EH :: Volume #25

#15: Himeko with the armed bands that wearing inside out to come( three /X)

Body of Mei immediately one stiff, in sensation crazy warning, as if there is unknown disasters to stare at her! 芽衣的身子顿时一僵,感知中疯狂警报,仿佛有未知的洪水猛兽盯上她! The Mei sensation first notices that and in the academy the Sakura elder sister elder sister's similar form, what is different from that gentle Sakura elder sister, the female in sensation wears a specially-made battle dress, in the hand grasps to hold Honkai Energy intensity astonishing katana! 芽衣的感知第一时间注意到那个和学园里樱姐姐相似的身影,与那位温柔的樱姐不同的是,感知中的女子穿着一身特制作战服,手里握持着一把崩坏能强度惊人的太刀 If looked at the past by the energy sensation to the angle of view, in the female hand seemed grips an energy to rush unceasing small Sun! 如果以能量感知到视角看过去,女子手里好似握住一颗能源澎湃不断的小太阳! The blade has not come out of the sheath, actually unusual chill in the air, the Herrscher consciousness of Mei within the body, starts to be ready to make trouble, in the eye pupil seems the electric light twinkle. 刀未出鞘,却给人非同一般的寒意,连带芽衣体内的律者意识,也开始蠢蠢欲动,眼眸中似有电光闪烁。 The cherry also looked at Mei, she is interested in not being fake to this little miss, but the interest is not big, in her eyes, this little miss similarly besides and some old friend, is worth caring only, is night/lodge body of Herrscher of Thunder. 樱也就看了眼芽衣,她对这个小姑娘有兴趣不假,但兴趣也没那么大,在她眼中,这个小姑娘除了和某个故人长得相似外,唯一值得在意的,也就是雷之律者的宿体。 Compared with Mei, this time goal is the dead ahead sends the young girl with nine points of similar powder. 比起芽衣,她这次的目标是正前方与自身九分相似的粉发少女。 Why said that is nine points? Because the opposite party top of the head does not have the fox ear. 为什么说是九分呢?因为对方头顶没有狐狸耳朵。 Two and two Sakura elder sister!” Kiana is especially shocking, she whole time all studies in the ivory tower in recent years, does not understand the curved curve say/way in flood human federation high level. “两、两个樱姐!”琪亚娜尤为震惊,她近些年大部分时间全在象牙塔内学习,可不懂泛人类联邦高层之中的弯弯道道。 Kiana.” Mei entrained the young girl, does not want to make her mix. 琪亚娜。”芽衣拽了拽少女,不想让她掺和进去。 That and Sakura elder sister appearance similar powerful female, the optional glance, then can arouse the victory and defeat desire that her within the body thunder Lv consciousness, at this time, was low-key for wonderful. 那名和樱姐长相相似的强大女子,随意一瞥,便能激起她体内雷律意识的胜负欲,这种时候,还是低调些为妙。 Has not seen Aurar, Walter these old seniors, tightened the body? 没看到西奥拉、瓦尔特那些老前辈们,也一个个绷紧了身体吗? Met, cherry.” Yae Sakura takes the lead to greet, in the facial features includes the happy expression. “又见面了,樱。”八重樱率先打招呼,眉眼中含有笑意。 She in another world , is not Previous Civilization Era she, is really very marvelous. 另一个世界的她,哦不,是上个文明纪元的她,真是很奇妙。 Since Onii-sama did not mind that what has with the opposite party, that did not mind what has with her? 既然兄长大人不介意与对方发生点什么,那岂不是也不介意和她发生点什么? In the tradition according to village, her big probability will become the Onii-sama wife obviously, but, since goes out of the village, particularly arrives at the epoch in the 21 st century, she felt that the three views of this new world, to their traditions is not that friendly. 明明依照村子中的传统,她大概率会成为兄长大人的妻子,可自从走出村子后,尤其是来到新纪元21世纪,她感觉这个新世界的三观,对她们的传统不是那么友好。 However... Onii-sama does not care then well, is not worth her complaining. 不过...兄长大人不在意便好,没什么值得她抱怨的。 Un,” cherry nods slightly, on the chilly elegant face shows a smile finally, met, cherry.” “嗯,”樱微微颔首,清冷的俏脸上终于露出一丝笑容,“又见面了,樱。” Hehe, Sakura elder sister.” Ling follows to greet in his elder sister behind. “嘿嘿,樱姐。”玲跟在自家姐姐身后打着招呼。 Ling sauce, did not see you to ask me to play recently.” Compared with cherry, Yae Sakura and Ling's relations on many, the reason lies in the opposite party runs to take a walk with her once for a while. “玲酱,最近也不见你来找我玩了。”比起樱,八重樱与玲的关系好上不少,原因在于对方时不时跑来和她逛街。 Without the means that who lets them, an elder sister is busy, a younger sister is busy, exactly two quite idle people gather. 没办法,谁让她们俩,一个姐姐忙,一个妹妹忙,恰好两个比较闲的人凑到一块。 Wait,” said in Mei Kiana low voice doubts: This is Sakura elder sister, that is also Sakura elder sister, therefore they are Sakura elder sister? Is the meaning I can have the double joys?” “等等,”在芽衣身旁的琪亚娜小声疑惑道:“这个是樱姐,那个也是樱姐,所以她们都是樱姐?意思是我能有双倍的快乐是吗?” Kiana idiot.” Before Bronya repeated words. 琪亚娜大笨蛋。”布洛妮娅重复了一遍之前的话。 Mei: „......” 芽衣:“......” These are my student ~ Yae Sakura draws Kiana that has collected conveniently, she called Kiana, liveliest, that tall, was Mei, finally that most lovable, was Bronya. They are the people of epoch , there is nothing to relate Oh. with a on era “这几位是我的学生哦~”八重樱顺手拉过凑过来的琪亚娜,“她叫琪亚娜,最活泼,那个个子高高的,是芽衣,最后那个最可爱的,是布洛妮娅。她们都是新纪元的人,和上个纪元没有任何关系哦。 The cherry slight nod, she understands the meaning in Yae Sakura words. 樱微微点头,她明白八重樱话中的意思。 Ok,” Yae Sakura clapped a introduced to Bronya and the others: This is Fire Moth Fusion Warriors, the cherry, has the qualifications to step finally the battlefield powerhouse, another is her younger sister Ling , like my younger sister.” “好了,”八重樱布洛妮娅等人拍手介绍道:“这位是逐火之蛾融合战士,樱,也是有资格踏上终焉战场的强者,另一个是她的妹妹玲,就和我妹妹一样。” Hehe ~ everyone's good.” Ling smilingly greeted. “嘿嘿~大家好呀。”玲笑眯眯地打招呼。 ~ Kiana shows the surprised expression, hello/you good, do you also like eating the fried bean curd?” “哇~”琪亚娜露出惊讶的表情,“你好你好,你也爱吃油豆腐吗?” Un, the ultra love eats!” Ling both hands pinch the waist, made the Tamamaru classical movement. “嗯,超爱吃!”玲双手掐腰,做了个绯玉丸的经典动作。 That another Sakura elder sister, will you also make the onigiri?” “那另一个樱姐,你也会做饭团嘛?” By Kiana with the cherry that the anticipation look looks, at this time some are not comfortable. 琪亚娜用期待的眼神看着的樱,此时有些不大自在。 At this time Ling bravely stepped forward, crazy Ainley said: My elder sister will not only pinch the onigiri, will also make all kinds of desserts, before has not entered Fire Moth, our two sisters have done the business of dessert shop ~ 这时玲挺身而出,疯狂安利道:“我姐姐不仅会捏饭团,还会做各种各样的甜点,没有进入逐火之蛾前,我们姐妹俩干过甜点店的生意哦~” In the eye of Kiana soon emits the golden light to come, that you are very certainly happy.” 琪亚娜的眼中快要冒出金光来,“那你一定很幸福。” cough cough ~ 哼哼~” When do you make the dessert? When the time comes can shout that I do drink the afternoon tea together?” “你们什么时候做甜点啊?到时候能喊我一起去喝下午茶嘛?” „...” Ling pondered, today goes to the A45 world to soak must reorganize the thing, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, will keep the terminal account number?” “呃...”玲思考了一下,“今天去A45世界泡还要整理东西,明天或者后天吧,留个终端账号?” Good good.” “好呀好呀。” Sees the younger sister who completes the py transaction, the cherry has had nothing to say in reply, compared with younger sister, her social capability truly not Taihang. 看着已经完成py交易的妹妹,樱无言以对,比起妹妹,她的社交能力确实不太行呢。 However can make the younger sister know several friends in the epoch, is good. 不过在新纪元能让妹妹多认识几个朋友,还是有好处的。 The cherry so thinks. 樱如此想到。 Hello,” looks at lively Walter, greeted to the intelligence in space channel, „did our group of people arrive in full? Now can transmit?” “你好,”看完热闹的瓦尔特,向空间通道内的智能打招呼,“我们这一批人到齐了没?现在可以传送吗?” „The person had not arrived, is not transmissible.” Intelligent reply. “仍有一人未到,不可传送。”智能回复。 ‚Is also one person, who?’ Vera eyeball slightly revolutions, cannot think that is where the character, as far as she knows, their batch go to the A45 world bubble, more or less with that some relations, other personnel or with that in the same place, either in other world bubble, on Earth few. 还有一人,是谁呢?’薇拉眼珠微转,也想不到是何方人物,据她所知,她们这批前往A45世界泡的,或多或少和那位有些关系,其他人员要么和那位在一起,要么就在别的世界泡中,在地球上的寥寥。 Entrance. 入口处。 „When embarrassed woman, transmission cannot carry the liquor water.” “不好意思女士,传送时不能携带酒水。” The intelligence blocks the baggage, the red hair female shows the speechless expression, feeds, I had said this stipulation is unreasonable, the Honkai Energy core of high potency can murder to kill the Herrscher weapon also to be able sufficiently to bring, cannot bring the liquor only, this is which small wants to come out lovably?” 智能将行李拦下,红发女子露出无语的表情,“喂喂喂,我早就说了这项规定一点也不合理,高浓度的崩坏能核心能足以弑杀律者的武器也能带,唯独不能带酒,这是哪个小可爱想出来的?” Embarrassed woman,” intelligent reply: In the world bubble will provide all that needs for you, but also please defer to the stipulation.” “不好意思女士,”智能回复:“世界泡内会为您提供所需的一切,还请按照规定进行。” „.” “啧。” The ear of Kiana moves, the line of sight looks into the distance to the entrance, this sound, probably... Teacher Himeko!” 琪亚娜的耳朵动了动,视线眺望向入口,“这个声音,好像是...姬子老师!” Hi ~ an open country dresses up, wears the sunglasses selects the female to greet toward the people high, and holds down soon falls down the head of her Kiana. “嗨~”一身野外装扮,戴着墨镜的高挑女子朝众人打了个招呼,并一手按住快要扑倒她身上的琪亚娜的脑袋。 It seems like I am latest that comes.” “看来我是来的最晚的那个。” Teacher Himeko,” Kiana works loose, said curiously: You not in expeditionary force?” 姬子老师,”琪亚娜挣脱开来,好奇道:“你不是在远征军中吗?” Yes.” Himeko said ill-humoredly: I cultivated/repaired the new years vacation to come especially, altogether 14 days, I did not have three days to Earth on, then informed me to go to the world bubble, the new years vacation cultivated/repaired a loneliness.” “是啊。”姬子没好气道:“我特地修了年假来的,一共十四天,我到地球上还没三天,便又通知我前往世界泡,年假修了个寂寞。” Himeko casts off the sunglasses, has swept the people, stopped on the fox ear of cherry flickered, looked to 145 cm Principal. 姬子摘掉墨镜,扫过众人,在樱的狐狸耳朵上停了一瞬,又看向145cm的学园长 Buzz ~ 嗡~ The mighty waves sound that not far away, the spatial frequency high-speed vibration creates transmits, different small meeting, a fully-armed squad appears before the people. 不远处,空间频率高速震动造成的波澜声传来,不一小会,一支全副武装的小队出现在众人面前。 Personnel have arrived in full, may transmit to No. 1 room.” The intelligent reminder said. “诸位人员已到齐,可至一号室传送。”智能提醒道。 Wait,” Himeko narrows the eye, looks at the armed bands, makes noise the inquiry: segment Ling?” “等等,”姬子眯起眼睛,看着武装小队,出声询问:“段玲?” ...... ...... 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