EH :: Volume #25

#14: Gets together in 1 protagonist( two /X)

Aiya, the big maternal aunt, why you must bring so many things! What is more important, but also wants me to carry!” “哎呀,大姨妈,你为什么要带那么多东西!更重要的是,还要我来背!” The complaint of young girl transmitted, causes Yae Sakura and Tamamaru and the others looks at the past together. 少女的抱怨声传来,使得八重樱绯玉丸等人一起看过去。 The white long hair ties up the bread twist pigtail may the person young girl, is looking unfamiliar not to have baggage that may the love at the back of be several times size, but in her front, is one at the back of white hair loli of huge golden cross. 白色长发绑成麻花辫的可人少女,正一脸生无可恋地背着是自己数倍大小的行李,而在她的前方,则是一名背着巨大金色十字架的白发萝莉 The corners of the mouth of Yae Sakura bring back, this just did not say that 145 cm Principal, didn't Principal come? 八重樱的嘴角勾起,这不刚说145cm的学园长,学园长不就来了吗? The entrance, said at the back of Oath of Judah Theresa self-important: Young people are to endure hardship, otherwise you at the back of Judas?” 入口处,背着犹大的誓约德丽莎老气横秋道:“年轻人就是要多吃苦,不然你背着犹大?” Ok!” Who knows a Kiana face to anticipate, places the one side the baggage of several times size conveniently, both hands then must start to compete for oneself big maternal aunt's weapon. “可以啊可以啊!”谁知琪亚娜一脸期待,随手将自己数倍大小的行李放在一旁,双手便要开始争夺自己大姨妈的武器。 „! Kiana you stop to me!” The Theresa air/Qi jumps to the head of young girl is being a fist. “啊!琪亚娜你给我住手!”德丽莎气地跳起来对着少女的脑袋就是一拳。 ~ St. Freya Academy first hits hard lovably, really lives up to reputation.” Front Tamamaru runs up to joins in the fun. “哇~圣芙蕾雅学园第一可爱重击,果然名不虚传。”绯玉丸跑到前面凑热闹。 Only has St. Freya Academy?” Theresa wants to interrogate. “只有圣芙蕾雅学园吗?”德丽莎很想质问。 „! Tamamaru! I quite think you!” Is holding to squat against Kiana to see the acquaintance, jumps three chi (0.33 m) high, whole person hanging of firmly on Tamamaru. “啊!绯玉丸!我好想你!”正在抱头蹲防的琪亚娜见到熟人,一蹦三尺高,整个人牢牢的挂在绯玉丸身上。 Tamamaru:??? 绯玉丸:??? Is this posture so familiar? 这姿势怎么这么熟悉? Kiana suddenly small sound said: Has the belt/bring fried bean curd? Gives me to come several.” 琪亚娜又忽地小声道:“有没有带油豆腐?给我来几块。” Fool! Who will eat the fried bean curd in the transmission! Spits carefully!” A Tamamaru fist pounds in the Kiana top of the head, the sent red packet and Theresa red packet coordinates with each other across a great distance. “笨蛋啊!谁会在传送的时候吃油豆腐!小心吐出来!”绯玉丸一拳砸在琪亚娜的头顶,送来的红包与德丽莎的红包遥相呼应。 Hiss ~ your strength is also big.” Kiana is rubbing own head, complained: Does not give does not give, why hits the person.” “嘶~你的力气也好大。”琪亚娜揉着自己的脑袋,抱怨道:“不给就不给,为什么打人嘛。” Words said that Tamamaru you came, that Sakura elder sister...” Kiana eye one bright, she has shot a look at that to powder the face to send! “话说绯玉丸你来了,那樱姐...”琪亚娜眼睛一亮,她已经瞥到那一抹粉发! Sakura elder sister!” The Kiana speed of light arrives at side Yae Sakura, coming a big bear to hug, wū wū wū Sakura elder sister I quite thought you, taught especially others were thinking of onigiri that every day you pinched.” 樱姐!”琪亚娜光速来到八重樱身边,来了个大大的熊抱,“呜呜呜~樱姐我好想你,特训的时候人家每天都在想念你捏的饭团。” Good good ~ Yae Sakura did not know whether to laugh or cry , helping Kiana along the dull wool of her head, and other later had the time I to do to you again is.” “好啦好啦~”八重樱哭笑不得,帮琪亚娜顺了顺她头上的呆毛,“等以后有时间我再给你做便是。” Really ?” Kiana came the spirit. “真哒?”琪亚娜来了精神。 Really.” “真的。” Must that big!” Kiana waves to gesticulate, obviously, she does not satisfy the onigiri of head/number of people size. “要那么大一颗的!”琪亚娜挥手比划,显然,她已经不满足于人头大小的饭团。 Does not have the issue.” “没问题。” wū wū wū ~ Kiana throws into the bosom of Yae Sakura again, Sakura elder sister was best, Sakura elder sister most understands me.” 呜呜呜~”琪亚娜再次投进八重樱的怀抱,“樱姐最好了,还是樱姐最懂我。” Yo ~ it seems like we come not early.” The entrance, a gray short hair of tight-fitting battle dress, the stature explodes the good female to tease. “哟~看来我们来的不算早。”入口处,一身紧身作战服的灰色短发,身材爆好的女子打趣道。 Since she has been Fire Moth enters Earth in recent years, the member of new info clerk, code name raven, real name Natasha Sciola. 她是逐火之蛾近些年进驻地球以来,新收纳的成员,代号“渡鸦”,真名娜塔莎・希奥拉。 Comes the Fire Moth goal, it is said to make the quick money buys the island to build the villa, but the real motive, who knows. 逐火之蛾的目的,据说是为了赚快钱买小岛盖别墅,但真实目的,谁知道呢。 Side the raven, is a makings chilly purplish black long hair young girl, the young girl same battle dress, side does not only come to one's ear sending tree top that once for a while will arouse an electric current of faint trace strange beat. 在渡鸦身边的,是一名气质清冷的紫黑长发少女,少女同样一身作战服,只不过耳边的发梢那,时不时会激起一丝丝诡异跳动的电流。 Bud- clothes-!” “芽-衣-!” A moment ago also in Kiana of Yae Sakura bosom jumped to the young girl in front of quickly, tight grasped this good friend. 刚才还在八重樱怀里的琪亚娜以迅雷不及掩耳之势跳到少女面前,紧紧的抱住这位好朋友。 „?” On the Mei chilly makings by the enthusiasm of Kiana were broken, put out a hand to shove open friend, Kiana, do not bump me, my body has the electricity.” “诶诶诶?”芽衣身上的清冷气质被琪亚娜的热情打破,伸手想要推开身上的朋友,“琪亚娜,别碰我,我身上有电。” Aiya, is all right , by electricity hiss ~ electricity hiss ~ body and body good and good ~ twice Kiana was still grasped Mei by the high-voltage discharge firmly, on the face the pleasantly surprised expression has not changed, but the eye became the blurry mosquito-repellent incense eye by the electricity. “哎呀,没事哒,被电嘶~电嘶~身、身体好、好嘛~”被高压电流电了两次的琪亚娜依然牢牢抱住芽衣,脸上惊喜的表情未变,只是眼睛被电成了迷糊的蚊香眼。 Vera smilingly looks at the present all, Theresa is present St. Freya Academy nominal Principal, the nature and with is Yae Sakura of St. Freya Academy teacher walks is quite near. 薇拉笑眯眯地看着眼前的一切,德丽莎是如今圣芙蕾雅学园名义上的学园长,自然和同为圣芙蕾雅学园教师的八重樱走的比较近。 But Theresa and Kiana same place, Sciola and Mei appear together, then because of finally the post-war influence division. 德丽莎琪亚娜一起,希奥拉与芽衣一起出现,则是因为终焉之战后的势力划分。 The epoch post-war, the flood human federation established with the support of human pillar/backbone level strength finally, topmost level such as plum, Yae Ji wait/etc., although did not care, but below was roughly divided into three influences. 新纪元终焉之战后,泛人类联邦在人类支柱级战力的支持下成立,最高层如梅、八重霁等虽然不在乎,但下面还是大致分成了三个势力。 First is on Fire Moth of civilized era, Sciola is the Fire Moth subordinate to organize ‚the world snake, it is said is some Fusion Warriors in Fire Moth creates. 其一为上文明纪元的逐火之蛾,希奥拉就属于逐火之蛾下属组织‘世界蛇’,据说是逐火之蛾中的某位融合战士所创。 Second are the organizations of epoch overlord rank, Schicksal Church. 其二为新纪元霸主级别的组织,‘天命教廷’。 Third are various epoch Earth civilization great nation sets, after Schicksal trades, completely inherits Anti-Entropy, and to massive capitals, change the name to as ‚the Anti-Entropy union from this new organization. 其三为新纪元地球文明各大国集合,与天命交易后,完整继承逆熵,并向其中大量注资,由此更名为‘逆熵联合’的新组织。 From the epoch finally post-war, the thing that the pillar/backbone level strength exposed, has been hounded by three big organizations, the appearance with similar Kiana, the body had Herrscher Core Raiden Mei finally, transformed related Bronya with pillar/backbone level strength Yae Ji, all became fragrant steamed buns in three big organization eyes. 自新纪元终焉之战后,支柱级战力暴露出的东西,一直备受三大组织追捧,其中长相与终焉相似的琪亚娜,身具律者核心雷电芽衣,与支柱级战力八重霁变换相关的布洛妮娅,皆成为三大组织眼中的香馍馍。 Finally after one competes, the body has Kiana of Kaslana Family bloodlines, belongs to the Schicksal organization, with Fire Moth to high leader plum similar young girl Raiden Mei, then becomes the Fire Moth treasure, but has not seen the potential Bronya, jointly put in the bag by Anti-Entropy, becomes vigorously the ultra potential seed of training. 最后在一番争夺后,身具卡斯兰娜家族血脉的琪亚娜,归属于天命组织,与逐火之蛾至高领袖‘梅’相似的少女‘雷电芽衣’,则成为逐火之蛾的宝贝,而尚未看到潜力的布洛妮娅,则被逆熵联合收入囊中,成为大力培养的超潜力种子。 Now three big influences already to two, last... 如今三大势力已至两个,最后一个... Wei improves the pupil to look to the entrance, sure enough, a dispirited eyeglasses uncle who wears the old black windproof coat, brings loli that light gray double helix curly hair that wears low-key health/guard clothes appears. 薇拉抬眸看向入口处,果不其然,一名身穿旧黑风衣的颓废眼镜大叔,带着穿着低调卫衣的浅灰双螺旋卷发的萝莉出现。 Everyone, Walter who eyeglasses uncle Anti-Entropy unites the honorary chairman, „ seemed like we comes late, Bronya.” “大家都在啊,眼镜大叔正是逆熵联合名誉会长的瓦尔特,“看来是我们来晚了,布洛妮娅。” Un.” “嗯。” Bronya light un, the vision one sweeps on Yae Sakura and Kiana, finally stays there Mei. 布洛妮娅轻嗯一声,目光在八重樱琪亚娜身上一扫而过,最后停留在芽衣那儿。 Bronya,” Mei greeted to loli with a smile, for a long time did not see.” 布洛妮娅,”芽衣萝莉笑着打招呼,“好久不见。” For a long time does not see,” Bronya lifts the foot to move toward the young girl, raised the head to look up, Elder Sister Mei.” “好久不见,”布洛妮娅抬脚走向少女,抬头仰视,“芽衣姐姐。” Hey!” The Kiana discontented say/way, „hasn't little guy, seen me also in side? Hurries to call me Elder Sister Kiana, the elder sister gave you sugar to eat.” “喂喂!”琪亚娜不满道,“小萝卜头,没看到我还在旁边吗?赶紧叫我‘琪亚娜姐姐’,姐姐给你糖吃了。” Bronya stares to Kiana, in the eye were many gently, fool Kiana, just the same as always.” 布洛妮娅盯向琪亚娜,眼中多了柔和,“笨蛋琪亚娜,还是老样子。” Whose did you say fool?!” Kiana to rub has the sleeve, for a long time has not seen, has to say this young lady fool!” “你说谁笨蛋呢?!”琪亚娜撸起袖子,“这么长时间没见,有上来就说本小姐笨蛋的嘛!” Good, Kiana, Bronya is greeting with you.” “好了好了,琪亚娜,布洛妮娅是在和你打招呼。” Mei has a headache immediately, two people quarrelled each time, she was clamped in the middle cushion cotton. 芽衣顿时又头疼起来,每次两人吵架,她就是被夹在中间的缓冲棉。 The friends meet, how happy matter, now... 朋友见面,多么美好的事情,现在... Hū~ Hū~ entrance, dashed about wildly Ling who came to breathe two thick air/Qi, took a look to aloof female, „the time that elder sister, it seems like we came was just good.” 呼~呼~”入口处,一路狂奔而来的玲喘了两口粗气,瞅向身旁的高冷女子,“姐,看来我们来的时间刚刚好。” The cherry has not paid attention to the younger sister, the line of sight first locks in that with old friend similar Raiden Mei on. 樱没有理会妹妹,视线第一时间锁定在那个与故人相似的雷电芽衣身上。 ...... ...... Please remember this book first round domain name:. The cell phone version renews the quickest website: 请记住本书首发域名:。手机版更新最快网址:
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