gotten up many Telepathy in this topic, in real universe the risk is extremely high, the evil god may corrode your civilizations anytime.” “还算不错。”八重霁转身,看向鱼瑟,没有在这个话题上过多纠缠,“真实宇宙中危险性极高,邪神随时都有可能侵蚀你们的文明。” What is evil god......?” The fish Chinese zither cannot digest knowledge that’ said from the Yae Ji mouth. “邪神......又是什么?”鱼瑟不太能消化掉从八重霁嘴中说出的‘知识’。 One type can pollute the life mental, great strength of soul, great strength of far ultra Herrscher.” Yae Ji waves to develop Jin Wenming, and information of azure empire puts in the fish Chinese zither brain. “一种能污染生灵心智、灵魂的强大者,远超律者的强大。”八重霁挥手将演金文明,以及青帝国的信息放入鱼瑟脑中。 Only in a flash, the fish Chinese zither understands these two civilizations the sorrowful place. 仅一瞬间,鱼瑟就了解到这两个文明的悲哀之处。 The life of entire civilization, life and death all in instant of evil god. 整个文明的生灵,生死皆在邪神的一念之间。 I suggested that you go to the sea of housing quantum, there is my supreme headquarters.” Yae Ji said. “我建议你们前往量子之海居住,那里是我的大本营。”八重霁道。 But isn't the sea of quantum...... in inside civilization, collapse destroys who soaks because of the world will then perish in very short some time?” The fish Chinese zither is unable to accept. kan “可量子之海......在里面的文明,不是会在很短的一段时间内便会因世界泡的崩毁而灭亡吗?”鱼瑟无法接受。輡 That is your cognition has the issue, I can provide the safe environment for your civilization, is exempt from all foreign enemies to invade.” Yae Ji said: You can choose to be based on the female star under sneaks within the four seas of quantum to live, can choose me for the world bubble that you provide.” “那是你的认知有问题,我可以为你们文明提供安全的居住环境,免受一切外敌侵扰。”八重霁道:“你们可以选择以母星为根据下潜入量子之海内生活,也可以选择我为你们提供的世界泡。” I......” fish Chinese zither feels helpless, this is not she can decide obviously. “我......”鱼瑟不知所措,这显然不是她一个人能够决定的。 Goes to discuss that with the others of your civilization, I give you three days. Yae Ji said: „ Three days later, told me the result.” “去和你们文明的其他人商量吧,我给你三天的时间。八重霁道:“三天后,告诉我结果。” The sea of quantum, Theiler world bubble. 量子之海,泰莱雅世界泡。 What's wrong?” Mei stands in Yae Ji's side, if can draw the Honkai god to their camps, resists the winning percentage of decayed evil god to be higher. “如何?”梅站在八重霁身边,若是能把崩坏神拉至他们的阵营,对抗腐朽邪神的胜率就会更高些。 It received me to give the past information, but......” Yae Ji sighed slightly: It does not trust us very much.” “祂接收了我传递过去的信息,不过......”八重霁微微叹息道:“祂不是很信任我们。” Is unavoidable,” plum does not care actually, „, if saw the superficial information complies to form an alliance with us, we must alert on the contrary well.” kan “在所难免,”梅倒是不在意,“如果只是看到表面信息就答应与我们结盟,那我们反倒要好好戒备。”輡 Yae Ji looks to the sky, the line of sight penetrated the world bubble and sea of barrier quantum, until arriving in the real universe endless stars. 八重霁望向天空,视线穿透了世界泡、量子之海屏障,直至抵达真实宇宙的无尽星辰之中。 There, is occupying a colossus that is inconceivable. 那里,盘踞着一尊难以想象的庞然大物。 Hope can obtain Its reply as soon as possible, leaves our time is not many.” “希望能尽快得到祂的回复,留给我们的时间不多了。” ...... ......
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