EH :: Volume #18

#40: Dawn god

Dezzi.” “奥德齐。” A summon from innermost soul direct link source, making Dezzi whole body shiver, he is excited, he is terrified. 一声来自灵魂深处直达本源的呼唤,让奥德齐浑身颤抖,他激动,他惶恐。 Indoor this interrogation without a doubt only then he and Baud, but such as the belt/bring divine nature words, are not Baud that middle age bald person dead fatty can say obviously. 这间审讯室内毫无疑问只有他和伯特两人,而如带神性的话语,显然不是伯特那个中年秃顶死胖子能够说出。 Suddenly, the Dezzi's present line of sight becomes chaotic, whole body material line, gradually reverses an vortex, in vortex that head, whether there is to perform the township of bright dream. 忽地,奥德齐眼前的视线变得混乱,周身物质线条化,逐渐扭转成一个漩涡,在漩涡那头,有无尽光明的梦之乡。 Dezzi sets out excitedly, enters the vortex, the present scenery is gradually bright, again when turn head, he discovered that oneself has entered in a beautiful world of fine spring day. 奥德齐激动地起身,走进漩涡,眼前的景物渐渐明朗,再回头时,他发现自己已然进入一个鸟语花香的明媚世界之中。 Here sky deep blue, the lake light is limpid, in the air of breath fills nice-smelling green grass fragrant aura. attracts, Dezzi felt own has weakened exhaustedly, mood also unprecedented relaxed. 这里天空湛蓝,湖光清澈,呼吸的空气中弥漫一股好闻的青草香甜气息。一呼一吸间,奥德齐感到自身的疲惫有所减弱,心情也前所未有的舒缓下来。 God... my god the township of dream!” Under the suggestion of key of corrosion, Dezzi cries excitedly, the knees kneel on the lawn curvingly, the old man of shedding bitter tears does not have the hierarch appearance again, seems like child who mother embraces after all. “神...吾神的梦之乡!”在侵蚀之键的暗示下,奥德齐激动落泪,双膝弯曲跪在草地上,痛哭流涕的老者再没有掌权者模样,反倒像是一个终归母亲怀抱的孩子。 Actually is not the merit of key of corrosion, so-called ‚the township of dream is constructed by Thea, as only True God that Theiler world soaks, easily then can give the Dezzi mother warmth, because of Dezzi, is born from Theiler source. 其实也不全是侵蚀之键的功劳,所谓的‘梦之乡’由西娅辛构建,身为泰莱雅世界泡的唯一真神,轻易便能给奥德齐母亲般的温暖,因为奥德齐本人,也是从泰莱雅本源之中诞生。 Dezzi.” “奥德齐。” Weeps bitterly the silver-haired old man to raise the head, he finally saw Kannushi that day and night thinks, even at present Kannushi appearance, with War God the implication does not build above. 痛哭中的银发老者抬起头来,他终于见到日夜所思的神主,即使眼前神主的模样,与‘战神’的寓意搭不上边。 The human form of whole body sending out gentle ray floats in in the air, after It, is Sun of township of dream, even if beautiful sunlight, people are unable long time to look straight ahead the ray the source. 浑身散发柔和光芒的人形浮在空中,在祂之后,是属于梦之乡的太阳,纵使再明媚的阳光,人们也无法长时间直视光线的源头。 I lord! Fights to the high honor greatly...” Dezzi thinks and he has said suddenly by Ambassador of hot civilization, War God was polluted the later condition, but is so at present pure the lofty gods, how can also involve the same place with war kind of glossary? “吾主!伟大至高的荣光战...”奥德齐突然想到逐火文明的娅大使与他说过,‘战神’是受污染之后的状态,而眼前如此纯净崇高的神明,又怎么会和战争这类词汇牵扯到一起? Dezzi deeply inspires, great to Gao Rongguang's gods, my forever master, your confused follower comes to bathe your brilliance.” 奥德齐深吸一口气,“伟大至高荣光的神明,我永远的主人,您迷茫的信徒前来沐浴您的光辉。” The gods asked: „Is Dezzi, why you sobbing?” 神问:“奥德齐,你为何在哭泣?” Dezzi gawks, these words he once listened to mother to say before remote probably, that is the afternoon of summer, he with the child of next-door neighbor, because fights for the toy to break ties, mother... has also spoken similar words probably. 奥德齐微楞,这句话他好像在久远之前曾听母亲说过,那是个夏日的午后,他与隔壁邻居的孩子因为争抢玩具绝交,母亲...好像也说过类似的话。 I lord... the great gods to pay attention to me!’ ‘吾主...伟大的神明在关注我!’ Dezzi shivers saying: I lord, I tarnished your prestige because of the sacrificial offering contamination, requested that you bestow the divine punishment.” 奥德齐颤抖道:“吾主,我因祭祀污秽而玷污了您的威名,请求您赐下神罚。” I have regained consciousness, clear(ly) understands passing.” “吾已苏醒,明晓过往。” Dezzi lowers the head, waits for the trial of gods. 奥德齐垂首,等待神明的审判。 Dezzi, replaces my walk world, bestows the strength of thou Shuguang, restores the name of dawn.” “奥德齐,代替吾行走世间,赐汝曙光之力,恢复曙光之名。” Dawn...” Dezzi has not recovered from the words of gods, oneself have dropped from god the township of dream to the reality. “曙光...”奥德齐还没从神明的话语中回过神来,自己已然从神的梦之乡跌落到现实之中。 The warm beautiful sunlight turned into the dazzling incandescent lamp, the green grass of under foot became the hard cement floor, well ups wearily, this share of dropping variance feeling almost Dezzi cannot withstand. 温暖明媚的阳光重新变成了刺眼的白炽灯,脚下的青草地成了硬邦邦的水泥地板,疲倦重新涌上心头,这股落差感差点奥德齐承受不住。 Dezzi, the confession, you know a bit faster I do not want to torture to you.” Baud did not say patiently: Saying is good to everyone like this, acknowledges your evidence, otherwise the penalty of security bureau, you also heard.” “奥德齐,快点交代吧,你知道我不想对你用刑。”伯特不耐烦道:“说出来这样对大家都好,承认你的罪证,不然安全局的刑罚,想必你也有所耳闻。” Dezzi opens eyes, the god of in the eye sending out light/only makes Baud flicker stiffly, just that looking at each other, making him think that the present person will not soon accept the political criminal who the Supreme Assembly tries, but is a position lofty god causes! 奥德齐睁开眼,眼内散发的神光让伯特僵硬一瞬,刚刚那一次对视,让他以为眼前之人不是即将接受最高会议审判的政治罪犯,而是一位地位崇高的神使! Carefully looks again, the old man who Dezzi or Dezzi, that makings go down in the world, to feeling timid, Baud face upwelled on the flushed, blew with the look ruthlessly to the opposite party. 再仔细看去,奥德齐还是奥德齐,那个气质落魄的老头,对刚才的犯怵,伯特脸上涌上潮红,用眼神狠狠刮向对方。 Child, gives you an opportunity.” Dezzi's complexion transfers gently from the resistance, what from now on he will represent will be the dawn, will be the pure affection, will be all sources, every action and every movement must close up to the great dawn is. “孩子,给你个机会。”奥德齐的脸色从抗拒转为慈祥,今后他代表的是曙光,是纯净慈爱,是一切的源头,一举一动都要向伟大的曙光靠拢才是。 Dezzi, you are sending what insanity!” Baud's old man to the character strange transformation said breathless: I to your tolerance limited!” “奥德齐,你又在发什么疯!”伯特对性格诡异转变的老头气急败坏道:“我对你的容忍是有限度的!” „ The anger of young people should not be too prosperous, “年轻人的火气不要太旺, To unhealthy. ” Dezzi opens the horizontal lock of trial chair at will, stands up, the vision affection is looking at Baud, might as well join the dawn, becomes one in dawn.” Baud fiercely after withdraws, draws out the pistol to aim at the old man, the corner of the eye split vision shoots a look at the lock catch of ground that break. 对身体不好。”奥德齐随意翻开审判椅的横锁,站起身来,目光慈爱地望着伯特,“不如加入曙光,成为曙光中的一员。”伯特猛地朝后撤去,拔出手枪对准老者,眼角余光瞥到地上那断裂的锁扣。 The alloy lock catch is not the technology pries open, but was shaken forcefully by the great strength! This is not the category that a Theiler person can achieve! On the trial chair of security bureau interrogation chamber, Baud has the confidence to surround in Theiler federation the strength biggest strongman. 合金锁扣不是技术撬开,而是硬生生被巨力震断!这已经不是一个泰莱雅人能达到的范畴!在安全局审讯室的审判椅上,伯特有信心困住泰莱雅联邦中力气最大的大力士。 That may have at present, really makes Baud unable to believe own eye! A body function walks in the old man of downhill, unexpectedly can with the alloy lock that the strength breaks! Moreover the opposite party seems like has not made an effort from the start! 可眼前发生的一幕,实在让伯特不敢相信自己的眼睛!一个身体机能走在下坡路的老头,居然能用力量震碎的合金锁!而且对方看起来压根没有用力! Legend real? Did Dezzi he really obtain the mysterious strength? Previously wasn't the War God honor teaches? Does this dawn come from where? Said all these are Dezzi's acrobatics? It is not right, person but who also possibly is in the security bureau has the opposite party, grass, my most repugnant politics gambling!’ In Baud brain pondered rapidly, in heart disturbed, the muzzle solidly locks Dezzi's forehead Dezzi is not feared by the spear/gun is pointing, he himself obtained the strength of dawn, the mediocre weapon could not injure him, nowadays he only has a goal: ‘难道传说都是真的?奥德齐他真的获得了神秘力量?先前不是战神荣光教?这个曙光又是从何而来?还是说这一切都是奥德齐的把戏?不对,还可能是安全局中有对方的人,艹,我最讨厌政治博弈!’伯特大脑中飞速思考,心中忐忑,枪口牢牢锁定奥德齐的眉心被枪指着的奥德齐一点没有惧怕,他自己获得了曙光之力,凡俗的武器伤不了他,现如今他只有一个目标: Helps Kannushi restore the name of dawn as soon as possible. 尽快帮神主恢复曙光之名。 Baud,” Dezzi opens the mouth again, lays down the spear/gun.” “伯特,”奥德齐再次开口,“放下枪。” In the Baud shocking look, oneself obeyed Dezzi's order unexpectedly, the arm took back in the rifle scabbard the pistol uncontrolled! 在伯特震惊的眼神中,自己居然听从了奥德齐的命令,手臂不受控制地将手枪重新收回枪套中! I do not want to do that obviously!’ ‘我明明没想这么做!’ What did you make to me?!” Baud is panic-stricken, he had discovered that oneself body is uncontrolled, has stiff standing to be in-situ. “你到底对我做了什么?!”伯特惊恐,他已然发现自己的身体不受控制,只得僵硬的站在原地。 Before Dezzi stretches out the index finger places the mouth, shuts up, listening to me to say.” 奥德齐伸出食指放在嘴前,“闭嘴,听我说。” Really, when Baud wants to start talking again, then the mysterious strengths prevent him to open mouth, his facial expression gradually twists. 果然,伯特再想开口说话时,便有一股神秘力量阻挡他张嘴,以至于他的面部表情逐渐扭曲。 Now, you are one of the we dawn god peripheral personnel.” Dezzi said in a soft voice: I will change your thought slowly.” “现在,你是我们曙光神教的外围人员之一。”奥德齐轻声道:“我会慢慢转变你的思想。” Is impossible! Is absolutely impossible!’ Baud's shouting only then can hear. ‘不可能!绝对不可能!’伯特的嘶吼只有自己能听到。 Heard that your daughter does have the albinism?” Dezzi continues saying: Ten years old, the flowered general age, actually can never enjoy the illumination of Sun, the resistance of body is a frail resembles white paper, has a fever one time can take away her.” “听说你的女儿有白化病?”奥德齐继续道:“十来岁,花一般的年纪,却始终不能享受到太阳的光照,身体的抵抗能力更是脆弱的像一张白纸,一次发烧都能带走她。” You want to do!’ ‘你想干什么!’ „Do I want to do?” Dezzi as if heard his aspiration, „after half of the day, your treasure daughter will restore the normal person, you will have the confirmation one day, I will make you join the dawn god sincerely.” “我想干什么?”奥德齐仿佛听到了他的心声,“半天后,你的宝贝女儿会恢复成正常人,你会有一天的时间来验证,我会让你诚心诚意地加入曙光神教。” Dezzi walks toward the interrogation chamber entrance, when will soon pull away the door knob, said: If you are not sincere, was sorry very much, your daughter can only experience three days of healthy time.” 奥德齐朝审讯室门口走去,就在即将拉开门把手的时候,又道:“若你并非诚心,那么很抱歉,你的女儿只能体验到三天健康时光。” ...... ...... 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