EH :: Volume #18

#43: The road of your boy walked the width

Siaud.” “西奥。” At present if the gods young girl opens the mouth to shout that his name, making the young congressman work loose from the illusion, when looks at the young girl again, in his heart will have that vague worship feeling. 眼前如神明般的少女开口喊出他的名字,让青年议员从幻境中挣脱出来,再看少女时,他心中还是会产生那股若有若无的崇拜感。 Sorry, Ambassador.” Siaud lowers the head to salute to Thea. “抱歉,娅大使。”西奥垂首向西娅辛行礼。 Yae Ji to some present youth actually favorable impressions, initially Thea, when Theiler federation is most difficult, is Siaud extends the aid, but looks like Siaud's personality to change along with the passage of time now, the moral bottom line is also more flexible than the youngster period, will otherwise not enter the highest parliament, becomes one of the Theiler civilization power. 八重霁对眼前的青年其实有些好感,当初西娅辛在泰莱雅联邦最困难的时候,便是西奥伸出援手,不过现在看来西奥的性格随时间的推移有所改变,道德底线也远比少年时期要灵活,不然也不会进入最高议会,成为泰莱雅文明的权力者之一。 Yae Ji thought slightly, said: Your purpose in coming I have known, has helped ancient god Shuguang of expensive/noble civilization recover by the hot civilization, but she also made the promise to us, Dezzi's matter was grasped by the dawn, you only need welcome the arrival of new times then.” 八重霁略微想了下,说道:“你的来意我已知晓,逐火文明已经帮助贵文明的古神‘曙光’重新复苏,而她也向我们许下诺言,奥德齐的事情由曙光掌握,你们仅需迎接新时代的到来即可。” In Siaud heart sinks, this means that above Theiler civilization were also many supreme power, this was highest parliamentary all congressmen cannot accept, moreover of pleasant to hear that said by the hot civilization, who knows that this so-called Shuguang was an opposite party lie that to control safe Lestas compiled? 西奥心中一沉,这意味着泰莱雅文明上方又多了一个至高无上的权力者,这是最高议会全体议员们所接受不了的,而且逐火文明说的好听,谁知道这个所谓的‘曙光’是不是对方为了掌控泰莱塔所编造出的谎言? Even but if is the lie also useful?’ Siaud sighed in secret, to chase hot civilized scientific and technological standard, the direct crew cut Theiler federation was also a cinch, the opposite party boiled the way of frog with this type of lukewarm water, making Theiler civilization gradually move toward the rule of Shuguang. ‘可即便是谎言又有什么用?’西奥暗中叹息,以逐火文明的科技水准,直接推平泰莱雅联邦也不在话下,对方偏偏用这种温水煮青蛙的方式,让泰莱雅文明逐渐走向‘曙光’的统治。 If by some chance the dawn exists , is really Theiler ancient God?’ Siaud has the idea suddenly, in the heart hesitates in making a move. ‘万一曙光是真实存在的,真是泰莱雅的古神呢?’西奥突然冒出想法,心中举棋不定。 Felt relieved, the young girl on sofa sees through his idea probably, cherry lips light start/open say/way: Dawn recovers only has the advantage that Theiler brings, now Theiler at the real universe comprehensive rout, the female star falls into the sea of quantum, this way, Theiler world will soak process several generations of time to fall into the flower of floor quantum, until rotten, will become the nourishment of sea of quantum.” “放宽心,”沙发上的少女像是看穿他的想法,樱唇轻启道:“曙光复苏给泰莱雅带来的只有好处,如今泰莱雅在真实宇宙全面溃败,母星跌入量子之海,再这样下去,泰莱雅世界泡经过几代时光将会跌入量子之花底层,直至腐烂,成为量子之海的养料。” Calmly waits for death with it, might as well coordinate the dawn to pull the raging tide.” Yae Ji continues saying: Lives for dozens years in safe Liya compared with your over a hundred years of life, as lord of Shuguang inborn Theiler, may compared with many that you must worry.” “与其静静等死,不如配合曙光一挽狂澜。”八重霁继续道:“比起你们这些在泰丽雅生活几十年上百年的生灵,作为天生的泰莱雅之主‘曙光’,可比你们要着急的多。” Siaud has not said a word, is opposite party the impact of view to his world outlook is extremely really huge, as one of the federal power, he knows Theiler star to fall into the difficulty after sea of quantum indistinctly, but an ancient god dawn saying... 西奥没有言语,实在是对方的说法对他世界观的冲击太过巨大,作为联邦的权力者之一,他隐约知晓泰莱雅星跌入量子之海后的难处,但古神曙光一说... In Theiler antiquity history, many legends had ‚the god of dawn occasionally the view, god but who this recovered by the extraterrestrial civilization... 在泰莱雅的上古历史中,诸多神话传说偶有‘曙光之神’的说法,但这个靠外星文明复苏的神... Siaud thoughts turn over, how regardless to say, this is also by the hot civilization acknowledged the back of dawn god is they promotes. 西奥心思翻转,无论怎么说,这也算是逐火文明承认曙光神教的背后是他们推动。 How is they? We are also incapable of revolting.’ ‘是他们又如何?我们也无力反抗。’ To be clear most after primary factor, Siaud relaxes rarely, the line of sight cannot bear looks again to that Spiritual God young girl, particularly young girl that pale gold/metal long hair, was makes him think of once friend. 想清楚最主要的因素后,西奥难得放松下来,视线忍不住再次望向那神灵般的少女,尤其是少女那头淡金长发,更是让他想到曾经的友人。 Ambassador, my also question, wants to obtain your explanation.” “娅大使,我个人还有疑问,希望得到您的解答。” „?” Yae Ji has not assembled the Thea power to spy on Siaud. “哦?”八重霁没有调集西娅辛的权能去窥探西奥。 Since is the expensive/noble civilized help dawn recovers, that War God altar disappearance incident is also suddenly related with the expensive/noble civilization?” “既然是贵文明帮助曙光复苏,那战神祭坛突然消失一事是不是也与贵文明有关?” Yae Ji just wants to reply, heard Siaud saying: I did not question that the conduct of expensive/noble civilization, I had a friend once to fall into War God altar most deep place, this War God altar vanished, in follower who the dawn purified, actually without her.” 八重霁刚想回答,又听到西奥说:“我不是质疑贵文明的行事,我有一个朋友曾陷入战神祭坛最深处,这次战神祭坛消失,曙光净化的信徒中,却没有她。” The sea of consciousness, Thea is surprised the different way: Should not, these followers I have the purification, only if... Siaud's that friend degenerates into the monster in the altar thoroughly, died at that war.” 意识之海,西娅辛诧异道:“不应该啊,那些信徒我都有净化,除非...西奥的那位朋友在祭坛中彻底沦为怪物,死在了那一战。” Siaud observes the Yae Ji expression, opens the mouth to say cautiously: Ambassador, I know that like this said takes the liberty very much, my friend has with your same brilliant hair color, approximately 16-17 year, named Thea, initially......” 西奥观察八重霁的表情,小心翼翼地开口道:“娅大使,我知道这样说很冒昧,我那位朋友有着和您一样的绚烂发色,大约十六七岁,名为西娅辛,当初......” What that behind Nishioku said that Yae Ji has not gone to listen, he even felt that at present this boy completely understands their essence probably, but changes mind thinks, feels not possible, 西奥后面说的什么,八重霁没有去听,他甚至感觉眼前这个小子好像看透了他们的本质,但转念一想,又觉得不可能, Siaud has no mysterious strength, can only be the intelligence quotient is higher than ordinary Terry person some. The sea of consciousness, Yae Ji said with a smile: He, if knows only True God that the friend who he looks for painstakingly, Theiler world soaks, you said that what expression he is?” 西奥自身无任何神秘力量,只能算是智商高于普通泰丽雅人一些。意识之海,八重霁笑道:“他要是知道他苦苦寻找的友人,正是泰莱雅世界泡的唯一真神,你说他是什么表情?” Thea casts aside goes excessively, has not paid attention to teasing of Yae Ji. 西娅辛撇过头去,没有理会八重霁的调侃。 This child could when the god causes.” Yae Ji a few words set the main key. “这孩子兴许能当个神使。”八重霁一句话定下基调。 Thea found the trace of Nishioku from the past memory, in that family/home opens the music restaurant, helpful youngster. 西娅辛从以往的记忆中找到西奥的痕迹,那个家里开音乐餐厅,又乐于助人的少年。 I and he most calculate that the schoolmate friend relates.” Thea puts out a hand to hold on the Yae Ji's hand wrist. “我和他最多算同学友人关系。”西娅辛伸手拉住八重霁的手腕。 Sees Thea to put in great inconvenience, Yae Ji smiles is happier, only then at this time, he felt oneself and young girl's consciousness does not have deep of that fusion. 见西娅辛委屈,八重霁笑的更开心,只有这时候,他才感觉自己和少女的意识没有融合的那么深。 Thea, you do not think that I will be jealous?” “小西娅辛,你不会以为我会吃醋吧?” .” “唔。” I initially was also Thea.” “我当初也是小西娅辛啊。” Regarding the speech of Yae Ji, Thea really does not know that should say any good, since the war of evil god has lost the memory, her temper became delicate, how a lot should not express clearly. 对于八重霁的发言,西娅辛实在不知道该说些什么好,自邪神之战丢失过记忆之后,她的性子变得更加柔弱了点,很多事情不清楚该如何表达。 Ok, regardless of Siaud is what thoughts, he truly is an available person.” Yae Ji racket Thea small head. “行了,不论西奥是什么心思,他确实是个可用之人。”八重霁拍拍西娅辛的小脑袋。 The reception room, Yae Ji has waited for Siaud to describe, shakes the head saying: Actual issue I do not know, she likely died in that war, also was possibly picked by the dawn.” 会客厅,八重霁一直等西奥描述完,才摇头道:“具体事项我也不知晓,她很可能在那场战争中死去,还有可能被曙光挑走了。” Picked?” Siaud constrains the mood quickly, in the mouth is talking over, was picked by the ancient gods also normally, her temper is excellent.” “挑走了?”西奥很快压抑住情绪,嘴中念叨着,“被古神挑走也正常,她的性子极好。” Sorry, Ambassador, was rude before you.” Siaud salutes again. “抱歉,娅大使,在您面前失态了。”西奥再次行礼。 Might as well ask the dawn.” Yae Ji said. “不如去问曙光。”八重霁道。 It... so great god, will respond to us?” Siaud does not trust the Yae Ji words. “祂...如此伟大的神,也会回应我们吗?”西奥对八重霁的话不信任。 Dawn, will respond to the prayer of innermost feelings devout follower.” “曙光啊,会回应内心虔诚信徒的祷告。” When Siaud goes out of the golden dynasty palace, the brain is still thinking that the when last few words of Ambassador, raised the head again looks at the day, false Sun that world bubble plans to make is sending out the dazzling ray. 等西奥走出黄金王朝宫殿,满脑子还在想娅大使的最后一句话,再抬头望天时,那颗世界泡拟造的虚假太阳正散发刺眼的光芒。 Yes, Honkai and War God appeared, physics thing is useless in front of Honkai, the beforehand time, who can believe that a planet can fall into the sea of quantum to become the world bubble?” “是啊,崩坏战神都出现了,物理学这东西在崩坏面前没有用,以前的时代,谁能相信一颗行星会跌入量子之海成为世界泡呢?” Theiler world soaked did not have the hope, now the has god appearance, means our civilization also did work loose to destroy the possibility of shackles?” Formerly considered only own Siaud, obtained the ideological sublimation in this moment. “泰莱雅世界泡本就没了希望,如今有神出现,是不是意味着我们文明还有挣脱毁灭枷锁的可能?”从前只顾自身的西奥,在这一刻得到思想上的升华。 Dawn, because the moral character picked Thea, I cannot this way.” Siaud spunks up, he only will no longer fight for power and profit, politician who does not attend to the descendant, he thought that oneself really should make anything for the civilization. “曙光因为品性挑走了西娅辛,我也不能继续这样下去。”西奥打起精神,他不再是只会争权夺利,不顾后代的政客,他觉得自己真的应该为文明做些什么。 Perhaps, Theiler directs brightly, is correct...” “也许,泰莱雅有神来指引,才是正确的...” ...... ...... 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