EH :: Volume #25

#16: 8 heavy cherries, on ginseng/partake!

Arranges at the frontline armed young girl, the figure for it, turns the head to fix the eyes on the direction that Himeko to look, at once slightly runs over, lifts the hand salute. 排在最前方的武装少女,身形为之一顿,转头定睛朝姬子所在的方向看去,旋即小跑过来,抬手敬礼。 Senior official!” “长官!” Your this is...” Himeko sized up up and down, has Quest?” “你们这是...”姬子上下打量了番,“有任务?” Cannot say even, I understand.” Himeko also said. “不能说就算了,我懂的。”姬子又道。 segment Ling hesitates slightly, opens the mouth saying: „It is not secret Quest, you enter the military compound then to understand, the Quest rank is A, disassimilation Honkai Beast in elimination homeland star. Quest that our squad receives guards the scientific research section peripheral region.” 段玲略微犹豫,开口道:“不算机密任务,您进入军营即可了解,任务等级为A,消灭家园星内的异化崩坏兽。我们小队接到的任务是镇守科研部周边地带。” „Does Earth need our expeditionary force to eliminate Honkai Beast?” Himeko doubt. “地球需要我们远征军来消灭崩坏兽?”姬子狐疑。 Enters the flood human federation time from Earth, tiger lion in Honkai Beast and zoo on Earth is similar, the Honkai Beast been stationed garrison troops regular clean-up of open country, the scientific research department wants to borrow the Honkai Beast experiment now, sometimes must go to the world bubble, because Honkai Beast on Earth is really few. 自地球进入泛人类联邦时代,地球上的崩坏兽和动物园里的老虎狮子差不多,野外的崩坏兽会被驻守军定期清理,如今科研部门想要借用崩坏兽实验,有时还得去世界泡内进行,因为地球上的崩坏兽实在是太少。 Actual issue I am not very clear,” segment Lingdao: In A45 world bubble most expeditionary forces have acted, in other world bubble also has, in the hearsay will have the pillar/backbone level strength to arrive.” “具体事项我也不是很清楚,”段玲道:“A45世界泡中大部分远征军已行动,别的世界泡里也有,传闻中还会有支柱级战力降临。” Knows likely indistinctly inside story Yae Sakura and the others, frown, in the heart anxious does not want, but these are confused the young girls who cannot feel the mind, then thinks... 像隐约知道内情的八重樱等人,纷纷皱起眉头,心中紧张不要,而那些一头雾水摸不着头脑的少女们,则以为... Is new Herrscher must arrive?” Kiana raises the hand, like baby who inquired in school, „can we go?” “是新的律者要降临?”琪亚娜举起手,像在学校里提问的宝宝,“我们可以去嘛?” Kiana!” Theresa is driven beyond the limits of forbearance, how can the Herrscher matter make this group of kids mix? 琪亚娜!”德丽莎忍无可忍,律者的事情怎么可以让这群小屁孩掺和? Theresa a braid that catches Kiana, towed it forcefully, but also explained to segment Ling: Excuse me, this child hits the small brain is not very miraculous.” 德丽莎一把拽住琪亚娜的辫子,硬生生将其拖了回来,还对段玲解释道:“不好意思,这孩子打小脑子就不是很灵光。” segment Ling: „......” 段玲:“......” Armed the young girl to lift the wrist/skill to shoot a look at the tactical terminal, raised the head saying: Senior official, my here need rushes to the Quest place immediately.” 武装少女抬起手腕瞥了眼战术终端,抬头道:“长官,我这边需要立即赶往任务地点。” Good, Quest is important, is more careful.” Himeko patted segment Ling the shoulder, after the opposite party saluted again, led the team slightly to run to depart. “好,任务要紧,小心些。”姬子拍了拍段玲的肩膀,对方再次敬礼后,率队小跑离去。 Buzz ~ 嗡~ Indoor transmission one after another sends out the space to fluctuate, teams of military equipment one after another, quantity great, high of quality, making the people on the scene smell the unusual flavor. 传送室内接二连三的发出空间波动,一队队武装鱼贯而出,数量之巨、质量之高,让在场众人嗅到非同一般的味道。 If really Herrscher did arrive at... the uppermost layer to have the pillar/backbone level strength not on the line? Even if these armed young girl each rating achieve S, wants to go to the Herrscher battlefield, is not an easy matter. 真要是律者降临...最上层有支柱级战力不就行了?即便这些武装少女各个评级达到S,想要踏上律者战场,也绝非易事。 Please go to No. 1 transfer chamber to prepare.” The intelligence urged again. “请前往一号传送室准备。”智能再次催促。 The atmosphere is somewhat strange, everyone is a smart person, the information that has shown the traces of looks for itself to want from various aspects. 现场的氛围有些诡异,大家都是聪明人,已经从各方面展现的蛛丝马迹中找寻到自己想要的信息。 When will third group of personnel evacuate?” Yae Sakura is unable to suppress the feeling of guilty in heart deep place, toward intelligent inquiry. “第三批人员会在什么时候撤离?”八重樱无法压制内心深处的罪恶感,朝智能询问。 Sorry, presently the jurisdiction is insufficient.” “抱歉,当前权限不足。” Vera!” Yae Sakura looks to own niece, that in Schicksal is also the pivotal great person. “薇拉!”八重樱又看向自家侄女,那位在天命中也算是举足轻重的大人物。 Paternal aunt, the preliminary calculation, the third batch of evacuations will be completed in ten days.” “姑姑,初步计算,第三批撤离将会在十天内完成。” Ten days?” Thinks that cold urged when the own urgent appearance, Yae Sakura shakes the head saying: „It is not good, too late.” “十天?”想到凛催促自己时的紧急模样,八重樱摇头道:“不行,太迟了。” What do you mean?” Himeko frowns the inquiry. “什么意思?”姬子蹙眉询问。 Making concrete me is not very clear,” Yae Sakura returns said: Everyone can also guess correctly, Earth comes under the influences of some force majeure factors, needs to evacuate a group of personnel to go to the world bubble.” “具体我也不是很清楚,”八重樱回道:“想必各位也能猜出,地球受到一些不可抗力因素的影响,需要撤离一批人员前往世界泡。” Force majeure, serious?” Sciola kept a serious look. “不可抗力,有多严重?”希奥拉的表情严肃起来。 „It is not clear.” “不清楚。” Therefore we are the first group of evacuation objects?” “所以我们是第一批撤离对象?” That St. Freya Academy children what to do?” “那圣芙蕾雅学园里的孩子们怎么办?” So many S-Rank Valkyrie go, matter as serious as what situation?” “那么多S级女武神前去,事情得严重到什么地步?” I suggested to go to the A45 world bubble immediately, was the first group of personnel of intelligent designation, we delayed was longer, the time that the rear area evacuated will also be longer!” “我建议立即前往A45世界泡,诸位都是智能选定的第一批人员,我们耽误的越久,后方撤离的时间也会越久!” Un ~ Yae Sakura shakes the head, in the short half-day time, in her innermost feelings by the suffering, she really could not be endured, you first walk, I must go to Saint.” “嗯~”八重樱摇头,短短半天的时间内,她的内心中饱受煎熬,她实在忍不下去,“你们先走,我要去圣芙蕾雅。” The cherry that grasps the cold prison ice day, with, her complied calmly cold, must consider another „”. 手持寒狱冰天的樱,不动声色地跟了上去,她答应凛,要照顾好另一个“自己”。 Own elder sisters walked, Ling and Tamamaru also rush to follow. 自家姐姐都走了,玲和绯玉丸也赶忙跟上。 „?!” Rushes to follow at the back of Judas's Theresa, I am Principal! Teacher Yae, you, where had the teacher to go slowly, truth that Principal did not go to!” “诶?!”背着犹大的德丽莎赶忙跟上,“我可是学园长啊!八重老师,你慢点,哪有老师去了,学园长不去的道理!” Himeko patted the forehead, sighed: This new years vacation rests, is really.” At once strides to pursue greatly. 姬子拍了拍脑门,叹气道:“这个年假休的,真是的。”旋即大跨步追去。 Big maternal aunt! Waits for me!” “大姨妈!等等我!” Kiana!” Mei looks to Sciola, in the eye has plea. 琪亚娜!”芽衣看向希奥拉,眼中带有些恳求。 Hū~ Sciola speechless say/way: Really does not make one be free from worry. Tries, tried your Herrscher of Thunder prestige to control several. Has that several, believes that cannot have what accident/surprise.” 呼~”希奥拉无语道:“一个个真是不让人省心。去试试吧,试试你雷之律者的威能到底掌控了几层。有那几位在,相信也出不了什么意外。” Mei nods ruthlessly, changes to the electric light to flash toward the exit|to speak. 芽衣狠狠点头,化作电光朝出口闪去。 Bronya shot a look at Walter. 布洛妮娅瞥了眼瓦尔特。 Visits me to do?” Walter lets go saying: You want to go, can I also block you to be inadequate?” “看我干什么?”瓦尔特摊手道:“你想去,我还能拦着你不成?” Bronya deeply looked at this dispirited male eyes that can be said as the teacher, the rewiring small rabbit appears, pursues in the direction that the people vanish. 布洛妮娅深深看了这个可以说是自己老师的颓废男子一眼,身后重装小兔显现,朝众人消失的方向追去。 „Weren't you worried?” Sciola both hands hold the chest, the faint smile look at Walter. “你一点也不担心?”希奥拉双手抱胸,似笑非笑地看着瓦尔特。 „Aren't you are also the same?” Walter's line of sight looks to Vera, true great people do not worry, are we anxiously useful?” “你不是也一样?”瓦尔特的视线又看向薇拉,“真正的大人物都不着急,我们急有什么用?” Vera chuckle, is fluent to wisdom: Instantly opening next batch of evacuations.” 薇拉轻笑,对智能道:“即刻开启下一批撤离。” Receives, the order has begun using.” “收到,命令已启用。” On this time Vera the makings are gentle, does not control many strategic resources probably giant enterprise secretly Boss. 此时的薇拉身上气质柔和,一点也不像是掌控诸多战略资源的巨头企业幕后Boss。 She looks at Walter, said with a smile: „, I have don't worry informed Su, he will take along the news to Sir Sirin, maintains some space channel for us.” 她看着瓦尔特两人,笑道:“不用担心,我已通知苏,他会给西琳大人捎去消息,为我们保持某一空间通道。” Look,” Sciola selects the eyebrow say/way: Regarding having the right to have the great person of potential, but is the time of a few words.” “看,”希奥拉挑眉道:“对于有权有势的大人物来说,不过是一句话的功夫。” „, I and others also help.” Walter narrows the eye, that younger sisters in the battlefield, we do not go, could not somewhat be justified.” “那么,我等也去帮忙吧。”瓦尔特眯起眼睛,“那位的妹妹都在战场上,我们不去,有些说不过去了。” ... 。。。 Outside world. 外界。 Yae Sakura looks up to the sky, this time sky fog misty piece, the grey purple color fills the air, the treacherous resembles leads to the door of different world. 八重樱抬头望向天空,此时的天空雾蒙蒙一片,灰紫色彩弥漫,诡谲像通往异世界的门扉。 The discomfort deepens in the heart, runs from the space channel her sensation to teams of powerful Valkyrie arming, toward diverges in all directions. 不安感在心中加深,她感知到一队队强大的女武神武装从空间通道中跑出,朝四面八方散去。 Not far away, Himeko waves, I called super speed fighter aircraft that goes to St. Freya Academy, who wants to experience?” 不远处,姬子挥了挥手,“我呼叫了前往圣芙蕾雅学园的超快速战机,谁想要体验一下?” St. Freya Academy. 圣芙蕾雅学园 The young girls who are preparing to go to the actual combat inspection location look up the day, often is directing to Schicksal. 正准备前往实战考核场地的少女们一个个抬头望天,不时对着天命指指点点。 The management attempt of academy contacts to Schicksal Church, inquired the reason of grey purple mist. 学园的管理层尝试向天命教廷联络,询问灰紫雾气的缘由。 Although in the mist does not have Honkai Energy of gamma ray to respond, an anxious being flustered feeling, as if the next second, will actually be swallowed by that dreadful mist general! 雾气中虽然没有超高能的崩坏能反应,却给人一种不安的心慌感,仿佛下一秒,就会被那滔天雾气吞噬一般! Áng-! 昂-! A deafening length recited, defeated the glass in academy, covered the young girls of ear, saw the endless beast shadow after mist faintly. 一声震耳欲聋的长吟,击破学园内的玻璃,捂住耳朵的少女们,隐隐望见雾气后的无尽兽影。 ...... ......
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