EH :: Volume #18

#46: God start/open day

Day.” Man that stretches out the arms to protect the appearance of body predecessor, but the vision actually carries over the square rhombus sculpture with that pale golden light group, as the research worker, he had not really completely understood suddenly present miracle is the science and technology, really the dawn arrives. “天呐。”男人还是那副张开双臂护住身前人的模样,不过目光却随着那淡金光团移向广场菱形雕塑的下方,作为科研工作者,他一时间还真没看透眼前的“神迹”是科学技术,还是真的曙光降临。 When pale gold/metal ray that group packages two sisters close to him, recently saves exhausted such as the sleet melts, the operating speed of brain thought faster. 那团包裹两姐妹的淡金光芒靠近他时,近日以来积攒的疲惫如雨雪消融,大脑思维的运转速度更为迅捷。 My heaven, the difficult god of journeys... really to exist?” The men hold the chest front is hanging the camera fast, pats toward the light group that these floats from the sky send out gold/metal. “我的老天,难道神...真的存在?”男人快速捧起胸前挂着的相机,朝那些漂浮在空中散发金芒的光团拍去。 Why does not have to select me! I am indestructible to the belief of Shuguang, I incomparably yearned to the dawn, I have the sincerest sentiment to the dawn!” In the crowd some people shout, goes toward person column dashing that the special police officer composes. “为什么没选中我!我对‘曙光’的信仰坚不可摧,我对曙光无比向往,我对曙光拥有最诚挚的感情!”人群中有人嘶吼,朝特警组成的人栏冲撞而去。 Buzz ~ 嗡~ That arrived at the transparent wall that cannot see to reappear the pale gold/metal ray, imitates, if goes nonstop to the horizon, complements is standing the special police officers before wall martial-looking uncommon. 原本那到看不见的透明墙壁浮现淡金光芒,仿若直通天际,映衬着站在墙壁前的特警们更加英武不凡。 Quick, has not waited for that person to continue restless, hidden the plainclothes in crowd does not have the sound to take away this place him quietly. 很快,还没等那人继续闹腾,隐藏在人群中的便衣将他悄无声音地带离此地。 The men licked the lip, sizes up god wall that say/way appears suddenly, inside and outside world imitate, if became two world, the original rhombus sculpture is covered up by the trees flowers and plants, warm Yang package in , the devout followers crawl in the light group, is independent with the outside world. 男人舔了舔嘴唇,打量那道突然浮现的神墙,里面与外界仿若成了两个世界,原来的菱形雕塑由树木花草遮掩,暖阳包裹其中,虔诚的信徒们匍匐在光团之内,与外界再无关联。 The palm of man to the throat, defended the human wall special police officer here to shoot a look at man one eyes, has not prevented. Touching place mild like jade, makes an effort again, such as the giant stone city wall is sincere. 男人的手掌向前探去,守在这里的人墙特警瞥了男人一眼,没有阻止。触摸处温润如玉,再用力,却如巨石城墙般厚重。 Ok, do not probe again, otherwise has the accident/surprise, no one could save you.” The special police officers reminded, he impression to this man is at present good. “好了,不要再试探了,不然发生意外,谁也救不了你。”特警提醒,他对眼前这个男人的观感还算不错。 Thanks.” The men take back the palm, the line of sight looks into, the light group that looks for that two sisters to the god wall subsequently is, calmly stares. “谢谢。”男人收回手掌,视线继而向神墙之内眺望,找寻那姐妹俩的光团所在,静静凝望。 Internal, Dezzi that unemotional face becomes genial gentle, at present the people all are spontaneous believe the person of Shuguang from the heart deep place, is Shuguang to arrive at the first group of followers in this world. 内部,奥德齐那张面无表情的老脸重新变得和煦慈祥,眼前众人皆是自发从内心深处信仰‘曙光’之人,属于‘曙光’降临这个世界的第一批信徒。 But Dezzi knows, the heart of person will change with the change of external environment, even the frantic follower, will perhaps still abandon the belief in passing of time. 但奥德齐知晓,人的内心是会随着外部环境的改变而发生变化,即便是再狂热的信徒,或许也会在时间的流逝中抛弃信仰。 However, at least now at present this group of people, to the belief of dawn are the irreverence of the heart, as for later how, but must look at his management tool. 不过,至少现在眼前这群人,对曙光的信仰是发自内心的虔诚,至于之后如何,还要看他的管理手段。 Theiler children,” Dezzi said to this group of followers: Dawn has felt your irreverence, the great my commanding general can for your blessings. Starting today, all your will be changed, have the dawn gracious gift, starts the brand-new life......” “泰莱雅的孩子们,”奥德齐对这群信徒说道:“曙光已感受到你们的虔诚,伟大的吾主将会为你们赐福。从今天起,你们的一切都将得到改变,带着曙光的恩赐,开启全新的生活......” Regarding Dezzi's words, Grey only hears several blurry, does not have him, she was too comfortable, seems returns to the newborn place, the warm current packages her whole person, the organ of aging in bit by bit is made up, the emaciated body is taking in the energy, these are also vanishing because of the scale that the experiment failure causes slowly, the smooth fair and clear flesh reappears, the simple and beautiful small face discards restores the vigor wearily. 对于奥德齐的话,格蕾嘉尔只迷迷糊糊听到几句,无他,她实在太舒服了,好似回到初生之地,暖流包裹住她整个人,老化的器官在一点一点得到弥补,瘦弱的身躯在摄入能量,那些因实验失败致使的鳞片也在慢慢消失,光滑白净的肌肤重现,清丽的小脸丢掉疲倦恢复活力。 By the soul breaks through the shackles, a new student/life will soon arrive. 直到灵魂上突破枷锁,一次新生即将到来。 ~ Grey cannot bear the god hidden make noise, covers up his hood and worn-out clothes transforms the pure white god robe, the pretty long hair flutters... “啊~”格蕾嘉尔忍不住神隐出声,遮掩自身的兜帽与破旧的衣服变换成纯白神袍,靓丽的长发飘出... Long time, Grey recovers, she in the new student/life, has known all of Shuguang, the heart deep place is more reverent to Shuguang. 半晌,格蕾嘉尔回过神来,她在刚才的新生中,已知晓‘曙光’的一切,内心深处对‘曙光’更为虔诚。 God causes the Sir.” Facing Dezzi who once the War God honor taught, Grey is not calling the opposite party is a founder, but is the god causes. “神使大人。”面对曾经战神荣光教的奥德齐,格蕾嘉尔不在称呼对方为教主,而是神使。 Welcome to the dawn.” Dezzi is all smiles, present young girl, but in the god opens existence of dawn personally roll-call, as the dawn god causes, his fondness mood follows the decree of god to change. Ordering natural Yae Ji, the bitter experience of young girl makes him think of that period of time of Sirin childhood at present. “欢迎来到曙光。”奥德齐笑容满面,眼前的这位少女,可是在神启中曙光亲自点名的存在,身为曙光的神使,他的喜好心情跟随神的旨意而改变。下命令的当然的八重霁,眼前少女的遭遇让他想到西琳小时候的那段时光。 Thanks, hope brilliant ray of dawn in Theiler land.” Grey expressed again to the irreverence of dawn, the vision shifts, starts to search for own younger sister, she came here goal, first was to then cure own younger sister, “谢谢,愿曙光的光辉照耀在泰莱雅的大地上。”格蕾嘉尔的再次表达对曙光的虔诚,目光转移,开始搜寻自己的妹妹,她来这里的目的,第一便是治愈好自己的妹妹, How as for oneself, is not in the consideration range. In the light group has the person's shadow to go out unceasingly, some people shed bitter tears, crawl talk over the name of dawn in the place, the also person cannot constrain own happy expression, keeps expressing gratitude for the dawn, and what is more goes down on hands and knees, calmly waits for the dawn the tora. 至于自己如何,则不是考虑范围内。光团中不断有人影走出,有的人痛哭流涕,匍匐在地念叨曙光之名,还有人怎么也压抑不住自己的笑意,不停地对曙光表示感谢,更有甚者长跪不起,静静等待曙光的神谕。 Until a petite beautiful young girl is staggering going out, looks confusedly to all around. 直到一名娇小秀丽的少女踉跄着走出,迷茫地看向四周。 Elder sister!” Sees the familiar form, young girl eyes one bright, somewhat controls the four limbs that oneself just grew to transfer to Grey side clumsily. “姐姐!”见到熟悉的身影,少女眼睛一亮,有些笨拙地控制自己刚长出的四肢挪移到格蕾嘉尔身旁。 Grey hugs the younger sister, often pinches to rub younger sister's arm with the hand, feels the warm feeling after above, cannot constrain the mood again, the tears gushes out from the tear gland. 格蕾嘉尔拥抱住妹妹,又不时用手捏揉妹妹的手臂,从上面感受到久违的暖意后,再也压抑不住心情,眼泪从泪腺之中涌出。 Dawn on, really good , you were finally good, finally, finally...” “曙光在上,真好,是真的,你终于好了,终于,终于...” Un, so long as believes the dawn devotionally, It will certainly respond our.” The young girls follow Grey mood, two two sisters hug in the same place cry and smile. Dezzi has waited for these followers to tidy up the mood, worships on bended knees before by the first follower, quick, these obtain god the followers of gracious gift, kneels down in the direction of rhombus sculpture, with the most reverent belief, prayed to the dawn respectfully. “恩,只要虔诚信仰曙光,祂一定会回应我们的。”少女跟着格蕾嘉尔的情绪,两姐妹俩抱在一起又哭又笑。奥德齐一直等这些信徒收拾好情绪,由第一个信徒在前跪拜,很快,这些得到神的恩赐的信徒们,纷纷朝菱形雕塑的方向跪下,用最为虔诚的信仰,恭敬地向曙光祈祷。 , The mood of followers fluctuates suddenly again, their mind deep places present a fuzzy form, the form sending out gentle pale gold/metal ray, to their light language. 忽地,信徒们的情绪再次波动,他们的脑海深处出现一个模糊的身影,身影散发柔和的淡金光芒,正对他们轻语。 ...... ...... The outside world, that say/way sends out the pale gold/metal ray the god wall to be gradually dim, the golden light draws to the square center rhombus sculpture, Dezzi reappears with dozens followers before the people. 外界,那道散发淡金光芒的神墙逐渐黯淡,金光收拢向广场中心的菱形雕塑,奥德齐与数十位信徒重新出现在众人面前。 Dezzi announced: „The first god opened finished, participates in the person who the god opened, bathing dawn brilliance.” 奥德齐宣布道:“第一次神启结束,参加神启的人,将沐浴曙光的光辉。” The words saying, the god who in the rhombus sculpture contains light/only to spews out in all directions, the ray changes to the drizzle, scatters evenly is presenting each life within the body. 话语说完,菱形雕塑中蕴含的神光向四面八方喷涌而出,光芒化作细雨,均匀撒在在场每一个生灵体内。 Sat Baud in command car rubs to refer to the abdomen, looked up to the vehicle roof, gold/metal raindrop penetrates to come, to sprinkle on his body, that sense of relief swept across the nerve, the own small problem of once suffering also vanished all. 坐在指挥车内的伯特揉搓了一下指腹,抬头看向车顶,金芒雨滴穿透而来,洒在他的身上,那股久违的放松感席卷神经,曾经折磨的自己的小毛病也尽数消失。 Until the god rain dissipates, originally noisy Bundesplatz is a silence. 直到神雨消散,本来吵闹的联邦广场还是一片寂静。 In the following time, I along this route, a three days god will open, prays for Theiler people.” Dezzi said, in the people mind on the scene appears naturally a map, going on patrol that the god opens launches, once again detonated Bundesplatz. “接下来的时光中,我将沿着此次路线,三日一次神启,为泰莱雅的子民们祈福。”奥德齐所说,在场众人脑海中自然而然浮现一副地图,神启的巡游展开,又一次引爆了联邦广场。 Just now is only the bathing dawn brilliance, then can have such big effect, is very difficult to imagine these to believe the dawn followers devotionally, actually to obtain what kind of blessings. 方才仅是沐浴曙光的光辉,便能有如此之大的功效,很难想象那些虔诚信仰曙光的信徒们,究竟获得了何等赐福。 When people also when noise, Dezzi as well as followers of square center, do not have the trace. 等人们还在喧闹时,广场中心的奥德齐以及一众信徒们,已然没了踪影。 ...... ...... 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