EH :: Volume #18

#42: Source young girl

" They have not come time all well, visits a few days after the time by hot civilized that group of aliens, the entire highest parliament blows reign of terror, we could not have discovered the problem of that group of aliens. " 「他们没来的时候一切好好的,逐火文明那群外星人访问没几天时间,整个最高议会刮起一阵腥风血雨,偏偏咱们还找不出那群外星人的毛病。」 Benzole, that once on the parliament opposed that with one of congressmen the alien establishes diplomatic relations, because of the speaking incorrectly words on the parliament, was latter taught to kick the parliament by then War God honor. 西哈苯斯,那个曾在议会上反对与外星人建交的议员之一,后因在议会上说错话,被当时的战神荣光教踢出议会。 He cannot forget that period of time forever, because that damn War God honor teaches, he not only lost the power, almost dies in that crowd of lunatic hands! He incomparably hates all these sources- by hot civilization as well as Dezzi! 他永远忘不掉那段时光,因为那该死的战神荣光教,他不仅失去了权力,更差点死在那群疯子手中!他无比痛恨这一切的源头-逐火文明以及奥德齐! The man on seat of honor is aloof, he benzole the idea in heart to is quite clear, the man after smog then looks to the youth of lowliest place seat, " Siaud, the War God altar disappearance incident checks how? " 主位上的男子无动于衷,他对西哈苯斯心中的想法极为清楚,烟雾后的男子转而看向末位席的青年,「西奥,战神祭坛消失一事查的如何?」 Siaud, the original War God honor teaches the follower, in the highest parliament the slightly famous young congressman, who knows that he teaches the high-rank through the War God honor, but only several people know, he is secretly the person *** the board game piece of Dezzi Camp, for this reason, he after Dezzi was arrested avoids the settlement. 西奥,原战神荣光教信徒,最高议会中略有名气的青年议员,谁都知道他是通过战神荣光教上位,但仅有几人知晓,他是幕后之人***奥德齐阵营的一颗棋子,正因如此,他才在奥德齐被逮捕后免遭清算。 Because once saw helplessly own beloved girl's in sludge by War God altar was swallowed one, Siaud receives this doing a thankless job work. 又因曾经眼睁睁见到自己心爱的女孩被战神祭坛中的污泥吞噬一幕,西奥才接下这项吃力不讨好的工作。 " War God altar unique high-energy energy vanishes thoroughly, seeks less than a source to be, also the original War God altar surrounding area in hundred kilometers has the special high-energy energy doubtful, but this energy all had existence of life to have the profit to the human bodies, animals, the flowers and plants trees extremely, our experts are finding the way to extract this energy. " 战神祭坛独特的高能能量彻底消失,寻不到一丝源头所在,同时原战神祭坛方圆百公里内疑似有特殊高能能量,不过这股能量对人体、动物、花草树木等一切有生命的存在极有益处,我们的专家正在想办法提取这一能量。」 " You feel this matter by the fire civilized behavior, really has " god " to exist? " 「那你觉得这事是逐火文明所为,还是真的有「神」存在?」 Siaud shakes the head saying: " Did not say, the War God honor taught to establish before chasing the hot civilization visited, the diplomatic access request was also our Taillette federation transmits to the alien... " 西奥摇头道:「不好说,战神荣光教建立在逐火文明访问之前,外交访问请求也是我们泰莱特联邦发送给外星人...」 " Also may be that group of aliens harbor evil intentions, ahead of time in Theiler federation prepare all. " Benzole present interrupted: " In any case at our federation scientific and technological standard, cannot see the movement of opposite party. " 「也有可能是那群外星人居心叵测,提前在泰莱雅联邦布置好一切。」西哈苯斯插嘴道:「反正以我们联邦的科技水平,又看不出对方的动作。」 " What to do can that? " Nearby person cannot get used to seeing benzole, withstood/top the sentence: " Is difficult to be inadequate you to take the federation to produce the u pistol to kidnap by the ambassador of hot civilization single-handedly, making her tumble out Theiler? " 「那能怎么办?」旁边的人看不惯西哈苯斯,顶了句:「难不成你单枪匹马拿着联邦产u手枪去绑架逐火文明的大使,让她滚出泰莱雅?」 " Thinks to chase the hot civilized the war star, that thing destroys Theiler star to be easy. " 「想想逐火文明的战星,那玩意摧毁起泰莱雅星轻而易举。」 " Benzole, should not be swayed by personal feelings. " 「西哈苯斯,不要意气用事。」 " Our also Honkai weapon! " Benzole the said complexion was red, " you did not have a rebellious spirit! Unseemly behavior Theiler congressman! I feel to blush for you! Feels ignominious! " 「我们还有崩坏武器!」西哈苯斯被说的脸色通红,「你们连一点反抗精神也没有!妄为泰莱雅的议员!我为你们感到脸红!感到可耻!」 " Congressman benzole, I have to remind you, " sits opposite of the table wears N'dow who the federal high-ranking military officer overpowers: " We once first observed by the hot civilized at least four Herrscher level strengths, Honkai weapon that you said in others opinion, possibly in the child with the family/home plays with the noisy toy to be similar. " 「西哈苯斯议员,我不得不提醒你,」坐在桌对面身着联邦将官制服的柯恩道:「我们曾第一时间观测到逐火文明至少有四位律者级战力,你所说的崩坏武器在别人看来,可能和家里小孩子玩闹的玩具差不多。」 " Hasn't Hē~ Cohen, I known you? In childhood has seen the first alien, could not do well you to make a fraudulent switch by the alien at that time! I suspected that you are not Theiler person! " 呵~柯恩,我还不知道你?小时候见过第一个外星人,搞不好那时候你就被外星人掉包过了!我怀疑你不是泰莱雅人!」 " Sufficed. " The man on seat of honor opens the mouth saying: " Benzole, you can sit to this seat again, is result that presents everyone to try hard together, must understand that feels grateful. " 「够了。」主位上的男人开口道:「西哈苯斯,你能重坐到这个位子,是在场大家共同努力的结果,要懂得感恩。」 Benzole lowers the head, no longer said a word. 西哈苯斯垂首,不再言语。 " Cohen, does not need to extinguish the spirit long others power and prestige, our Theiler civilization exists so many years, what misery hasn't experienced? Theiler True God is also good, by the conspiracy of hot civilization, we must go to face. " 「柯恩,也不用灭自己志气长他人威风,我们泰莱雅文明存在这么多年,什么样的苦难没有经历?泰莱雅的真神也好,逐火文明的阴谋也罢,我们总要去面对。」 Then the man distributed Quest, Siaud received visiting by Quest of fire civilized ambassador, requesting him to inquire about by the attitude of hot civilization with every effort. 接着男子分派任务,西奥则领到了一份拜访逐火文明大使的任务,要求他尽力探寻逐火文明的态度。 ...... ...... " One flock of stupid pigs! Matter to the present situation, where had the leeway of recalling! The highest right of Theiler civilization unexpectedly in that crowd of stupid pig's trotter! " In the family/home the secret room, benzole is breathless. 「一群蠢猪!事情到了如今的地步,哪有挽回的余地!泰莱雅文明的最高权利居然在那群蠢猪手里!」家中密室,西哈苯斯气急败坏。 " Mister, your meaning... " The secretary observes in side. 「先生,那您的意思...」秘书在旁观察。 Benzole drinks water, sits on the chair, in the eye the vision flashes, " must look for visiting by the opportunity of hot civilization. 西哈苯斯喝了口水,重新坐回椅子上,眼中目光闪动,「得找一个拜访逐火文明的机会。 " " Needs to prepare the weapon? " The secretary asked. 」「需要准备武器吗?」秘书问。 Benzole shot a look at a secretary, " , to be how difficult to be inadequate you single-handedly 西哈苯斯瞥了眼秘书,「怎么,难不成你单枪匹马 Takes the federation to produce the u pistol to kidnap by the ambassador of hot civilization, making her tumble out Theiler? Prepares to participate in funeral ceremony to both of us with it? " 拿着联邦产u手枪去绑架逐火文明的大使,让她滚出泰莱雅?还是准备用它给我们两个人送葬?」 " That... " 「那...」 Benzole beckons with the hand, " finds an opportunity, I must visit that Ambassador. " 西哈苯斯摆摆手,「找个机会,我要拜访那位娅大使。」 In secret Shuxin has doubts, by the leader of hot civilization isn't another? But benzole must visit that to seem like the age unexpectedly compared with his daughter also young extraterrestrial young girl. 秘书心中疑惑,逐火文明的领头人不是另一位吗?而西哈苯斯居然要拜访那位看起来年龄比他女儿还小的外星少女。 Golden dynasty palace. 黄金王朝宫殿。 At this time was responsible for defending by the personnel of fire civilized ambassador has traded one batch, Dezzi's influence was cleaned in just several days, Siaud has been ahead of time to that Ambassador had the visiting request. 此时负责保卫逐火文明大使的人员已然换了一批,奥德齐的势力在短短几天内被清洗一空,西奥已经提前向那位娅大使提出了拜访请求。 " If is really by the War God altar of hot civilized solution, what their goals are? Once people who were swallowed by the altar unobstructive, why also didn't have her only? " Often thinks the young girl who oneself keep thinking about, Siaud is then depressed. 「若真是逐火文明解决的战神祭坛,那他们的目的是什么?曾经被祭坛吞噬的人都已无碍,为什么又唯独没有她?」每每想到自己日思夜想的少女,西奥便一阵心闷。 Raised the head to look up to the dignified magnificent palace, Siaud deeply inspires, has the expectation as well as his question of faction, walks toward the position that Ambassador is. 抬头仰望威严华丽的宫殿,西奥深吸一口气,带着派系的期望以及自身的疑问,朝那位娅大使所在的位置走去。 This visiting is official, has not looked like Dezzi to go to the bedroom of ambassadors like that anxiously, but in independent reception room in palace. 这次拜访还算正式,没有像奥德齐那般急切前往大使们的卧室,而是在宫殿中单独的会客厅中。 Sounds door that in the palace restores the old, without and other honored guest speeches, the projection of chibi Aiyi then springs. 敲响殿中复古的门扉,没等里面的贵客说话,Q版爱衣的投影便从中弹出。 Lovable was being also disclosed by this faint trace strange big end of cabbage baby sized up, is scared until Siaud heart, front little fellow said the sentence, " graciousness ~ seems like Dezzi that old man, goes , the fellow of good luck. " 被这个可爱中又透露着一丝丝怪异的大头包菜娃娃打量了番,直到西奥心中发毛,面前的小家伙才说了句,「恩~看起来是比奥德齐那个老头子强,进去吧,好运的家伙。」 " Thanks. " Siaud thanked, opposite party short a few words, disclosed the meaning that has analyzed several in his brain. 「谢谢。」西奥感谢,对方短短的一句话,透露出的含义已然在他脑中分析数遍。 Held the disturbed mood, Siaud was approaching in the reception room finally. 抱着忐忑的心情,西奥最终走近了会客厅内。 One side on the hall sofa, sits a blonde young girl, Siaud only looked at one, then thought that inexplicable tranquil, imitates, if sees the sum totals of all happy thing, haggling over and strategy in previous heart in vanish at this moment thoroughly, if possible, he does not want to pursue the academic honor benefits of rank and salary, but is calmly treats here, every day can look at reverently the young girl then. 大厅一侧的沙发上,坐着一位金发少女,西奥只看了一眼,便觉得心中莫名平静了下来,仿若看到一切美好之物的总和,先前心中的计较与谋略在此刻彻底消失,如果有可能,他不想在去追求功名利禄,而是静静地待在这里,每日能瞻仰少女即可。 It is not the Thea face value has Mary to be like that exaggerating, but is she after to become Theiler controls, the body is always sending out source aura that is Theiler, so long as is originally was born from Theiler source the life, will have the warm feelings to her, and what is more, will have the worship to her, believes in her for the only belief. 并不是西娅辛的颜值有玛丽苏那般夸张,而是她在成为泰莱雅掌控者之后,身上无时无刻都在散发着属于泰莱雅的本源气息,只要是原本从泰莱雅本源之中诞生过的生灵,都会对她产生亲切感,更有甚者,会对她产生崇拜,信奉她为唯一的信仰。 If not for the embodiment godship part of dawn plan has not carried out, Yae Ji wants to make Thea go out there Theiler person to transfer, that belief harvesting may Dezzi that old man sway the god graciousness little speed quickly. 若不是曙光计划的具象神格部分还未执行,八重霁都想让西娅辛出去在泰莱雅人那儿转上一圈,那信仰收割可比奥德齐那个老头子一点点挥洒神恩的速度快多了。 ...... ...... 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