EH :: Volume #18

#45: Miracle? Acrobatics?

High noon, planning in Theiler world bubble makes Sun to send out the astonishing light and heat, the sunlight that the directly shoots comes lets in Bundesplatz many streaming with sweat, looks up again to the sky, the solar halo spreads the color that becomes in gradually to expand at present. 正午,泰莱雅世界泡内的拟造太阳正散发惊人的光和热,直射而来的阳光让联邦广场上不少人汗如雨下,再抬头看向天空,日晕扩散而成的色彩在眼前逐步扩大。 " Also started? " Some people whispered. 「还开不开始了?」有人嘀咕。 " I said that this is the show, how to possibly exist brightly. " 「我就说这是作秀,怎么可能会有神存在。」 " This was also too hot. " 「这也太热了。」 " Didn't reach an agreement noon? " 「不是说好了中午吗?」 " Does not know how the federal government thinks, Congressman also will not imagine the War God glowing countenance to teach such to depend on the follower high-rank. " 「也不知道联邦政府怎么想的,不会还有议员想像战神容光教那样靠着信徒上位吧。」 Some people's questions have not affected Baud, he sees with one's own eyes oneself daughter to return to normal, in addition, Bundesplatz center already by the position that the special police officer encircles, actually contains together the transparent wall, in anybody is unable to enter, uses the existing instrument unable to examine the material quality. 一些民众的质疑没有影响到伯特,他可是亲眼看到自己的女儿恢复正常,除此之外,联邦广场最中心已被特警围起来的位置,其实内含一道透明墙壁,任何人无法进内,使用已有的仪器也无法检测出材质。 Baud turns on the wallet, watched in which daughter's picture, the little miss dimple on picture like the flower, beautiful likely small Sun, this and several days ago that gloomy child was entirely different. 伯特打开钱包,看了眼其中女儿的照片,照片上的小姑娘笑靥如花,明媚的像个小太阳,这和数天前的那个阴郁的孩子截然不同。 Thinks miracle conclusion that the hospital expert gives, Baud receives the wallet, looks through the monitoring device to the square center position, in the heart the secretly thought/passage: " Perhaps, this is also my opportunity. " 想到医院专家给出的奇迹结论,伯特收好钱包,通过监视器看向广场最中心的位置,心中暗道:「也许,这也是我的机会。」 When the indicator points at 12 points, the people in square felt suddenly the solar illumination in sky is genial, by fierce is shifted Yang warmly Yang, shines in not in burning hot, is flooding the comfort on the contrary. 当指针指向十二点时,广场中的群众突然感觉天空中的太阳光照和煦起来,由烈阳转向暖阳,照耀在身上不在炎热,反倒是充斥着舒适感。 By the rhombus statue of square center, presents a middle-aged man who suddenly wears the white god to take. 广场中心的菱形雕像旁,忽地出现一位身着白色神服的中年男子。 " Appeared! " Some people call out in alarm. 「出现了!」有人惊呼。 " Isn't that Dezzi? " 「那不是奥德齐吧?」 Director Baud the subordinate transfers the ultra clear photograph system, camera lens will haul, according to face line profile that the middle-aged god causes, is quite similar to Dezzi of young period, what is different from it, the middle-aged god caused in the unemotional, once brown pupil the implication god light/only. 伯特指挥下属调动超清摄像系统,将其中一处摄像机镜头拉进,依照中年神使的脸部线条轮廓来看,与年轻时期的奥德齐极为相似,与之不同的是,中年神使面无表情,曾经的褐眸中蕴含神光。 In conference room that the secret sends, Cohen observes closely the picture that films at present stubbornly, under the lens of ultra clear camera, thin lines on the middle-aged man skin is clearly discernible. 隐秘派的会议室中,柯恩死死盯住眼前拍摄的画面,在超清摄像机的镜头下,中年男子皮肤上的细纹清晰可见。 Cohen silent meeting, long time said: " Does not seem like the putting on make-up technology, possibly Dezzi really depended upon the technology of alien becomes young. " 柯恩沉默了会,半晌才道:「不像是化妆技术,可能奥德齐真的依靠外星人的技术变年轻了。」 " Can sneak the civilization of sea of quantum from the real universe momentarily, in the hand controls is normal the biological technology that we are more advanced. " 「能够随时从真实宇宙潜入量子之海的文明,手中掌控一些比我们超前的生物技术再正常不过。」 Sits in Siaud of tail seat cannot listen to the mood in these old fogies words to fluctuate, but feels several people of envying. Arrived these positions, money and power were extremely easy to obtain, the energy and old body that but slid to day after day, making them naturally ignite the pursue and hope to the life. 坐在尾席的西奥听不出这些老家伙们话里的情绪波动,但还是感觉到几人的羡慕。到了这几位的位置,金钱与权力唾手可得,但日渐下滑的精力以及年老的躯体,让他们自然燃起对生命的追求与渴望。 Saw with own eyes beforehand also take old Dezzi young ten is several years old, the heart deep place said that does not envy that is false. 亲眼见到以前比自己还要苍老的奥德齐年轻十数岁,内心深处说一点不羡慕那是假的。 " Theiler people, hello. " 「诸位泰莱雅的子民,你们好。」 In Siaud heart one startled, in the projection may not have the sound to demonstrate, he is solid hears Dezzi's voice in the innermost feelings! 西奥心中一惊,投影中可没有声音显示,他是实实在在的在内心中听到奥德齐的声音! The members who the secret sends look at each other in blank dismay, obviously has known the key is. 隐秘派的成员们面面相觑,显然已知晓其中关键所在。 Dezzi in projection has not clearly opened mouth the speech, but the sound passed to the secret several hundred kilometers away to send the conference room. 投影中的奥德齐分明没有张嘴说话,但声音还是传到了数百公里外的隐秘派会议室。 " Today, I represent me to advocate Shuguang, exercises Its power, all sincerity beliefs are great my Lord life, will obtain my Lord god graciousness, but today participates in the federal citizens who the god opens, same can bathe my Lord brilliance. " 「今天,我代表吾主「曙光」,行使祂的权能,所有真心信仰伟大吾主的生灵,都将得到吾主的神恩,而今日来参加神启的联邦公民们,一样可以沐浴吾主的光辉。」 What unexpected is, as a Dezzi not lengthy speech that the dawn god causes, even Shuguang had not introduced specifically, but directly enters the subject. 让人意想不到的是,身为曙光神使的奥德齐没有一番长篇大论,甚至连「曙光」都没有具体介绍,而是直接进入正题。 " Did you hear? That dawn god causes, he can speak in me unexpectedly! " 「你听到了吗?那个曙光神使,他居然能在我心里说话!」 " Also has possibly, before the federation, hasn't had the research in consciousness? Also possibly utilized any new instrument. " 「也不是没可能,联邦之前不是有过意识方面的研究吗?也可能是运用了什么新型仪器吧。」 Below person is noisy, Grey with the aid of she relatively petite body, such as loach fast drill from crowd to front. 下方的人再次吵闹起来,格蕾嘉尔借助她相对娇小的身躯,如泥鳅般快速从人群中钻向前方。 To the region that the special police officer jointly spheres, Grey ignores the people strange looks, stares kneels in the ground. 一直到特警联合围住的地带,格蕾嘉尔不顾身边众人诡异的眼神,直勾勾地跪在地面上。 " Elder sister, puts me to get down... " 「姐姐,放我下来...」 Grey hesitates slightly 格蕾嘉尔略微犹豫 , , At once thinks Dezzi founder said " sincerity belief " , takes down the winding cautiously in bandage, side will lose the younger sister of four limbs to place. Without the petite girl of limbs crawls directly in the place, what faced is the marble on Bundesplatz, the scope that the surroundings crowd pushes enables the dust in ground often to surge, merely ten seconds of times, the girl feels the scant of breath. 旋即又想到奥德齐教主所说的「真心信仰」,又小心翼翼地取下缠绕在身上的绷带,将失去四肢的妹妹放在身边。没有肢体的娇小女孩直接匍匐在地,面对的是联邦广场上的大理石,周围人群挤动的幅度使得地面上的灰尘不时涌起,仅仅十来秒的功夫,女孩就感觉呼吸困难。 " Youngest sister, did you also really believe the acrobatics of federal government? Everyone knows the War God glowing countenance that Dezzi organized teaches to deceive the ballot, this time wants to sit a higher seat. You must really fall ill, but must go to the hospital to inspect. " Nearby uncle good intention squats down saying that simultaneously protects Grey, for fear that the rear crowd steps on to them on. 「小妹妹,你还真相信联邦政府的把戏了?大家都知道那奥德齐创办的战神容光教是为了骗选票,这次不过是想坐上更高的位子。你要真的生病了,还得去医院检查。」一旁的大叔好心蹲下说道,同时护住格蕾嘉尔,生怕后方的人群踩到她们身上。 Grey sees the institute achievement of man, the lip moves, " founder Sir will not deceive our. " 格蕾嘉尔见到男人的所作为,嘴唇动了动,「教主大人不会骗我们的。」 " Oh, you. " The men set out, he is only joins in the fun, has not actually thought that today's person such, has not thought unexpectedly unexpectedly really had the ignorant person to believe the acrobatics of that group of politicians. 「唉,你这人。」男人起身,他只是来凑个热闹,却没想到今天的人居然会如此之多,更没想到居然真有愚昧之人信了那帮政客的把戏。 However sees Grey this pitiful two sisters, the man stands behind two people, makes an effort to stretch out the arms to block the crowd, and exclaimed: " Pushes anything to push! Had not seen that front has the follower to worship on bended knees?! If the dawn really exists, sees you to create an uproar one group, how to see to you at heart?! " 不过见到格蕾嘉尔这可怜的两姐妹,男人还是站到两人后方,使劲张开双臂拦住人群,并吼道:「挤什么挤!没看到前面有信徒跪拜吗?!曙光若是真的存在,看到你们哄闹成一团,心里对你们怎么看?!」 The roar of man flickers to submerge below in quarrelling in the mixed crowd, is good is strong because of him, can protect the front two people reluctantly. 男人的吼声在下一瞬淹没在吵杂的人群中,好在他还算强壮,勉强能护住前方的两人。 Dezzi looks unemotionally to the under chaotic scene, he can hear to present everyone's aspiration, and emotion fluctuates. 奥德齐面无表情地望向下方混乱的场景,他能听到在场所有人的心声,以及情感波动。 " God! If you really exist, be please pitiful we...... " 「神啊!若您真的存在,请可怜可怜我们......」 " Dawn, blesses me to get rich this year! When I really got rich, I cultivate/repair a church in our community to you. " 「曙光啊,保佑我今年发财!等我真的发财了,我就在我们社区给你修个教堂。」 " God, you know me to come to see you, my wallet was stolen by the thief? Can look for my wallet? " 「神啊,你知道我为了来看你,我的钱包被小偷偷了吗?能把我的钱包找回来吗?」 " Scratches, if we had known does not come, Mudd crushed to death the master. " 「擦,早知道不来了,玛德挤死爷了。」 " Does not know that these psychological hypnosis masters are credible, what to do if the dawn hasn't cured them should? " 「也不知道那些心理催眠师靠不靠谱,曙光要是没治愈他们该怎么办?」 " Dezzi founder..., the god does not cause the Sir, I am willing to pay self- all, requested great dawn cure my younger sister... " 「奥德齐教主...不,神使大人,我愿付出自我的一切,请求伟大的曙光治愈我的妹妹...」 " ...... " 「......」 Various kind of thoughts all have, the Orde depressed, primary god opens of one mind becomes this appearance unexpectedly. 各类心思皆有,奥德齐心中郁闷,初次的神启居然就成这个模样。 " Stops. " 「停。」 Dezzi's words appear in the mind of everyone. 奥德齐的话语又出现在每个人的脑海中。 Bundesplatz of creating an uproar in this moment strange silence, the in the air bird, the mobile air current also loses the sound unexpectedly day after day. 哄闹的联邦广场居然在这一刻诡异般的寂静,连天空中飞鸟,流动的气流也失去声音。 People discovered oneself are unable to control oneself body unexpectedly, has some minimum person gods light/only to cover, slowly toward the displacement in position of square center, most people rearward withdraws orderly. 人们发现自己居然无法控制住自己的身体,有极小一部分人身上神光笼罩,慢慢朝广场最中心的位置移动,大部分人向后方有序撤去。 The man who in the rear area protects the two sisters, looks the sisters who helplessly whole body dust change to the light group to fly to the front. 在后方护住姐妹俩的男人,眼睁睁看着满身灰尘的姐妹化作光团飞向前方。 ...... ...... Please remember this book first round domain name:. Tang three Chinese net cell phone version reading websites: 请记住本书首发域名:。唐三中文网手机版阅读网址:
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