EH :: Volume #18

#41: Miracle? By the conspiracy of hot civilization!

Clatter Thatta ~ 嗒塔塔~ Baud looks helplessly Dezzi departs, oneself will cannot control the body, he seems like the person who binds by the invisible silk thread occasionally, every action and every movement of body have are not in his grasping. 伯特眼睁睁看着奥德齐离去,自身意志仍不能操控身体,他像是由无形丝线绑住的人偶,身体的一举一动具不在他的掌握之中。 Until the sound of footsteps vanishes thoroughly, Baud restores the control to the body, the strength to flicker from within the body screens out, that share powerless feeling well ups, making the man sit on the ground. 直到脚步声彻底消失,伯特才恢复对身体的控制权,力气一瞬从体内抽走,那股子无力感涌上心头,使得男人一屁股坐在地上。 Dezzi walked... that group of people to affirm that the suspicion was he who I let go! They will not give up! What to do should I? Wait, if Dezzi really has the supernatural power... the matter or has reversed.’ ‘奥德齐走了...那群人肯定怀疑是我放走的他!他们不会善罢甘休!我该怎么办?等等,若奥德齐真的有神力...事情或有所扭转。’ The illegibility wants to end the future, the words that before Baud remembers Dezzi leaves, speaks suddenly, stands up hurriedly, Nasche, my treasure, you cannot have the matter!” 潦草想完自身前程,伯特突然想起奥德齐离开前说的话,匆忙站起身来,“纳希,我的宝贝,你千万不能有事!” Another side, goes out of Orde of one mind unprecedented relaxation of special interrogation level, front elevator must brush the face to enter by the senior staff of security bureau, but he only needs a thought. 另一边,走出特殊审讯层的奥德齐心中前所未有的放松,面前的电梯必须由安全局的高级人员刷脸才能进入,而他仅需一个念头。 In the elevator, Dezzi closes the eyes, calmly pondered that the later path, he needs to go all-out to help Kannushi restore the name of dawn, now he was granted the dawn supernatural power by the god, teaches compared with the beforehand War God honor, does not know that stronger many times. 电梯内,奥德齐闭上双眼,静静思考之后的道路,他需要尽全力帮助神主恢复曙光之名,如今他本身被神赐予曙光神力,比起以前的战神荣光教,不知道要强多少倍。 The elevator arrives in a building hall, when the elevator door opens, when Dezzi goes out, originally the busy hall is suddenly silent flickers. 电梯抵达一楼大厅,当电梯门打开,奥德齐从中走出之时,本来繁忙的大厅突然寂静一瞬。 The before staff of security bureau look at this , the vice-chairman of highest parliament, goes out from the private elevator swaggering. Once dignified vice-chairman on media channel, until now the old man of over the face affection look... , if is not extremely familiar with the face of this vice-chairman, people also think that admitted mistakes the person. 安全局的员工们愣愣地看着这位前最高议会的副议长,大摇大摆地从私密电梯中走出。曾经在媒体频道上威严的副议长,到如今满面慈爱神色的老者...如果不是对这张副议长的脸太过熟悉,人们还以为认错了人。 As the floor personnel of security bureau, they also through the media knew that vice-chairman Dezzi has harmed the civilized and foundation cults crime to be seized, but at present this vice-chairman, goes out of the security bureau hall unexpectedly safe and sound. 作为安全局的底层人员,他们也是通过媒体才得知奥德齐副议长已危害文明、创建邪教罪被抓捕,而眼前这位副议长,居然安然无恙地走出安全局大厅。 „Did Sir Dezzi vice-chairman clear the charge?” In the crowd, some people are inquiring the colleague low voice. “奥德齐副议长大人是不是摆脱罪名了?”人群中,有人小声询问着同事。 How I know that is upper-level gambling, but now seems like, they have no means with this vice-chairman.” “我怎么知道,那是上层的博弈,不过现在看起来,他们拿这位副议长没什么办法。” How this great person possibly easily falls from power.” “这种大人物怎么可能轻易倒台。” „Does that War God glowing countenance teach?” “那战神容光教?” ~ this bans the word.” “嘘~这是禁词。” The security bureau hall entrance, many media of acting as soon as one gets the news wait here, hopes that came the security bureau the administrative personnel to explain arrests Dezzi incident , in the reporter community presents the tumult suddenly. 安全局大厅门口,许多闻风而动的媒体在此等候,希望等来安全局的行政人员解释逮捕奥德齐一事,忽地,记者群体中出现骚动。 What did they see? Arrested vice-chairman Dezzi went out of the front door of security bureau alone! Moreover, his side protection personnel do not have unexpectedly. 他们看到了什么?已经被逮捕的奥德齐副议长独自走出了安全局的大门!不仅如此,他的身边居然连个保护人员都没有。 The hand goes forward with the reporter half step of microphone, the photographer photographs the picture and live broadcast video unceasingly, the scene is very lively. 手拿话筒的记者快步上前,身后摄影师不断拍摄照片、直播视频,现场好不热闹。 Vice-chairman Dezzi, you really to the security bureau said that committed the harm civilized crime? How do you go out of the security bureau?” “奥德齐副议长,请问您真向安全局所说犯了危害文明罪吗?你又是如何走出安全局的?” „Do the personnel of security bureau have to you uses the penalty?” “安全局的人员有没有对您使用刑罚?” „Does vice-chairman Dezzi, how you teach to see to the War God honor?” “奥德齐副议长,你对战神荣光教怎么看?” Vice-chairman...” “副议长...” The continuous issue ejects, the microphones of these reporters wish one could to spike Dezzi's mouth directly, the innumerable eyes are full of the anticipation, expected that knows in some federal governments the secrets of these great people. 接连不断的问题抛出,那些记者的话筒恨不得直接戳进奥德齐的嘴里,无数双眼睛更是饱含期待,期望从中知晓些联邦政府中那些大人物的隐秘。 Dezzi changed in those days the dignity of vice-chairman, a smiling appearance, not the slightest difference from the affable grandfather, but the microphone of reporter how, regardless to extend forward, from Dezzi still 20 centimeters distances, between both had the inexplicable barrier blocking. 奥德齐一改往日副议长的威严,一副笑眯眯的模样,与和蔼可亲的老爷爷一般无二,可记者的话筒无论怎么向前伸,距离奥德齐仍有二十公分的距离,两者之间有莫名的屏障遮挡。 „The citizens of Theiler federation, good morning, I am Dezzi, I had resigned from federal Supreme Assembly vice-chairman, the present is the dawn god causes.” “泰莱雅联邦的公民们,大家上午好,我是奥德齐,我已辞去了联邦最高会议副议长一职,如今是曙光的神使。” Mr. Dezzi, what difference the dawn and does the War God honor teach? Is it you will re-enter the political arena the capital?” “奥德齐先生,请问曙光与战神荣光教有什么不同?它将是你重新进入政坛的资本吗?” „The follower who Mr. Dezzi, before there are many , the War God honor teaches to ask you to ask for an explanation...” “奥德齐先生,有不少前战神荣光教的信徒想要找你讨个说法...” Dezzi eyes have swept, in various people heart idea completely all exposes in this moment, „ dawn essentially is the transformation that the War God honor teaches, past I lord the dawn to be polluted decayed, in the past few days has been purified in many follower prays, 奥德齐一眼扫过,诸人心中的想法在这一刻尽皆暴露,“曙光本质上是战神荣光教的蜕变,昔日吾主曙光受腐朽污染,前些天才在众多的信徒祈祷中得到净化, Returns to the dawn god position. ” As for the follower who looking for me asks for the explanation, please look for me although.” Dezzi that friendly appearance, these worship on bended knees the followers of pray toward the original War God altar, whether there is to damage? They after purifying dawn, obtained presenting from dawn, followers who these body was once ill, whether after bathing dawn, doesn't the body illness/quick have?” 重归曙光神位。”“至于找我讨说法的信徒,请尽管来找我。”奥德齐还是那副友善模样,“那些朝原战神祭坛跪拜祈祷的信徒们,有无损伤?他们在净化了曙光之后,也得到了来自曙光的馈赠,那些曾经身体抱恙的信徒们,是否在沐浴过曙光之后,体疾全无?” „The dawn of purification liberated the thought of that group of followers, never expected that some people want to return evil for good!” Dezzi put on a serious face, restored the dignity of past vice-chairman, these people will not be receiving the dawn to bless.” “净化的曙光解放了那群信徒的思想,没想到有些人想要恩将仇报!”奥德齐板起脸来,恢复了往日副议长的威严,“那些人将不在受曙光祝福。” also this matter?’ The following reporters, they truly interviewed that crowd to worship on bended knees the followers frequently outside War God altar, they shout are making the federal government compensate, whether recovered the health, has said from no one actually. 还有这事?’下面的记者们一个个兴奋不已,他们确实采访过那群经常跪拜在战神祭坛外的信徒们,他们只是嚷嚷着让联邦政府赔偿,身体是否恢复健康,倒是从没人说过。 Since were former vice-chairman the mouth says, that federal government acknowledged had god to exist? 既然是从前副议长嘴里说出,那岂不是联邦政府承认有‘神’存在? If the god of dawn really exists, what that will cause to affect to Theiler federation? 若曙光之神真的存在,那会对泰莱雅联邦造成什么影响? Dezzi's husband Shuguang......” “奥德齐先生曙光......” Dezzi...” “奥德齐...” Facing reporters' inquiry, Dezzi puts out a hand to press downward, the scene a silence, many people suddenly found immediately, they lost ability that opens mouth the speech! 面对记者们的询问,奥德齐伸手往下压了压,现场顿时一片寂静,好多人突然发现,他们失去了张嘴说话的能力! Ok, today till this.” Dezzi said: Three days later noon, I in Bundesplatz acting dawn power, for the followers care illness of sincerity belief dawn, if hides malicious intent under a fair countenance... the dawn not to lower the penalty, but my meeting.” “好了,今天到这为止。”奥德齐道:“三天后的中午,我会在联邦广场代行曙光权能,为真心信仰曙光的信徒们治愈疾病,如若包藏祸心...曙光不会降下惩罚,但我会。” Finishes speaking, Dezzi changes to an star glow to dissipate. 话音刚落,奥德齐化作点点星芒消散。 Facing so the scene, the reporters stare the big eyes, before still in the front living person, changed to the star glow to vanish unexpectedly does not see! This went beyond the category of federal science and technology completely, is the mysterious domain! 面对如此景象,记者们纷纷瞪大双眼,之前还在面前活生生的人,居然就这么化作星芒消失不见!这完全超出了联邦科技的范畴,属于神秘领域! also the three days later miracle... the reporters are excited, after Dezzi uses the mysterious method one after another, some people have believed in the heart the dawn exists. 还有三天后的神迹...记者们兴奋不已,在奥德齐接连施展神秘手段后,有部分人已然在心中相信了曙光存在。 ...... ...... In the conference room, the smog winds around, throws in the screen to broadcast the Dezzi's mysterious method. 会议室内,烟雾缭绕,投屏中正播放着奥德齐的神秘手段。 The unprecedented astonishing speech, causes the ability that the person shuts up, strangeness that vanishes momentarily, added that wants the care illness! 破天荒的惊人发言,使人闭嘴的能力,随时消失的诡异,还说要治愈疾病! These had worshipped on bended knees people in War God altar, the body has the recovery of indeed disease, without the disease body is healthier, imitates, if young several years old. 那些曾经跪拜过战神祭坛的人们,身上有疾病的的确康复,没有疾病的身体更加健康,仿若年轻几岁。 Dezzi, dawn and War God honor teaches, became over the two days the Taillette federation super hot word thoroughly. 奥德齐、曙光、战神荣光教等,彻底成为这两天泰莱特联邦的超级热词。 I contacted with Baud, Baud had said that Dezzi had the ability of control person body, moreover his daughter's albinism has been cured.” “我联系过伯特,伯特说奥德齐有操控人身体的能力,而且他女儿的白化病已经得到治愈。” On seat of honor, fuzzy facial features opens the mouth after a smog. 主位上,一张烟雾后的模糊面容开口。 „The Hē~ miracle, I look by the conspiracy of hot civilized that group of aliens!” 呵~神迹,我看不过是逐火文明那群外星人的阴谋!” ...... ...... Please remember this book first round domain name:. Tang three Chinese net cell phone version reading websites: 请记住本书首发域名:。唐三中文网手机版阅读网址:
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