EH :: Volume #18

#47: The memory of plum

After the half a month . 半月后。 Jumps imitates brilliance, if will never extinguish, these strange granules that gloomily blue the engine spouts under fighting the guidance of star gravity gradually form the thin film of similar atmosphere, packages the entire star. 跃迁引擎喷出的幽蓝光辉仿若永远不会熄灭,那些奇异的粒子在战星重力的引导下逐渐形成类似大气层的薄膜,包裹整颗星球。 Looks into the distance to go from the angle of Earth, the silent war star has turned has visionally the color star, only then the small number of people knows, these linger in fighting around star the energetic particle, once erupts to be able dangerous. 从地球的角度眺望而去,寂静战星已然变成拥有梦幻般色彩的星球,不过只有少数人知晓,那些萦绕在战星周围的高能粒子,一旦爆发会有多危险。 Fights the star experimental plot. 战星实验区。 " What kind of? " 「怎么样?」 Plum that ten thousand years of invariable scientific research coat, the inside lining dark-colored shirt, the middle that small bow tie its under stood tall and erect to jack, has a unique flavor. 梅还是那身万年不变的科研大衣,内衬深色衬衣,中间的那条小领结被其下高耸顶起,别有一番风味。 Just from the nutrition warehouse going out of the blocking feeling of Yae Ji static feeling within the body energy, when consciousness the too long backing in Thea, when returned in the main body, this body as if did not seem like itself. 刚从营养仓内走出的八重霁静静感受体内能量的阻塞感,当意识太久依托于西娅辛,重归于本体时,这幅躯体仿佛不像是自己本身。 " Also ok, the consciousness restored 99%, rests one to be able fully to restore again. " Long time, Yae Ji puts out foul air, replied. 「还行,意识算是恢复了90%九,再休息一会就能完全恢复。」半晌,八重霁吐出一口浊气,回答道。 " Thea that little miss how? " Mei Shangxia sizes up present outstandingly beautiful person, the light discusses that face, is truly more outstanding than most females. 「西娅辛那个小姑娘如何?」梅上下打量眼前的绝色人儿,光论那张脸,确实比绝大多数女性都要出众。 Yae Ji by the embarrassment that the plum sizes up, binds the body with the consciousness, forms a clothing, coughs lightly, said: " She does not have to obstruct greatly, slept in Theiler source place is all right. " 八重霁被梅打量的不好意思,用意识裹住躯体,形成一身衣物,轻咳一声,才道:「她没大碍,在泰莱雅本源处睡一觉就没事了。」 " My meaning must pay attention to her psychologically healthy, " plum points out: " Since she loses recalled, she to your dependence far exceeds others, hopes that you can handle this matter, we may not have the background to lose a pillar/backbone level, is the civilized pillar/backbone of related plan for the aftermath. " 「我的意思是要关注她的心理健康,」梅指道:「自从她失忆后,她对你的依赖远超他人,希望你能处理好这件事情,我们可没底蕴去损失一位支柱级,还是有关后续计划的文明支柱。」 " Without the issue, she is I, I am she. " 「没问题的,她就是我,我就是她。」 Mei Pie Yae Ji, continued to look down the modeling data of embodiment godship. 梅瞥了八重霁一眼,继续低头看具象神格的建模数据。 " Earth how? " Yae Ji inquired. 「地球方面如何?」八重霁询问。 " Fortunately, these evil god followers were sent back to the world bubble that each we control, evil god aura washout was similar. " The plum thinks saying: " Realized the switch to absorb about 2 billion human consciousness, or was the soul. " 「还好,那些邪神信徒都被遣送到各个我们掌控的世界泡,邪神气息冲刷的差不多了。」梅想想道:「意识转换器吸收了大约二十亿的人类意识,或者说是灵魂。」 " How do you plan to do? " Yae Ji selects the eyebrow. 「你打算怎么做?」八重霁挑眉。 " Waits for experiments whether succeeds. " The plum does not seem like cares very much, " does not succeed clones a number of bodies from the database, after match puts in each world bubble that we control. " 「等这次实验是否成功。」梅好像不是很在意,「不成功就从数据库中克隆一批躯体,通过匹配后投放到我们掌控的各个世界泡中。」 " Success? " 「成功了呢?」 Mei Taimou, " most people put in the world bubble that we control, another young some people of I hope them to be able the reincarnation to other world bubble, or in real universe. They will carry the memory of Earth to be reincarnated, we will also improve the consciousness switch to help reincarnation. " 梅抬眸,「大部分人还是投放到我们掌控的世界泡中,另外一小部分人我希望他们能够转生到别的世界泡,或者真实宇宙中。他们会携带地球的记忆转世,我们也会改进意识转换器对转世者进行帮助。」 " Makes... them disseminate the dawn? " Yae Ji frowns, " has the tree of Su regulation imaginary number, I am have the natural level advantage. " 「让...他们来传播曙光?」八重霁蹙眉,「有苏监管虚数之树,我是们有天然层面的优势。」 " Right, I planned that in some ruined world bubbles seeks for Herrscher Core, best is the spatial law core, once the plan starts to implement, the transmission efficiency of our cross space needs to obtain the new breakthrough. " 「没错,我打算到一些破败的世界泡中寻找律者核心,最好是空律核心,一旦计划开始实行,我们跨空间的传送效率需要得到新的突破。」 Yae Ji nods, as for the detail planning, he does not have to inquire, the plum works all affairs big or small, plan and even tentative plan that she proposed, certain process thought. Naturally, once he fuses godship to become God, this is also Shuguang can obtain the method of belief most quickly. 八重霁点头,至于详细计划,他也没去询问,梅做事事无巨细,她提出的计划乃至设想,一定经过深思熟虑。当然,一旦他融合神格成神,这也是「曙光」能最快获得信仰的方法。 " The rest, matter I confessed well completely, after quite a while, we started consciousness the fusion. " Said, turns around to leave, the sending tree top that high ponytail raises, transmits the elegantly simple fragrance. 「好好休息,事情我全部交代好了,半天后我们开始意识融合。」梅说完,转身离开,高马尾掀起的发梢,传来淡雅的香气。 ...... ...... The vortex and distortion, the dizzy, vomitive feeling, an star glow is reappearing at present, Yae Ji and consciousness fusion between plum both are not extremely smooth, pinches to rub the consciousness of different individual like this type in the same place, does not have the rejection reaction is not from the start impossible. 漩涡、扭曲,天旋地转,久违的呕吐感,点点星芒在眼前浮现,八重霁与梅两者之间的意识融合极不顺利,像这种把不同个体的意识捏揉在一起,不产生排斥反应压根不可能。 Has not known when how long, Yae Ji by the exhaustion that the feeling of everything in disorder did, in the mind appeared suddenly not own point stippling scope. 不知过了多久,八重霁乱七八糟的感觉搞的精疲力尽时,脑海中忽地浮现出不属于自己的点点画面。 The front is a whole face affection female, is long and plum is similar, but the makings are entirely different , is a pair of fat small hand deep place, the mouth gurgle being able to understand words. 面前是一个满脸慈爱的女性,长得与梅差不多,但气质却全然不同,紧接着,是一双肉乎乎的小手深处,嘴里咕嘟着听不懂的话。 When Yae Ji closes one's eyes opens again, at present is a classically elegant construction, the sky lightly the light rain, 八重霁闭眼再睁开时,眼前是一座古雅建筑,天空正下着淅淅沥沥的小雨, Keeps wearing the Sirs of black formal dress to talk low voice. " Oh, who can think she walks is so early. " 不停有身穿黑色正装的大人们在小声交谈。「唉,谁能想到她走的这么早。」 " Heard that is her husband from testing the room comes out to cause the harmful belt/bring of material. " 「听说是她丈夫把有害的物质从实验室内带出来导致的。」 " This small age did not have mother, is really... " 「这小小年纪没了母亲,真的是...」 Yae Ji looks at a loss to all around, in the necks that sending tree top flexure of temple makes the pruritus, just wants to put out a hand to open out, discovered oneself are holding anything. 八重霁茫然向四周看去,鬓角的发梢挠弄的脖间瘙痒,正想伸手拨开,才发现自己正捧着什么东西。 Looks down downward, in the black-and-white photo, that was embracing her before, female who reveals a face affection. 低头向下看去,黑白照片上,正是之前那个怀抱着她,露出一脸慈爱的女性。 At once, dizzy, the ear resounds the screams. 旋即,天旋地转,耳边响起惊呼声。 When Yae Ji opens eyes again, the one who appears in the front was just the young girl who goes out of the campus cafeteria, before vending machine, reflects the appearance of young girl indistinctly, the appearance that the spacious eyeglasses are hard to cover up the young girl, the deep long hair hangs like Bao Banzhi, is only chilliness on that small face, is really makes people feel fearful. 八重霁再睁开眼时,出现在面前的是刚从校园食堂走出的少女,自动售货机前隐约反射出少女的模样,宽大的眼镜难以遮掩少女的容颜,深色长发如瀑般直垂而下,只是那张小脸上的清冷,实在是让人感到心寒。 " Hey ~ is she, a test ranks first, called Mei 。 " 「嘿~就是她,次次考试排名第一,叫梅。」 " Fathers, but what chief scientist is coming, should the result very be? If I have her such father, absolutely can do is better than her. " 「人家父亲可是什么首席科学家来着,成绩好不是应该的吗?我要是有她那样的父亲,绝对会做的比她更好。」 " , You? Forget it. However I see her to have no friend, you said us, if goes forward to greet... " 「嘁,就你?得了吧。不过我见她都没什么朋友啊,你说我们要是上前打招呼...」 " Left, her temper, was not no one looked like you to think before, was bang rebuffing. This person also in school good, enters to the society , the temper is very easy to offend the person. " 「别了吧,她就那性子,以前又不是没人像你这么想,还是砰了一鼻子灰。这种人也就在学校里好,一进入到社会上,性子很容易得罪人。」 The back some people discussed low voice. 背后有人小声议论。 When she bends the waist picks up mineral water in the vending machine, the dizziness feeling again raids. 当她弯腰去拾自动售货机里的矿泉水时,眩晕感再次袭来。 This time is in the ice-cold laboratory. 这次是冰冷的实验室中。 The young girls have put on the scientific researchers exclusive long cedar, but on the face the stiff stereotypical, heavy/thick eyeglasses seem must cover up the small face thoroughly, if not the even more outstanding stature, real bookworm appearance. 少女已穿上科研人员专属的长杉,不过脸上僵硬呆板,厚重的眼镜好似要将小脸彻底遮掩,如果不是愈加出众的身材,真一副书呆子模样。 " You consider again, " front man said, " here does not raise the idler. " 「你再好好考虑一下吧,」面前的男人说,「我们这里不养闲人。」 As the memory picture of receive are getting more and more, is only consciousness Yae Ji of body then to feel dizzy, at present the line of sight twinkle, the picture has the change again. 随着接收的记忆画面越来越多,仅是意识体的八重霁便感到头昏脑涨,眼前视线闪烁,画面再次出现变化。 This time is in the decoration warm and brightly lit shop, in the air is filling the vague cakes and pastries fragrance, the present decoration even looks familiar especially. 这次是装饰温馨、灯光明亮的店铺内,空气中弥漫着若有若无的糕点香味,眼前的装饰甚至格外眼熟。 Until the young girl turns around to look to the counter, Yae Ji sees that familiar person's shadow unexpectedly! 直到少女转身向柜台看去,八重霁竟看到那个再熟悉不过的人影! " Isn't that I? I knew, this is when Previous Civilization Era opens a shop... " 「那不就是我吗?哦,我知道了,这是在上个文明纪元开店的时候...」 Yae Ji had not pondered with enough time, another picture emergence. 八重霁还没来得及细想,又一副画面出现。 She can feel itself exhaustedly, but the imminent crisis will not give the opportunity that she rests. 她能感觉到自己疲惫,但迫近的危机不会给她休息的机会。 " You have a look at you, did not rest ends! " 「你看看你,再不休息就完了!」 The sound is familiar, turns the head to look, is a military uniform, on the shoulder is hanging the general " Yae Ji " . 声音熟悉,转头看去,正是一身军装,肩膀上挂着将星的「八重霁」。 ..... ..... Please remember this book first round domain name:. Tang three Chinese net cell phone version reading websites: 请记住本书首发域名:。唐三中文网手机版阅读网址:
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